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乌龟外周血细胞的显微和超微结构   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:8  
乌龟血细胞的显微和超微结构研究表明;在外周血细胞中,可分辨出红细胞、单核细胞、淋巴细胞、血栓细胞、嗜酸性粒细胞、嗜碱性粒细胞、嗜中性粒细胞等7种细胞.红细胞核圆形,胞质均匀无细胞器.单核细胞的特征是核内异染色质多聚集于周边,胞质中含有许多囊泡.淋巴细胞的核质比例大.血栓细胞以具细长的指状突起,基本无细胞器为其特征.嗜酸性粒细胞仅含一种圆形颗粒,颗粒质地均匀,电子致密,大小不等.嗜碱性粒细胞颗粒环绕在胞核周围,有三种电子密度、颗粒大小不一的类型.嗜中性粒细胞含有两种电子密度、形态不一的颗粒.    相似文献   

中华绒螯蟹血细胞的显微、亚显微形态结构及其分类   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
通过相差显微镜和电镜观察,根据中华绒螯蟹血细胞胞质内有无颗粒以及颗粒大小、染色反应、折光性和形成方式的特点,血细胞分为胞质内无颗粒的无颗粒细胞、胞质内只有具折光性和呈淡红色反应大颗粒的大颗粒细胞、胞质内只有无折光性和呈淡蓝色染色反应小颗粒的小颗粒细胞以及胞质内同时具有大颗粒和小颗粒二种颗粒特性的大小颗粒中间型细胞.小颗粒的形成方式是高尔基体成熟面小泡脱离后直接成为小颗粒,而大颗粒的形成方式是高尔基体成熟面小泡脱离后,数个小泡逐渐聚集成蜂窝状大颗粒,进一步发育成熟为均质大颗粒.实验结果表明:三种有颗粒的细胞是互相独立的,可能分别由无颗粒细胞分化而成.    相似文献   

家蝇幼虫血细胞类型及免疫功能的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
晏容  刘流  刘晖  贺莉芳 《四川动物》2012,31(1):104-107
目的用不同方法观察家蝇3龄幼虫血细胞的形态,并对血细胞进行分类和免疫功能研究,为昆虫血细胞形态、分类及免疫研究提供实验依据。方法 (1)应用姬氏染色结合相差显微镜及荧光染色方法观察家蝇3龄幼虫血细胞形态,并对家蝇3龄幼虫血细胞进行分类;(2)观察家蝇3龄幼虫感染大肠杆菌后不同时间血细胞总数(THC)、各类血细胞数量(DHC)及形态的变化;(3)应用倒置显微镜观察家蝇3龄幼虫离体血细胞感染大肠杆菌后的形态变化;(4)采用酶细胞化学技术测定感染前后家蝇3龄幼虫血细胞中ACP、POD活性的变化。结果 (1)家蝇3龄幼虫血细胞可分为原血胞、浆血胞、粒血胞、珠血胞、类绛血胞5类,其中浆血胞又分为大核浆血胞和小核浆血胞两种;(2)感染后各时间组血细胞总数、浆血胞和粒血胞数量均显著升高,且浆血胞和粒血胞聚集成堆,出现细胞变形、空泡等形态变化;感染后16h、24h组的珠血胞数显著升高;原血胞和类绛血胞数量和形态无明显变化;(3)家蝇幼虫离体血细胞感染大肠杆菌后粒血胞周围见大量细菌聚集,浆血胞、粒血胞聚集成团将细菌包裹形成包囊,未见原血胞、珠血胞、类绛血胞形态的变化;(4)感染后浆血胞和粒血胞中ACP、POD的活性增强,感染前后原血胞、珠血胞、类绛血胞中均未见ACP、POD的阳性反应物。结论通过3种方法能很好地将家蝇3龄幼虫血细胞分为5类,其中浆血胞和粒血胞是家蝇幼虫参与免疫反应的主要细胞类型,珠血胞不参与感染后的早期细胞免疫反应。  相似文献   

