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陶睿  崔惠生  李丕鹏 《蛇志》2014,(1):16-18
目的通过研究论述两栖动物药用价值及辽宁省的资源调查,为资源保护和可持续利用提供依据。方法根据多年来的野外调查,结合已有研究文献进行总结分析。结果辽宁省的药用两栖动物资源丰富,多达11种。11种药用两栖动物占该省所有两栖动物的68.7%,其中东北小鲵、中华蟾蜍、东北林蛙和黑斑蛙的分布广泛、种群数量大,东北林蛙已成为该省主要的野生动物产业。结论两栖动物具有重要的药用价值,是传统中医药的重要组成部分,应加强保护、监测、栖息地恢复和可持续利用管理与研究。  相似文献   

若尔盖湿地国家级自然保护区地处青藏高原东缘,该地区分布有3种两栖类:高原林蛙(Ranakukunoris)、倭蛙(Naroranapleskei)和岷山蟾蜍(Bufominshanica),均为青藏高原特有种。研究在保护区内设定了16个50m×50m的样地(每个样格分为25个10m×10m样格),对每个样格中3种两栖类及环境因子进行了调查。根据3种两栖类分布点距离水体的最远距离初步确定若尔盖保护区高原林蛙(Ranakukunoris)、倭蛙(Naroranapleskei)和岷山蟾蜍(Bufominshanica)的陆地核心生境半径分别为:1000m、55m和580m。由于过大的陆地核心生境在实际保护工作中存在操作上的困难,因此本文提出最小陆地核心生境的概念:在某一季节,不同性别和生活史阶段的某种动物的90%个体完成该季节正常生命活动所通过或者利用的陆地。由此概念,根据高原林蛙90%的雌体、雄体和幼体分布确定其最小陆地核心生境半径为51m。最后通过最优化理论对高原林蛙和岷山蟾蜍分布格局与水体距离、草本层盖度、两栖类密度之间的作用机制进行了探讨,并指出陆地核心生境的范围与其所在生境景观及本种和其他动物种群状况有密切关系。  相似文献   

福建省黑脸琵鹭的分布及栖息地现状   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2003年3月~2006年4月,对福建省海岸湿地的黑脸琵鹭(Platalea minor)及其栖息地进行了研究。在福建省越冬的黑脸琵鹭约60~90只,每年迁徙停歇的种群数量在80只以上,黑脸琵鹭主要选择河口的滩涂湿地作为越冬和迁徙停歇地。栖息地的丧失和破坏是其面临的最大生存威胁。实施湿地保护和可持续利用工程,并帮助当地政府和民众寻找到发挥湿地更高经济效益的产业是保护黑脸琵鹭栖息地的重要途径。  相似文献   

为了全面掌握四川省康定市两栖动物多样性现状及其时空分布格局, 本研究系统选取61个10 km × 10 km调查网格, 每个网格设置至少3条样线, 分别于2016年9月、2017年5月和7月进行实地调查。所有调查网格中, 有11个网格未调查到两栖动物, 有1个网格调查到的两栖动物物种数最多达到了10种。调查共发现两栖类动物2,639只, 隶属于2目5科7属14种, 其中优势度最高的是中华蟾蜍(Bufo gargarizans), 其次是倭蛙(Nanorana pleskei)和高原林蛙(Rana kukunoris), 优势度最低的是九龙齿突蟾(Scutiger jiulongensis)。不同月份两栖动物物种数和个体数调查结果显示: 5月份调查到的个体数最多, 共发现966只; 9月份调查到的物种数最多, 有13种。不同月份间两栖动物的物种相对多度结果显示: 5月和7月调查到的优势物种均为中华蟾蜍, 9月份为倭蛙。大部分两栖动物分布在海拔3,000-4,000 m之间; 四川湍蛙(Amolops mantzorum)和中华蟾蜍的海拔分布跨度较大, 分布范围在海拔1,300-3,600 m之间; 刺胸齿突蟾(Scutiger mammatus)和九龙齿突蟾等物种海拔分布范围较窄, 刺胸齿突蟾分布在海拔3,200-3,300 m之间; 九龙齿突蟾仅在海拔3,600 m左右。比较影响物种丰富度分布格局的5项环境因子发现, 年均降水量和植被类型数与物种丰富度显著相关, 其次是平均海拔, 而年均温和植被覆盖指数相关性相对较弱。本研究摸清了康定市两栖动物的多样性及其分布格局, 为康定市生物多样性保护提供基础数据。  相似文献   

