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黄芪复合体(豆科)核型资料的聚类分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
史刚荣 《植物研究》2003,23(2):220-223
在平均欧氏距离系数基础上,运用UPGMA法,对黄芪复合体5个类群11个居群的核型资料进行了Q型聚类分析,结果表明,膜荚黄芪Astragalus membranaceus和A. penduliflorus的不同居群在核型上存在明显的差异,但二者之间以及它们与民和黄芪、淡紫花黄芪的居群之间具有一定的连续性。蒙古黄芪在核型上与其它类群均存在一定的差异,且存在明显的间断。因此,本文作者认为:A. penduliflorus应视为膜荚黄芪的异名,黄芪复合体应包括2种:膜荚黄芪(A. membranaceus(Fisch)Bunge)和蒙古黄芪(A. monghulicus Bunge)、2亚种:膜荚黄芪(A. membranaceus spp. membranaceus)、民和黄芪(A. membranaceus spp. minhensis)和1变种:淡紫花黄芪(A. membranaceus var. purpurinus Y.C.Ho)。黄芪复合体核型的进化趋势是从对称向不对称发展,与Stebbins的观点一致。  相似文献   

黄芪复合体(豆科)核型研究补充材料   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
朱相云   《广西植物》1996,16(1):61-63
本文首次报道了民和黄芪的染色体数目及核型。发现该种与黄芪复合体其它类群的染色体数目相同,但核型有别,其核型公式为2n=16=8m(2SAT)+8sm。这种核型变异与它的形态变异一致。在黄芪复合体内,每一类群的染色体至少具1对随体,且附着在最后1对染色体的短臂上(除蒙古黄芪具2对随体外),而Toh(1971)报道采自Kyungi和Mt.Harla膜荚黄芪和高山膜荚黄芪(新拟)的染色体不具随体,可能观察有误。  相似文献   

膜荚黄芪与蒙古黄芪幼苗的光能利用及其耐光性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
宋宁  郭平毅  原向阳 《西北植物学报》2011,31(11):2283-2289
以盆栽膜荚黄芪和蒙古黄芪幼苗为试验材料,测量2种黄芪叶片的光合速率、叶绿素荧光参数、光能利用率及耐光性等指标的日变化,以探讨它们的光能利用、热耗散以及耐光性差异.结果表明:(1)随着太阳光合有效辐射的日变化进程推进,2种黄芪的初始荧光(F0)、非光化学淬灭(NPQ)、PSⅡ调节性能量耗散量子产最(YNPQ)先升高后降低...  相似文献   

黄芪化学成分与生态因子的相关性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以主成分分析(PCA)和相关性分析(CA)法研究黄芪中主要有效成分与生态因子的相关性,探究影响黄芪主要成分积累的生态因子.结果表明: 山西产地黄芪中的黄芪甲苷、毛蕊异黄酮苷、芒柄花苷、山奈酚和黄芪多糖的含量显著高于内蒙古和甘肃两地.影响黄芪化学成分含量的气候因子主要为年均相对湿度、年日照时数及7月均温.影响黄芪化学成分含量的土壤元素主要为钙,且钙在一定范围内与毛蕊异黄酮苷、山柰酚、芒柄花苷、槲皮素、黄芪多糖的含量呈负相关.  相似文献   

林有润  蒋林 《植物研究》1996,16(1):77-79
本文提出在植物区系分区中用“亚洲东部森林植物亚区”及“横断山脉—喜马拉雅山脉森林植物亚区”代替原来“中国—日本森林植物亚区”及“中国—喜马拉雅森林植物亚区”两名称;对植物生态地理中的“中国亚热带植被带”中引入“温亚热带”、“中亚热带”及“暖亚热带”三亚带名称,代替原来称为“北亚热带”、“中亚热带”及“南亚热带”三亚代的名称。同时在“中国温带植被带”中也引入“寒温带”、“温带”、“暖温带”三亚带名称,代替“北”、“中、“南”亚热带及温带植被亚带的名称,以避免对南、北两半球的亚热带与温带及其亚带的混淆的称谓。  相似文献   

