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苍鹭(Ardea cinerea)是松嫩平原湿地的常见鸟种,松嫩平原也是苍鹭重要的栖息地。为了了解苍鹭潜在栖息地的适宜性分布,利用GPS/GSM卫星跟踪技术,结合遥感影像和地理信息系统,应用Maxent模型对松嫩平原苍鹭秋季潜在的栖息地进行了评价,并对其适宜性分布进行了分析。结果显示:水源距离和绿度指数是影响松嫩平原苍鹭秋季栖息地适宜性的重要环境变量;松嫩平原内苍鹭适宜栖息地面积为2761.06 km2(占研究区域的1.24%),主要分布在大庆(756.86 km2,占适宜栖息地面积的27.41%)、白城(537.14 km2,占适宜栖息地面积的19.45%)、齐齐哈尔(439.43 km2,占适宜栖息地面积的15.92%)等地市行政区,以大庆市杜尔伯特蒙古族自治县(429.90 km2,占适宜栖息地面积的15.57%)、白城市镇赉县(334.92 km2,占适宜栖息地面积的12.13%)、大庆市肇源县(185.54 km2,占适宜栖息地面积的6.72%)等县级行政区为主;其中,15.79%的适宜栖息地依次受到莫莫格保护区(10.34%)、扎龙保护区(3.47%)、向海保护区(0.67%)、查干湖保护区(0.54%)、大布苏保护区(0.41%)、乌裕尔河保护区(0.36%)等国家级自然保护区的保护。建议对未受到保护的零星小面积栖息地给与更多关注。  相似文献   

唐家河国家级自然保护区川金丝猴生境适宜性评价   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:2  
生境适宜性评价是濒危物种保护的重要基础。川金丝猴(Rhinopithecus roxellana)是栖息于温带森林的、中国特有的珍稀灵长类动物。位于岷山山系的四川唐家河国家级自然保护区是川金丝猴的重要分布地之一,但涉及该地区川金丝猴的生境信息却较缺乏。运用最大熵(Maximum entropy,MaxEnt)模型对四川唐家河国家级自然保护区川金丝猴不同季节的生境适宜性进行了研究,发现四个季节的训练集和验证集的受试者工作特征曲线下面积(Area under the receiver operator characteristic curve,AUC)值均超过0.8,说明模型预测结果较好。结果显示:(1)影响不同季节川金丝猴分布的主要因子是海拔、河流和道路。(2)川金丝猴的适宜生境面积存在季节性变化。其中,春季的适宜生境面积最大,为233.94 km2,占全区面积的58.48%;夏季的次之,为192.75 km2,占48.19%;秋冬季的适宜生境面积相对较低,分别为145.54 km2(占36.39%)和142.63 km2(占35.66%)。(3)川金丝猴的适宜生境分布具有明显的季节性垂直变化。研究揭示保护好完整的森林植被带对川金丝猴的生存具有重要意义,尤其要重视对人为干扰较强的低海拔生境的保护。  相似文献   

王静  孙军平  徐涛  祁军  张远林  张学炎  孟秀祥 《生态学报》2020,40(21):7997-8004
综合采用样线法、粪堆计数法及重复调查法对甘肃省兴隆山国家级自然保护区的野生马麝(Moschus chrysogaster)进行了种群调查,结合生境分析,确定了其种群分布、数量特征及影响因素。结果表明,兴隆山保护区分布有野生马麝(1159±275)头,平均种群密度为(3.51±0.83)头/km2;各植被类型生境中的野生麝种群数量及密度存在差异,灌丛生境分布有70%的野生马麝种群,达(807±170)头,种群密度为(6.49±1.63)头/km2;针叶林种群密度最大,达(8.85±83.25)头/km2,分布有野生麝(123±45)头;针阔混交林分布最少,仅(41±15)头,种群密度为(5.00±1.84)头/km2;人工林生境无野生马麝分布。保护区各植被类型生境中的野生马麝种群分布差异反映了马麝对适宜生境功能的需求,食物、保温和隐蔽性是制约野生马麝冬季分布和种群数量的关键因素。此外,因生境及人为干扰强度的不同,保护区各区域的野生马麝种群分布存在差异。建议通过减少人为干扰、地表植被管理及人工林管理优化等措施增加生境适宜性,促进兴隆山自然保护区野生马麝种群的快速恢复和增长。  相似文献   

