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利用8个微卫星标记分析了6个生产类群鸡的遗传多样性。计算了各群体在各位点上的等位基因频率,并据此计算出各群体的平均遗传杂合度(h)、多态信息含量(PIC)和有效等位基因数(Ne)。结果表明:6个鸡群在8个微卫星座位上的基因频率存在明显的差异,其平均基因杂合度为0.7317,平均多态信息含量为0.6815。其中,群体平均杂合度最高的是安卡红鸡,为0.7716;平均杂合度最低的是新罗曼鸡,为0.7073。所选的8个微卫星座位均为高度多态,可作为有效的遗传标记用于鸡群体遗传多样性的分析。  相似文献   

利用POPGENE软件分析48头楼来牛在16个微卫星座位上遗传信息。通过分析楼来牛群体遗传多样性信息,目的是了解楼来牛群体的现状和遗传多样性,为利用分子标记进行楼来牛的选育提供理论依据。结果显示:16个座位中,平均有效等位基因数、平均期望杂合度、平均多态信息含量分别为:2.503 7、0.555 9、0.517 25。其中,9个微卫星座位高度多态,7个微卫星座位中度多态,选取的微卫星位点适合用于遗传多样性评估。研究表明楼来牛群体遗传多样性较为丰富。  相似文献   

应用微卫星标记分析中国地方鸡种的遗传变异   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
利用 8个微卫星位点对中国 9个地方鸡种和 1个引进品种进行了遗传检测。计算出了各品种的平均杂合度、平均多态信息含量 (PIC)及品种间的遗传距离 ,并进行了系统聚类。结果表明 :8个微卫星位点上共检测到了5 4个等位基因 ,每个位点上平均为 6 .75个。各位点平均多态信息含量为 0 .5 0 71~ 0 .74 34,均表现出了高度多态性。各群体平均杂合度较高 ,为 0 .5 5 6 4~ 0 .7135 ,说明我国地方鸡种有着较丰富的遗传多样性。地方鸡种间的遗传距离相对较远 ,10个鸡种共分为三大类。研究结果对我国鸡种资源的评估、保存和预测杂种优势具有一定的指导意义  相似文献   

我国新引进吉富品系尼罗罗非鱼群体的遗传多样性分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
选取罗非鱼(Oreochromis spp.)第二代遗传连锁图谱中的26个微卫星位点,对淡水渔业研究中心引进的、由60个家系组成的吉富品系尼罗罗非鱼(O.niloticus)群体进行遗传结构分析。结果显示,26个微卫星位点在吉富罗非鱼群体中共检测到124个等位基因,各位点的等位基因数为3~7个,平均4.8个。片段长度104~322 bp,平均杂合度观测值为0.622 1,平均杂合度期望值为0.642 3,平均多态信息含量(PIC)为0.633 4。所检测的26个位点中,有25个位点属于高度多态位点(PIC0.5),占所检测位点的96.15%;1个位点属于中度多态位点。结果表明,该吉富罗非鱼群体多态信息含量丰富,遗传多样性水平较高。因而该群体仍然具有较大的选育潜力,可以作为选育的基础群体开展进一步的选育工作。  相似文献   

黄颡鱼微卫星标记的筛选及三个野生群体的遗传结构分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了探明长江中上游流域黄颡鱼野生群体的遗传多样性状况和遗传结构,本研究采用磁珠富集法筛选出10个黄颡鱼微卫星标记,并利用其对长江中上游流域3个黄颡鱼(Pelteobagrus fulvidrac)野生群体(赤水群体、乐山群体、洞庭群体)的遗传结构进行分析。获得65个阳性克隆并测序,得到36个含有微卫星的序列,设计并合成了22对微卫星引物,经筛选得到10对多态性稳定的引物,其中高多态性位点6个,中多态位点3个。每对引物等位基因数2-9个,平均4.8。3个群体(赤水、乐山和洞庭)的平均多态信息含量(PIC)分别为0.5438、0.4568和0.3965,平均有效等位基因(Ne)分别为2.9928、2.5401和2.1713,平均期望杂合度(He)分别为0.6280、0.5277和0.4757,表明这3个群体遗传多样性水平较高,其中赤水群体遗传多样性最高,洞庭群体最低。种群分化指数(Fst)和遗传距离(Ds)分析表明,洞庭群体和乐山群体之间的亲缘关系最近,而与赤水群体的亲缘关系最远。聚类分析显示,乐山群体和洞庭群体聚为一支,赤水群体单独聚为一支。  相似文献   

