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不同生殖期鳜肝脏超微结构变化的观察   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
应用透射电镜对生殖季节与非生殖季节鳜肝脏超微结构的变化进行了观察。鳜肝细胞含有单个卵圆形的核,核仁清楚;细胞质内含有粗面内质网、线粒体、糖原颗粒和脂滴等细胞器和内含物。胆小管由相邻的数个肝细胞质膜凹陷围成,而肝血窦则由内皮细胞的胞质构成。还发现了贮脂细胞、枯否氏细胞和成纤维细胞。胆小管腔和窦周隙内浸润许多由肝细胞发出的微绒毛结构。鳜肝细胞的超微结构在产卵前后呈现明显变化:产卵前的肝细胞内富含线粒体、糖原颗粒和脂滴,粗面内质网发达;而产卵后的肝细胞内核仁发生迁移,部分细胞核囊泡化,糖原颗粒和脂滴排空,少数肝细胞具双核结构。非生殖期多数肝细胞核含有双核仁结构,胞质内溶酶体数量增多。  相似文献   

杨丽丽  方展强 《四川动物》2012,31(2):274-277,282
应用光镜和透射电镜对繁殖期间唐鱼Tanichthys albonubes肝脏组织的显微和超微结构进行了观察。结果显示,唐鱼肝细胞具单核,中央核仁显著;细胞质内分布着粗面内质网、线粒体、糖原颗粒和脂滴等细胞器和内含物。胆小管由2~3个相邻肝细胞质膜凹陷围成,而肝血窦则由内皮细胞的胞质、成纤维细胞等参与构成。肝细胞与周边细胞通过3种不同方式进行联系:肝细胞之间的紧密连接;与血窦的间接连接;与胆小管的邻接。这些联系方式显示了肝脏具有内分泌腺和外分泌腺功能的特点。研究还发现雌性唐鱼肝脏具有"暗"细胞和"淡"细胞两种类型。本文还讨论了唐鱼肝脏与其他硬骨鱼类肝脏一般组织结构和超微结构的异同点。  相似文献   

鳗鲡肝脏,脾脏显微与超微结构   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
郭琼林  卢全章 《动物学报》1994,40(2):125-130
经光镜和电镜观察发现:鳗鲡肝脏的肝小叶不规则。肝细胞胞质内翕含多种细胞器及包含和,胆小管由2-4个肝细胞围成,相邻肝细胞间有连接复合体封闭胆小管。血窦为有孔型,孔处无隔膜,内有巨噬细胞。窦周隙明显,未见贮脂细胞。肝猾胆小管腔与窦周隙面伸出许多指状微绒毛。脾脏内白髓中淋巴细胞聚集成群,无未见明显脾小结,淋巴鞘,红髓由脾索与脾窦组成,动脉分支末端(壁厚的毛细血管)可开放于红髓,无明显巨噬细胞中心,脾窦  相似文献   

鳗鲡肝脏、脾脏显微与超微结构   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
郭琼林  卢全章 《动物学报》1994,40(2):125-130
经光镜和电镜观察发现:鳗鲡肝脏的肝小叶不规则。肝细胞胞质内富含多种细胞器及包含物。胆小管由2—4个肝细胞围成,相邻肝细胞间有连接复合体封闭胆小管。肝血窦为有孔型、孔处无隔膜,内有巨噬细胞。窦周隙明显,未见贮脂细胞。肝细胞向胆小管腔与窦周隙面伸出许多指状微绒毛。脾脏内白髓中淋巴细胞聚集成群,未见明显脾小结、淋巴鞘。红髓由脾索与脾窦组成,动脉分支末端(壁厚的毛细血管)可开放于红髓,无明显巨噬细胞中心。脾窦及脾小动脉内皮细胞通常为长杆状、沿血管纵向平行排列。脾窦为有孔型,孔处可见薄的隔膜。脾小动脉内皮外为2—5层平滑肌(多数为纵行)。  相似文献   

