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普通小麦Qz180中一个抗条锈病基因的分子作图(英文)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
普通小麦(Triticum aestivum L.)材料Qz180具有良好的抗条锈病特性,经基因推导发现其含有一个优良的抗条锈病的基因,暂定名为YrQz。用Qz180与感病材料铭贤169和WL1分别杂交构建了两个F_2群体,用条中30号条锈菌小种对这两个群体进行的抗性测验表明,YrQz为显性单基因遗传。通过SSR和AFLP结合BSA的方法对这个基因进行了分子作图,结果鉴定出与YrQz连锁的2个SSR标记和2个AFLP标记。根据SSR标记的染色体位置,该基因被定位在2B染色体的长臂上,位于两个SSR位点Xgwm388和Xgwm526之间;两个AFLP标记P35M48(452)和P36M61(163)分别位于该基因的两侧,遗传距离分别为3.4cM和4.1cM。  相似文献   

刘方慧  牛永春  邓晖  檀根甲 《遗传学报》2007,34(12):1123-1130
小麦农家品种赤壳(苏1900)对当前我国小麦条锈菌(Puccinia striiformis Westend.f.sp.tritici)多个流行小种均有较好抗性。遗传分析表明,该品种对条中32号小种的抗性是由一对显性基因控制。本文采用分离群体分析法(bulked segregant analysis,BSA)和微卫星多态性分析方法,对该基因进行了分子标记和定位研究。用Taichung29×赤壳的F2代分离群体建立抗、感DNA池,共筛选了400多对SSR引物,发现5个标记Xwmc44、Xgwm259、Xwmc367、Xcfa2292、Xbarc80在抗、感DNA池间与在抗、感亲本间同样具有多态性,它们均位于1BL染色体臂上。经用具有140株抗病株、60株感病株共200株植株的F2代分离群体进行的遗传连锁性检测,上述5个标记均与目的基因相连锁,遗传距离分别为8.3cM、9.1cM、17.2cM、20.6cM和31.6cM。用全套21个中国春缺-四体材料进行的检测进一步证实了这5个SSR标记均位于小麦1B染色体上。综合上述结果,将赤壳中的主效抗条锈病基因YrChk定位在1BL染色体臂上。与以前已定位于1B染色体上的抗条锈病基因的比较研究表明,YrChk基因可能是一个新的抗条锈病基因。小麦农家品种中抗病基因资源的发掘和利用将有助于提高我国小麦生产品种中的抗病基因丰富度,有助于改善长期以来小麦生产品种中抗病基因单一化的局面。  相似文献   

从波兰小麦与普通小麦感病品系‘中13’杂交后代中选育出小麦抗源材料WP6192,田间表现高抗白粉病,遗传分析表明其含有1对显性抗白粉病基因,暂定名为PmWP6192。用分离群体分组分析法筛选多态性SSR标记,并用F2代群体进行遗传连锁分析。结果表明,SSR标记Xgwm515、Xgwm249、Xgwm425、Xgwm372、Xg-wm630、Xbarc10、Xbarc220、Xbarc201和Xbarc353与PmWP6192基因连锁,相距最近的标记是Xbarc353,遗传距离为2.3cM。根据连锁标记所在的染色体位置,将PmWP6192定位于2AL染色体。通过基因来源分析和2AL染色体上已有抗白粉病基因的等位性分子检测,推断PmWP6192可能是1个新的抗白粉病基因。  相似文献   

CH5383是新育成的源于中间偃麦草的渗入系,对小麦条锈病和白粉病均表现免疫。为明确其抗性来源、遗传方式和抗病基因在染色体上的位置,将CH5383的系谱材料及其与高感条锈病品种(系)杂交的F1、F2和F2:3家系群体进行条锈病抗性鉴定。结果表明,CH5383对条锈病的抗性源于中间偃麦草,对条锈病生理小种CYR32的抗性由一对显性核基因控制,将此基因暂时命名为YrCH5383。从476对SSR引物中筛选到3对引物Xgwm108、Xbarc206和Xbarc77与抗病基因连锁,遗传距离分别是8.2 cM、10.7 cM和13.6 cM。根据这两对标记在染色体上的位置,将抗病基因定位到3B染色体的长臂上。3B染色体的长臂还未见有正式命名的抗条锈病基因的报道,推测YrCH5383可能是一个源于中间偃麦草的新抗条锈病基因。  相似文献   

