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Alpine musk deer (Moschus sifanicus), well-known for their musk production, are endemic to western China. Due to historical unrestricted illegal hunting and habitat loss, captive farming has been employed as a means of conserving this endangered species and developing sustainable musk harvesting techniques. For captive animals, an understanding of behavioral characteristics is vital to improve management practices. This study addressed a lack of information regarding the behavioral characteristics of alpine musk deer; specifically daily activity patterns in respect to gender and reproductive season. From August 2002 to January 2003, focal sampling was employed to observe 32 adult captive alpine musk deer (13 females and 19 males), at Xinglongshan Musk Deer Farm (XMDF), located at Xinglongshan National Nature Reserve, Gansu Province, China. Results indicated that the general behavioral patterns were similar between female and male captive alpine musk deer throughout both reproductive and non-reproductive seasons (rut and pre-rut season). Both male and female alpine musk deer demonstrated tail-pasting behavior during rut season, a previously male-only behavior trait. Female musk deer also rested comparatively more than males during pre-rut season.  相似文献   

于2008年6月至2009年1月期间,采用焦点动物取样法,记录了甘肃兴隆山马麝驯养场的54头圈养马麝的刻板行为发生频次,按性别、年龄及年龄组、繁殖季节、动物来源和繁殖成效等变量区分样本动物,比较各类别间的刻板行为表达强度.结果表明,圈养马麝在单位取样时间(5 min)内平均表达(0.084±0.025)次刻板行为(n=54).圈舍活动场面积对马麝刻板行为表达强度的效应不显著,在面积较小圈舍中的马麝刻板行为的表达有较多的趋势.因雌麝的哺乳及育幼等原因,雌麝的刻板行为发生频次((0.07±0.03)次,n=31)显著低于雄麝((0.11±0.04)次,n=23,P<0.05),但雌雄马麝的刻板行为频次均无显著月间差异,呈连续变化趋势,从8月开始,雌麝的刻板行为频次逐月攀升至1月的最大值( (0.020±0.012)次),而雄麝的刻板行为频次升至12月即急剧下降.马麝非交配季节的刻板行为频次( (0.037±0.017)次,n=47)显著少于交配季节((0.140±0.05)次,n=32).虽年龄较大的马麝的刻板行为有表达较强的趋势,但年龄及年龄组对马麝的刻板行为频次的效应均不显著.自繁圈养个体的刻板行为发生频次((0.10±0.06)次,n=15)有高于野捕圈养个体((0.07±0.02)次,n=30)的趋势,但差异不显著(P>0.05).性不活跃雌麝的刻板行为频次((0.17±0.12)次,n=10)显著地多于性活跃雌麝((0.05±0.02)次,n=15,P<0.05),性不活跃雄麝的刻板行为频次((0.10±0.04)次,n=13)高于性活跃雄麝((0.06±0.02)次,n=9),但差异不显著(P>0.05).  相似文献   

采用新异物刺激的方式,建立马麝惊扰反应强度指数,通过马麝惊扰后的状态量化其胆量水平,对甘肃兴隆山麝场圈养马麝交配季节和非交配季节胆量(Boldness)进行行为学研究。结合泌香量和产仔量数据,分析胆量对麝香分泌、繁殖成效的效应;同时分析了圈区环境、性别、年龄与马麝胆量之间的关系,以及交配季节与非交配季节间胆量的相关性。结果表明:圈区环境对个体胆量无显著影响(交配季节P = 0.799;非交配季节P =0.152),性别对个体胆量也无显著影响(交配季节P = 0.144;非交配季节P = 0.733),而年龄对个体胆量存在显著影响(交配季节P = 0.012;非交配季节P =0.009),个体年龄越大,胆量越大;交配季节与非交配季节之间胆量呈显著正相关(r =0.592,P < 0.001),但并无明显差异(P =0.095);雄麝泌香量与非交配季节胆量之间存在显著负相关(r = - 0.607,P = 0.016),雌麝繁殖成效与交配季节胆量之间存在显著正相关(r =0.362,P = 0.045)。圈养马麝胆量个性受年龄因素的影响,并在交配季节与非交配季节之间存在一致性,非交配季节胆量更高的雄麝泌香量趋于更少,交配季节胆量更高的雌麝产仔数趋于更多。  相似文献   

