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笋秀夜蛾的求偶及交配行为   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
笋秀夜蛾(Apamea apameoides)是我国南方地区最为重要的笋期害虫,了解其求偶和交配行为是性信息素分离鉴定和应用的关键之一。在室内条件下,对笋秀夜蛾的性比、寿命和求偶、交配行为进行了研究。结果表明:笋秀夜蛾雌雄性比为1∶0.76;雌蛾和雄蛾的平均寿命因交配缩短;笋秀夜蛾的求偶和交配行为仅发生在暗期,日龄对其求偶和交配行为影响显著。雌蛾羽化当天便可求偶,第2日雌蛾求偶率达最高,求偶的起始时间随着日龄的增加逐渐提前。成虫羽化当日便可交配,第3日达到交配高峰;随日龄的增加,开始交配的时间逐渐提前,日龄对成虫交配高峰出现的时间影响不显著。  相似文献   

在光周期14 L:10 D、温度(25±1)℃、相对湿度(60±10)%的室内条件下,研究了竹笋基夜蛾的求偶、交配行为,以及雄蛾对雌蛾腺体提取物的EAG反应.结果表明:竹笋基夜蛾求偶及交配行为仅发生在暗期.雌蛾羽化当天便可求偶,第2日雌蛾求偶率达最高;雌蛾进入暗期0~4h后开始求偶,5~7h求偶率达最高,暗期结束前1~2.5h终止;求偶的起始时间随着日龄的增加逐渐提前,1~4日龄雌蛾求偶的次数及持续时间随着日龄的增加而上升,5日龄则下降;雌蛾求偶高峰及停止求偶的时间随日龄的增加逐渐提前.成虫羽化当日便可交配,第2日达到交配高峰,5日后停止交配;雌蛾进入暗期5.5~7.0 h达到交配高峰,交配高峰出现的时间随日龄的增加而提前;随日龄的增加,交配起始时间逐渐提前,而交配持续时间逐渐缩短;增大雌雄比,竹笋基夜蛾交配起始时间提前,交配持续时间缩短,交配率显著提高.竹笋基夜蛾雄虫对2日龄处于求偶期雌虫的性腺体粗提物有显著的EAG反应.  相似文献   

褛裳夜蛾的交配行为及雄蛾对性腺提取物的反应节律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
详细观察了褛裳夜蛾成虫的交配行为,利用风洞、触角电位技术研究了雄蛾对性腺提取物的反应节律,通过林间诱蛾试验进行了验证,旨在为褛裳夜蛾性信息素的精确提取及性信息素组份分离、鉴定提供依据。研究结果表明:成虫的求偶、交配行为均发生在暗期,有一定的节律性:雌蛾在羽化3d以后开始求偶,1周左右表现最为强烈,3-4日龄雌蛾在暗期4-6h开始求偶,最大求偶率在暗期6-8h;5-9日龄在进入暗期就开始求偶,最大求偶率出现在暗期4-6h。风洞试验表明,3-7日龄的雄蛾对性腺提取物均有明显的性行为反应,5日龄雄蛾在暗期4-6h对性腺提取物的反应最为强烈。3-6日龄的成虫在暗期4-6h开始交配,而7-8日龄的成虫于暗期2-4h开始交配,6日龄的成虫交配率最高,交配高峰在暗期4-8h。雄蛾对性腺提取物的触角电位反应也有一定的节律性:雄蛾对4日龄雌蛾性腺提取物开始有电生理反应,对6-7日龄暗期5h性腺提取物反应最为强烈。林间诱蛾试验测定了性腺提取物的引诱活性,7日龄雌蛾性腺提取物林间诱蛾量最高,引诱高峰在暗期4-6h,该结果也验证了褛裳夜蛾雄蛾对性腺提取物的反应节律。  相似文献   