目的:观察大鼠脊髓匀浆上清诱导骨髓间充质干细胞(mesenchymal stem cells,MSCs)形成的神经元样细胞形态特征.方法:通过贴壁法培养分离大鼠骨髓MSCs,体外扩增纯化后加入正常大鼠脊髓匀浆上清诱导72h,倒置显微镜下观察诱导前后细胞的形态结构.激光共聚焦显微镜观测钙离子细胞形态和荧光强度变化,免疫细胞化学方法鉴定诱导后细胞的表型特征.结果:倒置显微镜下可见MSCs呈纺锤形和多角形,核居中,有1-2个核仁,诱导后细胞呈神经元样,细胞伸出较长的轴突样和树突样突起.免疫细胞化学法显示NSE(神经元特异性烯醇化酶)、NF(神经丝蛋白)阳性,GFAP(神经胶质细胞酸性蛋白)阴性.共聚焦显微镜扫描脊髓匀浆上清诱导前细胞形态呈细长的梭形,细胞核不明显,胞体染色强,突起染色弱,荧光像素值低;诱导后,细胞呈现神经元样形态,胞体大,有多个突起,胞体及各突起染色强,荧光像素值高.结论:大鼠脊髓匀浆上清液可在体外诱导骨髓间充质干细胞分化为神经元样细胞.  相似文献   

应用光学显微镜和电子显微镜技术,研究了中华绒螯蟹(Eriocheir sinensis)胸神经团的神经分泌细胞,描述了其显微和超显微结构。依据细胞形态、细胞核、内分泌颗粒和细胞质的特征将胸神经团神经分泌细胞分为3种类型:Ⅰ型细胞最大,胞质中存在许多大小不同的空泡,分泌颗粒数量很少;Ⅱ型细胞中等大小,细胞器发达,分泌颗粒数量较多,形态多样;Ⅲ型细胞最小,分泌颗粒数量最多,细胞器很少。  相似文献   

从自然发病的病蚌中提取出病毒,经人工感染健康三角帆蚌后呈现出典型的病理变化。组织学观察显示消化腺、胃、肠、外套膜、斧足和鳃等均出现大量细胞空泡化、部分细胞肿大、上皮细胞排列不紧密,结缔组织不完整,部分细胞溶解甚至脱落等,表明它们均为病毒损害的主要靶器官。透射电镜观察显示大量砂样病毒存在于患病三角帆蚌不同器官中。病毒粒子为直径约120 nm的圆球形,表面具有明显的纤突,无囊膜结构。被感染细胞呈现明显的病理变化,包括细胞质大片空泡化,细胞器相对减少或缺失,细胞核电子密度加深,肠黏膜上皮细胞不同程度的变性和坏死,消化腺细胞核变形肿大,鳃小片上皮细胞坏死脱落,颗粒细胞的核膜溶解等。    相似文献   

池蝶蚌(贝)血细胞显微观察   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
本文对池蝶蚌血细胞的形态结构及其动态变化进行了研究。根据血细胞形态、大小和密度等特征,把血细胞分为六类:颗粒细胞、透明细胞、浆液细胞、类淋巴细胞、梭形细胞和血栓细胞;并对各种血细胞显微结构予以描述,统计了血细胞胞体大小、细胞核大小、核质比、密度及所占比例,其中颗粒细胞所占比例最大,透明细胞次之,类淋巴细胞最少,颗粒细胞和透明细胞是两种主要的细胞类型,约占总数的82%,担负着最基本的代谢和免疫功能;通过对池蝶蚌血细胞形态的连续观察,发现血细胞存在形态变化现象,推测细胞间可能存在相互转化的情况。  相似文献   