王永奇  盛岩  刘文华  李斐然  唐婕  孟秀祥 《生态学报》2015,35(15):4986-4992
林麝是濒危资源动物,林麝驯养是保育濒危林麝资源及可持续利用麝香的有效方式。基于对2001至2012年间的陕西凤县林麝驯养的监测和调查,分析了其种群动态、性比和年龄结构。结果表明,陕西凤县的林麝驯养在近10余年获得了快速发展,全县共有150余个麝场,麝场数呈指数式增长,增长率达27.33%,但其平均驯养规模无明显增长,平均存栏种群仅为16.38头。凤县的驯养麝种群总体增长近似指数式增长,增长率达27.22%,目前存栏种群已达3712头。区分性别和年龄,各亚群的增长均呈指数式增长,幼年麝的增长率(30.30%)高于成年麝(27.16%),雄麝的增长率(28.30%)高于雌麝(27.78%)。在2001至2012年间,幼麝种群的雌雄性比((102.64±3.15)%,n=12)和成年麝种群的雌雄性比((100.85±2.585)%,n=10)均显著偏雌(P0.01),但幼麝、成年麝种群间的性比差异不显著(P0.05)。在2005年及2010—2012年间,幼麝(0.5岁龄)占种群的比例为31.91%,亚成体麝(1.5岁龄)占种群的比例为21.11%,成麝(2.5—12.5岁龄)比例为42.72%,老年麝(13.5岁龄及以上)仅占种群的4.26%。合并年龄分析,育龄前个体(幼麝和亚成体麝)的平均比例为53.02%,表明凤县驯养林麝属快速增长种群,其增长潜力较大。在林麝驯养实践中,管理部门可制定准入制度或适当重组现有麝场,促进较大的驯养种群构建,并建立通畅的麝香交易渠道,控制林麝种源的过热交易,以利于林麝驯养种群的性比平衡及可持续的繁育、增长。  相似文献   

于2013年3—10月在四川马尔康麝场开展,记录了178例驯养林麝(Moschus berezovskii)的分娩,分析了其分娩定时、同步化及关键影响因素。结果表明,马尔康麝场的驯养林麝分娩发生于5—7月间,分娩期长达66d,平均分娩时间为5月25日(17.60±0.98,n=178),分娩季节(75%的分娩完成时间)长22d(即5月7日至5月28日间)。马尔康林麝分娩的强季节性是对当地季节性水热条件和食物资源的适应。驯养林麝的分娩时间与其年龄的相关不显著(r=-0.121,P=0.1060.05),虽亚成体雌麝(2—3岁)的分娩时间(5月26日,18.81±1.47,n=75)有迟于成体麝((4—9岁)(5月24日,16.97±1.41,n=95)和老龄雌麝(≥10岁)(5月21日,13.63±2.24,n=8)的趋势,但差异未达显著水平(P0.05)。此外,麝场各饲养区内的雌麝分娩时间格局无显著差异(P0.05),泥地基底的改装圈舍内的雌麝分娩(5月22日,15.31±1.48,n=62)略早于砖地基底的原装圈舍雌麝分娩(5月26日,18.82±1.27,n=116),差异未达显著水平(P0.05)。  相似文献   

周杨  孙太福  黎勇  周密  孟秀祥 《生态学报》2018,38(21):7530-7538
采用焦点取样和扫描取样方法,对甘肃兴隆山麝场圈养马麝(Moschus sifanicus)交配季节及非交配季节进行行为取样。通过行为样本,对个体个性特征(活跃性、领域性、刻板性、探索性、行为冗余性)进行标准化处理,分析了年龄及性别对个性特征的效应,以及交配季节与非交配季节之间个性特征的差异,同时分析了马麝个性特征与泌香量的相互关系。结果表明:年龄增加对活跃性具有降低的效应(P0.05),并对非交配季节领域性具有降低效应(P0.05);非交配季节里雌性活跃性高于雄性(P0.05);不同季节间个性特征存在差异,交配季节活跃性与领域性均有高于非交配季节的趋势,并且活跃性与领域性在两季节间呈正相关关系(P0.05);雄麝泌香量与活跃性存在正相关关系(交配季节:r=0.518,P0.05;非交配季节:r=0.397,P0.05),与交配季节领域性同样具有正相关关系(r=0.406,P0.05)。本研究通过行为取样方法首次对马麝个性特征进行定量分析,探讨了将个性特征,特别是活跃性和领域性,作为泌香量预测指标的方法,对圈养动物个性研究的理论创新具有指导作用,同时对麝香及麝类资源的发展具有实践意义。  相似文献   

