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转基因抗虫棉对棉铃虫及其内寄生蜂的双重效应   总被引:11,自引:6,他引:5  
以含1%转基因(Cry1A+CpTI)抗虫棉“中抗310”棉叶粉的人工饲料为基础,建立一套抗虫棉 棉铃虫Helicoverpa armigera 棉铃虫幼虫内寄生蜂中红侧沟茧蜂Microplitis mediator和棉铃虫齿唇姬蜂Campoletis chlorideae的三级营养关系的研究系统,研究了转基因抗虫棉对棉铃虫及内寄生蜂的双重效应,分析比较了6种状态的棉铃虫生长发育动态,以及寄生蜂的生长状况。结果表明,无论是否被寄生,抗虫棉对棉铃虫生长发育的抑制作用都非常显著;寄生取食抗虫棉饲料的棉铃虫的寄生蜂,其出茧率和茧重都显著下降,对于中红侧沟茧蜂,出茧率和茧重分别下降了26.1%和1.0 mg;对于棉铃虫齿唇姬蜂,分别下降了17.9%和5.1 mg。解剖寄主发现,两种寄生蜂在取食抗虫棉饲料的寄主体内发育缓慢并出现部分畸形幼蜂。棉铃虫幼虫血淋巴总蛋白含量和血淋巴蛋白SDS-PAGE电泳分析表明,取食抗虫棉饲料后,棉铃虫血淋巴总蛋白含量低于相应的对照,推测寄主血淋巴蛋白含量降低是导致寄生蜂生长缓慢、发育不正常的一个重要原因。  相似文献   

闭弯尾姬蜂与菜蛾盘绒茧蜂寄生菜蛾幼虫时的种间竞争   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
在室内25℃下,以菜蛾3龄初幼虫作寄主,研究了菜蛾盘绒茧蜂Cotesia plutellae和半闭弯尾姬蜂Diadegma semiclausum的种间竞争。当寄主供2种蜂同时产卵寄生时,2种蜂各自的寄生率与其单独寄生时无显著差异,合计寄生率比一种蜂单独存在时有所提高,但差异不显著。2种蜂均能产卵寄生已被另一种蜂寄生了的寄主幼虫。当寄主被2种蜂寄生的间隔时间很短(少于10 h)时,所育出的蜂绝大部分(80%以上)为绒茧蜂;当寄主先被绒茧蜂寄生,并饲养2天以上再供弯尾姬蜂寄生时,所育出的全为绒茧蜂;当寄主先被弯尾姬蜂寄生,并饲养2天以上再供绒茧蜂寄生时,寄主幼虫绝大部分不能存活,只有少部分能育出寄生蜂,且多为弯尾姬蜂。当2种蜂的幼虫存在于同一寄主体内时,2种蜂的发育均受到另一种蜂的抑制;绒茧蜂1龄幼虫具有物理攻击能力,能将弯尾姬蜂卵或幼虫致死。这些结果表明,菜蛾盘绒茧蜂与半闭弯尾姬蜂在同一寄主中发育时,前者具有明显的竞争优势。  相似文献   

分别在小菜蛾体内的菜蛾绒茧蜂处于卵期、早期幼虫和中期幼虫时,饲喂小菜蛾2龄幼虫亚致死剂量(=LC10)的阿维菌素和氟虫睛,研究上述杀虫剂处理对寄主体内菜蛾绒茧蜂结茧率和羽化率的影响。结果表明: 在菜蛾绒茧蜂处于卵期、早期幼虫和中期幼虫时,饲喂小菜蛾LC10剂量阿维菌素处理的菜叶后,菜蛾绒茧蜂的结茧率分别下降26.6%,22.8%和5.8%,饲喂小菜蛾LC10剂量氟虫睛处理的菜叶后,菜蛾绒茧蜂的结茧率分别下降76.9%,42.5%和18.5%。上述阿维菌素处理对菜蛾绒茧蜂成虫羽化率影响不显著,但上述氟虫睛处理可显著抑制菜蛾绒茧蜂成虫羽化率,在菜蛾绒茧蜂处于卵期、早期幼虫和中期幼虫时,饲喂小菜蛾LC10 剂量氟虫睛处理的菜叶可导致菜蛾绒茧蜂成虫羽化率分别下降53.1%,36.1%和47.8%。结果显示,即便是对寄主小菜蛾幼虫很低的剂量(LC10剂量)也会显著危害小菜蛾幼虫体内的菜蛾绒茧蜂的生长发育。此外,饲喂小菜蛾幼虫亚致死剂量杀虫剂对菜蛾绒茧蜂生长发育的影响与杀虫剂种类及蛾绒茧蜂发育阶段有关。  相似文献   

