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在发育的新生组织中 ,来自种子胚乳储存蛋白的降解和氨基酸分解代谢产生的氨由谷氨酰胺合成酶 ( Glutamine synthetase,GS)重新同化 ,生成的谷氨酰胺 ( Gln)被转运到正在生长着的部分。GS是高等植物氮素代谢的关键酶 [1] ,这个酶能同化不同来源的氨。 GS有多种同工酶 ,存在于植物的各种组织和器官中。它们是由一小的同源但分离的核基因家族编码的 [2 3 ] ,这些不同的 GS在植物氮素同化中起着非重叠的作用 [4] ,它们的表达受到环境、发育进程以及组织或细胞类型等许多因素的影响。在大多数已研究过的植物叶片中存在两种 GS,即胞液型GS(…  相似文献   

α-半乳糖苷酶   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
最近各种媒体不断报道红血球类型可以通过酶处理进行转换 ,这对于输血和开拓血源有十分重要的意义 ,所用的酶是α 半乳糖苷酶。α 半乳糖苷酶 (α galactosidase ,α D galactosidegalactohydrolase ,EC 3.2 .1 .2 2 )能专一地催化α 半乳糖苷键的水解。它广泛存在于各种植物和动物体内 ,许多微生物如双歧杆菌 (Bifidobacterium)、黑曲霉菌 (Aspergillusniger) [1] 、大肠杆菌 (Escherichiacoli)K 1 2 1 [2 ]的抽提液中也发现有α 半乳糖苷酶的…  相似文献   

植物谷氨酰胺合成酶基因以及基因表达印莉萍,刘祥林,林忠平(首都师范大学生物系北京100037)(中科院植物所北京100044)一引言谷氨酰胶合成酶(GS)是植物同化氨途经中的关键酶,其在氮代谢中所处地位可与碳代谢中的Rubisco相媲美。氨的同化初始发生在GS/GOGAT循环中。在此循环里GS(EC6.3.1.2)与谷氨酸合成酶(GOGAT;EC1.4.1.14)联合将NH转给α-酮戊二酸生成谷氨酸.  相似文献   

dsRNA介导的RNA干扰   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
邓凡  罗深秋 《生命的化学》2001,21(4):268-270
在多种生物中 ,外源或内源性的双链RNA(double strandedRNA ,dsRNA)导入细胞中 ,与dsRNA同源的mRNA则受到降解 ,因而其相应的基因受到抑制。这种转录后基因沉默 (post transcriptionalgenesilencing ,PTGS)机制首先在线虫 (C .elegans)中得以证实。由于这是一种在RNA水平的基因表达抑制 ,故也称为RNA干扰 (RNAinterfer ence) ,简称RNAi[1] 。随后发现 ,在各种生物 ,如果蝇[2 ] 、拟南芥菜[3 ] 、及小鼠[4] 等均存在dsRNA介导…  相似文献   

吴晓英  林影 《生命的化学》2001,21(4):296-297
维生素C是许多酶反应所必需的 ,它不仅能使补偿离子 (如Fe2 、Cu2 )保持还原状态[1,2 ] ,并且有助于清除自由基 ,以保护组织不被氧化而损伤[3 ] 。促进糖传输的葡萄糖输运体 (glucosetransporters,GLUT)型传输物质能传输氧化型维生素C[4,5 ] ,但是该传输物质不允许在正常的葡萄糖浓度下吸收有效的生理剂量的维生素C ,这是因为维生素C在血浆中仅以还原型存在[6] 。Tsukaguchi等[7] 应用大鼠的cDNA文库分离并克隆表达得到两种新的维生素C传输物质 (sodium dependentvit…  相似文献   

