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通过查阅相关文献分析归纳,深度访谈法收集医疗领域各方对于医疗纠纷和医疗事故技术鉴定的观点,同时搜集武汉市2004—2007年418例典型医疗事故技术鉴定案例进行统计分析研究,以期了解当前实际情况下医疗事故鉴定制度存在双轨制的局面及其对医疗事故鉴定结论的影响,从而针对问题探索改善鉴定制度的良好建议。  相似文献   
场景可视化在乡村景观评价中的应用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
通过场景可视化技术,处理生成在同一背景下不同景观空间特征梯度和不同农业生产模式景观的图片,并通过参与式评估技术,获取北京郊区209位受访者的偏好意愿,以此评价不同利益相关者对乡村景观发展趋势的偏好。结果表明:从总体上看,参与者对多样性较强的景观并不感兴趣;多数参与者偏好破碎度较弱的景观;对于景观聚集度的认知差异则在各个利益群体中都不甚明显;参与者通过场景图片更加偏好菜园景观,而通过语言则更倾向于选择果园景观。研究表明,场景可视化技术是一种将不同利益相关者主观判断融入景观评价中的有效研究手段。  相似文献   
目的 了解北京三级医院内部绩效考核与薪酬分配机制的期望意向。方法 用内容分析法与描述性统计分析方法,比较医院内部绩效考核与薪酬分配机制期望意向。结果 两者具有内在的有机联系,具体表现在考核内容和依据、考核机制、原则及方式方法等4个方面。结论 了解期望意向是设计构建医院绩效评价系统的基础性工作,能够为医院绩效管理实务提供参考。  相似文献   
通过相关数据资料的统计与分析,对2014年江苏省药品注册管理情况进行总结,以提升全省药品注册管理能力,为企业研发、管理人员提供相关参考。  相似文献   
依托"第三次全国农作物种质资源普查与收集行动"项目,开展了湖南省饭豆种质资源的考察收集与评价鉴定,并筛选了优异种质,为湖南省饭豆种质资源创新和品种选育提供参考。结果表明,收集到的76份地方资源主要分布在湘西湘南山区,0~600 m的中低海拔地区。15项农艺性状表型分析显示其遗传多样性丰富;主成分分析将15个农艺性状分为4个主成分,其主要与株高、籽粒大小、产量、花色粒色相关,累计贡献率68.330%;聚类分析将76份资源分为2大类群,第Ⅰ类群蔓生、无限结荚,第Ⅱ类群直立、有限结荚,第Ⅰ类群又分为2个亚群,类群Ⅰ-1株型较小,单株产量较低,籽粒较大,类群Ⅰ-2株型较大,单株产量较高,籽粒较小。根据聚类分析结果及数量性状极值和质量性状变异类型提取出22份饭豆特异种质,并从中筛选出3类可以代表类群特征的资源:直立适合密植机收的资源,大粒型优质资源,高产、高生物量的粮肥两用资源。  相似文献   
目的剑尾鱼是由原良种委员会审定并由农业部公布的水生实验动物,在遗传学研究、水环境污染监测、细菌性疾病研究方面显示出较好的应用前景。为了对剑尾鱼选育系进行种质资源监测、区分选育系与非选育以及鉴定近交系纯度,本研究采用微卫星DNA进行水生实验动物剑尾鱼的指纹图谱构建。方法根据相关报道设计合成了50对微卫星引物,对几个剑尾鱼品系的种质资源进行检测,筛选品系间差异性引物;确立剑尾鱼核心引物,用EXCEL散点图绘制DNA指纹图谱模式图;并将数字化指纹数据输入珠江水产研究所鱼类种质鉴定软件V1.0,形成剑尾鱼标准化指纹图谱鉴定数据库。结果共获得剑尾鱼品系间特异标记5个可用于剑尾鱼近交系鉴定,确立46个微卫星标记为核心引物,构建剑尾鱼选育系RR-B系、RW-H系和非选育的野生品种的DNA指纹图谱。结论本研究筛选出的微卫星标记与构建的指纹图谱,可用于剑尾鱼3个品种间的品种鉴定、纯度检测及遗传监测。  相似文献   
Objective: To examine care giver perception of children's weight‐related health risk in African American families. Research Methods and Procedures: One‐hundred and eleven families (representing 48 boys and 63 girls) screened for participation in a diabetes prevention study participated. Care givers completed a health awareness questionnaire that assessed their perception of the child's weight, eating habits, appearance, exercise habits, and health risk. The care givers also reported each subject's family history of obesity, diabetes, and other chronic diseases. After a physical examination, height and weight were used to compute an age‐ and sex‐adjusted body mass index for each child. Results: Despite the fact that a substantial number of children were obese (57%) and super‐obese (12%), only 44% of the care givers perceived the child's weight to be a potential health problem. Regression analysis showed that 21% of the variance in parental perception of obesity‐related health risk could be predicted by child age, body mass index, perception of frame size, and perception of exercise habits. Discussion: A number of reasons for the apparent minimization of child health risk are discussed, including cultural differences in the acceptance of a large body habitus, lack of knowledge about the connection between childhood obesity and future health risk, and an optimistic bias in the perception of personal health risk.  相似文献   
Social isolation is a major stressor which impacts the physiology, behaviour and health of individuals in gregarious species. However, depending on conditional and contextual factors, such as social status and group composition, social isolation may be perceived differently by different individuals or even by the same individuals at different times. Here we tested the effects of social status (territorial vs. non-territorial) and previous group composition (i.e. type of social group: mixed sex group with two territorial males, TT vs. mixed sex group with one territorial and one non-territorial male, TnT) on the hormonal response (androgens and cortisol) to social isolation in a cichlid fish (Oreochromis mossambicus). The different steroid hormones measured responded differentially to social isolation, and their response was modulated by social factors. Social isolation elicited a decrease of 11-keto formation only in territorial males, whereas non-territorial males present a non-significant trend for increasing KT levels. Testosterone did not respond to social isolation. Cortisol only increased in isolated individuals from TnT groups irrespective of social status (i.e. both in territorials and non-territorials). These results suggest that it is the perception of social isolation and not the objective structure of the situation that triggers the hormonal response to isolation.  相似文献   
医院综合绩效考核体系包括成本核算办法、平衡计分卡绩效考核、千分制质控考核、年度绩效考核、单项奖等方面,介绍和分析了各种绩效考核办法及其利弊。构建医院综合绩效考核体系,可以相互扬长避短,兼顾多个方面,促进医院又好又快发展。  相似文献   
报道猕猴桃的芽变选择,雄株选择,各优良株系的生物学特性.果实生长发育规律,产量,果实营养成分和加工性.采用模糊评分选优法筛选鉴定出桂海4号为较理想的优良株系,江西79-2和桂海14号为有发展前途的优良株系。  相似文献   
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