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五味子科药用植物亲缘学初探   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
五味子科Schisandraceae隶属于双子叶植物门木兰亚纲Magnoliidae八角目Illiciales, 全球分布约60种, 包括两个属: 五味子属Schisandra和南五味子属Kadsura, 间断分布于亚洲东南部和北美东南部。本文归纳了中国五味子科植物两大类活性成分--木脂素和三萜的分布规律、传统疗效和现代药理活性, 并对中国五味子科的药用植物亲缘学进行了初探。联苯环辛烯类木脂素(I)集中分布于五味子科植物, 可以被认为是五味子科植物的特征性化学成分, 除了传统的保肝作用外, 这类化合物中很多具有潜在的抗氧化、抗肿瘤和抗HIV活性, 一些联苯环辛烯类的木脂素, 尤其是在八元环C-6、C-9位上具有羟基或者酯化取代具有更好的抗HIV和抗肿瘤活性; 而螺苯骈呋喃型联苯环辛烯类木脂素(II)绝大多数存在于南五味子属, 其特殊的螺苯骈呋喃环及其钙拮抗、抗凝血和抑制血小板聚集的活性, 不仅初步说明了民间南五味子属药用植物藤茎具有较强活血化瘀药理作用的活性物质基础, 也提示在对南五味子属的药材质量标准研究中, 可以考虑以此类成分作为定性定量指标。五味子科植物中木脂素成分的分布规律提示, 在演化程度上五味子属植物较南五味子属植物更原始。环菠萝蜜烷类三萜在五味子属和南五味子属均有分布, 尤其是A环开环的环菠萝蜜烷类三萜(II)在抗HIV和抗肿瘤活性方面具有很好的潜力, 而结构更进化的7/7/5/6型三萜内酯(IV)显示了很强的细胞毒活性, 目前只在南五味子属的长梗南五味子K. longipedunculata中发现。从五味子属的小花五味子S. micrantha和狭叶五味子S. lancifolia中分离得到的多个成环复杂且高度氧化的类三萜内酯中也发现具有抗肿瘤和抗HIV潜力。  相似文献   

五味子属植物木脂素类资源的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文调查了15个省区71个样品的15种五味子属植物。应用高效液相色谱法,对8种木脂素有效成分在五味子属植物中的含量进行了分析,这8种木脂素提五味子醇甲(schizandrol A)、醇乙(schizandrol B)、酯甲、酯乙(gomisinC,B)、五味子酚(schizanhenol)、甲素(deoxyschizandrin)、乙素(γ-schizandrin)及丙素(schizandrin C),同时对12种五味子的醇提物进行了主要药理作用的比较。根据研究结果,对各种五味子的质量作出评价以及可供开发利用的意见。  相似文献   

五味子科植物的木脂素类成分及生物活性与国内资源   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
五味子料(Schisandraceae)是一类重要的药用植物.本文简述从国产的12种五味子植物中分离出近70个木脂素成分,并着重介绍木脂素成分降低谷丙转氨酶的研究结果以及其他主要活性。并对国内五味子科植物的分布和资源利用作了介绍.  相似文献   

中泰南五味子( Kadsura ananosma Kerr )为五味子科( Schisandraceae)南五味子属( Kadsura Kaempf. ex Juss.)攀缘植物[1]14,其根、藤茎、果实是珍贵的傣药,具有收敛固涩、益气生津、补肾宁心的作用。对中泰南五味子化学成分的研究结果表明:中泰南五味子体内含有较多的木脂素类和三萜类成分,其中20多个成分为其特有成分,这些成分具有抗氧化、抗HIV病毒等药理活性[2-5]。中泰南五味子果实具有果大、肉多、酸甜可口等特点,还可作为野生水果食用,但目前对中泰南五味子果实的相关研究尚未见报道;相关志书[1]15,[6]234对其果实的基本描述也不完整,甚至空缺。为此,作者对野生中泰南五味子果实的形态特征进行观察,并对其营养成分进行分析,以期完善中泰南五味子果实的基础研究数据,为其深入开发和利用提供依据。  相似文献   

