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藏狐、虎鼬、艾鼬的核型分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文报道了产于新疆的3种食肉目动物的染色体组型。藏狐(♀)2n=36,全部为双臂染色体。虎鼬(♂)2n=38,由33条双臂染色体,5条单臂染色体组成;在第1-3对染色体的长臂上恒定地出现次缢痕。艾鼬(♂)2n=38,由32条双臂染色体,6条单臂染色体组成。其染色体组型与等(1976)报道的艾鼬(♀)(新西伯利亚,诺俄尔比斯克)2n=38较为接近,而与王宗仁等(1984)报道的艾鼬(河北,怀来)2n=36,差异较大。  相似文献   

千山产东北小鲵的染色体组型   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
本文报道取材两栖类胚体细胞和成体肠细胞的方法进行染色体研究。对千山产东北小鲵的染色体组型分析表明,其二倍体染色体数目为2n=54。全部染色体可配成27对,分或三组。其中有9对大型染色体,7对中型染色体,11对小型染色体,未发现有异型性染色体存在。染色体的形态有中部,亚中部、端部,亚端部着丝点染色体。  相似文献   

银鲫染色体组型研究   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:5  
黑龙江水系的银鲫(Carassius auratus gibelio)属天然三倍体鱼类,是实行天然雌核发育的两性种群4,7。关于它的染色体数目和组型国内外报道为3n=1564。但是我们在银鲫天然雌核发育机制研究中,有时涉及染色体数目鉴定,常见染色体数目超过156。鉴于昝瑞光报道滇池高背型鲫染色体数目为3n=162,有10个超数染色体5,为此我们对黑龙江省方正县双凤水库的雌、雄银鲫进行了染色体组型研究。    相似文献   

江西5种毛莨属植物核型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文报道了江西毛茛属5个种的染色体数目及核型,其中猫爪草Ranuncunlus ternatus Thunb.(2n=4x=32;2n=2x=16=8m+2sm+6st),肉根毛茛R.Polii Franch.(2n=2x=16=8m+2sm+6st)和杨子毛茛R. sieboldii Miq.(2n=8x-1=63=15m+18sm+22st+8t)的染色体核型为首次报道。我们认为:(1)R. ternatus Thunb.和R. polii Franch.的核型十分相似,显示出有较近的关系。(2)毛茛属Ranunculus L. 中存在较多的多倍体复合体。(3)根据王文采(1980)系统划分的美丽毛莨组(Sect.Auricomus)植物的核型属2A型;石龙芮组(Sect.Hecatonia)植物的核型属2B型;毛茛组(Sect.Ranunculus)植物核型为3A或3B型。三个组在核型上的关系和形态上的关系相似。  相似文献   

对中国不同地区 (湖南郴州、吉林长春、河南宜阳和江苏南京 )取食烟草的不同生活史的烟蚜Myzuspersicae (Sulzer)核型研究结果表明 :在红色型和褐色型中发现 4种染色体组型 ,即 2n =12 ,A1 与A3易位 ;3n =18,A1 与A3易位 ;3n =18,正常 ;2n =11。在黄绿色型中仅发现 2种染色体组型 ,即 2n =12 ,正常和 2n =12 ,A1 与A3易位。在 2n =12核型中 ,不同地区不同体色的烟蚜其染色体相对长度差异不显著 (α =0 .0 5)。  相似文献   

近年来国内对两栖类染色体核型的研究发 展较快,特别是对蛙属(Rana)动物的研究较 多[1-5]相似文献   

用五叶风藤 (HolboelliafargesiiReaub)茎尖染色体制片 ,研究其染色体组型 ,结果表明 :五叶风藤的染色体组型公式为 2n =2x =16 =12m 4sm ,染色体基数x =8,第 4号染色体上有一对染色体随体 ,核型为 2B类型 ,其中 2n =4x =32 =2 4m 8sm的四倍性细胞相当普遍。  相似文献   

