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用乙型脑炎(乙脑)病毒强毒株免疫制备的单克隆抗体(McAb)分析证明强毒株之间的抗原差别,已有研究报道。本实验用乙脑病毒减毒活疫苗2-8株免疫制备的McAb分析强毒株和减毒株之间的抗原差别。 一、乙脑病毒株 2-8株和5-3株均为减毒活疫苗株。SA14株和A2株均为强毒株,SA14株是2-8株和5-3株的母株,A2株是国内实验室标准株。  相似文献   

本文报道了对分离自湖北地区的A型塞尼卡病毒(Senecavirus A,SVA)CH-HB-2017毒株进行鉴定和生物学特性研究。全基因序列分析显示,该分离株与国内毒株CH-HN-2017、CH-HNSL-2017、CH-FJ-2017和美国毒株USA-IA44952-2015、USA-IA44662-2015和USA-SD41901-2015的同源性高。该SVA可在猪肾传代细胞(IBRS-2)和猪睾丸细胞(Swine testis cells,ST)中复制增殖,感染后都能产生CPE,通过病毒一步生长曲线、蚀斑试验和定量PCR等试验表明,该毒株对IBRS-2细胞更易感,病毒滴度更高。本实验成功分离到1株SVA流行毒株,并研究了该毒株的生物学特性,为深入研究该病毒奠定基础。  相似文献   

作者以3种不同毒力型的新城疫病毒(NDV)为免疫抗原,获得21株特异单克隆抗体(以下简称单抗),按其血凝抑制、溶血抑制和病毒中和能力的不同,将它们分成3组。21株单抗中有15株与所有被试的35个国内外分离的参考毒株起反应,另外6株单抗仅与部份毒株起反应。根据与上述单抗的不同反应谱,将这些NDV毒株分成7个群,同一群内的毒株在重要的流行病学和生物学特征方面一致。单抗LD_2、LC10-5只与疫苗毒株B1、La Sota及其克隆化毒株N79及1株生物学特性不明的野外分离物起反应。  相似文献   

了解2018-2019年福州市五岁以下腹泻住院儿童标本中A组轮状病毒(RVA)基因组特征.通过反转录-聚合酶链式反应(RT-PCR)对49份RVA阳性标本进行核酸扩增,对扩增到的40份标本进行全基因组二代测序,获得G1P[8]型RVA毒株7株,G9P[8]型RVA毒株33株.根据VP7节段分型,40株RVA毒株中有30株G9-Ⅵ亚型、3株G9-Ⅲ亚型和7株G1-Ⅰ亚型;根据VP4节段分型,40株RVA毒株均属于P[8]-3亚型.全基因组核苷酸序列分析表明,除了VP7节段外,序列差异比较大的有NSP4和NSP1两个节段.本研究获得11株G9P[8]型Waa-ike株(G9-P[8]-I1-R1-C1-M1-A1-N1-T1-E1-H1),22株NSP4节段重配的G9P[8]-E2株(G9-P[8]-I1-R1-C1-M1-A1-N1-T1-E2-H1),在测序的33株G9P[8]型RVA毒株中G9P[8]-E2重配株占66.7%.7株G1P[8]型RVA毒株均为Wa-like株.研究结果表明,2018-2019年福州地区流行的RVA毒株中G9P[8]-E2重配株已经成为优势株,为了更全面了解福州地区RVA毒株的遗传变异情况,后续还需加大标本量持续进行监测.  相似文献   

目的:为了快速鉴别诊断新疆南疆猪繁殖与呼吸综合征病毒(PRRSV)高致病性与低致病性毒株,从而指导新疆南疆PRRS的防制。方法:利用克隆和测序获得了8个新疆南疆PRRSV Nsp2基因部分序列,并进行了序列分析。结果:所研究的8株属于美洲型毒株,其中XJNJ-1-1、XJNJ-1-3、XJNJ-6-2和XJNJ-6-3株为高致病性PRRSV毒株,XJNJ-7-1、XJNJ-7-2、XJNJ-10-2和XJNJ-15-3株为低致病性PRRSV毒株。结论:新疆南疆同时存在高致病和低致病性PRRSV感染,该研究建立的PRRS分子诊断方法可以鉴别PRRSV高致病性和低致病性毒株。  相似文献   

