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戊型肝炎病毒实验感染恒河猴的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
报道了用戊型肝炎(Hepatitis E, HE)病人粪便悬液感染恒河猴后的组织病理学、血液生化与免疫学以及病毒学分子生物学检测的结果.三只实验猴在感染后第3~4周均出现ALT异常;粪便以及肝脏与胆囊组织超薄切片中电镜观察到27~34nm大小的病毒样颗粒;病理组织切片观察表明,肝脏组织有典型的急性炎症病灶;粪便与血清经RT-nPCR扩增到戊型肝炎病毒(Hepatitis E Virus, HEV)特异性片段,粪便排毒从感染后第7天持续至第50天左右,病毒血症迟于粪便排毒,出现于感染后两周左右,维持1~2周;ELISA检测发现,实验猴血清中HEV IgG抗体水平在感染后3~4周阳转,4~5个月后转阴.这些实验结果提示,恒河猴作为HEV感染实验动物模型是理想的,建立系统的恒河猴实验模型对探讨HEV感染发病机理、机体免疫应答以及临床诊断与疫苗研制具有重要意义.  相似文献   

新型戊型肝炎诊断试剂盒的研制及其应用   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
用HEVORF3合成肽及ORF2重组抗原研制成新型HEVEIA诊断试剂盒。与GenlabsHEVEIA检测比较,灵敏度和特异性均达100%(60/60)。三批试剂精密性测定均<10%。该试剂盒置4℃8个月或37℃4d保持稳定。检测不同肝炎患者HEV抗体,发现急性非甲非乙非丙肝炎中有63.2%,甲肝有13.4%,乙肝有8.3%,丙肝有6.6%,正常人群为2.9%。所研制的戊型肝炎诊断试剂盒,灵敏度高,特异性强,精密性好,稳定性合格。适用于戊型肝炎诊断及戊肝病毒感染的流行病学调查  相似文献   

应用ELISA和PCR法检测502例乙肝病人血清,401例HBsAg阳性血清中,有114例(28.4%)抗-HCV和HCVRNA双项阳性,25例(6.2%)HCVRNA单项阳性;21例(5.2%)抗-HCV单项阳性。将HBsAg乙肝病人分成HBVDNA,HBeAg阳性组和HBVDNA,HBeAg阴性组。前者抗-HCV阳性率为11.6%~20.5%,HCVRNA阳性率为16.2%~20.5%。后者抗-HCV阳性率为20.2%~55.6%,HCVRNA阳性率为23%~60.3%。结果说明长期携带HBV者和慢性乙肝病人均可重叠HCV感染。HBVDNA阳性组抗-HCV和HCVRNA阳性率明显高于HBVDNA阳性组  相似文献   

采用RT-nPCR和合成肽包被的ELISA法对HGV感染者进行随访研究和动态观察。2/14HGVRNA和抗HGV均阳性者3年后阴转;3/5单项抗-HGV阳性者3年后阴转;2/7单项HGVRNA阳性者3年后阴转。26例检出HGV感染指标的献血员3年随访时仅1例ALT为142。6例HGV感染者1年动态观察显示,4例受血者1年内抗HGV阳转,但仅1例受血者受血后2周时出现一过性ALT升高。该研究证实HGV可以经血传播并在体内有长期携带的趋势。6例HGV感染者的动态观察未见HGVRNA或抗-HGV与ALT有相关。提示HGV对肝脏的致病性较弱或致病需要辅助因子存在,应进一步加强HGV的致病性研究和新型肝炎病毒的研究  相似文献   

用戊肝病毒(HEV)基因组编码氨基酸序列1-901-914/2-515-530、3-91-123、2-613-654相应的三段合成多肽为抗原、研制出一种检测抗-HEVIgG的ELISA试剂。以该试剂检测中国、缅甸、印度和前苏联肠道传播非乙型肝炎(ET-NANBH)病人血清105份,仅3份中国病人血清阴性,阳性率为97.1%;检查实验感染HEVL赤猩猩血清,感染前阴性,感染后阳性;检查正常人血清99  相似文献   

利用HCV抗原多表位来研制HCV疫苗是目前的一个新方向。本研 究利用HCV的HCV的5个保守表位串联,并加入破伤风类毒素上的一个T细胞激活位点,设计成 一个HCV多表位抗原基因PCX,在大肠杆菌中表达,用此蛋白免疫恒河猴,诱导猴体产生了较 高的抗体水平,滴度达1∶1000以上,在免疫后的60周抗体滴度仍达1∶40以上。同时,在免 疫后6周用人HCV阳性血清攻击猴子,免疫PCX的猴子出现一过性ALT升高,在攻击后三周内用 RT-PCR检测到猴血清内HCV的RNA阳性。结果表明,免疫多表位的PCX蛋白可以诱导机体产生 高水平的免疫应答。  相似文献   