段后浪  于秀波 《生态学报》2023,43(15):6354-6363
中国滨海湿地是东亚-澳大利西亚迁徙路线上候鸟重要的停歇地、繁殖地和越冬地,土地利用变化所引发的滨海湿地退化导致水鸟栖息地类别和面积发生了很大转变,影响迁徙水鸟种群数量的稳定性。然而,土地利用变化在哪些区域和多大程度上影响了迁徙水鸟的栖息地分布尚不清晰。以土地围垦典型区域黄渤海滨海湿地为研究区,以受胁濒危水鸟物种勺嘴鹬、大滨鹬、大杓鹬、小青脚鹬、黑脸琵鹭、黄嘴白鹭、遗鸥、黑嘴鸥为研究对象,结合物种分布模型MaxEnt和GIS空间分析,模拟2000、2015、2020年水鸟栖息地时空分布,探索过去20年栖息地分布的时空变化,分析水鸟种群变化趋势,识别水鸟栖息地保护优先区域,提出水鸟栖息地保护管理建议。结果显示:2000—2020年,8个水鸟物种栖息地主要分布在渤海湾、莱州湾、江苏盐城沿岸、如东-东台沿岸区域。所有物种的栖息地面积均呈不同程度的下降趋势,其中7个物种栖息地下降比例超过50%,下降的区域主要分布在渤海湾、江苏盐城沿岸、东台条子泥、小洋口沿岸,滨海湿地丧失是导致水鸟栖息地面积下降的直接因素。7个物种种群数量呈下降趋势。研究所确定的水鸟保护优先区面积达240.32 km2...  相似文献   

基于遥感和野外调查数据,研究北京市两栖爬行动物空间分布格局及其影响因素。结果显示,北京记录两栖爬行动物2纲3目10科17属22种,其中,保护物种15种,占物种总数的68.19%。物种分布整体呈现由西北向东南递减的空间特征,西北部山区丰富度和相对多度较大,门头沟和延庆物种丰富度最大(14种),占调查物种总数的66.67%,优势种为中国林蛙、黑斑侧褶蛙、中华蟾蜍和山地麻蜥;门头沟、怀柔、房山分布了全市71.54%的种群数量;200-500 m海拔段物种丰富度最高(18种),主要生境为森林灌丛;物种数在6种以上的网格有11个,包括大滩、怀九河、百花山、拒马河、密云水库等。总体来看,物种种类和数量相较之前呈现减少趋势,而土地用途转换具有重要影响。1980-2018年,建设用地表现出以东西城为核心向外围扩张的趋势,侵占的农田占生态系统总转换面积的42.85%;城六区和平原区的主要物种为黑斑侧褶蛙和中华蟾蜍,少有中国林蛙分布。进一步分析两栖动物1500 m的迁徙距离内,森林灌丛和农田为主要的生境类型,城市扩张侵占了部分农田;同时,污染物的排放引起水体水质下降,特别是北运河水系,造成两栖动物的繁殖率降低和栖息地破坏。目前,北京市各类保护地虽覆盖两栖爬行动物种类的90.91%和数量的60.45%,但在怀柔宝山镇白河上段、密云水库来水的潮河上段辛庄桥、平谷洳河大兴庄镇-峪口镇等地,仍然存在较大的保护空缺。对此,建议开展长期定位观测,构建生物多样性观测网络,并探索建立高强度土地利用下的生物多样性保护机制,从而实现生物资源可持续利用。  相似文献   