肖玮  钱渊  张又 《病毒学报》1999,15(4):5249
克隆并测定了引起产科新生儿腹泻暴发的P2[6]、G4型轮状病毒(BN株)VP4的VP8片段和VP7编码基因的核苷酸序列,并据此推导出其氨基酸序列。与相应标准株和地方株(包括有毒株和无毒株)比较的结果表明,所测VP8序列与相同型别(P2[6])的标准株M37(无毒株)和ST3(无毒株)、地方株N16(无毒株)和VE7156(有毒株)之间的同源性为92.8%~98.6%,胰酶作用位点各毒株间相同;位于aa49、aa50、aa52、aa53、aa78处的氨基酸在有毒株与无毒株间(包括BN株)不同,但分别保守。VP7基因与同型(G4)标准株ST3(A亚型/无毒株)和VA70(B亚型/有毒株)、意大利地方株PV5249(A亚型/有毒株)和北京地方株CR117(有毒株)、同型猪有毒株Gott之间的同源性为91.4%~97.8%,其中与A亚型的同源性为95.5%~96.3%,而与B亚型的同源性为91.4%,提示VP7为G4A亚型,位于aa38、aa78、aa145、aa238位点的氨基酸在有毒株与无毒株之间不同,但分别保守。分析了虽为P2[6]型却反常地引起新生儿腹泻暴发毒株(BN)的VP8与VP7基因的变异情况,并对轮状病毒毒力与VP4、VP7基因变异的相互关系进行了讨论,为慎重确定轮状病毒疫苗候选毒株提供理论依据。  相似文献   

应用杂交瘤技术,以大菜粉蝶颗粒体病毒(pbGV)、菜粉蝶颗粒体病毒北京分离株(prGV-801)、武汉分离株(prGVw1-78)和济南分离株(prGV-J)等4株病毒为抗原,获得9株杂交瘤细胞(Fr1~9)。ELISA测定细胞培养上清抗体效价最高达8000,腹水效价最高达450000。9株杂交瘤细胞所分泌的抗体,各呈现株或组特异性,其中pr1~4分别与4个毒株起反应,pr5~8可与2~3个毒株起反应,而Pr9则与所有4个毒株均起反应。据此,认为这4个毒株有抗原性差异。不同毒株间抗原性的差异不仅存在于病毒粒子上,而且也存在于颗粒体蛋白上。讨论了昆虫病毒单克隆抗体在鉴别病毒抗原性差异,生物防治和流行病学研究中的意义。  相似文献   

用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳方法分析了流行性感冒病毒重组株京生75-29R2 T1(H3N2)及冷适应株31-广(H3N2)的RNA及多肽。重组株京生75-29R2 T1的HA及M基因系来自流行病毒亲本株/甲/北京/29/75(H3N2),而P_2、NA、NP及NS基因则来自温度敏感母株福R3(H2N2)。流行病毒株甲/穗/03/68(H3N2)在低温条件下经鸡胚尿囊腔传递24代而获得的冷适应疫苗毒株31-广(H3N2)其基因型与野毒株一致。  相似文献   

目的:研究轮状病毒野毒株的分离方法、组织培养适应条件及相应生物学性质.方法:对收集的样品采用胶体金、PCR、PAGE进行轮状病毒定性检测.阳性样品按常规方法处理并进行组织培养分离,对不同传代样品做基因组图谱、基因序列、病毒增殖动力学分析评价,采用轮状病毒P[8]G1型阳性血清进行病毒中和鉴别试验.结果:通过检测为A组轮状病毒,基因组为4∶2∶3∶2排列,基因分型G1P [8]型,在MA104细胞中传代后转至Vero细胞上适应培养可观察到CPE;电镜观察可见典型轮状病毒形态.毒株在Vero细胞上增殖到第10代,复制稳定,且感染性滴度达到7.25 log CCID50/ml,增殖高峰为96h.中和鉴别试验证实病毒培养液只包含轮状病毒,无其他病毒污染.结论:从腹泻样品中分离得到一株人源轮状病毒毒株,命名为ZTR-68株,该分离株具有良好的组织培养适应性,遗传稳定性,为进一步研究其生物学性质和疫苗制备提供了基础.  相似文献   