抗丙肝病毒核心抗原单克隆抗体的研制与初步鉴定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用基因工程重组技术获得的丙肝病毒(HCV)核心蛋白抗原与鼠血清白蛋白交联后免疫Balb/c小鼠,用杂交瘤技术成功地建立了4株稳定分泌抗核心抗原单克隆抗体的杂交瘤细胞,试验结果表明,该4株McAbs与免疫抗原及核心区C33肽、CP9、CP10抗原有较强的抗原-抗体反应,与HCV NS3、NS4、NS5无反应,在竞争ELISA中,对HCV-IgG阳性血清有较好的抑制作用。4株McAbs中3株为IgG2  相似文献   

从一名国内感染的艾滋病人采血,分离其外周血单核细胞(PMCs)。首先与正常的PMCs共培养,4周后检测其HIV-1p24抗原(ELISA)达到峰值。用此时的细胞及其上清分别感染Jurkat-tat、CEM、MT4细胞,可很快地在这三株细胞中检测到HIV生长,HIV在Jurkat-tat细胞中生长情况最好,同时用病人血清直接感染Jurkat-tat和MT4细胞,4周后检测其细胞上清HIV-1p24抗原(ELISA法)为阳性,但OD值很低(约为PMC共培养组的一半)。用病人的少量全血与正常PMCs共培养,得到的结果与分离病人PMCs法相近。应用间接免疫荧光法(IFA)、免疫酶法(IEA)、蛋白印迹法及HIV-1POl基因和Env基因特异引物的聚合酶链反应(PCR)等证实为HIV-1病毒。分离的HIV在Jurkat-tat细胞中连续传代,细胞被感染后2-3天即出现以大量融合细胞为主的细胞病变,感染后7-10天细胞几乎全部死亡。病毒在连续传代过程中的生长特征及致细胞病变特征不变。此病毒命名为CA-2毒株。  相似文献   

在大肠杆菌中表达的一段戊型肝炎病毒(HEV)结构蛋白NE2,纯化后以弗氏佐剂,按0d,10d,30d的方案10μg/针的剂量免疫3只恒河猴,在第2周抗体阳转,第6周时1只滴度达1∶100 000,另2只滴度1∶20 000,此时以106 PCR滴度的HEV病毒粪悬液攻击。对照组3只均出现血清转氨酶(ALT)升高,抗体阳转,粪便持续排毒1月以上;疫苗组无一发病,未检出非疫苗来源的抗体,其中1只始终未检出粪便排毒,另2只仅出现短暂排毒。以一份NE2免疫后猴血清(滴度1∶20 000)与103 PCR滴度的病毒混匀后感染2只恒河猴,结果对照组2只均持续排毒3周以上,抗体阳转,1只ALT明显升高;而抗体中和组2只猴始终未检出粪便排毒,抗NE2抗体缓慢下降,ALT正常。这些结果表明NE2具有良好的免疫原性和免疫保护性,有可能成为有效的戊肝疫苗。  相似文献   

将编码丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)E2蛋白417~750位氨基酸的DNA片段 克隆到真核表达载体pcDNA 3.1(-)中的CMV IE启动子下游,构建成HCV E2重组真核表达质粒 pcE2。ELISA法检测pcE2 DNA免疫兔血清中的E2抗体变化和维持规律,结果显示免疫20d已有 抗体产生,30d后开始进入高峰,40d时达到最高值,至第90d抗体水平保持平稳,抗体滴度 达到1∶1600左右。流式细胞计数仪(FACS)检测pcE2 DNA免疫鼠CD4+、CD8+T淋巴细胞变 化情况,与注射空载体pCDNA3.1(-)的阴性鼠相比,CD4+淋巴细胞水平略有上升,CD8+ 细胞水平有较大升高,增幅达35.46%。免疫组化检测结果显示注射pcE2的小鼠组织中有明显 的阳性着色,而注射pcDNA3.1(-)的对照组小鼠免疫组化结果为阴性。以上结果表明:pcE2 在实验动物内表达出的HCV E2蛋白可以引起免疫动物的体液免疫应答和细胞免疫应答,尤其 是MHC-1限制性杀伤性CD8+T淋巴细胞水平的提高对清除 病毒是十分有利的,因此HCV E2 DNA免疫有可能成为预防和治疗HCV感染的一条新途径。  相似文献   



A recent study provided evidence that farmed rabbits in China harbor a novel hepatitis E virus (HEV) genotype. Although the rabbit HEV isolate had 77–79% nucleotide identity to the mammalian HEV genotypes 1 to 4, their genomic organization is very similar. Since rabbits are used widely experimentally, including as models of infection, we investigated whether they constitute an appropriate animal model for human HEV infection.


