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滇紫草愈伤组织培养的初步研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
滇紫草(Onosma paniculatum)属紫草科滇紫草属植物,其根部皮层富含的紫草素(α—萘醌系列衍生物),可用作治疗外伤与痔疮的药物或高级染料以及化妆品。滇紫草为云南特有,由于人工栽培困难,加之不断采挖,致使这一资源受到严重的破坏,产品供不应求。日本Tabata等对紫草(Lithospermum erythrorhizon)的组织培养进行了一系列的研究,但对滇紫草组织培养以生产紫草素的研究至今未见报道。基于这一现状,我们从1988年开始着手进行滇紫草组织培养的研究,以探讨应用组织培养技术生产紫草素的可能性。  相似文献   

紫草作为一种常用中药,其应用历史悠久。在现代,紫草的化学成分与药理作用也是国内外研究的热点。但目前的研究中针对紫草种类的研究并不多。笔者对新疆紫草、泰山紫草、内蒙紫草、滇紫草以及藏紫草的化学成分和药理作用进行分析比较,进而为紫草在临床的合理应用提供科学依据。  相似文献   

紫草宁形成相关的基因克隆及其代谢工程   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
紫草是我国重要的中草药材 ,其中紫草宁是主要的药用成分。目前 ,组织培养技术已经能够工业化生产紫草宁药物。近年来 ,人们运用分子生物学方法和技术 ,从紫草培养细胞中分离和鉴定的一些与紫草宁形成相关的基因克隆 ,并且开展了紫草宁代谢工程的研究。综述了这两方面的主要研究进展 ,并对其后续的基础和应用研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

紫草药用有新方法紫草为我国传统中草药,南北各地都有,种类繁多,唯有新疆紫草质量最好.中外科技界、医药界研究结果表明,紫草根中富含多种萘醇化合物,即紫草素及其衍生物,临床应用有抗菌抗炎抗病毒抗癌活性;食品应用是理想的天然红色素;日用化工应用在染料、唇膏...  相似文献   

紫草的制剂学研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文对国内有关紫草制剂的研究概况进行了综述,为研究和开发紫草制剂提供依据.  相似文献   

根癌农杆菌转化紫草的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
紫草 (LithospermumerythrorhizonSieb .etZucc)是传统中药。其根部含有萘醌类化合物—紫草素及其衍生物 ,具有显著的抗菌、抗炎、抗癌以及促进伤口愈合等生理活性。紫草素同时也是一种名贵化妆品染料。科学家对紫草的研究兴趣是基于其资源的缺乏及紫草植物本身所具有的一些特点 ;如 :紫草素及其衍生物的颜色特性可凭借肉眼观察 ,紫草素及其衍生物只在紫草的根部积累 ,紫草素合成的次生代谢途径受多种酶和外界条件 (光照 ,营养等 )的调节等。紫草细胞培养 (Fujita等 ,1983;叶和春等 ,1991)可以产…  相似文献   

紫草是我国传统中药,收载于《中国药典》,有凉血,活血,解毒透疹之功效。紫草的化学成分分为脂溶性和水溶性两大部分,其中脂溶性的醌类化合物为其主要活性成分,包括紫草素类及其二聚体、紫草呋喃类、苯醌类及苯酚类等混源萜类化合物。研究表明药用紫草醌类化合物具有广泛的药理活性,如抗肿瘤、抗菌、抗病毒、抗炎等活性,近年来,尤其在抗肿瘤药物的研究和开发中,该类化合物已经受到国内外学者的极大关注。为了更好的研究和开发这类天然产物,该文综述了近年来药用紫草的醌类化合物和药理活性进展并讨论了这些化合物的研究前景,为药用紫草的深入研究和开发利用提供依据。  相似文献   

云南紫草资源的开发利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、引言紫草系紫草科的一种常用中草药,药用部位为根。最早载于《神农本草经》,用于防治麻疹。现代药理研究表明,其主要有效成分为其所含的紫草宁及其衍生物,除供药用外还广泛用于食品和化妆品中。由于大量采挖,栽培困难,紫草资源日趋减少,供不应求。云南紫草资源十分丰富,本文就云南紫草资源分布、利用现状以及开发对策等方面作了初步探讨,供大家参考。  相似文献   

大孔吸附树脂吸附分离紫草色素的研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
研究了几种大孔吸附树脂对紫草色素的吸附提取。结果表明,NKA-Ⅱ具有较高的吸附量,且易于解吸,适于在新疆紫草细胞大量培养过程中用于对紫草色素的吸附分离。  相似文献   