杨小舟蛾是近年来为害较严重的杨树食叶害虫之一.为探明该虫羽化及生殖行为的发生规律,为生态调控技术应用于其防治工作提供参考,本文在光周期L∶D=14∶10、温度(27±1)℃和相对湿度(60±10)%的条件下,研究了杨小舟蛾成虫的羽化、求偶、交配和产卵节律.结果表明:杨小舟蛾雌虫在蛹期7 d,雄虫在蛹期8 d达到羽化高峰;在昼夜24 h间,成虫的羽化主要集中在光期6 h至暗期2 h,雌虫羽化高峰期为光期11 h,雄虫较之晚1 h.雌蛾羽化后,只在暗期进行求偶,高峰期为暗期6~7 h;1~3 d雌蛾求偶率随日龄逐渐增加,3 d达69.8%,之后求偶率逐渐下降.在单对组中,雌、雄虫的交尾行为开始于暗期5 h,至暗期7~8 h达到高峰,而在多对组中,在暗期0.5 h就已出现交尾行为,高峰期较单对组晚1.5 h.1~3 d雌蛾产卵量占其总产卵量的68.4%,之后逐渐减少.  相似文献   

本文利用Meta分析方法,从29篇实例研究性文献中对27种雌性蛾类的适合度参数(产卵量、孵化率和寿命)进行分析,以确定雄虫的交配史如何影响雌虫的生殖适合度以及这种影响是否受科属和交配策略的影响。结果表明:雄虫的交配史对自身的精包大小或精子数量以及雌虫的生殖适合度具有明显的负作用,且这种负作用明显受科属和交配策略的影响;在菜蛾科、草螟科、螟蛾科、潜蛾科和蓑蛾科中,与有交配经历的雄虫交配后,雌蛾产卵量明显下降,但在卷蛾科和夜蛾科中没有差异;在潜蛾科、蓑蛾科、卷蛾科和夜蛾科中,与有交配经历的雄虫交配后,雌蛾卵孵化率明显下降,但在菜蛾科、草螟科和螟蛾科中没有差异;草螟科和螟蛾科中的雌蛾寿命随雄蛾的交配史而缩短,而卷蛾科和夜蛾科的雌蛾寿命随配偶的交配史而明显增加;尽管雄蛾交配史对单配制和多配制雌蛾的产卵量和孵化率具有明显的负作用,但雄虫的交配史明显缩短了单配制雌蛾的寿命而延长了多配制雌蛾的寿命;因此我们认为,在蛾类昆虫中,雄虫的交配史是影响雌虫生殖适合度的关键因素之一。  相似文献   

白背飞虱生殖行为的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张建新  顾忠盈 《昆虫知识》1990,27(5):260-263
本文测定了白背飞虱羽化、交配、产卵等生殖行为。结果表明,雄成虫较雌成虫羽化早;羽化高峰雄虫在中午前后,雌虫为午夜前后和早晨;交配日节律高峰在下午和后半夜;产卵日节律高峰在中午前后;雌成虫一生只交配1次,雄成虫可交配1~3次;交配前期长翅型显著长于短翅型,交配成功率为41.33%(实验种群);交配持续时间平均为91.87~92.80秒;未交配雌成虫的产卵前期显著长于交配过的雌成虫;交配前期、交配持续时间、产卵前期的遗传力h~2分别为0.1581、0.2661和0.2421。  相似文献   

核桃举肢蛾田间羽化节律与交配行为   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]核桃举肢蛾Atrijuglans hetaohei Yang是核桃重要的蛀果害虫,通过明确核桃举肢蛾野外田间的羽化节律和交配行为,为核桃举肢蛾的性信息素研究提供基础。[方法]本研究在田间条件下观察了核桃举肢蛾的羽化节律和交配行为等生殖活动规律。[结果]核桃举肢蛾需要历时45~60 min完成羽化行为,成虫羽化高峰期集中在5月下旬至6月上旬,具有明显的昼夜节律,上午10:00-13:00为羽化高峰期,高峰期的羽化数占整日羽化量的73.99%。雌雄虫比率接近1:1,其中羽化前期,雄虫羽化量比雌虫多8.67%,降雨降温天气条件可影响其羽化进程。成虫上午、中午和夜晚静伏不动,下午16:00至傍晚19:30成虫活跃,频繁爬行、飞翔。在此期间,观察到雌虫出现求偶召唤状态及交配行为。雌虫分散产卵,平均产卵量为22.6粒。[结论]本研究揭示了核桃举肢蛾野外田间的羽化节律和成虫生殖活动行为,雌虫出现求偶、交配行为的时间、状态与环境条件。  相似文献   

