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选择我国狂犬病高发地区(湖南、贵州)、低发地区(江苏、武汉)和无狂犬病报告地区(沈阳)等三种不同类型的地区,开展针对家养犬、猫和啮齿类动物,以及蝙蝠等野生动物的狂犬病病毒带毒率的流行病学调查,对分离到的病毒株在抗原型别、基因变异以及与现行疫苗是否匹配等方面进行分析、比较研究。结果显示:我国狂犬病的主要宿主动物为犬,捕获犬总带毒率为2.56%;犬中狂犬病病毒的监测点最高阳性检出率达到20.0%;啮齿类动物及蝙蝠等野生动物在本次研究未检测到狂犬病病毒。我国自主研制成功的以aG株和CTN株为毒种的现行人用狂犬病疫苗,经应用研究发现,CTN株的糖蛋白基因与本研究分离到的街毒核酸序列更接近。为进一步评价现行疫苗的有效性,在5个观察点分别以aG株和CTN株毒种生产的疫苗接种两组人群(每组各约50人),结果显示均未出现中、强度反应,疫苗免疫后第7d和14d产生的中和抗体分别达到0.49IU/mL~0.52IU/mL和6.7IU/mL~7.53IU/mL;抗体阳转率分别为45.1%~47.9%和100%,表明这些疫苗具有良好的安全性和保护效果。  相似文献   

狂犬病(Rabies)是由狂犬病病毒属成员(Lyssavirus)引起的人兽共患病,全球99%以上人狂犬病是由该属主要成员狂犬病病毒(Rabies virus,RABV)引起的。近年来,我国RABV毒株多样性明显增多,但是现有狂犬病疫苗对不同毒株(特别是新出现的毒株)免疫保护效果尚不清楚。为研究目前商品化的人用狂犬病疫苗对RABV街毒株是否具备交叉免疫保护能力,本研究通过制备不同进化群、不同宿主来源的3株街毒株GDMMD16、NMALSF01和NeiMeng927A的细胞毒,分别对免疫过aG株和/或PM株狂犬病疫苗的23份人血清进行狂犬病荧光抗体病毒中和实验,结果发现所有血清对GDMMD16、NMALSF01和NeiMeng927A街毒株的中和效价均高于WHO推荐的标准(0.5IU/mL),表明上述2种商品化的人用狂犬病疫苗对3株RABV街毒株具有保护能力。  相似文献   

Wikter于1978年首先建立了狂犬病毒单克隆抗体(McAb),并用它发现了狂犬病毒株的抗原差异,而国内尚未见到有关狂犬病毒单克隆抗体的研究报道。为此,在建立快速检测狂犬病毒抗原和抗体的基础上又进行了狂犬病毒单克隆抗体的研究。 将感染狂犬病毒aG株(我国狂犬疫苗生产毒种)后发病的BALB/c乳鼠脑病毒免疫BALB/c小鼠,取其脾细胞与小鼠骨髓瘤细胞Sp2/0融合。融合率为95.7%(401/419),阳性克隆占26.8%。经克隆化  相似文献   

旨在有效检测狂犬病毒抗原及抗体。以狂犬病病毒aG株为模板,反转录扩增糖蛋白膜外区基因,并进行序列测定。将目的片段与表达载体pET-32a(+)分别双酶切、胶回收后相连并转化至Rosseta(DE3)菌株。选取阳性克隆经IPTG诱导表达后,进行SDS-PAGE和Western blotting及质谱鉴定。结果显示,在大肠杆菌中成功表达了糖蛋白膜外区。本研究为建立检测狂犬病毒抗原及抗体的ELISA诊断方法奠定了基础。  相似文献   

目的瞬时表达人源重组抗狂犬病病毒单克隆抗体,并对抗体性质进行分析。方法 PCR法扩增抗体轻、重链可变区并分别构建真核表达质粒;瞬时转染HEK293 EBNA1细胞;抗体经亲和纯化后,CE-SDS法分析纯化后抗体单体比例,用快速荧光灶抑制试验(RFFIT)分析抗体体外抗狂犬病病毒中和活性,ELISA分析抗体与3aG、CTN、PV及CVS株的结合。结果提取瞬时表达质粒的A260/280 nm比值在2.0~2.1之间纯化后抗体非还原CE-SDS单体纯度为74.4%;还原CE-SDS抗体轻、重链峰合计占比超过95%;抗体RFFIT体外中和活性为293.37 IU/mL,比活达628.21 IU/mg,抗体与3aG、CTN、PV及CVS株交叉反应均为阳性。结论该株抗体具有较高体外抗狂犬病病毒中和活性,与主要疫苗株均有较强结合。  相似文献   