肝细胞极化的形成和维持是肝细胞发挥正常功能的保证。与简单极化上皮细胞不同,肝细胞在肝脏血管与胆小管间形成多个极化膜面,并由紧密连接分隔。极化肝细胞膜及细胞内骨架结构与功能复杂并有序,其分子组成及物质转运机制近年来已被逐渐认识。由于肝细胞极化与肝脏生理功能及多种肝脏疾病时的病理改变有着密切关系,该文就目前肝细胞极化分子和细胞水平研究现状进行综述,并探讨此领域研究发展方向。  相似文献   

采用常规石蜡切片对安南龟的肝脏和肾脏进行了组织学观察。研究结果发现,肝脏分为3叶,肝实质内结缔组织少。肝脏由无数肝小叶构成,肝小叶分界不清。肝细胞为多角形的腺上皮细胞,细胞核圆球形,位于中央。胆小管沿着肝细胞索向肝小叶四周放射并连成细长的微细管道。肾脏由肾小体、颈段、近曲小管、中间段、远曲小管和收集管6部分构成,肾小体由肾小球和肾小囊组成,在肾小体附近可见致密斑样结构,未见髓袢结构。肾小球由盘曲的毛细血管构成。肾小囊是肾小管的起始端,由内、外两层壁层构成,内层与肾小球的毛细血管紧贴,外层为单层扁平上皮细胞。  相似文献   

本实验给小鼠一次静脉注射氯化钐(70mg/kg体重)后15min至48h中的不同间期,应用电镜与X射线微区分析术对钐在肝脏枯否细胞与肝细胞中的运转进行了动态追踪。于15min 至2 h,两种细胞均以胞吞方式摄入含钐微粒,在胞质中形成吞噬体。在吞噬体中,微粒群处于由稀疏至密集的浓缩过程。小吞噬体亦互相融合。这种胞吞作用于枯否细胞极为活跃。于4—24 h,很多枯否细胞胞质充满吞噬体,细胞已经或趋于变性、崩解。肝细胞内的吞噬体则汇集于胆小管周围。于胆小管腔中可见到高电子密度微粒群,表明体内钐可经胆汁途径排出。于48 h,两种肝脏细胞巾仍见钐吞噬体沉积。  相似文献   

用光镜和电镜观察了中国大鲵卵泡闭锁过程和闭锁小体的显微和超微结构。结果显示 ,大鲵闭锁小体是卵泡细胞侵噬卵母细胞并增殖形成细胞团 ,膜细胞未参与。在大部分卵泡处于缓慢生长期时 ,未发现卵泡闭锁现象 ;在 5、 6月份 ,卵巢内大部分卵母细胞进入卵黄形成前期 ,部分卵泡闭锁 ,但闭锁小体细胞的类固醇激素分泌结构特征不明显 ;在 7、 8月份 ,大多数卵母细胞处于卵黄形成期 ,闭锁小体细胞具有管泡状嵴线粒体、丰富的滑面内质网和脂滴、发达的高尔基体等。这些细胞学特征表明闭锁小体可分泌类固醇激素 ,以调节正常卵子的成熟。在大鲵中观察到的闭锁小体属于排卵前黄体  相似文献   

白鲟肝脏和胰脏的组织学与形态学研究   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15  
姚承昌 《水生生物学报》1987,11(1):i003-i004
白鲟肝脏较大,可分为左右两大叶及小的中叶,胆囊位于右叶的凹缺内。肝板多由双层细胞构成,肝小叶不明显。肝内毛细胆小管由4个肝实质细胞围成。胰脏有3支,被厚的浆膜。胰岛明显。胰管与胆管汇合后共同开口于小肠最前部背面。对肝、胰实质细胞的显微或亚显微结构进行了描述。  相似文献   

对维生素E、微量元素锌和硒对大鼠肝脏细胞胶原代谢的调控进行了体外研究。结果表明:肝细胞和储脂细胞均参与肝脏的胶原代谢;环境中维生素E浓度的提高可抑制肝细胞和储脂细胞的核酸合成,对细胞蛋白合成的促进作用不明显,但对细胞胶原蛋白的合成却有选择性抑制作用;环境中微量元素锌和硒浓度的适当提高对肝细胞和储脂细胞的核酸增殖和蛋白质合成均有明显促进作用,但对细胞胶原蛋白合成具有相对抑制作用,若锌和硒的浓度过高则对细胞有损害。总之,营养环境的不同将大大影响肝脏胶原的代谢,因此对肝病病人给予合理的营养膳食可能有助于防止肝硬化的恶化。  相似文献   