离体培养的新疆紫草萘醌色素的诱导形成   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
紫草(Lithospermum erythrorhizon)细胞的大规模培养,生产有应用价值的代谢物质并用于医药、食品及化妆品,在日本早有报道。但迄今为止,对我国新疆地区的新疆紫草尚未见研究报道。新疆紫草属假紫草属,野生资源贪乏,引种栽培至今未获成功。卢馥荪等曾对新疆  相似文献   

Problems caused by nematodes and Fusarium wilt (Panama disease) on banana plantations are responsible for yield losses and are limiting to its cultivation. In the state of Goias, there is little information about the nematode occurence on this crop, and its relation with the incidence of Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense (Foc). This research had the purpose to identify the occurrence of plant‐parasitic nematodes on banana plantations and to verify its correlation with the Fusarium wilt and with the soil attributes (pH, texture, nutrients). Twelve banana orchards in the state of Goias were sampled in the municipalities of Anapolis, Caiaponia, Goiatuba, Itaguaru, Itumbiara (two areas), Jatai, Morrinhos, Ouro Verde, Palestina, Taquaral and Uruana. All sampled areas, except Morrinhos, revealed contamination with Foc, and all areas had different genera of nematodes either in the soil or in the roots samples. Meloidogyne sp., Helicotylenchus sp. and Rotylenchus sp. were the main genera of plant‐parasitic nematodes found in the samples, with Meloidogyne sp. and Rotylenchus sp. being the most dominant and abundant genera. The presence of Pratylenchus sp. increases the population levels of F. oxysporum. Helicotylenchus sp. is highly correlated with high concentrations of Mn. High population density of Meloidogyne sp. was found in irrigated areas with low concentrations of P, Ca, Mg and soil pH.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to isolate and screen the highly efficient copper-removing microorganisms from the petroleum hydrocarbon (PH)-contaminated sites in the Amazonian rain forest in Ecuador. Two bacterial strains (strain UEAB3 and UEAB6) have shown 100% microbial resistance on the nutrient medium containing 100 mM of MgCl2, FeCl3, and Al2(SO4)3 separately. Though these two strains were less tolerant of ZnCl2 and CuSO4.5H2O, they have proven 100% resistance at the lower concentrations of these two metals. According to atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) analysis, the filamentous fungi (strains UEAFr and UEAFg) were significantly (p<0.05) effective at bacteria in the biosorption (97–100%) of copper (5 mg L?1) over 7 d. As per 16/18S rDNA sequences, UEAB3, UEAB6, UEAFr, and UEAFg were Bacillus thuringiensis, Bacillus cereus, Geomyces pannorum, and Geomyces sp., respectively. From these results, it can be comprehensively concluded that the isolated microbial cultures had a capacity to remove the copper metal from the liquid medium.  相似文献   

闫云君  李晓宇 《生态科学》2006,25(2):97-101
大型底栖动物在河流生态系统中发挥着重要作用。2003年6月至2004年6月间对汉江流域2级河流--黑竹冲河大型底栖动物群落优势种类的生产力进行了为期一周年的调查研究。结果表明,主要优势种小裳蜉(Leptophlebia sp.)和蜉蝣(Ephemera sp.)的生活史均为一年两代,蜉蝣的两个代之间界限比较明显;小裳蜉成虫羽化主要发生在秋季和冬季,而蜉蝣成虫羽化主要发生在夏季和冬季。小裳蜉和蜉蝣种群的生物量和多度均出现两次峰值。采用体长频率法(size-frequencymethod)测算的周年生产量分别为:小裳蜉,38.0362g·m-2·a-1,P/B为11.4;蜉蝣,76.0318g·m-2·a-1,P/B为11.8。  相似文献   

目的:建立能够同时检测单孢子虫、派琴虫和折光马尔太虫的三重荧光定量PCR方法。方法:根据基因库中单孢子虫、派琴虫和折光马尔太虫的基因序列,设计3对特异性引物和3条用不同荧光基团标记的TaqMan探针,对反应条件和试剂浓度进行优化,建立能够同时检测单孢子虫、派琴虫和折光马尔太虫的三重荧光定量PCR方法。结果:该方法对单孢子虫、派琴虫和折光马尔太虫的检测敏感性分别达到40、400和40个模板拷贝数;此外抗干扰能力强,对单孢子虫、派琴虫和折光马尔太虫不同模板浓度进行组合,仍可有效地同时检测这3种原虫,对嗜水气单胞菌、荧光假单胞菌、副溶血弧菌、溶藻弧菌、河弧菌和拟态弧菌等病原体的检测结果均为阴性。结论:建立的单孢子虫、派琴虫和折光马尔太虫多重荧光定量PCR具有特异、敏感、快速、定量和重复性好等优点,可用于临床上单孢子虫、派琴虫和折光马尔太虫感染的检测。  相似文献   

