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用从人黑色素瘤细胞培液中提纯的tPA为抗原,通过杂交瘤技术获得TA1,TA2、TA3和TA4 4株阳性杂交瘤细胞。经葡萄球菌A蛋白(SPA)亲和层析纯化抗tPA单克隆抗体(tPA.McAb)。固相酶联免疫吸附测定(ELISA)诱生含McAb的小鼠腹水,其效价达I:1O5。这些tPA McAb均属IgG1亚型,特异地作用于tPA(包括基因工程生产的rtPA),与尿激酶(uK)无反应。用底物显色法测定表明所有tPA McAb均可抑制tPA的活性。  相似文献   

以重组PAI-(rPAI-1)为抗原,通过杂交瘤技术获得6株阳性杂交瘤细胞(Apl、AP2、AP3、AP4、AP5和AP6),并用SPA亲和层析纯化了抗Pal-1单克隆抗体(McAb)。所有McAb均能识别rPAI和天然PAI-1,腹水滴度均为10 6以上。6种McAb对PAI-1亲和常数在3.45×107--1.05×109mol/L之间。AP2、AP3McAb能完全抑制PAI-1活性,AP4、AP和AP6只能部分抑制PAI-1活性,Apl则不抑制PAI-1活性。6种McAb中只有Apl、AP4和AP5能识别Pal-1/t-PA复合物。利用Apl、AP3、和AP4 McAb制备免疫亲和柱一步纯化HepG2细胞分泌的PAI-1,纯度大于98%,回收率92%,纯化倍数51倍。利用抗PAI-1 McAb建立了夹心法ELISA,测定了人血浆PAI-1水平,正常人血浆PAI-1平均含量(X士D)为24.7±7.75ng/ml。  相似文献   

尿激酶前体的纯化及其性质的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
尿激酶前体是与尿激酶具有共同抗原性的一种新的纤溶酶原激活物。我们从人胎肾细胞条件培养液中提纯该物质。首先用抗UKIgG-Sepharose亲和层析得到尿激酶抗原相关蛋白,然后利用苯甲脒-Sepharose柱去除尿激酶获纯化的尿激酶前体。纯化倍数达930倍,得率为18%,所得尿激酶前体为单肽链结构蛋白质,分子量55kD,比活(11389IU/mg)低于尿激酶,二异丙基氟磷酸酯(DFP)不能抑制其活性。体外125I-血凝块溶解试验表明尿激酶前体可特异地诱导血凝块溶解,对血浆纤溶系统无明显激活作用,血凝块溶解的时间曲线呈特征性“S”型。所得尿激酶前体是一种新的有别于尿激酶的纤溶酶原激活物。  相似文献   

溶栓疗法是血栓性疾病安全有效的治疗手段 ,开发新型纤溶酶具有实际应用意义。分离自南方小酒药的根霉 12#以豆粕和麸皮为原料可产生纤溶酶。已采用盐析 ,疏水层析、离子交换层析和凝胶层析方法对纤溶酶分离提纯。提纯的纤溶酶比活力 2143u/mg(尿激酶单位 ) ,有直接溶解血栓和激活纤溶酶原的双重溶栓作用 ,降解纤维蛋白α、β和γ肽链速度快 ;最适作用温度 4 5℃ ,适宜作用pH范围 6.8~8.8;等电聚焦方法测定该酶等电点 8.5± 0.1;只分解生色底物N-Succinyl-Ala-Ala-Pro-Phe-pNA ,其米氏常数Km 为 0.23mmol/L ,酶转换数Kcat为 16.36s-1;Molish实验和甲苯胺蓝实验均证明该酶为糖蛋白 ,地衣酚_硫酸法测得该酶含糖量 470% ;EDTA、PMSF、PCMB对该纤溶酶有抑制作用 ,说明活性中心含有巯基、金属和丝氨酸 ;N端12个氨基酸序列为NH2-Ser-Val-Ser-Glu-Ile-Gln-Leu-Met-His-Asn-Leu-Gly,与其它生物来源的纤溶酶相比较没有同源性。根霉 12#产生的纤溶酶为新型纤溶酶,有希望开发成溶栓药物。  相似文献   

在基础培养液 DME/F12(1:1)中加入10μg/ml 转铁蛋白(T),5μg/ml 胰岛.素(Ⅰ),10μmol/L 乙醇胺(E),10-9mol/L 亚硒酸钠(S)及1mg/ml 牛血清白蛋白(BSA)等诸种添加剂成分而构成了本试验的无血清培养基,定名为 LDSF.试验表明,LDSF 可取代常规培养基 DMEM(含10—15%胎牛血清),用于骨髓瘤、杂交瘤细胞的长期传代培养,支持杂交瘤细胞稳定、持续地分泌特异单克隆抗体(McAb),并可用于细胞融合、冻存和复苏.  相似文献   

