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为对比16S rRNA和rpo B基因分子系统发育分析与传统表型分类法对铜绿假单胞菌的鉴定,评估16S rRNA和rpo B基因序列分析在铜绿假单胞菌鉴定中的应用,用表型分类方法对临床自动微生物鉴定系统鉴定为铜绿假单胞菌的23株分离株进行再鉴定,PCR扩增23株分离株16S rRNA和rpo B基因片段,并测序进行系统发育分析。结果表明,表型再鉴定结果与自动微生物鉴定系统鉴定结果一致。基于两个基因的系统发育分析均显示分离株p22与不动杆菌属序列聚为一枝,其余22株分离株与铜绿假单胞菌序列聚为一枝。因此p22应鉴定为不动杆菌,16S rRNA和rpo B基因序列分析均能准确鉴定铜绿假单胞菌并能较好建立假单胞菌属内种间关系。  相似文献   

珊瑚共附生真菌及其代谢产物研究活跃,产物种类多样,活性丰富,但珊瑚中的耐热真菌未见报道。对耐热珊瑚共附生真菌C21-5B进行鉴定,研究其生理学特性及代谢产物的抗氧化活性,为该菌的深入研究及利用提供依据。通过形态学观察、18S rRNA序列分析鉴定菌株;通过测量不同海精盐浓度、pH、温度条件下的菌落直径研究该菌生理特性;根据DPPH自由基清除率、ABTS自由基清除率测定该菌抗氧化活性;通过薄层层析和高效液相色谱分析代谢产物活性成分。珊瑚真菌C21-5B经鉴定为土曲霉(Aspergillus terreus)。生理特性研究表明,菌株C21-5B能够生长的条件:海精盐浓度0.0%~20.0%、pH值 2.0~12.0、温度15~45 ℃;最适生长条件:海精盐浓度0.5%~3.5%、pH值6.0~8.0、温度35 ℃。该菌代谢产物的乙酸乙酯萃取物具有较高的抗氧化活性,DPPH和ABTS自由基的EC50分别为0.113、0.504 mg/mL。经薄层层析和高效液相色谱分析,发现该菌代谢产物的中性极性成分偏多,含有生物碱、类脂化合物、还原性物质、黄酮类物质、芳香胺类。菌株C21-5B为耐热、兼性海洋真菌,具有极强的耐酸碱能力,代谢产物种类丰富,并具有明显的抗氧化活性,具有开发利用潜力。  相似文献   

目的用PCR结合酶切-序列比对法对B群脑膜炎奈瑟菌菌株进行鉴定。方法用玻片凝集法对不同来源的15株B群脑膜炎奈瑟菌菌株进行初步检定,再用PCR结合酶切-序列比对法对上述15株菌株进行进一步鉴定,即用PCR结合酶切法扩增菌株的唾液酸转移酶sia D基因并对PCR产物进行酶切后,用BLAST软件将PCR产物测序结果与Gene Bank中原始sia D序列比对。结果 15株菌株玻片凝集结果均为阳性;15株菌株的PCR产物片段大小均为460 bp;TaqⅠ酶切后,13株菌株的酶切产物片段大小仍为460 bp,其PCR产物测序比对结果与B群脑膜炎奈瑟菌原始sia D序列同源性均达到99%;其余2株酶切产物片段大小约200 bp,与C群脑膜炎奈瑟菌sia D原始基因序列同源性分别为98%和99%。结论 15株菌株经PCR结合酶切-序列比对法鉴定,13株为B群脑膜炎奈瑟菌菌株,2株为C群脑膜炎奈瑟菌菌株;该方法可准确鉴定B群脑膜炎奈瑟菌菌株。  相似文献   

本文研究了从土壤中筛选淀粉酶产生菌,并对其产酶条件进行了探讨。共分离得到3株活性较强的产淀粉酶菌;其中活性最强的为A1株,其圈菌比可达3.75,经过生理生化检测实验,初步鉴定为腊状芽孢杆菌杆菌。  相似文献   