通过建立基于外貌性状的量化性体况评分标准,于2012年7—10月间对四川马尔康麝场的586头圈养林麝(雌麝299头,雄麝287头)进行了体况评分,并分析了相关变量对林麝体况得分的效应,结果表明:马尔康麝场圈养林麝的体况评分均值为3.49(±0.02,n=586),大部分林麝(59.56%,n=349)的体况评分高于均值。雌麝体况评分均值(3.50±0.02,n=299)略高于雄麝(3.49±0.03,n=287)(P0.05),成体麝体况评分(3.59±0.02,n=291)极显著地高于老龄林麝(3.38±0.09,n=27)和亚成林麝(3.35±0.03,n=184)(P0.01)。林麝的体况得分与其年龄相关不显著(r=0.07,P0.05),但亚成体及成体麝的体况评分与其年龄间的相关极显著(亚成体r=0.19,P0.01;成体r=-0.16,P0.01),而老龄麝体况评分与其年龄略呈负相关(r=-0.23,P0.05)。S模型y=e1.2811-0.0885/a(R2=0.051,df=500,F=26.74,P0.01)可近似拟合林麝体况得分和年龄的关系。此外,马尔康麝场泥地基底的改装圈舍中的林麝体况(3.52±0.03,n=197)显著优于原装青砖圈舍林麝评分(3.47±0.02,n=389)(P0.05)。  相似文献   

于2016年6月20日至8月10日在四川马尔康林麝繁育场开展,采用基于量表的个性评价法对172头(雌麝59头,雄麝113头)圈养林麝进行了个性评价,建立了圈养林麝个性维度,并探索了个性维度与其麝香分泌和繁殖成效的关系。结果表明:因子分析各项载荷值均大于0.4,Cronbach''s α分析结果为0.648,表明个性量表具有较好的一致性信度和结构效度。此外,特征根大于1时,圈养林麝的侵略性、活跃性、刻板性、胆怯性及社会性五大个性维度可解释70.77%的个性信息,并通过聚类分析,进一步验证了维度划分的合理性;雄性林麝的社会性维度和麝香分泌量存在显著正相关(r=0.234,P < 0.05),社会性越强(展现出更多的互饰接触、共同摄食等亲和行为的个体),其泌香量越高;侵略性(r=0.463,P < 0.05)、活跃性(r=0.440,P < 0.05)、刻板性(r=0.595,P < 0.05)与雌性分娩时间存在显著正相关关系,即个性越强,分娩时间越晚,此外,刻板性与产仔数呈显著负相关(r=-0.341,P < 0.05),表明圈养林麝的繁殖成效主要受刻板性维度影响,刻板性强的个体对繁殖成效会有一个负面的效应。  相似文献   

冯慧  黄原  任轶  冯成利  刘晓农 《生态学报》2014,34(20):5887-5895
林麝(Moschus berezovskii)曾广泛分布于中国,由于盗猎和栖息地缩小,秦岭地区野生种群数量迅速下降,圈养繁殖种群已成立了几十年,但大多数圈养种群的遗传背景不清,种群规模增长非常缓慢。为了给这一物种的保护和管理提供有用的信息,调查了陕西省林麝1个圈养种群3个野生种群线粒体DNA(mt DNA)D-Loop 632 bp片段的遗传多样性和种群结构。在69个个体中其碱基组成为A+T的平均含量63.2%高于G+C含量36.8%,共检测到变异位点171个(约占总位点数的27.05%)。核苷酸多样性(Pi)为0.04424,平均核苷酸差异数(K)为19.908。69个个体分属32个单倍型,单倍型间的平均遗传距离(P)为0.070。32个单倍型构建的NJ系统树聚为3个分支,4个林麝群体中的单倍型是随机分布的。4个群体的平均遗传距离为0.043(标准误SE为0.005),凤县养殖场群体与留坝和陇县群体的亲缘关系较远。单倍型间的平均遗传距离为0.043,可见其遗传分化尚未达到种群分化的水平。结果表明,陕西省林麝群体mt DNA D-loop区序列存在着较丰富的变异和遗传多样性,凤县野生群体和凤县养殖场群体的核苷酸多样性和单倍型多样较高,养殖场种群没有出现近亲繁殖及遗传多样性下降的情况。凤县野生群体和凤县养殖场群体两者遗传分化较小,存在着较高的基因流水平。  相似文献   