930930 .组织型血纤维蛋白溶酶原激活因子■组Kringlel区的表达、纯化及鉴定[英]/Deserrano,V.S.…,Arch.Bioehem.Biophys.·1992,294(1)..282"~290[译自DBA,1992,11(17),92.09686] 用新的融合蛋白表达质粒pST II(KZHPg)pfXa(KltPA)在大肠杆菌中表达纯的人组织血纤维蛋白溶酶原激活因子(tPA)kringle 1区(Ki tPA)残基C92~C173。该质粒顺序编码了人血纤维蛋白溶酶原的紧密赖氨酸结合kringle(K)1区(KIHPg),及含因子-Xa敏感键的肽(pfXa),在其下游插入K1tPA。经Sepharose-赖氨酸亲和层析从大肠杆菌DHs-a细胞的各种级分中纯化出…  相似文献   

人纤溶酶原饼环区5基因的原核表达及活性测定   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
 人纤溶酶原饼环区 5 (hPgnK5 )是新的血管生成抑制因子 .PCR法改造hPgnK5基因 ,所得hPgnK5基因包括编码人纤溶酶原C4 62 到P54 4共 83个氨基酸残基 ,而且在 5′ ,3′分别引入了EcoRⅠ和BamHⅠ位点 .以pThiohisA构建hPgnK5基因原核表达载体 ,在大肠杆菌TOP10中表达该蛋白 .通过柱层析法获得hPgnK5纯化蛋白 .免疫印迹反应表明该蛋白具有hPgnK5免疫活性 .体外实验表明 ,该蛋白具有抑制血管内皮细胞增殖活性 .提示hPgnK5可能具有良好应用前景  相似文献   

人尿激酶原全长cDNA在中国仓鼠卵巢细胞中的稳定表达   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
通过磷酸钙共沉淀技术,将含有尿激酶原cDNA的表达载体(pSV2-PrUK)与含有二氢叶酸还原酶基因的表达质粒pSV2-dhfr-或MMTV—dhfr共转染中国仓鼠卵巢细胞二氢叶酸还原酶基因缺陷株(CHO-dhfr-)。利用选择培养基选择出二氧叶酸还原酶基因表达阳性(dhfr+)的转化细胞灶。用溶解圈法测定尿激酶型纤溶酶原激活剂(u—PA)的生物活性,其中两株显著高于其他株细胞,命名为CLF-14和CLF-8,表达水平依次为24Iu/106细胞/48h,16Iu/106细胞/48h。用ELLSA测定CLF一14和cLF-8细胞上清,表现为强阳性,阳性值比阴性对照值(P/N)大于10,CLF-14和CLF-8细胞表达量分别为0.14-o.22μg/106细胞/48h和0.08-O.14μg/106细胞/48h。分泌产物能被抗尿激酶(UK)血清抑制,而不被抗组织型纤溶酶原激活剂(t-PA)的抗血清和正常兔血清抑制。  相似文献   

克隆了6株稳定分泌抗腺苷酸激酶(Adenylate kinase,AK)单克隆抗体的杂交瘤细胞株,并鉴定或测定了其中3株细胞所分泌抗体的亚型和分子量.通过测定抗体和固相及均相抗原的结合能力,发现McAb3D3与固定化及溶液中腺苷酸激酶的亲和常数分别为8.4×108和7.0×10~4(mol·L-1)-1,而McAb4D8与固定化及溶液中腺苷酸激酶的亲和常数分别为9.6×108和3.9×106(mol·L.1)-1McAb3D3和McAb4D8与不同存在形式抗原之间亲和常数如此大的差别,说明这2个抗体更适合与固定化腺苷酸激酶的结合.由于蛋白质分子常因吸附在酶标板上而发生部分变性,所以用间接ELISA方法筛选出的单克隆抗体McAb3D3和McAb4D8可能是针对部分变性腺苷酸激酶分子的.这2种抗腺苷酸激酶单克隆抗体的制备及鉴定为我们进一步将其用于蛋白质折叠机制的研究奠定了基础.  相似文献   