Forty-two SPF rabbits were divided randomly into eleven groups and inoculated with six different isolates of rabbit HEV, two different doses of a second-passage rabbit HEV, and with genotype 1 and 4 HEV. Sera and feces were collected weekly after inoculation. HEV antigen, RNA, antibody and alanine aminotransferase in sera and HEV RNA in feces were detected. The liver samples were collected during necropsy subject to histopathological examination.


Rabbits inoculated with rabbit HEV became infected with HEV, with viremia, fecal virus shedding and high serum levels of viral antigens, and developed hepatitis, with elevation of the liver enzyme, ALT. The severity of disease corresponded to the infectious dose (genome equivalents), with the most severe hepatic disease caused by strain GDC54-18. However, only two of nine rabbits infected with HEV genotype 4, and none infected with genotype 1, developed hepatitis although six of nine rabbits inoculated with the genotype 1 HEV and in all rabbits inoculated with the genotype 4 HEV seroconverted to be positive for anti-HEV IgG antibody by 14 weeks post-inoculation.


These data indicate that rabbits are an appropriate model for rabbit HEV infection but are not likely to be useful for the study of human HEV. The rabbit HEV infection of rabbits may provide an appropriate parallel animal model to study HEV pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Hepatitis E virus (HEV) constitutes a significant health burden worldwide, with an estimated approximately 33% of the world’s population exposed to the pathogen. The recent licensed HEV 239 vaccine in China showed excellent protective efficacy against HEV of genotypes 1 and 4 in the general population and pregnant women. Because hepatitis E is a zoonosis, it is also necessary to ascertain whether this vaccine can serve to manage animal sources of human HEV infection. To test the efficacy of the HEV 239 vaccine in protecting animal reservoirs of HEV against HEV infection, twelve specific-pathogen-free (SPF) rabbits were divided randomly into two groups of 6 animals and inoculated intramuscularly with HEV 239 and placebo (PBS). All animals were challenged intravenously with swine HEV of genotype 4 or rabbit HEV seven weeks after the initial immunization. The course of infection was monitored for 10 weeks by serum ALT levels, duration of viremia and fecal virus excretion and HEV antibody responses. All rabbits immunized with HEV 239 developed high titers of anti-HEV and no signs of HEV infection were observed throughout the experiment, while rabbits inoculated with PBS developed viral hepatitis following challenge, with liver enzyme elevations, viremia, and fecal virus shedding. Our data indicated that the HEV 239 vaccine is highly immunogenic for rabbits and that it can completely protect rabbits against homologous and heterologous HEV infections. These findings could facilitate the prevention of food-borne sporadic HEV infection in both developing and industrialized countries.  相似文献   

The prolonged (up to 2 years) complex observation of 11 rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) with spontaneous hepatitis A and 14 rhesus macaques with experimental hepatitis A developing after their intravenous and/or oral infection with human hepatitis A virus (HAV). Both natural and experimental infection took a chronic course (15-18 months). In 13 monkeys showing morphological changes in the liver during the whole period of the disease elevated enzyme levels in the blood and virus shedding in feces were periodically observed. Only one monkey had acute hepatitis A which lasted 1.5 months. In 11 monkeys the disease took an undulating course with 1-2 relapses when virological, biochemical and morphological signs of the disease could be detected. Seroconversion was observed in all monkeys. Anti-HAV IgM antibodies were retained for not more than 6-7 months and total anti-HAV antibodies, during the whole period of observation. Relapses were found to induce no antibody formation. Evidence on the prolonged (up to 12-16 months) persistence of HAV in primates was obtained for the first time.  相似文献   

利用PCR方法获得1163bp的戊型肝炎(Hepatitis E Virus,HEV)开放读码框架(Open Reading Frame,ORF)ORF2之3'大片段和369bp ORF3的完整片段,分别克隆到真核表达载体pcDNA3中,构建两种含有HEV主要抗原表位的质粒DNA:pcE2和pcE3,分别或混合免疫Swiss小鼠三次(0时,第2周,第4周),观察其在小鼠体内诱发的体液免疫应答。ELISA检测结果表明,pcE2和pcE3在小鼠体内均可诱导出一定水平的HEV IgG抗体,且在第三次免疫接种两周后,100%的小鼠抗体阳转。与两和中质粒单独免疫相比,两者同时注射的抗体水平较高。本研究为HEV DNA疫苗的研究打下一定基础。  相似文献   

戊型肝炎病毒DNA免疫的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用PCR方法获得1 163 bp的戊型肝炎(Hepatitis E Virus,HEV)开放读码框架(Open Reading Frame,ORF)ORF2之3’大片段和369bp ORF3的完整片段,分别克隆到真核表达载体pcDNA3中,构建两种含有HEV主要抗原表位的质粒DNApcE2和pcE3,分别或混合免疫Swiss小鼠三次(0时,第2周,第4周),观察其在小鼠体内诱发的体液免疫应答。ELISA检测结果表明,pcE2和pcE3在小鼠体内均可诱导出一定水平的HEVIgG抗体,且在第三次免疫接种两周后,100%的小鼠抗体阳转。与两种质粒单独免疫相比,两者同时注射的抗体水平较高。本研究为HEVDNA疫苗的研究打下一定基础。  相似文献   