郭兴健  邵全琴 《生态学报》2023,43(20):8671-8681
生物多样性维持是三江源区的重要生态功能,野生动物保护的科学规划需要掌握区内野生动物的栖息地分布状况与资源竞争关系。利用无人机遥感的新技术,在三江源玛多县开展藏野驴、藏原羚和岩羊的适宜栖息地识别与划定以及生境资源利用竞争关系研究。结果显示,2017年玛多县藏野驴适宜生境面积3559.43 km2,距水源距离是限制适宜生境面积的主要因子;藏原羚的适宜生境面积为283.76 km2,岩羊的适宜生境面积为29.97 km2,坡度、距水源距离以及植被类型是制约适宜栖息地面积的主要因素。由于在栖息地坡度选择中的生态位差异,三种大型野生食草动物的生境重叠面积均较小,生境竞争关系较弱。研究为生物多样性保护提供了全新的思路,可为相似区域的野生动物保护与恢复综合规划提供支撑。  相似文献   

杨楠  马东源  钟雪  杨孔  周志强  周华龙  周材权  王彬 《生态学报》2020,40(19):7064-7072
明确野生动物栖息地的空间分布格局和影响因子,是有效的栖息地管理和物种保护的基础。基于王朗国家级自然保护区自2001至2018年间的野外调查记录,首次使用MaxEnt模型对蓝马鸡(Crossoptilon auritum)栖息地适宜性进行了分析和评价。结果显示:(1)地形特征和极端时期的气候是影响蓝马鸡栖息地适宜性的主要环境因子,年最低温高于-14.4℃、海拔约2430-3100 m、坡度小于40°、靠近河流且最干月降水低于4.4 mm的区域属于蓝马鸡的适宜栖息地;(2)保护区内共有蓝马鸡栖息地102.28 km2,约占保护区总面积的三分之一,其中适宜栖息地面积59.41 km2,次适宜栖息地面积42.87 km2,为该物种提供了面积巨大且连通性极好的栖息地;(3)在不适宜蓝马鸡分布的区域,海拔过高和最干月降水量较大是限制其栖息地适宜性的主要环境因子。目前保护区内主要的人为干扰类型是牦牛和马匹的放牧活动,并且放牧强度和区域有扩大趋势,潜在威胁着蓝马鸡种群及其栖息地。因此,基于模型结果和野外调查,为避免保护区内蓝马鸡栖息地的退化和破碎化,提出了控制放牧数量和面积、增强对放牧人员的宣传教育以及定期监测河流水质的保护建议,以期促进蓝马鸡的种群和栖息地保护。  相似文献   

