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聚合酶链式反应(PCR)虽已广泛用于分子生物学研究中,然而PCR实验中的非特异性产物问题将直接影响PCR的效率,在多重PCR实验中更是如此。为了最大限度地降低非特异性产物的出现率,同时避免用户频繁使用Blast比对检查非特异性,我们开发了基于NCBI-Blast的引物评估和模板DNA特异性结合能力评估的核查系统PSC(Primer Specificity Checking,http://biocompute.bmi.ac.cn/PSC),并基于虚拟PCR实验确定了用于引物质量核查计算的多种参数,能够在线提供多个物种的引物特异性核查结果。该系统可以有效地对引物序列可能产生的所有非特异性扩增进行预测,有助于实验前引物优化或者对非特异扩增结果进行解释,最终达到提高PCR效率的目的。  相似文献   

DNA甲基化是重要的表观遗传现象,对基因表达发挥重要调控功能.大量研究表明,基因DNA甲基化是重要的临床诊断生物标志物.在临床上,实施快速、准确的DNA甲基化状态检测是诊断应用的前提和关键.甲基化特异性PCR(methylation specific PCR,MSP)通过将两种引物与甲基化、非甲基化模板各自特异性结合和扩增,实现基因甲基化状态的区分,是切实可行、简单便捷的临床诊断实验技术.但是,不同于常规PCR,MSP主要存在如何强化引物-甲基化/非甲基化模板特异性结合、降低引物序列Tm值差异、去除假阳性扩增及提高敏感性等四大难点.尽管大多数MSP引物设计软件对上述难题都提出了各自解决办法,但在引物设计影响因素考虑、设计与评估并行处理及特异性扩增预测等方面仍然存在较大缺陷.为此,本研究通过对MethPrimer、MSPPrimer、MethBlast、BiSearch等现有MSP引物设计软件原理的深入探究,以及对Bowtie、SAMtools和BEDTools等工具的有效综合整合,基于图形库Matplotlib和第三方Python功能库BioPython与Primer3-py实现了具有系列优点的甲基化特异性PCR引物设计与评估可视化工具MethyScan.它具有引物设计、基因组索引、引物评估等三大完整功能模块,不仅可快速进行MSP引物设计,实现巢式(Nested)引物适配,还可基于4种基因组碱基转换模板分析引物结合信息,图形化展示非特异性扩增与目的片段差异,从而综合评估引物特异性-非特异性扩增.同时,对食管癌、结直肠癌等多种恶性肿瘤中6个潜在生物标志物TFPI-2、NDRG4、CDKN2A、CD44、CASP8和SDHD的甲基化引物设计对比结果表明,MethyScan不仅可获得更多CpG位点的检测引物,而且所获得MSP引物位置与其他软件结果相同或相近,且引物间Tm值差值更小.总之,作为首个图形化展示特异性-非特异性扩增差异MSP引物设计工具,MethyScan可有效提高甲基化引物设计准确性,为临床DNA甲基化检测项目开展、检测试验实施及诊断试剂盒研发提供有力支撑.MethyScan工具下载地址:https://github.com/bioinfo-ibms-pumc/MethyScan.  相似文献   

TAIL-PCR技术及其在植物基因中的克隆   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
热不对称性PCR(thermal asymmetric interlaced PCR,TAIL-PCR)是一种用来分离与已知序列邻近的未知DNA序列的分子生物学技术.该技术利用3个根据已知序列设计的嵌套特异性引物分别和简并引物组合进行PCR反应,选择恰当退火温度对目标片段进行PCR扩增.TAIL-PCR技术作为一种使用技术简单易行,反应高效灵敏,产物特异性高,重复性好,能够在较短的时间内获得目标片段,已经在分子生物学研究领域广泛应用.本文从TAIL-PCR技术原理出发,对该技术特异性引物设计、随机引物组合选择、PCR反应条件等关键性问题进行综述,并介绍TAIL-PCR技术在植物基因克隆上的应用现状及发展前景.  相似文献   

