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中国主要鹅品种的线粒体DNA多态性与起源分化研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
史宪伟  曾凡同 《遗传学报》1998,25(6):499-507
运用19种限制性内切酶对中国11个家鹅品种138个样本进行了mtDNA的限制性片段长度多态性(RFLP)分析。在使用的19种内切酶中,有7个酶检测出多态。综合27种限制性态型(restrictionmorph),可得到6种mtDNA单倍型(hopotype)。伊犁鹅与另外10个鹅品种没有共享的单倍型,遗传距离和UPGMA聚类分析也表明,伊犁鹅与这些品种具有不同的起源。EcoRV、HaeⅡ、HincⅡ和KpnⅠ4种酶的限制性态型可作为鉴别两种起源家鹅的母系遗传标记。起源于鸿雁的10个鹅品种群体内出现一定的遗传差异,其群体多态度(π)、单倍型间平均遗传距离(P)、品种间平均净遗传距离(δnet)分别为0.025%、0.266%和0.029%。白羽鹅品种在形成过程中经历过创立者效应(foUndereffect)。这10个鹅品种可能起源于两个不同地理区的鸿雁类群。  相似文献   

猪线粒体DNA多态性与中国地方猪种起源分化的关系   总被引:24,自引:3,他引:21  
黄勇富  邱祥聘 《遗传学报》1998,25(4):322-329
用24种限制性内切酶分析了我国21个具代表性地方猪品种、1个引进品种和2个来自中国和越南的野生近缘种mtDNA的RFLP。结果表明:在74个个体中检出的32种限制性态型可归结成7种单倍型,其间的差异主要来源于少数几个限制性位点的点突变;地方猪种4种单倍型间的平均遗传距离为0.143%,遗传多态程度(π值)仅为0.007%,说明遗传多样性非常贫乏,提示中国地方猪种可能起源于一个野猪亚种。  相似文献   

贵州四个山羊品种mtDNA多态性及起源分化   总被引:34,自引:1,他引:33  
采用15种限制性内切酶,研究贵州省4个山羊品种共93只个体的线粒体DNA多态性。其中BomHI、HindⅢ和SalⅠ3种酶的酶切类型存在多态。共检测到18种限制性态型,归结为3种mtDNA单倍型。单倍型Ⅰ、Ⅱ在贵州山羊4个品种分布频率较高,分别为77.42%和21.50%,单倍型Ⅲ分布频率较低(1.08%);品种间亲缘关系聚类分析表明白山羊和黑山羊亲缘关系最近,其次为黔林羊,而与小香羊的亲缘关系最  相似文献   

梵净山冷杉和元宝山冷杉是极度濒危的国家一级重点保护植物.应用叶绿体微卫星标记(cpSSR)研究它们的遗传多样性,并与同属的广布种岷江冷杉的一个种群进行比较.结果表明:3对 cpSSR 引物(Pt63718、Pt30204和Pt71936)在这3种冷杉的249个个体中共检测到21个等位基因,组成35种单倍型;它们的单倍型数和有效单倍型数分别为梵净山冷杉(No=12,Ne=3.92),元宝山冷杉(No=9,Ne=3.28),两者均低于广布种岷江冷杉(No=14,Ne=11.57);梵净山冷杉和元宝山冷杉的稀有单倍型较少,其频率最高的单倍型分别出现在该种群的46.0%和44.1%的个体中;梵净山冷杉(He=0.75)和元宝山冷杉(He=0.70)的单倍型多样性也低于岷江冷杉(He=0.97).梵净山冷杉和元宝山冷杉的叶绿体微卫星遗传多样性水平低.  相似文献   

