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泥鳅性腺发生和分化的组织学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过人工繁殖技术获得泥鳅幼体,采用石蜡显微切片技术对幼体性腺发生和分化的组织学特征进行了系统观察.结果表明泥鳅性腺发生于出膜后12 d,40日龄卵巢开始分化,至55日龄卵巢分化完全;精巢于出膜后55 d左右开始分化,100 d左右分化完全.卵巢分化早于精巢.从性腺分化开始,将要发育为卵巢的性腺还表现为体积快速增大,向体腔中间靠拢,横截面变宽;而将要发育为精巢的性腺则呈两端尖中间稍突的梭形,增生并不明显.这些特征可能与雌雄性腺的发育及生殖细胞的分化速度有关,可以作为泥鳅性腺早期分化的形态特征.  相似文献   

鲟是目前世界上最古老的软骨硬鳞鱼类之一, 雌雄个体之间无明显的第二性征。为了解人工养殖下鲟性腺发育的分子特征, 研究以人工养殖2龄施氏鲟(Acipenser schrenckii Brandt)为研究对象, 对其精巢与卵巢进行转录组测序分析。结果发现, 雌雄性腺中共有19690个差异表达基因转录本, 其中与性别分化相关基因包括转录因子Dmrt1、Sox9、Foxl2等和生长转化因子Amh、Bmp15、Gdf9等。另外, 通过差异表达基因KEGG代谢通路富集分析发现了4条与卵巢发育相关的通路, 分别为黄体酮介导的卵母细胞成熟、卵母细胞减数分裂、卵巢类固醇合成、促性腺激素释放激素信号通路。其中, 卵巢类固醇合成通路中18个差异表达基因的表达模式暗示了2龄施氏鲟限制卵巢雌激素的合成, 但精巢中雄激素的合成未受影响。研究结果为研究鲟性腺分化和发育机制以及今后在mRNA表达水平上鉴定鲟性别提供了基础。  相似文献   

首次报道了从影像学水平上鉴定中国大鲵性别的研究结果。采用多普勒B超,常规方法直接扫描雌雄中国大鲵腹部,并记录大鲵的精巢或卵巢的形状、内部回声。实验结果表明,雌雄中国大鲵的检测结果存在明显的差畀,在雄性中国大鲵的腹部,可检测到精巢组织;在雌性中国大鲵的腹部,可检测到为卵巢组织和卵泡。初步分析了实验结果,并认为将多普勒B超鉴定法与泄殖孔法鉴定相结合可以作为中国大鲵性别鉴定的可靠方法。  相似文献   

大鲵生殖系统发育研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
大鲵是我国特有的大型有尾两栖类,是国家二类保护动物,在医药、食用和观赏等方面都有一定的价值。笔者通过41尾幼体,29尾成体的浸液标本的解剖,观察了大鲵生殖系统的发育变化,大鲵的幼体外鳃萎缩后,性分化基本分明。体长在260毫米以上的个体,性腺发育基本成熟,参与繁殖。  相似文献   

研究以人工配合饲料为17β-雌二醇(17β-estradiol, 17β-E2)载体, 对斑点叉尾鮰(Ictalurus punctatus)开口仔鱼连续饲喂27d进行雌性性别诱导, 探究斑点叉尾鮰XY雄鱼雌性化的合适17β-E2剂量。60日龄测量并统计各组试验鱼的生长数据、存活率, 解剖观察性腺结构, 结合遗传性别鉴定结果计算性逆转率, 并通过组织切片分析各组试验鱼中XX和XY雌鱼卵巢发育情况。270日龄检测XY雌鱼和对照组雌鱼的鳃、心脏、肝脏、肾脏、卵巢和肌肉等组织中17β-E2含量。研究进一步地采用qRT-PCR检测270日龄雌雄性别分化基因foxl2和dmrt1在XX和XY雌鱼卵巢中的表达水平。结果显示: 各组XY雌鱼的比例和卵母细胞数量均随17β-E2剂量的提高而增加, 且核仁数量也随之增多, 而核质比相应减小; 各组XY雌鱼的体重和体长随着17β-E2剂量的提高先增加后减小, 但存活率没有显著性变化; 各组XY雌鱼与对照组雌鱼的鳃、心脏、肝脏、肾脏和肌肉组织中17β-E2含量均无显著性差异, 卵巢中17β-E2含量与添加剂量呈正相关; 雌性性别分化基因foxl2在XY雌鱼中的表达量显著升高, 雄性性别分化基因dmrt1在XY雌鱼中的表达量显著降低。研究建立了17β-E2诱导XY雄性斑点叉尾鮰雌性化方法, 为后续全雄斑点叉尾鮰新品种的培育奠定基础。  相似文献   

