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免疫球蛋白是机体固有免疫系统的组成部分,是机体防御的第一道防线。本研究对抗鹅免疫球蛋白轻链单克隆抗体进行了特征分析并将其应用到不同免疫试验中用以检测鹅免疫球蛋白。用此单克隆抗体制备的免疫亲和层析柱用以分离血清中的鹅免疫球蛋白;偶联辣根过氧化物酶(Horseradish peroxidase,HRP)后的单克隆抗体用作第二抗体来检测鹅特异性抗体。此外,该单克隆抗体可以识别和定位外周血淋巴细胞中的SIg+淋巴细胞。研究表明,该单克隆抗体可在多种条件下检测或分离鹅免疫球蛋白并作为研究鹅体液免疫的有力工具。  相似文献   

粘膜免疫系统与粘膜免疫应答的诱导   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
粘膜免疫系统是机体抵抗病原体入健的第一道免疫屏蔽,同机体的系统免疫相比,粘膜免疫系统的淋巴细胞总数远远超过存在于骨髓,胸,腺,脾脏以及淋巴结中的淋巴细胞数量,粘膜表面分泌性免疫球蛋白A(sIgA)的量显高于循环IgG的总量,而且粘膜分泌物中的抗体以IgA抗体为主,由于粘膜免疫系统的区域性分布,诱导系统免疫的免疫途径和免疫佐剂不能诱导粘膜免疫应答,经消化道,呼吸道和生殖道免疫可有效地诱导粘膜免疫应答,霍乱毒素是良好的粘膜免疫,佐剂,能有效地诱导粘膜免疫应答,粘膜免疫的上述特点可能是某些疫苗经系统免疫后,尽管能诱导血液中产生高滴度的IgG抗体,但不能预防疾病的原因。  相似文献   

淋巴细胞杂交瘤技术作为一种新的生物工程技术,已在生物学和医学领域内得到广泛的应用。我们继建立产生抗北京鸭红细胞单克隆抗体的杂交瘤细胞系CBH-1后,又建立了一株产生抗北京鸭免疫球蛋白(I_g)单克隆抗体的杂交瘤细胞系,命名为CBH-2。这种杂交瘤细胞经体外培养,能稳定地分泌抗北京鸭I_g的单克隆抗体。此单克隆抗体在以北京鸭抗体进行放射免疫和酶标等测定时,可用作第二抗体。现将主要结果简报于下。北京鸭I_g抗原的制备及免疫:从北京鸭颈动脉采血,分离血清,用50%和33%硫酸铵沉淀法提取二次。每只Balb/cJ小鼠腹腔免疫剂量为0.3毫克,共免疫三  相似文献   

近年来迅猛发展的基因工程抗体研究,已成为抗体应用研究的核心。构建重组抗体的前提是从杂交瘤细胞、免疫脾细胞或外周血淋巴细胞中分离免疫球蛋白(Ig)的重链和轻链可变区(VL和VH)基因,PCR技术为可变区基因  相似文献   

Prosep-A和Promab是用以纯化抗体的两种蛋白质A免疫纯化新产品。Prosep-A在单克隆抗体生产中的应用日趋增多。Promab套盒内含有纯化免疫球蛋白时需要的所有试剂,这些试剂与Prosep-A预先包装在一起。 Prosep-A由偶联于具孔玻璃珠上的优等蛋白质A组成。这种独特的偶联作用显著地增加了免疫球蛋白的容量,使免疫球蛋白G_1亚类的容量增加了一个数量级。Prosep-A能够大大地提高抗体产量和改进生产过程,因为它不需要挤压就能处理很高的流速,而且  相似文献   

采用PEG沉淀结合Sepharose-4B柱层析法分离纯化了健康非免疫状态下南方鲇血清免疫球蛋白,在SDS-PAGE电泳条件下血清免疫球蛋白重链和轻链的分子量分别约为77 kD和27 kD。应用杂交瘤单克隆抗体技术制备了4个南方鲇免疫球蛋白特异性的单克隆抗体细胞株,并对这些单克隆抗体的特性进行了分析。经抗体亚级份测定,其中IgG1有2株,IgG2a有1株,IgG2b有1株;抗体滴度为104—106,有三株单抗具有Western-blot反应特性,识别南方鲇免疫球蛋白的重链。4株单抗都能特异地识别南方鲇、鲇的免疫球蛋白,而与鲫、草鱼、罗非鱼、斑点叉尾、光泽黄颡鱼血清以及水产动物常见病原菌如气单胞菌、爱德华氏菌、弧菌、柱状屈桡杆菌、沙门氏菌及大肠杆菌等无任何交叉反应。单克隆抗体F4-A12对纯化的南方鲇免疫球蛋白的检测灵敏度为31 ng。实验结果证明这些单抗具有高度特异、高度灵敏等特点,可用于南方鲇免疫球蛋白的结构分析、免疫应答水平监测和病原诊断,具有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