In this study we report the isolation of four denitrifying bacteria from a batch reactor, where the progress of hydrogenotrophic denitrification was examined. Only three of the strains had the ability to use hydrogen as electron donor. In the present work, kinetic batch experiments were carried out in order to study the dynamic characteristics of pure and defined mixed cultures of hydrogen-oxidizing denitrifying bacteria, under anoxic conditions, in a defined synthetic medium, in the presence of nitrates. Kinetic models were developed and the kinetic parameters were determined from the batch experiments for each bacterium separately. The behavior of mixed cultures and the interactions between the bacteria were described using kinetic models based on the kinetic models developed for each bacterium separately and their predictions were compared with the results from mixed culture experiments. The mathematical models that were developed and validated in the present work are capable of describing the behavior of the bacteria in pure and mixed cultures, and in particular, the kinetics of nitrate and nitrite reduction and cell growth.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS Four new eimerian species are described from red-backed voles. Clethrionomys gapperi in Pennsylvania. Sporulated oocysts of Eimeria clethrionomyis sp. n. are ellipsoidal, 18.8 (16.5–21.5) × 14.9 (14.0–16.5) with elongate, ovoid sporocysts, 10.6 (9.5–12.0) × 6.1 (5.5–7.0). The oocyst wall is smooth, with 2 layers, and thins, with terminal cap at one or both ends. Polar granules, dark Stieda body and sporocyst residuum are present. The occyst residuum is absent. Sporulated oocysts of Eimeria gallatii sp. n. are ellipsoidal, 27.7 (21–32) × 19.3 (17–24) with ovoid sporocysts, 13.5 (12–15) × 8.8 (8–10). The oocyst wall is smooth, 2-layered, with a micropyle and thin wall at the end opposite the micropyle. Polar granules. Stieda body and sporocyst residuum are present. The oocyst residuum is atypical, of cobwebby material. Sporulated oocysts of Eimeria pileata sp. n. are subspherical to spherical, 25.2 (20.5–29.5) × 22.5(19.5–25.5) with ellipsoidal sporocysts, 13.4(10.5–15.0) × 8.4 (7.5–9.5). The oocyst wall is rough, pitted, striated, 2-layered, with no micropyle. Polar granules, oocyst and sporocyst residuum. Stieda body and stiedal cap are present. Sporulated oocysts of Eimeria marconii sp. n. are ellipsoidal, 13.0 (10.5–15.0) × 10.6 (9.5–12.0) with elongate, ovoid sporocysts, 7.7 (7.0–8.5) × 4.2 (3.0–4.5). The oocyst wall is smooth, single-layered, with no micropyle. Polar granules, dark Stieda body and sporocyst residuum are present. There is no oocyst residuum.  相似文献   

Habitually, capuchin monkeys access encased hard foods by using their canines and premolars and/or by pounding the food on hard surfaces. Instead, the wild bearded capuchins (Cebus libidinosus) of Boa Vista (Brazil) routinely crack palm fruits with tools. We measured size, weight, structure, and peak-force-at-failure of the four palm fruit species most frequently processed with tools by wild capuchin monkeys living in Boa Vista. Moreover, for each nut species we identify whether peak-force-at-failure was consistently associated with greater weight/volume, endocarp thickness, and structural complexity. The goals of this study were (a) to investigate whether these palm fruits are difficult, or impossible, to access other than with tools and (b) to collect data on the physical properties of palm fruits that are comparable to those available for the nuts cracked open with tools by wild chimpanzees. Results showed that the four nut species differ in terms of peak-force-at-failure and that peak-force-at-failure is positively associated with greater weight (and consequently volume) and apparently with structural complexity (i.e. more kernels and thus more partitions); finally for three out of four nut species shell thickness is also positively associated with greater volume. The finding that the nuts exploited by capuchins with tools have very high resistance values support the idea that tool use is indeed mandatory to crack them open. Finally, the peak-force-at-failure of the piassava nuts is similar to that reported for the very tough panda nuts cracked open by wild chimpanzees; this highlights the ecological importance of tool use for exploiting high resistance foods in this capuchin species.  相似文献   