中国十字花科植物系统分类近期研究进展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
十字花科 ( Cruciferae ulma Brassicaceae)植物有 330多个属 ,约 35 0 0种 ,主产于北温带 ,尤以伊朗 -吐兰 ( Irano- Turanian)、地中海区域和西北美分布最多 ,我国有 1 0 2属、41 2种[1] ,广泛分布于全国各地 ,以西南、西北、东北高山区及丘陵地带为多 ,平原及沿海地区较少 [2 ] 。该科植物经济价值较大 ,其中芸苔属和萝卜属为我国主要的蔬菜和油料作物 ,另有一些种类可以供药用或观赏 ,或作为饲料、染料、调味品等 ;现代植物分子生物学研究的模式材料——拟南芥也属于这一类群。在系统发育上 ,十字花科属于白花菜目 ,与白花菜科 ( Capp…  相似文献   

白珠树属5种药用植物木脂素苷含量的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
T.Z.Hsu&R.C.Fang〕是治疗风湿病的民族药,目前还没有评价质量的定性和定量方法。一般认为水杨酸甲酯是可能的有效成分,但根据作者的最新研究[1~3],建议暂用滇白珠木脂素苷含量作滇白珠的质量标准,同时建立[4]和改进[5]了分析木脂素苷的高效液相法,并研究了木脂素苷在滇白珠体内的分布特点及季节和地区对含量的影响[6]。根据作者对白珠树属(GaultheriaKalmexL.)的研究[7],发现具有抗风湿活性是该属许多植物的一个共同特点,其中至少有15种(变种)植物在民间被用于风湿病治疗[8],为了分析和比较这些植物在相关化…  相似文献   

报道了《秦岭植物志》遗漏的26种(含3个种下分类群)植物,26种植物分属于17属,13科。其中大血藤科(Sargentodoxaceae)和铁青树科(Olacaceae)为遗漏科,大血藤科的大血藤属(Sargentodoxa)、铁青树科的青皮木属(Schoepfia)、五味子科的南五味子属(Kadsura)、樟科的黄肉楠属(Actinodaphne)和虎耳草科的钻地风属(Schizophragma)为遗漏属。  相似文献   

报道了<秦岭植物志>遗漏的26种(含3个种下分类群)植物,26种植物分属于17属,13科.其中大血藤科(Sargentodoxaceae)和铁青树科(Olacaceae)为遗漏科,大血藤科的大血藤属(Sargentodoxa)、铁青树科的青皮木属(Schoepfia)、五味子科的南五味子属(Kadsura)、樟科的黄肉楠属(Actinodaphne)和虎耳草科的钻地风属(Schizophragma)为遗漏属.  相似文献   

慈姑属 ( Sagittaria L.)是泽泻科 ( Alismataceae)中一个很重要的属 ,世界广布 ,共约30个种 ,数量仅次于美洲分布的刺果泽泻属 ( Echinodorus Rich.) (约 4 7种 ) [1 ] 。慈姑属植物在我国已知有 8种、1亚种、3变种及 1变型 ,共 1 1个分类群 ,其中特有种 4个 ,对于研究全世界的慈姑属植物来说 ,中国地区有着重要意义 [2 ]。腾冲慈姑为我国慈姑属植物的一个特有种 ,仅分布于我国云南西部的山地沼泽中[3] 。陈家宽 ( 1 989)曾对中国 7种慈姑属植物的核型进行了研究 ,但由于受到材料来源的限制 ,未报道腾冲慈姑的核型。本文首次对腾冲慈姑的…  相似文献   

天南星科分类系统的沿革   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
天南星科 Araceae是一个世界性的大科 ,计1 0 5属约 3 5 0 0余种 [1]。单子叶植物 ,与浮萍科组成 1个目。在中国植物志排在第 1 3卷 ,第 2分册 [2 ]。其分布区跨越从赤道带到寒温带的各个生态地带 ,散布于新旧世界的各大陆块 ,仅在一些海岛地区和南美大陆有较多空白点 [3 ] 。中国有 2 6属 2 0 0余种[4 ] ,种属数量都不多 ,但不少属如 Pinellia、Arisaema、Remasatia和 Colocasia等都是以中国为分化中心的。中国最早有关天南星科植物的记载 ,始于本草书籍。西汉时期的“神农本草经”就记载了菖蒲(Acorus calamus) ,虎掌 (Pinellia pedati…  相似文献   