刘艳华  牛莹莹  周绍春  张子栋  梁卓  杨娇  鞠丹 《生态学报》2021,41(17):6913-6923
在动物生境研究中,移动生境和卧息生境是生境研究的焦点。开展移动生境和卧息生境选择,并在此基础上进行生境评价,有利于深入了解动物对移动和卧息生境条件的需求,制定科学合理的栖息地保护计划。以东北虎(Panthera tigris altaica)的主要猎物物种之一-狍(Capreolus pygargus)为研究对象,于2017-2019年冬季积雪覆盖期在老爷岭南部通过随机布设28个大样方和84条用于足迹链跟踪的样线收集狍的移动点和卧息点信息,再结合近年来收集的东北虎出现点,利用广义可加模型(GAM)和最大熵模型(MaxEnt)进行狍移动、卧息生境选择及评价研究。移动生境选择研究表明,狍在移动的过程中偏好选择坡度小、距农田距离>500 m、远离道路、居民点和低海拔或较高海拔的区域;移动生境评价分析表明,移动适宜和次适宜生境面积之和为1318.16 km2,占研究区域面积的51.28%,当加入虎活动点影响因子后,狍移动适宜和次适宜生境面积之和为901.52 km2,适宜和次适宜生境面积之和减少了31.61%。狍卧息生境选择研究表明,水源、农田、道路和雪深是影响狍卧息的关键因素,其中雪深对狍卧息生境选择的贡献率达到70.13%;卧息生境评价表明,卧息适宜和次适宜生境面积之和为1243.77 km2,占研究区域面积的48.39%,当加入虎出现点因子后,适宜生境和次适宜生境面积之和减少了61.00%,仅为485.02 km2。研究认为,虎的出现对狍移动和卧息生境选择均产生影响,虎的活动及捕食行为可能会减少狍的活动范围和频次,狍远离虎活动区域卧息休息,压缩了狍适宜卧息的空间。  相似文献   

猎物匮乏是影响东北虎(Panthera tigris altaica)种群恢复的关键因素之一。容纳量研究是开展东北虎猎物恢复工作的必要前提。通过Maxent模型、聚类分析和训练随机树分类等方法,结合调查数据,预测了吉林省张广才岭南部黄泥河林业局东北虎主要猎物的适宜栖息地空间分布,解译了植被类型,在此基础上基于不同植被类型动物可采食部分代谢能、不同生境等级食物可利用率、马鹿(Cervus elaphus)和狍(Capreolus capreolus)生境等级重叠情况以及动物冬季能量需求,分析了东北虎猎物的冬季营养容纳量。结果表明:黄泥河林业局狍、野猪(Sus scrofa)和马鹿的适宜栖息地分别占研究区域总面积的52.8%、40.7%和25.4%;从猎物获取能量来看,以山杨(Populus davidiana)、桦树(Betula)、核桃楸(Juglans mandshurica)为主的植被类型是马鹿、狍可获得能量较多的生境,以蒙古栎(Quercus mongolica)、核桃楸为主的植被类型是野猪可获得能量较多的生境。东北虎猎物种群的综合冬季营养容纳量为574只马鹿(0.29只/km2),7016只狍(3.54只/km2),4785只野猪(2.38只/km2)。  相似文献   

为了解同域分布有蹄类在环境复杂的山地森林生境中以何种方式维持种间关系以实现稳定共存,基于物种分布模型与日活动模式分析了四川省岷山、邛崃、大相岭、小相岭和凉山五大山系同域分布中华鬣羚(Capricornis milneedwardsii)与中华斑羚(Naemorhedus griseus)的时空生态位特征。结果显示:(1)在四川省五大山系,中华鬣羚的适宜栖息地面积为28006.07 km2,占研究区总面积的26.18%,其中高适宜栖息地面积为10015.90 km2,中华斑羚的适宜栖息地面积为21073.32 km2,占研究区总面积的19.71%,其中高适宜栖息地面积为8396.22 km2;(2)中华鬣羚与中华斑羚在生境因子选择上相似性高、栖息地重叠面积大,其空间生态位重叠度指数D=0.776,I=0.949,其适宜栖息地的主要重叠区域位于岷山和邛崃山系;(3)中华鬣羚与中华斑羚的日活动节律重叠指数为0.812;(4)中华鬣羚与中华斑羚属于同域分布的资源利用型竞争物种,中华鬣羚的存在会显著影响中华斑羚的日活动节律(P=0.016);二者同域分布时都会增加其昼间活动强度,并增加活动高峰期的强度及持续时间。本研究初步分析了中华鬣羚与中华斑羚的时空生态位特征,揭示了二者在空间、时间生态位上种群共存及种间竞争的耦合关系。研究有利于深入理解同域分布动物时空生态位特征、近缘物种的共存机制及种间竞争关系,为有蹄类等珍稀野生动物种群及栖息地的保护提供科学参考。  相似文献   