赵育莹 《生物技术》1991,1(4):33-35
本研究应用B淋巴细胞杂交瘤技术,建立了能持续稳地分泌豚鼠IgG1 McAb的杂交瘤细胞株NB_(11)B_6和NB_(11)N_3。两株细胞分泌的单克隆抗体(MeAb)经间接血凝检测效价均达到1:12400以上,本McAb经检测属小鼠IgG_1亚类。该杂交瘤细胞株染色体的数目为93.12±12.3和103.25±11.2对,经半年的冻存与复苏分泌McAb性能稳定。  相似文献   

链激酶(Streptok inase,SK)是世界上最早发现的纤维蛋白酶原激活剂,也是最早作为临床药品治疗血栓性疾病的溶栓酶。它是由A,C,G群链球菌中β-溶血性链球菌分泌的胞外非酶蛋白质,能和纤溶酶原结合,将纤溶酶原激活为纤溶酶,具有溶解血栓的作用。本文详细综述了该酶的性质、在溶栓酶中的地位、研究历史、作用机理等。此外,由于它有半衰期短、不具有纤维蛋白特异性、治疗后出血和血栓易复发的缺点,所以有必要用基因工程的手段进行改造,以达到更好的治疗效果。  相似文献   

The mechanism whereby fragments of streptokinase (SK) derived from its N terminus (e.g., SK1-59 or SK1-63) enhance the low plasminogen (PG)-activating ability of other fragments, namely SK64-386, SK60-414, SK60-387, and SK60-333 (reported previously), has been investigated using a synthetic peptide approach. The addition of either natural SK1-59, or chemically synthesized SK16-59, at saturation (about 500-fold molar excess) generated amidolytic and PG activation capabilities in equimolar mixtures of human plasminogen (HPG) and its complementary fragment (either SK60-414 or SK56-414, prepared by expression of truncated SK gene fragments in Escherichia coli) that were approximately 1.2- and 2.5-fold, respectively, of that generated by equimolar mixtures of native SK and HPG. Although in the absence of SK1-59 equimolar mixtures of SK56-414 and HPG could generate almost 80% of amidolytic activity, albeit slowly, less than 2% level of PG activation could be observed under the same conditions, indicating that the contribution of the N-terminal region lay mainly in imparting in SK56-414 an enhanced ability for PG activation. The ability of various synthetic peptides derived from the amino-terminal region (SK16-51, SK16-45, SK37-59, SK1-36, SK16-36, and SK37-51) to (1) complement equimolar mixtures of SK56-414 and HPG for the generation of amidolytic and PG activation functions, (2) inhibit the potentiation of SK56-414 and HPG by SK16-59, and (3) directly inhibit PG activation by the 1:1 SK-HPG activator complex was tested. Apart from SK16-59, SK16-51, and 16-45, the ability to rapidly generate amidolytic potential in HPG in the presence of SK56-414 survived even in the smaller SK-peptides, viz., SK37-59 and SK37-51. However, this ability was abolished upon specifically mutating the sequence -LTSRP-, present at position 42-46 in native SK. Although SK16-51 retained virtually complete ability for potentiation of PG activation in comparison to SK16-59 or SK1-59, this ability was reduced by approximately fourfold in the case of SK16-45, and completely abolished upon further truncation of the C-terminal residues to SK16-36 or SK1-36. Remarkably, however, these peptides not only displayed ability to bind PG, but also showed strong inhibition of PG activation by the native activator complex in the micromolar range of concentration; the observed inhibition, however, could be competitively relieved by increasing the concentration of substrate PG in the reaction, suggesting that this region in SK contains a site directed specifically toward interaction with substrate PG. This conclusion was substantiated by the observation that the potentiation of PG activating ability was found to be considerably reduced in a peptide (SK25-59) in which the sequence corresponding to this putative locus (residues 16-36) was truncated at the middle. On the other hand, fragments SK37-51 and SK37-59 did not show any inhibition of the PG activation by native activator complex. Taken together, these findings strongly support a model of SK action wherein the HPG binding site resident in the region 37-51 helps in anchoring the N-terminal domain to the strong intermolecular complex formed between HPG and the region 60-414. In contrast, the site located between residues 16 and 36 is qualitatively more similar to the previously reported PG interacting site (SK254-273) present in the core region of SK, in being involved in the relatively low-affinity enzyme-substrate interactions of the activator complex with PG during the catalytic cycle.  相似文献   

