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鹅源新城疫病毒ZJI株基因组cDNA克隆的序列修饰   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将鹅源新城疫病毒ZJI株全基因组cDNA克隆通过酶切切下包含T7启动子区域和转录载体的片段,将其自身环化后获得约6.5kb的质粒。设计引物,利用基因定点突变技术,在此质粒上T7启动子与NDV Leader序列之间突变插入额外的3个G碱基,将此突变最终引入到原基因组cDNA克隆中。应用RT—PCR技术从尿囊液中扩增NDV基因组F/HN基因区域部分片段,利用限制性内切酶BsmBI将扩增片段连接,最终将原cDNA克隆中相应片段替换下。测序结果表明,原基因组cDNA克隆中特定位置碱基插入突变成功,F/HN基因区域碱基突变均得以纠正。以上cDNA克隆的修饰与替换为该毒株的反向遗传研究打下了基础。  相似文献   

分子克隆是现代生物学研究的核心技术之一,是基因工程、蛋白质工程中的重要手段。为提高分子克隆实验的操作效率,本研究设计并合成基于聚合酶引物不完全延伸(polymerase incomplete primer extension,PIPE)现象的质粒克隆位点序列。并以此为基础统一相关引物的设计方案,避免传统酶切--连接法中需针对不同载体MCS序列设计不同引物的缺点。该方案利用13 bp定长接头序列,在同一体系中使用2对引物、2种线性化模板同时扩增载体和插入片段,通过20个循环,在1次PCR过程中即合成可供转化使用的带缺口质粒产物。在NEB Q5酶系统中,利用此法将3种荧光素酶序列插入pET-15b及pET-21b(+)载体,均获得成功。且利用商品化感受态细胞(转化效率 > 5×108 cfu/μg)转化后所获得转化子数量均在300个以上,其中含插入片段的阳性克隆比例可达85%以上。基于本方案的设计及作用原理,可将其应用于10 kb以内载体和插入片段的快速重组。且具有通用性强、耗时少、阳性克隆得率高和成本低等优点,是传统DNA重组方法的有益补充,可作为各实验室的常规分子克隆手段之一。  相似文献   

利用DREAM设计和同源重组进行一步定点突变   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
目的:建立基于DREAM设计和同源重组的简便、快速定点突变方法。方法:设计两条包含突变的反向PCR(inverse PCR)引物,使其5'端互补从而产生同源重组,同时使用DREAM设计方案在上述引物中引入限制性内切酶位点以便突变子筛选。用能扩增长片段的高保真耐热 DNA聚合酶扩增全长的质粒DNA,直接转化大肠杆菌。转化到细菌中的全长质粒DNA PCR产物可利用其末端同源序列发生同源重组而环化。利用引入的酶切位点方便地进行突变子的筛选。结果:我们用该方法成功地对长度大于7 kb的质粒进行了定点突变。结论:本定点突变无需任何突变试剂盒和特殊的试剂,只需一步反应即可完成;利用DREAM设计使克隆筛选简便可靠,高保真耐热DNA聚合酶可保证多数突变子克隆不发生意外突变,而该酶扩增长片段的能力使该方法适合于大多数质粒不经亚克隆直接突变。  相似文献   

将鹅源新城疫病毒ZJI株全基因组cDNA克隆通过酶切切下包含T7启动子区域和转录载体的片段,将其自身环化后获得约6.5kb的质粒。设计引物,利用基因定点突变技术,在此质粒上T7启动子与NDV Leader序列之间突变插入额外的3个G碱基,将此突变最终引入到原基因组cDNA克隆中。应用RT-PCR技术从尿囊液中扩增NDV基因组F/HN基因区域部分片段,利用限制性内切酶BsmB I将扩增片段连接,最终将原cDNA克隆中相应片段替换下。测序结果表明,原基因组cDNA克隆中特定位置碱基  相似文献   