寄主抗药性对菜蛾绒茧蜂生物学特性的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
以小菜蛾Plutella xylostella敏感品系SP作寄主饲育的菜蛾绒茧蜂Cotesia plutellae SC品系分别寄生于小菜蛾的SP品系(SC-SP组合)或抗性RP品系(SC-RP组合),还以小菜蛾RP品系作寄主饲育的菜蛾绒茧蜂RC品系分别寄生于小菜蛾的SP品系(RC-SP组合)或RP品系(RC-RP组合),均在幼虫中期施用氰戊菊酯,考察了药剂对该蜂生物学特性的影响。结果发现:在不施用杀虫剂时,SC-RP组合中蜂的结茧率为45.8%,显著低于其它组合, 所结茧长0.76 mm,育出雌蜂前翅和后足胫节长分别为3.28 mm和2.33 mm,也分别小于其它各组合的结果,表明寄主抗药性对该蜂有不利影响;施用杀虫剂后,RC-RP、SC-RP组合中,蜂的结茧率分别为95.5%和37.8%,显著高于SC-SP和RC-SP组合中蜂的结茧率(22.5%,25.8%),表明寄主抗性能保护其体内的幼蜂少受杀虫剂的影响;RC-SP组合在受到和未受到杀虫剂作用时茧的羽化率分别为95.2%和93.6%,无显著差异,卵+幼虫及雌蛹的发育历期在处理和对照间也无显著差异,表明用抗性寄主饲育的菜蛾绒茧蜂在寄生敏感寄主时仍表现一定的耐药性,有利于该蜂抗药性的发展,即寄主 寄生蜂之间在抗药性方面存在协同进化。  相似文献   

在实验室研究了转sck+cry1Ac基因水稻(MSB)对二化螟Chilo suppressalis (Walker)生长、存活以及经寄主对二化螟绒茧蜂Apanteles chilonis (Munakata)生物学特性的影响。连续取食转sck+cry1Ac基因水稻的二化螟, 体重下降、死亡率上升,从第2天开始,其体重显著低于取食明恢86的对照组;从第6天开始,死亡率极显著高于对照组。二化螟取食MSB 36 h后移至对照水稻上继续取食3、6、9、12天后,死亡率与对照差异都不显著;但体重均低于对照,其中第3天的体重差异达显著水平。二化螟绒茧蜂分别以取食MSB一定时间的3、4、5龄二化螟幼虫为寄主时,寄生率均低于以对照组,其中对4龄幼虫的寄生率差异显著;结茧率与对照差异均不显著;寄生在取食MSB的5龄二化螟幼虫体内的蜂、蛹期显著长于对照,而所结茧的茧长显著短于对照;但卵 幼虫历期、每茧块茧数、羽化率、雌性率、成蜂寿命和前翅长与对照无显著差异。结果表明转sck+cry1Ac基因水稻不仅对二化螟生长和存活有显著影响, 而且可经寄主二化螟影响到二化螟绒茧蜂的一些生物学特性。  相似文献   

