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2007—2014年在长白山国家级自然保护区环区公路、头道公路及白山公路,各选取1条样线,采用直接观测法进行了爬行动物道路致死情况的调查。累计统计里程总长1568 km。研究表明,道路致死爬行动物5种共391条,平均道路致死率为2.5条/10 km;其中白条锦蛇Elaphe dione个体数最多,占致死总数量的49.9%;环区公路道路致死率与白山公路(Mann-Whitney Test:Z=-3.333,P=0.0010.05)、头道公路(Mann-Whitney Test:Z=-2.473,P=0.0130.05)差异有统计学意义,路基宽度最小的头道公路道路致死率最高;岩栖蝮Gloydius saxatilis不同月份道路致死率差异有统计学意义(Kruskal Wallis Test:X~2=13.404,df=5,P=0.0200.05),其他4种爬行动物不同月份道路致死率差异均无统计学意义;各月车流量与各月总道路致死率经Pearson相关分析结果显著不相关(R=0.423,P=0.407)。在此基础上,本研究提出了相应减小道路对爬行动物致死率的措施。  相似文献   

长白山区道路建设对两栖类繁殖生境带来减少和退化的影响,为缓解和恢复路域受损两栖类繁殖生境,于2021年3月末至5月初,在吉林长白山国家级自然保护区环区公路两侧100 m内,选择40个面积>10 m2,深度>15 cm的池塘,放置10个网框和20个树枝框作为辅助材料开展极北鲵Salamandrella keyserlingii和中国林蛙Rana chensinensis繁殖生境恢复实验。结果显示:(1)网框和树枝框显著提升了极北鲵对繁殖池的利用率,但对中国林蛙的影响不显著;(2)极北鲵对树枝框利用率(85.00%)显著高于网框(50.00%)(P=0.03);(3)实验组的产卵数量(极北鲵197.00粒±11.29粒,中国林蛙149.00粒±13.74粒)均高于对照组(极北鲵128.00粒±11.32粒,中国林蛙88.00粒±14.12粒),但差异不显著。建议今后在长白山区路域结合两栖类动物通道设置、取弃土场恢复工程营造两栖类繁殖生境时,首选树枝框、其次选网框作为两栖类繁殖产卵的媒介。  相似文献   

王刚  李成  吴军  韩金锋  江建平  谢锋 《生态学报》2016,36(17):5556-5563
近几十年来,全球两栖动物种群衰减显著,两栖动物的生存现状引起了越来越多的生态学家和保护生物学家的关注。若尔盖湿地不仅是世界上最大的一块高原泥炭沼泽湿地,也是我国生物多样性保护的热点地区之一。该地区分布有3种两栖类:高原林蛙(Rana kukunoris)、倭蛙(Narorana pleskei)和中华蟾蜍岷山亚种(Bufo gargarizans minshanica)。已有研究发现该3种两栖动物种群数量均有不同程度的下降。采用人工掩蔽物法,在2011—2014年对该地区中华蟾蜍种群生态做了连续追踪。结果表明:该区域中华蟾蜍种群数量逐年波动较大,年龄结构数据显示该种群处于增长期;中华蟾蜍为聚集分布,且发现率与水体距离呈显著的线形关系(P0.01),在样地范围内离水体越远,发现的个体越多;线形样方比方形样方捕获动物的效率更高(P=0.018);中华蟾蜍亚成体的肥满度季节间无明显差异;中华蟾蜍具有较强的迁徙能力,可能沿着固定的线路周而复始的迁徙。对于家域范围大,迁徙距离远的中华蟾蜍这类物种,应加强最适栖息地的保护并防止栖息地破碎化。  相似文献   

2016年8月和2017年8月, 在天目山国家级自然保护区采用样线法和样方法调查了旅游公路的运营对节肢动物群落的影响及道路致死状况。结果表明, 公路两侧昆虫的遇见率(14.55±4.45 只•km–1)显著的高于林中(8.27±2.22 只•km–1; P=0.018), 公路两侧0—5 m区域内节肢动物的捕获数(33.45±3.23 只•m–2)也显著的高于20—30 m区域(23.92±4.72只•m–2; P=0.027); 并且距离公路0—5 m区域内的节肢动物群落Shannon-Wiener多样性指数(2.21)也高于20—30 m区域(1.90), 说明公路运营对节肢动物群落产生正的边缘效应。动物的平均道路致死率为9.01±3.17只•km–1, 其中昆虫的道路致死数量最高, 占总数的69.44%。说明道路边缘可能由于车辆的行驶而变成生态陷阱。另外还记录到大量的脊椎动物被车辆撞死, 造成动物非自然死亡, 进而对当地的野生动物群落产生明显的负面效应。  相似文献   