目的:利用结合单酶切位点的融合PCR技术对癫痫相关基因SCN1A进行定点突变。方法:首先设计两对引物PF1/PR1和PF2/PR2,PF1和PR2均位于突变位点最近的单酶切位点处,而突变位点设计在第一对反向引物(PR1)和第二对正向引物上(PF2)。通过重叠延伸法两次PCR扩增:第一次用PF1/PR1和PF2/PR2分开扩增,以扩增产物作模板,PF1/PR2作引物进行融合PCR,得到的扩增产物即含有所需要的突变位点,最后将扩增片段克隆入pMD18-T载体,经测序筛选阳性克隆。结果:DNA测序表明SCN1A基因所编码的第946位密码子由精氨酸(Arg)突变为组氨酸(His),再通过酶切和连接反应将重组质粒上的突变片段替换SCN1A表达质粒上的对应片段,成功构建了SCN1A突变载体。结论:与现在常用的长距离PCR定点诱导突变相比较,结合单酶切位点的融合PCR定点突变技术具备扩增距离短的优点,大大降低了自发突变的概率,适合于大肠杆菌中易自发突变的较大载体的定点诱变。  相似文献   

目的:利用单个突变引物,在含人呼吸道合胞病毒F蛋白基因编码序列的pcDNA3.1(+)-F质粒中,通过单次环形PCR在特定序列位置引入定点突变。 方法: 以双链环状的pcDNA3.1(+)-F质粒DNA为模板,设计分别含有三种目的突变N70Q, I431N, Q270T的三条单引物,分别进行单次PCR。用甲基化DNA特异的限制性内切酶Dpn I处理PCR产物后转化大肠杆菌DH5α,进行克隆筛选,酶切鉴定和测序分析。 结果: 酶切鉴定结果和测序结果均符合预期,利用单引物PCR法成功在含人呼吸道合胞病毒F蛋白基因编码序列的pcDNA3.1(+)-F质粒DNA 中引入了单碱基突变、两个间隔碱基突变及相邻三碱基突变三种目的突变。 结论: 单引物PCR法解决了常规定点突变方法中多个PCR反应,程序繁琐及突变效率低等问题,是一种简便、快速、有效的基因工程定点突变新方法。  相似文献   

目的:利用单个突变引物,在含人呼吸道合胞病毒F蛋白基因编码序列的pc DNA3.1(+)-F质粒中,通过单次环形PCR在特定序列位置引入定点突变。方法:以双链环状的pc DNA3.1(+)-F质粒DNA为模板,设计分别含有三种目的突变N70Q,I431N,Q270T的三条单引物,分别进行单次PCR。用甲基化DNA特异的限制性内切酶Dpn I处理PCR产物后转化大肠杆菌DH5α,进行克隆筛选,酶切鉴定和测序分析。结果:酶切鉴定结果和测序结果均符合预期,利用单引物PCR法成功在含人呼吸道合胞病毒F蛋白基因编码序列的pc DNA3.1(+)-F质粒DNA中引入了单碱基突变、两个间隔碱基突变及相邻三碱基突变三种目的突变。结论:单引物PCR法解决了常规定点突变方法中多个PCR反应,程序繁琐及突变效率低等问题,是一种简便、快速、有效的基因工程定点突变新方法。  相似文献   

用改进的重叠PCR引入血管内皮生长因子基因突变   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
血管内皮生长因子(vascular endothelial growth factor, VEGF)的PCR产物克隆于T载体上,经转化JM109感受态菌株后,随机挑取8个白斑菌落,混合后制成混合模板.采用3条引物,做两轮重叠PCR反应,获得了VEGF的突变基因,经PCR鉴定,酶切鉴定和测序分析表明所得基因为目的产物.实践证明这种突变方法简单快速,为下一步实验大量引入突变奠定了实验基础.  相似文献   

