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TRPV1是一种非选择性阳离子通道蛋白,可被伤害性热刺激、辣椒素和氢离子等所激活。由于TRPV1在痛觉传导(尤其是炎症情况下的痛觉传导)中起重要作用,所以TRPV1的研究对临床治疗有十分重要的意义,研究也越来越深入。因为TRPV1可被多种刺激所激活,人们推论其有多个剪接变体(splice variant),不久,即证实了此设想。本文对迄今为止发现的TRPV1剪接变体做一简单综述。  相似文献   

TRPV1(transient receptor potential vanilloid 1)是在机体广泛分布的非选择性阳离子通道,能被氢离子、高温以及其它内源性和外源性配体激活.其在外周神经系统中主要参与伤害性高温的感受以及痛觉过敏等生理机制.TRPV1在中枢神经系统中功能的研究进展主要体现在突触传递,体温调节,痛觉的调制和细胞凋亡等方面.TRPV1的激活降低突触前谷氨酸的释放及增强已存在的突触后AMPA受体的作用,从而增强了突触传递效能.外周的TRPV1通过激活能够抑制血管的收缩和生热作用,从而抑制体温的升高,当TRPV1被阻断时就发生体温过高,而TRPV1体温调节的中枢作用机制可能是通过直接作用于体温调节中枢.脑干的痛觉调制环路的激活TRPV1可以引起谷氨酸盐的释放,进而激活突触后I类mGlu受体以及NMDA受体,从而起到镇痛的功能.另外近年发现TRPV1在中枢也参与呕吐、呼吸、心率及血压的调节.  相似文献   

瞬时感受器电位香草酸受体1型(TRPV1)又名辣椒素受体,属于瞬时感受器电位通道超家族成员,是一种非选择性阳离子通道,在哺乳动物中分布广泛,在神经组织如大脑、小脑、下丘脑、海马和非神经组织如心、肝、肾、脾等组织和器官皆有存在。TRPV1通道最初只是被发现介导痛觉传递,近年来越来越多的研究发现TRPV1通道在心血管疾病领域也扮演着重要角色。本文主要综述TRPV1通道在动脉粥样硬化性疾病方面的作用,深入认识TRPV1与动脉粥样硬化的关系,为防治动脉粥样硬化性疾病提供新的方向和思路。  相似文献   

多觉型伤害性感受器是皮肤内专一性较强的痛觉感受器。本实验用剥制神经细束的技术,引导大鼠尾神经C类纤维的传入放电反映多觉型伤害性感受器的活动,以判定刺激交感神经对外周痛觉感受过程的调制作用。测试了57个该类感受器的单位放电,发现下述两个主要事实:(1)刺激腰骶部交感干外周端,可以显著抑制伤害性刺激(包括机械压力,直流电-钾离子,热烫等)诱发的多觉型伤害性感受器的单位放电,其作用出现较快,可使放电数减少1/3左右,后作用延续十多分钟。局部动脉注射去甲肾上腺素也产生类似的抑制效应。从而证实交感神经具有抑制痛觉感受器的作用。(2)交感神经对部分多觉型伤害性感受器活动的调制具有双重作用的特点,即对同一单位因外加刺激引起的诱发放电有抑制作用,对其自发放电则有易化作用。讨论了交感神经这一双重作用的临床意义以及针刺通过交感神经调制外周痛觉感受过程的设想。  相似文献   

瞬时感受器电位香草酸亚型1(transient receptor potential vanilloid 1,TRPV1)是瞬时感受器电位家族成员之一,在感觉神经元上表达丰富,是一种非选择性阳离子通道。TRPV1可被辣椒素、H^+、花生四烯酸代谢物和伤害性热刺激(〉42℃)等激活,导致单价及二价阳离子的跨膜内流,其对Ca^2+的优先选择性为其它阳离子的10倍。  相似文献   

电压门控性钠离子通道与伤害性感受   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
伤害性感受器激活引起疼痛的概念,现已广泛被人们接受,大量实验表明,伤害性感受器兴奋性的变化与一些离子通道有关,对河豚毒素不敏感的电压依赖性钠离子通道(TTXr)选择性地分布于与伤害性感受有关的初级感受神经元,炎症反应和神经损伤诱发的慢性疼痛可诱发这种TTXr功能及基因表达的变化,TTXr通道蛋白的反义寡核苷酸(antisense ODN)处理可对抗炎症或神经损伤引起的痛觉过敏或超敏,提示TTXr在伤害性感受中起重要作用,有望成为特异性镇痛药物的药理作用靶点。  相似文献   

瞬时受体电位香草酸亚型1(transient receptor potential vanilloid subfamily,member 1,TRPV1)是瞬时电压感受器阳离子通道(transient receptor potential cation channel,TRP)家族成员之一,可被伤害性热刺激或一些化学分子所激活,在热痛觉敏化形成过程中发挥重要作用,其功能活性在转录后水平受到多种方式的调控。近年来,磷脂酰肌醇4,5二磷酸(phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate,PIP2)调节离子通道活性的研究不断深入,因此PIP2对TRPV1的调控作用受到愈来愈多的关注,但研究结果尚存一些争议。本文着重就近年来,对于PIP2对TRPV1的活性调控以及二者之间的结合等方面的研究进展加以整理和总结。  相似文献   