2004年8—9月在若尔盖湿地国家自然保护区采用样方法对高原林蛙(Ranakukunoris)、倭蛙(Nanoranapleskei)和岷山蟾蜍(Bufominshanicus)的生境选择性进行了研究。先设置16个50m×50m的样地,再在每个样地内分25个10m×10m的样方,测量每个样方中的12个生境因子(牧场性质、草本高度、草本盖度、牛粪数量、鼠兔洞口数量、鼢鼠土堆数量、地表温度、地表湿度、土壤温度、离小型水体距离、离大型水体距离、离道路距离)。结果表明:这3种两栖类均偏好离溪流、水塘等小型水体距离较近(≤100m)、离河流、湖泊等大型水体距离较远(>1000m)、适度放牧(牛粪数量1~20)以及无鼠兔(Ochotonasp·)洞口的生境。通过比较,发现高原林蛙和倭蛙显著选择夏牧场、草本高度5·1~10·0cm、离小型水体0~50m的生境,显著不选择鼢鼠土堆太多(>10)的生境;岷山蟾蜍对牧场性质、离道路距离无显著选择性,显著选择草本高度>20·0cm、离小型水体51~100m的生境,不选择无鼢鼠土堆的生境;高原林蛙显著选择离道路>50m的生境;倭蛙显著选择离道路0~50m的生境。3种两栖类在生境选择上产生了一定的分离,表明各自有着特殊的生境需求。判别分析表明,牧场性质、草本高度、地表湿度、土壤温度、鼢鼠土堆数量、离大或小型水体距离、离道路距离是区别3种两栖类生境选择的重要参数。  相似文献   

两栖动物是衡量城市生态系统环境质量的指标类群。郊野公园是上海城市生态系统中重要的两栖类栖息地。2015年5—9月,采用样线法对上海市6个郊野公园的无尾两栖类物种种群数量进行调查,采用样方法采集15种微生境变量数据。通过主成分分析和冗余分析了解各无尾两栖类物种对微生境因子的利用特征,并用卡方适合度检验分析无尾两栖类的不同种间分布重叠度。结果表明,优势度由高到低为泽陆蛙Fejervarya multistriata、金线侧褶蛙Pelophylax plancyi、中华蟾蜍Bufo gargarizans、饰纹姬蛙Microhyla fissipes、黑斑侧褶蛙P.nigromaculatus,适宜的水质和结构合理的水生植被是其生存、繁衍的基础,坡度较小的自然坡岸是无尾两栖类自由往返水陆之间的重要保障。陆生植被的重要性次于水生植被,仅与金线侧褶蛙和黑斑侧褶蛙的分布有显著正相关。不同无尾两栖类物种对水体大小的适应能力不尽相同,郊野公园的水体比较开阔,不利于饰纹姬蛙的生存。本研究建议根据不同无尾两栖类的栖息地利用特征,建设具有不同物种特异性的栖息地景观,在保护好无尾两栖类的同时进一步提升公共绿地的综合生态服务效能。  相似文献   

为了将有限资源合理投放到关键区域, 实现物种保护成效的最大化, 找出质量最好的栖息地及它们之间的迁徙通道是制定保护规划的第一步。本研究以三江源的雪豹(Panthera uncia)栖息地为对象, 基于野外调查数据和高分辨率卫星遥感数据, 利用物种分布模型、保护规划模型和连通度分析工具, 找出了三江源地区雪豹的核心栖息地分布和潜在迁徙通道位置, 分析了目前保护中的潜在威胁, 并提出了针对三江源西、中、东三块区域的不同保护对策。结果表明: (1)三江源西部核心栖息地比较小而破碎, 但迁徙通道较多且没有明显窄点, 未来应关注青藏线的潜在阻碍作用, 同时应防范道路沿线的野生动物盗猎; (2)中部区域横跨玉树-杂多-囊谦的雪豹栖息地是三江源最大的核心雪豹栖息地, 在连通其他种群中也处于中心地位, 应通过种群监测确定其健康稳定, 对开发、偷猎等威胁防微杜渐, 保持其源种群的作用; (3)东部区域人口密度高, 受人类活动的影响最大, 需保证阿尼玛卿、年保玉则两块核心栖息地的质量, 并重点监测甘德县境内的省道处雪豹的迁徙通道是否畅通。三江源地区雪豹栖息地总体质量较好, 建议将维持核心源种群的稳定性, 保持种群间迁徙通道的畅通作为三江源的雪豹景观保护工作的整体目标。未来应充分利用天地一体化监测手段, 开展重要保护物种栖息地状况的评估和预警, 尤其是非保护地区域物种核心栖息地的开发建设活动。  相似文献   

