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齐口裂腹鱼味苗及上皮细胞的扫描电镜观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
方静  谢林 《四川动物》1995,14(3):105-106
本文报道扫描电镜对齐口裂腹鱼的味蕾在须、口咽腔、食道的分布和表面形态的观察。结果表明在须、辰、颌、口腔顶壁 、咽、舌、食道均有味蕾分布,且在表面形态上呈现多态性。上皮细胞表面有微脊。  相似文献   

胡子鲶味蕾的表面形态和分布的扫描电镜观察   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
应用扫描电镜观察了胡子鲶的味蕾表面形态和分布。观察结果显示了胡子鲶的味蕾呈现多种类型,口须、唇、颌齿、舌后区、咽齿垫、咽旁侧、下咽壁、食道的上皮具有不同类型和不同分布方式的味蕾。  相似文献   

黄颡鱼口须味蕾分布模式及味蛋白α-味导素的表达   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为探讨黄颡鱼口须味蕾的分布模式及其α味导素的表达,应用连续石蜡切片和环境扫描电镜对口须味蕾的数量、形态和分布进行了研究,并用整体包埋免疫荧光组化方法检测了黄颡鱼4种口须味蕾中α味导素的表达。结果显示:黄颡鱼口须味蕾主要分布在口须中间2/3区域,存在三种类型的味蕾:Ⅰ型与Ⅱ型味蕾突起于上皮表面,Ⅲ型味蕾平齐于周围上皮;味蕾细胞中有α味导素的强表达。结果提示,黄颡鱼口须味蕾的数量、形态及其分布模式是其适应底栖生活习性的结果;α味导素在各种口须味蕾中的强烈表达说明α味导素在黄颡鱼味觉感知与信息传导过程中有重要意义,也意味着脊椎动物味觉信号转导存在着共同路径  相似文献   

食蚊鱼的消化道由口咽腔、食道、肠和肛门组成。口咽腔内有味蕾分布。食道粘膜为复层扁平上皮,粘膜内有粘液细胞。肠可分为前后两段,皱襞高度、肌层厚度有差异。消化腺包括肝脏和胰腺。肝小叶不明显,雌雄肝脏的显微结构不同。胰腺呈弥散型,一部分分布在肝脏内,另一部分和消化道伴生。讨论了食蚊鱼消化系统的特点与食性的关系。  相似文献   

鲤鱼味蕾的分布及上皮解剖学的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
本文用光镜和扫描电镜对鲤鱼味蕾的形态和分布进行了研究,发现味蕾主要集中在头部,其中鳃耙和咽部分密度最大,揭示了味蕾分布与摄食行之间形态与功能的统一性,另外还对上皮层中杯状细胞和警戒物细胞的形态和分布进行了观察和分析。  相似文献   

鳜鱼口咽腔味蕾和行为反应特性及其对捕食习性的适应   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
梁旭方 《动物学报》1996,42(1):22-27
用扫描电镜观察和行为学实验研究鳜鱼口咽腔味蕾形态和分布及吞食行为反应特性,结果表明,鳜鱼口咽腔味蕾丰富,几乎都是I型和Ⅱ型味蕾,着生于表皮乳突上,主要分布于上颌骨齿周围及内侧,下颌齿周围及外侧,舌前中区,下鳃骨细齿内侧等部位,其它区域分布较少,鳜鱼口咽腔味蕾对食物味道和软硬均非常敏感,鳜鱼仅吞食同时具有一定味道和软硬度的食物,本文探讨了鳜鱼口咽腔味蕾的结构功能关系及其对捕食习性的适应意义。  相似文献   

采用石蜡切片、H.E染色研究了3 ~ 28日龄鳜(Siniperca chuatsi)味蕾发育的组织学特征,并通过扫描电镜观察28日龄鳜口咽腔组织味蕾类型与数目。结果表明,未开口期(3日龄),鳜口裂未张开,味蕾尚未分化;开口期(7日龄),鳜口裂张开明显,味蕾呈椭圆形,突起高度平缓,主要分布在上下颌上皮上,舌、咽、鳃弓上皮上有少量分布;稚鱼期(14日龄),味蕾呈圆锥形,突起高度上升,舌和咽上味蕾数目增加;21日龄,味蕾呈近梯形,突起高度不变,下颌、舌、咽上味蕾数增加,鳃弓上味蕾数目显著增加;28日龄,味蕾发育完全,口咽腔味蕾数继续增加。扫描电镜观察表明,鳜味蕾主要有3种类型:Ⅰ型味蕾近球形,含有大量微绒毛,突起高于上皮,味孔向外突起;Ⅱ型味蕾含有少量微绒毛,突起略高于黏膜上皮,味孔向内凹陷;Ⅲ型味蕾微绒毛含量最少,突起几乎与黏膜上皮共面,味孔平坦或凹陷。上下颌、咽、鳃中以Ⅰ型味蕾数量最多,Ⅱ型味蕾最少,舌上主要分布Ⅰ型味蕾,无Ⅲ型味蕾。结果表明,鳜早期味蕾结构发育与其摄食关联,推测其主要通过Ⅰ型味蕾和Ⅱ型味蕾对食物的机械性和化学成分进行识别。  相似文献   