We have used a group of human microplasminogens (mPlg), modified by residue substitutions, insertions, deletions, and chain breaks (1) to study the determinants of productive interactions with two plasminogen activators, urokinase (uPA), and streptokinase (SK); (2) to explore the basis of species specificity in the zymogen-SK complex activity; and (3) to compare active SK complex formation in mPlg and microplasmin (mPlm). Modifications within the disulfide-bonded loop containing the activation site and the adjacent hexadecapeptide upstream sequence showed that uPA recognition elements encompassed R29 at the activation site and multiple elements extending upstream to perhaps 13 residues, all maintained in specific conformational register by surrounding pairs of disulfide bonds. A generally parallel pattern of structural requirements was observed for active zymogen-SK complex formation. Changes within the loop downstream of the activation site were tolerated well by uPA and poorly by SK. The introduction of selected short bovine (Plg) sequences in human mPlg reduced the activity of the resulting SK complexes. The requirements for active SK complex formation are different for mPlg and mPlm.  相似文献   

Terzyan S  Wakeham N  Zhai P  Rodgers K  Zhang XC 《Proteins》2004,56(2):277-284
Streptokinase (SK) is a human plasminogen (Pg) activator secreted by streptococci. The activation mechanism of SK differs from that of physiological Pg activators in that SK is not a protease and cannot proteolytically activate Pg. Instead, it forms a tight complex with Pg that proteolytically activates other Pg molecules. The residue Lys-698 of human Pg was hypothesized to participate in triggering activation in the SK-Pg complex. Here, we report a study of the Lys-698 to Met substitution in the catalytic domain of Pg (microPg) containing the proteolytic activation-resistant background (R561A). While it remains competent in forming a complex with SK, maintaining a comparable equilibration dissociation constant (K(D)), the recombinant protein shows a nearly 60-fold reduction in amidolytic activity relative to its R561A background when mixed with native SK. A 2.3 A crystal structure of this mutant microPg confirmed the correct folding of this recombinant protein. Combined with other biochemical data, these results support the premise that Lys-698 of human Pg plays a functional role in the so-called N-terminal insertion activation mechanism by SK.  相似文献   

Streptokinase (SK) recovery from streptococcal fermentation broth by cross-flow microfiltration has been studied. Recovery of SK in the filtrate, independent of the volumetric concentration factor, is approximately two-fold lower than the initial SK activity in the fermentation broth; moreover, the SK activity in the retentate increase during the process, reaching a concentration factor of 2.73. These results show that the membrane works more as an ultrafiltration membrane, with rejection of S = 0.6, than as a microfiltration membrane. Under filtration conditions, the membrane permeation rate decreased with time. This decreased could be explained by deposition and interaction of material onto/with the membrane resulting in the concentration of permeable products. Studies of the individual concentration factors for the main streptococcal exocellular proteins, indicate clearly that the concentration of the proteins during the microfiltration process is independent of the size of the proteins, suggesting that other factors, such as charge and hydrophobicity, along with concentration-polarization, should be taken also into account for the understanding of this phenomenon. (c) 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The system of extracellular proteolysis consisted of plasminogen (PGn), its active protease, plasmin, and PGn activators and their inhibitors affect the growth, differentiation, and proliferation of nervous cells both under normal and pathological conditions. The purpose of our investigation was to study the effects of exogenous PGn, its activator, streptokinase (SK), pyruvate kinase (PK), and their equimolar complexes on morphological and functional properties of IMR-32 neuroblastoma cells. It has been found that PGn, SK, PK, and their complexes stimulate cell proliferation during 1–3 days of incubation. We also observed increased DNA, RNA, and protein content. The low-lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) efflux indicated that the addition of the proteins we assayed to the culture medium prevented the development of degenerative processes caused by serum deprivation. The levels of extracellular PGn-activator activity, as measured by the fibrinolytic method, increased in the presence of SK. The SK effect vanished if SK was in the complex with PK on the 3rd day of cultivation. New original facts were obtained to testify the probability of initiation of neoplastic transformation and tumor growth potentiation.  相似文献   

Proteolytic studies have enabled two of the three putative domains of the fibrinolytic protein streptokinase to be isolated and characterized (Conejero-Lara F et al., 1996, Protein Sci 5:2583-2591). The N-terminal domain, however, could not be isolated in these experiments because of its susceptibility to proteolytic cleavage. To complete the biophysical characterization of the domain structure of streptokinase we have overexpressed, purified, and characterized the N-terminal region of the protein, residues 1-146. The results show this is cooperatively folded with secondary structure content and overall stability closely similar to those of the equivalent region in the intact protein.  相似文献   

The aim of this research is to evaluate the current streptokinase thrombolytic treatment and to identify or improve new techniques that will base new approaches with a higher efficiency in this area of expertise. In order to be as realistic as possible a new method was set up using magnetic vectorized nanoparticles streptokinase and human blood thrombus. The experimental data confirm the maximum 83% thrombus lyses whenever increase streptokinase concentration. It is very probable to happen because of the presence of high concentration of antiplasmin in the blood that neutralizes around half of the thrombolytic potential of the sanguine plasminogen. The experiment shows also that only free serum plasminogen are available for streptokinase action in order to generate plasmin.  相似文献   

