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目的 通过建立东莨菪碱记忆障碍模型,采用中药复方金思维进行干预,观察金思维对东莨菪碱致记忆障碍模型小鼠行为学和胆碱能系统的影响,探讨该药的神经保护作用机制。方法 将ICR小鼠随机分为正常对照组;模型组,溶媒0.5%CMC;阳性对照组,多奈哌齐,0.92 mg/(kg·d);金思维大、中、小剂量组,20、10、5 mg/(kg·d)。每组18只,按0.1 mL/10 g小鼠体重连续灌胃给药30 d。末次给药后造模,对照组腹腔注射生理盐水,其余各组腹腔注射东莨菪碱3 mg/(kg·d),溶于0.9%生理盐水,按0.1 mL/10 g小鼠体重注射,进行Morris水迷宫实验。实验结束后取皮层和海马组织,分别测定皮层和海马中乙酰胆碱(Ach)含量、乙酰胆碱酯酶(Ach E)及胆碱乙酰转移酶(Ch AT)活性。结果 金思维可使模型小鼠游泳距离和游泳时间缩短及目标象限停留时间增长;金思维可使模型组小鼠脑内Ach含量升高、Ach E活性下降和Ch AT活性升高。结论 金思维可以改善东莨菪碱导致的记忆障碍模型小鼠学习记忆能力,其机制可能与胆碱能能系统有关。  相似文献   

目的 观察大蒜素对D-半乳糖(D-ga1)致小鼠衰老模型学习记忆的调节作用.方法 小鼠随机分为正常对照组、模型对照组、大蒜素低剂量组(10 mg/kg·d)、中剂量组(20 mg/kg·d)、高剂量组(40 mg/kg·d),连续给药8周后采用Y型迷宫、跳台实验检测小鼠学习记忆能力及体内丙二醛(MDA)和超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)水平. 结果 与正常对照组比较,模型对照组小鼠跳台错误次数和迷宫错误次数明显增多,体内MDA含量升高,SOD活性下降;大蒜素组小鼠跳台错误次数减少,迷宫测试潜伏期缩短,体内MDA含量下降,SOD活性升高,并呈现剂量依赖性.结论 大蒜素能改善衰老小鼠学习记忆能力,其机制可能与抗氧化作用有关.  相似文献   

皮下递增注射吗啡(25、50、75、100、125、150mg/kg)建立小鼠身体依赖动物模型,把6mg/kg纳络酮作用下的小鼠跳跃症状作为成瘾后戒断的行为学观测指标,检测DA受体激动剂溴隐亭和GABAB受体激动剂巴氯芬对戒断行为的影响;同时进一步研究激动二受体在戒断过程中的作用。结果表明:溴隐亭低剂量(10mg/kg)无抑制戒断症状的作用,中、高剂量(20、30mg/kg)能够明显抑制戒断症状;巴氯芬低、中剂量(0.5、1.0mg/kg)无抑制戒断症状的作用,高剂量(1.5mg/kg)则可以抑制戒断症状的作用。当无抑制作用剂量的溴隐亭(10mg/kg)和巴氯芬(1.0mg/kg)联合应用时能够明显抑制小鼠的戒断症状,说明此二受体在吗啡成瘾后戒断期间功能上具有协同作用,能够很好地抑制纳络酮诱导的成瘾小鼠跳跃症状。  相似文献   

家兔62只,用乌拉坦(700mg/kg)和氯醛醣(35mg/kg)静脉麻醉,三碘季铵酚制动,在人工呼吸下进行实验。用电刺激下丘脑近中线区的方法诱发室性期前收缩(HVE)。静脉注射安定(0.5mg/kg)可降低基础血压(BP),减弱刺激下丘脑引起升压反应(指收缩压峰值SBP_(max))和减少HVE。在双侧延髓腹外侧头端区(rVLM)微量注射氟安定(200μg溶于0.5μl中),γ-氨基丁酸(GABA)(6μg溶于0.5μl中)均能降低BP、SBP_(max)和减少HVE,若微量注射印防己毒素(7.5μg溶于0.5μl中)则可使BP上升并增多HVE。而于双侧延髓腹外侧尾端区(cVLM)微量注射同样剂量氟安定、GABA则无上述反应。安定降低BP、SBP_(max)和减少HVE的作用可被双侧rVLM区微量注射GABA受体拮抗剂荷包牡丹碱(3μg溶于0.5μl中)或印防己毒素所消除,但在双侧rVLM区微量注射甘氨酸受体拮抗剂士的宁(1μg溶于0.5μl中)、阿片受体拮抗剂纳洛酮(0.5μg溶于0.5μl中)、胆碱能阻断药阿托品(0.25μg溶于0.5μl中)、东莨菪碱(1.5μg溶于0.5μl中)后仍然存在。 上述结果提示,在双侧rVLM应用GABA受体拮抗剂可消除安定降低BP、SBP_(max)和减少HVE的作用,安定降低BP、SBP_(max)和减少HVE的作用可能通过GABA这一中间环节,而胆碱能受体、阿片受体、甘氨酸受体可能不起重要作用。  相似文献   