三个野生群体日本囊对虾遗传多样性的SSR分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解野生种群日本囊对虾遗传分化和改良遗传育种,用SSR技术对福建厦门(XM)、广东湛江(ZJ)、广西北海(BH)3个地区野生日本囊对虾进行遗传多样性的研究。采用了10对微卫星引物对3个野生种群进行分析,10个微卫星位点在3个种群中均表现为高度的多态性,每个位点平均检测到3.87个等位基因;平均多态信息含量为0.5893;3个群体的观测杂合度分别为0.6243、0.5704、0.4661,全部群体观测杂合度平均为0.5536;期望杂合度分别为0.7193、0.6189、0.6226,全部群体平均期望杂合度为0.6536。这说明3个野生种群在10个微卫星位点上均具有丰富的遗传多样性。基于Nei's遗传距离的聚类分析显示厦门群体和湛江群体的遗传距离较近。  相似文献   

大鸨东方亚种遗传多样性的微卫星分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
田秀华  刘铸  白素英 《动物学报》2006,52(3):569-574
为了探索东方亚种数量正在减少的原因和制定科学、有效的保护措施,利用微卫星DNA对大鸨东方亚种(Otistardadybowskii)的遗传多样性进行了研究。应用3个大鸨指名亚种的微卫星位点和13个波斑鸨的微卫星位点扩增了47个个体的基因组DNA,筛选出8个具有多态性的微卫星。其中有3个微卫星的多态性较低,其余5个微卫星的多态性较高。各位点的观察杂合度为0.0435-1.0000,平均杂合度(h)为0.6595;各位点多态信息含量(PIC)为0.0416-0.8520,平均为0.5497;有效等位基因数(E)为1.04-7.46,平均为3.61。4个位点符合HardyWeinberg平衡,4个位点偏离了HardyWeinberg平衡。多方面比较发现,大鸨东方亚种遗传多样性很低,且低于指名亚种,这可能由于其种群较小、历史遗传瓶颈作用、生境破碎化、分布地域紧缩等原因造成的。  相似文献   

利用17个微卫星标记分析鳙鱼的遗传多样性   总被引:23,自引:5,他引:18  
选用本实验室克隆的17个鳙鱼微卫星分子标记分析四川泸州和江西鄱阳湖的两个种群鳙鱼的遗传多样性及种质特性,计算和统计了杂合度、多态信息含量(PIC)、有效等位基因数、等位基因频率、遗传距离、遗传相似系数、Hardy-Weinberg平衡偏离指数等方面内容。结果表明:选择使用17个微卫星标记,其中有4个为单态标记,13个为多态标记。江西和四川鳙鱼群体每个微卫星位点的平均等位基因数分别为3.325及3.882,平均有效等位基因数分别为3.531及2.676,多态位点百分率分别为82.4及70.5, 17个微卫星标记共有等位基因71个,多态微卫星位点的PIC在0.114~0.960之间变动,平均为0.417 ,两群体位点平均观测杂合度为0.385和0.452,平均期望杂合度为0.360和0.422,两个群体间的遗传相似系数为0.897,群体间的遗传距离为0.109。  相似文献   

新疆8个绵羊品种遗传多样性和系统发生关系的微卫星分析   总被引:62,自引:0,他引:62  
为分析新疆北疆地区主要绵羊品种的遗传多样性和系统发生关系,利用10个微卫星标记,采用PCR扩增,12%非变性聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳、Sanguinetti银染法显色,对新疆北疆地区8个品种、1个杂交一代绵羊群体遗传多样性进行了检测,统计了各群体的等位基因组成、平均有效等位基因数(E)和平均基因纯合率,利用等位基因频率计算出各群体的平均遗传杂合度(h)、多态信息含量(PIC)和群体间的遗传距离。利用分子进化遗传分析软件,采用邻结法构建系统发生树;同时根据等位基因频率,利用PHYLIP(3.6)分析软件,采用最大似然法构建系统发生树,应用白举检验估计系统树中结点的白引导值,并进行了系统发生分析。结果表明:10个微卫星位点在9个绵羊群体中的多态信息含量除BMI824、MAF65为低、中度多态外,其余8个微卫星均为高度多态,可作为有效的遗传标记用于各绵羊品种的遗传多样性和系统发生关系的分析;所有绵羊群体的平均PIC(0.5631)、h(0.5721)和E(2.9)均低于国外其他品种的绵羊,其基因多态性和遗传多样性相对贫乏;新疆本地土种阿勒泰羊、哈萨克羊和巴什拜羊与国外引进绵羊品种及混有外血的本地培育品种遗传距离较远,他们聚为不同的两类,各绵羊品种的分子系统发生关系与其来源、育成史、分化及地理分布基本一致。  相似文献   