我们曾经报道了分别在心脏(α—MHC—Cre)和软骨细胞(Col2A1-Cre)特异性表达Cre重组酶转基因小鼠的成功研制。为了对这2种转基因小鼠进行特异性的基因型鉴定,设计了2对特异性PCR引物,其中一条引物分别位于α-肌球蛋白重链基因(α-MHC)启动子和Ⅱ型胶原(Col2Al)启动子上。以6种不同组织特异性Cre重组酶转基因小鼠基因组DNA为模板,利用设计的特异性引物以及位于Cre编码区的通用引物进行PCR反应。结果显示,2对特异性引物可以分别将心肌细胞特异性和软骨细胞特异性Cre重组酶转基因小鼠与其他组织特异性Cre重组酶转基因小鼠有效区分开来。  相似文献   

通过设计通用荧光PCR引物并结合DNA测序系统建立了小鼠的多重STR分型方案.实验针对小鼠基因组设计了两对不同的通用引物序列,标记了FAM荧光的通用序列和"加尾"的位点特异性引物共同用于小鼠的多重PCR的STR基因分型.本研究优化了通用引物和特异性引物间的比例,优化了多重STR-PCR的反应条件,并最终利用该技术方案实现了五重STR分型.实验验证了该方案在多重STR分型中的可行性.与传统的荧光检测PCR产物方案相比,应用通用方案完成多重PCR反应大大节省了实验时间与经费.  相似文献   

亲和力是影响改型单链抗体应用于临床的重要因素之一.利用巨型引物PCR定点诱变方法,设计并化学合成出两组含多个突变位点的简并引物,在第一轮PCR中使用简并引物分别扩增出含突变碱基的两条特异性的DNA片段,即巨型引物,将其经琼脂糖凝胶电泳分离纯化后,作为3′和5′的两端引物应用于第二轮PCR反应中.通过改变标准PCR反应条件,调整引物与模板的浓度,扩增出特异性较强的目的DNA条带.PCR产物经回收后,进行DNA测序.测序结果表明利用该方法扩增得到特异的抗CD3改型单链抗体的突变体库.  相似文献   

铲鲟微卫星引物对中华鲟的适用性研究   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:18  
将21对铲鲟(Scaphirhynchus platorynchus Rafinesque)的微卫星引物在中华鲟(Acipenser sinensis Gray)基因组DNA上进行PCR扩增,14对(约占67%)引物得到了扩增产物,其中有10对(约占48%)表现为多态性,但只有2对(9.5%)引物SPl-100和Spl-168的多态性较高,且带型清晰,可直接作为分子标记应用于相关的研究,此外,对具有特异性扩增,但有Stutter band现象的4对引物的部分可分离PCR产物进行了回收和测序,并对其中的3对引物的序列进行了重新设计,最后得到两对可应用于中华鲟的引物As-100和Spl0-170b,研究结果表明,对相近种的微卫星引物进行优化设计来获得一个物种的微卫星引物是一条简捷有效的途径。  相似文献   

管峰  杨利国  艾君涛  刘守仁  石国庆 《遗传》2005,27(4):579-583
四引物ARMS PCR是检测SNP有效、快速、简便的方法.绵羊BMPR-lB基因是控制Booroola绵羊多胎性状的主效基因,此研究目的在于建立一种对BMPR-IB基因四引物ARMS PCR检测方法.根据四引物ARMS PCR技术原理,在绵羊BMPR-IB基因突变位点(A746G)设计一对特异性引物,并在突变点两侧设计一对参照引物,用来扩增含有突变点的DNA片段,可在一步PCR反应中根据电泳图谱准确判断绵羊个体的BMPR-IB基因型,对比PCR-RFLP检测结果表明,所建立的方法简单,操作简便,大大提高了检测效率.  相似文献   

PCR引物设计及软件使用技巧   总被引:30,自引:1,他引:29  
介绍了使用软件设计PCR引物的技巧。在PCR引物设计原则的基础上 ,详细介绍了两种常用引物设计软件的基本使用方法 ,并对其各自的优缺点进行了比较。一般性引物自动搜索可采用“PremierPrimer 5”软件 ,而引物的评价分析则可采用“Oli go6”软件。  相似文献   