Liu XF  Yang G  Yang R  Jia Q  Guan SD 《动物学研究》2012,33(2):165-169
利用条件化位置偏好模型研究气味线索对吗啡依赖及渴求的影响,其结果发现,单一嗅觉条件刺激使小鼠建立条件化位置偏好,形成吗啡依赖。当改变外界环境,动物进入完全新异的环境后依然寻求与吗啡相关的气味线索,说明吗啡相关气味条件线索诱发了小鼠对吗啡的渴求。多巴胺D1或D2受体拮抗剂能阻断小鼠对气味线索的寻求。该结果表明嗅觉系统在药物成瘾过程中具有一定作用。  相似文献   

目的丙泊酚复合麻醉应用于实验犬外科手术,进行效果评价。方法成年健康杂种犬13只,雌雄不限。术前30 min肌内注射阿托品0.5 mg,吗啡10 mg,进行气管插管,静脉注射氯胺酮50 mg,静脉注射丙泊酚首次剂量5 mg/kg体重,维持剂量1 mg/kg。结果丙泊酚复合麻醉,平均麻醉起效时间40 s,首次剂量平均维持17.3min,重复给药平均维持13.6 min,无死亡。丙泊酚有较强的麻醉效果,诱导时间短,起效快,恢复快速平稳,而且无副作用。结论丙泊酚复合麻醉适合于犬的外科手术实验,是一种较为理想的麻醉方法。  相似文献   

研究欧前胡素(imperatorin,Imp)对Aβ_(1-42)致阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimer’s disease,AD)小鼠学习记忆的影响及机制。小鼠脑室内注射Aβ_(1-42)制备AD模型,Imp 2.5 mg/kg和5.0 mg/kg在手术后当天开始腹腔注射给药,1次/d,连续给药13 d,正常对照组和模型组在相同的给药时间点给予溶媒0.1 mL/10 g。第14 d,采用跳台法观察小鼠的学习记忆功能,检测小鼠脑组织内活性氧簇(reactive oxygen species,ROS)、脂质过氧化产物丙二醛(malondialdehyde,MDA)和总抗氧化能力(Total antioxidant capacity,T-AOC)及ATP酶活性。研究显示,同AD模型组比较,Imp 2.5 mg/kg和5.0 mg/kg组小鼠的跳台潜伏期明显延长(P0.05,P0.01)和错误次数明显减少(P0.05,P0.01),Imp 2.5 mg/kg和5.0 mg/kg组小鼠脑组织中ROS和MDA含量明显降低(P0.05,P0.01),Imp 5.0 mg/kg组T-AOC明显增强(P0.01),Imp 2.5 mg/kg和5.0 mg/kg组Na~+、K~+-ATP与Ca~(2+)-ATP酶的活性明显增强(P0.05,P0.01)。研究结果提示,Imp可能通过抑制AD小鼠脑组织中氧化应激损伤,从而改善Aβ_(1-42)致AD小鼠的学习记忆功能。  相似文献   

目的研究5-氟尿嘧啶(5-fluorouracil,5-FU)诱导小鼠化疗性肠黏膜炎动物模型。方法采用不同剂量的5-FU单次或连续5 d腹腔注射给予小鼠,每日观察小鼠体重、腹泻情况,并分别于末次给药后72 h或24 h,观察小鼠外周血象及小肠组织病理形态学改变。结果与正常组比较,单次或连续5 d给予5-FU后,各剂量组小鼠出现不同程度的腹泻及体重降低,外周血象白细胞和血小板水平明显降低(P0.05或P0.01),其中单次给药400 mg/kg组、连续给药50,100 mg/kg组出现明显的肠黏膜炎病理特征,100 mg/kg组剂量过高,死亡率达100%。结论单次或连续5 d给予5-FU诱导小鼠肠黏膜炎的作用呈剂量相关性,其中单次给药以400 mg/kg为合适剂量,连续5 d给药以50 mg/kg为合适剂量。  相似文献   

