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文章利用20个中国汉族个体样本建立了稳定精确的HLA-A、-B基因全长序列的克隆测序方法, 获得HLA-A 10个等位基因4.2 kb序列, HLA-B 6个等位基因3.7 kb序列, 序列涵盖了两个基因的所有外显子、所有内含子、5′启动子区以及3′非翻译区(3′UTR)。A*1153是文章发现的一个新等位基因, B*151101的内含子序列、5个HLA-A以及2个HLA-B等位基因的5′启动子序列和3′UTR序列为国际上首次报道, 其他等位基因均延伸了IMGT/HLA数据库中释放的全长序列。文章首次在中国汉族个体中测定了IMGT/HLA数据库中没有覆盖的HLA-A、-B基因的上游5′启动子以及下游3′UTR区域的多态性模式。HLA-A基因5′启动子延伸区域共发现26个SNPs和一处3 bp(AAA/-)的插入/缺失, 3′UTR延伸区域共发现14个SNPs; HLA-B基因5′启动子延伸区域共发现5个SNPs和一处1 bp(T/-)的插入/缺失, 3′UTR延伸区域共发现8个SNPs。通过对两个基因的5′启动子、外显子以及3′UTR的系统发育树分析, 发现两个基因调控区与外显子的进化关系有所不同, HLA-A基因除A*24020101外, 其他等位基因两端调控区与外显子连锁比较紧密, HLA-B基因两端调控区与外显子之间则发生了较为频繁的重组事件。  相似文献   

旨在研究荷包猪SLA-DRB基因的分子特征,设计引物用RT-PCR扩增3头荷包猪DRB基因c DNA,并克隆至p MD18-T Vector,阳性克隆测序并做序列分析,分别进行同源性、分子进化及主要氨基酸变异位点分析。结果表明,成功从3头荷包猪中扩增得到SLA-DRB基因,分别命名为SLA-DRB-HB01-03,经序列测定后,证实c DNA全长为836 bp,其中1-801为ORF区,共编码266个氨基酸。同源性分析显示,SLA-DRB-HB与其他SLA-DRB等位基因的同源性介于90.3%-99.8%之间。分子进化分析表明,荷包猪SLA-DRB-HB独立分支,与其他等位基因相比较,进化更加原始。氨基酸变异位点和多态性分析结果显示,SLA-DRBHB本身存在一定的多态性。  相似文献   

旨在研究荷包猪SLA-DRB基因的分子特征,设计引物用RT-PCR扩增3头荷包猪DRB基因c DNA,并克隆至p MD18-T Vector,阳性克隆测序并做序列分析,分别进行同源性、分子进化及主要氨基酸变异位点分析。结果表明,成功从3头荷包猪中扩增得到SLA-DRB基因,分别命名为SLA-DRB-HB01-03,经序列测定后,证实c DNA全长为836 bp,其中1-801为ORF区,共编码266个氨基酸。同源性分析显示,SLA-DRB-HB与其他SLA-DRB等位基因的同源性介于90.3%-99.8%之间。分子进化分析表明,荷包猪SLA-DRB-HB独立分支,与其他等位基因相比较,进化更加原始。氨基酸变异位点和多态性分析结果显示,SLA-DRBHB本身存在一定的多态性。  相似文献   

中国人罕见的cisAB变异型分子机制分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
许先国  刘瑛  洪小珍  马开荣  朱发明  吕杭军  严力行 《遗传》2008,30(10):1295-1300
为研究中国人群ABO血型系统中罕见的cisAB变异型的分子遗传背景, 用血型血清学方法鉴定12例ABO血型疑难样本和116例随机无血缘关系样本, 应用聚合酶链反应和DNA序列分析等方法对样本ABO基因酶活性编码区外显子6、7和侧翼内含子进行突变筛选和检测, 并对不同基因型的扩增片段进行单倍体序列分析。血清学检测发现12个样本均为(A强B弱)或(A弱B强), PCR产物直接序列分析表明这些样本均为cisAB变异型, 并存在4种基因型。通过单倍体序列分析, 从中发现2种cisAB等位基因, 其中cisAB01不仅存在外显子7的467C>T和803G>C变异, 还在第6内含子存在未经报道的163T>C和179C>T变异; 另一种等位基因是在B101基础上保留了A101的803G位点, 编码一条176G、235S、266M和268G组合的多肽链。经检索, 未发现该组合的ABO等位基因, 该等位基因已被国际血型抗原基因突变数据库命名为cisAB05等位基因。文章系统研究了中国人群cisAB变异型分子机制, 发现了一种新的cisAB05等位基因, 同时根据内含子序列推测cisAB01等位基因可能是通过A101和B101等位基因间的同源交换而形成的。  相似文献   