目的:制备抗干扰素诱导的跨膜蛋白-1(interferon-induced transmembrane protein 1, IFITM1)的单克隆抗体,为检测IFITM1 及进一步研究其在结肠肿瘤发生过程中的作用提供实验基础。方法:以结肠癌患者的癌组织为材料,提取总RNA,以RT-PCR扩 增得到IFITM1 cDNA 序列,经ECoRⅠ和HindⅢ双酶切后,克隆入pGEX-4T-3 进行原核表达并纯化得IFITM1-GST;以该融合蛋 白免疫BALB/c 小鼠,淋巴细胞杂交瘤法制备单克隆抗体;采用ELISA、Western-blot及免疫组织化学法以制备的抗体检测结肠癌 患者结肠癌组织中的IFITM1。结果:成功构建了IFITM1 原核表达载体,获得了IFITM1-GST 重组蛋白;制备得到了1 株抗 IFITM1 单克隆抗体,腹水ELISA 效价为1:30000,抗体亚类为IgG1,可用于ELISA、Western-blot及免疫组织化学法检测结肠癌患 者结肠癌组织中的IFITM1。结论:获得了1 株可用于ELISA、Western-blot及免疫组织化学法的抗IFITM1 单克隆抗体2F-1,为进 一步研究IFITM1在结肠肿瘤发生过程中的作用提供了实验基础。  相似文献   

目的:制备抗干扰素诱导的跨膜蛋白-1(interferon-induced transmembrane protein 1,IFITM1)的单克隆抗体,为检测IFITM1及进一步研究其在结肠肿瘤发生过程中的作用提供实验基础。方法:以结肠癌患者的癌组织为材料,提取总RNA,以RT—PCR扩增得到IFITM1 cDNA序列,经EcoR 和HindⅢ双酶切后,克隆入pGEX-4T-3进行原核表达并纯化得IFITM1-GST;以该融合蛋白免疫BALB/c小鼠,淋巴细胞杂交瘤法制备单克隆抗体;采用ELISA、Western-blot及免疫组织化学法以制备的抗体检测结肠癌患者结肠癌组织中的IFITM1。结果:成功构建了1FITM1核表达载体,获得了IFITM1-GST重组蛋白;制备得到了1株抗IFITM1单克隆抗体,腹水ELISA效价为1:30000,抗体亚类为IgG1,可用于ELISA、Western-blot及免疫组织化学法检测结肠癌患者结肠癌组织中的IFITM1。结论:获得了1株可用于ELISA、Westem-blot及免疫组织化学法的抗IFITM1单克隆抗体2F—1,为进一步研究IFITM1在结肠肿瘤发生过程中的作用提供了实验基础。  相似文献   

低温乙醇法纯化抗人T细胞猪免疫球蛋白的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用健康人T淋巴细胞免疫猪,检测指标合格后采集猪血浆,经热吸收去除相应的杂抗体后,用改进的低温乙醇法分离纯化得到抗人T细胞猪免疫球蛋白。试生产5批,其主要质量指标均符合《中国药典》的要求,表明改良的低温乙醇法可用于纯化抗人T细胞猪免疫球蛋白。  相似文献   

B淋巴细胞介导的体液免疫作为机体抵御外界病原微生物的防御机制之一,在维持机体免疫稳态中发挥重要作用。其中,生发中心是体液免疫发生的重要部位,B淋巴细胞在此处的活化受多种因素调控。T细胞的辅助参与、免疫球蛋白的多样性以及充足的能量供应都会影响B淋巴细胞产生特异性抗体的过程以及发挥免疫效应的功能。此外,一些免疫相关疾病也与生发中心B淋巴细胞活化密切相关。本文就B淋巴细胞在生发中心活化的相关机制及其活化异常所导致的相关疾病进行综述。  相似文献   