为了阐明栎旋木柄天牛Aphrodisium sauteri Matsushita生殖行为的方式和特点,寻找有效的防治手段,本试验观察了栎旋木柄天牛的生殖行为,并在林间尝试了成虫诱集。结果表明:雌雄成虫之间表现出较强的吸引作用,近距离时雌雄虫可相互吸引,而远距离时雌虫引诱力更强。室内试验中求偶时间会随着成虫的衰弱而增加。成虫交配主要发生于白天。羽化出孔后1~14日龄雌虫和2~13日龄雄虫均可多次交配。成虫一次完整交配平均需时70.12min,交配后保护平均仅用时3.86min。一次完整交配过程中,不同日龄成虫的交配历时、交配间隔历时及交配次数都存在差异,各日龄成虫的交配间隔历时均大于交配历时。交配或产卵经历对雄虫交配行为的影响明显大于雌虫。雌虫产卵前期平均为30.71h。雌虫每产1粒卵平均需时99.58s,并随日龄增长显著加长。每头雌虫平均每日产卵量和总产卵量分别为7.89和26.20粒。雌虫多在白天产卵,用产卵器触探树皮表面寻找合适的产卵部位。卵主要产于树皮裂缝和枝条疤痕内,一般每次产卵1粒,卵表面无覆盖物。  相似文献   

蜀柏毒蛾生殖行为及性信息素产生与释放节律   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为了探索蜀柏毒蛾Parocneria orienta Chao性信息素产生和释放规律, 为利用性信息素监测和防治蜀柏毒蛾奠定基础, 本研究在野外及室内温度22±1℃、 相对湿度75%~80%、 光周期14L∶10D条件下观察研究了蜀柏毒蛾成虫的羽化、 求偶、 交尾、 产卵行为, 触角电位反应测定处女雌蛾性信息素产生与释放的时辰节律。结果表明: 蜀柏毒蛾羽化行为全天可见, 主要集中在1:00-5:00, 占总羽化量的44.94%, 7:30-11:00进行婚飞和交尾, 交尾高峰期出现在8:30左右, 交配时间少则2 h, 多则8 h, 求偶、 交配均发生在光期。随着日龄的增加, 召唤时间前移并且延长, 1日龄的处女雌蛾交尾时间较短; 雌蛾羽化当天就可交尾, 2日龄雌蛾交尾率最高, 达36.67%。雌蛾分多处产卵, 雌蛾一生最高产卵量达402粒, 最低产卵量为78粒。羽化当天的雌蛾体内性信息素含量较低, 第2天最高, 以后逐日下降; 2日龄蜀柏毒蛾处女雌蛾性信息素的产生量从7:00起逐渐增加, 8:30-9:30时最高, 9:30后逐渐减小。雄蛾对处女雌蛾腺体提取物的触角电位反应在8:30-9:00最强, 说明8:30-9:00是雌蛾产生和释放性信息素的高峰期。蜀柏毒蛾的羽化、 求偶、 交尾及性信息素的产生与释放存在一定的时辰节律, 野外处女雌蛾诱蛾试验证实了性信息素释放与交配行为在时辰节律上的一致性。  相似文献   

