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菌根食用菌(edible mycorrhizal fungi,EMF)是兼具生态价值和经济价值的大型真菌,其对林木健康、森林生态系统的稳定性及林下经济的发展至关重要。本研究以贵州地区马尾松Pinus massoniana林2种乳牛肝菌属Suillus EMF为研究对象,研究了其子实体及其与马尾松形成的菌根的形态特征,调查了其子实体的发生规律及其与温度和降雨的关系。研究结果表明:粘盖乳牛肝菌S. bovinus和褐环乳牛肝菌S. luteus可同时在马尾松林发生。粘盖乳牛肝菌和褐环乳牛肝菌与马尾松形成的菌根均呈珊瑚状,其中粘盖乳牛肝菌形成的菌根表面光滑无根外菌丝但具有根外菌索,褐环乳牛肝菌形成的菌根具有密集的根外菌丝但无根外菌索。粘盖乳牛肝菌和褐环乳牛肝菌子实体具有较长的发生期、产量较大,且具有错峰发生的特点。相对于降雨,温度是这2种乳牛肝菌子实体发生的主要限制因素。  相似文献   

张姣  徐明  文春玉  聂坤  杨云礼  张健 《菌物学报》2022,41(9):1430-1440
林火会对森林植被及其相关联的微生物群落产生重要影响。为揭示火灾对马尾松外生菌根真菌(ectomycorrhizal fungi,EMF)群落的影响,本研究以火灾马尾松林为研究对象,以周边立地条件相对一致、未火灾马尾松林为对照,采用形态鉴定与分子生物学技术相结合的研究方法,分析火灾对马尾松EMF群落的影响。共鉴定出马尾松EMF OTUs 69个,隶属于2门7纲15目18科23属,且担子菌门丰富度明显高于子囊菌门。火灾显著改变了马尾松EMF群落的组成和结构,其中火灾马尾松林中EMF群落的优势属主要为蜡蘑属Laccaria、红菇属Russula和棉革菌属Tomentella,未火灾马尾松林中EMF群落的优势属主要为乳菇属Lactarius、棉革菌属Tomentella和土生空团菌属Cenococcum。火灾样地马尾松的EMF群落相对于对照样地在组成与结构上存在明显差异,表现出特有OTUs高于共有OTUs。相对于未火灾马尾松林,火灾马尾松EMF群落的多样性指数和丰富度指数呈下降趋势(P>0.05)。RDA分析表明,pH和TP是影响马尾松EMF群落的重要环境因子。综上所述,火灾干扰是影响黔中地区马尾松EMF群落的重要生态因素之一。  相似文献   

黄山地区松树林外生菌根菌资源及生态分布   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1998~2003年,对黄山地区松树林下外生菌根菌资源及生态分布进行了调查,鉴定出外生菌根菌43种,隶属于10科17属.其中马尾松林下有43种、黄山松林下有12种.马尾松幼林下的外生菌根菌种类单一,彩色豆马勃、硬皮马勃类为优势菌种;马尾松成熟林下外生菌根菌种类丰富,其优势种类为红菇科、鹅膏菌科、牛肝菌科和鸡油菌科的一些种类.并分析了树种植被对外生菌根菌分布的影响,菌根真菌的分布与温度、湿度及土壤条件的关系.  相似文献   

对菌根共生机制的研究是对其进行应用的前提,到目前为止,绝大多数外生菌根(ectomycorrhiza,ECM)的建立过程尚不明晰,在一定程度上限制了这些ECM真菌在林业中的应用。本研究以我国南方地区主栽树种之一——马尾松Pinus massoniana和其林下优势ECM真菌——粘盖乳牛肝菌Suillus bovinus为材料,在无菌条件下研究两者菌根共生体形成过程的形态学特征。结果表明马尾松与粘盖乳牛肝菌的共生过程分为2个阶段:(1)预共生阶段,即物理接触之前,粘盖乳牛肝菌可通过释放挥发物和分泌物促进马尾松根系伸长和分枝;(2)共生阶段,又可分为3个时期。接种后第4天,粘盖乳牛肝菌菌丝体开始与马尾松根系接触并形成附着胞进入接触期;第7天菌丝开始侵入根系内部,侵入期开始;第28天菌套和哈氏网形成,即菌套和哈氏网形成期,该时期菌根化根尖开始膨大,随后继续发育至二叉分枝状菌根形成。在发育顺序方面,哈氏网与菌套同步发育,但哈氏网成形早于菌套。以上结果可对后续ECM共生机制的深入研究及马尾松高效菌根化育苗技术的开发提供参考。  相似文献   