实验室条件下,通过活动性水平,变态时的体重、增长率和完成变态所需时间考察同水塘分布的中华蟾蜍(Bufo gargarizans)和高原林蛙蝌蚪(Rana kukunoris)的竞争策略。实验按照2×3因子设计,即:食物资源2个水平(高、低),组合方式3个水平(10只中华蟾蜍蝌蚪,记为B组;5只中华蟾蜍蝌蚪和5只高原林蛙蝌蚪,记为BR组;10只高原林蛙蝌蚪,记为R组)。中华蟾蜍蝌蚪的活动性在食物水平低时显著低于食物水平高时,而高原林蛙蝌蚪的活动性在不同食物水平下无显著差异;食物水平低时,混合组的高原林蛙蝌蚪变态时体重和体重增长率都显著高于R组,而混合组中华蟾蜍蝌蚪与B组相比无显著差异;在不同处理组中,食物水平低时混合组中华蟾蜍蝌蚪幼体期最短。这些结果表明:中华蟾蜍蝌蚪在不同食物资源条件下所选择的生存策略可能不同,即食物资源充足时,增加活动性获取更多食物;食物资源有限时,降低活动性且提前完成变态;与中华蟾蜍蝌蚪相比,在食物资源有限时高原林蛙蝌蚪获取食物能力更强。  相似文献   

中国林蛙与中华蟾蜍蝌蚪颅骨形态的系统进化比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对无尾两栖动物系统进化的研究,主要是基于经典的形态学、现代分子生物学等技术。无尾两栖动物蝌蚪的进化与成体的进化可能是两个独立的过程,所以无尾两栖类蝌蚪形态及发育特征也可以作为研究系统进化的重要指征。本文对中国林蛙(Rana chensinensis)及中华蟾蜍(Bufo gargarizans)变态前蝌蚪的软骨性颅骨及鳃部骨骼进行形态学描述,基于幼体形态特征,进行系统建树。建树结果支持Orton将无尾两栖类蝌蚪划分为4种类型,认为最原始的类群为Ⅲ型蝌蚪,与Tihen的观点一致。新蛙亚目的中国林蛙和中华蟾蜍蝌蚪属Ⅳ型,是最进化的类群。  相似文献   

2004年8—9月在若尔盖湿地国家自然保护区采用样方法对高原林蛙(Ranakukunoris)、倭蛙(Nanoranapleskei)和岷山蟾蜍(Bufominshanicus)的生境选择性进行了研究。先设置16个50m×50m的样地,再在每个样地内分25个10m×10m的样方,测量每个样方中的12个生境因子(牧场性质、草本高度、草本盖度、牛粪数量、鼠兔洞口数量、鼢鼠土堆数量、地表温度、地表湿度、土壤温度、离小型水体距离、离大型水体距离、离道路距离)。结果表明:这3种两栖类均偏好离溪流、水塘等小型水体距离较近(≤100m)、离河流、湖泊等大型水体距离较远(>1000m)、适度放牧(牛粪数量1~20)以及无鼠兔(Ochotonasp·)洞口的生境。通过比较,发现高原林蛙和倭蛙显著选择夏牧场、草本高度5·1~10·0cm、离小型水体0~50m的生境,显著不选择鼢鼠土堆太多(>10)的生境;岷山蟾蜍对牧场性质、离道路距离无显著选择性,显著选择草本高度>20·0cm、离小型水体51~100m的生境,不选择无鼢鼠土堆的生境;高原林蛙显著选择离道路>50m的生境;倭蛙显著选择离道路0~50m的生境。3种两栖类在生境选择上产生了一定的分离,表明各自有着特殊的生境需求。判别分析表明,牧场性质、草本高度、地表湿度、土壤温度、鼢鼠土堆数量、离大或小型水体距离、离道路距离是区别3种两栖类生境选择的重要参数。  相似文献   