史氏鲟外周血细胞的显微及超微结构   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用血细胞计数、光学显微及电子显微技术对二龄史氏鲟外周血细胞的数目、形态及结构进行了研究。二龄史氏鲟红细胞的数目为47.75×104个/mm3,白细胞数目为2.9万个/mm3,其中淋巴细胞所占比率最高。史氏鲟的外周血中除正常红细胞外,还有处于分裂状态及未成熟的红细胞。史氏鲟外周血中的白细胞有四种类型,分别为淋巴细胞、粒细胞、血栓细胞和单核细胞。其中粒细胞有两种,即嗜中性粒细胞和嗜酸性粒细胞。嗜中性粒细胞含有多种形状的核,其中分叶的核数目较多,粒细胞及淋巴细胞均类似于哺乳动物。对史氏鲟外周血细胞细微结构的观察显示:红细胞中具有少量的细胞器;淋巴细胞结构典型;单核细胞较粒细胞稍小且具有较多线粒体;血栓细胞具有梭形和圆形两种,胞质较少,其中梭形的血栓细胞胞质几乎透明;对粒细胞的颗粒按照形状和电子密度进行了分类。  相似文献   

1.要求通过杂交种能培育大型珍珠。目前较好的育珠河蚌是三角帆蚌(Hyriopsis cumingii)和褶纹冠蚌(Cristaria plicata),但它们的育珠性状还不理想。三角帆蚌所产珍珠,质量虽佳,但插核植片部位的壳间距离小,不能育成大珠;褶纹冠蚌体型大,插核植片部位的壳间距离也大,外套膜厚实,能插大核植大片育成大型  相似文献   

三角帆蚌精子的发生   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
报道了光镜和透射电镜下三角帆蚌精子的发生过程及其一系列重要的形态变化。包括核延长,染色质浓缩,线粒体逐渐融合并后移;胞质减少及鞭毛形成,精原细胞是精巢中体积最大的细胞,细胞膜界限不明显,内质网发达,精母细胞开始出现中心粒,精细胞分化可分为3个阶段。成熟精子属原生型,由头部、中段和尾部三部分组成。  相似文献   

Four monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) (1E7, 1F12, 2H5, 2C6) against haemocytes of scallop (Chlamys farreri) were produced by immunising Balb/C mice. Analysed by the indirect immunofluorescence assay test (IIFAT), immunocytochemical assay, flow cytometry (FCM) and Western-blotting, they showed specificity for more than one haemocyte type (hyalinocyte and granulocyte) and various haemocyte components of scallop. Using IIFAT to detect monolayers separated from gradient density centrifugation, the four MAbs were positive with haemocytes at different interfaces. The percentage of positive cells (percent reactivity, PR) that MAb 1E7 reacted with at the 20-30%, 30-40% and 40-50% interfaces were 43.50%, 41.25% and 60.00% respectively, PR of MAb 1F12 were 31.00%, 63.50% and 41.00%, MAb 2C6 were 11.00%, 51.00%, 77.00%, and MAb 2H5 were 20.25%, 34.75%, 38.25%. For the immunocytochemical assay, MAb 1E7 1F12 and 2H5 was positive with the cytoplasm of both hyalinocyte and granulocyte, 2C6 was positive with the membrane and cytoplasm of hyalinocyte and granulocyte. Analysed by FCM, the PR of the four MAbs (1E7, 1F12, 2H5, 2C6) with haemocytes were 54.23%, 38.56%, 56.4%, and 79.7% respectively; moreover, the PR with different haemocyte types was variable. The results of Western-blotting showed that MAb 1E7 recognised an antigen of molecular weight 200 kDa, MAb 2C6 an antigen of 60 kDa, however, MAb 1F12 reacted with antigens of 70 kDa, 60 kDa and 45 kDa. There was no protein band that MAb 2H5 detected. In conclusion, 2C6 seems to be a very promising MAb to identify and differentiate granulocytes, and the four MAbs will be used in further studies on cellular defence mechanism research.  相似文献   