环氧酶 2 (COX 2 )多分布在人的中枢神经系统等部位 ,外周炎症时炎症局部的COX 2表达常增加 ,导致前列腺素 (PG)释放 ,从而提高外周伤害性感受器的敏感性 ,引起局部痛觉过敏。同时由于背髓神经元的兴奋性增高 ,外周炎症还可引起邻近完好组织的痛觉过敏和肌肉、关节疼痛 ,发热嗜睡、厌食等并发症。但炎症性痛觉过敏与中枢COX 2是否有关 ,尚不清楚。最近Samad等观察到 ,外周炎症时脊髓神经元和中枢神经的其它区域 ,有COX 2表达的广泛诱导和脑脊液PGE2 水平的升高 ,而此时中枢神经系统的磷脂酶A2 的活性没有变化 ,所以…  相似文献   

温度感受器TRPV1调节疼痛   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
2021年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖由戴维·朱利叶斯(David Julius)和阿德姆·帕塔普蒂安(Ardem Patapoutian)共同获得,以表彰二人分别在温度感受器辣椒素受体(TRPV1)和触觉感受器PIEZO1/2方面做出的杰出贡献. 此项工作有助于阐明神经系统如何感知冷、热和机械刺激的机制,以及开发治疗疼痛的药物. 本文简介David Julius关于能被辣椒素、 热(>43℃)、酸(pH<6.0)激活的TRPV1的开创性工作,以及TRPV1在外周和中枢敏化,从而增强癌症痛、慢性炎症痛、神经病理性痛等方向的最新成果.  相似文献   

miRNA广泛表达于神经系统,与疼痛的发生、发展密切相关。近年来研究表明,抑制miRNA的合成调制伤害性神经元对炎症刺激的反应。疼痛时,背根神经节(DRG)上miRNA明显下调,该变化参与炎性疼痛和神经性疼痛的产生和维持。同时,miRNA也可以下调Navα亚基、ASIC3、TRPV1和P2X7mRNA的表达水平,还可以降低Kv电流。因此,miRNA可能成为疼痛治疗的新靶点。综述了miRNA的生物起源、分布,及其对痛觉相关离子通道Nav、Kv、ASICs、TRPV1以及嘌呤受体的调节作用。  相似文献   

The capsaicin receptor TRPV1 is an emerging target for the treatment of pain with a unique expression profile in peripheral nociceptors and the ability to show polymodal activation, TRPV1 is an important integrator of responses to inflammatory mediators. Sensitization of TRPV1 during chronic pain is believed to contribute to the transduction of noxious signaling for normally innocuous stimuli and consequently the search for novel TRPV1 therapeutics is intense. The current understanding of the physiological role the receptor, as well as the potential therapeutic utility and emerging liabilities of TRPV1 modulators are discussed.  相似文献   

The transient receptor potential channel vanilloid type 1 (TRPV1) is a non-selective cation channel expressed in sensory neurons of the dorsal root and trigeminal ganglia. TRPV1 is a polymodal channel activated by noxious heat, capsaicin, and protons. As a sensor for noxious stimuli, TRPV1 channel has been described as a key contributor to pain signaling. To form a functional channel, TRPV1 subunits must assemble into tetramers, and several studies have identified the TRPV1 C terminus as an essential element in subunit association. Here we combined biochemical assays with electrophysiology and imaging-based bimolecular fluorescence complementation (BiFC) and bioluminescence resonance energy transfer (BRET) in live cells to identify a short motif in the C-terminal tail of the TRPV1 subunit that governs channel assembly. Removing this region through early truncation or targeted deletion results in loss of subunit association and channel function. Importantly, we found that interfering with TRPV1 subunit association using a plasma membrane-tethered peptide attenuated mechanical and thermal hypersensitivity in two mouse models of inflammatory hyperalgesia. This represents a novel mechanism to disrupt TRPV1 subunit assembly and hence may offer a new analgesic tool for pain relief.  相似文献   

Coumarin and its derivatives are fragrant natural compounds isolated from the genus Murraya that are flowering plants widely distributed in East Asia, Australia, and the Pacific Islands. Murraya plants have been widely used as medicinal herbs for relief of pain, such as headache, rheumatic pain, toothache, and snake bites. However, little is known about their analgesic components and the molecular mechanism underlying pain relief. Here, we report the bioassay-guided fractionation and identification of a novel coumarin derivative, named muralatin L, that can specifically activate the nociceptor transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 (TRPV1) channel and reverse the inflammatory pain in mice through channel desensitization. Muralatin L was identified from the active extract of Murraya alata against TRPV1 transiently expressed in HEK-293T cells in fluorescent calcium FlexStation assay. Activation of TRPV1 current by muralatin L and its selectivity were further confirmed by whole-cell patch clamp recordings of TRPV1-expressing HEK-293T cells and dorsal root ganglion neurons isolated from mice. Furthermore, muralatin L could reverse inflammatory pain induced by formalin and acetic acid in mice but not in TRPV1 knock-out mice. Taken together, our findings show that muralatin L specifically activates TRPV1 and reverses inflammatory pain, thus highlighting the potential of coumarin derivatives from Murraya plants for pharmaceutical and medicinal applications such as pain therapy.  相似文献   