黄河裸裂尻鱼五种群mtDNA控制区的遗传结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄河裸裂尻鱼(Schizopygopsis pylzovi)主要分布于青藏高原东北部兰州以上黄河干支流水系和高原北部柴达木内流水系,由于其对高原特殊生境表现出独特的适应性而受研究者关注。本文采用聚合酶链式反应(PCR)和直接测序的方法获得了一个分布于柴达木内流水系种群和四个黄河支流种群共99条个体的线粒体DNA(mtDNA)控制区(D-100p)821bp核苷酸的序列,探讨了其种群遗传结构和分化。99条个体的序列经比对后,发现77个(9.37%)多态性位点,共定义了53个单倍型,其中有一个单倍型(DT12)为两个种群(大通种群和互助种群)所共享,其余52个单倍型均为某个种群所特有。遗传多样性分析表明,柴达木种群的单倍型多样度(h=0.79±0.06)和核苷酸多样度(π=0.0027±0.0017)均略低于黄河支流各种群。AMOVA分析结果显示,遗传差异主要发生在种群之内,占75.39%,而小同水系的种群间只有24.61%,各种群间成对的Fst及遗传距离均表明种群间出现了一定程度的种群分化,但系统进化树最示出一种混杂的单倍型分布格局,提示青藏高原东北部地质事件所造成的水系间的隔离形成较晚。单倍型歧点分布呈现为单峰以及中性检验Tajima的D(-1.497,P=0.058)和Fu的Fs(-24.741,P=0.001)结果综合表明,黄河裸裂尻鱼在青藏高原隆升过程中曾经历过近期的种群扩张事件[动物学报54(6):972—980,2008]。  相似文献   

中国山羊mtDNA D-loop遗传多样性及其起源研究   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15  
采用DNA测序技术分析了中国9个山羊品种(板角山羊、成都麻羊、贵州黑山羊、贵州白山羊、黔北麻羊、马头山羊、陕南白山羊、黄淮山羊和雷州山羊)共计128个个体的mtDNA D-loop全序列。结果表明:山羊mtDNA D-loop全序列长度为1212-1213bp,检测到102个变异位点,约占分析位点总数的8.42%,可变位点中转换占99个,颠换2个,1个转换/颠换共存;界定了92种单倍型,有78种为各品种独享单倍型,另外14种为群体内或群体间共享单倍型。9个山羊品种单倍型多样度为0.9333-1.0000,核苷酸多样度为0.7062%-1.8265%,表明中国山羊品种遗传多样性丰富。根据92种mtDNA单倍型构建了中国山羊的NJ分子系统树,聚类表明,中国山羊mtDNA D-loop序列单倍型分为支系A和支系B两大类。支系A包括75种单倍型,代表95个样本,占总数的74.22%;支系B包括17种单倍型,代表33个样本,占总数的25.78%,说明中国山羊存在支系A和支系B两大母系起源。对中国山羊mtDNA D-loop的支系A和支系B进行核苷酸不配对分布曲线分析和Fu的Fs中性检验,分析表明,支系A的分布曲线呈单峰形,Fs值为-24.6491,P值为0.0000,显著偏离中性,表明山羊支系A曾经历群体扩张;支系B呈近似双峰分布,Fs值为-3.3947,P值为0.0980,中性检验差异不显著,表明山羊支系B没有经历群体扩张,群体大小保持相对稳定。山羊支系B可能起源于中国。  相似文献   

普氏野马线粒体DNAD—loop区序列多态性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:了解中国新疆吉木萨尔野马繁殖中心的普氏野马(Equus przewalskii)遗传多样性及其遗传背景。方法:采用PCR产物直接测序法,对15匹普氏野马线粒体DNAD—loop高变区进行测序分析。结果:测定15个个体的线粒体DNAD—loop高变区15464—15866片段序列402bp。检测到12种单倍型,包括37个多态位点,占全部序列的9.2%,其中转换位点2,4个、颠换位点20个、转换位点和颠换并存位点8个、缺失位点3个。A%+T%含量(56.1%)高于G%+C%含量(43.9%),平均A含量为28.4%,T含量为27.7%,C含量为29%,G含为14.9%。单倍型间平均遗传距离为0.030,单倍型多态性(h)为1±0.00116,核苷酸多态性(7c)为2.90%。15匹普氏野马线粒体DNAD—loop高变区之间平均核苷酸变异率为2.48%。结论:研究表明我国新疆吉木萨尔野马繁殖中心的普氏野马线粒体DNAD—loop区序列存在丰富的多态性。  相似文献   