寄主抗药性对菜蛾绒茧蜂抗药性发展的影响   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
室内筛选小菜蛾中抗品系(SRP)、高抗品系(RP)、以敏感小菜蛾幼虫(SP)为寄主的菜蛾绒茧蜂SRC品系和以SRP幼虫为寄主的菜蛾绒茧蜂RSC品系对氰戊菊酯的抗性。分别筛选了13、14、14和13代。小菜蛾SRP和RP品系分别获得了68.9和605.8倍的抗性,菜蛾绒茧蜂SRC和RSC品系分别获得了4.3和11.0倍的抗性。上述结果表明通过施药于体内有寄生蜂的小菜蛾幼虫筛选寄生蜂抗性,可以获得具有抗性的寄生蜂。以SRP为寄主的RSC品系的抗性水平高于以SP为寄主的SRC品系的抗性水平,表明和抗性较高的寄主同步筛选,寄生蜂的抗性发展更快。小菜蛾SP、SRP和RP三个品系幼虫的多功能氧化酶(MFO)活性比为1∶1.15∶1.50;菜蛾绒茧蜂SC、SRC和RSC三个品系幼虫的MFO活性比为1∶1.10∶1.49,成蜂的MFO活性比为1∶1.18∶1.54;而每种昆虫不同品系的羧酸酯酶(CarE)、总酯酶(Es)活性水平与其抗性水平变化不一致,表明抗性与MFO活性升高有关,而与CarE和Es的活性无关。  相似文献   

二化螟绒茧蜂对二化螟及其寄主植物挥发物的趋性反应   总被引:18,自引:4,他引:14  
利用Y-型嗅觉仪研究了二化螟绒茧蜂Cotesia chilonis对寄主植物(水稻或茭白)、二化螟Chilo suppressalis幼虫、虫粪及虫害苗挥发物的行为反应。健康植株、二化螟幼虫和虫粪的挥发物对二化螟绒茧蜂具有显著引诱作用。在虫害苗与健康苗挥发物之间,二化螟绒茧蜂显著地偏好虫害苗,但当去除虫害苗中的幼虫和虫粪后,寄生蜂对去虫苗与机械损伤苗的选择无显著差异;在虫害苗与有虫健康苗之间,寄生蜂显著趋向虫害苗,表明虫害苗本身释放的挥发物对二化螟绒茧蜂引诱作用与机械损伤苗无显著差异,但与二化螟幼虫或虫粪挥发物之间可能具有协同增效作用。水稻苗经机械损伤或损伤后以二化螟幼虫唾液处理,其挥发物对二化螟绒茧蜂的引诱作用无显著改变。二化螟绒茧蜂对不同为害程度水稻挥发物的选择无显著差异。二化螟绒茧蜂对两种寄主植物的健康苗、虫害苗、取食两种植物的幼虫及虫粪的挥发物的选择无显著差异。结果表明,二化螟绒茧蜂栖境定位和寄主选择过程中所利用的挥发物主要来自寄主植物、二化螟幼虫和虫粪以及虫害苗与幼虫和虫粪的协同作用。  相似文献   

何瑶  白素芬  李欣  蔡东章 《昆虫学报》2009,52(11):1183-1190
我们曾发现菜蛾盘绒茧蜂Cotesia vestalis和半闭弯尾姬蜂Diadegma semiclausum寄生严重阻碍小菜蛾Plutella xylostella幼虫的精子发生。本研究着重比较2种蜂寄生对小菜蛾精巢生长和精子束形成的影响, 以探明寄生因子对昆虫生殖调控的作用途径。 采取过寄生和假寄生方法, 对2种蜂各自寄生后的小菜蛾精巢生长体积, 精子发生和形成过程中生精细胞、精子束的显微形态变化进行了比较。 结果表明: 茧蜂和姬蜂寄生均明显降低小菜蛾精子束的数量, 严重阻碍了寄主幼虫的精子发生和精子形成. 姬蜂寄生造成小菜蛾精巢畸形, 而茧蜂则造成小菜蛾精子束畸形, 且茧蜂对小菜蛾精巢生长的抑制程度明显强于姬蜂。过寄生造成寄主寄生性去势程度加剧, 茧蜂和姬蜂过寄生后的小菜蛾精巢体积分别为0.005 mm3和0.008 mm3, 仅为各自只寄生1次后精巢体积的33.1%和36.3%。假寄生后, 发现只有寄生蜂母代物质存在的前提下, 对小菜蛾精巢生长的抑制程度基本模拟了正常寄生时的状态, 说明多分DNA病毒(polydnavirus, PDV)和毒液发挥了主要作用。 由此推断分属姬蜂属PDV和茧蜂属PDV的2类PDV功能基因对小菜蛾精巢生长发育的调控机制可能存在较大差异。  相似文献   