根据蒙古黄芪(Astragalus membranaceus(Fisch.)Bge.var.mongholicus(Bge.)Hsiao)123个样本点数据和19个环境数据,采用4种生态位模型对蒙古黄芪在中国的潜在适生区进行综合分析,并采用受试者工作特征曲线ROC和Kappa统计量,比较不同模型的预测效果。结果显示:4个模型预测精度良好,一致性显著。AUC值均达到0.8以上,Kappa值均达到0.6以上;其中DOMAIN模型的AUC值和Kappa值均最大,说明该模型的预测精度最佳,预测结果最稳定。潜在适生区的预测结果发现,GARP模型预测的最适宜区范围最广;MAXENT和BIOCLIM模型预测结果较为相似;DOMAIN模型预测结果比较分散。4个模型预测结果均表明西北一带可以作为蒙古黄芪栽培引种的主要产区。蒙古黄芪潜在适生区主要分布于中国北纬33°以北地区;最适宜区主要分布于甘肃、宁夏、陕西、山西、河北和内蒙古等地区。  相似文献   

Ma XQ  Duan JA  Zhu DY  Dong TT  Tsim KW 《Phytochemistry》2000,54(4):363-368
About 300 species and varieties of Astragalus are identified in China, making the identification of the origin of a particular Astragalus species on the consumer market difficult. A molecular genetic approach was developed to identify various species of Astragalus. Although the 5S-rRNA coding sequence is conserved in higher eukaryotes, the spacer domain of the 5S-rRNA gene has great diversity among different species. The 5S-rRNA spacer domain was amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) from the isolated genomic DNA, and the PCR products (approximately 300 bp) covering the 5S-rRNA spacer domain were sequenced. The nucleotide sequences of Astragalus membranaceus, A. membranaceus var. mongholicus, A. lehmannianus, A. hoantchy, and of one closely related species Hedysarum polybotrys (Hongqi), were determined. Diversity in DNA sequence and restriction enzyme mapping among various species was found in their 5S-rRNA spacer domains. This is the first report on the detection of 5S-rRNA spacer region sequence of Astragalus, and the results could be used for genetic identification of Huangqi.  相似文献   

两种黄芪主根内部构造和有效成分含量变化规律的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王尔彤  刘玫 《植物研究》1995,15(1):92-96
对膜荚黄芪和蒙古黄芪主根内部结构和有效成分含量变化规律的研究发现,由于两种黄芪个体发育节律的不同,其主根内部结构和养分累亦遵循各不同的变化规律,有效成分黄芪甙和总多糖含量亦随这种营养生长和生殖生长交替规律的不同而变化,并且与养分的积累与消耗呈正相关,两种有成分的含量在萌动期前和枯萎期后达到高峰。  相似文献   

通过对两种miRNA提取方法——一步法和多步法进行比较研究,以期获得较高质量的蒙古黄芪不同器官的miRNA。实验结果表明,两种方法均可用于蒙古黄芪miRNA提取,二者存在着不同的优缺点,多步法提取成功率较高但步骤繁琐,相比之下一步法实验条件要求严苛但步骤简单、快捷省时,提取的蒙古黄芪miRNA完整性好,可以满足荧光定量PCR等进一步实验需要。  相似文献   

在对膜荚黄芪和蒙古黄芪种子萌发和萌发后生长时期进行划分的基础上,研究了黄芪中3种主要黄酮类化合物芒柄花素、毛蕊异黄酮和毛蕊异黄酮苷在萌发和萌发后生长过程中含量的变化。为了弄清黄酮含量变化的机制,我们还对黄芪中黄酮生物合成途径酶的转录水平做了研究。结果表明,在种子萌发和萌发后生长阶段,两种黄芪中均出现了明显的黄酮类化合物累积增加的情况。通过检测黄酮类物质生物合成途径酶基因的转录表达水平,我们发现萌发阶段蒙古黄芪中黄酮类物质积累增加主要由上游途径酶基因的表达水平升高引起,而膜荚黄芪中则几乎涉及到所有途径酶。此外,我们还发现萌发后生长阶段中,两种黄芪中合成途径酶基因转录对黄酮类物质含量的调控则选择性地存在时间延迟效应。  相似文献   