Immunoglobulin of the torafugu, Takifugu rubripes, was purified by a combination of precipitation by low ionic strength dialysis and gel filtration. The Ig was used to immunise mice for the production of monoclonal antibody (MAb). Supernatants of hybridoma cultures were screened by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay using purified-torafugu Ig-coated plates, and two stable hybridomas producing MAbs against torafugu Ig were obtained. Sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis under reducing conditions and Western blotting indicated that one MAb (16F3) was specific for the deglycosylated heavy chain of torafugu, and the other MAb (4H5) did not bind to the reduced Ig, suggesting that 4H5 recognised the higher-order structure of Ig. Under non-reduced conditions, both MAbs recognised mainly a 750 kDa band and also minor bands of 672, 410 and 205 kDa. MAb 16F3- and 4H5-primed magnetic beads (Dynabeads) adsorbed 84.9+/-3.3% and 63.6+/-4.4% of the torafugu Ig, respectively. The Ig adsorbed by MAb 16F3-primed Dynabeads was reactive to 4H5 on immunoblotting, and vice versa, indicating that the epitopes for both MAbs are held on the same Ig molecule. Both of these MAbs cross-reacted extensively with the Ig of other Takifugu species, but not with other genus. The MAbs were used to identify surface Ig-positive lymphocytes in the spleen, pronephros, peripheral blood and thymocytes of torafugu by flow cytometry. Flow cytometric analysis of the cells in the lymphocyte-enriched fraction revealed that 50.2+/-6.9% in the PBL, 11.8+/-1.7% in the mesonephros, 13.3+/-2.1% in the pronephros, 42.5+/-4.3% in the spleen and 3.2+/-0.6% in thymus were reactive to 4H5 or 16F3.  相似文献   

Rat monoclonal antibodies (MAb) directed to mouse Ig heavy and light chain determinants were produced. A rat anti-mouse light chain MAb (RAMOL-1) which bound to all (24/24) mouse Ig of the kappa light chain type and with varying strength to 4/4 lambda light chain-bearing Ig was evaluated as a general secondary reagent, together with two MAb that bound to the heavy chain of mouse IgG. They were conjugated with biotin or FITC and used in immunohistochemical and immunofluorescence assays to detect mouse monoclonal antibodies binding to antigens expressed in rat and human tissues and cells. As compared to commercially available polyclonal reagents, RAMOL-1 gave higher staining contrast by showing lower background staining and equal or higher staining of the primary MAb tested. This was a result of two main effects. First, crossreactivity with endogenous Ig and tissue type-specific determinants was eliminated. With polyclonal anti-mouse Ig reagents, binding to endogenous Ig was noted in vascular spaces and on Ig-bearing cells, and to rat gastric mucosa and epithelial tumor tissue in frozen tissue sections, even when diluted in high concentrations of serum homologous to the tissue. Second, binding of the secondary reagent was reduced to cells and tissues prone to have high nonspecific binding capability, such as monocytes/macrophages and formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue. Owing to unlimited and reproducible access to this homogeneous reagent, RAMOL-1 is used as second antibody to standardize the procedure used for immunohistochemical grading of human malignant tumors by determination of blood group antigen expression detected with mouse MAb.  相似文献   

Immunoglobulin (Ig) of Japanese flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) was purified by a combination of salting-out and DEAE Sepharose Column chromatography. The purified immunoglobulin had an apparent molecular weight of 74 kDa (heavy chain) and 24 kDa (light chain) in SDS-PAGE. Eighteen hybridomas secreting monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) against Japanese flounder Ig were obtained by immunisation of Balb/C mice with purified Ig preparations, which were selected on the basis of the double indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (D-ELISA). Two of them designated as 2D8 and 2H1 were cloned by limiting dilution and characterised with western blotting, indirect immunofluorescence assay test (IIFAT) and fluorescence-activated cell sorter (FACS) analysis. Under reducing conditions in western blotting, both MAb 2D8 and MAb 2H1 were specific for the heavy chain of Japanese flounder Ig. MAb 2D8 was used to identify surface Ig-positive lymphocytes in the peripheral blood, spleen and pronephros of healthy Japanese flounder by flow cytometry. FACS analysis revealed that 40.48% of lymphocytes in the peripheral blood, 17.32% in the spleen and 9.67% in the pronephros were reactive to 2D8.  相似文献   