三种内寄生蜂寄生对小菜蛾幼虫精子发生的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
内寄生蜂寄生可能会引起寄主的寄生性去势。对小菜蛾Plutella xylostella与菜蛾啮小蜂Oomyzus sokolowskii Kurdumov (膜翅目: 姬小蜂科)、半闭弯尾姬蜂Diadegma semiclausum Hellén (膜翅目: 姬蜂科)、菜蛾盘绒茧蜂Cotesia plutellae (Kurdj.) (膜翅目: 茧蜂科) 3个寄生体系,利用形态学方法和蛋白质技术,研究了寄生对小菜蛾幼虫精子发生的影响。结果表明:菜蛾啮小蜂寄生对寄主的精子发生过程没有影响。半闭弯尾姬蜂寄生造成寄主精母细胞的细胞核畸形,精细胞的染色质超浓缩并趋向核膜,但能形成少量的精子;半闭弯尾姬蜂寄生会导致寄主精巢总蛋白的含量显著下降。菜蛾盘绒茧蜂寄生对小菜蛾幼虫精子发生的抑制程度最强,被寄生寄主的精母细胞出现肿胀,核膜皱缩,胞质中的线粒体发生病变;精细胞的染色体也出现超浓缩并趋向核膜,大量的精子溶解,无正常的精子形成;其精巢总蛋白含量的下降程度比姬蜂寄生的更为明显,且导致分子量为63.4 kD的主蛋白缺失。  相似文献   

过寄生、寄生时寄主龄期和寄生后寄主饥饿处理影响菜蛾盘绒茧蜂Cotesia plutellae(Kurdj.)幼蜂及畸形细胞的发育。显微解剖和观察表明,4龄小菜蛾Plutella xylostella L.幼虫被寄生后,其体内菜蛾盘绒茧蜂幼蜂发育不整齐、假寄生比例增高。过寄生后,每头被寄生的寄主血腔中畸形细胞数量明显增多,但直径变小;随着过寄生程度的加剧,幼蜂发育严重受阻。寄主营养显著影响体内幼蜂及畸形细胞的发育,被寄生的小菜蛾经饥饿处理62 h后,体内畸形细胞的数量、活性明显降低,与此同时,幼蜂的发育也受到明显抑制,寄主发育与寄生蜂和畸形细胞的发育呈正相关性。由此可见,寄主不同龄期、过寄生及寄主营养状况均对寄主体内幼蜂和畸形细胞发育产生影响。  相似文献   

In the laboratory and in cages in the greenhouse, we evaluated the toxicity of two insecticides (lambda-cyhalothrin and spinosad) on the parasitoid, Diadegma insulare (Cresson), and the predator, Coleomegilla maculate (DeGeer), both natural enemies of the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella (L.). Lambda-cyhalothrin was very toxic to both natural enemies. Spinosad was less toxic to C. maculata adults and larvae, and slightly toxic to D. insulare. Both natural enemies suppressed P. xylostella populations in cages with 80% spinosad-treated and 20% nontreated plants; such suppression was not seen when lambda-cyhalothrin was used. Using broccoli, Brassica oleracea L. variety italica, a common host for P. xylostella, we also studied direct and indirect effects of both natural enemies in the presence and absence of the two insecticides and to different P. xylostella genotypes: resistant to the insecticide, susceptible, or heterozygous. Neither natural enemy could distinguish host genotype if P. xylostella were feeding on nontreated plants. They could also not distinguish between larvae feeding on spinosad-treated plants and nontreated plants, but D. insulare could distinguish between larvae feeding on lambda-cyhalothrin treated and nontreated plants. Our studies suggest that lambda-cyhalothrin has direct toxicity to these two natural enemies, can affect their host foraging and acceptance of P. xylostella and consequently would not be compatible in conserving these natural enemies in a program for suppression of P. xylostella. In contrast, our studies suggest that treatment with spinosad has much less effect on these natural enemies and would allow them to help suppress populations of P. xylostella. These findings are discussed in relation to the evolution of insecticide resistance and suppression of the pest populations.  相似文献   