Despite significant progress in our understanding of the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying sensory transduction and nociception, clinical pain management remains a considerable challenge in health care and basic research. The identification of the superfamily of transient receptor potential (TRP) cation channels, particularly TRPV1 and TRPA1, has shed light on the molecular basis of pain signaling during inflammatory conditions. TRPV1 and TRPA1 are considered as potential targets in the treatment of inflammatory pain because of their ability to be activated by nociceptive signals and sensitized by pro-inflammatory mediators. Notably, TRPA1 is expressed in visceral afferent neurons and is known to participate in inflammatory responses and the establishment of hypersensitivity. This review summarizes the current knowledge of the role of TRPA1 in sensory transduction, particularly in the context of visceral inflammation and pain in the gastrointestinal and urinary tracts.  相似文献   

Despite significant progress in our understanding of the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying sensory transduction and nociception, clinical pain management remains a considerable challenge in health care and basic research. The identification of the superfamily of transient receptor potential (TRP) cation channels, particularly TRPV1 and TRPA1, has shed light on the molecular basis of pain signaling during inflammatory conditions. TRPV1 and TRPA1 are considered as potential targets in the treatment of inflammatory pain because of their ability to be activated by nociceptive signals and sensitized by pro-inflammatory mediators. Notably, TRPA1 is expressed in visceral afferent neurons and is known to participate in inflammatory responses and the establishment of hypersensitivity. This review summarizes the current knowledge of the role of TRPA1 in sensory transduction, particularly in the context of visceral inflammation and pain in the gastrointestinal and urinary tracts.  相似文献   

Some like it hot – and spicy: Chili and the capsaicin receptor TRPV1 Since many hundred years, many people like to eat chili pepper containing the pungent ingredient capsaicin that is responsible for making the food hot and spicy. Capsaicin activates transient receptor potential TRPV1 channels that are predominantly expressed in sensory neurons involved in pain sensation. TRPV1 is a noxious heat sensor and can also be activated by protons and several animal toxins. Thus, TRPV1 is a polymodal sensor of multiple noxious stimuli that cause pain. TRPV1 functions as a nocisensor that detects chemical and thermal stimuli and transduces this stimulation into sensory nerve impulses which leads to the perception of pain. Inhibition of TRPV1 reduces or abolishes pain sensation. A strong activation of TRPV1 induces a long-lasting refractory period of the pain-detecting system (desensitization) and may even lead to an irreversible loss of TRPV1-expressing sensory neurons. It still remains unclear why many people love hot and spicy food, accompanied by a burning sensation in the mouth.  相似文献   

Patients with inflammatory or neuropathic pain experience hypersensitivity to mechanical, thermal and/or chemical stimuli. Given the diverse etiologies and molecular mechanisms of these pain syndromes, an approach to developing successful therapies may be to target ion channels that contribute to the detection of thermal, mechanical and chemical stimuli and promote the sensitization and activation of nociceptors. Transient Receptor Potential (TRP) channels have emerged as a family of evolutionarily conserved ligand-gated ion channels that contribute to the detection of physical stimuli. Six TRPs (TRPV1, TRPV2, TRPV3, TRPV4, TRPM8 and TRPA1) have been shown to be expressed in primary afferent nociceptors, pain sensing neurons, where they act as transducers for thermal, chemical and mechanical stimuli. This short review focuses on their contribution to pain hypersensitivity associated with peripheral inflammatory and neuropathic pain states.  相似文献   

Initiated by the activation of various nociceptors, pain is a reaction to specific stimulus modalities. The μ-opioid receptor (MOR) agonists, including morphine, remain the most potent analgesics to treat patients with moderate to severe pain. However, the utility of MOR agonists is limited by the adverse effects associated with the use of these drugs, including analgesic tolerance and physical dependence. A strong connection has been suggested between the expression of the transient receptor potential vanilloid type 1 (TRPV1) ion channel and the development of inflammatory hyperalgesia. TRPV1 is important for thermal nociception induction, and is mainly expressed on sensory neurons. Recent reports suggest that opioid or TRPV1 receptor agonist exposure has contrasting consequences for anti-nociception, tolerance and dependence. Chronic morphine exposure modulates TRPV1 activation and induces the anti-nociception effects of morphine. The regulation of many downstream targets of TRPV1 plays a critical role in this process, including calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) and substance P (SP). Additional factors also include capsaicin treatment blocking the anti-nociception effects of morphine in rats, as well as opioid modulation of TRPV1 responses through the cAMP-dependent PKA pathway and MAPK signaling pathways. Here, we review new insights concerning the mechanism underlying MOR-TRPV1 crosstalk and signaling pathways and discuss the potential mechanisms of morphine-induced anti-nociception, tolerance and dependence associated with the TRPV1 signaling pathway and highlight how understanding these mechanisms might help find therapeutic targets for the treatment of morphine induced antinociception, tolerance and dependence.  相似文献   

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