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合浦珠母贝和长耳珠母贝的生化遗传变异   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
用淀粉凝胶电泳测定了养殖合浦珠母贝以及野生合浦珠母贝和长耳珠母贝的8—13个蛋白和同工酶座位的遗传变异。合浦珠母贝每个座位观察到的平均等位基因数为2.63,而长耳珠母贝为2.15。它们多型座位(P≤0.99)的比例则分别为0.750和0.692。由野生贝经人工育苗繁育出来的养殖合浦珠母贝的平均杂合度比野生合浦珠母贝的高近一倍(0.223和0.113),而野生合浦珠母贝和野生长耳珠母贝的平均杂合度水平相近(0.113和0.157)。两个合浦珠母贝群体相比较遗传相似度(Ⅰ)和遗传距(D)为0.992和0.008,野生合浦珠母贝和野生长耳珠母贝相比较为0.252和1.379。 两个种的三个群体样本中都有杂合子缺失现象,这可能是由自然选择和Wahlund效应所引起的。  相似文献   

孕育对褶纹冠蚌滤食率的影响及鳃微结构变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对比了褶纹冠蚌(Cristaria plicata)孕育蚌、未孕雌蚌和雄蚌的滤食率,并运用组织学、扫描电镜和透射电镜对实验蚌的鳃结构进行比较观察,以此探讨鳃结构变化对滤食功能的影响。滤食实验结果表明:孕育事件显著降低了雌蚌的滤食率,而未孕雌蚌与雄蚌的滤食率无显著差异。孕育雌蚌内外鳃均由两鳃小瓣愈合而成,每一鳃小瓣由成排的鳃丝组成,在中介区鳃丝之间通过丝间隔连接,在内部侧区则通过瓣间隔相连。雌蚌内鳃的鳃间隔为外鳃的2~3倍,而雄蚌的内外鳃无差异。孕育雌蚌外鳃在初级水管、瓣间隔等出现明显的变化,并出现了二级水管结构,而内鳃未发现显著变化。扫描电镜显示:在褶纹冠蚌鳃丝表面存在3种类型的纤毛(前纤毛、前侧纤毛和侧纤毛),其形态结构和分布各具特点,长径58~85μm椭圆形的鳃小孔成排相间分布于鳃丝之间,而3组实验蚌的内外鳃丝之间无明显差异。透射电镜观察发现:孕育雌蚌鳃丝表皮细胞表面形成突起,显著增加了表面微绒毛的数量,可能有利于雌蚌在孕育期间由于初级水管转化成育儿囊后对呼吸、滤食等功能的补偿,与其他蚌科物种报道类似。综合实验表明,孕育雌蚌外鳃结构的变化,尤其是初级水管的结构改变和二级水管、鳃丝表面褶皱的出现可能是影响孕育雌蚌滤食功能的主要原因。  相似文献   

白鲢鳃部血管的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
孟庆闻  樊恩源 《动物学报》1990,36(2):106-109
本文用甲基丙烯酸甲脂铸型技术,配合扫描电镜,研究白鲢鳃部血管的分布。鳃区具有双血液循环,动脉—动脉循环,主司血液与水体间气体交换;动脉—静脉循环主司鳃区营养交换。入鳃丝动脉上具有膨大的“血泡”结构,可能起“鳃心”作用,当鳃丝内收时将血液输送入入鳃动脉。伪鳃鳃小片彼此排列紧密,这种结构似不利于气体交换,可能没有什么呼吸功能。  相似文献   

合浦珠母贝的配子发生   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
沈亦平  马丽君 《动物学报》1992,38(2):113-117
本文研究了合浦珠母贝精子和卵子的发生过程,详细描述了原始生殖细胞,精原细胞,卵原细胞,精母细胞,卵母细胞以及精子和卵子的形态结构;另外还报道了合浦珠母贝中独特的精、卵退化现象,并讨论了它们对合浦珠母贝人工育苗生产的影响。  相似文献   