吗啡受体拮抗剂翻转电针镇痛的程度决定于电针刺激的频率   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
电针镇痛能被吗啡受体拮抗剂所对抗,被认为是内源性吗啡样物质参与针刺镇痛的有力证据。给大鼠皮下注射吗啡受体拮抗剂纳洛酮或纳曲酮 1mg/kg, 可以对抗低频和中频(2和15Hz)电针的镇痛效应,但不能对抗高频(100Hz)电针镇痛效应。增加纳洛酮剂量至20mg/kg才能部分对抗 100Hz电针镇痛。根据不同剂量纳洛酮(0.25—20mg/kg)对抗不同频率电针镇痛的剂量效应曲线,求得对2,15和100Hz电针镇痛产生50%翻转作用的纳洛酮剂量分别为 0.53,1.02和 24mg/kg。2—15Hz变频电针的镇痛作用也需用大剂量纳洛酮(20mg/kg)才能阻断。实验表明,在三种频率下,改变电针刺激强度(1,2,3V)并不影响纳洛酮翻转电针镇痛的百分数。以上结果表明,纳洛酮翻转电针镇痛的程度决定于电针的频率,不同频率的电针刺激可能在中枢神经系统中释放出不同的内源性吗啡样物质而发挥镇痛作用。  相似文献   

中枢M-胆碱受体阻滞剂东莨菪碱(0.2—0.5mg/kg)和多巴胺前体L-多巴[特别是″L-多巴 RO-4-4602″(300mg/kg 50 mg/kg)],能增强由4-氨基-2,2,5,5-四(三氟甲基)-氢化咪唑(6—8mg/kg)引起的豚鼠“踏步自动作用”。胆碱酯酶可逆性抑制剂毒扁豆碱(0.5mg/kg)和多巴胺受体阻断剂氟哌啶醇(0.1—0.2mg/kg)则减弱上述“踏步自动作用”,从而表明豚鼠的“踏步自动作用”不仅和胆碱能及多巴胺能系统的活动有关,而且可能和两者间的交互影响有关。此外,豚鼠规律的强踏步运动常见伴随θ节律的呈现。  相似文献   

A new approach to assess autonomic nervous system (ANS) activity and its response to drug action is presented. Our approach is based on the use of a cumulative plot of data obtained by power spectral analysis of heart rate variability, in defined frequency bands, during short time epochs (e.g., 2 min in rats). The substantial temporal variability in power evolving from the constant balancing nature of the ANS activity is minimized by this approach and produces a measurable index of ANS activity vs. time. The cumulative plot emphasizes the temporal response pattern of different components of the ANS and thereby facilitates the investigation of the kinetics of action of drugs affecting the ANS. We used this method to measure the activity of cholinergic drugs in freely moving Sabra rats. Bolus atropine doses between 0.5 and 2 mg/kg produced a similar magnitude of effect, reduction of the ascending slope by 0. 003 power units/h, whereas the duration of this effect was dose dependent. A lower atropine dose (0.1 mg/kg) or 0.5 mg/kg scopolamine elevated the slope (0.074 and 0.054 power units/h for 206 and 216 min, respectively). The method was used similarly to assess the interaction between cholinergic drugs. Pretreatment with pyridostigmine produced temporal blockage of the anticholinergic activity of atropine.  相似文献   

To investigate the extent of cholinergic involvement in opiate-induced catalepsy, the effects of three anticholinergic drugs were studied on morphine-induced catalepsy. Haloperidol-induced catalepsy was also examined. Maximum catalepsy in rats was obtained with 30 mg/kg morphine or 3 mg/kg haloperidol. The anticholinergic drugs atropine, benztropine, and scopolamine were unable to antagonize morphine-induced catalepsy, yet readily antagonized haloperidol-induced catalepsy. Low doses of apomorphine (7.5 mg/kg), on the other hand, readily antagonized morphine catalepsy, but 13-fold higher doses of apomorphine were needed to block haloperidol-induced catalepsy. The results are compatible with the idea that catalepsy can be mediated via the striatum or the amygdala; morphine-dopamine antagonism may occur in the amygdala, whereas morphine-dopamine-cholinergic interactions occur in the striatum.  相似文献   