PCR是体外酶促合成特异DNA片段的一种方法,引物的优劣直接关系到PCR的特异性与成功与否。传统的PCR引物设计软件基本上忽略了DNA聚合酶与引物/模板的亲和性对PCR效率的影响。为揭示DNA聚合酶与引物/模板的相互作用是否对PCR的效率有影响,通过构建Taq DNA 聚合酶与不同序列引物/模板DNA相互作用的三维结构模型,采用MM/GBSA方法计算复合物的结合自由能,以结合自由能为参数,为人血清白蛋白基因(Human Serum Albumin gene,HSA gene)和结核杆菌pyrF基因(Mycobacterium tuberculosis pyrF gene)设计了PCR引物。PCR实验结果表明,引物的PCR效率与结合自由能相关:引物与聚合酶的结合自由能越低,PCR实验的效率相对越高。这说明DNA聚合酶与引物/模板的相互作用对PCR效率有重要影响。因此,引物/模板DNA与聚合酶的结合自由能可以作为PCR引物设计的新参数。  相似文献   

High-throughput sequencing of ribosomal RNA gene (rDNA) amplicons has opened up the door to large-scale comparative studies of microbial community structures. The short reads currently produced by massively parallel sequencing technologies make the choice of sequencing region crucial for accurate phylogenetic assignments. While for 16S rDNA, relevant regions have been well described, no truly systematic design of 18S rDNA primers aimed at resolving eukaryotic diversity has yet been reported. Here we used 31,862 18S rDNA sequences to design a set of broad-taxonomic range degenerate PCR primers. We simulated the phylogenetic information that each candidate primer pair would retrieve using paired- or single-end reads of various lengths, representing different sequencing technologies. Primer pairs targeting the V4 region performed best, allowing discrimination with paired-end reads as short as 150 bp (with 75% accuracy at genus level). The conditions for PCR amplification were optimised for one of these primer pairs and this was used to amplify 18S rDNA sequences from isolates as well as from a range of environmental samples which were then Illumina sequenced and analysed, revealing good concordance between expected and observed results. In summary, the reported primer sets will allow minimally biased assessment of eukaryotic diversity in different microbial ecosystems.  相似文献   

Four PCR primers that are useful to determine the nucleotide sequences of the rDNA of the powdery mildew fungi were newly designed. These primers provide both enough stability to work on a wide range of powdery mildews and enough specificity to eliminate contaminating DNA by PCR. DNA sequences of the rDNA ITS region were successfully obtained from specimens that were contaminated by other fungi. In addition, sequence results of the 18S and 28S rDNA were dramatically improved by using these primers in most of the specimens examined.  相似文献   

Four fungal 18S rDNA and internal transcribed spacer (ITS) polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primer pairs were tested for their specificity towards target fungal DNA in soil DNA extracts, and their ability to assess the diversity of fungal communities in a natural grassland soil was compared. Amplified PCR products were cloned, and approximately 50 clones from each library were sequenced. Phylogenetic analysis and database searches indicated that each of the sequenced cloned DNA fragments was of fungal origin for each primer pair, with the exception of the sequences generated using the 18S rDNA primers nu-SSU-0817 and nu-SSU-1196, where 35 of the 50 sequenced clones represented soil invertebrates. Although some of the primers have previously been suggested to be biased towards certain fungal taxonomic groups, the ratio of sequences representing each of the four main fungal phyla, Ascomycota, Basidiomycota, Chytridiomycota and Zygomycota, was similar for each of the primer pairs, suggesting that primer bias may be less significant than previously thought. Collector's curves were plotted to estimate the coverage obtained for each of the clone libraries after clustering the sequences into operational taxonomic units at a level of 99% sequence similarity. The curves indicated that good coverage of diversity was achieved, with the exception of the clone library constructed using primers nu-SSU-0817 and nu-SSU-1196, on account of the high number of non-fungal sequences obtained. The work demonstrates the usefulness of 18S rDNA and ITS PCR primers for assessing fungal diversity in environmental samples, and it also highlights some potential limitations of the approach with respect to PCR primer specificity and bias.  相似文献   