十种中国云南水龙骨科植物细胞分类学研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文报道了中国云南产水龙骨科Polypodiaceae 7属10种植物的染色体数目及生殖方式.其中6个种:光茎水龙骨Polypodiodes wattii(2n=72)、蒙自拟水龙骨Polypodiastrum mengtzeense(2n=70)、二色瓦韦Lepisorus bicolor(2n=70)、骨牌蕨Lepidogrammitis rostrata (2n=72)、斑点毛鳞蕨Tricholepidium maculosum(2n=72)和三出假瘤Phymatopteris trisecta(2n=108)的染色体数目为首次报道:大瓦韦Lepisorus macrosphaerus的染色体数目2n=72为一新的细胞型.三出假瘤蕨是无融合生殖三倍体,其他的种为有性生殖二倍体.结合前人的研究结果,本文讨论了染色体数目在水龙骨科系统学研究中的意义.  相似文献   

多花水仙的染色体基数有x=10和x=11两类。基数x=10组型有两种,一种是具6长、4短的典型不对称的二形染色体组型;另一种是具有4长、2中、4短(或5长、2中、3短)的非二形染色体组型。基数x=11则具有4长、2中、5短(或5长、2中、4短)的非二型或非典型二形的染色体组型。x=10的典型不对称的二形染色体组型是原始的组型。基数x=11是从原始的x=10、2n=20组型中的(第5、6号)染色体发生不等长易位后,增加了一对短小的中着丝粒染色体而形成的。另一个x=10、2n=20的非二型新组型,可能从x=11组型丢失了短小的中着丝粒染色体衍生而来,也可能从易位后的个体所产生的不含中着丝粒染色体的雌、雄n配子结合而得到。  相似文献   

参照植物根尖细胞学研究的方法标准,对香薷属3种(5个居群)植物进行核形态学分析。结果表明:(1)从染色体数目看,密花香薷2居群染色体数目2n=16;野苏子2居群染色体数目2n=20,染色体数目和倍性与前人报道的一致;毛穗香薷染色体数目2n=10为首次报道。(2)聚类分析结果显示,3种(5居群)植物中野苏子和密花香薷亲缘关系较近;结合现有报道数据分析表明,该属植物仅有2种倍性(二倍体和四倍体),且二倍体占主导地位。(3)核型参数分析表明:密花香薷的稻城无名山居群1核型公式为2n=2x=16=14m+2sm,居群2为2n=2x=16=16m,着丝粒指数(CI)分别为39.57和42.32,不对称系数AI值分别为2.75和2.87,核型不对称性都为1A型;毛穗香薷的核型公式为2n=2x=10=10m,着丝粒指数(CI)为41.76,不对称系数AI值为5.25,核型不对称性为1B型;野苏子的昆明西山居群核型公式为2n=2x=20=14m+6sm,聂拉木樟木沟居群为2n=2x=20=16m+4sm,着丝粒指数(CI)分别为38.49和40.97,不对称系数AI值为4.20和4.30,核型不对称性为1B型和2B型。  相似文献   

本文首次报道了我国特有种铁筷子(Helleborus thibetanus Franch.)的染色体数目及其核型。其核型公式为K(2n)=6m(2SAT)+2Sm(SAT)+8st+16t(T),按照Stebbins的核型对称性分类标准应属于“3C”型。本种染色体数目与已报道的本属其它种类完全相同,但核型截然不同,为较进化的不对称性核型。观察中还发现了染色体桥等现象的存在。本文同时对本属内的进化等问题也作了初步讨论。  相似文献   