动物社群的社会等级可对个体的资源分配、社群稳定及个体的行为对策产生重要影响,圈养动物的类固醇激素水平与饲养管理有关,可反映动物的社群紧张水平。深入理解圈养动物的社会等级与其类固醇激素水平的关系是进行濒危动物迁地保育和成功驯养的基础。2018年6月15日—8月15日,用焦点取样法对四川马尔康林麝繁育场的25头林麝进行了冲突行为取样及社会等级计算,采用放射免疫分析法检测了同期粪样的类固醇激素水平,分析了林麝社会等级与粪样皮质醇、睾酮及雌二醇水平的关系。结果表明:低等级雌麝的雌二醇水平(289.037±59.710 pg·g-1,n=11)显著高于高等级雌麝(45.670±27.283pg·g-1,n=6)(P<0.05),低等级雄麝的睾酮水平(3.863±1.538 ng·g-1,n=3)和高等级雄麝(8.017±1.295 ng·g-1,n=5)无显著差异(P>0.05);低等级雄麝(37.891±7.564 ng·g-1,n=3)和雌麝(37.262±1.544 ng·g-1,n=11)的皮质醇水平与高等级雄麝(29.947±2.441 ng·g-1,n=5)及雌麝(37.478±4.628 ng·g-1,n=6)间的差异不显著(P>0.05)。不区分性别,低等级林麝的皮质醇水平(37.397±1.826 ng·g-1,n=14)和高等级个体(34.055±2.886ng·g-1,n=11)间无显著差异(P>0.05)。研究结果表明,圈养林麝雌体的社会等级与其粪样雌二醇水平呈负相关,低等级雌麝的粪样雌二醇水平显著高于高等级雌麝。在麝类驯养实践中,可监测雌麝的社会等级和粪样雌二醇水平变化,预测雌麝的行为健康及繁殖成效。  相似文献   

2017年7月1日-8月31日及2018年6月1日-7月31日,在甘肃兴隆山保护区马麝繁育中心,采用焦点取样法和连续记录法进行了圈养马麝的刻板行为取样,采集同期粪样,并用放射免疫分析法(RIA)检测粪样中肾上腺皮质醇、睾酮及雌二醇激素的水平,分析了圈养马麝刻板行为表达与上述3种激素水平的关系。结果显示,展现刻板行为的圈养马麝的皮质醇水平(111.099 ± 16.231)ng/g略高于无刻板行为表达的马麝(95.640± 9.738) ng/g,差异未达显著(P> 0.05);展现刻板行为雄麝的睾酮水平(135.900± 21.582)ng/g略高于无刻板行为的雄麝(108.182 ± 9.689) ng/g,差异也不显著(P> 0.05);展现刻板行为雌麝的雌二醇水平(0.445 ± 0.116)ng/g显著低于无刻板行为雌麝(10.843 ± 1.142)ng/g(P< 0.05)。研究结果表明,圈养雄性马麝的刻板行为表达与其类固醇激素水平不相关;而雌麝的刻板行为表达与雌二醇分泌显著负相关,这与其繁殖及健康状况有关。在麝类驯养实践中,可将粪样类固醇激素水平(尤其是雌二醇)作为其受胁迫水平及行为健康的监测指标。  相似文献   