人类干扰导致的生境丧失与破碎化严重影响野生动物生存。基于2005年至2019年在新疆卡拉麦里山有蹄类野生动物自然保护区开展野外调查所获数据,选取影响蒙古野驴生境选择的关键环境因子,采用最大熵模型(MaxEnt)模拟矿业开发前(2005年)、矿业开发顶峰时(2011年)以及矿区生态修复和道路修建(2019年)三个时期的蒙古野驴适宜生境空间分布。选取相关的景观格局指数,分析了近15年来保护区内蒙古野驴生境格局的变化趋势。结果显示蒙古野驴的适宜生境主要分布于保护区中部,水源是影响蒙古野驴生境质量的关键自然因素。2005-2019年间该保护区蒙古野驴的生境经历了由较好状态到恶化,随后逐渐恢复的过程。矿业开发前蒙古野驴高适宜生境面积最大(2022.31 km2),生境破碎化程度低,总体生境质量较好。矿业开发顶峰时蒙古野驴的适宜生境向保护区北部转移,适宜生境大面积丧失,其中高适宜生境面积减少了30.28%,且生境斑块面积小,形状不规则、离散和破碎化程度高,严重威胁蒙古野驴生存。矿区生态修复和道路建设后,大多数已修复的矿区重新成为蒙古野驴的适宜生境,保护区内蒙古野驴适宜生境面积较矿业开发时增加了556.31 km2,但仍处于破碎隔离状态;道路沿线适宜生境丧失严重,蒙古野驴对其明显回避。基于上述研究结果,针对蒙古野驴生境保护提出了具体措施,为卡山保护区蒙古野驴生境恢复及保护提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

研究气候变化下物种适生区的分布格局与变迁,对于物种的保护和资源的可持续利用具有重要的理论和实践意义。选取柴胡(Bupleurum chinense)与狭叶柴胡(Bupleurum scorzonerifolium)在中国地域内的381个有效分布点和36个环境因子,利用MaxEnt模型模拟当前以及未来(2050和2070年)两种气候情景下(RCP4.5和RCP8.5)其适生区的分布格局,并分析了制约其适生区分布的主导环境因子。结果表明:(1)影响柴胡适生区分布的主导环境因子为最湿月份降水量、最干季度平均温度以及海拔。影响狭叶柴胡适生区分布的主导环境因子为最湿月份降水量、温度季节性变化标准差以及海拔;(2)当前气候条件下,柴胡适生区总面积为1.4755×106km2,约占我国国土面积的15.37%,中、高度适生区主要分布在陕西南部、山西东部、甘肃东南部、山东中部、河北中西部等地;狭叶柴胡适生区总面积为1.8034×106km2,约占我国国土面积的18.78%,中、高度适生区主要分布在黑龙江西部和东部、内蒙古中部和东北部、河北北部、陕西中部等地。(3)未来气候背景下,两种柴胡总适生区面积呈现增加趋势。柴胡适生区分布质心向东北方向的高纬度地区迁移,狭叶柴胡适生区分布质心向西部方向的高海拔地区迁移。  相似文献   