Green SJ  Freeman S  Hadar Y  Minz D 《Mycologia》2004,96(3):439-451
The Pyrenomycetes, defined physiologically by the formation of a flask-shaped fruiting body present in the sexual form, are a monophyletic group of fungi that consist of a wide diversity of populations including human and plant pathogens. Based on sequence analysis of 18S ribosomal DNA (rDNA), rDNA regions conserved among the Pyrenomycetes but divergent among other organisms were identified and used to develop selective PCR primers and a highly specific primer set. The primers presented here were used to amplify large portions of the 18S rDNA as well as the entire internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region (ITS 1, 5.8S rDNA, and ITS 2). In addition to database searches, the specificity of the primers was verified by PCR amplification of DNA extracted from pure culture isolates and by sequence analysis of fungal rDNA PCR-amplified from environmental samples. In addition, denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) analyses were performed on closely related Colletotrichum isolates serving as a model pathogenic genus of the Pyrenomycetes. Although both ITS and 18S rDNA DGGE analyses of Colletotrichum were consistent with a phylogeny established from sequence analysis of the ITS region, DGGE analysis of the ITS region was found to be more sensitive than DGGE analysis of the 18S rDNA. This study introduces molecular tools for the study of Pyrenomycete fungi by the development of two specific primers, demonstration of the enhanced sensitivity of ITS-DGGE for typing of closely related isolates and application of these tools to environmental samples.  相似文献   

Distinct isolates of the invertebrate pathogenic alga Helicosporidium sp., collected from different insect hosts and different geographic locations, were processed to sequence the 18S rDNA and β-tubulin genes. The sequences were analyzed to assess genetic variation within the genus Helicosporidium and to design Helicosporidium-specific 18S rDNA primers. The specificity of these primers was demonstrated by testing not only on the Helicosporidium sp. isolates, but also on two trebouxiophyte algae known to be close Helicosporidium relatives, Prototheca wickerhamii and Prototheca zopfii. The genus-specific primers were used to develop a culture-independent assay aimed at detecting the presence of Helicosporidium spp. in environmental waters. The assay was based on the PCR amplification of 18SrDNA gene fragments from metagenomic DNA preparations, and it resulted in the amplification of detectable products for all sampled sites. Phylogenetic analyses that included the environmental sequences demonstrated that all amplification products clustered in a strongly supported, monophyletic Helicosporidium clade, thereby validating the metagenomic approach and the taxonomic origin of the produced environmental sequences. In addition, the phylogenetic analyses established that Helicosporidium spp. isolated from coleopteran hosts are more closely related to each other than they are to the isolate collected from a dipteran host. Finally, the phylogenetic trees depicted intergeneric relationships that supported a Helicosporidium-Prototheca cluster but did not support a Helicosporidium-Coccomyxa grouping, suggesting that pathogenicity to invertebrates evolved at least twice independently within the trebouxiophyte green algae.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic potential of entire 26S rDNA sequences in plants   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
18S ribosomal RNA genes are the most widely used nuclear sequences for phylogeny reconstruction at higher taxonomic levels in plants. However, due to a conservative rate of evolution, 18S rDNA alone sometimes provides too few phylogenetically informative characters to resolve relationships adequately. Previous studies using partial sequences have suggested the potential of 26S or large-subunit (LSU) rDNA for phylogeny retrieval at taxonomic levels comparable to those investigated with 18S rDNA. Here we explore the patterns of molecular evolution of entire 26S rDNA sequences and their impact on phylogeny retrieval. We present a protocol for PCR amplification and sequencing of entire (approximately 3.4 kb) 26S rDNA sequences as single amplicons, as well as primers that can be used for amplification and sequencing. These primers proved useful in angiosperms and Gnetales and likely have broader applicability. With these protocols and primers, entire 26S rDNA sequences were generated for a diverse array of 15 seed plants, including basal eudicots, monocots, and higher eudicots, plus two representatives of Gnetales. Comparisons of sequence dissimilarity indicate that expansion segments (or divergence domains) evolve 6.4 to 10.2 times as fast as conserved core regions of 26S rDNA sequences in plants. Additional comparisons indicate that 26S rDNA evolves 1.6 to 2.2 times as fast as and provides 3.3 times as many phylogenetically informative characters as 18S rDNA; compared to the chloroplast gene rbcL, 26S rDNA evolves at 0.44 to 1.0 times its rate and provides 2.0 times as many phylogenetically informative characters. Expansion segment sequences analyzed here evolve 1.2 to 3.0 times faster than rbcL, providing 1.5 times the number of informative characters. Plant expansion segments have a pattern of evolution distinct from that found in animals, exhibiting less cryptic sequence simplicity, a lower frequency of insertion and deletion, and greater phylogenetic potential.   相似文献   