In primates, treatment with scopolamine impairs performance of a spatial delayed response task in a way which mimics deficits seen spontaneously in aged primates and demented patients. Despite their efficacy in reversing scopolamine induced disruption, the effects of cholinergic agonists on cognition in aged primates and dements are unimpressive, suggesting that other neurotransmitter systems are also involved in this type of deficit. We have induced a scopolamine-like impairment of spatial delayed response performance in rhesus monkeys using phencyclidine (0.1-0.2 mg/kg i.m.), lorazepam (0.4-0.6 mg/kg s.c.) or tetrahydrocannabinol (1-4 mg/kg p.o.), but not amphetamine (0.1-0.4 mg/kg i.m.), yohimbine (0.1-1.0 mg/kg i.m.) or morphine (2-4 mg/kg i.m.). Our findings suggest that disruption of specific neurotransmitter systems other than acetylcholine may contribute importantly to cognitive decline in aging and dementia.  相似文献   

The possible involvement of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors in the nucleus accumbens (NAc) in nicotine's effect on impairment of memory by morphine was investigated. A passive avoidance task was used for memory assessment in male Wistar rats. Subcutaneous (s.c.) administration of morphine (5 and 10 mg/kg) after training impaired memory performance in the animals when tested 24 h later. Pretest administration of the same doses of morphine reversed impairment of memory because of post-training administration of the opioid. Moreover, administration of nicotine (0.2 and 0.4 mg/kg, s.c.) before the test prevented impairment of memory by morphine (5 mg/kg) given after training. Impairment of memory performance in the animals because of post-training administration of morphine (5 mg/kg) was also prevented by pretest administration of a noncompetitive NMDA receptor antagonist, MK-801 (0.75 and 1 microg/rat). Interestingly, an ineffective dose of MK-801 (0.5 microg/rat) in combination with low doses (0.075 and 0.1 mg/kg) of nicotine, which had no effects alone, synergistically improved memory performance impaired by morphine given after training. On the other hand, pretest administration of NMDA (0.1 and 0.5 microg/rat), which had no effect alone, in combination with an effective dose (0.4 mg/kg, s.c.) of nicotine prevented the improving effect of nicotine on memory impaired by pretreatment morphine. The results suggest a possible role for NMDA receptors of the NAc in the improving effect of nicotine on the morphine-induced amnesia.  相似文献   

Effect of ondansetron (5-HT3-receptor antagonist) was studied on the working memory deficits induced by scopolamine, a muscarinic receptor antagonist in rats using a three-panel runway apparatus. Varying doses of scopolamine (0.1-0.56mg/kg, ip) were administered alone or in combination with ondansetron (0.01-1.0 mg/kg, ip) and memory errors and latency period of the session were recorded on a three-panel runway apparatus. Treatment with scopolamine (0.56 mg/kg) produced working memory deficits in rats. Treatment with ondansetron (1.0 mg/kg) significantly reduced the scopolamine-induced working memory deficits.  相似文献   

灵芝对小鼠空间分辨学习与记忆的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文用Y-型迷宫法测试小鼠空间分辨行为。实验结果表明,每日ig灵芝2.58/kg共7d,有明显促进学习的作用。每日ig灵芝2.5g/kg共7d或ig灵芝5g/kg共7d都能显著地拮坑东莨菪碱所致学习障碍的作用。此外,学习训练后立即ig灵芝2.5g/kg或ig灵芝5g/kg也有明显地改善东莨菪碱损害记忆巩固的作用。  相似文献   

I P Lapin  M A Rogawski 《Life sciences》1992,50(9):PL59-PL64
Pretreatment of mice with the muscarinic receptor antagonists scopolamine and atropine attenuated the hypermotility (but not the depression of rearing) induced by a low dose of dizocilpine maleate [(+)-MK-801; 0.1 mg/kg, i.p.], a non-competitive NMDA antagonist. In contrast, the muscarinic blockers failed to affect hypermotility induced by equieffective doses of phencyclidine (1 mg/kg, i.p.) or d-amphetamine (2 mg/kg, i.p.). These results suggest differences between the mechanism of behavioral activation produced by dizocilpine and phencyclidine, and demonstrate the potential of muscarinic blockade for diminishing the behavioral toxicity of NMDA antagonists.  相似文献   