中国牦牛线粒体DNA多态性及遗传分化   总被引:27,自引:3,他引:24  
涂正超  邱怀 《遗传学报》1998,25(3):205-212
用20种限制性内切酶分析了我国5个牦牛群体90个个体的限制性片段长度多态性,其中AvaI,AvaII、BglII、EcoRI.HindIII、HpaI6个酶切类型具有多态性,共发现5种mtDNA单倍型,每种单倍型中检出50-55个位点,并利用双酶切制定出其物理图谱。我国牦牛群体mtDNA多样度HT为0.1065,群体内的平均一致性概率为0.8966,表明我国牦牛群体mtDNA多态性较贫乏,群体间的平均净遗传距离Pet为0.000201,群体基因分化系数Gst为0.0291,我国牦牛群体mtDNA变异只有2.91%来自群体间的差异,群体间的分化程度较低。并根据报道,比较了牦牛和其他家养牛种的mtDNA遗传分化,估计出牦牛和普通牛、瘤牛的分化时间大约分别在1.1-2.2百万年和1.01-1.02百万年之间。  相似文献   

洱海鲤属鱼类同域分化形成的分子遗传学证据   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对洱海的 3种鲤鱼———洱海鲤 (C .barbatus)、春鲤 (C .longipectoralis)和杞麓鲤 (C .carpiochila)线粒体DNA(mtDNA)进行了限制性片段长度多态 (RFLP)分析和mtDNA控制区 (D loop)序列测定。RFLP分析结果表明 ,16种酶在洱海鲤、春鲤和杞麓鲤 3个种共 14个个体上 ,仅DraⅠ在春鲤的一个个体上检出一个位点的限制性片段长度多态 ,独立为单倍型Ⅱ ,3个种的其余 13个个体共享单倍型Ⅰ ,种间遗传距离为 0 %~ 0 0 0 75 % ,此种间差异值比已报道的鱼类的种间差异甚至种内差异都低得多。D loop区的序列测定结果表明 ,长为 4 4 9bp的序列共显示有 7个变异位点 ,均为碱基替换 ,变异比例为 1 5 6 % ,在 14个鲤鱼个体中共检出 6种单倍型 ,种间的遗传距离为 0 0 82 %~ 0 171% ,与已研究的其他几种异域分布的鲤鱼相比 ,也至少小一个数量级。mtDNA的RFLP及D loop区的序列比较都揭示出洱海 3种鲤鱼之间的遗传差异远小于异域分布的鲤属鱼类物种之间及其他鱼类的同属种间的遗传差异。对洱海鲤属鱼类种间如此小的遗传差异唯一合理的解释就是 :它们确是由同域分化而形成的。  相似文献   