The secretion of immunoglobulin (Ig) from cultured mononuclear cells by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) stimulation is inhibited by monoclonal nonspecific suppressor factor (MNSF), a lymphokine produced by murine T cell hybridoma. In an attempt to develop a murine monoclonal antibody (MAb) with specific reactivity against MNSF, a cell fusion technique that incorporated immune murine splenocytes and HAT-sensitive murine myeloma cells was used. Cross-reactivity experiments confirmed that the MAb (MO6) does not bind to unrelated proteins such as bovine serum albumin, mouse IgG, and murine interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma). There are no effects when anti-IFN-gamma antibodies are used with MNSF. As far as biological activity is concerned, MO6 inhibits in vitro the activity of MNSF in terms of the Ig secretion from cultured lymphocytes. By using MO6, affinity chromatography and immunoblotting were performed. The MNSF on the SDS-PAGE showed a band with m.w. of approximately 70,000, indicating the formation of an aggregate in saline; but after treatment with 0.4 M pyridine-acetic acid buffer, separate bands of 24,000 and 16,000 daltons were evident. Therefore MO6 recognizes 70,000 and both 24,000 and 16,000 daltons. Thus we confirmed by using this MAb and affinity chromatography, the existence of human counterpart, human nonspecific suppressor factor (hNSF), in supernatant from concanavalin A-stimulated T cells. When hNSF was fractionated by high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC), the activity was found in a region corresponding to 70,000 daltons. However, when fractionated in pyridine-acetic acid buffer, hNSF activity was distributed in a slightly wider range of 15,000 to 30,000 daltons. Physicochemical analysis showed that the purified hNSF is resistant to either heating at 56 degrees C or to 2-mercaptoethanol treatment; however, it is labile to acidification at pH 2.0 and is also sensitive to protease treatment, the characteristics of which were similar to those of murine MNSF. Thus MO6 was confirmed to be a pertinent tool for isolation of hNSF, as well as for murine MNSF.  相似文献   

Serum immunoglobulins [Ig] of rohu [Labeo rohita] were purified by affinity chromatography using bovine serum albumin as capture ligand. The purified rohu Ig [r-Ig] had a molecular weight [MW] of 880 kDa as determined with gel filtration chromatography. The heavy chain of r-Ig had an MW of 77.8 kDa and that of light chain was 26.4 kDa in SDS-PAGE. Purified r-Ig was used for the production of two anti-rohu Ig monoclonal antibodies [D7 and H4] that belonged to subclass IgG2b and IgG1, respectively. Both the MAbs were specific to heavy chain of r-Ig as seen in Western blotting. Anti-rohu Ig MAb was used as a diagnostic reagent in ELISA and immunocytochemical assays to demonstrate its application for sero-surveillance and for immunological studies in rohu. A competitive ELISA was used to demonstrate the antigenic relatedness of r-Ig with whole serum Ig of other fish species. Cross reactivity of anti-rohu Ig MAb was observed with serum Ig of Catla catla and Cirrihinus mrigala. No reactivity to serum Ig of Ophiocephalus striatus and Clarias gariepinus was seen. Anti-rohu Ig MAb was found to be suitable for the detection of pathogen specific [Edwardsiella tarda] antibodies in serum of immunized rohu by an indirect ELISA. In flow cytometry using D7 MAb, the mean percentage [+/-SE] of Ig positive cells in spleen and blood of rohu were found to be 64.85% [+/-2.34] and 51.84% [+/-2.55] of gated lymphocytes, respectively. Similarly, D7 MAb also stained 52.84% [+/-1.30] and 10.5% of gated lymphocytes in kidney and thymus, respectively. The anti-rohu Ig MAbs also showed specific staining of Ig bearing cells in spleen sections by the indirect immunoperoxidase test.  相似文献   

Snakehead Channa striata is an important freshwater food fish in many Southeast Asian countries. Three monoclonal antibodies (C9, C10 and D10) were developed against purified serum immunoglobulins of Channa striata (Cs-Ig) and characterized. C9 and D10 MAbs were specific to heavy chain, while C10 MAb detected only unreduced Cs-Ig in western blotting. In competitive ELISA, C9 and C10 MAbs were specific to C. striata Ig and showed no cross reactivity with serum Ig of other fish species i.e. Channa punctatus, Channa marulius, Clarias batrachus and Labeo rohita. D10 MAb showed reactivity to serum Ig of C. striata and C. marulius. In FACS analysis of gated lymphocytes, the percentage of Ig+ cells detected by C9 MAb was 18.2%, 27.7% and 10.3% in blood, spleen and kidney, respectively (n=3, body weight 500-600 g). However, only a few cells (0.5%) were found to be Ig+ in thymus (n=5). C9 MAb was also successfully employed to demonstrate Ig+ cells in blood smears and formalin fixed sections of spleen and kidney. These findings suggest that the spleen plays an important role in humoral immunity as compared to head kidney. Further, these MAbs can be useful immunological tool in monitoring health status of cultured C. striata.  相似文献   