应用日立835—50型氨基酸自动分析仪,对黄芪3种干样品进行了氨基酸成分的分析,结果表明:①必须氨基酸含量由高至低依次为3年、1年、2年。②总氨基酸含量由高至低依次为3年1年、2年。  相似文献   

研究温水浸种破除蒙古黄芪(Astragalus membranaceus Bge.var.mongholicus(Bge.) Hsiao)种子休眠的适宜条件,采用恒温和变温2种浸种方式,测定蒙古黄芪种子在不同时间、不同温度梯度条件下的发芽率、发芽势和发芽指数。结果表明,温水浸种破除蒙古黄芪种子休眠的效果显著,变温浸种效果略优于恒温浸种。不同温度破除休眠效果排序依次为60℃> 70℃> 80℃,其中60℃变温浸种2 min和5 min的发芽率分别为对照的2.87倍和2.31倍。浸种时间、浸种温度均可显著影响蒙古黄芪种子萌发,与对照相比,随着浸种时间增加,发芽率总体呈现出先急速升高后逐渐降低的趋势;发芽指数与浸种温度极显著正相关;浸种温度与发芽势和发芽指数均显著正相关。本研究结果表明温水浸种可以提高种子发芽率,保持种子活力。  相似文献   

The karyotypes of five species in Astragalus (A. dahuricus DC., A. mongolicus Bunge., A. adsurgens Pall., A. melilotoides Pell., A. huangheensis H. C. Fu., Y. H. Liu) were studied. Among them, the karyotypes of A. dahuricus and A. melilotoides are reported for the first time. While A. melilotoides is tetraploid (2n=4X=32), all the others are found to be diploid (2n= 2X = 16). Based on the comparison of karyotypes, the evolu-tionary order of these 5 species is discussed.  相似文献   

内蒙古被子植物新资料   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
报道了内蒙古3个新分布记录属:鼠尾草属(Salvia L.)、单蕊草属(Cinna L.)、裂稃茅属(Schizachne Hackel);3个新分布记录种:荫生鼠尾草(Salvia umbratica Hance)、红果龙葵(Solanum villosum Miller)、单蕊草[Cinna latifolia (Trev.) Griseb.];1个新记录亚种: 裂稃茅[Schizachne purpurascens (Torrey) Swallen subsp.callosa (Turcz.) T.Koyama & Kawano];1个黄芪属(豆科)新变型--皇甫川黄芪.  相似文献   

23 species, one subspecies and three varieties have been described or named for the pan-tropical genus Lasianthus Jack (Rubiaceae) in continental Africa. In the present revision thirteen species, five subspecies and one variety are recognized; additionally two hybrids are proposed. Of the previously named taxa, the subspecies is raised to species rank whereas two species are degraded to subspecies and variety status, respectively. Five species are synonymised including two varieties, and four are left with uncertain status, including one variety. The distribution of the genus in Africa consists of two distinct elements: one component is found in the Guineo-Congolian regional centre of endemism and one in the eastern part of Afiomontane Archipelago-like regional centre of endemism. A centre of species diversity is found in Eastern Arc Mts., where six endemic species occur together with L. laxinervis and the more widespread L. kilimandscharicus. Four of the species are strict endemics of the Uluguru Mts. In addition to the presentation of the new section: Lasianthus Sectio Membranacei, sect. nov., this revision contain two hybrids from Uluguru Mts.: L. macrocalyx × pedunculatus and L. cereifizorus × pedunculatus, and following new taxa and new combinations: L. africanus ssp. biokoensis, subsp. nov.; L. africanus ssp. mayumbensis, comb. et stat. nov.; L. kilimandscharicus ssp. glabrescens, ssp. nov.; L. kilimandscharicus ssp. glabrescens var. xanthospermus, comb. et stat. nov.; L. kilimandscharicus ssp. hirsutus, ssp. nov.; L. laxinervis, stat. nov.; L. pedunculatus ssp. angustisepalus, ssp. nov.  相似文献   