Exposure (2 h) of adult male albino rats to higher environmental temperature (HET, 40°C) significantly increased body temperature (BT). Administration of (a) 5-HTP (5 mg/kg, i.p.) or morphine (1 mg/kg, i.p.) or physostigmine (0.2 mg/kg, i.p.) alone significantly increased and (b) methysergide (1 mg/kg, i.p.) or naloxone (1 mg/kg, i.p.) or atropine (5 mg/kg, i.p.) reduced the BT of both normal and HET exposed rats. Further, it was observed that morphine prevented the methysergide-induced hypothermia and 5-HTP potentiated the morphine-induced hyperthermia in both normal and HET exposed conditions. Biochemical study also indicates that serotonin metabolism was increased but GABA utilization was reduced following exposure to HET. 5-HTP or bicuculline-induced hyperthermia in control and HET exposed rat was potentiated with the coadministration of bicuculline and 5-HTP. The cotreatment of bicuculline with methysergide prevented the methysergide-induced attenuation of BT of heat exposed rat, rather BT was significantly enhanced indicating that inhibition of GABA system under heat exposed condition may activate the serotonergic activity. Further (a) enhancement of (i) morphine-induced hyperthermia with physostigmine (ii) physostigmine- or morphine + physostigmine-induced increase of BT with 5-HTP and (b) reduction of (i) morphine- or morphine + 5-HTP-induced hyperthermia with atropine and (ii) atropine-induced hypothermia with 5-HTP in both normal and HET exposed conditions suggest that HET exposure activates the cholinergic system through the activation of opioidergic and serotonergic system and hence increased the BT. Thus, it may be concluded that there is an involvement of serotonergic regulation in the opioidergic-cholinergic interaction via GABA system in HET-induced increase in BT.  相似文献   

Female rats injected with organophosphate inhibitor of acetylcholinesterase chlorophose at doses of 10 mg/kg and 360 mg/kg showed less considerable decrease in blood acetylcholinesterase activity than did male animals. Females compared with males also demonstrated less expressed clinical symptoms of poisoning (salivation, convulsion) after injection of chlorophose at dose of 360 mg/kg. The value of LD50 in female rats was 860 mg/kg, whereas the comparable value in male animals was 700 mg/kg. Following the injection of atropine at doses of 0.1, 0.3, 0.6 mg/100 g female rats showed 2-3 fold increases in basal adrenal and plasma corticosterone levels, but significant decreases in stress-induced corticosterone levels. As for males, the basal and stress-induced values of corticosterone were not significantly affected by atropine administration. These results suggest that functional reserves of cholinergic system and responsiveness of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis to cholinergic influence are greater in females than in males. It is concluded that cholinergic status is significantly higher in female rats than in male ones.  相似文献   

To clarify the regulation of central histaminergic (HAergic) activity by cholinergic receptors, the effects of drugs that stimulate the cholinergic system on brain histamine (HA) turnover were examined, in vivo, in mice and rats. The HA turnover was estimated from the accumulation of tele-methylhistamine (t-MH) during the 90-min period after administration of pargyline (65 mg/kg, i.p.). In the whole brain of mice, oxotremorine, at doses higher than 0.05 mg/kg, s.c., significantly inhibited the HA turnover, this effect being completely antagonized by atropine but not by methylatropine. A large dose of nicotine (10 mg/kg, s.c.) also significantly inhibited the HA turnover. This inhibitory effect was antagonized by mecamylamine but not by atropine or hexamethonium. A cholinesterase inhibitor, physostigmine, at doses higher than 0.1 mg/kg, s.c., significantly inhibited the HA turnover. This effect was antagonized by atropine but not at all by mecamylamine. None of these cholinergic antagonists used affected the steady-state t-MH level or HA turnover by themselves. In the rat brain, physostigmine (0.1 and 0.3 mg/kg, s.c.) also decreased the HA turnover. This inhibitory effect of physostigmine was especially marked in the striatum and cerebral cortex where muscarinic receptors are present in high density. Oxotremorine (0.2 mg/kg, s.c.) and nicotine (1 mg/kg, s.c.) also decreased the HA turnover in the rat brain. However, these effects showed no marked regional differences. These results suggest that the stimulation of central muscarinic receptors potently inhibits the HAergic activity in the brain and that strong stimulation of central nicotinic receptors can also induce a similar effect.  相似文献   

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