The present paper reports the chromosome numbers and karyotypes of five species in Polygonatum from Anhui of China. The materials used in this work are listed in Table 1, Photomicrographs of somatic metaphase and karyograms of the five species of Polygonatum in Plate 1, 2, 3, the idiograms in Fig. 1-11 and a comparison of the karyotype of them is provided in Table 2. The results are shown as follows: 1. Polygonatum odoratum (Mill.)Druce Two materials were examined. One from Mt. Huangshan, Anhui, has 2n= 16 = 10m (3sc)+ 6sm (Plate 1 :A, B). The idiogram is shown in Fig. 1. The chromosomes range in length from 2.85 to 8.85 μm, with the total length 48.63μm and the ratio of the longest to the shortest 3.11, The karyotype belong to Stebbins’(1971) 2B. The two chromosomes of the first pair have arm ratios 1.01 and 1.29 respectively, and The first pair has one chromosome carrying a satellite attached to the short arm, showing heterozyosity .The chromosome num ber of 2n= 16 in P. odoratum and its karyotype are reported for the first time. The other from Langyashan, Chu - xian, Anhui, is found to have 2n = 18 = 10m (Isc)+2sm+6st(2sc) (Plate 1: C, D). The idiogram is shown in Fig. 2. The chromosomes range in length from 2.43 to 8.29μm, with the total length 46.67µm and the ratio of the longest to the shortest 3.41. The karyotype is also of 2B. In a somatic chromosome complement the 2nd pair have one chromosome carrying a satellite attached to the long arm, showing heterozygosity. 2. Polygonatum filipes Merr. Two materials were examined. One from the Huangshan, Anhui is found to have two cytotypes: 2n= 16 and 2n=22. This paper reports one of them. The karyotype formula is 2n=22=8m+8sm(2sc)+6st(Plate 3: Q, R). The idiogram is shown in Fig. 3. The chromosomes range in length from 2.55- 5.85μm, with the total length 45.01 μm and the ratio of the longest to the shortest 2.29. The karyotype belongs to 3B. The other material from the Fangchang, Anhui, is shown to have four cytitypes: 2n= 14, 2n= 16, 2n=20 (Plate 3: W) and 2n=22. This paper reports two of them. Type I: the karytype formula is 2n=14=10m+4sm (Plate 3: S, T). The idiogram is shown in Fig. 5. The chromosomes range in length from 2.59 to 7.61μm, the total length 37.44μm and the ratio of the longest to the shortest is 2.94. the karyotype belongs to 2B. Type II :The karyotype formula is 2n=16=8m+4sm+4st (Plate 3: U, V). The idiogram is shown in Fig. 4. The chromosomes range in length from 2.65 to 8.21 μm, the total length 46.01 μm and the ratio of the longest to the shortest 3.10. The karyotype belongs to 2B. The chromosome numbers of 2n=20, 2n= 14 and 2n=22, and karyotype of 2n= 14 and 2n=22 in P. filipes are reported for the first time. 3. Polygonatum cytonema Hua Two materials were examined. One from the Langyashan, Chuxian, anhui, is found to have 2n = 18 = 8m (2sc)+ 6sm+ 4st (Plate 2: K, L). The idiogram is shown in Fig. 7. The chromosomes range in length from 3.41 to 9.21 μm, the total length 56.34μm and the ratio of the longest to the shortest is 2.70. The karyotype belongs to 2B. The other material from the Huangshan, Anhui, has two cytotypes: 2n=20 and 2n= 22. Type I: The karyotype formula is 2n= 20= 8m+ 6sm+ 6st (Plate 2: M, N). The idiogram is shown in Fig. 8. The chromosomes range in length from 1.75 to 5.03μm, with the total length 32. 91μm and the ratio of the longest to the shortest 2. 87. The karyotype is also of 2B. Type II: The karyotype formula is 2n=22=6m+ 8sm+4st+ 4t (Plate 2: O, P ). The idiogram is Shown in Fig. 10. The chromosomes range in length from 1.75 to 4.95 μm, with total length 35.05μm and the ratio of the longest to the shortest 2.83. The karyotype brlongs to 3B. 4. Polygonatum desoulayi kom. The material from Xuancheng, Anhui, is found to have karyotype 2n = 22 = 10m (2sc) + 6sm (lsc) + 6st ( Plate 2. I, J). The idiogram is shown in Fig. 6. The chromosomes range in length from 1.86 to 5.61μm, with the total length 41.98μm and the ratio of the longest to the shortest 3.02. The karyotype is also of 3B. The first pair has one chromosome carrying a satellite attached to the long arm, showing heterozygosity. The chromosome number and karyotype of Chinese material are reported for the first time. 5. Polygonatum verticillatum (L.) All. The material from the Langyashan, Chuxian, Anhui is found to have two cytotypes. Type 1: the karyotype formula is 2n = 18 = 2m+ 2sm+ 10st+ 2t+ 2T (Plate 1: G, H). The idiogram is shown in Fig.9. The chromosomes range in length from 1.86 to 4.03μm, with total length 28.28μm and the ratio of the longest to the shortest 2.17. The karyotype classification belongs to 3B. Type II: The karyotype formula is 2n=24=6m+4sm+12st+2T (Plate 1: E, F). The idiogram is shown in Fig. II. The chromosomes range in length from 2.01 to 5.03μm, with total length 41.36μm and the ratio of longest to shortest 2.50. The karyotype is also of 3B. The chromosome numbers and karyotypes of Chinese material are reported for the first time.  相似文献   