Ren Y  Li SR  Li J  Zhou Q  DU XY  Li TJ  Yang WY  Zheng YL 《遗传》2011,33(11):1263-1270
小麦条锈病是影响杂交小麦普及推广的重要因素。文章利用基因推导法和SSR分子标记技术,研究了温光型两系杂交小麦恢复系MR168的抗条锈性遗传规律及其控制基因染色体位置。结果表明,MR168对CY29、CY31、CY32、CY33等条锈菌生理小种表现高抗至免疫;对SY95-71/MR168杂交组合的正反交F1、BC1、F2和F3群体分单株接种鉴定显示,MR168对CY32号小种的抗性受1对显性核基因控制,该抗病基因来源于春小麦品种辽春10号。利用集群分离分析法(Bulked segregant analysis,BSA)和简单重复序列(Simple sequence repeat,SSR)分子标记分析抗病亲本MR168、感病亲本SY95-71及183个F2代单株,发现了与MR168抗条锈病基因连锁的5个微卫星标记Xgwm273、Xgwm18、Xbarc187、Xwmc269、Xwmc406,并将该基因初步定位在1BS着丝粒附近,暂命名为YrMR168;构建了包含YrMR168的SSR标记遗传图谱,距离YrMR168最近的两个微卫星位点是Xgwm18和Xbarc187,遗传距离分别为1.9 cM和2.4 cM,这两个微卫星标记可用于杂交小麦抗条锈病分子标记辅助育种。  相似文献   

小麦条锈菌鉴别寄主抗条锈病基因Yr9的微卫星标记   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
以含有Yr9的抗条锈病近等基因系Taichung29*6/Yr9及其轮回亲本Taichung29为材料,用目的基因所在1B染色体上32对微卫星引物对其基因组DNA进行PCR扩增,发现引物Xgwm582在近等基因系与轮回亲本间可扩增出特异性DNA片段。经F2代分离群体177个抗、感单株检测证实,该片段位点与抗条锈病基因Yr9紧密连锁,遗传距离为3.7cM,确定Xgwm582可作为抗条锈病基因Yr9的标记。  相似文献   

从小麦野生近缘属——粗山羊草中挖掘小麦条锈病抗病基因, 拓展小麦抗病性的遗传基础。利用抗小麦条锈病与感小麦条锈病的粗山羊草间杂交, 从粗山羊草[Aegilops tauschii (Coss.) Schmal] Y206中鉴定出1个显性抗小麦条锈病基因, 暂定名为YrY206。应用分离群体分组法(Bulked segregant analysis, BSA)筛选到Wmc11a、Xgwm71c、Xgwm161和Xgwm183标记, 与该基因之间的遗传距离分别为4.0、3.3、1.5和9.3 cM。根据连锁标记所在小麦微卫星图谱的位置, YrY206被定位在3DS染色体上。分析基因所在染色体的位置、抗病性特征, 认为YrY206是一个新的抗小麦条锈病基因。  相似文献   

来自粗山羊草抗条锈病基因的SSR标记   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张海泉  贾继增  杨虹  张宝石 《遗传》2008,30(4):491-494
从粗山羊草[Aegilops tauschii (Coss.) Schmal] Y201中鉴定出1个显性抗小麦条锈病基因, 暂定名为YrY201。应用分离群体分组法(BSA) 筛选到Xgwm273b、Xgwm37和wmc14标记, 与该基因之间的遗传距离分别为11.9、5.8和10.9 cM。根据连锁标记所在小麦微卫星图谱的位置, YrY201被定位在7DL染色体上。分析基因所在染色体的位置及抗病性特征, 认为YrY201是一个新的抗小麦条锈病基因,并可用于分子标记辅助选择。  相似文献   