为探寻中国大鲵(Andrias davidianus)生殖腺胚后发育的特点及规律,采用解剖学与组织学技术对其形态结构变化进行了观察.结果表明,大鲵的原始生殖腺开始出现于出膜28~49 d;出膜133~175 d时一些个体生殖腺内已初步分化出原始卵泡;出膜259 ~343 d时一些个体生殖腺内已初步分化出生精小叶;出膜427 d时,卵巢已明显分化为皮质与髓质,且髓质内出现了卵巢腔,精巢内生精小叶及其内的腔隙、精巢间质等分化已较为明显;出膜511 d时精巢分化为明显的生精小叶和非成熟小叶两个区域.本文认为,大鲵与其他无羊膜类原始生殖腺的分化一般发生在胚后阶段,而且雌性的分化时间早于雄性.  相似文献   

为探明元宝枫花性别、交配系统及花芽分化过程,通过石蜡切片和连续解剖观察,对元宝枫花开放及花芽分化过程进行了研究。结果表明:(1)元宝枫花性别可分为雌能花和雄能花两种,雌能花花药不开裂,只表现雌性功能,而雄能花分Ⅰ型和Ⅱ型两种,花药均可产生成熟花粉并开裂散粉,只表现雄性功能。(2)元宝枫是较为少见的二重雌雄异型异熟树种,且交配系统有雄先型和雌先型两种;雄先型小花开放顺序为:雄能花→雌能花→雄能花,雌先型小花开放顺序为雌能花→雄能花→雄能花。(3)元宝枫花芽的形态分化期开始于7月上旬,花序和小花分化期为8月上旬,雄蕊和雌蕊分化开始于8月下旬,雌配子体发育晚于雄配子体。(4)元宝枫花性别分化的关键期为第二年的3月下旬至4月上旬。  相似文献   

中华鳖性腺的发生与发育研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了揭示中华鳖性腺的发生与发育规律,在(32±0.5)℃温度下孵化鳖卵,72h时,从组织切片中可见原始生殖细胞移向中肠附近的内胚层;第5天生殖嵴形成;第13天性腺分化为皮质和髓质;第16天性腺开始分化为精巢或卵巢,至第22天时分化结束,形成精巢或卵巢.胚胎期、稚鳖和1龄鳖的性腺均呈短细管状,表面光滑,无色,胶状透明;2龄、3龄、4龄鳖的精巢呈长椭圆形.稚鳖的卵巢发育至卵原细胞期,组成精巢的曲细精管不明显,管内为精原细胞;1龄幼鳖的卵巢发育至初级卵泡期,精巢的曲细精管内精原细胞的数量增加;2龄和3龄鳖的卵巢处于生长卵泡期,3龄末的卵巢内可见到成熟卵泡,2龄鳖的曲细精管内出现初级精母细胞,3龄末的曲细精管开始出现精细胞和精子;4龄鳖的卵巢发育至成熟卵泡期,曲细精管内由管壁向管腔依次为精原细胞、初级精母细胞、次级精母细胞、精细胞和精子.结果表明,在(32±0.5)℃温度下,鳖胚发育至22d时,精巢或卵巢形成;在自然条件下,中华鳖至4龄时,性腺才完全发育成熟.  相似文献   