地鼠肾细胞培养的CTN株狂犬病新疫苗研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用细胞毒种代替豚鼠脑毒种制备狂犬病地鼠肾细胞纯化疫苗。将狂犬病毒CTN株在原代地鼠肾细胞(PHKC)传代适应,用病毒培养液上清作为生产用毒种,结果通过在PHKC传10多代,适应后病毒滴度达到了7.0LogLD50/ml,并应用适应株(CTN-LS-HK)细胞毒种制备三批疫苗,其效力在6.11-6.55IU/ml,高于用aG株豚鼠脑毒种制备的三批疫苗效力(3.77-5.85IU/ml)。  相似文献   

用CaG株毒种制备精制狂犬病疫苗的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对狂犬病毒aG株在金黄地鼠肾细胞上传代培养,获得一种新型狂犬病毒毒株,即地鼠肾细胞适应株(CaG株)[1].由于该毒种具有生产方法简单,成本低廉,且外源因子污染机率小等优点,因此试用该毒种生产精制狂犬病疫苗.在相同条件下,分别用豚鼠脑毒种和细胞毒种各生产3批病毒原液,经相同纯化工艺制备成精制狂犬病疫苗.经初步检定用细胞毒种制备的疫苗安全性良好,疫苗免疫效价与豚鼠脑毒种疫苗无明显差异.  相似文献   

改良抗体结合实验检测灭活狂犬病疫苗效价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:建立抗体结合试验检测狂犬病疫苗(aG株)效价的方法。方法:将待检测疫苗与疫苗标准品梯度稀释后分别加入人抗狂犬病毒免疫球蛋白国家标准品中和1 h,之后加入80%感染剂量的狂犬病毒CVS-11,体外中和1h后接种BSR细胞,培养24 h后免疫荧光染色,在显微镜下观察结果,通过检测剩余病毒量计算待检疫苗的效价,同时与小鼠中和试验法(NIH法)测定狂犬病疫苗效价进行比较。结果:2种方法对8个样品效价的检测结果无显著统计学差异(P=0.997,配对t检验)。结论:初步建立了改良抗体结合试验,可用于狂犬病疫苗中间产品的质量控制。  相似文献   

狂犬病病毒抗体胶体金检测试纸的制备   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过胶体金免疫层析技术建立一种特异、便捷、快速的狂犬病病毒抗体检测方法,对犬等动物免疫狂犬病疫苗后的抗体水平监测提供参考。用醋酸锌沉淀法沉淀狂犬病病毒CVS11,Sepharose 4FF进行层析纯化。用柠檬酸三钠还原法制备的胶体金,标记纯化的狂犬病病毒,喷于试纸的结合释放垫 (金标垫),将SPA (葡萄球菌表面A蛋白) 和纯化的兔抗狂犬病病毒IgG分别喷于试纸的T (检测线) 处和C (对照线) 处,组装试纸条。用制备的试纸条对261份犬血清进行检测,与快速荧光灶抑制试验 (RFFIT) 检测的结果一致;对已知效价的犬狂犬病毒中和抗体 (VNA) 大于0.5 IU,结果为阳性;对狂犬病病毒中和抗体 (VNA) 小于0.5 IU/mL的血清,结果为阴性。制备的狂犬病病毒抗体胶体金检测试纸检测犬血清抗体,具有特异、便捷、快速的特点,能够检测出狂犬病病毒中和抗体大于0.5 IU的血清,适用于临床犬血清抗体水平监测,具有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

自本世纪70年代狂犬病二倍体疫苗研制成功并批量应用以来,各种细胞疫苗相继研制成功并投入生产和应用,已在许多国家代替了传统的脑组织疫苗。我们对Vero细胞微载体培养的狂犬病疫苗作了初步研究,为大规模生产提供依据。1材料与试剂1.IVere细胞由中国药品生物制品检定所提供Vero细胞125代种子细胞。1.2病毒株狂犬病毒Vero细胞适应株CTN*。由检定所提供,毒力为7.lfogLfy。/Inl。我们对病毒株进行了适应性传代,毒力达到8.24logLfy。/Inl,高于国内发表材料4aG.Fluav.Inp株[’,到的满度。1.3生物反应器CeligenplusN哪沿…  相似文献   