为了解2012-2020年福建省麻疹野毒株病毒核蛋白N基因及H基因的变化,探讨其流行规律,本研究收集2012年-2020年福建省各地市级麻疹风疹网络实验室检测麻疹病毒核酸阳性的麻疹疑似病例咽拭子标本开展病毒分离,应用RT-PCR方法扩增MV的N基因羧基末端450个核苷酸片段并进行序列测定,通过与WHO推荐24个麻疹病毒基因型参考株、中国S(Shanghai,上海)191疫苗株、H1a中国代表株(China93-2)进行对比分析,从2012-2020年共收到1217例麻疹核酸检测阳性的疑似麻疹病例的病原学标本中,共分离出83株麻疹病毒野毒株,其中76株为H1a亚型,5株B3基因型,2株D8基因型。H1a亚型可分为2个独立谱系Lineage1~2,MV H1a基因型毒株间核苷酸及氨基酸同源性为99.82%~99.98%和99.91%~100%。2018年及2019年福建省首次分离到B3基因型麻疹病毒及D8基因型麻疹病毒为输入性基因型,B3基因型毒株高度同源,D8基因型毒株同源性100%。H1a基因型为福建省本土野毒株优势基因亚型,不同地区不同年代存在同一野毒株持续循环,同一地区同一年份也具...  相似文献   

阿特拉津降解菌SA1的分离鉴定及其降解特性研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为进行阿特拉津(AT)污染的生物修复,从AT降解混合菌群中,经长期的交替液体摇瓶培养和平板划线分离,筛选到一株能完全降解AT的菌株SA1。经生理生化特征及16S rDNA序列分析,将该菌鉴定为假单胞菌属(Pseudomonas sp.)。与已报道的AT降解菌Pseudomonas sp.ADP不同,SA1能以AT为唯一碳源、氮源和能源生长,培养基中添加铵盐不抑制SA1的降解功能,而添加葡萄糖时,累积的氰尿酸会被快速降解。SA1生长的最适温度为37℃,最适pH值为7.0。SA1的静息细胞在10℃~40℃或pH值4~11时均能高效降解AT,比ADP降解具有更广的pH和温度范围,表明SA1降解菌株具有广阔的应用前景。SA1中AT降解基因为保守的atzABCD,并含有IS1071的tnpA基因片段,传代过程中降解基因会以一定频率丢失。  相似文献   

The intramolecular and intermolecular perturbation on the electronic state of FAD was investigated by FTIR spectroscopy by using the C=O stretching vibrations as probes in D(2)O solution. Natural and artificial FADs, i.e. 8-CN-, 8-Cl-, 8-H-, 8-OCH(3)-, and 8-NH(2)-FAD labelled by 2-(13)C, (18)O=C(2), or 4,10a-(13)C(2) were used for band assignments. The C(2)=O and C(4)=O stretching vibrations of oxidized FAD were shifted systematically by the substitution at the 8-position, i.e. the stronger the electron-donating ability (NH(2) > OCH(3) > CH(3) > H > Cl > CN) of the substituent, the lower the wavenumber region where both the C(2)=O and C(4)=O bands appear. In contrast, the C(4)=O band of anionic reduced FAD scarcely shifted. The 1,645-cm(-1) band containing C(2)=O stretching vibration shifted to 1,630 cm(-1) in the medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (MCAD)-bound state, which can be explained by hydrogen bonds at C(2)=O of the flavin ring. The band was observed at 1,607 cm(-1) in the complex of MCAD with 3-thiaoctanoyl-CoA. The 23 cm(-1) shift was explained by the charge-transfer interaction between oxidized flavin and the anionic acyl-CoA. In the case of electron-transferring flavoprotein, two bands associated with the C(4)=O stretching vibration were obtained at 1,712 and 1,686 cm(-1), providing evidence for the multiple conformations of the protein.  相似文献   