根据已发表的序列,分别在鸡贫血病毒(CAV)环形基因组DNA(全长2.3kb)的EcoRI位点和BamHI位点的两侧选择适当序列合成两对引物,用PCR技术,从斑点杂交检测到病毒核酸的CAV感染的MDCC-RP1细胞基因组DNA中,分别扩增出包含EcoRI和BamHI分割开的病毒基因组两部分(1.5kb和0.8kb)约1.5kb和约1.25kb的两个片段.再将其中相应序列拼接克隆进pUC18载体,获得包含CAV全基因组序列DNA片段的克隆质粒pCAV2.4.酶切分析表明,该质粒具有预期的BamHI位点、PstI位点、HindⅢ位点,而预期的EcoRI位点消失.重组质粒插入DNA片段的两端序列分析表明,质粒pCAV2.4是包含CAV全基因组序列的重组质粒,插入DNA片段序列中的EcoRI位点序列发生了一个碱基突变.  相似文献   

枯草芽孢杆菌感受态细胞的质粒转化与质粒的分子构型有关。用琼脂糖凝胶电泳法分离纯化的pUB110质粒DNA单体是很少或没有转化活性的。在pUB110质粒DNA上插入一段受体菌染色体DNA,这种杂种质粒的单体可以转化感受态细胞,但受体菌必须是重组型的。转化效率和插入片段的大小有关,片段愈大转化活性愈高,片段小于0.6kb,就和pUB110DNA单体一样,几乎没有转化活性。在pUB110质粒DNA上插入一段解淀粉芽孢杆菌染色体DNA,这种杂种质粒的单体转化效率都很低。本文还讨论了用鸟枪法在枯草芽孢杆菌中进行分子克隆的一些问题。  相似文献   

We describe a reliable protocol for constructing single-site saturation mutagenesis libraries consisting of all 20 naturally occurring amino acids at a specific site within a protein. Such libraries are useful for structure-function studies and directed evolution. This protocol extends the utility of Stratagene's QuikChange Site-Directed Mutagenesis Kit, which is primarily recommended for single amino acid substitutions. Two complementary primers are synthesized, containing a degenerate mixture of the four bases at the three positions of the selected codon. These primers are added to starting plasmid template and thermal cycled to produce mutant DNA molecules, which are subsequently transformed into competent bacteria. The protocol does not require purification of mutagenic oligonucleotides or PCR products. This reduces both the cost and turnaround time in high-throughput directed evolution applications. We have utilized this protocol to generate over 200 site-saturation libraries in a DNA polymerase, with a success rate of greater than 95%.  相似文献   

Li J  Li C  Xiao W  Yuan D  Wan G  Ma L 《Analytical biochemistry》2008,373(2):389-391
A rapid site-directed mutagenesis strategy using homologous recombination and DpnI digestion of the template in Escherichia coli is described. Briefly, inverse polymerase chain reaction amplification of the entire circular plasmid was performed by mutagenic primers with overlapping sequences ( approximately 15 bp) for generating PCR products with approximately 15 bp of homology on the terminal ends. On direct transformation of the amplified PCR products into restriction endonuclease DpnI-expressing E. coli BUNDpnI, homologous recombination occurs in E. coli while the original templates are removed via DpnI digestion in vivo, thus yielding clones harboring mutated circular plasmids. Nearly 100% efficiency was attained when this strategy was used to modify DNA sequences.  相似文献   

D H Jones  S C Winistorfer 《BioTechniques》1992,12(4):528-30, 532, 534-5
Two simple methods for site-specific mutagenesis are described and compared. In each method, the PCR is used in two separate amplifications to mutate the site of interest and to add ends to one PCR product that are homologous to the ends of the other PCR product. In the first method, the two products are combined, denatured and reannealed prior to transformation of E. coli in order to form recombinant circles in vitro, while in the second method, the two linear products are co-transfected directly into E. coli without prior manipulation, resulting in transformation of E. coli with the recombinant of interest by recombination in vivo. Each PCR amplification uses a plasmid template that has been linearized by restriction enzyme digestion outside the region to be amplified. This permits use of unpurified PCR products in these two protocols and generation of the mutant of interest with no other enzymatic manipulation in vitro apart from PCR amplification. In each protocol greater than or equal to 50% of the resulting clones contained the mutation of interest without detected errors.  相似文献   