采样自云南同一种群的中华菊头蝠共16 个个体,用于DRB 基因的分子进化和多态性研究。利用翼膜组织提取DNA 基因组,并PCR 克隆测序分析。获得了相差3 bp 的两种不同长度序列类型,A 序列类型263 bp,在研究群体中有15 个等位基因;B 序列类型260 bp,在研究群体中有8 个等位基因。在分析的74 个氨基酸变异位点上检测到12 个正向选择位点。在9 个个体中检测到分布频率最高的等位基因,也有多个等位基因只存在一个个体中。单个个体中最多存在6 个等位基因。遗传多态性分析表明中华菊头蝠DRB 基因具有较高的多态性。中华菊头蝠DRB 基因可能至少存在3 个重复座位。利用已发表的翼手目DRB 第二外显子序列构建的系统进化树表明中华菊头蝠MHCⅡ-DRB 基因处于独立进化支。  相似文献   

目的研究实验用SPF大白猪和长白猪SLA II类基因的多态性。方法分别采集15头SPF大白猪和22头长白猪抗凝血,分离外周血淋巴细胞,提取总RNA,反转录后RT-PCR扩增DQB1、DRB1和DQA基因并进行测序,分析获得的SLA II类等位基因序列多态性。结果 3个基因共获得25个等位基因,包括8个DQB1,10个DRB1和7个DQA,全部获得ISAG SLA命名委员会的官方命名,其中3个等位基因首次提交完整序列,命名为DQB1*02:12(KU754590)、DQB1*02:03(KU754591)和DRB1*06:07(KU754601),3个DQA等位基因为新发现等位基因。SPF大白猪和长白猪DQB1等位基因与外源性抗原结合的15个氨基酸中,共有5个氨基酸具有高度保守性;DRB1等位基因的16个外源性抗原识别位点中,仅1个位点高度保守;DQA等位基因19个抗原结合位点中,有11个高度保守。SLA II类基因氨基酸序列分子进化树表明,3个基因分别聚为两大类,与国外Yucatan小型猪具有较近的亲缘关系,而与其他猪种未表现明显遗传距离相隔。结论成功鉴定了大白猪和长白猪的25个SLA II类等位基因,发现其具有较为丰富的多态性,所获得SLA II类等位基因在其他品种猪也广泛分布,具有多样性,这一研究结果对大白猪和长白猪发展为经典实验动物模型具有重要作用。  相似文献   

旨在研究合作猪DQA基因外显子2多态性,确定其等位基因数、核苷酸多态位点、氨基酸多态位点及各个等位基因之间的遗传关系,分析其进化意义。选用PCR-SSCP对439只合作猪SLA-DQA基因外显子2的多态性进行检测;测序群体内因变异而产生的各等位基因序列,并分析序列数据。结果显示,在合作猪SLA-DQA外显子2中发现了7个新等位基因,共18个核苷酸多态位点,10个氨基酸多态位点。合作猪SLA-DQA外显子2具有较丰富的多态性,群体内可能蕴藏着更加丰富的遗传资源;合作猪SLA-DQA外显子2基因最初可能由一个等位基因突变分化成一大类基因;合作猪SLA-DQA外显子2序列与各个猪种的SLA-DQA外显子2序列具有较高的同源性,预示着这些猪种的SLA-DQA外显子2基因最早可能来源于其分歧之前的共同祖先原始序列;新发现的7个SLA-DQA外显子2等位基因,可能由遗传关系较近的两个等位基因突变产生。  相似文献   