人工养殖稀有鮈鲫消化道组织学观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用活体解剖和显微技术对人工养殖的稀有鮈鲫消化道组织结构进行了详细观察,并描述了其形态结构。结果表明:稀有鮈鲫为杂食性无胃鱼,肠道系数0.64±0.06。消化道包括口咽腔、食道、肠和肛门。口咽腔和食道粘膜层为复层扁平上皮,内含较多杯状细胞、粘液细胞和少量味蕾;食道粗短,肌肉层发达。肠由前肠、中肠和后肠三部分组成。肠道由前到后,粘液细胞数量逐渐增多,粘膜皱褶数量逐渐减少,粘膜皱褶高度逐渐降低。  相似文献   

采用解剖及石蜡切片显微技术,观察研究了光唇鱼消化道的形态结构特征。消化道由口咽腔、食道、肠构成。口下位、马蹄形,无颌齿,具咽齿,齿式为4/4。舌较小,前端游离,舌粘膜表层为复层鳞状上皮,有较多的杯状细胞和味蕾。食道及肠均由粘膜层、粘膜下层、肌层及外膜构成。食道内皱襞发达,粘膜层有大量杯状细胞。肠道盘曲,由前、中、后肠组成,肠长/体长为1.84±0.24;前肠管腔较大,中、后肠管腔渐变小;前、中肠皱襞及纹状缘比后肠发达;前肠及后肠杯状细胞较少,中肠杯状细胞较多。光唇鱼消化道的形态结构特征与其食性相适应。  相似文献   

白鲟消化道形态学与组织学的初步观察   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
白鲟消化道具有肉食性鱼类的典型特征,其口咽腔结构既适合捕食又适合吞食与滤食水生动物。咽后消化道可分为食道、胃后行支、胃前行支、小肠、瓣肠、直肠与肛门。幽门盲囊似一致密器官,小肠与瓣肠连接处有一特殊淋巴器官,肛门两侧有腹孔。白鲟口咽腔被覆层扁平上皮,上皮内有味蕾分布。咽后消化道组织分层为粘膜(无粘膜肌层)、粘膜下层(小肠及瓣肠前部无)、肌层与外膜。粘膜上皮为单层柱状上皮,由纤毛柱状细胞、一般柱状细胞和杯状细胞组成,其间还散在有颗粒细胞和游走细胞。食道后部与胃的一般柱状细胞为分泌粘液的细胞,肠内的一般柱状细胞为吸收细胞。胃后行支及部分前行支固有膜内有消化腺,其余各部的固有膜为致密层。小肠前中部粘膜形成蜂窝状粘膜窦,无肠腺。除食道前部肌层中有横纹肌外,其余部的肌层均为平滑肌。外膜内结缔组织有的致密有的疏松,外膜表面细胞柱状或立方形或扁平。  相似文献   

Scanning Electron Microscopical (SEM) as well as light microscopical features of the oral roof including barbels of the air-breathing teleost, Clarias batrachus (LINN.) have been described in relation to its feeding habit. 3 distinct types of taste buds have been recorded for the first time in the barbels, lip, and in and around the teeth bearing suprapharyngeal teeth pad of the fish studied. The taste buds in the barbels and lip are elevated over the epithelium and confer wart like appearance which probably help in mechanoreception in addition to chemoreception. The taste buds in the suprapharyngeal teeth pad slightly rise above the epithelium whereas those in the borders of it do not. They also possess numerous minute papillae in the gustatory pores. These taste buds seem to act as chemoreceptors. SEM and light microscopical observations on the structure and distribution of taste buds in the oral roof clearly reveal that the fish is purely a taste-feeder and scans and gropes the food materials from the bottom of the pond.  相似文献   

齐口裂腹鱼肠粘膜上皮透射电镜观察   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
作用用透射电镜观察了齐口裂腹鱼肠粘膜上的皮的超微结构,肠上皮共有五种细胞,吸收细胞,杯状细胞,内分泌细胞,巨噬细胞,淋巴细胞等,文中详细描述了这些细胞的形态结构,并对其结构与功能之间的关系进行了初步讨论。  相似文献   