目的:改进传统重叠延伸PCR方法,实现引入3个不同DNA突变位点的简便的多位点定点突变。方法:根据前期构建的包含人线粒体12S rRNA(NC 01290)3个热点突变位点的野生型质粒序列,利用Muta Primer 2.0软件设计针对3个热点突变位点的3对互补的定点突变引物,以野生型质粒为模板,结合重叠延伸PCR反应和冷冻析出法,产生同时包含3个突变位点的突变目的片段,酶切后克隆到载体中,测序确证是否突变成功。结果:DNA测序证实3个不同突变位点同时成功引入,定点突变载体构建成功。结论:用改进的重叠延伸PCR技术能简便、高效地获得多位点定点突变载体,在分子生物学领域有较高的使用价值。  相似文献   

The QuikChangeTM site-directed mutagenesis method is popular but imperfect. An improvement by using partially overlapping primers has been reported several times; however, it is incompatible with the proposed mechanism. The QuikChangeTM method using complementary primers is proposed to linearly amplify a target plasmid with the products annealing to produce double-stranded DNA molecules with 5′-overhangs. The overhang annealing is supposed to form circular plasmids with staggered breaks, which can be repaired in Escherichia coli after transformation. Here, we demonstrated that the PCR enzyme fills the 5′-overhangs in the early cycles, and the product is then used as the template for exponential amplification. The linear DNA molecules with homologous ends are joined to generate the plasmid with the desired mutations through homologous recombination in E. coli. The correct understanding is important to method improvements, guiding us to use partially overlapping primers and Phusion DNA polymerase for site-directed mutagenesis. Phusion did not amplify a plasmid with complementary primers but used partially overlapping primers to amplify the plasmid, producing linear DNA molecules with homologous ends for site-directed mutagenesis.  相似文献   

To develop a simple, speedy, economical and widely applicable method for multiple-site mutagenesis, we have substantially modified the Quik-Change™ Site-Directed Mutagenesis Kit protocol (Stratagene, La Jolla, CA). Our new protocol consists of (i) a PCR reaction using an in vitro technique, LDA (ligation-during-amplification), (ii) a DpnI treatment to digest parental DNA and to make megaprimers and (iii) a synthesis of double-stranded plasmid DNA for bacterial transformation. While the Quik Change™ Kit protocol introduces mutations at a single site, requiring two complementary mutagenic oligonucleotides, our new protocol requires only one mutagenic oligonucleotide for a mutation site, and can introduce mutations in a plasmid at multiple sites simultaneously. A targeting efficiency >70% was consistently achieved for multiple-site mutagenesis. Furthermore, the new protocol allows random mutagenesis with degenerative primers, because it does not use two complementary primers. Our mutagenesis strategy was successfully used to alter the fluorescence properties of green fluorescent protein (GFP), creating a new-color GFP mutant, cyan-green fluorescent protein (CGFP). An eminent feature of CGFP is its remarkable stability in a wide pH range (pH 4–12). The use of CGFP would allow us to monitor protein localization quantitatively in acidic organelles in secretory pathways.  相似文献   

采用大引物方法,利用质粒多克隆位点两侧的普通测序引物作为旁侧引物,在单个PCR管内,经2个步骤共34个循环进行定点突变. 该方法通过优化模板和引物的量达到降低PCR循环次数, 通过加入10个在68℃复性条件下的PCR循环达到增加突变效率而无需胶纯化.本方法达到平均62%的突变效率,而且全长扩增产物的产率很高.  相似文献   

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