大肠杆菌BL21(pTrc-gsh)与酵母耦联合成谷胱甘肽的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
谷胱甘肽 (GSH)广泛存在于动、植物和微生物细胞内 ,有参与氨基酸的跨膜运输、维持细胞的还原状态等重要生理功能 ,在临床、保健品、食品等行业有广泛用途 ,如 :重金属解毒、抗氧化延缓衰老等 ,我国基本靠进口。开发高效、低成本的GSH生产工艺势在必行。谷胱甘肽的制备有化学合成法[1 ] 、提取法[2 ] 、微生物发酵法[3] 、酶法[4] 等。由于酶法合成GSH的产率高、后续的分离提取较简单而倍受关注。它是以ATP为能量供体、由γ 谷氨酰半胱氨酸合成酶 (GSHI)和谷胱甘肽合成酶 (GSHII)连续催化合成的 :谷氨酸 半胱氨酸 A…  相似文献   

粟酒裂殖酵母菌 (Schizosaccharmycespombe)的 pac 1基因于 1991年Yuichilino等首次报道。在温度敏感型的酵母突变体中 ,pac 1基因是一个多拷贝阻遏子 ,它使酵母在限制温度培养条件下的减数分裂不受调控 ,对酵母的生长过程起着重要的调节作用。该基因有一个编码 36 4个氨基酸的开放阅读框 ,编码产物的羧基端与大肠杆菌核糖核酸酶Ⅲ有2 5 %的同源性。通过酶活性测定 ,已经确定它是一类依赖dsRNA的核糖核酸酶 ,具有降解dsRNA的功能[1,2 ] 。由于大多数植物病毒为RNA病毒 ,因此无论它的基…  相似文献   

植物硝酸还原酶的新功能:合成NO   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
沈文飚 《生命的化学》2000,20(6):243-244
一氧化氮 (NO)是一种广泛存在于生物体内的信使分子和效应分子 ,也是一种活性氮 (activenitrogenspecies ,ANS)。已经知道 ,NO可以参与动物体内诸如神经传导、免疫和细胞毒性等各种生理、病理过程。依赖NADPH的一氧化氮合酶 (nitricoxidesyn thase,NOS ,EC 1 .1 4.1 3.39)是动物体内合成NO的关键酶类 ,它能催化L 精氨酸氧化而生成NO和L 瓜氨酸。植物体内则是通过与动物略有不同的依赖于Ca2 的NOS合成NO ,这已在大豆、玉米和豌豆中得到初步证实[1~ 4] 。不少研究表…  相似文献   

陈谦  郑芳  周新 《生命的化学》2000,20(5):231-234
侵染检测 (Invaderassay)技术是无需进行聚合酶链式反应 (PCR )的一种DNA(RNA)的检测与定量分析技术[1] ,具有无污染、特异性与敏感度高、操作简便等优点 ,可以广泛运用于基因突变、单核苷酸多态性(singlenucleotidepolymorphism ,SNP)检测、核酸定量分析以及基于病人基因型的指导临床个体化用药中[2 ] 。它是美国ThirdWaveTechnology公司的专利技术[3] 。以下对其基本原理与应用前景作一简要介绍。1 .信号探针的切割1 .1 反应体系组成  侵染检测反应体系中 ,包…  相似文献   

中山杉302和墨西哥落羽杉及其回交一代的同工酶分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
落羽杉属有落羽杉〔Taxodiumdistichum (L .)Rich .〕、墨西哥落羽杉 (T .mucronatumTenore)和池杉 (T .ascendensBrongn .) 3个种 ,该属是世界重要的园林及用材树种 ,墨西哥落羽杉是其中较耐盐碱的树种 ,它的引种选育历来受到广泛重视。中山杉 30 2 (T .‘Zhongshansha 30 2’)是江苏省·中国科学院植物研究所于 2 0世纪 80年代从落羽杉×墨西哥落羽杉杂交后代中选育出来的优良品种 ,具有生长快和耐盐碱等特性[1 ] 。本实验从中山杉 30 2×墨西哥落羽杉回交一代中选…  相似文献   