Climate change might pose an additional threat to the already vulnerable giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca). Effective conservation efforts require projections of vulnerability of the giant panda in facing climate change and proactive strategies to reduce emerging climate‐related threats. We used the maximum entropy model to assess the vulnerability of giant panda to climate change in the Qinling Mountains of China. The results of modeling included the following findings: (1) the area of suitable habitat for giant pandas was projected to decrease by 281 km2 from climate change by the 2050s; (2) the mean elevation of suitable habitat of giant panda was predicted to shift 30 m higher due to climate change over this period; (3) the network of nature reserves protect 61.73% of current suitable habitat for the species, and 59.23% of future suitable habitat; (4) current suitable habitat mainly located in Chenggu, Taibai, and Yangxian counties (with a total area of 987 km2) was predicted to be vulnerable. Assessing the vulnerability of giant panda provided adaptive strategies for conservation programs and national park construction. We proposed adaptation strategies to ameliorate the predicted impacts of climate change on giant panda, including establishing and adjusting reserves, establishing habitat corridors, improving adaptive capacity to climate change, and strengthening monitoring of giant panda.  相似文献   

Assessing species’ vulnerability to climate change is a prerequisite for developing effective strategies to reduce emerging climate‐related threats. We used the maximum entropy algorithm (MaxEnt model) to assess potential changes in suitable snow leopard (Panthera uncia) habitat in Qinghai Province, China, under a mild climate change scenario. Our results showed that the area of suitable snow leopard habitat in Qinghai Province was 302,821 km2 under current conditions and 228,997 km2 under the 2050s climatic scenario, with a mean upward shift in elevation of 90 m. At present, nature reserves protect 38.78% of currently suitable habitat and will protect 42.56% of future suitable habitat. Current areas of climate refugia amounted to 212,341 km2 and are mainly distributed in the Sanjiangyuan region, Qilian mountains, and surrounding areas. Our results provide valuable information for formulating strategies to meet future conservation challenges brought on by climate stress. We suggest that conservation efforts in Qinghai Province should focus on protecting areas of climate refugia and on maintaining or building corridors when planning for future species management.  相似文献   

Abstract: We studied seasonal movements of golden takin (Budorcas taxicolor bedfordi), a large, social, forest-dwelling ungulate, by radiotracking and field surveys during 1995–1996 and 2002–2005 at Foping National Nature Reserve on the southern slope of the Qinling Mountains, China. Takins inhabited forests and subalpine meadows at an altitudinal range from 1,360 m to 2,890 m. Our results showed that golden takins had a complicated seasonal movement pattern and underwent altitudinal migration 4 times each year. Takins occupied a high-altitude range during summer, stayed at low-altitude ranges for short periods during spring and autumn, and resided at an intermediate-altitude range during winter. Changes in plant phenology may have caused seasonal movements. Reserves for takin conservation should incorporate lower altitude habitats than those takins use in spring and autumn, and seasonal movements by takins should be protected from disturbance by human activities. (JOURNAL OF WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT 72(3):611–617; 2008)  相似文献   

The golden takin is an endangered species, listed as a First Grade Protected animal and found only in the Qinling Mountains in China. A great deal of research on the golden takin's living habitat, population size, and home range has been conducted. Here, we employed sequence analysis of the mitochondrial DNA control region to study the genetic diversity of the golden takin from three separate nature reserve parks in the Qinling Mountains. We also compared the results of our study with previously published data on the genetic diversity of mixed takin species located in the Qinling Mountains and the Minshan area. Based on 62 sampled golden takin individuals, we found an overall mean genetic haplotype diversity of 0.687. There is no significant geographic genetic diversity across different golden takin populations within the Qinling Mountains. However, we did show significant diversity between golden takin from the Qinling Mountains and from Minshan. These original data provide a foundation for the genetic diversity of golden takin, and will yield comprehensive information for better supporting the management in the national reserve parks.  相似文献   