用mtDNA D-环序列探讨蒙古和中国绵羊的起源及遗传多样性   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
为了在分子水平上探讨绵羊的起源,对中国和蒙古共20个绵羊群体、314只绵羊mtDNA D-环的部分序列进行了测定,结果表明:中国绵羊和蒙古绵羊mtDNA D-环区的部分序列中A、T、G、C含量没有明显的差别;蒙古绵羊的多态位点数(28.85%)略高于中国绵羊(24.22%);中国绵羊群体的单倍型多样度在青海藏羊、甘肃藏羊、甘肃高山细毛羊、青海细:色羊、甘南藏羊、小尾寒羊和滩羊群体中较高,但在湖羊和岷县黑裘皮羊中较低;蒙古绵羊的单倍型多样度在Bayad和Baidrag群体中最高,但在Gobi—Altai群体中最低。从总体上看,蒙古绵羊的遗传多样性要略高于中国绵羊,例如单倍犁比例的平均值为86.06%(142/185):78.83%(108/137),单倍型多样度(Hd)的甲均值为0.976:0.936,核苷酸多样度(Pi(π))的平均值为0.036:0.034,平均核苷酸差异数(k)的平均值为23.50:22.48~217个中国和蒙古绵羊的单倍型序列的系统发生分析表明,中国和蒙古绵羊均有3个母系起源,被定义为A、B和C3类主要的单倍型。其中A类单倍型在所有中国绵羊群体及绝大多数蒙古绵羊群体(9/11)中占优势,平均比例为58.73%;B类单倍型居中,为24.88%;C类单倍型最少,仅为16.59%。进一步从GenBank获得的91个绵羊D-环区的序列与中国和蒙古绵羊D-环区的单倍型的进行网络关系分析,发现欧洲摩弗仑羊(European mouflon,O.musimon)与中国和蒙古绵羊具有较近的亲缘关系,但没有发现塬羊(Argali.O.ammon)、盘羊(0.rignei bochariensis)和东方盘羊(0.ammon nigrimontana)对中国和蒙古绵羊起源有贡献的证据。  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) diversity in European and Asian pigs was assessed using 1536 samples representing 45 European and 21 Chinese breeds. Diagnostic nucleotide differences in the cytochrome b (Cytb) gene between the European and Asian mtDNA variants were determined by pyrosequencing as a rapid screening method. Subsequently, 637bp of the hypervariable control region was sequenced to further characterize mtDNA diversity. All sequences belonged to the D1 and D2 clusters of pig mtDNA originating from ancestral wild boar populations in Europe and Asia, respectively. The average frequency of Asian mtDNA haplotypes was 29% across European breeds, but varied from 0 to 100% within individual breeds. A neighbour-joining (NJ) tree of control region sequences showed that European and Asian haplotypes form distinct clusters consistent with the independent domestication of pigs in Asia and Europe. The Asian haplotypes found in the European pigs were identical or closely related to those found in domestic pigs from Southeast China. The star-like pattern detected by network analysis for both the European and Asian haplotypes was consistent with a previous demographic expansion. Mismatch analysis supported this notion and suggested that the expansion was initiated before domestication.  相似文献   

巴马小型猪与贵州小型香猪遗传多样性的RAPD分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用经过筛选的31条引物对巴马小型猪和贵州小型香猪的基因组DNA进行RAPD扩增,分析二品系实验用小型猪的遗传多样性.两品系实验用小型猪品系内及品系间多态性位点的百分数分别为30.9%和25.7%,品系间及品系内的平均遗传距离分别为0.120、0.072和0.067.结果表明,两品系实验用小型猪品系间及品系内遗传多样性贫乏,遗传变异较小.  相似文献   

小口白甲鱼都柳江种群mtDNA D环的序列变异及遗传多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用PCR结合DNA测序技术,测定分析了易危鱼类小口白甲鱼(Onychostoma lini)都柳江种群36个个体mtDNA D环约470bp序列的变异及遗传多样性。结果表明,在36个个体中,该序列的长度为469~475bp,其碱基组成为A+T的平均含量(68.4%)高于G+C(31.6%)。共检测到25个多态位点,其中转换19个、颠换6个。核苷酸多样性(π)为0.00575,平均核苷酸差异数(K)为2.695。36个个体分属5个单倍型,单倍型多样度(Hd)为0.260,单倍型间的平均遗传距离(P)为0.026。5个单倍型构建的UPGMA系统树聚为2个分支。目前小口白甲鱼都柳江种群mtDNA D环序列存在着较丰富的变异和遗传多样性。  相似文献   

