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对206份芋种质资源品质性状进行了分析,结果表明:按球茎类型来分,干物质含量魁芋>多头芋>魁子兼用芋>多子芋。淀粉含量魁芋>魁子兼用芋>多头芋>多子芋,干物质和淀粉含量都以魁芋最高,分别为27.38%、20.21%,多子芋最低,分别为19.54%、13.35%。蛋白质含量多头芋>魁芋>多子芋>魁子兼用芋,以多头芋的含量最高为1.54%,其他类型相差不大。可溶性糖含量魁芋>魁子兼用芋>多子芋>多头芋,以魁芋的可溶性糖含量最高为1.21%,其他芋类型相差不大。按母芋芽色来分,多子芋中,干物质、淀粉和蛋白质含量红芽多子芋>白芽多子芋,可溶性糖含量白芽多子芋>红芽多子芋;多头芋中,干物质、淀粉、可溶性糖白芽多头芋>红芽多头芋,蛋白质含量红芽多头芋>白芽多头芋。在整个芋种质资源中,芋的干物质含量与淀粉含量(r=0.9583**)、干物质含量与蛋白质含量(r=0.5529**)、淀粉含量与蛋白质含量(r=0.5284**)呈极显著正相关,干物质含量与可溶性糖含量(r=-0.2934**)、淀粉含量与可溶性糖含量(r=-0.3391**)、蛋白质含量与可溶性糖含量(r=-0.4498**)均呈极显著负相关。此外本研究还按叶柄颜色类型对芋种质资源品质性状进行了分析。  相似文献   

水稻“多胚苗”的形态学观察   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
“无融合多胚苗”水稻C1001B和它的杂种C1001B×C1001A 的未成熟颖果1500 粒;田间和人工萌发的单苗、双苗和三苗实生苗共2702 株进行了形态解剖观察,结果如下:1.C1001B和它的杂交颖果中只含一个胚;2. 由单个胚萌发的双苗和三苗幼苗是多苗实生苗。双苗实生苗的侧苗1 和三苗实生苗的侧苗1 是由主苗基部胚芽鞘的腋芽所形成,侧苗2由侧苗1 基生叶的腋部发育而来。因此,多苗实生苗系同一个胚发育的主苗及其腋芽系统所组成;3. 颖果中胚的位置和朝向的变化和侧苗生长的两种类型,导致主苗与侧苗位置上的不同。至于已报道的水稻“多胚苗”形成的无融合生殖类型和推测尚有待提出胚胎学的论据。  相似文献   

棉花花芽分化及部分内源激素变化规律的研究   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:12  
棉花(Gossypium hirsutum)的腋芽原基,有的将来发育成叶枝;有的将来发育成果枝。这2种不同命运的腋芽,在其刚分化的初期就表现出了不同的解剖学特征。将来发育为叶枝的腋芽,其生长锥呈圆锥形或扁圆球形,体积较小,原套层数为1-2层;而将来发育为果枝的腋芽,其生长锥为圆柱形,顶端表面平坦,体积较大,原套层数为2-3层。从子叶展平后到肉眼可见花芽(现蕾),连续测茎尖的内源ABA及IAA的含量  相似文献   

芋的组织培养   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
1植物名称芋(Colocasiaesculenta)品种江汉芋(多子芋类型)。2材料类别茎尖及微芽。3培养条件分化培养基:(1)MS+6-BA3.0~5.0mg·L-1(单位下同)+NAA0.5;(2)MS+6.BA1.0~2.0+NAA0.5。诱导生根培养基:(3)MS+6-BA1.0~2.0+NAA0.1。培养基(1)、(2)中另加蔗糖30g·L-1,培养基(3)中加蔗糖10g·L1,琼脂6~7g·L-1,pH5.8~6.0,121℃高温高压灭菌15min左右。光照度155~2000lx,光…  相似文献   