【目的】研究黑翅土白蚁Odontotermes fomosanus(Shiraki)生殖行为及不同配对方式对新巢发育的影响。【方法】分别对雌虫、雄虫和配对的雌雄成虫生殖行为进行观察。将雌、雄虫组合成9种配对方式,室内建立170个新巢,分析初建巢生长发育状况。【结果】成虫日活动节律的两个高峰期分别位于9:00—10:00和21:00—22:00,交配集中在高峰期进行,交配前雌雄成虫有触角触碰、首尾衔接成环、互相舔食的标志性行为。生殖蚁来源于同巢和异巢的处理组,在召唤、配对、串联、交配和产卵等生殖行为中均存在差异,来源于异巢的生殖蚁,其配对时间显著长于同巢(P<0.05)。未经分飞的成虫可交配、产卵且成功孵化,3个月后,新巢死亡率为0.61%~0.99%,而分飞蚁新建巢的死亡率为0.22%~0.58%。孤雌生殖可产卵,但卵不能孵化。【结论】成虫的生殖行为有两个高峰期;远亲交配分飞蚁新建巢的生存竞争力最强。  相似文献   

【目的】探明田间草地贪夜蛾Spodoptera frugiperda卵巢的发育状态及其变化,为草地贪夜蛾种群的发生和迁飞动态提供精准监测依据。【方法】采用雌性生殖系统解剖法,比较不同日龄和地区的田间草地贪夜蛾雌蛾卵巢的形态差异,分析卵巢成熟状态与雌蛾交配的关系。【结果】草地贪夜蛾雌蛾生殖系统包含卵巢、输卵管、交配囊、导精管、受精囊、附腺和产卵器。根据形态特征可以将田间草地贪夜蛾卵细胞分为卵黄发生前期、卵黄期和成熟期3个时期。田间雌蛾1日龄卵巢中发育最快的卵仅处于卵黄期中期,卵巢管柄为空;3日龄卵巢出现分化,一部分卵巢仍然和1日龄相似,另一部分卵巢中存在成熟卵;这种卵巢发育分化到羽化后11 d时仍然存在。云南江城、弥勒,广西田阳以及浙江瑞安和镇海等地的田间雌蛾,到死亡时分别有61.5%, 51.7%, 41.7%, 42.1%和35.5%卵巢发育不成熟。室内饲养第1代雌蛾中,有39.6%的个体到死亡时卵巢未发育成熟,和田间雌蛾比例相似。交配雌蛾卵巢可以是发育成熟和未成熟的,但是未成熟卵巢的比例仅为18.0%±5.0%。【结论】结果提示同一代次的田间草地贪夜蛾可能同时存在迁飞和非迁飞个体,其比例随地理位置和季节发生变化。本研究的结果在一定程度上解释了单纯依据化学农药难以防治草地贪夜蛾的原因,也为田间草地贪夜蛾的迁飞监测和绿色防控提供了一定依据。  相似文献   

Abstract:  We studied the mating selection in the cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner), in relation to body size and larval diet in the laboratory. When provided with an artificial diet at larval stage, weight, body and forewing length did not affect the probability of a male/female moth being selected for mating, but the abdominal width of selected female moths was significantly wider than that of non-selected female moths. 30 female moths were dissected and number of eggs was counted after mating, and there was a correlation between the abdominal width and egg number. There was also significant difference of weight loss between selected and non-selected male/female moths after the mating. The effect of operational sex ratio on mating latency and copulation duration were tested, and the result indicated that mating latency of male selection was significantly longer than that of female selection, but the difference of copulation duration was not significant. Cotton, corn and peanut plants were provided to larvae to test the effect of larval host plant experience on mate choice. When cotton- and peanut-fed moth severed as potential partners, both female and male of cotton-fed moths significantly preferred cotton- to peanut-fed moths for mating. The possible reasons for mate preference based on larval host plant experience may account for host plants attributes on sex pheromone variation and sexual maturity. These findings may impact Bacillus thuringiensis resistance management.  相似文献   