为确定导致鳜(Siniperca chuatsi)细菌性感染死亡的病原,从患病濒死的鳜肝中分离出一株优势菌B01,经人工回感实验确定其分离菌的致病性,并利用VITEK-2全自动微生物鉴定仪及16S rRNA序列分析对纯培养细菌进行鉴定。此外,对分离的菌株进行药敏实验。研究结果表明,菌株B01对鳜鱼具有致病性。经VITEK-2全自动微生物鉴定仪鉴定菌株B01为荧光假单胞菌(Pseudomonas fluorescens)(表1),并在紫外灯可以产生荧光(图1)。进一步的16S rRNA基因序列和系统发育树分析表明,该菌与荧光假单胞菌同源性达到了97%以上,并和(图2)。药物敏感性实验结果显示,该分离株对恩诺沙星、诺氟沙星、链霉素和四环素药物等6种药物高度敏感(表2)。  相似文献   

苯酚高效降解菌的筛选和降解特性的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从天津市煤气厂的活性污泥中筛选、分离得到一株高效苯酚降解菌。经BIOLOG细菌自动鉴定系统及16SrDNA鉴定,该菌株为粪产碱杆菌(Alcaligenesfaecalis)。苯酚降解实验证实,该菌能在76h内完全降解1600mg·L-1的苯酚,并且随着苯酚浓度的增加,底物抑制作用增强,细胞得率下降。  相似文献   

由B群链球菌引起的脑膜炎、肺炎及败血症严重威胁新生儿的生命。其传染源为产妇产道。本文采集143例临产孕妇消毒前的产道拭子及32例新生儿口咽部拭子,经增菌后培养在羊血平板,用生化方法及SPA血清分群法对疑似链球菌体鉴定。孕妇标本B群链球菌的检出率为11.2%,其他链球菌有D群、G群及草绿色链球菌。新生儿标本几乎都无细菌生长。纲菌鉴定方法以SPA法优于生化法。笔者认为由于B群链球菌在临床上的重要性,该菌的分离培养及鉴定应在实验室受到重视。  相似文献   

叶小燕  王兰 《生物技术》2007,17(6):46-49
目的研究硫酸盐还原菌及其筛选、分离鉴定体系.方法在锅炉管道回水和厌氧污泥中驯化、筛选硫酸盐还原能力强的菌株,以铬酸钡光度方法检测液体培养基中的硫酸根含量,测定了菌株的硫酸盐降解能力.结果在水样A和泥样B中,A1和B2菌株能够较好地降解培养基中的硫酸盐,通过计数得出A1和B2的最大可能菌数分别为1.65×10(6)个/ml、2.25×10(6)个/ml.并利用改进的稀释涂布-叠皿夹层培养方法分离鉴定A1和B2菌株,观察硫酸盐还原菌的形态,为进一步了解SRB的生长特性,进而从根本上解决硫酸盐还原菌腐蚀问题提供理论基础.结论经过实验,所筛选分离鉴定体系可行.  相似文献   

目的对4株昭通乌天麻(Gastrodia elata)共生蜜环菌(Armillaria mella)的生理生化活性进行研究,并鉴定其分类地位。方法通过测定不同碳源和氮源对蜜环菌生长以及胞外酶活性的影响,掌握该蜜环菌生理生化特性,再结合rDNA-IGS序列分析方法进行鉴定。结果不同蜜环菌需要不同的碳源、氮源。3种胞外酶中木聚糖酶活性最大,其次是羧甲基纤维素酶,漆酶活性最小。供试蜜环菌与云南、贵州地区天麻共生蜜环菌以及猪苓共生蜜环菌的亲缘关系比较远。结论蜜环菌能否作为天麻共生菌与其分类地位无关。  相似文献   