应用扫描电镜对华鲮Sinilabeor rendahli鳃耙、鳃弓、鳃丝和鳃小片的形态结构进行了观察.鳃耙和鳃弓表面凹凸不平,分布着大量丘突.鳃丝和鳃耙表面有大量粘液细胞分布,鳃丝上皮细胞表面密布微嵴,氯细胞附着在鳃丝表面和鳃小片侧表面.鳃小片薄、表面凹凸不平,垂直排列在鳃丝上.鳃丝和鳃小片的表面形态结构特征有助于提高鱼鳃的气体交换效率.  相似文献   

合浦珠母贝珍珠的生物学性能初步检测   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
本研究报道了合浦珠母贝珍珠的生物学性能初步检测结果。珍珠作为—种天然的生物材料。在医药、化妆品工业等领域中的应用已很广泛。本研究对合浦珠母贝珍珠进行了体外细胞毒性试验、溶血试验和经静脉全身急性毒性试验的研究。实验结果表明,合浦珠母贝珍珠具有较好的细胞相容性,其浸提液对实验动物无明显毒性。在本研究中,合浦珠母贝珍珠的浸提液对兔血红细胞的溶血指数高于对照组。  相似文献   

为揭示合浦珠母贝幼虫至稚贝生长发育过程中其外部形态变化及内部器官改变的内在规律, 掌握其形态和器官与运动和摄食行为之间的关联。在光学显微镜下对整个幼虫生长发育及变态过程中的外部形态、内部器官特征进行了系列观察和性状测量; 利用非线性回归参数拟合, 描述各形态性状生长特点及不同属性之间的联系; 观察不同发育阶段其运动与摄食过程。结果显示, 幼虫在正常生长过程中, 其壳长生长方式为加速正增长、壳高为减速正增长、绞合线长为加速负增长, 壳高相对于壳长的生长为快速生长、绞合线长相对于壳长为慢速生长。幼虫生长至壳长为(209.26±9.22) μm时, 内部器官发生改变, 面盘开始逐渐退化从而发育成鳃, 斧足逐渐形成; 壳长生长至(234.30±14.00) μm时, 次生壳开始长出, 外部形态逐渐向稚贝转变。稚贝阶段, 其鳃丝长、鳃丝间距和鳃丝数量相对于壳长的生长均表现为慢速生长。幼虫在水中的运动和摄食过程主要依靠面盘外周纤毛的摆动来完成, 俯视观幼虫绕不规则圆沿顺时针方向运动, 垂直观幼虫螺旋上升或下降。稚贝阶段, 依靠斧足的往复伸缩来完成爬行, 依靠鳃的过滤完成摄食。在幼虫变态过程中, 面盘退化至鳃具备滤食功能期间, 变态幼虫运动功能降低, 摄食能力丧失, 依靠自身能量储备来完成生长和器官发育, 这一过程是苗种培育中的重要关键点。  相似文献   

温度、盐度对马氏珠母贝鳃Hsp70基因表达量的联合效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用中心复合设计和响应曲面分析法,在实验室条件下研究了温度(16 ~40℃)、盐度(10 ~50)对马氏珠母贝鳃热休克蛋白Hsp70基因表达量的联合效应.设定温度范围为16~40℃,盐度范围为10~50.结果表明:温度的一次效应、二次效应对马氏珠母贝鳃Hsp70基因表达量影响显著;盐度的一次效应对马氏珠母贝鳃Hsp70基因表达量无显著影响、二次效应对马氏珠母贝鳃Hsp70基因表达量影响显著,温度、盐度之间的互作效应对马氏珠母贝鳃Hsp70基因表达量无显著影响,且温度的效应大于盐度.建立了马氏珠母贝鳃Hsp70基因表达量模型方程,决定系数98.7%、矫正决定系数97.4%,预测决定系数89.2%,模型的拟合度极高,可用于预测马氏珠母贝鳃Hsp70基因的表达量.通过对模型方程优化,得到在温度26.78℃、盐度29.33时,马氏珠母贝鳃Hsp70基因表达量达到最小值0.5276,满意度达到98%.试验结果可为马氏珠母贝鳃Hsp70基因的上调表达、维持细胞内环境稳定以及提高马氏珠母贝抗逆性提供理论指导.  相似文献   