中国菌根食用菌名录   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
魏杰  高巍  黄晨阳 《菌物学报》2021,40(8):1938-1957
菌根食用菌是一个未被合理利用的非木质林产品类群。通过文献和数据调研,本名录共收录532个中国菌根食用菌分类单元,它们隶属于28科62属,包括子囊菌门的39个分类单元以及担子菌门的493个分类单元。其中红菇科和牛肝菌科种类最丰富,红菇属、乳菇属、枝瑚菌属、蜡伞属、乳牛肝菌属、口蘑属、块菌属、牛肝菌属、鹅膏菌属和丝膜菌属是我国菌根食用菌的代表属。本研究揭示了我国菌根食用菌的多样性,并对我国菌根食用菌持续发展给予了初步建议。  相似文献   

安徽黄山属于黄山-怀玉山生物多样性保护优先区域,孕育了极为丰富的生物资源。为了解该区的大型真菌物种多样性,2018-2020年对该区的大型真菌展开了野外调查和标本采集,通过分子生物学方法及子实体形态特征检索比较对获得的标本进行鉴定,并对该区的物种组成、属级地理区系成分、经济真菌和特有成分等进行了统计分析。该地区共发现大型真菌421种,隶属于9纲19目72科200属,其中包含食用菌68种,药用菌31种,毒菌39种,特有种66种。优势科有牛肝菌科Boletaceae、鹅膏科Amanitaceae、红菇科Russulaceae、多孔菌科Polyporaceae、蘑菇科Agaricaceae、小皮伞科Marasmiaceae、光茸菌科Omphalotaceae、球盖菇科Strophariaceae、粉褶菌科Entolomataceae和口蘑科Tricholomataceae 10科,优势属为鹅膏属Amanita、乳菇属Lactarius、蘑菇属Agaricus、金牛肝菌属Aureoboletus、红菇属Russula、粉褶菌属Entoloma、小皮伞属Marasmius、小菇属Mycena、裸脚伞属Gymnopus、粉孢牛肝菌属Tylopilus、栓孔菌属Trametes、丝膜菌属Cortinarius、灵芝属Ganoderma和多汁乳菇属Lactifluus 14属。对黄山大型真菌属级地理成分分析发现该区大型真菌的区系地理成分可分为9类,主要以世界广布成分为主(66.5%),其次是北温带成分(15.5%)和泛热带成分(10.5%)。本研究表明黄山的大型真菌具有丰富的物种多样性,其中食用菌资源较为丰富,主要为世界广布成分,同时也具有较高的特异性。  相似文献   

红菇属乳菇状亚组Russula subsect. Lactarioideae是一个形态特征较明显的类群,亚属内部分种类被认为是复合种。在对我国红菇属乳菇状亚组进行的分类学研究中,发现了3个新种:丝黄红菇Russula byssina、奶油色红菇R. cremicolor和白果红菇R. leucocarpa,均产自我国贵州省,生于针叶林下。基于形态详细观察和ITS序列系统发育分析的结果对其进行详细描述,对新种和近缘种间差异进行了比较和讨论,提供了新种与乳菇状亚组和淡孢亚组R. subsect. Pallidosporinae中近缘种的物种检索表。分子系统学结果显示奶油色红菇与Delica-Brevipes分支亲缘关系较近,白果红菇和丝黄红菇隶属于两个独立分支。  相似文献   