临床相关毛孢子菌的鉴定及体外药物敏感性研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的探讨临床相关毛孢子菌的鉴定方法及对常见抗真菌药物的体外敏感性。方法对48株临床分离的毛孢子菌分别通过形态学、API20C AUX、Vitek 2 Compact及核糖体rDNA ITS序列分析等方法鉴定到种;采用浓度梯度法(E-test)测定氟康唑、伏立康唑、伊曲康唑、两性霉素B及卡泊芬净对48株毛孢子菌的最低抑菌浓度。结果形态学和API20C AUX、Vitek 2 Compact不能准确区分不同种的毛孢子菌,以核糖体rDNA ITS序列分析将48株毛孢子菌鉴定为8个种:阿萨希毛孢子菌,星型毛孢子菌,皮瘤毛孢子菌,真皮毛孢子菌,皮肤毛孢子菌,赖巴克毛孢子菌,T.domesticum,T.jirovecii。体外药敏结果显示:卡泊芬净对毛孢子菌无体外活性,MIC〉32μg/mL;氟康唑和两性霉素B对毛孢子菌活性差,体外活性最好的药物是伏立康唑和伊曲康唑。结论常规方法不易将毛孢子菌准确鉴定到种的水平,ITS序列分析准确快速,可以辅助临床区分难鉴定毛孢子菌。毛孢子菌药敏谱不同于临床常见其他酵母菌,氟康唑和两性霉素B对其活性差,伏立康唑具有良好的体外抗菌活性。  相似文献   

Starting with a strain of Bacillus cereus excreting about 40-fold more beta-amylase than does the original wild-type strain, we isolated, after mutagenesis with N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine, a strain designated BQ10-S1 SpoIII which showed under optimal conditions a further 5.5-fold increase in beta-amylase activity. The amylase production of this strain was observed to increase in the presence of 0.5% glucose or 1% maltose and, more markedly, in the presence of 2% soluble starch in the culture medium. The enzyme produced by this strain was immunologically identical to the wild-type enzyme, suggesting that either the copy number of the gene or the efficiency of enzyme synthesis from it, or both, are altered in this strain.  相似文献   

Salmonella typhimurium strain 4a is a temperature sensitive mutant with defects in both septation and separation. The separation lesion was reversed by phenethylalcohol but this agent failed to allow septation or growth at restrictive temperature. Organisms of strain 4a grown at 42 degrees C were, unlike the parental strain, resistant to lysis by lysozyme plus EDTA and lipopolysaccharide was poorly extracted by EDTA from cultures of strain 4a grown at 42 degrees C. Such cultures may, therefore, be resistant to lysis with lysozyme plus EDTA not because the murein is altered but because the EDTA fails to permeabilize the outer membrane to lysozyme. In confirmation of this, murein isolated from strain 4a after growth at 42 degrees C showed the same sensitivity to lysozyme as murein from the parental strain. In spite of the altered envelope properties of strain 4a after growth at 42 degrees C, no major changes in protein or phospholipid composition have so far been demonstrated.  相似文献   

Highly purified eosinophil (EOS) fractions were obtained from peritoneal exudate cells of guinea pigs immunized with with Ascaris lumbricoides suum antigen (Asc). These Eos suppressed the in vitro DNA synthesis of the lymph node cells (LNC) sensitized with Asc and then activated by this antigen or phytohemagglutinin (PHA). Although addition of Eos did not effect the viability of LNC in vitro, the blastformation of LNC was suppressed remarkably when 5-10 X 10(5) purified Eos were added to 10(6) LNC within 48 hr after the start of stimulation by Asc. The suppressive effects of Eos on the blastformation of LNC immunized with complete Freund's adjuvant with or without ovalbumin were observed when stimulated with purified protein derivates or ovalbumin. Such suppression were observed beyond the barrier of animal strain specificity; Eos from Hartley guinea pigs suppressed proliferation of LNC from either strain 13 or strain 2, and Eos from strain 13 suppressed that from strain 2. Such suppressing activity of Eos was reduced by heating them at 56 C for 1 hr or by sonication.  相似文献   

Starting with a strain of Bacillus cereus excreting about 40-fold more β-amylase than does the original wild-type strain, we isolated, after mutagenesis with N-methyl-N′-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine, a strain designated BQ10-S1 SpoIII which showed under optimal conditions a further 5.5-fold increase in β-amylase activity. The amylase production of this strain was observed to increase in the presence of 0.5% glucose or 1% maltose and, more markedly, in the presence of 2% soluble starch in the culture medium. The enzyme produced by this strain was immunologically identical to the wild-type enzyme, suggesting that either the copy number of the gene or the efficiency of enzyme synthesis from it, or both, are altered in this strain.  相似文献   