患病大鲵中弗氏柠檬酸杆菌的分离与鉴定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
【目的】确定导致大鲵(Andrias davidianus)细菌性感染死亡的病原。【方法】从大鲵肝脏中分离细菌,通过Biolog微生物自动鉴定系统及分子生物学方法对纯培养的细菌进行鉴定,再用大鲵和鲫鱼分别进行人工感染试验,以确定分离菌的致病性,同时对分离到的病原菌进行药物敏感试验。【结果】从患病大鲵肝脏中分离到一株致病菌JZ01,经人工感染健康大鲵,可复制与自然发病相同的症状,且从人工感染病鲵体内再次分离到相同的病原菌。该致病菌对健康鲫鱼也有致病性。经Biolog微生物自动鉴定系统的鉴定,以及进一步的16S rDNA基因序列和系统发育分析都表明,此致病菌为弗氏柠檬酸杆菌。药物敏感性试验表明,该菌株对氨曲南、头孢三嗪、先锋噻肟等9种药物高度敏感。【结论】弗氏柠檬酸杆菌是大鲵的一种致病菌。本文在国内外首次报道了该菌对大鲵具有致病性。  相似文献   

It is known that the bile canaliculus in the liver of almost all vertebrates is made up of membranes of two or more adjacent liver cells. Studying the liver cell ultrastructure of lasting and fed grass carp and silver carp, it was demonstrated that a bile canaliculus is formed by deep invagination of a cell membrane of one hepatocyte. The membrane forms microvilli along the bile canaliculus. The bile canaliculus is seen in the centre of liver cell cytoplasm on the cross section and stretches from the centre of the liver cell cytoplasm to the cell membrane on the longitudinal section. The bile canaliculus is connected with a small duct cell, which is distinct from a liver cell in its small size, little amount of cell organelles and the presence of cytoplasmic filaments. The terminal part of the biliary tract consists of one liver cell and one bile duct cell. The part of the tract adjacent to the terminal one is composed of two or three small bile duct cells devoid of basal membrane. Thus, the liver parenchyma is constituted of a net of numerous bile ducts. In the portal tract, there is a large bile duct, consisting of 12-13 bile duct cells, surrounded by basal membrane and connective tissue cells.  相似文献   

ATP7B is a copper transporting P-type ATPase, also known as Wilson disease protein, which plays a key role in copper distribution inside cells. Recent experimental data in cell culture have shown that ATP7B putatively serves a dual function in hepatocytes: when localized to the Golgi apparatus, it has a biosynthetic role, delivering copper atoms to apoceruloplasmin; when the hepatocytes are under copper stress, ATP7B translocates to the biliary pole to transport excess copper out of the cell and into the bile canaliculus for subsequent excretion from the body via the bile. The above data on ATP7B localization have been mainly obtained in tumor cell systems in vitro. The aim of the present work was to assess the presence and localization of the Wilson disease protein in the human liver. We tested immunoreactivity for ATP7B in 10 human liver biopsies, in which no significant pathological lesion was found using a polyclonal antiserum specific for ATP7B. In the normal liver, immunoreactivity for ATP7B was observed in hepatocytes and in biliary cells. In the hepatocytes, immunoreactivity for ATP7B was observed close to the plasma membrane, both at the sinusoidal and at the biliary pole. In the biliary cells, ATP7B was localized close to the cell membrane, mainly concentrated at the basal pole of the cells. The data suggest that, in human liver, ATP7B is localized to the plasma membrane of both hepatocytes and biliary epithelial cells.  相似文献   

Portions of the livers of fingerling rainbow trout were studied by light and electron microscopy. The histology, cytology and ultrastructure of mesothelial cells, serosal fibroblasts, hepatocytes, sinusoidal endothelial cells, endothelial cells of central veins and blood cells were described. Mesothelial cells and fibroblasts constituted a very thin capsule. Hepatocytes contained extensive areas of rough surfaced endoplasmic reticulum, consisting mainly of parallel cisternae and pools of glycogen. One or two nuclei and numerous mitochondria occurred in the areas of endoplasmic reticulum, but never in the pools of glycogen. Hepatocyte surface possibilities included hepatocyte to hepatocyte, hepatocyte to bile canaliculus, hepatocyte to space of Disse and hepatocyte to serosa. The trout liver was compared compared to channel catfish liver and to rat liver. Functional implications of the structural features were discussed.  相似文献   