One way that climate change will impact animal distributions is by altering habitat suitability and habitat fragmentation. Understanding the impacts of climate change on currently threatened species is of immediate importance because complex conservation planning will be required. Here, we mapped changes to the distribution, suitability, and fragmentation of giant panda habitat under climate change and quantified the direction and elevation of habitat shift and fragmentation patterns. These data were used to develop a series of new conservation strategies for the giant panda. Qinling Mountains, Shaanxi, China. Data from the most recent giant panda census, habitat factors, anthropogenic disturbance, climate variables, and climate predictions for the year 2050 (averaged across four general circulation models) were used to project giant panda habitat in Maxent. Differences in habitat patches were compared between now and 2050. While climate change will cause a 9.1% increase in suitable habitat and 9% reduction in subsuitable habitat by 2050, no significant net variation in the proportion of suitable and subsuitable habitat was found. However, a distinct climate change‐induced habitat shift of 11 km eastward by 2050 is predicted firstly. Climate change will reduce the fragmentation of suitable habitat at high elevations and exacerbate the fragmentation of subsuitable habitat below 1,900 m above sea level. Reduced fragmentation at higher elevations and worsening fragmentation at lower elevations have the potential to cause overcrowding of giant pandas at higher altitudes, further exacerbating habitat shortage in the central Qinling Mountains. The habitat shift to the east due to climate change may provide new areas for giant pandas but poses severe challenges for future conservation.  相似文献   

Using a case study of an isolated management unit of Sichuan snub‐nosed monkey (Rhinopithecus roxellana), we assess the extent that climate change will impact the species’ habitat distribution in the current period and projected into the 2050s. We identify refugia that could maintain the population under climate change and determine dispersal paths for movement of the population to future suitable habitats. Hubei Province, China. We identified climate refugia and potential movements by integrating bioclimatic models with circuit theory and least‐cost model for the current period (1960–1990) and the 2050s (2041–2060). We coupled a maximum entropy algorithm to predict suitable habitat for the current and projected future periods. Suitable habitat areas that were identified during both time periods and that also satisfied home range and dispersal distance conditions were delineated as refugia. We mapped potential movements measured as current flow and linked current and future habitats using least‐cost corridors. Our results indicate up to 1,119 km2 of currently suitable habitat within the study range. Based on our projections, a habitat loss of 67.2% due to climate change may occur by the 2050s, resulting in a reduced suitable habitat area of 406 km2 and very little new habitat. The refugia areas amounted to 286 km2 and were located in Shennongjia National Park and Badong Natural Reserve. Several connecting corridors between the current and future habitats, which are important for potential movements, were identified. Our assessment of the species predicted a trajectory of habitat loss following anticipated future climate change. We believe conservation efforts should focus on refugia and corridors when planning for future species management. This study will assist conservationists in determining high‐priority regions for effective maintenance of the endangered population under climate change and will encourage increased habitat connectivity.  相似文献   

Climate change has direct impacts on wildlife and future biodiversity protection efforts. Vulnerability assessment and habitat connectivity analyses are necessary for drafting effective conservation strategies for threatened species such as the Tibetan brown bear (Ursus arctos pruinosus). We used the maximum entropy (MaxEnt) model to assess the current (1950–2000) and future (2041–2060) habitat suitability by combining bioclimatic and environmental variables, and identified potential climate refugia for Tibetan brown bears in Sanjiangyuan National Park, China. Next, we selected Circuit model to simulate potential migration paths based on current and future climatically suitable habitat. Results indicate a total area of potential suitable habitat under the current climate scenario of approximately 31,649.46 km2, of which 28,778.29 km2 would be unsuitable by the 2050s. Potentially suitable habitat under the future climate scenario was projected to cover an area of 23,738.6 km2. Climate refugia occupied 2,871.17 km2, primarily in the midwestern and northeastern regions of Yangtze River Zone, as well as the northern region of Yellow River Zone. The altitude of climate refugia ranged from 4,307 to 5,524 m, with 52.93% lying at altitudes between 4,300 and 4,600 m. Refugia were mainly distributed on bare rock, alpine steppe, and alpine meadow. Corridors linking areas of potentially suitable brown bear habitat and a substantial portion of paths with low‐resistance value were distributed in climate refugia. We recommend various actions to ameliorate the impact of climate change on brown bears, such as protecting climatically suitable habitat, establishing habitat corridors, restructuring conservation areas, and strengthening monitoring efforts.  相似文献   