Based on combinations of nine variable nucleotides at nine different base positions in the ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 region, Cryptococcus gattii strains were classified into six genotypes. A new genotype of C. gattii , designated as ITS type 8, was isolated from an AIDS patient in Brazil. The ITS type 8 strain is closely related to the ITS type 4 strain, which has been frequently isolated in Brazil and the USA, but which shows ITS-signatured nucleotide difference at each nucleotide position. The ITS type 8 strain is also differentiated from all heretofore reported ITS types of C. gattii strains in the RAPD band patterns and IGS sequence information.  相似文献   

Alanine, lysine, ornithine and valine conjugated to primaquine and other 8-quinolinamine antimalarials were prepared for blood-schizontocidal antimalarial activity evaluation. The analogues were examined in vivo against Plasmodium berghei (drug-sensitive strain) and Plasmodium yoelii nigeriensis (highly virulent multi-drug-resistant strain) infected mice models. N(1)-[4-(5-Butoxy-4-ethyl-6-methoxy-8-quinolylamino)pentyl]-(2S)-2,6-diaminohexanamide (20) which showed curative activity at 5mg/kg in the P. berghei test emerged as the most effective compound. N(1)-[4-(4-Ethyl-5-hexoxy-6-methoxy-8-quinolylamino)pentyl]-(2S)-2,6-diaminohexanamide (22) exhibited curative activity at 50mg/kg against P. yoelii nigeriensis in mice and emerged as the most potent analogue against multi-drug resistant strain. The results of this study represent development of highly potent 8-quinolinamines for antimalarial drug development.  相似文献   

The microbial community in the human colon contains bacteria that reduce cholesterol to coprostanol, but the species responsible for this conversion are still unknown. We describe here the first isolation and characterization of a cholesterol-reducing bacterium of human intestinal origin. Strain D8 was isolated from a 10(-8) dilution of a fresh stool sample provided by a senior male volunteer with a high capacity to reduce luminal cholesterol to coprostanol. Cholesterol-to-coprostanol conversion by strain D8 started on the third day, while cells were in stationary phase, and was almost complete after 7 days. Intermediate products (4-cholesten-3-one and coprostanone) were occasionally observed, suggesting an indirect pathway for cholesterol-to-coprostanol conversion. Resting-cell assays showed that strain D8 could reduce 1.5 mumol of cholesterol/mg bacterial protein/h. Strain D8 was a gram-negative, non-spore-forming, rod-shaped organism identified as a member of the genus Bacteroides closely related to Bacteroides vulgatus, based on its morphological and biochemical characteristics. The 16S rRNA gene sequence of strain D8 was most similar (>99.5%) to those of two isolates of the recently described species Bacteroides dorei. Phylogenetic tree construction confirmed that Bacteroides sp. strain D8 clustered within an independent clade together with these B. dorei strains. Nevertheless, no cholesterol-reducing activity could be detected in cultures of the B. dorei type strain. Based on Bacteroides group-specific PCR-temporal temperature gradient gel electrophoresis, there was no correlation between the presence of a band comigrating with the band of Bacteroides sp. strain D8 and cholesterol conversion in 11 human fecal samples, indicating that this strain is unlikely to be mainly responsible for cholesterol conversion in the human population.  相似文献   

The cellular localization of the AT(2) receptor and the regulation of its expression in hypertrophied left ventricle are not well known. We compared the expression of the cardiac AT(1) and AT(2) receptor in spontaneously hypertensive rats/Izumo strain (SHR/Izm) and Wistar Kyoto rats/Izumo strain (WKY/Izm), ages 4, 12, and 20 wk, by means of immunohistochemistry and Western blot analysis. In SHR/Izm, compared with WKY/Izm, blood pressure (161 +/- 2 vs. 120 +/- 2 mmHg at 12 wk, P 相似文献   