Wild boars from Western Europe have a 2n = 36 karyotype, in contrast to a karyotype of 2n = 38 in wild boars from Central Europe and Asia and in all domestic pigs. The phylogenetic status of this wild boar population is unclear, and it is not known if it has contributed to pig domestication. We have now sequenced the mtDNA control region from 30 European wild boars (22 with a confirmed 2n = 36 karyotype) and six Asian wild boars (two Hainan and four Dongbei wild boars) to address this question. The results revealed a close genetic relationship between mtDNA haplotypes from wild boars with 2n = 36 to those from domestic pigs with 2n = 38. Thus, we cannot exclude the possibility that wild boars with 2n = 36 may have contributed to pig domestication despite the karyotype difference. One of the European wild boars carried an Asian mtDNA haplotype, and this most likely reflects gene flow from domestic pigs to European wild boars. However, this gene flow does not appear to be extensive because the frequency of Asian haplotypes detected among European wild boars (c. 3%) were 10-fold lower than among European domestic pigs (c. 30%). Previous studies of mtDNA haplotypes have indicated that pig populations in Europe and Asia have experienced a population expansion, but it is not clear if the expansion occurred before or after domestication. The results of the present study are consistent with an expansion that primarily occurred prior to domestication because the mtDNA haplotypes found in European and Asian wild boars did not form their own clusters but were intermingled with haplotypes found in domestic pigs, indicating that they originated from the same population expansion.  相似文献   

Human HLA cDNA probes were used to analyze the restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) of the SLA major histocompatibility complex in swine. Cellular genomic DNA from 19 SLA homozygous pigs representing 13 different haplotypes was digested with restriction endonucleases Eco RI, Hind III, or Bam H1, separated by electrophoresis, and transferred onto diazobenzyloxymethyl paper by the Southern blot technique. The blots were probed with 32P-labeled class I or beta-DR class II cDNA. Depending on the haplotypes and the endonucleases used, seven to ten restriction fragments hybridized with the class I probe, and five to seven with the beta-DR probe. Their sizes ranged from 3.4 to 22 kilobase-pairs. Few bands were common to all 13 haplotypes. With all but one haplotype, identical autoradiogram patterns were obtained from unrelated, but phenotypically SLA-identical pigs, suggesting that most of the RFLP revealed were controlled by the SLA region. Further polymorphism was found in a group of seven unrelated pigs which typed serologically as SLA A15 CI B18 homozygotes but could be divided into two subgroups, with five animals in one subgroup and two in the other, when the genomic DNA was hybridized with the class I probe. When the class 11 beta-DR probe was tested on the same seven pigs, another subdivision was seen, and this correlated with MLR data. These results demonstrate that HLA class I and class II probes can be used to identify certain well-established SLA haplotypes and to identify subclasses within at least one SLA haplotype.Abbreviations MHC major histocompatibility complex - MLR mixed lymphocyte reaction - kbp kilobase pair(s) - RFLP restriction fragment length polymorphism  相似文献   

Molecular analyses of the mitochondrial genome using restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) were utilized to determine the existence of discrete populations of the tidepool sculpin Oligocottus maculosus from the Barkley Sound region of south-western Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Fifty-five haplotypes were found with three haplotypes making up 38, 16 and 8% of the total sample, respectively. Within individual tidepools, haplotype diversity ranged from 0·30 to 0·92, but haplotypes were typically closely related to one another (nucleotide diversity ranged from 0·0004 to 0·005). The majority of haplotype variation (96–97%) was located within tidepools, but a significant amount of variation ( c . 3–4%) was detected among tidepools within single islands. By contrast, there was no significant differentiation among islands or between samples from the Barkley Sound area and a single sample from north-eastern Vancouver Island. The results suggest a low level of population structure within the sample area and that the distribution of haplotypes and haplotype divergences represents a demographic expansion from a single ancestral lineage beginning between 300 000 and 1 000 000 years ago. The low level of population subdivision resolved suggests that despite their ecological specialization in tidepool habitats, tidepool sculpins are influenced by demographic and genetic processes that operate on spatial scales much larger than single tidepools or islands.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA sequences and restriction fragment length polymorphisms were retrieved (with >80% efficiency) from a 17th-18th century sample of 213 teeth from Tenerife. The genetic composition of this population reveals an important ethnic heterogeneity. Although the majority of detected haplotypes are of European origin, the high frequency of sub-Saharan African haplotypes (15.63%), compared to that of the present-day population (6.6%), confirms the importance of the Canary Islands in the black slave trade of that epoch. The aboriginal substrate, inferred from the U6b1 haplotypes (8.59%), has also decreased due to European input. Finally, the presence of Amerindian lineages (1.5%) reveals that the Canary Islands have also received genetic flow from America.  相似文献   