构建嵌入第二内含子的甘丙肽(Galanin,GAL)全长基因组cDNA的重构分子。通过RT-PCR扩增出cDNA编区的序列,分别从基因组中扩增出cDNA的5′和3′端部分非编码序列;使用重叠延伸PCR(overlap extention PCR,OE-PCR)方法将三个片段重叠获得全长cDNA序列;再将全长cDNA从第三外显子第15个碱基处分成两部分,分开的cDNA前半部分和后半部分以及第二内含子进行重叠延伸获得重构分子,含有第二内含子的甘丙肽(GAL)全长基因组cDNA;将重构分子连入pMDI9-Tsimple载体。电泳分析观察到清晰的重构分子片段;测序显示重构分子由所设计的序列组成,第二内含子插入的位置准确,且无移码。使用重叠延伸PCR能够成功在cDNA中插入内含子获得一段重构基因。  相似文献   

采用序列特异性寡核苷酸探针杂交技术(PCR-SSOP)对146位新疆维吾尔族无关个体HLA-Cw基因座进行基因分型,研究该民族HLA-Cw基因座遗传多态性,建立新疆维吾尔族HLA-Cw基因频率数据库。检出18种等位基因,基因频率分布在0.0069~02460,其中HLA-Cw*04、07、08、14基因频率比较高,基因频率分别为02460、0.1151、0.1010、0.1202,共占新疆维吾尔族可检出等位基因的58.23%,PCR-SSOP分型技术使新疆维吾尔族HLA-Cw基因座空白基因频率降至0.0064。经χ2检验,基因型分布符合Hardy-Weinberg平衡定律。建立民族HLA-Cw基因座基因频率数据库,为临床器官移植配型、人类学、法医学提供重要的群体遗传学资料。 Abstract:The HLA-Cw loci polymorphism in Uygur population was investigated using the PCR- sequence specific oligonucleotide probe (SSOP) method,and the genetic database on the distribution of gene frequency of the HLA-Cw loci was established.From 146 individuals of Uygur population,18 HLA-Cw alleles were detected.The gene frequency was from 0.0069 to 0.2460.The four most common alleles were HLA-Cw*04(24.60%)、07(11.51%)、08(1010%)、14(12.02%),and they covered 58.23% of total alleles detected from Uygur population.We have made a survey of HLA-Cw alleles frequencies in a Uygur population,with blank frequency being lowered to 0.0064.The distribution of genotype frequencies met the law of Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium by hi-square test.The frequency data can be used in forensic and paternity tests to estimate the frequency of a DNA profile in the Uygur population,transplant matching and anthropology.  相似文献   

牙鲆MHC-DAA结构及其等位基因多态性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
徐田军  陈松林 《遗传》2009,31(10):1020-1028
为了探讨牙鲆MHC-DAA等位基因的多态性, 根据牙鲆 (Paralichthys olivaceus) MHC-DAA的cDNA序列设计特异引物, 扩增内含子序列。牙鲆DAA基因由4个外显子和3个内含子组成, 与大西洋鲑 (Salmo salar) DAA基因结构相同, 在内含子2中存在一个高度多态的微卫星位点(GT)n。根据获得的MHC-DAA基因组序列设计特异性引物, 在45尾牙鲆中扩增了包括完整外显子2和内含子2的长度约670 bp的DNA片段, 克隆测序后共发现30个MHC-DAA等位基因, 各等位基因的频次及其各主型中亚型的数目都不均衡。在249 bp的外显子2序列中共有55个位点发生变异, 核苷酸多样性指数为0.0887, 编码的氨基酸序列中多态变异位点31个, 其中简约信息位点30个, 单变异位点1个。非同义替代与同义替代的比率在PBR(Peptide binding region)和非PBR结合区分别为3.30和2.43, 分析证明平衡选择是牙鲆存在众多DAA等位基因的发生机制。  相似文献   

Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) system is the most polymorphic region known in the human genome. In the present study, we analyzed for the first time the HLA-A gene polymorphisms defined by the high-resolution typing methods-sequence-based typing (SBT) in 161 Northern Chinese Han people. A total of 74 different HLA-A gene types and 36 alleles were detected. The most frequent alleles were A*110101 (GF=0.2360), A*24020101 (GF=0.1646), and A*020101 (GF=0.1553); followed by A*3303 (GF=0.1180), A*3001 (GF=0.0590),  相似文献   