Summary External taste buds abound on barbels of the adult catfish Corydoras arcuatus. When examined by scanning electron microscopy, they are visualized as a series of punctate, conical elevations projecting from the general surface epithelium. All taste buds were found to be of one type. Both their external and internal surface features could be clearly elucidated on intact barbels and in barbels fractured transversely at various positions along their length. An extensive nerve terminal network penetrates the base of each taste bud. Two populations of elongated cells bearing prominent microvilli project through the central pore at the tip of each bud. One set of microvilli is thicker, longer and more club-shaped than its counterpart. While both are randomly distributed within each central pore, the small, short microvilli appear to outnumber the larger ones. A third population of cells, devoid of any apical microvilli, was also seen in some of the taste buds examined internally. These cells do not project to the external surface and are interpreted as basal cells described in previous light and transmission electron microscope studies of taste buds in other vertebrate species. The functional significance of some of these morphological findings is discussed.Supported by grants from the Medical Research Council of Canada and the Muscular Dystrophy Association of CanadaThe excellent technical assistance of Mr. F.T. McConnell is gratefully acknowledged  相似文献   

流速对细鳞裂腹鱼游泳行为及能量消耗影响的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过自制密封的鱼类游泳实验装置, 研究了流速对细鳞裂腹鱼游泳行为和能量消耗的影响。结果显示,细鳞裂腹鱼的摆尾频率随游泳速度的变化有明显的变化规律, 摆尾频率随着流速的增加而显著性的增加,而摆尾幅度有减小趋势, 差异性不显著。结果还表明, (26±1) ℃时, (10.60±0.54) cm 细鳞裂腹鱼的相对临界游泳速度为(11.5±0.5) BL/s, 绝对临界游泳速度为(110.28±2.02) cm/s。测定的相对临界流速较其他的鲤科鱼大,是对生存水流环境(流速0.5—1.5m/s)适应性的表现。这一结果表明鱼类的游泳能力是能够训练的。运动代谢率与相对流速的关系为, AMR = 93.08e(0.307v) + 314.33, R2= 0.994; 单位距离能耗与流速的指数关系为COT =28e (-1.03V) +6.05, R2= 0.998。流速达到8 BL/s 时, 裂腹鱼耗氧率开始下降, 从流速7 BL/s 时, (1245.57±90.97 )mg O2/(kg·h)最大, 下降到(978.78±189.38) mg O2/(kg·h)。1—7 BL/s 流速范围内, 裂腹鱼单位时间内的耗氧率随着游泳速度的增加而增加, 而且随着游泳速度的增加, 单位距离能耗(COT)逐渐减少, 最小能耗在6 倍体长流速, 0.68 m/s 时, 为(6.00±1.57) J/(kg·m), 其能量利用效率最大。    相似文献   

The skin of the scuted teleost Agonus cataphractus has been investigated by histochemical methods, SEM and TEM. The anterior dorsal skin bears tubercles of epidermis overlying tiny ossifications (scutelets) superficial to the main scutes. The epidermis secretes a cuticular layer containing acidic non-sulphated glycoproteins, but there are no mucous goblet cells in the external skin. Non-mucous sacciform cells of two types are present in the epidermis, also numerous chloride cells. Scanning electron microscopy reveals variation in the microridge pattern of superficial epithelial cells, thought to relate to arrival at the surface and secretion of the cuticle. The major scutes overlap anteriorly, contrary to the normal arrangement of scales, indicating that they are secondary ossifications. The type of mineralization is similar to that of acellular bone. The scutes are set directly in the collagen of the dermis. They have a girdered structure with radial and cross bars, inserting on both faces of a thin plate. The interstices are occupied by unmineralized collagen, and extrinsic collagen bundles impinge on the bone. Non-mineralized parts of the dermis contain tracts of microfibrils in addition to collagen; these are best developed in the flexible gular skin and in the barbels and are interpreted as elastic tissue, although an amorphous component was not seen. The barbels have a core of connective tissue without a cartilaginous skeleton and bear taste buds and numerous chloride cells.  相似文献   

The distribution, external surface morphology and ultrastructure of taste buds in the oropharyngeal cavity of the rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri Richardson, were studied using scanning and transmission electron microscopes (SEM and TEM). The SEM revealed three taste bud types, varying only in their degree of elevation from the general level of the epithelium. Types I and II were located on elevated papillae associated with teeth on the dentary, maxilla, palate, tongue and pharyngeal pads while the unelevated Type III were mainly found in the anterior (branchial) pharynx.
Each taste bud was composed of four cell types: basal, dark, intermediate and light cells, the apical processes of the last three filling the taste pores. The intermediate and light cells appeared similar in ultrastructure, varying only in the amount and organization of smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER) in their cytoplasm. In addition to its contacts with the processes of intragemmal nerves distally, the basal cells established independent contacts with processes of extragemmal nerves basally. It is suggested that the distribution of the taste buds and their close association with teeth are adaptations to the predatory feeding habit of the rainbow trout. Age differences may account for the existence of two types of gustatory cells and the manner of innervation of the taste bud suggests the existence of two pathways for the transmission of gustatory sensation to the central nervous system (CNS).  相似文献   