多子芋3个品种群在水旱生态环境中的栽培比较试验表明(1)多子芋在旱生环境中的单株母芋质量、单株子芋质量、单株孙芋质量、单株子芋孙芋总质量、单个子芋平均质量、单个孙芋平均质量、单个子芋孙芋平均质量都显著地高于在水生环境中的相应值,而单株子芋数量、单株孙芋数量、单株子芋孙芋总数量、单个曾孙芋平均质量差异不显著,仅单株曾孙芋质量和单株曾孙芋数量表现为水生环境极显著地高于旱生环境.因此,多子芋以旱栽为宜.(2)在品种群间,单株球茎质量和单株球茎数量在旱生环境中的差异较小,而在水生环境中的差异较大.红紫柄品种群对水生环境的适应性最强,绿柄品种群的适应性最弱.无论是在水生环境还是在旱生环境,品种群间同级别单个球茎质量的差异都不显著.(3)品种群间单株球茎质量、单株球茎数量、品种群内单个球茎质量的变异系数在水旱生态环境中,一般都表现为曾孙芋>孙芋>子芋,水生环境>旱生环境,单株球茎质量>单株球茎数量.  相似文献   

多子芋3个品种群在水旱生态环境中的栽培比较试验表明:(1)多子芋在旱生环境中的单株母芋质量、单株子芋质量、单株孙芋质量、单株子芋孙芋总质量、单个子芋平均质量、单个孙芋平均质量、单个子芋孙芋平均质量都显著地高于在水生环境中的相应值,而单株子芋数量、单株孙芋数量、单株子芋孙芋总数量、单个曾孙芋平均质量差异不显著,仅单株曾孙芋质量和单株曾孙芋数量表现为水生环境极显著地高干旱生环境。因此,多子芋以旱栽为宜。(2)在品种群间,单株球茎质量和单株球茎数量在旱生环境中的差异较小,而在水生环境中的差异较大。红紫柄品种群对水生环境的适应性最强,绿柄品种群的适应性最弱。无论是在水生环境还是在旱生环境,品种群间同级别单个球茎质量的差异都不显著。(3)品种群间单株球茎质量、单株球茎数量、品种群内单个球茎质量的变异系数在水旱生态环境中,一般都表现为曾孙芋>孙芋>子芋,水生环境>旱生环境,单株球茎质量>单株球茎数量。  相似文献   

唐菖蒲球茎芽的离体培养及快速繁殖   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
将带1-2个芽眼的唐菖蒲球茎切块接种到附加1.0mg/L BA的MS基本培养基上可诱导休眠芽萌动。无菌芽转移至附加3.0mg/L BA的培养基上可分化产生丛生芽。丛生芽的幼代增殖宜采用附加1.5mg/L BA的培养基生根培养,以MS+NAA0.1-0.5mg/L或MS+IBA1.mg/L效果最佳。  相似文献   

1植物名称紫羊蹄甲(Bauhiniapurpurea)。2材料类别带腋芽的茎段。3培养条件(1)启动培养基:MS+6-BA2.0mg·L-1(单位下同)+NAA0.01;(2)诱导分化培养基:MS+6-BA1.0~2.0+IBA0~0.1;(3)生根培养基:1/2MS+IBA0.5~1.0。上述培养基均入蔗糖30g·L-1,琼脂0.5%,pH值5.8。培养温度25℃,光照度2500~3000lx,每天光照12h。4生长与分化情况4.1启动培养材料取自南京中山植物园温室种植的三年生母树。将带腋芽的…  相似文献   

1植物名称裂叶攀树芋(Philodendronsell-oum),又名春羽。小天使蔓绿绒。2材料类别嫩茎基部。3培养条件MS为基本培养基。(1)丛生芽诱导培养基:MS+6-BA3mg·L~(-1)(单位下同)+NAA0.1;(2)继代增殖培养基:MS+6-BA2+NAA0.2;(3)生根培养基:MS+NAA0.5。培养基中蔗糖为3%,琼脂为0.7%,pH5.8,温度25~28℃。每天光照12h,光照度1000~1500lX。4生长与分化情况4.1无菌材料的获得将外植体用自来水洗净表面,然后用70…  相似文献   