The reproductive behavior of female whitebelly damselfish, Amblyglyphidodon leucogaster, was investigated in the Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea over two breeding seasons. Females were promiscuous, mating with 7–10 different males throughout the season. Females lay eggs in distinct batches, defined as the total number of eggs laid in a day. Generally females deposit a batch of eggs with one male (87.2%) and are capable of laying a new batch every other day. Egg batch size averaged 4009 eggs and females laid from 2 to 22 egg batches per season. The variation in spawning success was not correlated to body size. Females preferred to deposit eggs in nests that already contained early stage eggs (0–2 days old). Within a nest, females chose to lay eggs contiguous to the youngest egg batch, regardless if the nest contained either a single batch or multiple batches of different ages. Female within-nest spawning patterns appear to be a consequence of between nest preferences for nests with young eggs. It is proposed that the strong within-nest preference is a consequence of mate selection where females may use new egg batches as a visual cue as part of a copying style. Such a style may reduce the risk of predation and increase feeding opportunities, because less time is expended in mate selection, which would provide additional resources for egg production and ultimately increase female spawning success over the breeding season. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

红瘰疣螈的繁殖生态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
红瘰疣螈(Tylototriton shanjing)为国家Ⅱ级重点保护野生动物,对其繁殖生态尚无系统的研究。2007~2010年在云南省新平县哀牢山对红瘰疣螈形态、繁殖栖息地、求偶和交配行为、产卵及孵化等繁殖特征进行了研究。结果表明,红瘰疣螈雌雄两性在广泛的形态学度量特征上存在着差异;繁殖栖息地主要为稻田和潮湿的沟渠;参与繁殖的雌雄成体性比随繁殖时间的推移而不断变化,繁殖前期和后期雄性比例高,中期雌性比例高。求偶和交配主要在陆地潮湿的水沟中完成,也可在静水中进行。成体产卵活动从5月初持续至6月下旬,呈现出波浪式的产卵进程,个体完成产卵平均时间为(22.2±2.7)h。繁殖前期雌螈产卵于稻田,中后期产于多杂草的田埂草丛和泥壁,平均产卵数(126±18)枚(n=17)。平均孵化期(17.3±0.1)d(n=225),孵化率59.8%(n=79),孵化时幼体平均体长12.7mm(n=6)。  相似文献   

Paternal care has independently evolved in several arthropod lineages, but mating interactions have been described in detail for only a few species. Here, we describe the mating behavior of Iporangaia pustulosa, a Neotropical harvestman with exclusive paternal care. We obtained the data under natural conditions, and the results are based on 51 mating interactions. Females performed mate searching exclusively, locating and approaching stationary caring males on the vegetation. Upon arrival, nearly 33 % of the visiting females were promptly attacked and repelled by the males without copulating. We did not observe pre-copulatory courtship, and males, exclusively, performed copulatory courtship. Nearly 30 % of the females that copulated with caring males left the clutches without laying any egg. Finally, several behavioral actions reported here are remarkably similar to those observed in the sex-role-reversed harvestman Zygopachylus albomarginis, for which there is strong evidence of both male and female mate choice. In conclusion, our results provide evidence of male aggressive rejection of mates and female abandonment of clutches without ovipositing, suggesting that individuals of both sexes may evaluate and select mating partners.  相似文献   

Seasonal Variation in Mate Choice of Photinus ignitus Fireflies   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Mate choice by either sex may vary with changes in the associated costs and benefits, determined by factors such as the availability of potential mates and variation in mate quality. We examined seasonal variation in operational sex ratio, courtship behavior, spermatophore mass, egg count, and the relationship between morphological traits and mating success in Photinus ignitus fireflies to determine if mate choice in either sex varied with the availability and relative reproductive investment of fertilizable females and sexually active males. Successfully mating males had larger lanterns than unsuccessful males when the operational sex ratio was male‐biased. In addition, female responsiveness to male signals increased as the number of courting males decreased, and male spermatophore mass decreased with body size across the mating season. Successfully mating females had larger body mass than unsuccessful females. Female body mass predicted egg count and female rejection by males increased as the season progressed and female size decreased. These results suggest that both male and female P. ignitus exhibit mate choice, and that such choice is influenced by seasonal variation in the abundance and quality of potential mates.  相似文献   