四种风毛菊属植物的核型研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
黄运平  尹祖棠   《广西植物》1994,14(4):357-360
本文首次报道产于我国华北地区风毛菊属(SaussureaDC.)4种植物的染色体数目和核型。四个种的染色体数目均是2n=26,都是2倍体。它们的核型是:糠风毛菊(S.Paleata)Zn=2x=26=18m+6sm+2st,属2B型,华北风毛菊(S.mongolica)Zn=2x=26=14m+4sm+8st,属2B型;狭苞凤毛菊(S.dielsiana)Zn=2x=26=8m+12sm+6st,属2C型;银背凤毛菊(S.nivea)2n=2x=26=18m+6sm+2st,属2A型。染色体中均未发现随体。  相似文献   

反萼银莲花的核型分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张跃进  张小燕  吴金山   《广西植物》1991,11(2):149-152
本文报道反萼银莲花的染色体数目及核型。其核型公式为K(2n)=6m+4sm(1SAT)+4st(1SAT)+2t,按照Stebbins的核型对称性分类标准应属于“2A”型。同时对本属的进化等问题也作了初步讨论。  相似文献   

夏蜡梅核型的研究   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:12  
李林初   《广西植物》1986,(3):221-224
本文首次报道我国特有重点保护植物夏蜡梅的核型为K(2n)=2x=22=18m+2m(SAT)+2sm,属Stebbins的“1A”类型,在演化上处于相当原始的地位。它的核型似比北美的光叶红对称和原始,因此至少夏蜡梅属可能起源于中国。  相似文献   

活血莲的核型分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对活血莲的染色体数目及核型进行了研究,结果表明,活血莲的染色体数目为2n=60,其核型公式为2n=2x=60=46sm+12st+2m。没有观察到带随体的染色体。  相似文献   

邹琦丽  秦志祥   《广西植物》1994,14(1):37-38
朱顶红是石蒜科朱顶红属植物。我们对它进行了核型分析,结果表明,它是一个三倍体种,核型公式为:2n=3x=33=12m+9sm+12st。  相似文献   

安徽黄精属的细胞分类学研究   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:7  
邵建章  张定成  钱枫   《广西植物》1994,14(4):361-368
本文首次报道黄精属PolygonatumMill我国三种特有植物的染色体数目和核型,结果如下:安徽黄精P.anhuiense发现两个细胞型:(1)2n=24=4m+6sm+14st;(2)2n=20=4m十6sm+10st;  黄精P.langyaensy2n=18=6m+8sm+4t;距药黄精P.franchetii有三个细胞型:(1)2n=22=8m+8sm(2sc)+6st;(2)2n=20=2m+14sm+4st;(3)2n=18=4m+8sm+4st+2T,全部属3B核型。黄精属植物安徽共有10种,本文对9种黄精的染色体数目、核型进行了比较研究,发现它们可划分成三个类群,与中国植物志(第十五卷)的形态分类基本相符。  相似文献   

&#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &# 《水生生物学报》2014,38(1):115-120
以野生太平洋鳕为材料,采用植物血球凝集素(PHA)及秋水仙素体内注射法,取头肾细胞经低渗、固定后,常规空气干燥法制备染色体标本,并对其染色体核型进行了分析。结果表明,太平洋鳕的二倍体染色体数目为2n=46,核型公式为:2n=8m+6sm+20st+12t,NF=60,即有4对中部着丝点染色体、3对亚中部着丝点染色体、10对亚端部着丝点染色体和6对端位着丝点染色体,染色体臂数为NF=60;染色体经银染后,Ag-NORs在不同间期细胞中表现出多态性,数目为13,其中2个Ag-NORs的频率最高(82%);在分裂相中,具有1个Ag-NORs的频率最高(87.1%),且在第12对亚端部着丝点染色体的一条带有明显的次缢痕,为Ag-NORs所在区域,并未发现Ag-NORs联合现象及性别相关的异型染色体。    相似文献   

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