徐骁骁  赵文阁  刘鹏 《生态学报》2018,38(8):2965-2973
全球气候变暖对两栖类的影响是生态学关注的热点问题。作为变温动物,两栖类能够从外界获取热量,并具有一定的体温调节能力。以东北林蛙(Rana dybowskii)作为实验对象,测量不同环境温度下伊春种群、白山种群和尚志种群繁殖期的体温和胚胎发育速度。结果表明:东北林蛙的体温和胚胎发育速度均与环境温度正相关;不同地理种群的选择体温、体温调节能力不同,由高到低依次为尚志种群、白山种群和伊春种群;尚志种群、白山种群和伊春种群完成胚胎发育的时间依次延长,且三者的差距随着胚胎发育的进行越来越明显;环境温度升高后,不同发育阶段完成的时间并不是等比例的减少,胚胎发育的第2阶段和第3阶段以及第4阶段的第21期(开口期)经历的时间显著缩短;与成体相比,胚胎发育过程更容易受到温度的影响,从而导致东北林蛙某些器官形态结构和功能的改变。  相似文献   

若尔盖湿地国家级自然保护区地处青藏高原东缘,该地区分布有3种两栖类:高原林蛙(Ranakukunoris)、倭蛙(Naroranapleskei)和岷山蟾蜍(Bufominshanica),均为青藏高原特有种。研究在保护区内设定了16个50m×50m的样地(每个样格分为25个10m×10m样格),对每个样格中3种两栖类及环境因子进行了调查。根据3种两栖类分布点距离水体的最远距离初步确定若尔盖保护区高原林蛙(Ranakukunoris)、倭蛙(Naroranapleskei)和岷山蟾蜍(Bufominshanica)的陆地核心生境半径分别为:1000m、55m和580m。由于过大的陆地核心生境在实际保护工作中存在操作上的困难,因此本文提出最小陆地核心生境的概念:在某一季节,不同性别和生活史阶段的某种动物的90%个体完成该季节正常生命活动所通过或者利用的陆地。由此概念,根据高原林蛙90%的雌体、雄体和幼体分布确定其最小陆地核心生境半径为51m。最后通过最优化理论对高原林蛙和岷山蟾蜍分布格局与水体距离、草本层盖度、两栖类密度之间的作用机制进行了探讨,并指出陆地核心生境的范围与其所在生境景观及本种和其他动物种群状况有密切关系。  相似文献   

新疆绿蟾蜍的染色体组型初步研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
吴敏  赵亚江 《动物学研究》1987,8(4):339-342
近年来,有关两栖类的染色体组型已有不少报道。无尾两栖类中蜍蟾属(Bufo)的染色体数目分为两类:2n=22和2n=20(Blain,1972)。我们对采自新疆4个地区的绿蟾蜍进行了染色体组型分析,发现其二倍体细胞染色体数均为44,是四倍体。现将我们的初步研究报道如下。  相似文献   

2007 ~ 2009 年,按月对吉林长白山自然保护区环保护区的2 条要道所造成兽类交通死亡状况以及车流量 和车速等因素进行了调查。结果表明:(1)保护区道路交通致死的兽类种类达14种,占保护区种类的27% ,以棕背鼠平、花鼠和大林姬鼠等为优势种类;(2)道路交通所造成的动物个体死亡为2. 57 ± 0.53 头/10km,其中夜行性种类的致死率很高,达69.8% ;(3) 动物死亡主要发生在车流量为1 ~ 40 辆/ h 的区间,占69.4% ,尤以30 ~ 40 辆/ h 区间的致死率最高;(4)动物致死率与每月的车流量显著相关,主要集中在5 ~ 10 月,以9 月的致死率最高。通过对兽类活动时间和生态习性分析,兽类交通致死主要发生在凌晨、傍晚或夜间时段。这可能与夜间车辆照明对动物产生视觉障碍有较大关系,加上车速快和车流量大,极易造成晨昏或夜间活动的动物的大量死亡。因此,建议在保护区路段上合理控制夜间车辆行驶时间,并对车流量和车速予以限制,从而有效减少动物道路交通致死。  相似文献   

Mortality of vertebrates was monitored on a local road running across Poland’s Biebrza River Valley during 2 years (August 2005–July 2006). On the basis of distance from the river and surrounding habitats, the road (of total length 2,510 m) was divided into three stretches. The road was monitored on foot by two people every month, over a few consecutive days. A total of 1,892 road kills representing at least 47 species were found. Of these, 90.7% were amphibians, 4.2% mammals, 3.1% birds and 2.0% reptiles. Most (70%) of the amphibians were anurans, with the common toad, common frog and moor frog among them together accounting for 82% of the total. Mortality among amphibians differed between months, most anurans dying in May and August, while a majority of Urodela are lost in October. The peaks in mortality were connected with the migration of adult amphibians in spring and juveniles in summer and autumn. The number of amphibians killed was greatest on the (wettest) stretch adjacent to the river and decreased with distance from it. Mortality among birds was highest in July—probably in association with the dispersal of young individuals. Among recorded mammalian road kills, there was a prevalence of small rodents (mainly voles) and insectivores (mainly shrews). Medium-sized mammals were found only accidentally. Mortality in general was conditioned by the number of anurans killed.  相似文献   