Li L  Pan Q  Sun M  Lu Q  Hu X 《Life sciences》2007,80(8):741-748
We recently reported that dibenzocyclooctadiene lignans were a novel class of P-glycoprotein (P-gp) inhibitors. In this study, we demonstrated that the lignans of this class were also effective inhibitors of multidrug resistance-associated protein 1 (MRP1). The activities of 5 dibenzocyclooctadiene lignans (schisandrin A, schisandrin B, schisantherin A, schisandrol A, and schisandrol B) to reverse MRP1-mediated drug resistance were tested using HL60/Adriamycin (ADR) and HL60/Multidrug resistance-associated protein (MRP), two human promyelocytic leukemia cell lines with overexpression of MRP1 but not P-gp. The five lignans could effectively reverse drug resistance of the two cell lines to vincristine, daunorubicin, and VP-16. This study, together with our previous reports, proves that dibenzocyclooctadiene lignans have multiple activities against cancer multidrug resistance, including inhibition of P-gp and MRP1, and enhancement of apoptosis. Considering that cancer multidrug resistance (MDR) is multifactorial, agents with broad activities are preferable to the use of combination of several specific modulators to prevent drug-drug interaction and cumulative toxicity.  相似文献   

Compounds from Kadsura heteroclita and related anti-HIV activity   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Pu JX  Yang LM  Xiao WL  Li RT  Lei C  Gao XM  Huang SX  Li SH  Zheng YT  Huang H  Sun HD 《Phytochemistry》2008,69(5):1266-1272
Phytochemical investigation of the stems of Kadsura heteroclita led to isolation of 16 compounds, including the triterpenoid named longipedlactone J (2), and two dibenzocyclooctadiene type lignans named heteroclitin I and J (3, 4). Compounds 8-10, 14, and 15 were weakly active as anti-HIV agents, whereas compounds 6 and 12 exhibited moderate anti-HIV activity with EC50 values of 1.6 microg/mL, and 1.4 microg/mL, therapeutic index (TI) values of 52.9, and 65.9, respectively. Their structures were established by spectroscopic methods, including application of 2D NMR techniques and CD spectra.  相似文献   

From the fruits of Schisandra cauliflora, five new dimethylbutyrylated dibenzocyclooctadiene lignans, named schisandracaurins A−E, were isolated using separation and chromatographic techniques. Their structures were determined by extensive analyses of HR-ESI-MS, NMR, and ECD spectra. The schisandracaurins A−E potentially inhibited NO production in LPS-activated RAW264.7 cells with their IC50 values from 21.4 to 30.3 μM.  相似文献   


Considerable interest has been shown in natural sources and their compounds in developing new therapeutically agents for different diseases. In this framework, investigations performed on this topic play a central role for human health and drug development process. Schisandra chinensis (Turcz.) Baill is a medicinal and edible plant showing highly advantageous bioactivity and nutritional value. The main bioactive compounds from its fruits are lignans, derivatives of dibenzocyclooctadiene whereas concerning its leaves, phenolic acids, and flavonoids are dominant. The purpose of this study was to investigate the enzyme inhibitory potential on selected carbohydrate hydrolases, cholinesterases, and tyrosinase of extracts from fruits and leaves of Schisandra in relation with their main bioactive compounds. Furthermore, the interactions between dominant compounds (schisandrol A, schisandrol B, schisandrin B, and cinnamic acid) from extracts and selected enzymes were investigated by molecular modeling and molecular dynamic studies in order to explain at a molecular level our findings.  相似文献   

Hong Wang  Hua-Jie He  Jian-Qun Chen  L. Lu 《Flora》2010,205(3):221-228
Illiciaceae and Schisandraceae, together with other members of Austrobaileyales have been identified as one of the earliest diverging lineages of angiosperms, within the ANITA grade. The specialized Illiciaceae and Schisandraceae comprise a clade defined by apomorphic characters including pollen grains with three or six colpate apertures. In both these families, pollen apertures and exine sculpture were found to be very informative when considered in the context of recent understanding of evolutionary patterns. In the current study, pollen grains of 21 taxa from Illiciaceae and Schisandraceae were investigated. These data, together with palynological data for taxa previously studied, were mapped into recent molecular phylogenetic trees to re-evaluate the existing classification and phylogenetic relationships in the two families. Palynological data were found to be relatively congruent with recent molecular phylogenies, while traditional delimitations of infra-generic taxa were somewhat conflicting and did not reflect phylogeny and evolution. The evolution of pollen morphology in the two families, together with other members of Austrobaileyales, is discussed in comparison with the molecular phylogenies.  相似文献   