Summary. Restriction fragment length polymorphism analyses of swine leucocyte antigen (SLA) class I genes were performed on 70 Duroc and 38 Hampshire boars from the 1986-87 national performance tests of each breed in the USA. Few boars were inbred. Southern blotting and hybridization procedures were performed on genomic DNA, isolated from white blood cells, using Pvu II endonuclease and a swine major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I probe. Durocs had an average of 11 restriction fragments, with the most common being in 63% of the boars and the least common appearing in only one boar. Hampshire boars had an average of 12 restriction fragments, with the most common appearing in 73% of the boars and the least common appearing in only one boar. Least squares procedures and stepwise regression methods were used to examine the association between DNA restriction fragments and the selection index (INDEX), average daily gain (ADG), average backfat thickness (BF), loin muscle area (LEA), and age at 104kg (DAY104). In the Duroc breed one DNA restriction fragment was associated with decreased INDEX ( P < 0.05) and decreased ADG ( P < 0.05) whereas two other fragments were associated with increased BF ( P < 0.05). In the Hampshire breed two restriction fragments were associated with an increase in INDEX ( P < 0.05). Cluster analyses were used to group pigs of each breed on the basis of similar RFLP patterns. One cluster group in the Duroc breed was associated with lower average INDEX values ( P < 0.05), greater average DAY104 ( P < 0.05), and a larger mean LEA ( P < 0.05). In the Hampshire breed one cluster group was associated with lower INDEX ( P < 0.05). These results suggest there may be an association between swine MHC class I genes and performance traits in swine. The use of SLA class I restriction fragments, as genetic markers, may have potential in the future for improving pig performance.  相似文献   

Restriction fragment length polymorphism analyses of swine leucocyte antigen (SLA) class I genes were performed on 70 Duroc and 38 Hampshire boars from the 1986-87 national performance tests of each breed in the USA. Few boars were inbred. Southern blotting and hybridization procedures were performed on genomic DNA, isolated from white blood cells, using PvuII endonuclease and a swine major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I probe. Durocs had an average of 11 restriction fragments, with the most common being in 63% of the boars and the least common appearing in only one boar. Hampshire boars had an average of 12 restriction fragments, with the most common appearing in 73% of the boars and the least common appearing in only one boar. Least squares procedures and stepwise regression methods were used to examine the association between DNA restriction fragments and the selection index (INDEX), average daily gain (ADG), average backfat thickness (BF), loin muscle area (LEA), and age at 104 kg (DAY104). In the Duroc breed one DNA restriction fragment was associated with decreased INDEX (P less than 0.05) and decreased ADG (P less than 0.05) whereas two other fragments were associated with increased BF (P less than 0.05). In the Hampshire breed two restriction fragments were associated with an increase in INDEX (P less than 0.05). Cluster analyses were used to group pigs of each breed on the basis of similar RFLP patterns. One cluster group in the Duroc breed was associated with lower average INDEX values (P less than 0.05), greater average DAY104 (P less than 0.05), and a larger mean LEA (P less than 0.05). In the Hampshire breed one cluster group was associated with lower INDEX (P less than 0.05). These results suggest there may be an association between swine MHC class I genes and performance traits in swine. The use of SLA class I restriction fragments, as genetic markers, may have potential in the future for improving pig performance.  相似文献   

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