Numerous studies have evaluated the association between human leukocyte antigen (HLA) Cw*0602 polymorphism and psoriasis risk. However, the results have been inconsistent. We made a meta-analysis of the association between HLA-Cw*0602 polymorphism and psoriasis risk. Eighteen studies were retrieved, reporting a total of 3419 psoriasis patients and 3297 healthy controls. The associations between HLA-Cw*0602 polymorphism and psoriasis risk were estimated by pooled odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence interval (95%CI). We found significant associations between HLA-Cw*0602 polymorphism and psoriasis risk in the comparisons of positive versus negative alleles (OR = 4.55, 95%CI = 3.65-5.67, P < 0.00001); positive homozygote versus negative homozygote combined with heterozygote (OR = 14.00, 95%CI = 8.47-23.15, P < 0.00001); positive homozygote combined with heterozygote versus negative homozygote (OR = 5.11, 95%CI = 3.86-6.76, P < 0.00001); positive homozygote versus negative homozygote (OR = 23.03, 95%CI = 13.95-38.00, P < 0.00001), and positive homozygote versus heterozygote (OR = 4.21, 95%CI = 2.35- 7.00, P < 0.00001). In conclusion, the positive allele of HLA-Cw*0602 polymorphism appears to be a risk factor for psoriasis.  相似文献   

Analysis of available nucleotide sequence data for class I HLA genes has established that the seventh intron is one of the gene regions which expresses the highest degree of locus specificity (the percentage sequence divergence between nonallelic genes minus the percentage sequence divergence between allelic genes). We have subcloned short DNA sequences including this region from the HLA-Cw3 gene. Two clones, pC250 and pC800, were tested by hybridizing them at high stringency to a panel of clones containing class I HLA genes. Under conditions permitting a strong hybridization signal with a C-locus gene, pC800 also expressed a weak but significant hybridization to other class I genes, while pC250 appeared to hybridize exclusively to the C-locus gene. Hybridization of the pC250 probe at high stringency to Hind III-digested genomic DNA from a panel of unrelated individuals and homozygous typing cell lines revealed a single band in all cases. However, equivalent hybridization against Eco RI-digested DNA revealed two hybridization bands, one at 7.9 kb which correlated with the serologically defined Cw5 and Cw8 alleles, and one at 7.6 kb which correlated with the Cw1, Cw2, Cw3, Cw4, Cw6, and Cw7 alleles.  相似文献   

We have used the HLA-C-specific DNA probe pC250 to investigate restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) at the HLA-C locus. Genomic Southern blot hybridization included DNA prepared from a panel of homozygous typing cells representing serological specificities Cw1 to Cw8 and also from samples representing Cw blanks. Although many restriction nucleases failed to reveal any polymorphism, RFLPs were evident with Taq I, Pvu II, Bst XI, Nde 1, and Nci I in addition to the previously reported Eco RI. In the case of Bst XI, a unique RFLP defined a subset of serologically defined Cw blanks. Comparison of RFLP sizes with restriction fragment lengths obtained from the known HLA-Cw3 gene sequence permitted the localization of intragenic C locus RFLLs and the identification of a variable Taq I site in the second intron, a variable Nci I site near the end of the fourth exon, and a variable Pvu lI site in the fifth intron.  相似文献   

HLA-Cw*04 and hepatitis C virus persistence   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
In studies of acute hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection, the early host immune response is one of the determinants of viral persistence. The class I human leukocyte antigens (HLA), which present foreign antigen to cytolytic T cells, are integral components of this response. We hypothesized that the highly polymorphic HLA genes affect the outcome of an HCV infection. To test this hypothesis, we molecularly typed 231 persons with well-documented clearance of an HCV infection and 444 matched persistently infected persons. HLA-A*1101 (odds ratio [OR], 0.49; 95% confidence interval [95% CI], 0.27 to 0.89), HLA-B*57 (OR, 0.62; 95% CI, 0.39 to 1.00), and HLA-Cw*0102 (OR, 0.43; 95% CI, 0.21 to 0.89) were associated with viral clearance, whereas HLA-A*2301 (OR, 1.78; 95% CI, 1.01 to 3.11) and HLA-Cw*04 (OR, 1.78; 95% CI, 1.21 to 2.59) were associated with viral persistence. HLA-Cw*04 is in strong linkage disequilibrium with HLA-B*53 and HLA-B*35, but only HLA-B*53 (OR, 1.70; 95% CI, 0.95 to 3.06) and the Cw*04-B*53 haplotype (OR, 1.76; 95% CI, 0.94 to 3.26) were weakly associated with viral persistence. HLA-B*53 has similar, but not necessarily identical, binding specificity to some HLA-B*35 subtypes (B*35-Px group). The association with the B*35-Px group was less strong than with HLA-B*53 alone. The association of HLA-Cw*04 with HCV persistence was codominant (two copies of the gene were more strongly associated with persistence than one copy). However, HLA-Cw*04 was not associated with HCV RNA levels among the persistently infected individuals. Since Cw*04 is a ligand for the killer immunoglobulin-like receptors on natural killer cells, these cells may be involved in recovery from HCV infection. Further investigation is needed to understand the relationship between class I alleles and HCV clearance.  相似文献   