史刚荣 《广西植物》2007,27(5):706-711
基于近年来的研究成果,对五味子科的分类地位和系统关系、五味子属和南五味子属之间的关系及其分类系统等问题进行了讨论。五味子科和八角科不仅亲缘关系较近,而且是现存被子植物中最早分化出来的类群,把它们同置于八角目是合理的。五味子科的两个属——五味子属和南五味子属,可能源于同一祖先并沿两条不同演化路线平行演化。目前,关于南五味子属的分类系统的意见比较一致,但对五味子属分类系统的分歧却很大。  相似文献   

在光学显微镜和扫描电镜下观察了南五味子属Kadsura 7种21个样品和五昧子属Schisandra 8种14个样品的木材解剖特征,结果表明次生木质部的导管分子类型、导管一射线间纹孔的排列方式、射线类型、射线细胞形状等性状在科的水平上很稳定,这些共同特征都支持五味子科Schisandraceae是比较自然的类群。在五昧子科中发现木材导管单生、具梯状穿孔板、导管壁具梯形排列的纹孔以及木射线异型等原始性状,支持五味子科在被子植物中的原始地位。此外,该科木材还具有单穿孔板导管、导管次生壁具螺纹加厚、具分隔纤维等较为特化的性状状态,这种性状进化水平的异等级现象,使五味子科表现出不同进化水平性状的镶嵌组合。根据木材解剖性状对五味子科进行UPGMA聚类分析,所得结果显示南五昧子属和五味子属在木材解剖特征方面有一定的交叉和重叠,这与分子系统学的结论一致,表明这两个属关系密切,可能起源于共同的祖先。通过比较五昧子科与八角科Illiciaceae的木材解剖特征,进一步证明两个科的亲缘关系很近,不支持将五味子科从八角目Illiciales中独立出来成立五味子目Schisandrales的观点。  相似文献   

HPLC and TLC profiling was carried out for leaf and fruit extracts of five Schisandraceae species: Schisandra chinensis, S. rubriflora, S. spehenanthera, S. henryi and Kadsura japonica. HPLC measurements confirmed presence of lignans and phenolic compounds in fruits and leaves of all tested species. The most abundant in lignans was S. chinensis fruit extract in which 15 compounds were detected (e. g.: schisandrol A, schisanhenol, γ-schisandrin, gomisin N). The effect-directed detection, i. e., TLC-direct bioautography against Bacillus subtilis, showed exceptionally high activity for S. chinensis and S. rubriflora fruit extracts. On the other hand, TLC-DB enzyme tests (α-glucosidase, lipase, tyrosinase and acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibition assays) showed that all fruit and leaf extracts have ability to inhibit the above-mentioned enzymes (except for the K. japonica fruit). The leaf extracts showed much stronger antioxidant activity than the fruit ones, which were assessed and compared using both TLC-direct bioautography and spectrophotometric measurements based on ABTS, DPPH and FRAP tests.  相似文献   

The chloroplast mat-K region and rpL16 intron region were sequenced for 14 species of Schisandraceae, representing both genera Kadsura Kaempf. ex Juss. and Schisandra Michx, to discuss the phylogeny of this family. Analyses were performed both in separate and combined sequence data sets (including the rbc-L sequence), with Illicium angustispealum A. C. Smith as the out-group. The results showed that the Schisandraceae are monophyletic. In all the analyses, Schisandra propinqua var. chinensis Oliva and Schisandra plena A. C. Smith were nested within Kadsura, which implies that the genera Kadsura and Schisandra are closely related. They might have originated from a common ancestor, but then evolved via different routes. The result inferred from the combined data showed a greater resolution within Schisandra than those from the two separate data sets. High bootstrap values supported the monophyly of most subgenera according to Law's system (1996). A combination of morphological, anatomical, and chemical analyses indicates that S. chinensis and S. rubriflora may be the primitive taxa in Schisandra.  相似文献   

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