采用中心复合设计和响应曲面分析法,在实验室条件下研究了温度(16~40 ℃)、盐度(10~50)对马氏珠母贝鳃热休克蛋白Hsp70基因表达量的联合效应.设定温度范围为16~40 ℃,盐度范围为10~50.结果表明: 温度的一次效应、二次效应对马氏珠母贝鳃Hsp70基因表达量影响显著;盐度的一次效应对马氏珠母贝鳃Hsp70基因表达量无显著影响、二次效应对马氏珠母贝鳃Hsp70基因表达量影响显著,温度、盐度之间的互作效应对马氏珠母贝鳃Hsp70基因表达量无显著影响,且温度的效应大于盐度.建立了马氏珠母贝鳃Hsp70基因表达量模型方程,决定系数98.7%、矫正决定系数97.4%,预测决定系数89.2%,模型的拟合度极高,可用于预测马氏珠母贝鳃Hsp70基因的表达量.通过对模型方程优化,得到在温度26.78 ℃、盐度29.33时,马氏珠母贝鳃Hsp70基因表达量达到最小值0.5276,满意度达到98%.试验结果可为马氏珠母贝鳃Hsp70基因的上调表达、维持细胞内环境稳定以及提高马氏珠母贝抗逆性提供理论指导.  相似文献   

郭云飞  蔡捷  陈汉东  李小平  徐惟永  苏承武 《蛇志》2011,23(3):242-243,260
目的研究合浦马氏珠母贝提取的珍珠母液,对其主要活性成分进行检测分析。方法采用《中华人民共和国国家标准》中的食品氨基酸、牛磺酸和微量元素的测定方法进行检测。结果合浦马氏珠母贝提取的天然珍珠母液含有丰富的活性物质(氨基酸总含量为223.7mg/100ml、牛磺酸总含量为276.4mg/100ml)和多种微量元素(锌、铜、铁、镁、钙等)。结论从马氏珠母贝中提取的天然珍珠母液有潜在的多领域应用和综合开发价值。  相似文献   

Guenther J  De Nys R 《Biofouling》2006,22(3-4):163-171
A field experiment documented the development of fouling communities on two shell regions, the lip and hinge, of the pearl oyster species Pinctada fucata, Pteria penguin and Pteria chinensis. Fouling communities on the three species were not distinct throughout the experiment. However, when each species was analysed separately, fouling communities on the lip and hinge of P. penguin and P. chinensis were significantly different during the whole sampling period and after 12 weeks, respectively, whereas no significant differences could be detected for P. fucata. There was no significant difference in total fouling cover between shell regions of P. fucata and P. chinensis after 16 weeks; however, the hinge of P. penguin was significantly more fouled than the lip. The most common fouling species (the hydroid Obelia bidentata, the bryozoan Parasmittina parsevalii, the bivalve Saccostrea glomerata and the ascidian Didemnum sp.) showed species-specific fouling patterns with differential fouling between shell regions for each species. The role of the periostracum in determining the community development of fouling species was investigated by measuring the presence and structure of the periostracum at the lip and hinge of the three pearl oyster species. The periostracum was mainly present at the lip of the pearl oysters, while the periostracum at the hinge was absent and the underlying prismatic layer eroded. The periostracum of P. fucata lacked regular features, whereas the periostracum of P. penguin and P. chinensis consisted of a regular strand-like structure with mean amplitudes of 0.84 microm and 0.65 microm, respectively. Although the nature and distribution of fouling species on the pearl oysters was related to the presence of the periostracum, the periostracum does not offer a fouling-resistant surface for these pearl oyster species.  相似文献   