本文探讨了具有肿瘤抑制功能的cDNA克隆P14-6(即人白细胞介素6核转录因子NF-IL6的3’非翻译区)的RNA转录物与回复相关蛋白BNF的相互作用,发现该RNA与BNF的相互作用位点为其3’侧的富U序列内的1个24核苷酸片段;并发现BNF系一群蛋白质,它们可能先相互结合成1个蛋白质复合物,然后再与RNA位点作用.其中可能只有1个蛋白质(R62)直接与该RNA结合。  相似文献   

以江西铅山红芽芋(Colocasia esculenta L.Schott var.cormosus‘Hongyayu’)试管苗为材料,建立了芋球茎片两步法离体快繁体系,并对其再生苗的形态指标、染色体数目、生理和光合特性以及叶绿素荧光特性进行了检测。结果表明:(1)红芽芋球茎片单芽诱导的最佳培养基为MS+KT 2 mg/L+6-BA 1 mg/L+NAA0.1mg/L,诱导培养30d后将单芽从球茎片上分离,再接种到生根培养基(MS+KT 2mg/L+NAA 0.1mg/L)上培养30d即可形成完整植株,移栽成活率高达98%;(2)由球茎片单芽、丛生芽、不定芽离体快繁获得的红芽芋再生苗在形态指标、叶下表皮气孔参数、染色体数目、生理生化指标以及叶片光合特性参数和叶绿素荧光特性方面均无显著差异。说明红芽芋球茎片两步法离体培养的再生苗繁殖系数高、染色体数目稳定,该离体快繁体系可应用于江西铅山红芽芋的工厂化生产。  相似文献   

以江西铅山红芽芋脱毒苗为试材,研究不同因素对红芽芋脱毒苗球茎愈伤组织诱导及其再生体系的影响,以期对红芽芋脱毒苗的再生体系进行优化。结果表明,红芽芋脱毒苗球茎愈伤组织诱导的最佳培养基是MS+TDZ 2 mg·L-1+2,4-D 1 mg·L-1。红芽芋脱毒苗球茎愈伤组织分化的最佳培养基是MS+TDZ 2 mg·L-1+NAA 1 mg·L-1。红芽芋脱毒苗不定芽生根的最佳培养基是1/2MS+NAA 0.5 mg·L-1+PP333 0.5 mg·L-1。红芽芋再生苗最好的移栽基质为发酵后的腐锯木屑。红芽芋脱毒苗球茎愈伤组织再生苗移栽时最佳的PP333浓度为20~50 mg·L-1。本试验成功建立了红芽芋脱毒苗球茎愈伤组织的再生体系,为红芽芋脱毒苗转基因的研究和种质创新奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Early events of multiple bud formation and shoot development in germinating soybean embryonic axes treated for 24 hr with the cytokinin, 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP), were compared to the development of untreated control axes using four different techniques: photomicrography, scanning electron microscopy, histology, and autoradiography. Shoot apex development in BAP-treated embryonic axes was delayed by about 9 to 15 hr. A transient inhibition of DNA synthesis in the primary apical meristem and axillary buds was observed with subsequent changes in the timing of cell division patterns in these regions. Meristematic regions (supernumerary vegetative buds) were observed in BAP-treated axes around the perimeter of the apical dome at and above the level of the axillary buds. Cells elongated from some of the BAP-induced meristematic regions to form four to six shoots. In the absence of BAP, excision of the primary apical meristem and/or axillary buds did not result in multiple bud formation. These results suggest that transient exposure to BAP interrupted chromosomal DNA replication and reprogrammed the developmental fate of a large number of cells in the shoot apex. We postulate that interruption of DNA synthesis, either directly, by interfering with DNA replication, or indirectly, by preventing entry into S-phase, effected redetermination of the shoot apex cells.  相似文献   