Astragalus mokiacensis has been a problematic species since it was first described in 1877. Every major revision delimited this taxon differently. A principal components analysis of morphological data from herbarium specimens was used to determine the affinities between type specimens and extant populations ofA. mokiacensis. The taxon recently recognized asA. lentiginosus var.trumbullensis is morphologically similar to the lectotype ofAstragalus mokiacensis. Astragalus lentiginosus var.trumbullensis is herein recognized as a lowelevation minor variant and considered a synonym ofA. mokiacensis. A taxonomic key and complete synonymy are included.  相似文献   

One new form of Fuirena Rottb., one new subspecies of Schoenoplectus Palla and one new variety of Carex L. are described from East Africa, viz. Fuirena leptostachya Oliv. f. nudiflora Lye, Schoenoplectus lateriflorus (Gmel.) Lye ssp. laevinux Lye and Carex bequaertii De Wild. var. maxima Lye. In addition, the following new combinations are made: Fuirena ciliaris (L.) Roxb. f. apetala (Wingfield) Lye, F. stricta Steudel ssp. chlorocarpa (Ridley) Lye, Schoenoplectus rhodesicus (Podlech) Lye, 5. corymbosus (Roem. & Schult.) J. Rayn. var. brachyceras (A. Rich.) Lye, S. confusus (N.E. Br.) Lye var. rogersii (N.E. Br.) Lye, S. erectus (Poiret) J. Rayn, ssp. raynalii (Schuyler) Lye, S. erectus (Poiret) J. Rayn. ssp. sinuatus (Schuyler) Lye, Eleocharis retroflexa (Poiret) Urban ssp. subtilissima (Nelmes) Lye, Machaerina Vahl subgen. Baumea (Gaud.) Lye, Machaerina flexuosa (Bock.) Kern ssp. laevinux (J. Rayn.) Lye, M. montana (J. Rayn.) Lye, M. flexuosa (Böck.) Kern ssp. polyanthemum (Kük.) Lye, Scleria lagoënsis Böck. ssp. canaliculato–triquetra (Böck.) Lye, 5. distans Poiret var. glomerulata (Oliv.) Lye, S. distans Poiret var. chondrocarpa (Nelmes) Lye, S. melanotricha A. Rich. var. grata (Nelmes) Lye, Carex echinochloë Kunze ssp. nyasensis (C. B. Clarke) Lye, C. conferta A. Rich. var. lycurus (K. Schum.) Lye, C. cognata Kunth var. abyssinica (Chiov.) Lye and C. cognata Kunth var. congolensis (Turrill) Lye.  相似文献   

American material of Festuca brachyphylla Schult. & Schult., F. saximontana Rydb. and related species was studied. Based on morphology and anatomy F. brachyphylla was separated into three subspecies, two of which are only found in very restricted areas of the southern part of North America, one in California (ssp. breviculmis Frederiksen ssp. nov.) and one in Colorado and neighbouring states (ssp. coloraden–sis Frederiksen ssp. nov.). F. jenseni Gjaerevoll & Ryvarden was found to be the same as F. brachyphylla i.flavida Polun. and the forma level is chosen. F. brachyphylla var. groenlandica Schol. is raised to F. groenlandica (Schol.) Frederiksen. Within F. saximontana a new combination (f. saximontana Rydb. var. purpusiana Frederiksen & Pavlick) is made. American distribution of the taxa studied is mapped. A key including all the taxa has been prepared.  相似文献   

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