The possible role of the central beta-domain (residues 151-287) of streptokinase (SK) was probed by site-specifically altering two charged residues at a time to alanines in a region (residues 230-290) previously identified by Peptide Walking to play a key role in plasminogen (PG) activation. These mutants were then screened for altered ability to activate equimolar "partner" human PG, or altered interaction with substrate PG resulting in an overall compromised capability for substrate PG processing. Of the eight initial alanine-linker mutants of SK, one mutant, viz. SK(KK256.257AA) (SK-D1), showed a roughly 20-fold reduction in PG activator activity in comparison to wild-type SK expressed in Escherichia coli (nSK). Five other mutants were as active as nSK, with two [SK(RE248.249AA) and SK(EK281.282AA), referred to as SK(C) and SK(H), respectively] showing specific activities approximately one-half and two-thirds, respectively, that of nSK. Unlike SK(C) and SK(H), however, SK(D1) showed an extended initial delay in the kinetics of PG activation. These features were drastically accentuated when the charges on the two Lys residues at positions 256 and 257 of nSK were reversed, to obtain SK(KK256.257EE) [SK(D2)]. This mutant showed a PG activator activity approximately 10-fold less than that of SK(D1). Remarkably, inclusion of small amounts of human plasmin (PN) in the PG activation reactions of SK(D2) resulted in a dramatic, PN dose-dependent rejuvenation of its PG activation capability, indicating that it required pre-existing PN to form a functional activator since it could not effect active site exposure in partner PG on its own, a conclusion further confirmed by its inability to show a "burst" of p-nitrophenol release in the presence of equimolar human PG and p-nitrophenyl guanidino benzoate. The steady-state kinetic parameters for HPG activation of its 1:1 complex with human PN revealed that although it could form a highly functional activator once "supplied" with a mature active site, the Km for PG was increased nearly eightfold in comparison to that of nSK-PN. SK mutants carrying simultaneous two- and three-site charge-cluster alterations, viz., SK(RE24249AA:EK281.282AA) [SK(CH)], SK(EK272.273AA;EK281.282AA) [SK(FH)], and SK(RE248.249AA;EK272.273AA:EK281.282AA+ ++) [SK(CFH)], showed additive/synergistic influence of multiple charge-cluster mutations on HPG activation when compared to the respective "single-site" mutants, with the "triple-site" mutant [SK(CFH)] showing absolutely no detectable HPG activation ability. Nevertheless, like the other constructs, the double- and triple-charge cluster mutants retained a native like affinity for complexation with partner PG. Their overall structure also, as judged by far-ultraviolet circular dichroism, was closely similar to that of nSK. These results provide the first experimental evidence for a direct assistance by the SK beta-domain in the docking and processing of substrate PG by the activator complex, a facet not readily evident probably because of the flexibility of this domain in the recent X-ray crystal structure of the SK-plasmin light chain complex.  相似文献   

尿激酶原或尿激酶型纤溶酶原激活剂具有特异性溶解血栓作用,引起人们的极大兴趣。西方国家1986年开始进行临床研究,A-74187或Sp2/0表达的糖基化尿激酶原以及大肠杆菌表达的非糖基化尿激酶原治疗急性心肌梗死阻塞相关血管开通率为70%~80%。德国Grünenthal公司用大肠杆菌表达的非糖基化尿激酶原(Saruplase)治疗急性心肌梗死研究采用20 mg推注,60 mg/60 min滴注,分别与重组组织型纤溶酶原激活剂、尿激酶、链激酶进行比较,并做了1698名心肌梗死患者的开放性临床试验,梗塞相关血管的开通率达到70%~80%。Saruplase与链激酶在104个临床研究中心,入组3089名急性心肌梗死患者进行大规模临床试验。结果表明,Saruplase对阻塞相关血管开通率、30天死亡率、出血合并症等副作用与链激酶没有明显差异,而出血性中风发生率高于链激酶,欧盟未批准Saru plase上市。国产重组人尿激酶原也进行了探索研究,用于治疗急性心肌梗死给药剂量为30~60 mg,给药时间为30或60 min,阻塞相关血管开通率为63.4%~80.0%,而尿激酶为52.2%~66.7%(平均58.0%)。此外,国外用重组人尿激酶原治疗深层静脉血栓和缺血性中风进行了探索研究,但病例数较少,尚须进一步研究。  相似文献   

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