Alternanase is an enzyme which endo-hydrolytically cleaves the alpha-(1-->3), alpha-(1-->6)-linked D-glucan, alternan. The main products are isomaltose, alpha-D-Glcp-(1-->3)-alpha-D-Glcp-(1-->6)-D-Glc and the cyclic tetrasaccharide cyclo[-->6)-alpha-D-Glcp-(1-->3)-alpha-D-Glcp-(1-->6)-alpha-D-Glcp-(1-->3)-alpha-D-Glcp-(1-->]. It is also capable of acting on oligosaccharide substrates. The cyclic tetrasaccharide is slowly hydrolyzed to isomaltose. Panose and the trisaccharide alpha-D-Glcp-(1-->6)-alpha-D-Glcp-(1-->3)-D-Glc both undergo transglycosylation reactions to give rise to the cyclic tetrasaccharide plus D-glucose, with panose being converted at a much faster rate. The tetrasaccharide alpha-D-Glcp-(1-->3)-alpha-D-Glcp-(1-->6)-alpha-D-Glcp-(1-->4)-D-Glc is hydrolyzed to D-glucose plus the trisaccharide alpha-D-Glcp-(1-->3)-alpha-D-Glcp-(1-->6)-D-Glc. Alternanase does not act on isomaltotriose, theanderose (6(Glc)-O-alpha-D-Glcp sucrose), or alpha-D-Glcp-(1-->6)-alpha-D-Glcp-(1-->6)-alpha-D-Glcp-(1-->4)-alpha-D-Glc. The enzyme releases 4-nitrophenol from 4-nitrophenyl alpha-isomaltoside, but not from 4-nitrophenyl alpha-D-glucopyranoside, 4-nitrophenyl alpha-isomaltotrioside, or 4-nitrophenyl alpha-isomaltotetraoside.  相似文献   

Five modified moltooligosaccharides, phenyl O-6-amino-6-deoxy-alpha-D- glucopyranosyl- (1----4)-O-alpha-D-glucopyranosyl-(1----4)-O-alpha-D-glucopyranosyl-(1-- --4)- alpha-D-glucopyransoide (AG4P), phenyl O-(alpha-D-glucopyranosyluronic acid)-(1----4)-O-alpha-D-glucopyranosyl-(1----4)-O-alpha-d-glucopyran osy l- (1----4)-alpha-D-glucopyranoside (CG4P), phenyl O-6-amino-6-deoxy-alpha-D-glucopyranosyl-(1----4)-O-alpha-D-glucopyra nos yl- (1----4)-O-alpha-D-glucopyranosyl-(1----4)-O-alpha-D-glucopyranosyl-(1-- --4)- alpha-D-glucopyranoside (AG5P), phenyl O-(alpha-D-glucopyranosyluronic acid)-(1----4)-O-alpha-D-glucopyranosyl- (1----4)-O-alpha-D-glucopyranosyl-(1----4)-O-alpha-D-glucopyranosyl-(1-- --4)- alpha-D-glucopyranoside (CG5P), and phenyl O-6-deoxy-6-[(2-pyridyl)amino]-alpha-D-glucopyranosyl-(1----4)- O-alpha-D-glucopyranosyl-(1----4)-O-alpha-D-glucopyranosyl-(1----4)-a lph a-D- glucopyranoside (FG4P), were prepared to examine the active site of Taka-amylase A (TAA) [EC, Aspergillus oryzae]. Phenyl alpha-maltotetraoside (G4P) was predominantly hydrolyzed by TAA to maltose and phenyl alpha-maltoside (G2P). While G2P, phenyl alpha-glucoside (GP), and phenol were liberated from AG4P in the ratio of 7:63:30. G4P, phenyl alpha-maltotrioside (G3P), G2P, and GP were liberated from G5P in the ratio of 1:20:73:6, but AG5P was almost completely hydrolyzed to modified maltotriose and G2P. On the hydrolysis of CG4P and CG5P, no remarkable change was observed except for a decrease in the relative reaction rates compared with G4P and G5P, respectively.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a disease caused by infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Although drug therapy for AIDS is available, problems such as side effects associated with drug therapy and the appearance of resistant HIV strains have arisen. Therefore, therapies based on new principles other than drug treatment are required. In the present study, the effect of electrical stimulation on HIV-1(LAI) chronically infected HeLa (P6 HeLa/HIV-1(LAI)) cells cultured on an electrode surface was examined. The results indicated that sensitivity to electrical stimulation was much higher in P6 HeLa/HIV-1(LAI) cells than in uninfected P6 HeLa cells. When electrical stimulation was applied at 1.0 V (vs. Ag/AgCl) for 20 min, the proportion of damage to cell membrane among P6 HeLa/HIV-1(LAI) cells, as evaluated by Trypan blue staining, was approximately 4 times higher than that for uninfected P6 HeLa cells. Furthermore, in comparison with uninfected P6 HeLa cells, the proliferation of P6 HeLa/HIV-1(LAI) cells was significantly suppressed after electrical stimulation. This technique was proven to selectively kill P6 HeLa/HIV-1(LAI) cells, when compared with uninfected control cells.  相似文献   