三个狂犬病毒株,分别经地鼠肾细胞培养,将其抗原含量,病毒滴度和免疫原性进行比较。结果显示,三个病毒株的抗原含量有差异。但差异显著性,CTN-V10M3的毒力最高,CTN-BHK3的毒力最低,aG株的毒力虽然居中,但免疫原性最好,它仍是最适于地鼠肾细胞上培养的毒株。  相似文献   

To understand the molecular characteristics of China human rabies vaccine strains, we report the full-length genome of the aG strain and present a comprehensive analysis of this strain and almost all available lyssavirus genomes (58 strains) from GenBank (as of Jan 6, 2011). It is generally considered that the G protein plays a predominant role in determining the pathogenicity of the virus, to this end we predicted the tertiary structure of the G protein of aG strain, CTN181 strain and wild type strain HN10 based on the crystal structure of Vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) G. The predicted RABV G structure has a similar topology to VSV G and the ectodomain can be divided into 4 distinct domains DI — DIV. By mapping the characterized mutations to this structure between China vaccine strains and their close street strains, we speculate that the G303(P-H) mutations of CTN181 and HN10 causing DII 3D change may be associated with the II attenuated virulence in both strains. Specifically, the two signature mutations (G165P and G231P) in the aG strain are withinßsheets, suggesting that both sites are of structural importance.  相似文献   

The effect that the relatedness of the viral seed strain used to produce rabies vaccines has to the strain of challenge virus used to measure rabies virus neutralizing antibodies after vaccination was evaluated. Serum samples from 173 subjects vaccinated with either purified Vero cell rabies vaccine (PVRV), produced from the Pittman Moore (PM) seed strain of rabies virus, or purified chick embryo cell rabies vaccine (PCECV), produced from the Flury low egg passage (Flury-LEP) seed strain of rabies virus, were tested in parallel assays by RFFIT using a homologous and a heterologous testing system. In the homologous system, CVS-11 was used as the challenge virus in the assay to evaluate the humoral immune response in subjects vaccinated with PVRV and Flury-LEP was used for subjects vaccinated with PCECV. In the heterologous system, CVS-11 was used as the challenge virus in the assay to evaluate subjects vaccinated with PCECV and Flury-LEP was used for subjects vaccinated with PVRV. Although the difference in G protein homology between the CVS-11 and Flury-LEP rabies virus strains has been reported to be only 5.8%, the use of a homologous testing system resulted in approximately 30% higher titers for nearly two-thirds of the samples from both vaccine groups compared to a heterologous testing system. The evaluation of equivalence of the immune response after vaccination with the two different vaccines was dependent upon the type of testing system, homologous or heterologous, used to evaluate the level of rabies virus neutralizing antibodies. Equivalence between the vaccines was achieved when a homologous testing system was used but not when a heterologous testing system was used. The results of this study indicate that the strain of virus used in the biological assays to measure the level of rabies virus neutralizing antibodies after vaccination could profoundly influence the evaluation of rabies vaccines.  相似文献   

A non-competitive enzyme-linked immunoassay (ELISA) has been standardized to supplement the in vivo potency test used for the quality control of inactivated tissue culture vaccines against rabies. The essentials of the ELISA were: fixation of the virus in different dilutions of vaccine on the surface of microtitre plates; testing of the reference and up to six test vaccines on one plate; incubation with polyclonal antisera to rabies virus glycoprotein containing an excess of antibody; further incubation with a species-specific anti-IgG coupled to peroxidase; a final incubation with a substrate. The incubation periods were 1 h, 1 h and 30 min both at +37 degrees C. The relative potency determinations were made graphically or by a computer using a parallel line bioassay in which the potencies of the vaccines of unknown potency were tested against the reference preparation on a single microtitre plate. Under these conditions inactivated rabies vaccines of different types (virus strains, cell substrates, inactivation and concentration procedures) were tested for potency. Furthermore, it was possible with this in vitro method to assay adjuvanted vaccines, in process samples such as tissue culture supernatants with live or inactivated rabies virus, concentrates, and vaccines undergoing thermal stability tests. The rabies glycoprotein antigen-antibody reaction was highly specific according to the results and the glycoprotein content was measured quantitatively. The potency determined by the in vitro ELISA correlated with the in vivo NIH protection potency test. The lower limit of detection of the ELISA was 0.015 IU/ml. Quantitative antigen determination was possible with both homologous and heterologous antisera to rabies virus glycoprotein when vaccines of the same virus strain were tested. When the potencies of vaccines of different virus strain specificity were calculated, it was necessary to take into account the strain-specific antigenicity. Even so vaccines of high potency were found to give a stronger reaction with a heterologous serum than did weak vaccines with a homologous antiserum. Stability tests made on inactivated tissue culture vaccines such as vaccine from the human diploid cell strain (HDCS), from purified chicken embryo cell (PCEC) or from purified Vero cell rabies vaccine (PVRV), showed high stability of the glycoprotein antigen even after four months of storage at +37 degrees C or 24 h at +56 degrees C, provided that the vaccines were stored in a lyophilized state. The antigenicity of liquid vaccines was inactivated after a few hours at +56 degrees C. For tropical areas, therefore, only lyophilized vaccines should be considered.  相似文献   