对菜蛾盘绒茧蜂Cotesia plutellae多分DNA病毒的特性及其对寄主小菜蛾Plutella xylostella幼虫的生理效应进行了研究。结果表明:菜蛾盘绒茧蜂雌蜂输卵管萼中含有大量的多分DNA病毒(polydnavirus, PDV);一个PDV内含多个核衣壳,最多可达16个;核衣壳长40~168 nm,直径39~40 nm;PDV仅在输卵管萼细胞内复制;雌蜂产卵时,随蜂卵将PDV注入寄主血腔,并扩散到寄主的许多组织中;PDV可能先通过脱膜再侵染寄主组织。雌蜂经Co60辐射处理后再寄生(即假寄生)小菜蛾2龄、3龄和4龄初期的幼虫,被寄生后的寄主幼虫几乎全部不能化蛹,但末龄(即4龄)幼虫期显著延长,并在寄生后期,幼虫胸部有褐色的短翅芽出现;即将化蛹的4龄末小菜蛾幼虫被假寄生后,即使每头寄主被过寄生9次,依然能正常化蛹,但不能羽化。假寄生与正常寄生后寄主的脂肪体数量和形态结构有明显的不同,推测在正常寄生的情况下蜂卵孵化时释放的畸形细胞及随后的幼蜂可能对脂肪体的结构产生了作用。  相似文献   

在不同的寄生状态下,菜蛾盘绒茧蜂Cotesia plutellae不同的寄生因子可引起寄主小菜蛾Plutella xylostella幼虫脂肪体结构发生相应的改变。显微和亚显微形态结构显示: 假寄生后多分DNA病毒和毒液对脂肪体结构的完整性没有显著影响,但细胞内脂质体变得小而密集,线粒体和内质网丰富,并有糖原积累; 正常寄生后,脂肪体结构被破坏,多数线粒体内嵴紊乱,脂质体也变得不规则,特别是当幼蜂完成在寄主体内发育时,寄主体内几乎无完整脂肪体存在。与此同时,同批未被寄生的小菜蛾幼虫发育到4龄末期时,体内脂肪体细胞发育正常,已开始向蛹期细胞形态转化,细胞内脂质体很大,细胞器数量较多、糖原积累丰富, 而且部分细胞已成为游离态细胞。由此证明,寄生蜂携带的寄生因子,如多分DNA病毒、毒液、畸形细胞和幼蜂等,均对寄主脂肪体结构的改变产生影响,但程度明显不同。  相似文献   

Koinobiont parasitoids utilize nutrients obtained from hosts that contine to feed and grow after parasitization. However, if the ecdysis of early host instars is prevented, parasitized larvae will fail to grow large enough to support the development of the parasitoid brood and both organisms will perish. When L5 instar larvae (the penultimate stage) of Pseudaletia separata were parasitized by Cotesia kariyai and injected with Euplectrus separatae venom (5PV), the development of these hosts was arrested before molting to the next stage and the caterpillars thus failed to gain weight. These hosts remained at approximately 300 mg until parasitoid emergence. In contrast, hosts parasitized as L5 but without the injection of venom (5P) exhibited an increase in weight after molting to the next stage and ultimately grew to approximately 700 mg. The inhibition of ecdysis reduced the amount of food resource (e.g. fat body) for the parasitoid larvae. On the other hand, when final (= L6) host instars were parasitized and injected with E. separatae venom (6PV), the maximum weight attained by these larvae was about 710 mg, although weight gain was depressed compared to hosts parasitized without the injection of E. separatae venom (6P). The adult weight of C. kariyai that emerged from 5PV hosts was less than conspecifics that emerged from 5P, 6P, and 6PV respectively, although the egg-pupal period of the parasitoid from 5PV hosts was extended. The offspring sex ratio (percentage males) of adult wasps did not vary significantly with treatment. Female parasitoids that eclosed from 5PV hosts laid almost the same number of eggs in day 0-6th host instars as those emerging from 5P, 6P, 6PV hosts. Their egg-pupal period was extended and the cocoon cluster mass and the parasitoid body mass on subsequent generations was lighter than those reared from 5P, 6P, 6PV hosts. The sex ratio of F2 C. kariyai wasps that eclosed from 5PV increased more than in wasps that eclosed from the other host treatments (5P, 6P, 6PV). Our results reveal that a reduction in host quality and offspring fitness in the first generation negatively impacted female fitness in the second generation. An early arrestment of host growth, mediated by the addition of E. separatae venom, has severe implications on parasitoid fitness by reducing host quality, especially in smaller hosts.  相似文献   