In Western Europe, habitat loss and landscape fragmentation has led to significant population decline in various animal groups, including amphibians. The extinction of the last natural populations of the yellow-bellied toad in Belgium, Luxembourg and several regions of southern and western France suggests a widespread decline. By using site-occupancy models and adding covariates corresponding to the human-influenced features of the landscape, we tried to identify the relative effects of different land-use types on the species’ distribution pattern in a man-made environment (the Alsatian Rhine floodplain in France). We recorded presence–absence data in 150 forest sample plots (300 × 300 m) and then modeled species distribution while taking into account detection errors in the field. Land-use was recorded on two spatial scales: within the forest sample plots and in a 1500 m radius buffer area around the forest plots. In the forest plots, toad occurrence was negatively correlated with loss of forest cover to agricultural land. In contrast, occurrence is positively correlated with the density of human-made rutted dirt paths and tracks, which provide semi-natural breeding sites. In the 1500 m radius buffer zones around forest plots, toad occurrence was negatively correlated with the density of urbanization and road networks. These results can be used to plan conservation strategies for amphibians in human-dominated landscapes.  相似文献   

The effects of road traffic mortality on amphibian populations are in many cases hard to estimate and speculate, primarily due to the inaccuracy of the methods employed in studies. We have analyzed amphibian road mortality during two breeding seasons on selected road sections adjoining spawning ponds and have critically reviewed methods used for estimating the impact of road traffic on migrating amphibians. The mortality rates of particular amphibian species differed significantly and varied according to year, site, and traffic volume. The highest mortality was recorded for Bufo bufo and the lowest for Lissotriton vulgaris. Species-specific parameter estimates of mortality, evaluated on a daily basis counts of roadkills, were positively correlated with the mean body mass of the amphibian species. The share of a given species among carcasses found on the road, commonly used in such studies, proved to be an unreliable measure of mortality. We found that nearly 60% of amphibian roadkill victims had disappeared within 24?h of exposure, and the number of missing carcasses was inversely related to body mass.  相似文献   

In view of the upcoming road network improvement and expansion in Ethiopia, specifically in Tigray, it is also necessary to understand the potential impacts of road accidents with wildlife vertebrate animals. Road mortality detection surveys were conducted from March 2013 to June 2014. We surveyed around 530 km using vehicle with special emphasis given to roads surrounded by wetlands, forests, rocky areas and rivers each month. Additional information was also collected using a standardized questionnaire. A total of twenty species, 143 individuals of amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals were recorded as road vehicular accidents in the surveyed area. Of all, mammals showed the highest species richness (80 individuals belonging to ten species) followed by birds (49 individuals belonging to eight species). The survey revealed most accidents happened during the early morning and late evening. This might be due to relatively high traffic and continued activity of wild animals at that time, besides the driver's inability to avoid accidents when it is dark. Wildlife underpasses during road construction, location of crossing structures, rules of wildlife conservation, improving driver's awareness are relevant in this context and may be the most important mitigation measures to reduce mortality of wildlife on the roads.  相似文献   

1986~2010年冬季采用路线调查方法,对吉林省长白山国家级自然保护区阔叶红松林和针叶林中的黑熊(Ursus thibetanus)及棕熊(U.arctos)的相对种群数量和幼年个体比例进行了长期调查。调查面积分别为4万和3万hm2。调查期间累计遇到黑熊65头次(2.6头/年)、棕熊46头次(1.8头/年)。各年度黑熊和棕熊的数量变动很大,总体呈下降趋势。黑熊的数量较20世纪80年代下降了93.4%,幼体所占比率从17.2%下降为0%;棕熊种群数量下降了38.8%,幼体所占比率仅为7.1%。黑熊和棕熊的种群幼体所占比例极低,说明长白山自然保护区黑熊和棕熊自然繁殖力很低,2种熊种群均处于极度濒危状态。栖息地减少和盗猎可能是导致熊类数量急剧下降的主要因素。  相似文献   