AIMS: Nine sets of PCR primers targeting Salmonella were evaluated for their specificity with pure cultures of intestinal-associated bacteria prior to their application to Salmonella detection in faecal samples. METHODS AND RESULTS: Gene targets of PCR primers included: 16S rDNA, a Salmonella pathogenicity island I virulence gene, Salmonella enterotoxin gene (stn), invA gene, Fur-regulated gene, histidine transport operon, junction between SipB and SipC virulence genes, Salmonella-specific repetitive DNA fragment, and multiplex targeting invA gene and spvC gene of the virulence plasmid. Fifty-two Salmonella strains were used to determine sensitivity; five strains from related genera and 45 intestinal bacteria were used to evaluate specificity. All primers amplified DNA from Salmonella strains, although two primer sets failed to amplify Salmonella DNA from either Salmonella bongori (hilA) or subgroups VI or VII (16S rDNA). There was no detected amplification of DNA from related bacterial genera with any of nine PCR assays. Six of the PCR assays amplified DNA for some intestinal bacteria. CONCLUSIONS: Only three primer pairs were determined to be suitable for application of PCR amplification of Salmonella in faecal samples - 16S rDNA, stn and histidine transport operon. We are currently evaluating their sensitivity of detection of Salmonella in faecal samples. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This study demonstrated the importance of internal lab validation of PCR primers prior to application to the type of samples of interest. Information from this evaluation can be applied in other labs to facilitate choosing Salmonella PCR primers.  相似文献   

Complete 23S and almost complete 16S rRNA gene sequences were determined for the type strains of the validly described Enterococcus species, Melissococcus pluton and Tetragenococcus halophilus. A comprehensive set of rRNA targeted specific oligonucleotide hybridization probes was designed according to the multiple probe concept. In silico probe design and evaluation was performed using the respective tools of the ARB program package in combination with the ARB databases comprising the currently available 16S as well as 23S rRNA primary structures. The probes were optimized with respect to their application for reverse hybridization in microplate format. The target comprising 16S and 23S rDNA was amplified and labeled by PCR (polymerase chain reaction) using general primers targeting a wide spectrum of bacteria. Alternatively, amplification of two adjacent rDNA fragments of enterococci was performed by using specific primers. In vitro evaluation of the probe set was done including all Enterococcus type strains, and a selection of other representatives of the gram-positive bacteria with a low genomic DNA G+C content. The optimized probe set was used to analyze enriched drinking water samples as well as original samples from waste water treatment plants.  相似文献   

Yeast-like symbiotes (YLS) are endosymbionts that are intimately associated with the growth, development, reproduction of their host, the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Hemiptera: Delphacidae). However, it is unclear how many species of YLS are found within N. lugens, and how they are related to each other. Traditional methods or simple amplification based on 18S rDNA sequence does not reliably identify new species quickly and efficiently. Therefore, a novel nested PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) strategy was developed in this article to analyze the YLS of brown planthopper using a nested PCR protocol that involved the 18S rDNA gene and the 5.8S–ITS gene using fungal universal primers. The nested PCR protocol was developed as follows: firstly, the 18S rDNA gene, and 5.8S–ITS gene were amplified using fungal universal primers. Subsequently, these products were used as a template in a second PCR with primers ITS1GC–ITS2, ITS1FGC–ITS2, and NFGC-NR, which was suitable for DGGE. Using this highly specific molecular approach, we found several previously detected fungi: Noda, Pichia guilliermondii, Candida sp., and some previously undetected fungi, such as Saccharomycetales sp., Debaryomyces hansenii, and some uncultured fungi. In conclusion, the nested PCR system developed in this study, coupled with DGGE fingerprinting, offers a new tool for uncovering fungal endosymbiont diversity within planthoppers.  相似文献   

Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis of PCR-amplified 16S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) fragments has frequently been applied to the fingerprinting of natural bacterial populations (PCR/DGGE). In this study, sequences of bacterial universal primers frequently used in PCR/DGGE were compared with 16S rDNA sequences that represent recently proposed divisions in the domain Bacteria. We found mismatches in 16S rDNA sequences from some groups of bacteria. Inosine residues were then introduced into the bacterial universal primers to reduce amplification biases caused by these mismatches. Using the improved primers, phylotypes affiliated with Verrucomicrobia and candidate division OP11, were detected in DGGE fingerprints of groundwater populations, which have not been detected by PCR/DGGE with conventional universal primers.  相似文献   

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