栖息地破碎是生物多样性下降的主要原因之一。栖息地破碎引起的面积效应、隔离效应和边缘效应能影响动物种群的绝灭阈值、分布、多度、种间关系以及生态系统过程, 最终影响动物种群的数量分布。2006年10-11月和2007年10-11月, 利用全球定位系统(GPS)、地理信息系统(GIS)和样方法定量分析京杭运河邵伯至高邮段狗獾栖息地破碎化程度, 确定不同斑块的面积、斑块距离、斑块隔离度以及栖息地质量对斑块中狗獾数量分布的影响。结果表明, 各个斑块内狗獾的洞口数、粪堆数与该斑块的面积显著的正相关(r=0.961, P=0.039; r=0.999, P=0.023), 但与斑块距离、斑块隔离度无显著的相关性(P>0.05)。栖息地的质量也会影响狗獾的数量分布, 多元线性逐步回归分析表明, 人类干扰和与栖息地的郁闭性显著的影响狗獾的数量分布。以上结果说明, 京杭运河邵伯高邮段栖息地的破碎化程度对狗獾的数量分布还没有造成显著的直接影响, 但会间接降低栖息地的质量, 进而影响狗獾的生存。  相似文献   

利用地表土壤动物与植物群落生物完整性指数评价若尔盖沼泽湿地受扰现状,为若尔盖沼泽湿地恢复提供依据。2018年7月与2019年7月对若尔盖10处典型湿地(参照区4个,受扰区6个)地表土壤动物与湿地植被群落进行调查。通过对74个候选指标的分布范围、判别能力及相关分析,确定中生性植物、一年生植物、龙胆科植物、一年生植物/多年生植物比4个植物核心指标,地表土壤动物总个体数量、中小型动物类群数量、蜘蛛目物种数量、菌食性土壤动物与腐食性土壤动物5个核心指标,构建若尔盖沼泽湿地地表土壤动物与植物完整性指数。以所有采样点95%分位数为最佳期望值,四分位法确定研究区域未受干扰、轻度干扰程度、中度干扰与重度干扰4个等级,作为判断若尔盖沼泽湿地受扰状况。结果显示,若尔盖沼泽湿地相对原始沼泽、花湖沼泽化草甸2、长期低强度排水疏干区、短期高强度排水疏干区分别处于未受干扰、轻度干扰、中度干扰与重度干扰状态。所调查的若尔盖典型湿地中,20%的湿地未受到干扰,30%的湿地受到轻度干扰,30%的湿地受到中度干扰,20%的湿地受到重度干扰。Pearson相关系数分析显示,地表土壤动物完整性指数与植物完整性指数存在显著正相...  相似文献   

Numbers of successfully metamorphosing juvenile amphibians were tabulated at three wetlands in South Carolina, U.S.A. using terrestrial drift fences with pitfall traps. A relatively undisturbed Carolina bay was studied for eight years, a partially drained Carolina bay for four years, and a man-made borrow pit for three years. Annual production of juveniles at the undisturbed Carolina bay ranged from zero to 75,644 individuals of 15 species. Fewer individuals of fewer species typically metamorphosed at the borrow pit than at the undisturbed bay, with the least numbers at the partially drained Carolina bay. Both total number and species diversity of metamorphosing juveniles at each site each year showed a strong positive correlation with hydroperiod, i.e., the number of days a site contained standing water that year. Data for one common anuran species and the most common salamander species were analyzed separately by multiple regression, in addition to the community analyses. For the mole salamander, Ambystoma talpoideum, hydroperiod was a significant predictor of the number of metamorphosing juveniles, but the number of breeding females was not. For the ornate chorus frog, Pseudacris ornata, the number of breeding females was a significant predictor of the number of metamorphosing juveniles, but hydroperiod was not. Variation in the dates of wetland filling and drying interacts with other factors to determine amphibian community structure and diversity. Either increasing or decreasing the number of days a wetland holds water could increase or decrease the number and species diversity of amphibians in and around a wetland.  相似文献   