2000年6月至2001年2月,采用焦点取样连续记录方法,对甘肃兴隆山自然保护区马麝(Moschus sifanicus)繁育中心的雄性马麝进行了行为取样。按马麝爬胯结果,将样本动物区分为爬胯成功雄麝和爬胯失败雄麝,并对两类群雄麝在非交配季节(6—10月)和交配季节(11月—翌年1月)的行为格局分别进行了比较分析。结果表明,在单位取样时间(5min)内,爬胯成功雄麝在非交配季节的摄食行为持续时间显著少于爬胯失败雄麝,而静卧和蹭尾行为的持续时间显著多于爬胯失败雄麝。爬胯成功雄麝在交配季节的静卧时间显著少于爬胯失败雄麝,而攻击行为、蹭尾及粪尿标记的持续时间显著多于爬胯失败雄麝。根据以上结果,在麝类迁地保护和驯养实践中,雄性马麝的静卧和蹭尾行为(尤其是蹭尾)可以作为其爬胯成功度及繁殖性能的行为判别指标。这为马麝驯养实践,尤其是在提高配种雄麝选取的直观性及可操作性方面提供了量化行为参数。  相似文献   

孙太福  王静  蔡永华  程建国  黎勇  周密  盛岩  孟秀祥 《生态学报》2020,40(24):9245-9251
基于非损伤取样和放射免疫法(RIA),于2018年9月1日-10月15日期间对四川马尔康林麝繁育场的36头雄性圈养林麝(Moschus berezovskii)的粪样类固醇激素水平进行了检测,结合麝香分泌数据采集,探究了林麝的粪样睾酮和皮质醇水平与其麝香分泌的关系,结果表明:四川马尔康圈养林麝的麝香分泌(12.53±0.76)g(n=36)与粪样睾酮水平(106.03±12.34)ng/g(n=36)呈显著正相关(r=0.436,P < 0.01),泌香较多雄麝(16.50±0.61)g(n=17)的睾酮水平(141.51±21.86)ng/g(n=17)显著地高于泌香较少(8.98±0.59)g(n=19)雄麝(74.27±7.93)ng/g(n=19)(t=-3.252,df=34, P < 0.01),方程y=0.021x+10.270(R2=0.120,P < 0.05)可较好地拟合二者间关系。麝香分泌与皮质醇浓度(47.49±1.53)ng/g(n=36)相关不显著(r=0.078,P > 0.05),泌香较多雄麝的皮质醇浓度(48.98±2.28)ng/g(n=17)略高于泌香较少雄麝(46.17±2.14)ng/g(n=19),差异不显著(P > 0.05),方程y=0.038x+10.730(R2=0.023,P > 0.05)可近似拟合皮质醇与泌香量间的关系。此外,雄麝睾酮水平对泌香量有显著影响(P < 0.05),睾酮水平较高林麝泌香量(14.97±1.17)g(n=12)显著高于睾酮水平较低个体的泌香量(11.32±0.90)g(n=24)(F=4.79,P < 0.05),而睾酮、皮质醇和年龄对麝香分泌的综合效应及变量间的交互作用均不显著(P > 0.05)。研究确定了圈养林麝粪样睾酮和皮质醇水平与麝香分泌量间的关系,可用于麝类驯养实践的麝香产量预测及品系选育。  相似文献   

麝类行为谱的初步建构及行为型的描述性定义   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
2005年1月至2006年2月对甘肃兴隆山麝场、福建上杭麝场、四川都江堰麝场、陕西镇坪麝场及上海崇明岛麝场的圈养林麝、原麝和马麝的行为进行了观察和记录,制定了圈养麝类动物的焦点取样行为谱、扫描取样行为谱、刻板行为谱和冲突行为谱,并区分和定义了扫描行为谱的站立及运动、摄食、反刍和静卧等4类行为型,通过辨识行为的基本单元,定义了其所有事件记录行为谱所包含的静卧、站立凝视、运动、摄食、反刍、蹭尾、尿粪标记、环境探究、尾阴探究、自我指向、亲和、警觉、冲突、刻板、繁殖行为及杂类行为等16种行为类,并描述性地定义了各行为类下所含行为型,此外,定义了麝的刻板行为谱,含食异物、刻板舔刮、狂奔、往返走、立台、跳墙和搭蹄凝视等7种刻板行为型,以及圈养麝的冲突行为谱,含威胁、进攻、取代、追击和防御等5种行为亚类,并描述和定义了各行为亚类下的行为型。本研究的行为谱建构和行为型定义可为麝类行为生态研究提供参考依据。  相似文献   