T Thiel 《Journal of bacteriology》1993,175(19):6276-6286
Anabaena variabilis ATCC 29413 is a heterotrophic, nitrogen-fixing cyanobacterium that has been reported to fix nitrogen and reduce acetylene to ethane in the absence of molybdenum. DNA from this strain hybridized well at low stringency to the nitrogenase 2 (vnfDGK) genes of Azotobacter vinelandii. The hybridizing region was cloned from a lambda EMBL3 genomic library of A. variabilis, mapped, and sequenced. The deduced amino acid sequences of the vnfD and vnfK genes of A. variabilis showed only about 56% similarity to the nifDK genes of Anabaena sp. strain PCC 7120 but were 76 to 86% similar to the anfDK or vnfDK genes of A. vinelandii. The organization of the vnf gene cluster in A. variabilis was similar to that of A. vinelandii. However, in A. variabilis, the vnfG gene was fused to vnfD; hence, this gene is designated vnfDG. A vnfH gene was not contiguous with the vnfDG gene and has not yet been identified. A mutant strain, in which a neomycin resistance cassette was inserted into the vnf cluster, grew well in a medium lacking a source of fixed nitrogen in the presence of molybdenum but grew poorly when vanadium replaced molybdenum. In contrast, the parent strain grew equally well in media containing either molybdenum or vanadium. The vnf genes were transcribed in the absence of molybdenum, with or without vanadium. The vnf gene cluster did not hybridize to chromosomal DNA from Anabaena sp. strain PCC 7120 or from the heterotrophic strains, Nostoc sp. strain Mac and Nostoc sp. strain ATCC 29150. A hybridizing ClaI fragment very similar in size to the A. variabilis ClaI fragment was present in DNA isolated from several independent, cultured isolates of Anabaena sp. from the Azolla symbiosis.  相似文献   

黑曲霉单宁酶高活性菌株的诱变选育*   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
郭鲁宏  杨顺楷   《微生物学通报》2000,27(2):105-108
以黑曲霉(Aspergillus nhiger)No.13为出发菌株,经紫外线诱变处理,获得一株制备原生质体的起始菌,该菌株单宁酶活性比No.13提高55%,并对其制备原生质体的条件进行了研究,在优化方案基础上,紫外诱变原生质体,诱变株经筛选,最后得到一株具有稳定遗传性的单宁酶高活性菌株,在摇瓶培养基中进行生物转化实验,连续传代10次,结果显示发酵液中没食子酸浓度始 维持在22.8-23.9mg/  相似文献   

Using 10(9) or 10(7) colony-forming units of a strain of Staphylococcus epidermidis (strain 1142) in saline or 5% mucin, respectively, 90 to 100% of mice died within 24 to 48 hr after intraperitoneal challenge infection. These organisms gradually multiplied in the peritoneal cavity when injected intraperitoneally into mice, while the mouse avirulent strain (strain 1124) rapidly decreased and no organisms were found there 20 hr after injection. This strain was capable of inducing resistance against challenge with homologous strains. The resistance appeared as early as the first week and disappeared the 4th week after the immunization. However, no resistance was induced with strain 1124 against challenge with strain 1142. Also, hyperimmune rabbit serum prepared with strain 1142 passively protected against challenge with homologous strain in mice. The protective antibody was absorbed out with homologous organisms but not with strain 1124. Subsequently, a surface substance was obtained from strains 1142 or 1124 by the method of Morse. The 1142 surface substance was capable of inducing a resistance against challenge with the homologous strain but not with the 1124 surface substance. Also, this substance absorbed the protective antibody in hyperimmune rabbit serum prepared with the homologous strain but not with the 1124 surface substance nor with the Smith surface antigen extracted from the Smith strain of Staphylococcus aureus. Conversely, the protective antibody in rabbit anti-Smith strain serum against challenge with the homologous strain was absorbed with the Smith surface antigen but not with the 1142 surface substance. In the agar diffusion test, the 1142 surface substance and the Smith surface antigen produced single precipitin lines only against homologous antisera. Biochemical analysis of the 1142 surface substance showed that the substance contained neither nucleic acids nor proteins but is composed of hexosamine, glycerol, phosphorus, alanine, glycine and phenylalanine.  相似文献   