Highly informative dinucleotide repeat polymorphisms were identified at the T-complex-associated-testes-expressed-1 (TCTE1) locus on human chromosome 6p. Electrophoresis of single-stranded DNA on native gels facilitated the analysis of the dinucleotide polymorphisms. Linkage mapping positions this marker midway between the centromere and HLA with recombination fractions as follows: D6Z1-0.21-TCTE1-0.24-HLA. Two-color fluorescence in situ hybridization places TCTE1 proximal to CRIL171 (D6S19). Together, linkage and in situ hybridization indicate that the order of the loci is D6Z1-D6S4-D6S90-TCTE1-D6S19-D6S29-HL A-telomere. A sequence tagged site (STS) was established, and three yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) clones were identified for the TCTE1 locus.  相似文献   

Highly informative dinucleotide repeat polymorphisms were identified at the T-complex-associated-testes-expressed-1 (TCTE1) locus on human chromosome 6p. Electrophoresis of single-stranded DNA on native gels facilitated the analysis of the dinucleotide polymorphisms. Linkage mapping positions this marker midway between the centromere and HLA with recombination fractions as follows: D6Z1-0.21-TCTE1-0.24-HLA. Two-color fluorescence in situ hybridization places TCTE1 proximal to CRIL171 (D6S19). Together, linkage and in situ hybridization indicate that the order of the loci is D6Z1-D6S4-D6S90-TCTE1-D6S19-D6S29-HLA-telomere. A sequence tagged site (STS) was established, and three yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) clones were identified for the TCTE1 locus.  相似文献   

A series of glycosphingolipids and phosphonoglycosphingolipid containing only galactose as the sugar component were isolated from the marine snail, Chlorostoma argyrostoma turbinatum. The structures of these lipids were studied by methylation analysis, hydrogen fluoride degradation, proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy and fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry, and characterized as follows: the glycosphingolipids galactosyl beta(1-1)ceramide, galactosyl beta(1-6)galactosyl beta(1-1)ceramide, galactosyl beta(1-6)galactosyl beta(1-6)galactosyl beta(1-1)ceramide and galactosyl beta(1-6)galactosyl beta(1-6)galactosyl beta(1-6)galactosyl beta(1-1)ceramide, and phosphonoglycosphingolipid N-methylaminoethylphosphonyl galactosyl(1-1)ceramide. The main molecular species of the ceramide moiety were hexadecanoyl-octadecasphingenine and hydroxyhexadecanoyl-octadecasphingadienine in all of these sphingolipids.  相似文献   

A number of novel nonionic bolaform amphiphiles with nonidentical aldityl head groups, 1-(1-deoxy-D-galactitol-1-ylamino)-6-(1-deoxy-D-glucitol-1-ylamino)hexane, 1-(1-deoxy-D-mannitol-1-ylamino)-6-(1-deoxy-D-glucitol-1-ylamino)hexane, and 1-(1-deoxy-D-galactitol-1-ylamino)-6-(1-deoxy-D-mannitol-1-ylamino)hexane were synthesized by two successive reductive aminations involving 1,6-diaminohexane (1) and the appropriate D-aldohexoses (D-glucose, D-mannose, and D-galactose) using 5% Pd on carbon as the catalyst. Typical reaction conditions were 40 degrees C, 4MPa hydrogen and a reaction time of 4.5 h. The compounds were isolated as white solids in yields ranging from 39% to 72%. The intermediate aminoalditols, 1-(1-deoxy-D-glucitol-1-ylamino)-6-aminohexane and 1-(1-deoxy-D-galactitol-1-ylamino)-6-aminohexane were obtained as off-white solids in 80-85% yield. The bolaform amphiphiles containing 1-deoxy-D-glucitol head group(s) showed markedly lower melting points than the compounds with the 1-deoxy-D-mannitol and 1-deoxy-D-galactitol head groups, due to the presence of 1,3-syn interactions within the carbohydrate moiety. The novel bolaform compounds are potential starting materials for the synthesis of a broad range of gemini surfactants with nonidentical, carbohydrate-based head groups.  相似文献   

