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以湖北省黄石市爱康医院为例,将医疗技术服务的经济附加值(EVA)的概念和思想引入到医院日常的薪酬分配方案及其管理中,建立了一套基于EVA 思想的适合该医院绩效考核和薪酬分配的激励机制,它在提高医院整体运营绩效、医疗服务质量和满意度等方面均取得了良好的效果。  相似文献   
将GEP纳入生态补偿绩效考核评估分析   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:5  
随着十八大以来我国生态文明建设进程的加快,生态补偿的实践也在快速推进,在生态补偿机制不断完善的过程中,对生态补偿机制的实施效果进行考核评估是确保机制运行效率的核心问题。对将GEP纳入生态补偿绩效考核的必要性和可行性进行了研究。研究表明:现有的生态补偿绩效考核机制存在一定缺陷,而基于GEP的生态补偿绩效考核能够激发受偿主体在生态系统服务供给方面的创新潜力;从与基于生态系统服务产出的其他绩效考核的相容性来看,GEP对于生态系统服务评估的扭曲程度更低,可以作为县域环境考核的优化指标;从与基于活动类型的绩效考核的相容性来看,将GEP纳入生态补偿绩效考核体系并不是简单否定基于活动类型的绩效考核体系的作用。将GEP纳入生态补偿绩效考核需要将其与现有绩效考核体系有机结合,它特别适用于生态综合补偿机制下生态补偿绩效考核。  相似文献   
徐建英  陈利顶  吕一河  傅伯杰 《生态学报》2006,26(11):3789-3795
农户是退耕还林工程中的经济主体,他们的经济行为和认知响应将会对工程实施产生重要影响。研究采用参与式农户评估方法,就农户对退耕还林工程的态度和认知、退耕还林工程对农户的经济影响、以及农户现有耕地面积等问题进行了调查,以期从农户角度出发,探讨卧龙自然保护区退耕还林工程的可持续性问题。研究表明,尽管农户对退耕还林工程持积极的态度,但是有3个问题影响了退耕还林工程的可持续性。一是当地居民的粮食需求问题,由于当地居民粮食消费的外在依赖性,以及工程本身导致的耕地和收入减少,使退耕还林工程的可持续性受到潜在的威胁;二是从经济发展的角度出发,结合当地居民的经济收入、就业状况和他们对于工程的经济预期,现行的退耕还林工程缺乏相应的配套措施和足够的吸引力来保证其可持续性;三从生态恢复理论和实践上看,退耕补偿的数量和期限须考虑区域的差异和生态系统功能的实现,在本研究区域须与生物多样性保护相结合。  相似文献   
论东南亚磨芋资源的利用历史、现状及开发潜力   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
论东南亚磨芋资源的利用历史、现状及开发潜力何家庆(安徽省磨芋技术研究中心合肥230039)关键词东南亚,磨芋属,资源评价,综合开发潜力,磨芋产业化ADISCUSSIONONTHEHISTORYANDPRESENTSTATEOFUTILIZATIONO...  相似文献   
In order to evaluate the usefulness of rapid surveys of indigenous knowledge for assessing trends in biodiversity, a case study was undertaken in two rural communities, Juznajab and Muquenal, in Chiapas, Mexico. This involved the use of a variety of rapid rural appraisal (RRA) and participatory rural appraisal (PRA) techniques, including semi-structured interviews, transect walks and participatory mapping. These approaches were used in conjunction with analysis of land use maps and aerial photographs to evaluate recent changes in vegetation cover and abundance of utilised species. In both communities, the extent of forest cover was considered by local people to have declined substantially in recent decades, with an annual decline in forest cover of 0.3% and 0.6% estimated by local people in Juznajab and Muquenal, respectively. Results from RRA indicated that this has been accompanied by significant declines in the abundance of useful species. In Juznajab 60% and 79%, and in Muquenal 96% and 85% of plants and animal species, respectively, were considered to have declined within living memory. These declines appear to result from over-utilization as well as habitat changes. For example, most of the tree species used for timber and the animal species used for meat were considered to have declined substantially in both communities. These results indicate that indigenous knowledge is potentially a valuable source of information about biodiversity trends, which could be assessed during Rapid Biodiversity Assessments and incorporated into the process of resource management by local communities. However, the contradictions recorded between assessments of vegetation change by local people and data obtained from other sources indicates the need for caution in the use of indigenous knowledge for this purpose.  相似文献   
本文以7个抗旱性不同的冬小麦品种(系)为材料,研究了低水势下芽鞘长度与大田干旱条件下叶片的渗透调节能力及大田产量的关系。结果表明:低水势下芽鞘长度与叶片的渗透调节能力及产量有极为密切的关系。为冬小麦抗旱鉴定及抗旱个体筛选提供了一个良好的指标。  相似文献   
对JCI评审模式下的医院质量监控指标体系及运作构架进行了探索,采用委员会—工作小组—质量管理办公室-指标负责科室四级指标管理组织架构,明确权责分工,建立多部门沟通协作的工作模式,利用质量管理办公室质量内审的角色,能够有效推动监控指标持续改进,提升医院质量。  相似文献   
建立和完善医院内部绩效考核和收入分配制度,坚持公立医院公益性,是深化公立医院改革的一项重要内容;依托医院信息平台,开发建设基于临床数据仓库的智能化医院绩效考核分配信息管理系统,是各医院推进精细化管理所面临的重要课题。本文分析了信息管理系统在国内外医院内部绩效考核中的应用,剖析存在的问题,并提出了相应的建议和对策。  相似文献   
This paper examines the relationships betweenGoethe's morphology and his ideas on aestheticappraisal. Goethe's science of morphology was toprovide the method for making evident purephenomena [Urphänomene], for makingintuitable the necessary laws behind theperceptible forms and formation of livingnature, through a disciplined perception. Thisemphasis contrasted with contemporary studiesof generation, which focused upon hiddenformative processes. It was his views onaesthetic appraisal that informed theseepistemological precepts of his science. Hisstudy of antique artefacts convinced Goethethat these should be prototypes for all art,since they made perceptible the ideal of art,its archetypes or objective forms. His ambitionwas to eliminate the subjective elements hecontended were leading contemporary art astray.He argued that the techniques he developed forcultivating the perception of the idealexemplars of art could become a model forscience, enabling the intuition of theobjective forms of nature through a similardisciplined and cultivated perception. Thispaper also examines some of the widermotivations for the particular emphases Goethegave to his science and aesthetics, noting asimilar impulse to discipline unruly forces inhis life – in his work as an administrator forthe Weimar court and Jena University, in hisvision of an ideal German culture centred onthe aristocracy, and in his literaryproductions and biographical writings. Finallyit discusses the extent to which those unrulyelements nevertheless remained a potent anddisturbing presence in his understanding ofnature, his art and his life.  相似文献   
参与性农村评估在物种和景观变化研究中的应用   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
应用参与性农村评估研究了西双版纳自然保护区勐养片的物种和景观变化.结果表明,在人类活动的影响下,抗干扰力弱的植物种逐渐减少和消失而耐干扰强的植物种得以发展,导致了地区优势植被的替代;狩猎特别是外地人进入保护区的狩猎是大型野生动物减少的直接原因;当地居民因狩猎而熟悉动物的习性和栖息地,成为研究野生动物的信息源;景观变化与经济发展密切相关,或因经济发展而恶化或因当地居民的参与保护而地带恢复与改善.对应用参与性农村评估研究物种和景观变化的局限性也进行了讨论.  相似文献   
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