广西凭祥红锥-马尾松混交林菌根际微生物群落结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以广西凭祥红锥-马尾松混交林中红锥和马尾松为研究对象,采集林下外生菌根和根际土壤,利用高通量测序分析该混交林下的菌根际微生物群落结构。结果表明,红锥、马尾松菌根际优势真菌为红菇属Russula、被孢霉属Mortierella、乳菇属Lactarius、鹅膏属Amanita、拟锁瑚菌属Clavulinopsis、丝盖伞属Inocybe、锁瑚菌属Clavulina和木霉属Trichoderma,其中,Russula为绝对优势类群,菌根和根际中共生真菌均以外生菌根真菌为主。而优势细菌主要为常见菌根辅助细菌,如伯克霍尔德氏菌属Burkholderia、假单细胞菌属Pseudomonas、慢生根瘤菌属Bradyrhizobium、根瘤菌属Rhizobium和土壤杆菌属Agrobacterium,除芽孢杆菌属Bacillus外,菌根内菌根辅助细菌均高于根际。PICRUST功能分析表明红锥和马尾松菌根中部分膜运输通路(ABC transporters、transporters和secretion system ABC)和信号转导通路(two-component system)的丰度高于根际。α多样性分析表明,菌根和根际微生物多样性存在显著差异,马尾松菌根、根际真菌群落多样性显著高于红锥;β多样性分析表明两树种菌根和根际分别具有相似的微生物群落结构。优势菌群和土壤环境因子的RDA分析表明,土壤pH、全磷和全钾是影响菌根际菌群结构的主要环境因子。  相似文献   

在温室内,利用松属Pinus、栎属Quercus植物幼苗分别与乳菇属Lactarius、块菌属Tuber中重要食用菌进行菌根合成过程中,发现有9种外源竞争性菌根真菌exogenous competitive mycorrhizal fungi (ECMF)会造成宿主植物污染。形态解剖和分子生物学鉴定结果表明,9种ECMF分属5个属(Amphinema、须腹菌属Rhizopogon、硬皮马勃属Scleroderma、小球孢盘菌属Sphaerosporella、乳牛肝菌属Suillus)5科(阿太菌科Atheliaceae、须腹菌科Rhizopogonaceae、硬皮马勃科Sclerodermataceae、火丝菌科Pyronemataceae、乳牛肝菌科Suillaceae),其中,造成松树苗污染的主要为AmphinemaRhizopogonSuillus属的种类,造成栎树苗污染的主要为Scleroderma属的种类,而Sphaerosporella属的种类既能污染松也能污染栎。同时,对ECMF形成菌根的形态与解剖特征进行了描述,以期为菌根合成过程中ECMF污染的识别与控制提供借鉴。  相似文献   

本研究以我国西南、华中和华东部分地区变绿红菇近似种类“青头菌”为研究对象,使用形态学和rDNA ITS区段核苷酸序列分析相结合的方法进行鉴定。结果表明,“青头菌”多数子实体属于变绿红菇Russula virescens复合群,其余子实体为绿桂红菇R. viridicinnamomea、红边绿菇R. viridirubrolimbata和本文描述的新种拟壳状红菇R. pseudocrustosa。在形态特征和ITS核苷酸序列方面,我国变绿红菇近似种R. aff. virescens与欧洲的变绿红菇R. virescens和北美的小变绿红菇R. parvovirescens均存在一定差异。变绿红菇近似种类在亚洲的分布范围较广,物种准确划分尚需进一步深入研究。  相似文献   

This investigation sought to examine if there was a difference between the ectomycorrhizal (ECM) communities in plots of native oak and introduced Scots pine and Sitka spruce forest. The ECM communities in four plots of each forest type were described, from five soil cores collected in each plot, by morphotyping, internal transcribed spacer (ITS)-restriction fragment length polymorphism matching of mycorrhizas and sporocarps and ITS sequencing. Fifty-one distinct taxa were distinguished; 25 were identified to species level, 11 to genus and 15 remained unidentified. Seventy-one ECM species were recorded as sporocarps from the forest plots; most (43 species) were found in the Sitka spruce plots. The below-ground ECM communities of the different forest types did not differ significantly with respect to species richness of taxa on roots, but differed in species composition. Multivariate analysis produced a clear separation of the communities of the different forest types using below-ground data, but the above-ground sporocarp data did not separate the forest types. Moreover, results of a Mantel test found no relationship between the above- and below-ground similarity matrices. The oak plots had the most distinctive ECM community, with Laccaria amethystina and Elaphomyces granulatus being frequent. The Sitka spruce plots showed the lowest intra-forest type similarity and were often dominated by "nursery type" ectomycorrhizas. There was only 10% similarity between the above- and below-ground ECM species in these plots, different colonisation methods of ectomycorrhizal taxa and insufficient below-ground sampling being possible reasons for this disparity. Our results indicate that plantations of non-native Sitka spruce can support similar levels of ECM diversity as native forests.  相似文献   