The polypeptide composition of Chlamydia was examined by acrylamide gel electrophoresis. When the polypeptide patterns of purified infectious elementary bodies (EB) of C. psittaci meningopneumonitis strain, 6BC strain, and C. trachomatis T'ang strain were compared, no significant differences were observed. The polypeptide patterns of whole EB and reticulate bodies (RB) appeared to overlap, but differences were found. In EB cell walls, nine main and several minor bands of polypeptides were observed in gels containing sodium lauryl sulfate, and the eighth main band from the top of the gel stained positive with periodic acid-Schiff reagent. On the other hand, the polypeptides in bands 3, 6, and 8 in EB cell walls were missing or minor in RB cell walls, and the ninth band was clearly stained by PAS. Band 8 was also stained slightly. Purified subunits, which occur as a lattice structure on the inside layer of EB cell walls but are largely missing in RB cell walls, contained bands 4, 6, and 8, and band 8 was PAS positive. These results indicate that significant polypeptide synthesis or reorganization in the cell walls occurs during the growth cycle.  相似文献   

Alterations in the noncellular hemolymph components of M line Biomphalaria glabrata snails infected with the trematode Echinostoma paraensei for 1, 2, 4, 8, 15, 30, or 60 days were monitored by direct microscopical examination, and by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) in conjunction with quantitative densitometry. A prominent particulate substance was first noted in the hemolymph of infected snails at 1 day postexposure (PE), persisted through day 15, and subsided by day 30. This substance, which was not observed in control snails, contained 2 major polypeptides of 190-200 and 80-120 kDa. Infection with E. paraensei also induced substantial changes in soluble hemolymph polypeptides. PAGE lanes loaded with plasma samples from M line snails infected for 4, 8, 15, and 30 days exhibited a generalized increase in staining intensity relative to controls. A diffuse band centered at approximately 100 kDa, but of variable width, was selectively enriched relative to control preparations in snails with 4-, 8-, 15-, and 30-day-old infections. Standard protein assays also indicated an increase in total protein content of plasma samples from snails infected for 2-60 days, with significant increases noted at 4, 8, and 30 days. Infected snails of the 10-R2 strain of B. glabrata also contained particulate material in their hemolymph. However, soluble hemolymph components of 10-R2 snails exhibited relatively little change, or declined, as a result of infection. For either strain, no new bands could be detected in plasma samples from infected snails, nor were any bands consistently deleted as a result of infection. Although both snail strains exhibit alterations in hemolymph components as a result of infection, their responses differ qualitatively and quantitatively.  相似文献   

1. Human pre-procorticotropin releasing hormone (CRH) was expressed in E. coli strain TG2 as a fusion protein with beta-galactosidase. 2. A 140 kDa band which corresponded to beta-galactosidase pre-proCRH fusion protein was identified in lysates of TG2 cells harbouring the recombinant plasmid pre-proCRH (10-196) [ph PPC (10-196)] after sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and Coomassie Blue staining. The identity of the fusion protein was confirmed by Western blotting and a two-site immunoradiometric assay. 3. Purification of the fusion protein from isolated, washed and solubilized inclusion bodies was achieved by ion-exchange chromatography in the presence of 8 M urea. 4. When comparing the adrenocorticotropin-releasing activity on a molar basis, the potency of the chimeric CRH precursor was 4% of that of synthetic r/h CRH (1-41).  相似文献   

Features of EEG pattern during verbal creative thinking depending on experimental instruction were studied in men and women. Spectral power density was analyzed in six frequency bands (4-30 Hz). Performance of a creative task produced an increase in the power of theta (4-6 Hz) and beta2 (20-40 Hz) components and decrease in the power of alpha (8-13 Hz) and betal (13-20 Hz). Changes in the alpha and betal bands were observed, predominantly, in the posterior areas, whereas power of the thetal and beta2 bands increased in the anterior areas. Independently of instruction, women demonstrated greater synchronization in the theta1 band than men, whereas in men the desynchronization in the alpha2 band (10-13 Hz) was more pronounced. When the subjects were instructed to create original sentences, a widespread decrease in the EEG power was observed in the band of 8-30 Hz as compared to instruction "to create sentences". Thus, the instruction-related changes in EEG power were not gender-specific. They may reflect neural activity mediating selective attention.  相似文献   

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