Twenty separate tumor infiltrating lymphocyte (TIL) bulk cultures and a tumor cell line were originated simultaneously from a fine needle aspiration biopsy of a metastasis in a patient with melanoma (F001) previously immunized with the HLA-A*0201-associated gp100:209-217(210 M) peptide. None of the TIL recognized gp100. However, 12 recognized autologous (F001-MEL) and allogeneic melanoma cells expressing the HLA haplotype A*0201, B*0702, Cw*0702. Further characterization of F001-MEL demonstrated loss of gp100/PMel17, severely decreased expression of other melanoma differentiation Ags and retained expression of tumor-specific Ags. Transfection of HLA class I alleles into B*0702/Cw*0702-negative melanoma cell lines identified HLA-Cw*0702 as the restriction element for F001-TIL. A cDNA library from F001-MEL was used to transfect IFN-alpha-stimulated 293 human embryonal kidney (293-HEK) cells expressing HLA-Cw*0702. A 100-gene pool was identified that induced recognition of 293-HEK cells by F001-TIL. Subsequent cloning of the pool identified a cDNA sequence homologous, except for one amino acid (aa 187 D-->A), to MAGE-12. Among 25 peptide sequences from MAGE-12 with the HLA-Cw*0702 binding motif, MAGE-12:170-178 (VRIGHLYIL) induced IFN-gamma release by F001-TIL when pulsed on F001-EBV-B cells at concentrations as low as 10 pg/ml. Peptide sequences from MAGE-1, 2, 3, 4a, and 6 aligned to MAGE-12:170-178 were not recognized by F001-TIL. In summary a TIL recognizing a MAGE protein was developed from an HLA-A*0201 expressing tumor with strongly reduced expression of melanoma differentiation Ags. Persisting tumor-specific Ag expression maintained tumor immune competence suggesting that tumor-specific Ags/melanoma differentiation Ags may complement each other in the context of melanoma Ag-specific vaccination.  相似文献   



Host immunogenetic factors such as HLA class I polymorphism are important to HIV-1 infection risk and AIDS progression. Previous studies using high-resolution HLA class I profile data of Chinese populations appeared insufficient to provide information for HIV-1 vaccine development and clinical trial design. Here we reported HLA class I association with HIV-1 susceptibility in a Chinese Han and a Chinese Uyghur cohort.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Our cohort included 327 Han and 161 Uyghur ethnic individuals. Each cohort included HIV-1 seropositive and HIV-1 seronegative subjects. Four-digit HLA class I typing was performed by sequencing-based typing and high-resolution PCR-sequence specific primer. We compared the HLA class I allele and inferred haplotype frequencies between HIV-1 seropositive and seronegative groups. A neighbor-joining tree between our cohorts and other populations was constructed based on allele frequencies of HLA-A and HLA-B loci. We identified 58 HLA-A, 75 HLA-B, and 32 HLA-Cw distinct alleles from our cohort and no novel alleles. The frequency of HLA-B*5201 and A*0301 was significantly higher in the Han HIV-1 negative group. The frequency of HLA-B*5101 was significantly higher in the Uyghur HIV-1 negative group. We observed statistically significant increases in expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm predicted haplotype frequencies of HLA-A*0201-B*5101 in the Uyghur HIV-1 negative group, and of Cw*0304-B*4001 in the Han HIV-1 negative group. The B62s supertype frequency was found to be significantly higher in the Han HIV-1 negative group than in the Han HIV-1 positive group.


At the four-digit level, several HLA class I alleles and haplotypes were associated with lower HIV-1 susceptibility. Homogeneity of HLA class I and Bw4/Bw6 heterozygosity were not associated with HIV-1 susceptibility in our cohort. These observations contribute to the Chinese HLA database and could prove useful in the development of HIV-1 vaccine candidates.  相似文献   

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