晚生型外生菌根真菌通常出现在森林演替的后期,是成熟林中的优势外生菌根真菌类群.对四川都江堰一片亚热带针阔混交林中的菌根真菌地上群落进行调查,并应用二元逻辑回归分析对晚生型外生菌根真菌的主要类群,即鹅膏菌科、牛肝菌科和红菇科,与周围(5 m×5 m样方)树种组成的关系进行研究.还应用次级变量分析方法对主要外生菌根真菌类群的空间格局进行了分析.结果表明,非外生菌根树种及某些外生菌根树种对特定类群菌根真菌子实体的出现有抑制作用,而不同类群外生菌根真菌在克隆生长上的差异并不是子实体空间分布的决定因素.我们认为,当研究自然林中外生菌根子实体的空间分布时,除了宿主植物的分布,也应考虑非宿主植物的分布以及菌根真菌相互作用的影响.  相似文献   

青羊湖林场不同林分物种多样性与水源涵养能力的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过群落调查和林下土壤及枯落物特性的分析,研究了青羊湖林场南酸枣(Choerospondias axillaris)林、未抚育马尾松(Pinus massoniana)林、抚育马尾松林、马尾松-南酸枣混交林4种林分的物种多样性及水源涵养能力。结果表明:(1)4种林分共有维管束植物135种,隶属58科97属,其中南酸枣林物种相对较丰富(88种),混交林次之(76种),抚育马尾松林较少(64种),未抚育马尾松林则相对最少(55种);(2)林分类型对物种多样性有重要影响,南酸枣林和混交林草本物种多样性较两种针叶林高,而灌木物种多样性则较低;(3)DCA排序结果显示,南酸枣林和混交林物种相似性程度较高,两种马尾松林与南酸枣林、混交林差异明显;(4)林分类型对水源涵养能力有重要影响,相比两种马尾松林,南酸枣林和混交林的林下枯落物蓄积量分别降低10.1%和15.2%,最大持水量降低34.1%和44.7%,而且0~10 cm土壤容重降低14.7%和7.4%,10~20 cm土壤容重降低14.1%和4.0%,20~30 cm土壤容重降低8.7%和4.9%,但总储水量增加15.8%和4.5%,即南酸枣林和混交林具有较高的水源涵养能力。研究认为,生态抚育增加了马尾松林的水源涵养能力。  相似文献   

晚生型外生菌根真菌通常出现在森林演替的后期,是成熟林中的优势外生菌根真菌类群。对四川都江堰一片亚热带针阔混交林中的菌根真菌地上群落进行调查,并应用二元逻辑回归分析对晚生型外生菌根真菌的主要类群,即鹅膏菌科、牛肝菌科和红菇科,与周围(5m×5m样方)树种组成的关系进行研究。还应用次级变量分析方法对主要外生菌根真菌类群的空间格局进行了分析。结果表明,非外生菌根树种及某些外生菌根树种对特定类群菌根真菌子实体的出现有抑制作用,而不同类群外生菌根真菌在克隆生长上的差异并不是子实体空间分布的决定因素。我们认为,当研究自然林中外生菌根子实体的空间分布时,除了宿主植物的分布,也应考虑非宿主植物的分布以及菌根真菌相互作用的影响。  相似文献   

Ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi historically were considered poorly represented in Neotropical forests but in the central Guiana Shield substantial areas are dominated by leguminous ECM trees. In the Upper Potaro Basin of Western Guyana, ECM fungi were sampled for 7?years during the rainy seasons of 2000–2008 in three 1-ha plots in primary monodominant forests of the ECM canopy tree Dicymbe corymbosa (Fabaceae subfam. Caesalpinioideae). Over the plot sampling period sporocarps of 126 species of putative or confirmed ECM fungi were recovered. These taxa represented 13 families and 25 genera of primarily Agaricomycetes, but also Ascomycota (Elaphomycetaceae), the majority of which are new to science. Russulaceae contained the most species (20 Russula; 9 Lactarius), followed by Boletaceae (8 genera, 25 spp.), Clavulinaceae (17 Clavulina), and Amanitaceae (16 Amanita). An additional 46 species of ECM fungi were collected in forests of the Upper Potaro Basin outside the study plots between 2000 and 2010, bringing the regional number of ECM species known from sporocarps to 172. This is the first long-term ECM macrofungal dataset from an ECM-dominated Neotropical forest, and sporocarp diversity is comparable to that recorded for ECM-diverse temperate and boreal forests. While a species accumulation curve indicated that ECM sporocarp diversity was not fully recovered inside of the plots,?~80% of the total species were recovered in the first year. Sequence data from ECM roots have confirmed the ECM status of 56 taxa represented by corresponding sporocarp data. However,?>50% of ECM fungal species from roots remain undiscovered as sporocarps, leading to a conservative estimate of?>?250 ECM species at the Potaro site. Dicymbe forests in Guyana are a hotspot for ECM fungal diversity in the Neotropics.  相似文献   

Plant hybridization is common and important in ecological and economic contexts, however little is known about the impact of plant hybridization on ectomycorrhizal fungal (EMF) communities in natural habitats. We used a Populus hybrid system (P. angustifolia x P. fremontii) in a heterogeneous riparian landscape to address the hypothesis that EMF communities differ among hybrids and their parental species (cross types). Several key results emerged. (1) Cross type influenced EMF composition, with communities on hybrids being distinct from their parents. (2) Cross type influenced the composition of hyphal exploration types important for soil resource foraging, although contact and short distance exploration types were dominant on all cross types. (3) Cross type had a marginal influence on EMF colonization, with P. angustifolia highest and P. fremontii lowest. These results highlight the potential for tree hybridization to structure belowground communities in heterogeneous natural ecosystems.  相似文献   

Ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi have a worldwide distribution. However, the ecology of tropical ECM fungi is poorly documented, limiting our understanding of the symbiotic associations between tropical plants and fungi. ECM Basidiomycete diversity was investigated for the first time in two tropical rain forests in Africa (Western Upper Guinea) and in Asia (Western Ghats, India), using a fragment of the mitochondrial large subunit rRNA gene to type 140 sporocarps and 54 ectomycorrhizas. To evaluate taxonomic diversity, phylogenetic analyses were performed, and 40 sequences included from identified European specimens were used as taxonomic benchmarks. Five clades were recovered corresponding to six taxonomic groups: boletoids, sclerodermatoids, russuloids, thelephoroids, and a clade grouping the Amanitaceae and Tricholomataceae families. Our results revealed that the Russulaceae species display a great diversity with several putative new species, especially in Guinea. Other taxonomic issues at family/section levels are also briefly discussed. This study provides preliminary insights into taxonomic diversity, ECM status, and biogeographic patterns of ECM fungi in tropical two rain forest ecosystems, which appear to be as diverse as in temperate and boreal forests.  相似文献   

Soil fertility and associated nitrogen (N) status was a key ecosystem attribute, and surveys of ectomycorrhizal fungal (EMF) communities via epigeous fruiting bodies could provide an effective biotic indicator of forest soil productivity. We explored the utility of aboveground EMF communities in this regard by surveying sporocarps over a 3-year period from contrasting plant associations of southern old-growth boreal forests of British Columbia (Canada). Cumulative richness ranged from 39 to 89 EMF species per plot (0.15 ha) and followed a skewed parabolic correlation with foliar N concentrations and soil N availability. EMF species composition was consistently distinct in ordinations and strongly correlated to the increasing rates of N mineralization aligned with soil productivity. Approximately 40 EMF species were specialists, as they collectively indicated oligotrophic, mesotrophic, and eutrophic nutrient regimes, while the remaining species were categorized as broadly tolerant (distributed over 100% of the N gradient), partially intolerant (approximately 70%), or satellites (rare). The functional organization of EMF communities reflected by distribution classes could help define the ecological integrity of forests, which was characterized in this boreal landscape by an average allotment of 20 broadly tolerant, 25 partially intolerant, 15 specialist, and ten satellite species per plot. Epigeous fruiting bodies provided a disparate yet complementary view to the belowground assessment of EMF communities that was valuable in identifying indicators for ecosystem monitoring.  相似文献   

