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本文以粤油 116花生(Arachis hypogaea L.)为材料,对不同处理种子的除子叶“种胚”(以下简称“种胚”)的蛋白质进行了研究.实验结果表明,当花生种子活力下降到一定程度时,其“种胚”内出现一种新蛋白质( pI6.2、MW 10 KD),随种子老化程度加深,含量逐渐增多.我们认为该蛋白质与花生种子老化存在着一定的相关关系,可作为该种子老化的标志.  相似文献   

黄皮种子发育晚期,胚内核酸、蛋白质合成能力增强,而花生胚的核酸、蛋白质合成能力在发育晚期则呈下降趋势。黄皮胚的发育在达到生理成熟后维持着活跃的生理代谢并转入萌发状态;而花生胚的代谢活性逐步降低并转入生理静止状态。脱水处理引起生理成熟期黄皮胚核酸、蛋白质合成能力急剧下降,核酸水解酶活性增强。不同程度脱水的黄皮胚吸胀24h,核酸、蛋白质的合成能力随脱水程度的加深而降低;生物大分子代谢能力的变化是顽拗性  相似文献   

花生(Arachis hypogaea L.)汕油71果针入土20d(20 DAP)的种子剥去种皮后,10%的胚可以萌发,至40 DAP发芽率达98%。不同发育时期的花生胚萌发 10d后子叶盐溶蛋白质和花生球蛋白降解表明,20和32 DAP胚萌发后,子叶中这些蛋白质只有部分降解。随着胚成熟度增加,子叶中降解这些蛋白质的能力不断提高。20~40 DAP胚萌发4d时,子叶的BAPAase和GHE活性较低。50~80DAP胚萌发 4d,子叶中上述两种酶均显示较高的活性。  相似文献   

随着花生种子萌发率和活力指数的下降,胚轴DNA开始合成的时间推迟,其合成水平也降低。但DNA合成都是先于吸胀的12h(高活力胚)或18h(低活力胚)出现一个峰,然后再持续上升。腐胺预处理明显地促进老化胚轴萌发早期(12~2dh)的DNA合成。钙离子预处理则有一定抑制作用,但两种预处理均能提高种子的活力指数,并能促进吸胀30h以后的DNA合成。  相似文献   

种子的萌发需要一定的内在条件和环境条件。根据北师大版生物学教材7年级上册内容,种子萌发的内在条件之一是具有完整的胚。对双子叶植物花生种子缺少部分子叶的不完整胚进行了萌发探究,结果表明花生种子缺少部分子叶的不完整胚仍可以萌发。  相似文献   

发育中的花生胚在无激素固体培养基上高体培养时提前萌发,其发芽力随胚的成熟增加而提高。果针入土后40d胚的发芽率达100%。禹体培养过程中,外源ABA能够阻止花生胚提前萌发和促进胚的发育。胚成熟前期,较低浓度的ABA(10~(-5)mol/L)便抑制胚的萌发;而在成熟中期以后,则要求较高浓度的ABA(10~(-4)mol/L)才能抑制胚的萌发。ABA对成熟前期胚的贮藏蛋白质合成无影响,而对成熟中期至后期胚的贮藏蛋白质合成起促进作用。ABA维持花生胚贮藏蛋白质合成和积累的作用表现在转录水平上。  相似文献   

在不同气体贮藏下花生种子活力的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
花生种子(含水量6.21%)在38—40℃下进行人工老化贮藏,N_1和 CO_2空气有延缓种子老化的效果。种子在 N_2或 CO_2气体下老化贮藏26周,发芽率不受影响;而在空气中贮藏的种子,其发芽率几乎丧失。用公式(胚根+下胚轴)mm×发芽率(第5天)来测定花生种子活力。它能够既简单又准确地反映种子老化时品质的变化。花生种子活力与呼吸及幼苗生长有较好的正相关,与浸泡液的电导和糖含量成显著负相关。  相似文献   

低能钒离子注入花生种子的深度分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用鼎瑟福背散射(RBS)和X射线能谱分析法(EDAX)对V元素在花生种子中的深度分布进行了测量,并用扫描电镜对注入前后花生种胚的形貌变化进行观察。结果表明,由于样品表面较粗糙以及其特殊结构,RBS方法不适于测量钒在花生肿胚中的深度分布,trim95也不适合于对注入钒离子在花生种子中的深度进行模拟,而EDAX的测量结果表明V离子的穿透深度可达到15μm。另外,注入前后花生种胚的形貌发生了显著变化。  相似文献   

短柄五加种子结构、后熟作用及其细胞化学研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
短柄五加Eleutherococcus brachypus Harms种子为扁肾形,种皮由一层细胞构成。种子脱落时,胚 为心形胚期,胚周围的胚乳细胞解体形成液样囊腔,并包裹胚,胚细胞中存在较多蛋白质,胚乳细胞贮 存大量蛋白质颗粒和脂类,但两者均未见多糖颗粒。有萌发潜能的种子只占全部种子的9.27%。在试 验地种植条件下饱满种子经18~19个月后萌发,出苗率为1.67%,该过程细胞化学特点是胚细胞中蛋 白质含量逐渐减少,并逐渐积累少量多糖颗粒。种子经变温层积处理6个月即可完成后熟过程,其细胞 化学特点是胚细胞中蛋白质含量逐渐减少,但在心形胚后期即已积累大量多糖颗粒,并一直保持至胚 完全发育成熟。经比较短柄五加与刺五加的种子结构、后熟作用及其细胞化学特点,认为短柄五加种子质量差、自然状态下后熟时间长和出苗率低是短柄五加致濒的重要生殖因素,并提出了相应保护方法。  相似文献   