Of seven chloramphenicol-producing actinomycetes examined, only Streptomyces venezuelae strain 13s contained extrachromosomal DNA detectable by agarose gel electrophoresis and cesium chloride-ethidium bromide density gradient centrifugation. The single 17-megadalton plasmid present in this strain was indistinguishable from plasmid pUC3 previously isolated from mutagenized cultures. Strains selected for their inability to produce chloramphenicol after treatment with acriflavine or ethidium bromide still contained a plasmid that had the same electrophoretic mobility as plasmid pUC3 and yielded similar fragments when digested with restriction endonucleases. By regenerating protoplasts of strain 13s and screening for isolates lacking extrachromosomal DNA, strain PC51-5 was obtained. The absence of plasmid pUC3 sequences in this strain was confirmed by Southern hybridization using 32P-labeled plasmid as a probe. Since the plasmidless strain produced as much chloramphenicol as did the parent strain, pUC3 contains neither structural nor regulatory genes for antibiotic production. Evidence from electrophoretic analysis of BamHI digests of total cellular DNA from wild-type and dye-treated nonproducing progeny indicated that acriflavine caused structural changes in the chromosome.  相似文献   

Metabolism of the phenylurea herbicide isoproturon by Sphingomonas sp. strain SRS2 was significantly enhanced when the strain was grown in coculture with a soil bacterium (designated strain SRS1). Both members of this consortium were isolated from a highly enriched isoproturon-degrading culture derived from an agricultural soil previously treated regularly with the herbicide. Based on analysis of the 16S rRNA gene, strain SRS1 was assigned to the beta-subdivision of the proteobacteria and probably represents a new genus. Strain SRS1 was unable to degrade either isoproturon or its known metabolites 3-(4-isopropylphenyl)-1-methylurea, 3-(4-isopropylphenyl)-urea, or 4-isopropyl-aniline. Pure culture studies indicate that Sphingomonas sp. SRS2 is auxotrophic and requires components supplied by association with other soil bacteria. A specific mixture of amino acids appeared to meet these requirements, and it was shown that methionine was essential for Sphingomonas sp. SRS2. This suggests that strain SRS1 supplies amino acids to Sphingomonas sp. SRS2, thereby leading to rapid metabolism of (14)C-labeled isoproturon to (14)CO(2) and corresponding growth of strain SRS2. Proliferation of strain SRS1 suggests that isoproturon metabolism by Sphingomonas sp. SRS2 provides unknown metabolites or cell debris that supports growth of strain SRS1. The role of strain SRS1 in the consortium was not ubiquitous among soil bacteria; however, the indigenous soil microflora and some strains from culture collections also stimulate isoproturon metabolism by Sphingomonas sp. strain SRS2 to a similar extent.  相似文献   

Scrapie-associated fibrils (SAFs) are abnormal filamentous structures that are uniquely associated with unconventional slow virus diseases. The antigenic relationships of SAFs from animals infected with four biologically distinct scrapie strains were investigated by using antisera raised to purified SAF proteins. Rabbit antisera were raised to SAFs isolated from mice infected with the ME7 scrapie strain and to SAFs isolated from hamsters infected with the 263K scrapie strain. A strong antigenic relationship was shown among SAF proteins (PrPs) isolated from all scrapie-infected animals (ME7, 139A, and 87V in mice and 263K in hamsters), and this relationship was demonstrable regardless of which antiserum was used. SAF proteins were antigenically distinct from those of paired helical filaments or amyloid isolated from patients with Alzheimer disease. Distinct Western blot profiles were demonstrated for SAFs isolated from animals infected with each scrapie strain. Differences seen among SAFs were independent, at least in part, of host species or genotype, implying that certain specific structural and molecular properties of SAFs are mediated by the strain of scrapie agent.  相似文献   

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