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滇产圆滑番荔枝中的番荔枝内酯   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从滇南产的圆滑番荔枝的种子中得到4个番荔枝内酯,4-dexoxycherimolin-2(1),cherimolin-2(2),annoninI(3)和desacetyluvaricin(4)。其中1为新化合物。  相似文献   

刺果番荔枝中的番荔枝内酯   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从刺果番荔枝(Annona m uricata L.)的种子中分离到3 个单四氢呋喃型番荔枝内酯类化合物,用波谱方法鉴定为海南哥纳香甲素(how iicin A, S13)、乙素(how iicin B, S5)和新化合物4-去氧海南哥纳香乙素(4-desoxyhow iicin B, S2)。  相似文献   

番荔枝化学成分研究(7)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从番荔枝(Annona squamosa L.)种子中得到化合物1、2和4,化合物2和4分别为已知化合物motrilin(莫垂林,2)和bullatanocin(布拉他诺辛,4)。化合物1的化学结构经IR、MS、^1H NMR及^13C NMR谱分析及其乙酰化物(1a)的MS、^1H NMR谱分析推定如(1)式并命名为22-表-莫维查灵(22-epi-molvizarin)。  相似文献   

从景洪哥那香茎中得到3个具有抗癌活性和杀虫作用的番荔枝内醌化合物,goniothalamicin(1)cheliensisinB(2)〈CheliensisinC(3),其中2,3为新化合物。  相似文献   

自番荔枝( AnnonasquamosaL.) 种子中得到化合物1 和2 , 化合物2 是已知的bullatacinone (2 , 4- 顺式和反式- bullatacinone 的混晶) , 1 是新化合物, 命名为番荔枝塔亭丁(squamostatin D) , 其结构经IR、MS、1H- NMR和13CNMR谱解析推定如(1) 式。  相似文献   

大花哥纳香化学成分研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从大花哥纳香(GoniothalamusgrifithiHokf.etThoms)的茎枝分得12个化合物,经光谱(IR,MS,NMR,2DNMR)分析,鉴定其中7个为苯乙烯内酯:goniothalamin(1)、9deoxygoniopypyrone(2)、altholactone(3)、goniodiol(4)、goniotharvensin(5)、goniofufurone(6)和8acetylgoniotriol(7)。另5个化合物鉴定为番荔枝内酰胺(squamolone,8)、乔松素(pinocembrin,9)、琥珀酸(succinicacid,10)、β谷甾醇(βsitosterol,11)和豆甾醇(stigmasterol,12)。化合物1~3和5~10均为首次从该植物分得。  相似文献   

刺果番荔枝种子中的新环肽—刺果番荔枝环肽A   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从刺果番荔枝种子中得到1个新环肽,命名为刺果番荔枝环肽A(annomuricatinA)通过多种2D-NMR技术、pos.FAB-MS和氨基酸分析,其结构确定为坏(脯-苯丙-缬-丝-丙-甘),是1个环六肽。  相似文献   

刺果番荔枝中的番荔枝内酯(2)   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
从刺果番荔枝的种子中分离了3个具有酮基的单四氢呋喃环型的番荔枝内酯S7,S8和S10,根据它们的[a]D,^1HNMR,^13CNMR,MS及IR谱分析,分别推定为新-异阿诺纳辛-10-酮(S7)、新阿诺纳辛-10-酮(S8)和异-新阿诺纳辛-10-酮(S10)。  相似文献   

番荔枝西宁甲—一个新的邻叁四氢呋喃环型番荔枝内酯   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从番荔枝(Annona squam osa L.)的种子中分离鉴定了一个番荔枝内酯的新类型——邻叁四氢呋喃环型的C36的化合物,命名为番荔枝西宁甲。  相似文献   

斜脉暗罗素甲—具有C5—OH的单四氢呋喃环型番荔枝内酯   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从斜脉暗罗(Polyalthia plagioneura Diels)的种子中分离到化合物P4 及P5,经IR、1H-NMR、13 C-NMR及MS谱鉴定,P4 为海南哥纳香甲素,P5 为具有C5-OH 的单四氢呋喃环型番荔枝内酯,命名为斜脉暗罗素甲(plagionicin A)。  相似文献   

用悬滴汽相扩散法得到R163K n-TCS的晶体,并用AMP浸泡48小时后利到复合物晶体。在Mar-Research面探测器系统上分别收集了0.205和0.187分辨率的X-射线衍射数据。采用同晶差值傅立叶法解析结构,用X-PLOR软件包进行修正,最后两模型的偏差因子(R和Rfree)分别为(0.187和0.263)和(0.180和0.233),键长偏差都为0.0013nm,键角偏差分别为2.79  相似文献   

The Neo-Darwinian concept of natural selection is plausible when one assumes a straightforward causation of phenotype by genotype. However, such simple 1:1 mapping must now give place to the modern concepts of gene regulatory networks and gene expression noise. Both can, in the absence of genetic mutations, jointly generate a diversity of inheritable randomly occupied phenotypic states that could also serve as a substrate for natural selection. This form of epigenetic dynamics challenges Neo-Darwinism. It needs to incorporate the non-linear, stochastic dynamics of gene networks. A first step is to consider the mathematical correspondence between gene regulatory networks and Waddington's metaphoric 'epigenetic landscape', which actually represents the quasi-potential function of global network dynamics. It explains the coexistence of multiple stable phenotypes within one genotype. The landscape's topography with its attractors is shaped by evolution through mutational re-wiring of regulatory interactions - offering a link between genetic mutation and sudden, broad evolutionary changes.  相似文献   