Hepatocytes of the small skate (Raja erinacea) were isolated by collagenase perfusion and evaluated by a variety of functional and morphologic criteria. Cell yield was 1.45 X 10(8) +/- 1.3 X 10(7) cells per isolation, and as long as 8 h after isolation 98% of the hepatocytes excluded Trypan blue and no leakage of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) or cell associated potassium could be detected. Oxygen consumption averaged 1.6 +/- 0.5 nmol/min/mg cell protein, was not stimulated by 1 mM succinate, and also remained stable for up to 8 h following isolation. However, 2,4,-dinitrophenol (5 X 10(-5) M) produced a 55% increase in oxygen utilization while ouabain, (1 mM) or sodium removal decreased oxygen consumption by 31 +/- 6 and 33 +/- 7%, respectively, indicating that a significant portion of the cells energy utilization is coupled to the activity of plasma membrane Na+, K+-ATPase. Light microscopic studies showed that the individual hepatocytes had diameters of 28 +/- 5 microns and contained large lipid droplets. Electron microscopy revealed groups of three to five cells with normal ultrastructure and tight junctions and desmosomes surrounding a single bile canaliculus. These studies indicate that skate hepatocytes can be isolated in high yield that retain their structural polarity in the form of clusters of cells formed around a single bile canaliculus. These hepatocytes remain morphologically intact and metabolically stable for a prolonged period of time.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

首次报道了从影像学水平上鉴定中国大鲵性别的研究结果。采用多普勒B超,常规方法直接扫描雌雄中国大鲵腹部,并记录大鲵的精巢或卵巢的形状、内部回声。实验结果表明,雌雄中国大鲵的检测结果存在明显的差畀,在雄性中国大鲵的腹部,可检测到精巢组织;在雌性中国大鲵的腹部,可检测到为卵巢组织和卵泡。初步分析了实验结果,并认为将多普勒B超鉴定法与泄殖孔法鉴定相结合可以作为中国大鲵性别鉴定的可靠方法。  相似文献   

The invasion of liver parenchymal cells by sporozoites of Plasmodium berghei Vincke & Lips, 1948, was studied in vivo using transmission electron microscopy. Livers of Brown Norway rats were examined 30 and 60 min after intraportal injection of 15 million sporozoites each. Sporozoites found after incorporation into vacuoles in hepatocytes were often located near a bile canaliculus at the lateral cell surface, surrounded by hepatocyte lysosomal structures; however, degradation of sporozoites caused by lysosomal digestion inside hepatocytes was never observed. Due to the crescent shape of sporozoites, serial sections were necessary to demonstrate the actual process of invasion of the hepatocyte. The hepatocyte's plasmalemma appeared to invaginate due to the sporozoite's action, thereby creating a parasitophorous vacuole. It was suggested that the sporozoite actively penetrated the hepatocyte; however, no visible depletion of rhoptries and micronemes was observed.  相似文献   

The invasion of liver parenchymal cells by sporozoites of Plasmodium berghei Vincke & Lips, 1948, was studied in vivo using transmission electron microscopy. Livers of Brown Norway rats were examined 30 and 60 min after intraportal injection of 15 million sporozoites each. Sporozoites found after incorporation into vacuoles in hepatocytes were often located near a bile canaliculus at the lateral cell surface, surrounded by hepatocyte lysosomal structures; however, degradation of sporozoites caused by lysosomal digestion inside hepatocytes was never observed. Due to the crescent shape of sporozoites, serial sections were necessary to demonstrate the actual process of invasion of the hepatocyte. The hepatocyte's plasmalemma appeared to invaginate due to the sporozoite's action, thereby creating a parasitophorous vacuole. It was suggested that the sporozoite actively penetrated the hepatocyte; however, no visible depletion of rhoptries and micronemes was observed.  相似文献   

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