  1. To manage biological invasions effectively, the impacts of alien species on the demography and traits of native species must be known, but determining those impacts can be challenging. We used a comparative approach to gain insight into the impacts that an alien toad (Bufo japonicus formosus) might have on native Japanese predatory amphibians. We compared the susceptibility of native predator species to alien toad toxins in the alien-invaded range and the susceptibility of closely related native predator species to the toxins in the alien toad's native range to investigate the impacts of an alien on a native species.
  2. Bufo japonicus formosus is native to Honshu, but was recently introduced to Hokkaido and Sado. In laboratory experiments, we compared individual mortality of predators exposed to a toad hatchling between novel predators on the toad-invaded islands and ecologically similar congeneric or conspecific species on Honshu, where the toad is native. We also compared (1) the percentage of individuals that consumed a toad hatchling and (2) toxin resistance (i.e. survival and growth of individuals after toad consumption) between these two groups of predators, as mechanistic components behind the susceptibility of the predators to the toxic prey.
  3. The mortality of Rana pirica from all populations after consumption of a toad hatchling was almost 100%, and that of Hynobius retardatus ranged from 14 to 90%, depending on the population. In contrast, the mortality of Rana ornativentris and Hynobius nigrescens was near 0% regardless of population. These differences between congeneric predators were mostly due to differences in their toxin resistance.
  4. These results suggest that the alien toad is a potential threat to the novel amphibian predators on Hokkaido, although they also imply that the novel predators on Hokkaido have the potential to develop toxin resistance through adaptive evolution. However, this counteradaptation may have a higher chance of evolving in H. retardatus than in R. pirica because of differences in their genetic backgrounds.

长白山国家级自然保护区两栖类动物道路致死特征分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了解旅游道路交通导致的两栖类致死效应,于2007~2014年在环绕长白山国家级自然保护区的环长白山旅游公路(环区公路)、头道环区公路以及白山公路分别选取1条样线,采用直接计数法统计了交通致死的两栖类种类、数量,以及致死个体处于交通路段的位置,共统计257次,累计调查样带总长2 441 km。道路致死两栖类种类有5种,累计致死个体数为7 910只,平均致死率为3.34只/km。最容易致死的两栖类动物是中国林蛙(Rana chensinensi)、东方铃蟾(Bombina orientalis)、中华蟾蜍(Bufo gargariza),这3种动物占到致死总数的96.36%;经Moses Test检验,白山公路的致死率、头道公路的致死率及环区公路致死率均与对照土路致死率差异显著(白山公路:n=67,P=0.000;头道公路:n=76,P=0.000;环区公路:n=164,P=0.000)。白山公路与头道公路两栖类致死率差异显著(n=93,P=0.010),白山公路与环区公路的两栖类道路致死率差异显著(n=181,P=0.000);头道公路与环区公路的两栖类道路致死率差异显著(n=190,P=0.000)。两栖类道路致死高峰期在8月份,其次较集中出现在4~6月的繁殖期。从公路年度致死变化来看,2007~2014年期间除了中国林蛙和中华蟾蜍致死率呈小幅波动外,其他种类致死率总体呈下降趋势,只有日本树蟾(Hyla japonica)年度致死率差异显著(Kruskal Wallis Test:χ2=18.031,df=7,P=0.012);不同月份中华蟾蜍(Pearson:R=0.939,n=7,P=0.002)、中国林蛙(Pearson:R=0.912,n=7,P=0.004)、日本树蟾(Pearson:R=0.904,n=7,P=0.005)致死率与交通量显著相关。本研究认为,两栖类的道路致死率与两栖类种群大小、种群密度、生活史及交通量等都存在显著相关性。  相似文献   

Summary A new species of a cephalobaenid pentastomid infecting the lungs of a toad, Bufo lemur, from Puerto Rico is described. The single infection comprises all stages from infective larvae to mature males and females and therefore we consider the toad to be a definitive host. We reassess the evidence concerning Raillietiella indica Gedoelst, 1921, another raillietiellid from the lungs of an Indian toad, B. melanostictus which, hitherto, has been considered by most authors an immature stage from an intermediate host. It now appears that the type specimen was probably a gravid female and that R. indica is a valid species which also matures in a toad. Thus amphibians are established as a new class of definitive hosts for pentastomids. ac]19820218  相似文献   

Mortality of vertebrates was monitored on a local road running across Poland’s Biebrza River Valley during 2 years (August 2005–July 2006). On the basis of distance from the river and surrounding habitats, the road (of total length 2,510 m) was divided into three stretches. The road was monitored on foot by two people every month, over a few consecutive days. A total of 1,892 road kills representing at least 47 species were found. Of these, 90.7% were amphibians, 4.2% mammals, 3.1% birds and 2.0% reptiles. Most (70%) of the amphibians were anurans, with the common toad, common frog and moor frog among them together accounting for 82% of the total. Mortality among amphibians differed between months, most anurans dying in May and August, while a majority of Urodela are lost in October. The peaks in mortality were connected with the migration of adult amphibians in spring and juveniles in summer and autumn. The number of amphibians killed was greatest on the (wettest) stretch adjacent to the river and decreased with distance from it. Mortality among birds was highest in July—probably in association with the dispersal of young individuals. Among recorded mammalian road kills, there was a prevalence of small rodents (mainly voles) and insectivores (mainly shrews). Medium-sized mammals were found only accidentally. Mortality in general was conditioned by the number of anurans killed.  相似文献   