气候变化不仅是人类正在面临的挑战,也是野生动物需要应对的危机。雪豹(Panthera uncia)作为亚洲中部高原和山脉的旗舰种,它的生存和繁衍可以反映青藏高原等地区生态系统的健康状况。青藏高原等地区的气候变暖速度远快于全球平均水平,研究气候变化对雪豹的生境的影响对于高原物种的保护有重要意义。以雪豹为研究对象,采用第六次国际耦合模式比较计划(CMIP6)气候模式下四种共享社会经济路径(SSPs)对应的未来21世纪中期和21世纪末期的环境数据,并基于最大熵模型(MaxEnt),结合ENMTool、SDMTool、ArcGIS和R等工具对当前和未来全球不同发展模式引起的气候变化对雪豹适宜生境的影响进行了模拟预测和分析评估。研究发现:(1)影响雪豹分布的主要环境因素包括:两种气候变量(年平均气温和最冷月最低温度),两种地形变量(海拔和坡度)和一种水文变量(距离最近河流的距离)。(2)当前气候模式下雪豹的全球潜在适宜分布区的总面积约为1122.05万km2,其中低适生区面积为534.5万km2,中适生区面积为386.15万km2...  相似文献   

鲁奇  李洁  刘冠  张艳如  李国庆 《生态学报》2023,43(8):3181-3191
气候变化威胁着全球生物多样性,评估物种脆弱性是研究气候变化对生物多样性影响的关键所在。目前多数研究主要通过物种适宜区面积变化来判断物种脆弱性,这单一维度会忽略其它因素的影响。采用多组分评估框架,将物种适宜区面积变化、生境破碎程度变化、受保护面积变化和人类干扰程度变化四个组分纳入物种总体脆弱性指数中,以中国具有较高经济和生态价值的山杏(Armeniaca sibirica)作为研究对象,评估未来(2061—2080年)三种共享社会经济路径(ssp)ssp126、ssp245、ssp585下山杏物种脆弱性。研究结果表明:未来山杏生境适宜区有向我国东北和西北方向扩张的趋势,扩张区面积明显大于消失区,这种差异化程度依赖于社会发展路径情景;未来适宜区内的保护区面积将由当前6.50×104km2增加到1.10×105km2(三种气候变化情景下的平均值),未来适宜生境破碎化程度将保持稳定,生境适宜区内的人类干扰强度将下降;各组分的比较中,受保护面积变化对山杏总体脆弱性的贡献将超过山杏适宜生境面积变化和其它组分的贡...  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Because habitat loss and fragmentation threaten giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca), habitat protection and restoration are important conservation measures for this endangered species. However, distribution and value of potential habitat to giant pandas on a regional scale are not fully known. Therefore, we identified and ranked giant panda habitat in Foping Nature Reserve, Guanyinshan Nature Reserve, and adjacent areas in the Qinling Mountains of China. We used Mahalanobis distance and 11 digital habitat layers to develop a multivariate habitat signature associated with 247 surveyed giant panda locations, which we then applied to the study region. We identified approximately 128 km2of giant panda habitat in Foping Nature Reserve (43.6% of the reserve) and 49 km2in Guanyinshan Nature Reserve (33.6% of the reserve). We defined core habitat areas by incorporating a minimum patch-size criterion (5.5 km2) based on home-range size. Percentage of core habitat area was higher in Foping Nature Reserve (41.8% of the reserve) than Guanyinshan Nature Reserve (26.3% of the reserve). Within the larger analysis region, Foping Nature Reserve contained 32.7% of all core habitat areas we identified, indicating regional importance of the reserve. We observed a negative relationship between distribution of core areas and presence of roads and small villages. Protection of giant panda habitat at lower elevations and improvement of habitat linkages among core habitat areas are important in a regional approach to giant panda conservation.  相似文献   

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