异源四倍体鲫鲤的性腺发育研究   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
采用组织切片技术对异源四倍体鲫鲤的性腺进行了研究。结果表明:异源四倍体鲫鲤的性腺发育程序和普通鲤鲫鱼相似,可以分为6个时期。雌雄个体都能达到性成熟,其中个体性成熟年龄为一周年;雄性个体比雌性个体成熟早,150日龄即可达到性成熟。成熟卵巢的成熟系数为9.25%-15.60%,成熟精巢的成熟系数为1.65%-5.19%。成熟期卵径为1670.4-1780.5μm之间,成熟精子头径为2.3-2.4μm。繁殖期为每年3-5月份。该研究证明异源四倍体鲫鲤的性腺发育是正常的,雌雄个体都能达到性成熟。  相似文献   

高温和皮质醇对黄颡鱼性别分化的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究以性染色体类型已确定且已有性别特异分子标记的黄颡鱼为研究对象, 开展高温与皮质醇诱导黄颡鱼(Tachysurus fulvidraco Richardson)XX个体雄性化组织学进程研究, 以期为环境应激诱导鱼类雄性化提供研究基础。通过对每尾鱼采用性别特异性标记鉴定遗传性别(XX或XY)及组织学鉴定生理型性别, 仅经过24d的处理(12—35日龄), 高温或皮质醇便能诱导XX遗传型个体雄性化。在此过程中, 部分XX遗传型个体卵母细胞受到抑制, 之后发育成带有卵巢腔的精巢结构。62日龄时, XX伪雄鱼性腺较正常XY雄鱼大, XX伪雄鱼体重与正常XY雄鱼相近, 而显著大于未发生性逆转的XX雌鱼。122日龄时, XX伪雄鱼从62日龄带有卵巢腔的精巢结构发育成具有典型的精小叶结构样精巢, 且都具有生理性雄鱼特有的生殖突, 推测这些雄鱼可能具有与正常雄鱼类似的生殖能力。部分XX个体对高温处理不敏感, 没有发生性逆转, 温度处理反而加快了卵巢发育的进程, 这些个体对高温的耐受性和另外一些发生性逆转的个体对温度的敏感性值得进一步研究。  相似文献   

The sex-specific molecular marker is a useful gene resource for studying sex- determining mechanisms and controlling fish sex. Artificially produced male and female half-smooth tongue sole (Cynoglossus semilaevis) were used to screen sex-specific amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLPs) molecular markers. The phenotypic sex of 28 tongue soles was determined by histological sectioning of gonads. The AFLP analysis of 15 females and 13 males via 64 primer combinations produced a total of 4681 scorable bands, of which 42.11% and 43.39% of bands were polymorphic in females and males, respectively. Seven female-specific AFLP markers were identified and designated as CseF382, CseF575, CseF783, CseF464, CseF136, CseF618, and CseF305, respectively. One female-specific AFLP marker (CseF382) was amplified, recovered from the gels, cloned, and sequenced (accession no. DQ487760). This female-specific AFLP marker was converted into a single-locus polymerase-chain reaction (PCR) marker of a sequence-characterized amplified region (SCAR). A simple PCR method of using the specific primers was developed for identifying genetic sex of half-smooth tongue sole. PCR products demonstrated that the initial 15 females produced the female-specific band of about 350 bp, but the initial 13 male individuals failed to produce the band. We also investigated the applicability of the PCR primers in other tongue sole individuals. The same female-specific fragment of about 350 bp was found in the additional 59 female individuals, but not in the additional 58 male individuals. This AFLP-based molecular sexing technique may have great application potential in elucidation of sex determination mechanisms and sex control in half-smooth tongue sole.  相似文献   