Male remating behavior and its effect on the female reproductive fitness of a New Zealand leafroller, Cnephasia jactatana, were investigated in the laboratory. With a recovery period of at least 24 h between matings, most males were able to mate four times and only about 25% could mate six times during their lifespan. Only 5% of males managed to mate twice within 1 day. Mated males transferred 31–51% smaller spermatophores than virgin males. When mating with a mated male, the female was subject to a 20–51% and 23–51% reduction in fecundity and fertility, respectively. With the increasing number of matings her partner had achieved before mating with her, the female's fertility declined significantly faster than fecundity. Courtship period and mating duration remained similar regardless of the male's mating history but males required increasingly longer latency to start courtship display with the increasing number of matings achieved.  相似文献   

Mutual mate choice occurs when members of each sex will reject some potential mates in efforts to encounter better prospects later. The decision to reject may represent the interaction between mate preferences, mate availability, and temporal constraints. Theory predicts that mutual mate choice will favor relaxed choosiness as mate availability and time for courtship decline. We explored mutual mate choice in the soldier beetle, Chauliognathus pennsylvanicus (Cantharidae), where courtship consisted of males attempting to secure evasive females. We employed field observations, laboratory experiments, and stochastic simulations to investigate the decline in choosiness over the daily courtship period, during which individuals can mate at most once. We found that reproductive success of males and females increases with mate size and mating frequency. Females biased copulations toward larger mates by attempting to evade suitors, while males biased copulations by releasing the smaller females they capture. However, late in the day males and females may increase reproductive success by accepting rather than rejecting lower quality mates to maintain high mating rates. Stochastic simulations indicated that reproductive success, the product of mating frequency and mean mate size, was maximized in males and females by incrementally reducing mate standards across daily courtship periods. In the field, large males who rejected small females early in the daily courtship period rarely did so later. Large females used less effective evasive maneuvers later in the courtship period, resulting in copulations with progressively smaller males. These results support models of mutual mate choice that predict that individuals of high quality will maximize reproductive success by relaxing choosiness as the courtship period wanes.  相似文献   

The pathology of the reproductive tract of Hz-2V-infected agonadal male corn earworm moths, Helicoverpa zea, was studied. The examination of the reproductive tissues of adult agonadal males infected with Hz-2V during different lifestages allowed us to positively correlate the grossly malformed tissues of typical agonadal male moths to the corresponding normal tissues in uninfected males. The reproductive tissues responsible for producing sperm, a pheromonostatic peptide (PSP), and the spermatophore in normal male moths were absent or grossly malformed in the agonadal male moths. Hz-2V was observed replicating in one area of these malformed reproductive tissues in pharate adult males as early as 7 days post-pupation. Interestingly, reproductive tissues essential for initiation of copulation and transfer of reproductive fluids into a female moth during mating appear to be intact and may be functional. These data suggest that agonadal adult males are able to mate with healthy female moths and transfer Hz-2V particles, without fertilizing female moths or altering their sexual receptivity to further mating with other male moths.  相似文献   

  1. The Eastern Grass‐veneer Agriphila aeneociliella (Eversmann) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) is a serious stem‐feeding pest of wheat crops that has become established in China in recent years. A better understanding of the mating strategy and reproductive performance of A. aeneociliella could improve integrated pest management programmes against this newly established species by disturbing its behaviour and reducing its reproduction potential. Based on ethological and reproductive biological approaches, the mating and reproductive performances of A. aeneociliella were investigated.
  2. Unlike the common nocturnal lepidopterans, the mating rhythm of A. aeneociliella moths showed a marked diurnal pattern. The female courtship rhythm and the mating rhythm reached peaks within the first 2 h after the onset of photocycle.
  3. The mating success rate of monogamous pairs was 55.6%, whereas the male‐biased sex ratio (2♂:1♀) increased the mating rate (72.2%) and the female‐biased ratio (1♂:3♀) led to the lowest mating rate (27.8%).
  4. Both females and males were able to mate twice. The duration of copulation decreased substantially with male mating frequency, whereas, when a previously mated female was paired with a virgin male, fecundity significantly increased. Monogamous couples who mated only once in their lives have the highest hatchability (97.13 ± 0.49%).

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