Latero-frontal, para-latero-frontal, and frontal ciliary tracts on the gill filaments of Crassostrea virginica (Gmelin) were studied with light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Latero-frontal cirri are complex structures composed of varying numbers of paired cilia. The multiple pairs of cilia which constitute a single cirrus are closely appressed for a portion of their length; they then branch laterally from the central axis in a plume-like fashion. Latero-frontal cirri of adjacent gill filaments create a filtration sieve which should be capable of retaining particles smaller than 1 μm in diameter. Para-latero-frontal cilia are short, closely spaced cilia arranged as a staggered row along the frontal side of each tract of latero-frontal cirri. Latero-frontal cirri and para-latero-frontal cilia occur on ordinary, principal, and transitional gill filaments. Frontal ciliary tracts of ordinary filaments are divided into a central, ventrally directed coarse tract, flanked on either side by a dorsally directed fine ciliary tract. The coarse tract is covered by cirri which are comprised of five to eight cilia, while the fine frontal tracts are made up of individually functioning cilia. The frontal ciliary tracts of principal and transitional filaments bear only dorsally directed fine cilia. The unique direction of effective beat of the coarse frontal cirri of ordinary filaments, in combination with the action of fine frontal cilia and the strategic location of mucus producing cells, is used to describe a possible mechanism for the sorting of filtered particles.  相似文献   

Variations in the gross morphology and surface architecture of the gill filaments and secondary lamellae of a freshwater catfish (Rita rita) have been investigated using scanning electron microscopy. Heterogeneity of the gill has been correlated with the distribution of lamellar water-flow at different regions of a gill filament. Higher lamellar water flow (cc/pore/cmH2O/sec) was estimated for the middle region of the filaments. The filaments are covered with epithelial cells whose surface is provided with well-developed microridges. The lamellae are generally covered with microvillous epithelial cells. The variations in surface architecture of the gill filaments and secondary lamellae have been correlated with their probable functions.  相似文献   

Upon excision into spring water, the lateral cilia of the gill of the freshwater mussel Elliptio complanatus (Solander) stop beating, but 0.04 M potassium ion can activate the gill so that these cilia again beat with metachronal rhythm. One per cent osmium tetroxide quickly pipetted onto a fully activated gill fixes the lateral cilia in a pattern that preserves the form and arrangement of the metachronal wave, and permits the cilia to be studied with the electron microscope in all stages of their beat cycle. Changes are seen in the fixed active preparation that are not present in the inactive control, i.e., in the packing of the cilia, the position of the axis of the ciliary cross-section, and the diameter of the ring of peripheral filaments. Analysis of these parameters may lead to new correlations between ciliary fine structure and function.  相似文献   

Li S  Xie L  Ma Z  Zhang R 《The FEBS journal》2005,272(19):4899-4910
Calcium metabolism in oysters is a very complicated and highly controlled physiological and biochemical process. However, the regulation of calcium metabolism in oyster is poorly understood. Our previous study showed that calmodulin (CaM) seemed to play a regulatory role in the process of oyster calcium metabolism. In this study, a full-length cDNA encoding a novel calmodulin-like protein (CaLP) with a long C-terminal sequence was identified from pearl oyster Pinctada fucata, expressed in Escherichia coli and characterized in vitro. The oyster CaLP mRNA was expressed in all tissues tested, with the highest levels in the mantle that is a key organ involved in calcium secretion. In situ hybridization analysis reveals that CaLP mRNA is expressed strongly in the outer and inner epithelial cells of the inner fold, the outer epithelial cells of the middle fold, and the dorsal region of the mantle. The oyster CaLP protein, with four putative Ca(2+)-binding domains, is highly heat-stable and has a potentially high affinity for calcium. CaLP also displays typical Ca(2+)-dependent electrophoretic shift, Ca(2+)-binding activity and significant Ca(2+)-induced conformational changes. Ca(2+)-dependent affinity chromatography analysis demonstrated that oyster CaLP was able to interact with some different target proteins from those of oyster CaM in the mantle and the gill. In summary, our results have demonstrated that the oyster CaLP is a novel member of the CaM superfamily, and suggest that the oyster CaLP protein might play a different role from CaM in the regulation of oyster calcium metabolism.  相似文献   