Saliva and blood were collected from two patients who had not received post exposure prophylaxis in the cities of Wenzhou and Xinning respectively. Both patients were confirmed as positive for rabies by detection of rabies virus specific nucleoprotein antibodies in the sera by Western Blot. However, rabies virus specific RNA was only identified in the saliva collected from the patient in Wenzhou. Furthermore, the isolate Zhejiang Wz0 (H) was obtained by inoculating one-day-old suckling mice. Both nucleoprotein (N) and glycoprotein (G) genes from the isolate were amplified by RT-PCR and sequenced. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that the isolate belonged to classic rabies virus, and shared a higher homology with the street viruses from dogs in the main endemic areas in China and the street virus from dogs in Indonesia than with other known strains. Further comparison of the deduced amino acid sequences between the isolate and the vaccine strains used in China showed that the virus had a higher level of homology with the vaccine strain CTN than with the other vaccine strains (3aG, PV, PM and ERA). In particular, amino acid residues substitutions located in antigenic site III in the G protein, which could react with the neutralizing antibodies, were observed. These results suggested that the virus belonged to the classic rabies virus, and both N and G genes diverged from the current vaccine strains used in China at either the nucleotide or the amino acid level. Foundation items: The project was supported by the Grants (2003BA712A08-02 and 2004BA718B03) from the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology.  相似文献   

人源抗狂犬病毒单克隆抗体Fab段基因的获得和表达   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
运用噬菌体表面呈现(phage display)技术获得了人源抗狂犬病毒糖蛋白基因工程单克隆抗体Fab段基因及其表达。从狂犬病毒PM株Vero细胞疫苗免疫的人抗凝血中分离获得外周淋巴细胞,提取细胞总RNA,通过RTPCR方法,用一组人IgG Fab基因4特异性引物,从合成的cDNA中扩增了一组轻链和重链Fab段基因,将轻链和重链Fab段基因,将轻链和重链先后克隆入噬菌体载体pComb3,成功地建立了抗狂犬病毒抗原的方法,对此抗体库进行富积筛选表达,成功地获得了抗狂犬病毒的人源单抗Fab段基因及其在大肠杆菌中的有效表达,对其中一株单抗G10进行了较为系统的分析,发现它与一株鼠源中和性狂犬病毒糖蛋白特异性单抗存在竞争,证实该单抗能识别狂犬病毒糖蛋白,其序列资料分析表明,该单抗为一株新的抗狂犬病毒人源基因工程抗体。  相似文献   

Thirty-nine free-ranging raccoons (Procyon lotor) in an endemic rabies area of Pennsylvania (USA) were vaccinated with a single intramuscular inoculation of commercial inactivated rabies virus vaccine, 17 June to 23 August 1987. Paired serum samples, pre- and postvaccination, were obtained from eight raccoons and were analyzed in vitro for rabies virus neutralizing antibody using a modified rapid fluorescent focus inhibition test. Seven of eight (88%) recaptured raccoons demonstrated seroconversion within 15 to 26 days of vaccination. At 1 yr postvaccination, three vaccinated raccoons were recaptured and challenged in captivity with street rabies virus, resulting in the death of two of three vaccinates and five of five unvaccinated control raccoons.  相似文献   

用火箭电泳法(RIE)检测了5批aG株地鼠肾细胞人用狂犬病疫苗半成品(未加吸附剂)的抗原含量。结果表明,RIE法快速、简便、准确。峰高与浓度的线性相关系数r〉0.9950,待检疫苗与标准品的剂量反应曲线高度一致,试验的灵敏度为0.15IU/ml,重复性好,5次结果的变异系统CV%≤5.74%。因此,RIE法有可能作为检测狂犬病疫苗半成品抗原含量的适宜方法  相似文献   

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