The action of neopullulanase from Bacillus stearothermophilus on many oligosaccharides was tested. The enzyme hydrolyzed not only alpha-(1----4)-glucosidic linkages but also specific alpha-(1----6)-glucosidic linkages of several branched oligosaccharides. When pullulan was used as a substrate, panose, maltose, and glucose, in that order, were produced as final products at a final molar ratio of 3:1:1. According to these results, we proposed a model for the pattern of action of neopullulanase on pullulan as follows. In the first step, the enzyme hydrolyzes only alpha-(1----4)-glucosidic linkages on the nonreducing side of alpha-(1----6) linkages of pullulan and produces panose and several intermediate products composed of some panose units. In the second step, taking 6(2)-O-alpha-(6(3)-O-alpha-glucosyl-maltotriosyl)-maltose as an example of one of the intermediate products, the enzyme hydrolyzes either alpha-(1----4) (the same position as that described above) or alpha-(1----6) linkages and produces panose or 6(3)-O-alpha-glucosyl-maltotriose plus maltose, respectively. In the third step, the alpha-(1----4) linkage of 6(3)-O-alpha-glucosyl-maltotriose is hydrolyzed by the enzyme, and glucose and another panose are produced. To confirm the model of the pattern of action, we extracted intermediate products produced from pullulan by neopullulanase and analyzed the structures by glucoamylase, pullulanase, and neopullulanase analyses. The experimental results supported the above-mentioned model of the pattern of action of neopullulanase on pullulan.  相似文献   

Wang G  Myers C  Mikerov A  Floros J 《Biochemistry》2007,46(28):8425-8435
Four "core" amino acid differences within the collagen-like domain distinguish the human surfactant protein A1 (SP-A1) variants from the SP-A2 variants. One of these, cysteine 85 that could form intermolecular disulfide bonds, is present in SP-A1 (Cys85) and absent in SP-A2 (Arg85). We hypothesized that residue 85 affects both the structure and function of SP-A1 and SP-A2 variants. To test this, wild-type (WT) variants, 6A2 of SP-A1 and 1A0 of SP-A2, and their mutants (6A2(C85R) and 1A0(R85C)) were generated and studied. We found the following: (1) Residue 85 affected the binding ability to mannose and the oligomerization pattern of SP-As. The 1A0(R85C) and 6A2(C85R) patterns were similar and/or resembled those of WT 6A2 and 1A0, respectively. (2) Both SP-A WT and mutants differentially induced rough LPS and Pseudomonas aeruginosa aggregation in the following order: 1A0 > 6A2 > 6A2(C85R) > 1A0(R85C) for Re-LPS aggregation and 1A0 > 6A2 = 6A2(C85R) = 1A0(R85C) for bacterial aggregation. (3) SP-A WT and mutants enhanced phagocytosis of P. aeruginosa by rat alveolar macrophages. Their phagocytic index order was 6A2(C85R) > 1A0 > 6A2 = 1A0(R85C). The activity of mutant 1A0(C85R) was significantly lower than WT 1A0 but similar to 6A2. Compared to WT 6A2, the 6A2(C85R) mutant exhibited a significantly higher activity. These results indicate that the SP-A variant/mutant with Arg85 exhibits a higher ability to enhance bacterial phagocytosis than that with Cys85. Residue 85 plays an important role in the structure and function of SP-A and is a major factor for the differences between SP-A1 and SP-A2 variants.  相似文献   

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