成熟脱水是正常性种子发育的末端事件。种子在成熟时胚的脱水耐性增加;当种子萌发时胚变得不耐脱水。当种子获得脱水耐性时,糖、蛋白质和抗氧化防御系统等保护性物质积累;当脱水耐性丧失时,这些物质被降解。成熟脱水是种子从发育过程向萌发过程转变的“开关”,它降低发育的蛋白质和mRNA的合成,终止发育事件和促进萌发事件。顽拗性种子不经历成熟脱水的发育阶段,对脱水高度敏感。  相似文献   

种子老化的生理生化与分子机理研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘娟  归静  高伟  马俊峰  王佺珍 《生态学报》2016,36(16):4997-5006
种子作为植物遗传资源的有效保存体以及重要的种质创新原料,其老化或者劣变将直接导致发芽率、活力、生活力降低,抑制种胚正常发育以及幼苗生长,由此造成植物生产水平及其品质大幅下降。这也将进一步涉及因种质资源匮乏、土壤种子库系统功能紊乱所引发的全球生物多样性减小、草地退化和荒漠化加剧等生态危机问题。对种子老化生理生化特性和分子机理等研究进行了综述。总结了近年来关于种子老化涉及的理化反应包括保护酶活性的改变、核酸以及蛋白质的分解、内源激素的消长、质膜完整性降低等相关研究;并从蛋白代谢、核酸代谢、种子含水量以及基因重组等多角度总结和阐述了与老化机理有关的最新研究观点,以期为种子老化、种子活力修复和种子寿命延长等机理研究提供基础理论参考。目前对种子老化的研究多集中于传统的生理生化过程和内外影响因子相对独立变化的片段性研究,缺乏系统综合的多层面体系研究。种子作为生命体,随着探讨生命衰老机理的生物技术日新月异,通过蛋白组学、酶学、基因工程技术、转录组测序等新技术的应用,必将对未来种子老化机理机制的揭示有突破性推进作用。  相似文献   

Proteomic analysis of seed viability in maize   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To identify specific proteins related to maize seed viability, seeds of Zhengdan 958 (one of the high-yield maize hybrids in China) were sorted based on viability evaluation with triphenyltetrazolium chloride (TTC) assay and used for comparative proteomic analysis. After TTC staining, embryos of high-viability seeds were deep red (R type), while embryos of dead seeds were white (W type). Proteomic analysis revealed that 28 protein spots identified were differently expressed significantly between R and W embryos, of which 20 were up-regulated and 8 down-regulated in R embryos. Among them were proteins involved in stress response, protein folding, and stabilization, as wells as proteins related to nutrient reservoir and metabolism. Prominently, small heat shock proteins, late embryogenesis abundant (LEA) proteins, and antioxidant enzymes were highly up-regulated, while two proteases were highly down-regulated in R embryos compared to W embryos. One of LEA proteins was EMB564, which declined in abundance during artificial aging of seeds. Our results suggested an association of EMB564 with maize seed viability. It would be of interest to use these small proteins to develop quick tests for seed quality.  相似文献   

Studies with the seeds of soybean, navy bean, pea, and peanut were made to determine the extent of leakage of intracellular enzymes during imbition. Embryos with intact testae from all four species were found to leak detectable activities of either intracellular enzymes of the cytosol (glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase) or enzymes found in both the cytosol and organelles (malate dehydrogenase, glutamate dehydrogenase, glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase, and NADP-isocitrate dehydrogenase) after 6 hours imbition at 25 C. Pea and peanut embryos with testae leaked considerably lower levels of activity for these enzymes than did those of soybean and bean. Leakage of mitochondrial marker enzymes (fumarase, cytochrome c oxidase, and adenylate kinase) was not detected from embryos with testae, suggesting that a differential diffusion of intracellular components out of cells occurred. Soybean and bean embryos without testae leaked high, and proportionally (per cent dry seed basis) similar, levels of all cytosol, cytosol-organelle, and mitochondrial marker enzymes and protein during imbibition, indicating that cell membranes were not differential to leakage and that they had ruptured. Pea and peanut embryos without testae leaked detectable activities of all cytosol and cytosol-organelle enzymes, although fumarase was the only detectable mitochondrial marker enzyme leaked, suggesting that some degree of differential leakage may have occurred in these species. The outermost layers of embryo cells of seeds without testae of all four species absorbed and sequestered the nonpermeating pigment Evan's blue after 5 to 15 minutes imbibition, indicating that membranes had ruptured. This occurred to a much lesser extent in seeds with intact testae. Both soybean and bean embryos without testae were observed to disintegrate during imbibition, whereas those of pea and peanut did not. These data indicate that seeds of certain legumes are susceptible to cellular rupture during imbibition when seed coats are damaged or missing.  相似文献   