张凤萍  彭艳琼  杨大荣 《生态学报》2009,29(10):5252-5257
钝叶榕 (Ficus curtipes)是雌雄同株,它除了依赖钝叶榕传粉榕小蜂Eupristina sp.传粉外,另外两种进入果内繁殖的杨氏榕树金小蜂Diaziella yangi 和Lipothymus sp.金小蜂也能有效地为它传粉,这3种小蜂同时产卵于雌花的子房内,在榕果内繁殖后代.通过控制性放蜂试验,比较研究钝叶榕3种传粉者的传粉效率,结果表明:自然状态下,3种小蜂在绝大多数榕果里只各进1头.在控制性放蜂试验中,3种小蜂的传粉效率均随着放入雌蜂数量的增加而增加,两种金小蜂的传粉效率有时比钝叶榕传粉榕小蜂的传粉效率还高.当钝叶榕传粉榕小蜂分别与两种金小蜂同时放入榕果内传粉时,其生产的种子数量居于或者是接近两种小蜂单独传粉时形成的种子数量,传粉效率没有显著增加.在比较3种小蜂单种分别放1头和2头的传粉效率时,增加单果放蜂数量,钝叶榕传粉榕小蜂和Lipothymus sp. 的平均传粉效率降低,但杨氏榕树金小蜂的平均传粉效率是增加的.对3种不同属传粉小蜂传粉效率的比较,可为研究榕-蜂互惠系统的互惠的起源提供依据.  相似文献   

两种陆栖等足类的种群及其分解落叶的作用   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
采用固定路线进行种群数量调查,并用落叶饲养,测定食性、食量,以探讨潮虫、鼠妇在广东小良人工阔叶混交林中分解落叶的作用。结果:(1)潮虫Philoscia sp.喜湿,主要分布于低湿、荫蔽处;鼠妇Armadillo sp.耐干旱,主要分布在较高爽处。(2)两种虫的种群数量高峰均在6月份。潮虫繁殖期延长到雨季之后,鼠妇则在雨季高峰前结束。(3)对未经沤化过的落叶多选食薄且质软的。鼠妇在25℃时摄食量最大,为117.1±12.4毫克/克体重·天;潮虫在20℃时食量最大,为251.2±7.3毫克/克体重·天。 通过种群年生物量变化及不同温度下的摄食量等因素来推算林中等足类的年分解落叶量:在荫蔽潮湿的林下,其分解量最大,占凋落物的自然消耗量的11.4%。  相似文献   

Aims: To screen and identify biosurfactant producers from petroleum‐contaminated soil; to use response surface methodology (RSM) for medium optimization to enhance biosurfactant production; and to study the properties of the newly obtained biosurfactant towards pH, temperature and salinity. Methods and Results: We successfully isolated three biosurfactant producers from petroleum‐contaminated soil and identified them through 16S rRNA sequence analysis, which exhibit the highest similarities to Acinetobacter beijerinckii (100%), Kocuria marina (99%) and Kineococcus marinus (99%), respectively. A quadratic response model was constructed through RSM designs, leading to a 57·5% increase of the growth‐associated biosurfactant production by Acinetobacter sp. YC‐X 2 with an optimized medium: beef extract 3·12 g l?1; peptone 20·87 g l?1; NaCl 1·04 g l?1; and n‐hexadecane 1·86 g l?1. Biosurfactant produced by Acinetobacter sp. YC‐X 2 retained its properties during exposure to a wide range of pH values (5–11), high temperatures (up to 121°C) and high salinities [up to 18% (w/v) Na+ and Ca2+], which was more sensitive to Ca2+ than Na+. Conclusions: Two novel biosurfactant producers were isolated from petroleum‐contaminated soil. Biosurfactant from Acinetobacter sp. YC‐X 2 has good properties to a wide range of pH, high temperature and high salinity, and its production was optimized successfully through RSM. Significance and Impact of the Study: The fact, an increasing demand of high‐quality surfactants and the lack of cost‐competitive bioprocesses of biosurfactants for commercial utilization, motivates researchers to develop cost‐effective strategies for biosurfactant production through isolating new biosurfactant producers with special surface‐active properties and optimizing their cultural conditions. Two novel biosurfactant producers in this study will widen our knowledge about this kind of micro‐organism. This work is the first application of RSM designs for cultural optimization of biosurfactant produced by Acinetobacter genus and the first report that biosurfactant may be more sensitive to Ca2+ than Na+.  相似文献   

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