墨兰试管苗植株的发育解剖学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用石蜡切片和扫描电镜对墨兰试管苗植株的生长发育进行了研究。发现幼叶中脉附近的叶肉细胞类似栅栏组织,随着叶片的不断成熟,叶片基部中脉附近的叶肉细胞逐渐变为近圆形或椭圆形,而叶尖部和叶中部中脉附近的叶肉细胞仍似栅栏组织。茎的发育经历了原球茎、根状茎和假鳞茎3个阶段。原球茎的大部分细胞都含有淀粉粒,根状茎的皮层细胞含淀粉粒,而假鳞茎几乎不含淀粉粒。幼根没有髓,皮层细胞含淀粉粒:成熟根具含淀粉粒的髓。出瓶苗上即带有4个芽,一般只有最外侧叶腋的1个花芽和最内侧叶腋的1个叶芽发育。  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Conifers are characterized by the paucity of axillary buds which in dicotyledonous trees usually occur at every node. To compensate, conifers also produce ‘axillary meristems’, which may be stimulated to late development. In juvenile material of Wollemia nobilis (Araucariaceae: Massart''s model) first-order (plagiotropic) branches lack both axillary buds and, seemingly, axillary meristems. This contrasts with orthotropic (trunk) axes, which produce branches, either within the terminal bud or as reiterated orthotropic axes originating from axillary meristems. However, plagiotropic axes do produce branches if they are decapitated. This study investigated how this can occur if axillary meristems are not the source.


The terminal buds of a series of plagiotropic branches on juvenile trees were decapitated in order to generate axillary shoots. Shoots were culled at about weekly intervals to obtain stages in lateral shoot development. Serial sections were cut with a sliding microtome from the distal end of each sample and scanned sequentially for evidence of axillary meristems and early bud development.

Key Results

Anatomical search produced no clear evidence of pre-existing axillary meristems but did reveal stages of bud initiation. Buds were initiated in a group of small starch-rich cortical cells. Further development involved de-differentiation of these small cells and the development of contrasting outer and inner regions. The outer part becomes meristematic and organizes the apex of the new branch. The inner part develops a callus-like tissue of vacuolated cells within which vascular cambia are developed. This kind of insertion of a branch on the parent axis seems not to have been described before.


Axillary meristems in Wollemia characterize the leaf axils of trunk axes so that the origin of reiterated shoots is clear. Plagiotropic axes seemingly lack axillary meristems but still produce axillary branches by distinctive developmental processes. These observations demonstrate limited understanding of branch initiation in trees generally.  相似文献   

The general organography, vascular organization, and leaf and bud development in Davallia solida and D. trichomanoides are described. These epiphytic species have creeping shoots with dorsally-borne leaves in a distichous phyllotaxis and the buds occur near each leaf base. Roots are borne on the ventral and flanking surfaces of the rhizome, but only at bud positions. The vascular pattern of these species is a perforated solenostele. Leaf and bud traces have distinctly different origins. While the proximity of buds to leaves has suggested that bud origin is axillary, observations show that the origin of buds is cauline and that their position is extra-axillary from inception. The stages of structural morphogenesis in Davallia buds differ significantly from the scheme proposed by Wardlaw. The principal difference is the absence of a resting period occurring between the origin and continued development of buds in Davallia. The elongated internodes which separate leaf-bud pairs from one another, the topographically distinct and predictable positions of leaves and buds, the structural equivalence of unexpanded buds, and vascular differences in leaves and buds make Davallia an useful species for physiological studies of differential bud expansion.  相似文献   

The number of nodes produced by a bud meristem before differentiation into a flower is defined as its developmental potential. Decapitation, rooting, and grafting experiments were used to measure the developmental potential of the vegetative axillary bud meristems on Nicotiana tabacum. Decapitation experiments measure the in situ developmental potential while rooting and grafting experiments measure developmental potential in isolation and at a new location on the organism, respectively. A rooted or grafted bud exhibits one of two patterns of development: (1) It develops like an in situ bud or (2) It develops according to its new environment. For example, second axillary buds below the inflorescence produced 18.8 ± 0.8 nodes in situ, 17.9 ± 0.9 or 39.8 ± 1.1 nodes when rooted, and 22.2 ± 0.6 or 34.2 ± 0.7 nodes when grafted to the base of the plant. These results suggest that the buds which develop like in situ buds are developmentally determined while buds that develop according to their new environment are undetermined. On an individual plant, determined and undetermined buds are separated by one internode and only first, second, and third buds below the inflorescence exhibit determination.  相似文献   