Induction of T cell activation by monoclonal anti-Thy-1 antibodies   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
We have analyzed the requirements for T cell activation by monoclonal anti-Thy-1 antibodies (MAb). A large panel of unselected anti-Thy-1 MAb was capable of inducing a strong proliferative response in resting peripheral T cells and a rise in cytoplasmic free calcium ([Ca2+]i) in both peripheral T cells and a T cell hybridoma. Both of these responses required the interaction of a MAb bound to Thy-1 with a second layer of anti-Ig antibody. Induction of T cell proliferation also required an additional signal, which could be provided by PMA. T cell activation in this system was specific for the Thy-1 molecule, independent of the epitope on Thy-1 recognized by a given MAb, with the anti-Ig reagent was also independent of the type of anti-Ig used, as both polyvalent rabbit anti-rat Ig sera and a mouse MAb to rat Ig functioned as effective cross-linkers. All signals provided by the interaction of anti-Thy-1 MAb with anti-Ig preparations could also be reproduced by the simultaneous binding of two MAb recognizing independent epitopes on Thy-1. Although the physiological role of Thy-1 remains unknown, the model system described here should prove to be very useful in further analysis of the steps involved in the polyclonal activation of murine T cells.  相似文献   

Murine monoclonal antibodies (MAb) are currently being assessed for their utility as tools in cancer management. Anti-murine immunoglobulin responses have been observed in many patients receiving monoclonal antibody treatment. In this study, we evaluated the response of primates to the administration of a monoclonal antibody. MAb B6.2, an antibody generated against a human breast tumor metastasis, was used as a prototype MAb. Baboons were inoculated with MAb B6.2 whole IgG, Fab', or F(ab')2 fragments. Blood samples were drawn at periodic intervals post-inoculation and the sera collected. Anti-murine immunoglobulin responses were detected using a solid-phase radioimmunoassay. The specificity of the antibody response was analyzed to determine if the response was directed against the species of origin of the MAb (species specificity), against the class of the MAb (isotype specificity), or against the hypervariable region of the MAb (idiotype specificity). We found that primates develop a humoral immune response against all three forms of the monoclonal antibody [IgG, Fab', and F(ab')2]. Furthermore, this antibody response demonstrated a high degree of specificity for the antigen binding site suggesting an idiotypic specificity. Using a competitive radioimmunoassay, the antibody response was found to interfere with antigen binding of MAb B6.2. These studies suggest that monoclonal antibody treatment can generate an anti-idiotypic response which may alter the efficacy of this mode of treatment.  相似文献   

In our previous paper, we demonstrated that anti-D44 MAb can, in the presence of complement, eliminate all the allocytotoxicity generated during a mixed lymphocyte reaction without affecting the alloproliferative response. As approximately 70% of CD4+ cells and 30% of CD8+ will be stained with anti-D44 MAb, we researched the functional role of the D44+ and D44- cells in each of these T cell subsets in the PWM-induced antibody response. We found that most of the helper activity for immunoglobulin (Ig) synthesis was mediated by CD4+ D44+ lymphocytes and that virtually all the suppressive activity was mediated by CD8+ D44- lymphocytes. Surprisingly enough, we noticed that the low level of Ig synthesis induced in B cells by CD4+ D44- lymphocytes could be strongly amplified by the addition of radiosensitive CD8+ lymphocytes, suggesting coexisting opposite immunoregulatory functions within the CD8+ T cell subset. These results, together with previous data, indicate that anti-D44 MAb subdivides T cells into subpopulations with distinct functional repertoires: a CD4+ D44+ helper subpopulation, a CD8+ D44+ cytotoxic subpopulation, and a CD8+ D44- suppressor subpopulation.  相似文献   

AIMS: to develop a monoclonal antibody (MAb) for the rapid detection of Aeromonas hydrophila in human faeces. METHODS AND RESULTS: A monoclonal antibody with strong specificity against Aer. hydrophila was obtained by the fusion of myeloma cells and splenocytes of a mouse immunized with vegetative cells of Aer. hydrophila ATCC 7966, followed by a two-step selection against other species of the genera. ELISA analyses revealed that MAb 5F3 strongly reacts with all the Aer. hydrophila strains evaluated, showing a just basal reactivity against other species of the genera, especially Aer. sobria and Aer. caviae. CONCLUSIONS: MAb 5F3 was characterized as an IgG that recognized a polypeptide of approximately 110 kDa. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This MAb could be used to detect Aer. hydrophila in human stool samples.  相似文献   

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