Juvenile zebrafish are hermaphroditic; undifferentiated gonads first develop into ovary-like tissues, which then either become ovaries and produce oocytes (female) or degenerate and develop into testes (male). In order to fully capture the dynamic processes of germ cells' proliferation and juvenile hermaphroditism in zebrafish, we established transgenic lines TG(beta-actin:EGFP), harboring an enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) gene driven by a medaka beta-actin promoter. In TG(beta-actin:EGFP), proliferating germ cells and female gonads strongly expressed EGFP, but fluorescence was only dimly detected in male gonads. Based on the fluorescent (+) or nonfluorescent (-) appearance of germ cells seen in living animals, three distinct groups were evident among TG(beta-actin:EGFP). Transgenics in ++ group (44%) were females, had fluorescent germ cells as juveniles, and female gonads continuously fluoresced throughout sexual maturation. Transgenics in +- (23%) and -- (33%) groups were males. Fluorescent germ cells were transiently detected in +- transgenics from 14 to 34 days postfertilization (dpf), but were not detected in -- transgenics throughout their life span. Histological analyses showed that 26-dpf-old transgenics in ++, +-, and -- groups all developed ovary-like tissues: Germ cells in -- group juveniles arrested at the gonocyte stage and accumulated low quantities of EGFP, while those in ++ group juveniles highly proliferated into diplotene to perinucleolar stages and accumulated high quantities of EGFP. In +- group juveniles, degenerating oocytes, gonocytes, and spermatogonia were coexistent in transiently fluorescent gonads. Therefore, the fluorescent appearance of gonads in this study was synchronous with the differentiation of ovary-like tissues. Thus, TG(beta-actin:EGFP) can be used to visualize germ cells' proliferation and juvenile hermaphroditism in living zebrafish for the first time.  相似文献   

Adult resident males of one-male-multi-female primate groups housed at the Hannover Zoo exhibited aggression, when confronted with nonadult individuals, which were fathered by other males: (1) a new adult resident male in a group of blue monkeys killed a 5.8-month-old female infant: (2) a new adult resident male in a group of white collared mangabeys injured a 24.0-month-old female and an 18.9-month-old male severely; they would have died without veterinary care; and (3) the resident male of a group of drills threatened an 1.8-month-old foreign female infant seriously; efforts to introduce the infant were discontinued. Pathological explanations are unlikely because the adult males showed no aggression towards own nonadult offspring under the same captive conditions. By and large, the events support the theory that infanticide is the result of sexual selection among males.  相似文献   

Morphology of hermaphroditic gonads is studied in the individuals of walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma collected in different regions of the seas of the North Pacific from 1987 to 2014. Based on the external morphological characteristics of sexual glands of 17 fishes, the most frequent types of the structure of bisexual gonads are described. Histological analysis shows the absence of differences in the composition and condition of oocytes in the left and right-paired ovaries, and the testes and ovaries of each individual are at the same maturity stage. In the ovigerous lamellae of ovaries in the areas adjacent to testes the zones of oocyte resorption are observed. These zones are located exclusively near the joining of the female and male parts of the gonads. The development of ovaries and testes of bisexual gonads is similar to that in the majority of normally maturing males and females collected during the same period. The occurrence of hermaphrodites is 0.0003–0.0016% from the total number of investigated exemplars.  相似文献   

Although the yellowtail (Seriola quinqueradiata) is the fish most commonly farmed in Japan, breeding of this species has not yet started. This is primarily due to the lack of sufficiently sophisticated methods for manipulating gametogenesis, which makes it difficult to collect gametes from specific dams and sires. If it were possible to produce large numbers of surrogate fish by transplanting germ cells isolated from donor individuals harboring desirable genetic traits, then the probability of acquiring gametes carrying the donor-derived haplotype would increase, and breeding programs involving this species might increase as a result. As a first step, we established a method for the allogeneic transplantation of yellowtail spermatogonia and the production of donor-derived offspring. Donor cells were collected from immature (10-month-old) yellowtail males with testes containing abundant type A spermatogonia, labeled with PKH26 fluorescent dye, and transferred into the peritoneal cavities of 8-day-old larvae. Fluorescence observation at 28 days post-transplantation revealed that PKH26-labeled cells were incorporated into recipients' gonads. To assess whether donor-derived spermatogonia could differentiate into functional gametes in the allogeneic recipient gonads, gametes collected from nine male and four female adult recipients were fertilized with wild-type eggs and milt. Analysis of microsatellite DNA markers confirmed that some of the first filial (F(1)) offspring were derived from donor fish, with the average contribution of donor-derived F(1) offspring being 66% and the maximum reaching 99%. These findings confirmed that our method was effective for transplanting yellowtail spermatogonia into allogeneic larvae to produce donor-derived offspring.  相似文献   