Storage of seeds for extended periods causes a number of degradative changes related to the aging process such as decreased seedling vigor and reduced germination. In this study, molecular markers were used to study the aging process in seeds of two different plants species. Seeds of three differentially aged seed groups, including control (un-aged), naturally aged, and accelerated aging, from soybean (Glycine max) and safflower (Carthamus tinctorius) were evaluated for genetic variability using random amplification of polymorphic DNA (RAPD), amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP), and simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. For both plant species, naturally aged and accelerated aged groups clustered together with RAPD markers, whereas control and naturally aged seeds showed similarity in both AFLP and SSR profiles. Based on these findings, it can be concluded that observed changes in DNA profiles of seeds from different aged groups did not contribute to accumulation of genetic variations of the same magnitude. Therefore, seed of similar viability must be selected for molecular marker analysis for plant variety protection, among other comparative studies.  相似文献   

Proteome analysis of maize seeds: the effect of artificial ageing   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Xin X  Lin XH  Zhou YC  Chen XL  Liu X  Lu XX 《Physiologia plantarum》2011,143(2):126-138

顽拗性黄皮种子脱水过程中活性氧清除酶活性的变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以正常性种子花生为对照,研究了顽拗性黄皮种子脱水过程中活性氧清除酶、膜脂过氧化作用以及电解质渗漏率的变化。随着含水量的下降,黄皮胚的电解质渗漏率和膜脂过氧化产物丙二醛(MDA)含量均显著增加;当黄皮胚含水量下降至40%后,SOD活性开始急剧下降,而POD和CAT活性在胚含水量下降过程中呈现出缓慢下降的趋势。花生胚在含水量从45%降至14%的过程中,电解质渗漏率没有明显增加,MDA含量只有少量增加;当含水量降至14%后,电解质渗漏率出现少量增加。花生胚脱水初期,活性氧清除酶活性明显增加,并在整个脱水过程中维持较高的水平。以上结果表明顽拗性种子黄皮的脱水敏感性与活性氧清除酶相对活性变化有关。脱水引起黄皮胚活性氧清除酶活性降低,活性氧清除能力下降,膜脂过氧化作用加强,膜透性增大。黄皮胚的膜系统可能是脱水伤害的靶位之一。  相似文献   

Proteomics reveals potential biomarkers of seed vigor in sugarbeet   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To unravel biomarkers of seed vigor, an important trait conditioning crop yield, a comparative proteomic study was conducted with sugarbeet seed samples of varying vigor as generated by an invigoration treatment called hydropriming and an aging treatment called controlled deterioration. Comparative proteomics revealed proteins exhibiting contrasting behavior between seed samples. Thus, 18 proteins were up-regulated during priming and down-regulated during aging and further displayed an up-regulation upon priming of the aged seeds, meaning that down-regulation of these spot volumes during aging was reversible upon subsequent priming. Also, 11 proteins exhibited the converse behavior characterized by a decrease and an increase of the spot volumes during priming and aging of the control seeds, respectively, and a decrease in the spot volumes upon priming of the aged seeds. The results underpinned the role in seed vigor of several metabolic pathways involved in lipid and starch mobilization, protein synthesis or the methyl cycle. They also corroborate previous studies suggesting that the glyoxylate enzyme isocitrate lyase, the capacity of protein synthesis and components of abscisic acid signaling pathways are likely contributors of seed vigor.  相似文献   

The acquisition and induction of desiccation tolerance associated with the expression of heat-stable proteins in the developing peanut (Arachis hypogaea L. ) seeds were studied. Desiccation tolerance of peanut seeds was achieved during 45 to 65 DAP (days after pegging) embryogenesis, while a set of low molecular weight (9 to 15.5 kD) heat-stable polypeptides was preferentially expressed. Slow drying regime applied in vitro to 25 and 35 DAP peanut embryos induced desiccation tolerance and the expression of the same subset of polypeptides. Mature drying treatment enhanced the ability of 65 DAP peanut embryos to withstand fast drying, also increased the heat stability of arachins, the major peanut storage protein, which was heat labile during 45 to 65 DAP embryogenesis. It was concluded that the heat-stable proteins may contribute to desiccation tolerance of the peanut seeds, and the low molecular weight heat-stable polypeptides may confer nonspecifieally heat tolerance on peanut storage proteins which were normally heat labile.  相似文献   

花生种子耐脱水力的获得与热稳定蛋白的关系   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
花生(ArachishypogaeaL.)种子的耐脱水能力在果针入土后45d以后的胚胎发育期逐渐增加,与一组9~15.5kD低分子量热稳定蛋白的丰富表达有关。缓慢干燥可以诱导不耐脱水的果针入土后25d及35d花生胚获得耐脱水能力并同时诱导胚轴表达这组热稳定蛋白。成熟脱水促进花生胚耐脱水能力的获得,并增加了花生球蛋白的热稳定性。  相似文献   

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