小流域治理20年后的千烟洲植物多样性   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
研究了小流域治理20年后千烟洲植物α多样性和β多样性,结果如下:1)优势度:所有人工林乔、灌、草3层均以乔木层优势度最大,且乔木层优势度均大于天然次生林和枫香(Liquidambar formosana)林,而所有天然次生林及枫香林均以乔木层优势度最小。12种类型群落灌木层优势度都较小,均值仅0.17。草本层,白茅(Imperata cylindrica var. major)草丛和檵木(Loropetalum chinense)-疏花雀麦(Bromus remotiflorus)灌丛优势度较大,分别为0.53和0.51。2)多样性:从乔、灌、草3层比较,枫香林、天然马尾松(Pinus massoniana)林以乔木层最大,其它群落以灌木层最大,而所有人工林以乔木层最低。乔木层中枫香林最高(2.61);灌木层和草本层多样性存在相似之处:马尾松 + 湿地松(Pinus elliottii)林最高,除马尾松+山鸡椒(Litsea cubeba)林、板栗(Castanea mollissima)+枫香林外,其它人工林多样性均高于天然次生林和枫香林。3)丰富度:各群落均以灌木层最大;枫香林乔木层和灌木层种类丰富度均很高,但草本层很低;天然次生林乔木层丰富度指数大于人工林。4)均匀度:从灌、草层比较,除檵木-疏花雀麦灌丛和白茅草丛外,其它群落草本层均匀度均大于灌木层。乔木层,板栗+枫香林和马尾松+山鸡椒林均匀度指数很大,大于0.76,其它人工林均匀度小于天然次生林和枫香林。灌木层,除板栗+枫香林外,其它人工林均匀度都大于天然次生林和枫香林。5)β多样性与α多样性相互补充,很好地反映了不同群落类型之间的差异。β多样性将12种类型群落分成3大类,草丛、灌丛、具乔木层的群落,其中草丛与其它类型群落相异性最大。枫香林是位于人工林与天然次生林之间的过渡类型。  相似文献   

Ectomycorrhizal fungal (EMF) communities vary among microhabitats, supporting a dominant role for deterministic processes in EMF community assemblage. EMF communities also differ between forest and clearcut environments, responding to this disturbance in a directional manner over time by returning to the species composition of the original forest. Accordingly, we examined EMF community composition on roots of spruce seedlings planted in three different microhabitats in forest and clearcut plots: decayed wood, mineral soil adjacent to downed wood, or control mineral soil, to determine the effect of retained downed wood on EMF communities over the medium and long term. If downed and decayed wood provide refuge habitat distinct from that of mineral soil, we would expect EMF communities on seedlings in woody habitats in clearcuts to be similar to those on seedlings planted in the adjacent forest. As expected, we found EMF species richness to be higher in forests than clearcuts (P ≤ 0.01), even though soil nutrient status did not differ greatly between the two plot types (P ≥ 0.05). Communities on forest seedlings were dominated by Tylospora spp., whereas those in clearcuts were dominated by Amphinema byssoides and Thelephora terrestris. Surprisingly, while substrate conditions varied among microsites (P ≤ 0.03), especially between decayed wood and mineral soil, EMF communities were not distinctly different among microhabitats. Our data suggest that niche partitioning by substrate does not occur among EMF species on very young seedlings in high elevation spruce-fir forests. Further, dispersal limitations shape EMF community assembly in clearcuts in these forests.  相似文献   

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