The toxicity of spinosad was evaluated using the RaPID Assay® Spinosad immunosorbent assay in different developmental stages of the parasitoid, Hyposoter didymator, and in its host, fourth-instar larvae of the cotton leafworm Spodoptera littoralis. Spinosad was applied directly to pupae and adults of H. didymator (ingestion or topical application) or to the immature stages of the parasitoid via the host larvae. Low amounts of spinosad were recovered from S. littoralis host larvae after topical treatment, and the compound was mainly retained in the hemolymph. Amounts of spinosad detected in third-instar larvae of H. didymator, pulled out from the hemolymph of parasitized S. littoralis larvae, were 85 pg (3.57 ng a.i./g body weight) in dead larvae, and 82 pg (3.42 ng a.i./g body weight) in alive individuals. After topical treatment of H. didymator cocoons, most of the compound was retained in the silken cocoon, preventing contamination of the pupa. Also in the parasitoid adults, relatively low amounts of spinosad were accumulated in the body overall, but half of all the insecticide recovered was found in the ovaries. The kinetic results obtained help to better understand the toxicity of spinosad in the complex S. littoralis–H. didymator, and to ascertain the compatibility between spinosad and the parasitoid for optimizing the control of lepidopteran pests.  相似文献   

The impact of low levels of spinosad on the obliquebanded leafroller, Choristoneura rosaceana Harris (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), and the koinobiont endoparasitoid, Apophua simplicipes Cresson (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae), was assessed when the parasitoid was in the larval stage within second‐ and fourth‐instar hosts. These are developmental stages that would be exposed to spring orchard treatments of the insecticide. Oral spinosad LC50 levels for unparasitized obliquebanded leafroller hosts were <1% of the recommended orchard treatment levels. Apophua simplicipes survival was significantly reduced within parasitized spinosad‐treated second‐ and fourth‐instar larval hosts. Both the leafroller host and parasitoid were much more susceptible (ca. 65‐fold) to spinosad when larval hosts fed on spinosad‐treated leaf material as opposed to being treated topically. When hosts were exposed to extremely low doses of spinosad, a small percentage of parasitoids was able to survive to emerge as adults. These laboratory trials predict that applications of spinosad may reduce biological control of C. rosaceana populations by ichneumonid endoparasitoids developing within treated hosts.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Host plant preferences of the female diamondback moth Plutella xylostella were studied.
2. Female moths preferred conspecific-damaged cabbage plants over undamaged cabbage plants. The performance of P. xylostella larvae on conspecific-infested plants did not differ significantly from that of larvae on undamaged plants.
3.  Cotesia plutellae , the specialist parasitoid wasp of P. xylostella larvae, displayed equal preference for plants with differing levels of host-larvae damage, and the wasp attacked only one or two hosts on average before leaving an infested plant, irrespective of the number of hosts on the plant. It is hypothesised that the oviposition preferences of P. xylostella females for host plants already damaged by conspecific larvae demonstrate an encounter–dilution effect against C. plutellae .  相似文献   