Qi WH  Li J  Zhang XY  Wang ZK  Li XX  Yang CZ  Fu WL  Yue BS 《Theriogenology》2011,76(5):874-881
Reproductive performance of 750 adult female Forest musk deer (FMD, Moschus berezovskii) was monitored (from 2005 to 2009) on two Forest musk deer farms in Sichuan province, China. The mean (± SEM) lengths of the estrous cycle, pregnancy, and consecutive fawning intervals were 17.5 ± 0.8 d (n = 64), 182.9 ± 0.8 d (n =190), and 363.2 ± 2.4 d (n = 120), respectively. Copulation occurred from the end of October to early March, with the majority (84.1 ± 1.9%) during November and December (P < 0.05). The fawning rate was 68.7 ± 2.2% in yearling hinds and 73.3 ± 1.3% in adult hinds. Fawning occurred from the end of April to early September, with the majority (88. 9 ± 2.2%) during May and June (P < 0.005), including a peak in May (52.0 ± 1.0%). Yearling hinds fawned later (7.3 ± 1.8 d) than adult hinds. Rates of premature delivery and dystocia were 2.7 ± 0.4 and 2.0 ± 0.3%, respectively. There was a 1.07:1 female-to-male ratio at birth (P > 0.05), with 67.7% twins, but only two cases of triplets and one set of quadruplets among 537 fawns. Birth weight averaged 518.7 ± 10.3 g, ranging from 304 to 775 g (n = 240), with male fawns slightly heavier than females (521.1 ± 14.8 vs 516.9 ± 14.3 g). Postnatal and pre-weaning mortality rates were 25.0 ± 1.2 and 17.9 ± 3.1%, respectively. Postnatal mortality and urinary calculus were much more common in male fawns (P < 0.01). The mortality rate due to suppuration and dyspepsia were different (P < 0.001) between postnatal and pre-weaning periods. Due to higher mortality of male fawns, the adult sex ratio was significantly female-biased. In conclusion, captive FMD had similar seasonal patterns of copulation and fawning as wild FMD and other musk deer species.  相似文献   

Musk deer (Moschus spp.) are small, solitary forest ruminants well-known for the musk secreted by adult males. Because of illegal hunting and habitat degradation and loss, the five species of musk deer are classified as endangered. Musk deer farming has been a positive example of ex situ conservation, maintaining deer numbers whilst sustaining musk production. This study was conducted at the Xinglongshan Musk Deer Farm in Gansu Province in northwest China, and was designed to explore the relationships among musk extraction, fighting ability and social rank in captive, male alpine musk deer (Moschus sifanicus). Results showed that musk production was related to a male’s rank in the dominance hierarchy. Males in the middle rank of the dominance hierarchy tended to produce more musk than deer of higher and lower ranks. This is due to the time-energy budgeting patterns and captive stress of males with different status in the dominance hierarchy. That is, high-ranking males need to budget more time and energy to maintain their higher rank, while low-ranking males are exposed to more aggression from higher-ranking individuals, thus limiting their access to resources such as food and shelter. Accordingly, high-ranking and low-ranking males endured more stress than middle-ranking males, negatively affecting their annual musk production. Supporting the correlation between musk production and the frequency of tail-rubbing behavior was not significant, average musk extraction could not be predicted based on the frequency of tail-rubbing alone. Status in the dominance hierarchy, however, was positively correlated with tail-rubbing frequency, with males of higher rank tending to tail-rub more frequently. Conflict winners tended to initiate tail-rubbing after the conflict; tail-rubbing accounted for 83.33% of the post-conflict behavior expressed by the winner. Tail-rubbing was one of the behavioral rewards of winning a conflict and was also related to releasing aggression; not solely for scent marking territory and trails. Based on the results of this study, there was no direct relationship between musk production and captive males’ status in the dominance hierarchy (and, therefore, in the intensity of aggression displayed). If the sole aim of musk deer farms is to domesticate musk deer for maximum production of musk, we suggest that highly aggressive males be removed from the population. Musk production will remain unchanged, however, aggression level and intensity of fighting could be lessened thus reducing farming costs.  相似文献   