[目的] 福建省福清市江镜镇与福安市潭溪镇水稻区直播稻苗期分别发生严重的根结线虫病,本研究对其病原物进行形态和分子鉴定,明确病原物种类,以期为福建省直播稻根结线虫病害防控提供理论依据。[方法] 通过根结线虫各虫态形态学特征进行观测;同时对其rDNA-ITS区进行测序,通过贝叶斯法与最大似然法构建了系统发育树来确定种类;利用拟禾本科根结线虫特异性引物Mg-F/Mg-R检测种群。[结果] 根结线虫的雌虫、雄虫和2龄幼虫的形态学特征与拟禾本科根结线虫原始描述种一致;rDNA-ITS区序列长度为576 bp,与GenBank拟禾本科根结线虫种群相似度均达99%以上;系统发育树明确了该根结线虫与拟禾本科根结线虫处于同一分支;特异性引物Mg-F/Mg-R检测进一步明确病原为拟禾本科根结线虫单一种群。[结论] 本研究通过形态与分子特征,明确了在福建直播稻上发现的根结线虫为拟禾本科根结线虫。拟禾本科根结线虫在福建省最早于2011年在政和县小范围水稻田发现,此后未在其他水稻种植区发现。本次在福建直播稻上首次发现大面积的根结线虫为害。随着直播稻的种植面积扩大,拟禾本根结线虫引起的水稻病害可能会成为制约其发展的新问题,应引起足够重视。  相似文献   

Three interspecific crosses were developed using Cicer arietinum (ICC 4918) as the female parent and wild Cicer species [C. reticulatum - JM 2100, JM 2106 and C. echinospermum - ICCW 44] as the male parent. Cicer arietinum (ICC 4918) × C. reticulatum (JM 2100) cross produced the largest number of F2 plants and was chosen for linkage mapping using Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) primers. A partial linkage map was constructed based upon the segregation of 36 RAPD markers obtained by amplification using 35 primers. The linkage map consists of two linkage groups with 17 linked markers covering a total of 464.9 cM. Analyses also revealed association of three morphological traits with linked RAPD markers. Out of seven morphological traits tested for association with linked markers in the segregating plants, four Quantitative trait loci (QTL) were detected for the trait leaf length and three QTLs each for the traits leaf width and erect plant habit.  相似文献   

为探讨产卵是否为雌性黄鳝(Monopterus albus Zuiew)性转变的必经过程, 研究分析了实验室内从受精卵或幼苗开始养殖至不同时间段的黄鳝性腺组织学状况, 采用性腺活检技术跟踪了34月龄雌性黄鳝性腺发育变化, 并以免疫组织化学方法探讨了黄鳝不同发育状态性腺中增殖细胞核抗原(PCNA)的分布。在养殖过程中, 实验黄鳝没有出现产卵现象或者繁殖行为。在5月龄黄鳝中, 间性占比13.3%, 雄性占比20.0%; 在12月龄(1龄)黄鳝中, 雄性占比17.6%; 34月龄(3龄)黄鳝中, 间性占比12.8%, 雄性占比8.5%。通过性腺活检技术对36条34月龄雌性黄鳝性腺发育变化进行了为期1个月的跟踪研究, 结果表明, 16.7%的雌性黄鳝发生了性转变, 性腺发育到间性阶段。黄鳝间性早期性腺生殖褶增厚, 部分细胞呈现明显PCNA免疫阳性, 包括间质细胞、精原细胞和初级精母细胞。上述结果提示, 产卵并非雌性黄鳝发生性转变的必经过程; 黄鳝性转变初期, 性腺结构变化包括生殖褶中间质细胞和精原细胞的发生和增殖。  相似文献   

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