三角帆蚌精子的形态及超微结构   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
运用电子显微镜技术对三角帆蚌精子的形态和超微结构进行研究。结果发现,三角帆蚌精子为原生型,分为头部、中段和尾部,头部呈子弹头形,电子致密且均匀,主要是核所在的区域。核前端由3-4个小的电子致密颗粒组成一个浅弧形的囊泡,为顶体结构,中段具有5个球形线粒体,环绕着两个相互垂直的中心粒。中段末端具有的鞭毛质领结构(flagellar collar)为一电子致密环,与远端中心粒之间由9个分叉的电子致密小片连接。尾部为典型的9+2结构。  相似文献   

It is commonly believed that crustacean haemocytes originate from a specialised haematopoietic tissue (HPT), whereas the differentiation relationship between HPT cells and circulating haemocytes is still not clearly understood. The HPT cells and haemocytes of Fenneropenaeus chinensis were characterised using morphological and histochemical methods. Three types of HPT cells were identified under the transmission electron microscope (TEM). Type 1 cells had high N/C ratios, developed dispersed chromatins and no cytoplasmic granules. Type 2 cells had smaller size, developed condensed chromatins and cytoplasmic granules, which were homogeneous or striated in type 2a cells, and homogeneous in type 2b cells. We deduce that type 1 cells may give rise to type 2 cells in terms of the presence of possible intermediates between type 1 and type 2 cells. The circulating haemocytes were divided into three populations, i.e. hyaline haemocytes (HH), small granular haemocytes (SHG) and large granular haemocytes (LGH), based on Wright-Giemsa staining and TEM observation. Comparing the HPT cells with the circulating haemocytes, type 2a cells of HPT may represent the HH due to similar granule types, cell size and N/C ratios, and type 2b cells may be the young and immature LGH. By Wright-Giemsa and acid alpha-naphthyl acetate esterase staining, the intermediates between the HH and SGH were observed, which indicates that the SGH may be derived from the HH in the circulatory system. Therefore, it is suggested that the F. chinensis haemocytes could be divided into two haemocyte lineages, i.e. the HH-SGH and LGH lineage.  相似文献   

The morphology and functions of haemocytes from the haemolymph of the European oyster, Ostrea edulis, were analysed by flow cytometry on the basis of cellular structures and incorporation of fluorescent markers. O. edulis circulating haemocytes appear to be composed of one to three cell populations based on cell size and granularity, with many individual variations. Analysis of haemocytes after propidium iodide staining indicated that the majority of oyster haemocytes are alive after sampling. The phagocytic activity level of haemocytes was analysed using fluorescent beads and this cell activity varied greatly depending on the oysters. The use of 3,3'dihexyloxacarbocyanine iodide (DIOC6) allowed the demonstration of several cell populations on the basis of labelled intensity. One to three cell sub-populations can be observed depending on the oysters. The haemocytes characterised by high granularity showed a strong fluorescence intensity related to high mitochondrial activity.  相似文献   

珍珠是由珍珠贝外套膜的上皮细胞受到外源刺激物刺激形成珍珠囊(pearl—sac),并由珍珠囊产生的钙质分泌物.其分泌物逐渐包围刺激原.使之体积急剧增长而形成的,珍珠质(nacre)是由大于95%的碳酸钙晶体与约5%的角壳蛋白组成的生物矿化产物。因此珍珠贝的外套膜在珍珠形成中起着重要的作用。珍珠贝外套膜的体外培养已开展了一些初步的研究工作。  相似文献   