The Miyaluo captive forest musk deer population (Sichuan Province, China) is one of the largest captive breeding populations in the world. In order to evaluate the genetic quality and provide available genetic management strategy, seven polymorphism microsatellite loci were applied to assess the genetic variation of the Miyaluo forest musk deer. The results indicated that a total of 168 alleles were detected from these seven microsatellite loci in 361 individuals, and the number of the alleles per locus ranged from 12 to 41 with a mean of 24. The average observed heterozygosity, expected heterozygosity, and PIC were 0.782, 0.854, and 0.837, respectively. Considering the results of the loci Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium test, the comparison of the common allele frequency as well as the private allele between the adults and juveniles, we concluded that the heterozygosity and the genetic diversity of the Miyaluo captive breeding population are increasing due to the input of new individuals from other populations. However, the frequency of some alleles declined sharply, and some were even lost indicating that there is a risk for diversity loss. Thus, we proposed an improved management and breeding strategy for the captive breeding population of the forest musk deer.  相似文献   

High stress response is an important factor impeding the breeding of wild animals in captivity. Experimental fawn manipulation is considered a suitable approach to reduce the negative effects of behavioral and physiological stress. The forest musk deer (Moschus berezovskii) is classified as “endangered” by the IUCN Red List due to over-exploitation for musk production. Musk is highly valued for its cosmetic and alleged pharmaceutical properties and has stimulated the enthusiasm of captive musk deer breeding in recent years. This study attempts to reduce behavioral and physiological stress responses in juvenile musk deer using experimental fawn manipulation. Habituation started 5 days after birth and lasted until weaning age (90 days). We determined the behavioral stress response at the age of 30, 60, 90, 150, and 360 days by measuring acceptance or rejection of three treatment intensities (i.e., stroking, embracement) and quantified behavioral responses (urination, approaching the investigator). At the same time, physiological stress parameters were established, measuring the fecal glucocorticosteroid metabolite (FGM) concentration. Our results indicate that fawn manipulation initially reduced the behavioral stress, but after termination of treatments, stress symptoms reoccurred. We detected no difference in the FGM concentrations between treatment and control groups, suggesting that the experimental fawn manipulation did not decrease the physiological stress response. This implies that behavioral stress reduction cannot be sustained if the physiological stress remains unaltered. We argue that the socio-positive reactions of musk deer fawns to humans could be phenotypic and that the physiological stress response rather reflects their intrinsic characteristics than a successful manipulation.  相似文献   

我国麝养殖是解决麝类野生种群保护和中医药麝香来源的关键环节,是极为重要的野生动物养殖业。通过调查得出,截至2011年全国养殖麝已达8400余头,主要分布于四川、陕西等省份;养殖麝种群雄雌比率为1∶0.97,成幼比率为1∶0.53,表明养殖麝种群处于快速增长状态,种群结构基本合理。结合目前麝养殖业资料的调查,分析了养殖规模、养殖技术、种源管理、产业政策对麝养殖产业发展的作用并提出提升麝养殖业发展的对策。  相似文献   

The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) is one of the most important elements in immune system for nearly all vertebrates, and is thought to be essential for an organism to recognize foreign molecules. In this study, we investigated the MHC variation in 51 forest musk deer (Moschus berezovskii) collected from three captive populations in Sichuan Province, China. Seventeen haplotypes were isolated from the 51 samples. A total of 51 mutation sites were identified and yielded a nucleotide diversity of 0.056. These haplotype sequences possessed 83 putative amino acid sites, including 24 PBR sites (peptide binding region) and 59 non-PBR sites. Out of 24 PBR sites, 15 codons showed variation (0.625), while 12 codons showed variation (0.203) in 59 non-PBR sites. Non-synonymous substitutions primarily occurred in PBR, with analyses suggesting that the Mobe-DRB gene had undergone strong positive selection during their evolution. Compared with that of some other endangered species, the forest musk deer had relatively high level of MHC diversity. Our results suggested that the MHC diversity characteristic of captive forest musk deer populations might be not responsible for their high morbidity of abscess disease.  相似文献   

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