长江中上游两个鲢群体遗传变异的微卫星分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
王长忠  梁宏伟  邹桂伟  罗相忠  李忠  田华  呼光富 《遗传》2008,30(10):1341-1348
对长江中上游2个鲢群体使用39个微卫星标记进行了遗传多样性分析, 计算并统计了平均观测等位基因数、平均有效等位基因数、多态信息含量、遗传杂合度、Hardy-Weinberg平衡偏离指数、遗传相似系数、遗传距离等遗传参数。结果表明: 万州鲢和监利鲢群体所检测微卫星位点的平均观测等位基因数分别为6.128和4.974; 平均有效等位基因数分别为4.107和3.395; 多态位点百分率分别为100和94.87; 39个微卫星标记共有等位基因259个, 173个等位基因为两群体所共有; 多态微卫星位点的PIC在0.077~0.865之间变动,平均为0.617; 两群体所检测位点平均观测杂合度为0.834和0.775, 平均期望杂合度为0.713和0.623; 两个群体间的遗传相似系数为0.618, 群体间的遗传距离为0.482。结果显示长江中上游两个鲢群体间存在显著遗传分化, 应隶属于不同的种群。  相似文献   

The methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) C677T polymorphism is associated with the expression of a thermolabile enzyme with decreased activity that influences the pool of methyl-donor molecules. Several studies have reported an association between C677T polymorphism and susceptibility to colorectal cancer (CRC). Considering that methylation abnormalities appear to be important for the pathogenesis of CRC, we examined the correlation between the genotype of the MTHFR C677T polymorphism, hypermethylation of the promoter region of five relevant genes (DAPK, MGMT, hMLH1, p16(INK4a), and p14(ARF)), and microsatellite instability, in 106 patients with primary CRCs in Brazil. We did not find significant differences in the genotypic frequencies of the MTHFR C677T polymorphism when one or more loci were hypermethylated. However, we did find a significant excess of 677TT individuals among patients with CRC who had microsatellite instability. This strong association was independent of the methylation status of hMLH1 and of the biogeographical genomic ancestry of the patients. Although the mechanism responsible for the link between the C677T polymorphism and microsatellite instability was not apparent, this finding may provide a clue towards a better understanding of the pathogenesis of microsatellite instability in human colorectal cancer.  相似文献   

Eighteen microsatellite markers were developed for the Crassostrea virginica nuclear genome, including di-, tri-, and tetranucleotide microsatellite repeat regions that included perfect, imperfect, and compound repeat sequences. A reference panel with DNA from the parents and four progeny of 10 full-sib families was used for a preliminary confirmation of polymorphism at these loci and indications of null alleles. Null alleles were discovered at three loci; in two instances, primer redesign enabled their amplification. Two to five representative alleles from each locus were sequenced to ensure that the targeted loci were amplifying. The sequence analysis revealed not only variation in the number of simple sequence repeat units, but also polymorphisms in the microsatellite flanking regions. A total of 3626 bp of combined microsatellite flanking region from the 18 loci was examined, revealing indels as well as nucleotide site substitutions. Overall, 16 indels and 146 substitutions were found with an average of 4.5% polymorphism across all loci. Eight markers were tested on the parents and 39-61 progeny from each of four families for examination of allelic inheritance patterns and genotypic ratios. Twenty-six tests of segregation ratios revealed eight significant departures from expected Mendelian ratios, three of which remained significant after correction for multiple tests. Deviations were observed in both the directions of heterozygote excess and deficiency.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Landrace populations represent an important intra-crop reservoir of biodiversity and source of novel gene alleles for use in breeding programmes. Here the aim was to measure the diversity of a wheat landrace, 'Barbela', from the north of Portugal. METHODS: DNA was extracted from 59 accessions of Barbela collected across its geographical range. Diversity was measured by microsatellite length polymorphisms using 27 primer pairs amplifying 34 polymorphic microsatellite loci. KEY RESULTS: High levels of polymorphism were found, with an average polymorphism information content of 0.52; an average of 4.77 alleles (range 2-11) were present at each locus, and half of these loci showed an additional allele in the reference variety 'Chinese Spring'. CONCLUSIONS: 'Barbela' is maintained from seeds collected by farmers, but it maintains high allelic variation, and no groupings of accessions were detected when analysed by geographical region, farm or climate, indicating that the wheat landrace is a homogeneous entity. The diversity within the farmer-maintained landrace demonstrates the importance of characterization and maintenance of landrace collections before valuable genetic combinations are lost as uniform commercial crops are introduced.  相似文献   

Two hundred and thirty-six mitochondrial DNA nucleotide sequences were used in combination with polymorphism at four nuclear microsatellite loci to assess the amount and distribution of genetic variation within and between African savannah elephants. They were sampled from 11 localities in eastern, western and southern Africa. In the total sample, 43 haplotypes were identified and an overall nucleotide diversity of 2.0% was observed. High levels of polymorphism were also observed at the microsatellite loci both at the level of number of alleles and gene diversity. Nine to 14 alleles per locus across populations and 44 alleles in the total sample were found. The gene diversity ranged from 0.51 to 0.72 in the localities studied. An analysis of molecular variance showed significant genetic differentiation between populations within regions and also between regions. The extent of subdivision between populations at the mtDNA control region was approximately twice as high as shown by the microsatellite loci (mtDNA F(ST) = 0.59; microsatellite R(ST) = 0.31). We discuss our results in the light of Pleistocene refugia and attribute the observed pattern to population divergence in allopatry accompanied by a recent population admixture following a recent population expansion.  相似文献   