Comparative study of the feeding behavior and gustatory preferences mediated by extraoral and intraoral gustatory reception in the stone loach Barbatula barbatula in the norm and 1–6 months after extirpation of all three pairs of barbels was performed. It was found that partial loss of external gustatory receptors and the sensory deficit caused by it do not lead to any noticeable disturbances of the ability of fish to evaluate taste properties of food objects (artificial agar-agar pellets containing L-isomers of alanine, lysine, cysteine or an water extract of chironomid larvae) and make an adequate decision of their grasping or ignoring and swallowing or refusing. The extirpation of the barbels does not influence feeding behavior related to determination by fish of the taste properties of pellets and completely retains in its ritual an obligatory preliminary examination of the food object using external gustatory reception. It is suggested that external taste buds having different localization are equally capable of providing for fish a preliminary evaluation of the taste properties of the object. After extirpation of the barbels, the efficiency of grasping pellets decreases in fish, which indicates an important role of tactile reception in the determination of the site of location of the food object and in providing of the accuracy of the hunter’s dart in fish with a weak vision development.  相似文献   

The internal anatomy of the barbels of the common sawshark Pristiophorus cirratus was examined with light microscopy to clarify their sensory role. No sensory structures such as taste buds (chemoreception), ampullae of Lorenzini (electroreception) or free neuromasts (lateral line mechanoreception) could be located in the barbels. The presence of bundles of nerve fibres, however, indicates a tactile function for the barbels. Conveyance of information regarding potentially damaging stimuli (nociception) and temperature (thermoception) cannot be excluded at this stage. It is hypothesized that the barbels are used by P. cirratus to locate prey in both the water column and on the substratum via wake detection and sensing changes in surface texture. The barbels may also be involved in the detection of water currents for rheotaxis. Regression analyses on P. cirratus morphometric data showed that the width of the rostrum at two sections (the barbels and the rostrum tip) does not significantly correlate with total length. The regression analyses also suggested that the barbels of P. cirratus may be lateralised.  相似文献   

The morphology and distribution of taste buds in the outer integument of the body and in the oral cavity of two forms (blind cave and sighted terrestrial ones) of the astyanax Astyanax fasciatus and in intact and blinded individuals of the Buenos Aires tetra Hyphessobrycon anisitsi have been studied using electronic scanning and light microscopy. In sighted individuals of both species, the morphometric parameters of the taste apparatus and the distribution of taste receptors are similar; the taste apparatus in the oral cavity is more developed than in the outer covers. Morphologically different taste zones were found in the oral cavity of characins. In blind fish, the taste apparatus of the maxillary zones is distinguished by smaller taste buds and a greater density of their distribution. The sensory field of taste buds in blind and sighted individuals of astyanax and tetra has a similar ultrastructure; it is formed by taste cells of three types. In blind astyanaxes and blinded individuals of tetra, numerous modified epidermal cells were found for the first time in the epithelium of the taste zones and in contact with taste buds, which are regarded as tactile receptors and a constituent element of polysensory taste-tactile complexes localized in blind fish in mainly ventral sensory zones.  相似文献   

Study of the structural organization of gustatory apparatus in rainbow trout Parasalmo mykiss performed using electron scanning microscopy demonstrated that external taste buds are absent in this species in skin covers of the head and in the circumoral region. In the oropharyngeal cavity (oral and gill cavities and pharynx) of the rainbow trout, a well-developed gustatory receptor apparatus was found. In correspondence with specific features of morphology and anatomy of the skull, taste buds form seven gustatory zones. Morphometric analysis demonstrated differences between gustatory zones in the pattern and density of distribution of taste buds, as well as in average sizes of their sensory field. Zones of similar innervation have many common features in morphology. Morphologically similar zones form three regions in the oropharyngeal cavity: rostral, central, and caudal. A tendency for a decrease in the concentration of taste buds in the rostrocaudal direction common for all sensory zones was revealed. The highest concentration of taste buds was recorded at papillae of rostral regions near big teeth. A typical feature of taste buds in rainbow trout is irregular shape of the taste pore. Analysis of ultrastructural specific features of apical processes of taste cells allows us to distinguish five cell shapes in the composition of taste buds. The numeric ratio of cell shapes varies in buds of different localization. The quantitative distribution of taste buds over sensory zones, specific features of morphology and sizes of their sensory field are discussed in relation to the feeding pattern of the species.  相似文献   

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