Laboratory trials were conducted to determine whether the spotted wing drosophila, Drosophila suzukii (Matsumura) (Diptera: Drosophilidae), puparium can provide an effective physical barrier to protect immature stages of the pupal parasitoid Pachycrepoideus vindemiae (Rondani) (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) from spinosad treatments. Spinosad insecticides are currently an important suppression strategy for D. suzukii in organically managed fruit orchards although they are well known to cause mortality in hymenopteran parasitoids. High adult P. vindemiae female mortality (83%) occurred within 24 h of exposure to D. suzukii pupae treated with 10 mg a.i. l?1 spinosad and female parasitoids did not avoid the pupae treated with similar low levels of spinosad in choice tests that included untreated pupae. Pachycrepoideus vindemiae develops as an idiobiont ectoparasitoid on host fly pupa within the sclerotized host puparium. Significant P. vindemiae survival and emergence was recorded when parasitized D. suzukii puparia were exposed to field treatment levels of spinosad; however, the parasitoid survival was dependent on the time of the spinosad treatment of the host post‐parasitization. Significant parasitoid survival occurred when the host puparia were treated at 2 weeks when the parasitoid was in the pupal stage but did not occur when the host puparia were treated at 1 week post‐parasitization, when the parasitoids were still in a larval stage. The parasitoid adults consumed or otherwise came in contact with residual degrading spinosad when they exited the treated host, and consequently high and low adult parasitoid mortality occurred when the adults emerged from puparia treated at 2 and 1 week(s), respectively. Our study indicates that generally the integration of P. vindemiae parasitism into a sustainable D. suzukii management program is not compatible with spinosad treatments, although P. vindemiae in the pupal stage inside sclerotized host puparia appear to be minimally impacted by spinosad treatments, provided that the spinosad degrades before parasitoid emergence.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Little is known about underlying mechanisms by which plants indirectly affect parasitism success in hymenopteran endoparasitoids. The hypothesis that host-plant effects can challenge the innate immune system of an insect host was experimentally tested in this study using a model tritrophic, crucifer – lepidopteran [ Plutella xylostella (L.)] – parasitoid [ Cotesia plutellae (Kurdjumov)], system.
2. The effects of host-plant suitability on herbivore performance and parasitism were examined. The bottom-up effect of plant suitability on host-parasitoid immune responses was then evaluated using measures of cellular and humoral effectors.
3. Host-plant quality showed a significant effect on the encapsulation response of P. xylostella to first instar but not to second instar parasitoid larvae. Encapsulation was never sufficient to prevent parasitoid emergence.
4. Poor host-plant suitability suppressed phenoloxidase activity in the absence of the parasitoid. The suppressive effect of C. plutellae on phenoloxidase activity was much greater and no plant effects were detectable after insects had been parasitized.
5. Despite strong plant effects on parasitism, those on immune effectors of the host were transitory or overwhelmed by the effect of the parasitoid.
6. These results demonstrated that plant-mediated variation in parasitism success by C. plutellae were not as a result of plant nutritional status or other attributes affecting the immune function of P. xylostella , nor to host-plant effects on superparasitism.
7. In these experiments, P. xylostella was a fully permissive host to C. plutellae and host-plant-mediated effects on the innate immune response appeared to play no part in parasitoid survival within hosts.  相似文献   

Botanical preparations, usually from non-host plants, can be used to manipulate the behaviour of insect pests and their natural enemies. In this study, the effects of extracts of Chrysanthemum morifolium, a non-host plant of the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella (Linnaeus), on the olfactory and oviposition responses of this phytophagous insect and on levels of parasitism by its specialist parasitoid Cotesia plutellae (Kurdjumov) were examined, using Chinese cabbage Brassica campestris L. ssp. pekinensis as the test host plant. Olfactometer tests showed that volatiles of chrysanthemum extract-treated host plants were less attractive to P. xylostella females than those from untreated host plants; and in contrast, volatiles of the chrysanthemum extract-treated host plants were more attractive to females of its parasitoid C. plutellae than those from untreated host plants. Oviposition preference tests showed that P. xylostella females laid only a small proportion of their eggs on chrysanthemum extract-treated host plants, while ovipositing parasitoid females parasitized a much higher proportion of host larvae feeding on the treated host plants than on untreated host plants. These results suggest that certain non-host plant compounds, when applied onto a host plant, may render the plant less attractive to a phytophagous insect but more attractive to its parasitoids. Application of such non-host plant compounds can be explored to develop push-pull systems to reduce oviposition by a pest insect and at the same time enhance parasitism by its parasitoids in crops.  相似文献   

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