To obtain a set of microsatellite markers for the Queensland fruit fly Bactrocera tryoni , a genomic library was screened with a number of simple repeat oligonucleotide probes. Sequencing recovered 22 repeat loci. The microsatellite sequences were short, with repeat numbers ranging from five to 11. Of these, 16 polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primer sets yielded amplifiable products, which were tested on 53 flies from five widely separated sites. All loci showed polymorphism in the population sample, with the number of alleles ranging from two to 16. Several dinucleotide repeats showed alleles separated by single-base differences and multiple steps, suggesting a mutation process more complex than the stepwise mutation model.  相似文献   

We describe the cloning and characterization of five highly polymorphic microsatellite loci cloned from aduncus dolphins (Tursiops aduncus) from Western Australia. Five polymorphic microsatellite loci were isolated and tested on up to 350 animals, showing 7–23 alleles and expected heterozygosity values from 0.68 to 0.89. We also tested the loci on striped dolphins and franciscana dolphins, where we also found high levels of polymorphism (9–16 alleles in 102 striped, and 4–5 alleles in 13 franciscana dolphins). Considering that the cetacean genome is highly conserved, the characterized markers are likely to be useful in a number of cetacean population studies.  相似文献   

微卫星标记分析中国梨木虱种群的遗传多样性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
中国梨木虱Cacopsylla chinensis (Yang et Li)是梨树主要害虫之一。为了从分子水平评估中国梨木虱种群内的遗传变异和种群间的遗传分化, 本文应用7对微卫星DNA引物对中国16个地区中国梨木虱种群进行遗传多样性分析。结果表明: 各位点有效等位基因为2.2927~10.0610, 多态信息含量(PIC)值在0.5073~0.8735之间。16个种群的平均期望杂合度为0.7876, 遗传距离在0.0951~1.0139之间, Nei氏期望杂合度为0.4771~0.7892, Shannon信息指数在0.8396~1.9989之间, 群体分化率FST为11.61%, 基因流平均值为2.2236。结果表明, 7个微卫星位点均具有较高的多态性, 各种群间的遗传分化水平较低, 基因交流程度较高, 遗传变异主要存在于种群内的个体间。研究结果为制定针对中国梨木虱的有效防治策略提供部分分子生物学的基础资料。  相似文献   

Microsatellites were isolated and characterized from Anopheles flavirostris, the principal malaria vector in the Philippines. Fifty of the 150 positive clones sequenced contained mostly dinucleotide microsatellites and only 16 had trinucleotide repeats. We designed primers from the unique sequences flanking 18 microsatellite loci. Of these, 11 loci produced successful amplification and revealed high levels of polymorphism; 86 alleles were detected with allele number ranging from 2 to 16 at each locus. The high allelic variability will make these microsatellite loci very useful for taxonomic and population genetic studies.  相似文献   

Eleven microsatellite markers were isolated and characterized for the ice goby, Leucopsarion petersii, from genomic libraries enriched for (ATG)(9) and (CA)(16) . Twenty individuals from a single population were used to screen polymorphism in these loci. The number of alleles per locus and observed heterozygosity ranged from four to 22 and from 0.35 to 1.00, respectively. All loci did not significantly deviated from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, and there was no evidence of linkage disequilibrium between all loci-pairs. These loci showed Mendelian inheritance in a full-sib family. The high level of polymorphism of these loci will be useful for studies of population genetics.  相似文献   

We developed 13 polymorphic microsatellite loci of the Japanese land leech (Haemadipsa japonica; Haemadipsidea) using an Illumina MiSeq sequencing approach. A total of 42,064 nuclear DNA contigs were filtered for microsatellite motifs, among which 30,873 simple sequence repeat loci were identified. From these sequences, we selected 30 primer sets, and 13 of these loci were successfully amplified. Polymorphism of the 13 loci was tested using 16 individuals sampled from sixteen populations across Japan. The number of alleles and polymorphism information content varied from 5 to 17 and 0.335 to 0.883, respectively, and observed and expected heterozygosity values ranged from 0.143 to 0.875 and 0.349 to 0.893, respectively, indicating that these loci are polymorphic. Furthermore, we established useful multiplex PCR using these loci. The 13 microsatellite loci described in this paper are the first nuclear microsatellite markers for a land leech species.  相似文献   

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