目的 建立清洁级Neor 转基因小鼠纯合子品系。方法 通过胚胎移植生物净化方法获得 1 0只清洁级NeorF1 小鼠 ,按孟德尔遗传法则交配 ,用PCR、Southernblot杂交和交配实验检测相结合的方法筛选纯合子。结果 选育出 4只纯合子 ,并建系。该纯合转基因小鼠与野生型小鼠交配制备的胎儿成纤维细胞具有G4 1 8抗性 ,可作为ES细胞基因打靶培养中的饲养层细胞。结论 通过微生物学和遗传学上对Neor 转基因小鼠进行质量控制 ,使Neor 转基因小鼠达到了清洁级 ,并建立纯合子品系。  相似文献   

Whether drug-selectable genes can influence expression of the β-globin gene linked to its LCR was assessed here. With the tkNeo gene placed in cis and used to select transfected cells, the β-globin gene was expressed fourfold lower when it was positioned upstream of the LCR rather than downstream. This difference did not occur when the pgkPuro gene replaced tkNeo. Moreover, the β-globin gene situated upstream of the LCR was transcribed without position effects when it was cotransfected with a pgkPuro-containing plasmid, whereas cotransfection with a tkNeo plasmid gave measurable position effects. Previous results from transfected cells selected via a linked tkNeo gene suggested that the 3′ end of the β-globin gene has no impact on LCR-enhanced expression. Here, removal of the 3′ end of the β-globin gene resulted in lower and much more variable expression in both transgenic mice and cells cotransfected with pgkPuro. Together, the results suggest that tkNeo, but not pgkPuro, can strongly influence expression of the β-globin gene linked to its LCR. The findings could partly explain why data on β-globin gene regulation obtained from transfected cells have often not agreed with those obtained using transgenic mice. Hence, one must be careful in choosing a drug-selectable gene for cell transfection studies.  相似文献   

In this paper, I advance Odera Oruka's insights on the ethics of consumerism in order to draw relevant implications of his thoughts on rethinking the problem of obesity. I argue that Oruka's ethics of consumerism and his right to human minimum theory entail some salient ideas that might serve as a better ethical model for reducing the global obesity prevalence. Though Oruka's African moral philosophy is yet to receive universal attention it arguably deserves, the interests of the international and ‘globesity’ community would be better served learning from the contributions of an African moral theory to contemporary bioethical discourse on obesity. Oruka's moral thoughts are by constitution, a deontological and cosmopolitan call for reducing hunger in globalized world, while also indirectly, addressing obesity of the poor. I show the limitations of his ethics of consumerism, and the shortcomings of such ethics in the context of obesity of the poor. Consequently, I develop a neo‐Orukan virtue based ethics that is worthy of attention in efforts towards addressing the obesity tide. No such perspective currently exists in the context of obesity; yet the exigent need for one is necessitated by the defects of the libertarian and harm principle approaches in Western bioethical discourse.  相似文献   

Valentin Haecker was one of the forerunners of experimental biology, genetics, and developmental physiology. In his ?Entwicklungsgeschichtliche Eigenschaftsanalyse” (Evolutionary Analysis of Traits) published in 1918, Haecker tried to determine the earliest stages in the development of the phenotype (Phenogenetics). His major objective was to integrate two of the most important concepts of Mendelian genetics, phenotype and genotype, within a well‐articulated theory. Haecker realized that a proper analysis of how the genotype gives rise to the phenotype requires an integration of knowledge from the fields of morphology, physiology and experimental embryology.  相似文献   

The distribution of five major products of proenkephalin B [dynorphin1-17, dynorphin B, dynorphin1-8, alpha-neo-endorphin and beta-neo-endorphin] was studied in regions of rat brain and pituitary. The distribution pattern of immunoreactive (ir) dynorphin B (= rimorphin) was found to be similar to that of ir-dynorphin1-17, with the highest concentrations being present in the posterior pituitary and the hypothalamus. HPLC and gel filtration showed the tridecapeptide dynorphin B to be the predominant immunoreactive species recognized by dynorphin B antibodies in all brain areas and in the posterior pituitary. In addition, two putative common precursor forms of dynorphin B and dynorphin1-17 with apparent molecular weights of 3,200 and 6,000 were detected in brain and the posterior pituitary. The 3,200 dalton species coeluted with dynorphin1-32 on HPLC. In contrast with all other tissues, anterior pituitary ir-dynorphin B and ir-dynorphin1-17 consisted exclusively of the 6,000 dalton species. Concentrations of dynorphin1-8 were several times higher than those of dynorphin1-17 in striatum, thalamus, and midbrain while posterior pituitary, hypothalamus, pons/medulla, and cortex contained roughly equal concentrations of these two opioid peptides. No dynorphin1-8 was detected in the anterior pituitary. Concentrations of beta-neo-endorphin were similar to those of alpha-neo-endorphin in the posterior pituitary. In contrast, in all brain tissues alpha-neo-endorphin was found to be the predominant peptide, with tissue levels in striatum and thalamus almost 20 times higher than those of beta-neo-endorphin. These findings indicate that differential proteolytic processing of proenkephalin B occurs within different regions of brain and pituitary. Moreover, evidence is provided that, in addition to the paired basic amino acids -Lys-Arg- as the "typical" cleavage site for peptide hormone precursors, other cleavage signals also seem to exist for the processing of proenkephalin B.  相似文献   

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