Nude mice which had received intraperitoneal injection of silica simultaneously with infection of mouse hepatitis virus, NuU strain, died of severe necrotic hepatitis within 2 weeks postinfection, whereas those having received no silica survived for 3 weeks or more after challenge. Silica given day 4 postinoculation had no effect. The virus titers of the liver and spleen at day 4 as well as serum interferon levels at day 2 were much higher in silica-treated mice than those without silica treatment. At day 2 or 3 postinoculation, silica-treated mice were found to have a considerable number of necrotic foci in the liver with some neutrophil and lymphocyte infiltration, and viral antigen was present in the cytoplasm of some hepatocytes around necrotic foci. In contrast, those without silica treatment showed only some necrotic foci with some lymphocyte infiltration. Viral antigen was detected only in a few littoral cells but not in hepatocytes. The role of macrophages in the resistance at early stage of inection in nude mice is discussed.  相似文献   

为检测钙离子、镁离子对戊型肝炎病毒(hepatitis E virus,HEV)感染PLC/PRF/5细胞(人肝癌亚历山大细胞)的影响,本研究在各实验组PLC/PRF/5细胞的培养体系中加入等量HEV毒种进行孵育,利用实时荧光定量反转录聚合酶链反应以及酶联免疫法,监测HEV核酸和抗原含量;在HEV感染细胞实验组的维持培养液中分别加入钙离子、镁离子、乙二胺四乙酸(ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid, EDTA)和乙二醇二乙醚二胺四乙酸(ethylene glycol tetraacetic acid, EGTA),观察钙离子、镁离子、EDTA和EGTA分别存在以及钙离子、镁离子同时存在的情况下,HEV感染后不同时间PLC/PRF/5细胞内及培养上清液中HEV含量。结果显示,HEV接种细胞后1~24 h,钙离子、镁离子的加入能够促进病毒与细胞的结合,而金属离子鏊合剂的加入抑制了病毒与细胞的结合。HEV感染后2~5周,钙离子、镁离子均能增加PLC/PRF/5细胞培养上清液中产生的病毒,其中钙离子的促进作用更加显著。本研究结果表明钙离子、镁离子能够促进HEV感染细胞,在HEV接种细胞后的培养过程中,添加钙离子、镁离子有助于病毒产生。  相似文献   

本研究旨在寻找戊型肝炎病毒(hepatitis E virus,HEV)衣壳蛋白ORF2的相互作用蛋白,探讨其在HEV感染中的作用。采用酵母双杂交方法从人肝细胞文库中筛选与HEV ORF2相互作用的蛋白,结果显示CD63与HEV ORF2相互作用。Pull-down实验提示原核表达的ORF2与CD63结合较弱,而免疫共沉淀实验提示真核表达的ORF2能与CD63结合。流式细胞术检测结果显示,HEV易感细胞PLC/PRF/5细胞膜表面的CD63表达水平普遍低于HEV非易感细胞。过表达CD63抑制PLC/PRF/5细胞的HEV感染,而小干扰RNA(small interfering RNA,siRNA)干扰CD63表达则促进HEV感染。结果提示,CD63能与HEV ORF2相互作用,可能抑制HEV感染肝细胞。  相似文献   

Prior to the recent discovery of the swine hepatitis E virus (swine HEV) in pigs from the midwestern United States, HEV was not considered endemic to this country. Since swine HEV is antigenically and genetically related to human strains of HEV, it was important to characterize this new virus further. The infectivity titer of a pool of swine HEV in pigs was determined in order to prepare a standardized reagent and to evaluate the dose response in pigs. Although the sequence of swine HEV varied extensively from those of most human strains of HEV, it was very closely related to the two strains of human HEV (US-1 and US-2) isolated in the United States. The U.S. strains which were recently recovered from two patients with clinical hepatitis E in the United States shared ≥97% amino acid identity with swine HEV in open reading frames 1 and 2. Phylogenetic analyses of different regions of the genome revealed that swine HEV and the U.S. strains grouped together and formed a distinct branch. These results suggested that swine HEV may infect humans. When we inoculated rhesus monkeys and a chimpanzee, experimental surrogates of humans, with swine HEV, the primates became infected. Furthermore, in a reciprocal experiment, specific-pathogen-free pigs were experimentally infected with the US-2 strain of human HEV that is genetically similar to swine HEV. These results provided experimental evidence for cross-species infection by the swine virus. Thus, humans appear to be at risk of infection with swine HEV or closely related viruses.  相似文献   

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