The shells of bivalves are mainly composed of calcium carbonate, a product of calcium metabolism. In the process of shell formation, the uptake, transport and recruitment of calcium ion are highly regulated and involved in many factors. Among these regulatory factors, calmodulin (CaM), a pivotal multifunction regulator of calcium metabolism in nearly all organisms, is thought to play an important role in the calcium metabolism involved in shell formation. In this study, a full-length CaM cDNA was isolated from the pearl oyster (Pinctada fucata). The oyster calmodulin encodes a 16.8 kDa protein which shares high similarity with vertebrate calmodulin. The oyster CaM mRNA shows the highest level of expression in the gill, a key organ involved in calcium uptake in oyster calcium metabolism. In situ hybridization results revealed that oyster CaM mRNA is expressed at the folds and the outer epithelial cells of the dorsal region of the mantle, suggesting that CaM is involved in regulation of calcium transport and secretion. Oyster CaM also showed a typical Ca2+ dependent electrophoretic shift characterization and calcium binding activity. Taken together, we have identified and characterized a pivotal calcium metabolism regulator of the oyster that may play an important role in regulation of calcium uptake, transport and secretion in the process of shell formation.  相似文献   

Choi YH  Chang YJ 《Cryobiology》2003,46(2):190-193
This paper examines the effects of cooling rate, developmental stage, and the addition of sugar on the cryopreservation of the larvae of the pearl oyster, Pinctada fucata martensii. The survival rates of frozen-thawed trochophores was 43.1% at a cooling rate of 1.0 degrees C/min. The survival rate of frozen-thawed larvae increased with developmental stage, except for umbo stage larvae, and the late D-shaped larvae showed a survival rate as high as 91%. The addition of sugar (0.2M glucose or sucrose) improved the survival rate of larvae. These results indicate that the preferred cooling rate, developmental stage, and sugar for the cryopreservation of pearl oyster larvae are 1 degrees C/min, late D-shaped larvae and 0.2M glucose or sucrose.  相似文献   

Filter feeding in mussels is a secondary adaptation where the gills have become W‐shaped and greatly enlarged, acting as the mussel filter–pump. Water pumping and particle capture in the blue mussel, Mytilus edulis, have been studied over many years. Here, we give a short status of the present understanding of ciliary structure and function of the mussel filter–pump, supplemented with new photo‐microscope and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) pictures of gill preparations. Pumping rate (filtration) and pressure to maintain flow have been extensively studied so the power delivered by the mussel pump to the water flow is known (1.1% of total respiratory power), but the actual cost based on gill respiration is much higher (19%), implying that the cost of maintaining of the large gill pump is considerable and that only relatively little energy can be saved by stopping or reducing the activity of the water‐pumping cilia so that continuous feeding with a ‘minimal scaled’ pump is cheaper than discontinuous feeding with a correspondingly larger pump. According to the present view, the pump proper is the beating lateral cilia (lc) on the gill filaments and particle capture is accomplished by the action of laterofrontal cirri (lfc) transferring particles from the main water current to the frontal gill filament currents driven by frontal cilia (fc). Unexplained aspects include retention efficiency according to particle size and the role of pro‐laterofrontal cilia (p‐lfc) placed between the lfc and fc. The structure of cilia and the mode of ciliary beating have been re‐examined in this study by new high‐resolution light and scanning electron microscopy of isolated gill preparations exposed to serotonin (5‐HT) stimulation which can activate the lc and lfc at low concentrations (10?6 M), but removes the lfc from the interfilament canals at higher concentrations (10?5 M).  相似文献   

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