用微卫星标记定位小麦T型CMS的恢复基因   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:17  
以T型细胞质雄性不育系 75 336 9A×恢复系 72 6 9 10的F2 群体作为育性调查和基因定位群体。通过育性分析 ,确定该恢复系含有 2个主效恢复基因 ;结合群分法 ,对恢复基因进行了SSR分子标记定位 ,在 2 30对微卫星引物中 ,微卫星标记Xgwm136和Xgwm5 5 0分别与 2个主效恢复基因连锁。这两个标记与Rf基因之间的遗传距离分别为 6 7cM和 5 1cM ,从而将该恢复基因定位在 1AS、1BS染色体上。  相似文献   

小麦纹枯病抗性的QTL分析和抗病基因的分子标记   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对RIL-8群体纹枯病抗性进行QTL检测,检测到一个加性QTL,位于1A染色体上,贡献率为21.57%;检测到4对QTL间互作位点,涉及7条染色体,互作贡献率分别为11.63%、6.54%、14.04%、20.01%,互作总贡献率为52.23%.通过对RIL-SES群体118个系检测,发现1个SSR标记Xgwm526,位于2B染色体上,与纹枯病抗病基因距离为27.9cM;一个ISSR标记IS840,与纹枯病抗病基因距离为16.9cM.  相似文献   

MA Asad  X Xia  C Wang  Z He 《Hereditas》2012,149(4):146-152
Stripe rust, caused by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici (Pst), is a serious yield-limiting factor for wheat production worldwide. The objective of this study was to identify and map a stripe rust resistance gene in wheat line Shaannong 104 using SSR markers. F(1) , F(2) and F(3) populations from Shaannong 104/Mingxian 169 were inoculated with Chinese Pst race CYR32 in a greenhouse. Shaannong 104 carried a single dominant gene, YrSN104. Six potential polymorphic SSR markers identified in bulk segregant analysis were used to genotype F(2) and F(3) families. YrSN104 was closely linked with all six SSR markers on chromosome 1BS with genetic distances of 2.0 cM (Xgwm18, Xgwm273, Xbarc187), 2.6 cM (Xgwm11, Xbarc137) and 5.9 cM (Xbarc240). Pedigree analysis, pathogenicity tests using 26 Pst races, haplotyping of associated markers on isogenic lines carrying known stripe rust resistance genes, and associations with markers suggested that YrSN104 was a new resistance gene or an allele at the Yr24/Yr26 locus on chromosome 1BS. Deployment of YrSN104 singly or in combination to elite genotypes could play an effective role to lessen yield losses caused by stripe rust.  相似文献   

Stripe rust, caused by Puccinia striiformis Westend. f. sp. tritici (PST), is one of the most destructive diseases of common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). To determine inheritance of stripe rust resistance and map the resistance gene(s) in wheat variety C591, F1, F2, and F3 progenies derived from the Taichung 29 × C591 cross were inoculated with Chinese PST race CY32 in the greenhouse. Genetic analysis identified a single dominant gene, temporarily designated YrC591. A total of 178 SSR and 130 AFLP markers were used to test the parents and resistant and susceptible bulks. From the bulk segregant analysis, seven polymorphic SSR and two AFLP markers were selected for genotyping the F2 population. SSR marker Xcfa2040-7B, and SCAR marker SC-P35M48 derived from AFLP marker P35M48 373 were identified to be closely linked to the resistance gene with genetic distances of 8.0 and 11.7 cM, respectively. The SSR markers mapped the resistance gene on chromosome arm 7BL. In the seedling test with five PST races, the reaction patterns of C591 were different from wheat cultivars or lines carrying Yr2 or Yr6 that also are found on chromosome 7B. The results indicate that YrC591 is probably a novel stripe rust resistance gene.  相似文献   

Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) yellow mosaic virus (WYMV) is transmitted by a fungal vector through soil and causes serious wheat yield losses due to yellow mosaic disease, with yellow-streaked leaves and stunted plants. In the present study, the amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLP) and simple sequence repeat (SSR) were used to identify the molecular linkages with the resistance gene against WYMV. Bulked segregant analysis was performed with an F2 population derived from the cross of cultivar Ningmai 9 (resistant) × cultivar Yangmai 10 (susceptible). By screening among the resistant or susceptible parents, the F2 pools and the individuals in the F2 population with 64 combined selective AFLP primers (EcoRI/MseI) or 290 reported SSR primers, a polymorphic DNA segment (approximately 120 bp) was amplified using the primer pair E2/M5, and an SSR marker (approximately 180 bp) was located on wheat chromosome 2A using the primer Xgwm328. Analysis with MAPMAKER/Exp Version 3.0b (Whitehead institute for Biomedical Research, Cambridge, MA, USA) indicated that these two markers were dominantly associated with the resistance gene at distances of 5.4 cM or 17.6 cM, respectively. The resistance gene to WYMV derived from Ningmai 9, is temporarily named YmNM, and was mapped to wheat chromosome 2A.  相似文献   

王悦冰  徐世昌  徐仲  刘太国  蔺瑞明 《遗传》2006,28(3):306-310
Vilmorin23是小麦条锈菌国际鉴别寄主和国际上重要抗源材料。采用SSR技术,利用由Vilmorin23为基因供体转育而成的小麦抗条锈近等基因系Taichung29*6/YrV23,选用YrV23所在2B染色体上的55对SSR引物,对Taichung29*6/ YrV23及其轮回亲本Taichung29和抗性基因供体Vilmorin23的基因组DNA进行PCR扩增和聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳分析。结果显示,引物Xwmc356在近等基因系与轮回亲本间扩增出特异性DNA片段,经F2代群体150个抗、感单株检测证实,该片段位点与抗条锈病基因YrV23有连锁关系,遗传距离为9.4 cM。Xwmc356可作为抗条锈基因YrV23的SSR标记。   相似文献   

黄淮麦区小麦品种(系)中Yr26基因的SSR检测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选用与Yr26紧密连锁的SSR标记Xgwm11和Xgwm18结合田间抗性鉴定,对239份黄淮麦区小麦品种(系)进行检测,以明确Yr26基因在黄淮麦区小麦品种资源中的分布.结果表明:共有35份品种(系)含有与Yr26紧密连锁的SSR标记Xgwm18或Xgwm11的特征带,占检测样本的14.6%.在这35份材料中,31份田间抗性鉴定表现免疫至中抗,4份表现中感.分子标记检测与田间抗病性检测吻合度较好,该标记可以用于Yr26基因的分子标记辅助选择.综合分子标记和田间鉴定,31份小麦(系)含有Yr26基因,占102份抗病材料的30.39%.  相似文献   

Stripe rust, caused by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici, is one of the most widespread and destructive wheat diseases worldwide. Growing resistant cultivars is the preferred means of control of the disease. The winter wheat cultivar Xiaoyan 54 has high-temperature resistance to stripe rust. To identify genes for stripe rust resistance, Xiaoyan 54 was crossed with Mingxian 169, a winter wheat genotype susceptible to all Chinese races of the pathogen. Seedlings and adult plants of the parents and F1, F2, F3 and F4 progeny were tested with Chinese race CYR32 under controlled greenhouse conditions and in the field. Xiaoyan 54 has two recessive resistance genes, designated as Yrxy1 and Yrxy2, conferring high-temperature resistance. Simple sequence repeat (SSR) primers were used to identify molecular markers flanking Yrxy2 using 181 plants from one segregating F3 line. A total of nine markers, two of which flanked the locus at genetic distances of 4.0 and 6.4 cM on the long arm of chromosome 2A were identified. Resistance gene analog polymorphism (RGAP) and SSR techniques were used to identify molecular markers linked to Yrxy1. A linkage group of nine RGAP and two SSR markers was constructed for Yrxy1 using 177 plants of another segregating F3 line. Two RGAP markers were closely linked to the locus with genetic distances of 2.3 and 3.5 cM. Amplification of a set of nulli-tetrasomic Chinese Spring lines with RGAP markers M8 and M9 and the two SSR markers located Yrxy1 on the short arm of chromosome 7A. The SSR markers Xbarc49 and Xwmc422 were 15.8 and 26.1 cM, respectively, from the gene. The closely linked molecular markers should be useful for incorporating the resistance genes into commercial cultivars and combining them with other genes for stripe rust resistance.  相似文献   

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