Haemocyte subpopulations from three bivalve species (the clams Ruditapes philippinarum and Mercenaria mercenaria and the oyster, Crassostrea virginica) were characterised using light-scatter flow cytometry and a standard set of methods. Two parameter (forward and side scatter) plots for the three species were very similar and resembled plots for mammalian white blood cells. Two haemocyte groups (granulocytes and agranulocytes) were found in both the haemolymph and the extrapallial fluid of the clams while those two groups and an additional third group were found in the haemolymph of the oyster. All subpopulations were sorted on to glass slides, identified, photographed, and measured microscopically. Sorting of the bivalve granulocyte and agranulocyte groups indicated varying degrees of heterogeneity within each population in terms of either size or granularity, or both. However, subsorting of selected regions within the major groupings produced highly pure haemocyte populations. The comparison showed both similarities and differences among species. For instance, a distinct subpopulation of small granulocytes was present only in oysters and a subpopulation of spindle-shaped haemocytes, only in M. mercenaria. The haemocyte subpopulations delineated by light-scatter flow cytometry underscore questions about cell lineages, but the instrument also offers a powerful technique for answering them.  相似文献   

池蝶蚌和三角帆蚌谷胱甘肽S转移酶基因表达特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用RT-PCR方法克隆获得池蝶蚌(Hyriopsis schlegerlii)和三角帆蚌(H.cumingii)GST片段,两种蚌的GST核苷酸序列相同,推导其编码92个氨基酸;经与不同物种进行氨基酸序列比对,显示其与软体动物、两栖动物和高等哺乳动物的GST具有高度同源性。RT-PCR半定量分析表明,GST在两种蚌的肝、闭壳肌等11种组织中除肠以外均有表达,肝中表达量较大;注射嗜水气单胞菌(Aeromonas hydrophila)后,三角帆蚌血细胞中GST表达量先降低后升高,而池蝶蚌血细胞中GST表达量先升高后降低,且在感染3h、6h、9h和24h时表达量约为三角帆蚌的2倍。  相似文献   

Silina KV 《Tsitologiia》2002,44(6):518-531
On the basis of patterns of haemocyte ultrastructure and functions at preimago and imago stages of Metrioptera roeselii, secretory cells of granulocyte type were recognized in the haemolymph. The development of granulocytes was traced starting from their formation up to cell death and destruction. The haemocytes develop as "dark" and "light" cells, differing in their functional activity, although their ultrastructure is similar. In the cytoplasm of granulocytes, granules of both mitochondrial and nuclear origin were detected. Simultaneously two processes occur in the cells--the accumulation and discharge of granules.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies (mabs) specific for Penaeus monodon haemocytes were produced by immunising mice with membrane lysates of shrimp haemocytes. Four mabs (WSH 6, WSH 7, WSH 8 and WSH 16) were characterised using flow cytometry, light microscopy, laser scanning microscopy, electron microscopy and immunoprecipitation. WSH 6 recognised a carbohydrate determinant on an 85 kDa molecule. WSH 7, WSH 8 and WSH 16 recognised 50, 35 and 115 kDa molecules, respectively. For all mabs, differences in amount and intensity of the labelling were found when haemocytes were fixed immediately in 2% formaldehyde in Alsever's Solution (AS), compared with non-fixed haemocytes that were kept in AS (which reduced activation of the haemocytes) or in L15 cell culture medium. WSH 6 reacted with the cell membranes of all fixed haemocytes, while WSH 7 and WSH 16 reacted with the cell membranes of >80% of fixed haemocytes. The membrane labelling appeared to decrease when cells were kept in L15 medium. WSH 8 did not react with the haemocyte membranes. All mabs reacted with some granules, mainly present in the hyaline cells, when the haemocytes were immediately fixed. When non-fixed cells were kept in AS and in L15 medium, positive granules were also observed in semigranular and granular haemocytes as well as in the largest granules of a fourth cell type, that contains many granules of different size and electron density. Immunoreactive extracellular thread-like material could be observed in cells in L15 medium. The change in staining pattern was extreme for WSH 8, somewhat less for WSH 6 and WSH 7 and the lowest for WSH 16. Double labelling revealed that all mabs showed a different staining pattern on membranes as well as on granules. WSH 16 also showed labelling in cytoplasmic vesicles, as well as in haemolymph plasma on histological sections. The hypothesis is put forward that immunoreactive molecules recognised by these mabs, are related to haemocyte activation factors.  相似文献   

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