The effect of axillary bud age on the development and potentialfor growth of the bud into a shoot was studied in roses. Ageof the buds occupying a similar position on the plant variedfrom 'subtending leaf just unfolded' up to 1 year later. Withincreasing age of the axillary bud its dry mass, dry-matterpercentage and number of leaves, including leaf primordia, increased.The apical meristem of the axillary bud remained vegetativeas long as subjected to apical dominance, even for 1 year. The potential for growth of buds was studied either by pruningthe parent shoot above the bud, by grafting the bud or by culturingthe bud in vitro. When the correlative inhibition (i.e. dominationof the apical region over the axillary buds) was released, additionalleaves and eventually a flower formed. The number of additionalleaves decreased with increasing bud age and became more orless constant for axillary buds of shoots beyond the harvestablestage, while the total number of leaves preceding the flowerincreased. An increase in bud age was reflected in a greaternumber of scales, including transitional leaves, and in a greaternumber of non-elongated internodes of the subsequent shoot.Time until bud break slightly decreased with increasing budage; it was long, relatively, for 1 year old buds, when theysprouted attached to the parent shoot. Shoot length, mass andleaf area were not clearly affected by the age of the bud thatdeveloped into the shoot. With increasing bud age the numberof pith cells in the subsequent shoot increased, indicatinga greater potential diameter of the shoot. However, final diameterwas dependent on the assimilate supply after bud break. Axillarybuds obviously need a certain developmental stage to be ableto break. When released from correlative inhibition at an earlierstage, increased leaf initiation occurs before bud break.Copyright1994, 1999 Academic Press Age, axillary bud, cell number, cell size, pith, shoot growth, Rosa hybrida, rose  相似文献   

The wide variety of plant architectures is largely based on diverse and flexible modes of axillary shoot development. In Arabidopsis, floral transition (flowering) stimulates axillary bud development. The mechanism that links flowering and axillary bud development is, however, largely unknown. We recently showed that FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT) protein, which acts as florigen, promotes the phase transition of axillary meristems, whereas BRANCHED1 (BRC1) antagonizes the florigen action in axillary buds. Here, we present evidences for another possible role of florigen in axillary bud development. Ectopic overexpression of FT or another florigen gene TWIN SISTER OF FT (TSF) with LEAFY (LFY) induces ectopic buds at cotyledonary axils, confirming the previous proposal that these genes are involved in formation of axillary buds. Taken together with our previous report that florigen promotes axillary shoot elongation, we propose that florigen regulates axillary bud development at multiple stages to coordinate it with flowering in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

Characterization of the early events of potato tuber development   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The early events of potato ( Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Superior) tuberization were examined by using a model system of axillary bud tuber development from petiole-leaf single-node cuttings. Both fresh weight and starch accumulation were monitored to establish a developmental framework for morphological changes. Fresh weight and starch content began to increase in axillary buds after 2 days. Visible changes in bud morphology could be detected 4 days after the start of incubation. Substantial increases in both total protein and total RNA were observed at the onset of tuber morphology. Immunoblot analysis showed that the major tuber protein, patatin, could be initially detected in day 4 buds and that a 22-kDa proteinase inhibitor could be initially detected at day 8. Northern blot analysis corroborated this pattern of accumulation at the RNA level for both protein types. Substantial accumulation of the two proteinase inhibitor mRNAs occurred later than patatin mRNA accumulation. The results of this study showed that there is considerable accumulation of both protein and mRNA occurring during the early stages of tuber development prior to the substantial accumulation of the major tuber storage proteins.  相似文献   

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