Restoring ponds for amphibians: a success story   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Large-scale restoration of quality habitats is often considered essential for the recovery of threatened pond-breeding amphibians but only a few successful cases are documented, so far. We describe a landscape-scale restoration project targeted at two declining species—the crested newt (Triturus cristatus Laur.) and the common spadefoot toad (Pelobates fuscus Wagler)—in six protected areas in southern and southeastern Estonia. The ponds were restored or created in clusters to (i) increase the density and number of breeding sites at local and landscape levels; (ii) provide adjacent ponds with differing depths, hydroperiods and littoral zones and (iii) restore an array of wetlands connected to appropriate terrestrial habitat. In only 3 years, where 22 of the 405 existing ponds (5%) were restored and 208 new ponds (51%) created, the number of ponds occupied by the common spadefoot toad increased 6.5 times. Concerning the crested newt and the moor frog (Rana arvalis Nilsson), the increase was 2.3 and 2.5 times, respectively. The target species had breeding attempts in most of the colonised ponds—even more frequently than common species. Also, the amphibian species richness was higher in the restored than in the untreated ponds. The crested newt preferably colonised ponds that had some submerged vegetation and were surrounded by forest or a mosaic of forest and open habitats. The common spadefoot toad favoured ponds having clear and transparent water. Our study reveals that habitat restoration for threatened pond-breeding amphibians can rapidly increase their numbers if the restoration is implemented at the landscape scale, taking into account the habitat requirements of target species and the ecological connectivity of populations. When the remnant populations are strong enough, translocation of individuals may not be necessary. Guest editors: B. Oertli, R. Cereghino, A. Hull & R. Miracle Pond Conservation: From Science to Practice. 3rd Conference of the European Pond Conservation Network, Valencia, Spain, 14–16 May 2008  相似文献   

In the United States, the regulatory approach to wetland protection has a traditional focus on size as a primary criterion, with large wetlands gaining significantly more protection. Small, isolated wetlands have received less protection; however, these wetlands play a significant role in the maintenance of biodiversity of many taxonomic groups, including amphibians. An important question for directing conservation and management efforts for amphibians is whether size is a useful criterion for regulatory decisions. Because hydroperiod has an important influence on amphibian composition in wetlands, I conducted a study to examine the relative influence of wetland size and hydroperiod on amphibian occurrence. I sampled 103 wetlands in southern New Hampshire in 1998 and 1999 using dipnet sampling to document the presence of larval amphibians. Wetlands were placed into one of three hydroperiod categories; short (<4 months), intermediate (4–11 months), or long (permanent) based on field observations of drying pattern. Wetland size was determined from digitized national wetland inventory (NWI) maps (most wetlands) or measured in the field. I examined patterns of amphibian species richness and individual species occurrence using generalized linear models. Wetland size ranged from 0.01 to 3.27 ha. Overall, species richness was significantly influenced by hydroperiod (χ2 = 18.6, p <0.001), but not size (χ2 = 1.4, p = 0.24). Examination within hydroperiod categories revealed several significant relationships with wetland size. Species richness was related to wetland size in wetlands with short and intermediate hydroperiods, but not wetlands with long hydroperiods. Wetland size does not appear to be a useful sole criterion for determining wetland functional value for amphibians; assessments of functions of seasonally inundated wetlands for amphibians would benefit from examination of hydroperiod.  相似文献   

河南黄柏山国家森林公园两栖动物多样性调查   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
2008 ~2010年采用踏查法和访问法对河南省黄柏山国家森林公园两栖动物资源进行调查.结果显示,黄柏山国家森林公园现有两栖动物21种,隶属于2目7科16属;区系组成以东洋界成分为主;蛙科( Ranidae)为优势科,中华蟾蜍指名亚种(Bufo gargarizans gargarizans)、黑斑侧褶蛙(Peloph...  相似文献   

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