中华秋沙鸭在长白山地区的分布和种群数量   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中华秋沙鸭(Mergus squamatus)主要分布在西伯利亚东南部、朝鲜和我国。是一种分布区域狭窄、数量稀少的珍稀濒危鸟类。已被列入世界濒危动物红皮书和我国Ⅰ级保护动物。据作者1962以来的调查资料表明,长白山是中华秋沙鸭在我国的本要繁殖地。主要分布在长白山东北坡的头道白河、三道白河、古洞河及其支流和西南坡的漫江、锦江及其支流。据我们1977—1978和1989—1991年调查约40—50对,种群数量呈减少趋势。原因是环境恶化和人为干扰。  相似文献   

We assessed the magnitude, composition, and spatial and temporal patterns of road mortality of native vertebrates on two highways in southern Brazil from 18 January 2003 to 26 January 2004. The highways cross remnants of the Atlantic Rainforest, a global biodiversity hotspot, and differ in vehicle traffic and surrounding landscape. We compared the road-kill magnitude and composition of birds, mammals, and reptiles between roads and seasons. We used a modified K statistic to depict the spatial patterns of roadkills of these groups and tested the association between vehicle traffic and road mortality through linear regression. We recorded 869 kills of 92 species. The two roads differed regarding the abundance and composition of roadkills. Reptile road mortality was higher in summer than winter, but all other groups did not show significant difference in the magnitude of mortality between seasons. The composition of killed assemblages differed significantly for some of the taxonomic groups among seasons. We found only one positive association between roadkills and vehicle traffic (reptiles on one of the roads), suggesting that vehicle flow does not explain the road-kill temporal variation on these roads. Total vertebrate, bird, and mammal roadkills showed significant spatial aggregations possibly due to variation in vehicle traffic, highway design, and local landscape condition and arrangement. With expected expansion of the road network, mitigation measures for multi-species assemblages should include habitat protection, soil use regulation, road crossing structures, speed reducers, and campaigns to raise people’s awareness about road impacts on wildlife.  相似文献   

东北阔叶红松林群落类型划分及物种多样性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
运用TWINSPAN分类方法,对我国东北阔叶红松林群落类型进行划分,对乔木层树种进行聚类,并对东北地区长白山、大秃顶子山、平顶山和丰林保护区4个样点的物种多样性进行对比研究.结果表明:24个样地中共记录到维管束植物264种,隶属于64科147属.经过聚类,将阔叶红松林划分为3个群落类型组和7个群落类型;同时,将33个乔木树种间的关联性划分为8组.阔叶红松林群落的物种丰富度和多样性为草本层>灌木层>乔木层.在4个样点中,长白山的样地平均物种丰富度最高,为63.长白山和大秃顶子山乔木层和灌木层的物种多样性略高于平顶山和丰林保护区;丰林保护区草本层的物种多样性为2.83,高于其它3个样点.平顶山灌木层和长白山草本层的均匀度最低,分别为0.71和0.80.  相似文献   

Mortality of mammals and birds due to traffic accidents was monitored in the Slovak part of the Danube Basin from September 2000 to December 2002. Monitored road length was 32 km. The route was inspected by vehicle or on foot 709 times (total of 22,677 km inspected). A total of 3,009 animal carcasses were found. Of these, 45.5% were mammals and 54.5% were birds. Mammals included hamsters (35.7% of killed mammals), mice (14%), brown hares (13.2%), hedgehogs (8.7%), voles (8.5%), Norway rats (6.1%), domestic cats (4.4%) red foxes (3%), polecats (1.9%), weasels (1.2%), and less than 1% other species. Of the bird carcasses, 42.4% were sparrows, 7.6% pheasants, 5.6% swallows, 5.4% long-eared owls, 4.6% martins, 4.4% collared turtle doves, 4.1% domestic pigeons, and 3.2% fieldfares. On average, 3.6 animal carcasses were found per 1 km of monitored route per month. Seasonal mortality differed both in absolute numbers and with respect to the number of species involved. Losses were highest in summer and lowest in winter. Losses in brown hares reached on average 15.5% (maximum 75%), in roe deer 18.8% (maximum 80%) and in pheasants 3.5% (maximum 22%) of the annual bag. Annual financial losses in the study area with regard to game species were 1.9 million Slovakian crowns. In the district of Galanta, to which the study area belongs, on average 21.4 traffic accidents with game occurred annually; most of these were caused by roe deer. Damage to property amounted to 880,000 Slovakian crowns per year.  相似文献   

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