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目的:探究非综合征型耳聋患者耳聋易感基因的携带情况及突变类型,为耳聋患者治疗或遗传咨询提供理论依据。方法:收集821例非综合征型耳聋患者的外周静脉血,提取基因组DNA后,进行4个常见耳聋易感基因GJB2、GJB3、SLC26A4和线粒体12S r RNA的9个突变热点筛查。结果:821例非综合征型耳聋患者中耳聋易感基因筛查阳性375例,阳性率为45.7%,不同性别之间阳性率无明差异(P=0.625)。375例存在耳聋易感基因突变的研究对象中,4个易感基因的9突变热点共检测出447例点突变,其中GJB2基因的有241例点突变(53.9%),以235 del C位点突变率最高;SLC26A4基因的有126例点突变(28.2%),以IVS7-2 AG位点突变为主;线粒体12S r RNA基因的有79例点突变(17.7%),绝大部分为1555 AG位点突变;而GJB3基因仅有1例点突变(0.2%)。375例存在耳聋易感基因突变的研究对象中,304例发生1种突变(81.1%),有70例发生2种突变(18.7%),仅有1例发生3种突变(0.3%)。结论:非综合征型耳聋患者中GJB2基因的235 del C位点以及SLC26A4基因的IVS7-2 AG位点突变率较高,常见耳聋易感基因筛查有助于非综合征型耳聋患者的诊断、干预及治疗。  相似文献   

应用基因芯片技术检测非综合征型耳聋基因突变   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:应用遗传性耳聋基因芯片对散发性聋患者进行分子病因学检测,评估其在遗传性耳聋快速基因诊断中的可靠性。方法:门诊收集散发性聋患者10例,取外周血,提取基因组DNA,用遗传性耳聋基因芯片检测4个中国人中常见的耳聋相关基因中的9个热点突变,包括GJB2(35delG、176del16bp、235delC及299delAT)、GJB3(C538T)、SLC26A4(IVS7-2AG、A2168G)和线粒体DNA 12S rRNA(A1555G、C1494T)。同时,PCR扩增GJB2、线粒体12S rRNA基因全序列,DNA测序,以验证基因芯片检测结果的准确性。结果:在10名耳聋患者中,基因芯片方法检出1例携带线粒体DNA 12S rRNA C1494T突变;2例GJB2基因235delC纯合突变;2例235delC杂合突变;SLC26A4基因和GJB3基因未检出突变。基因芯片的结果与测序结果完全一致。结论:遗传性耳聋基因芯片技术对中国人常见耳聋相关基因热点突变的检出率高,结果准确、可靠,具有快速、高通量、高准确性、低成本等特点,能够满足临床耳聋基因检测的要求,同时结合产前诊断技术能有效预防耳聋患儿的出生,因而具有广阔的临床应用前景。  相似文献   

摘要: 国内外研究表明GJB2、SLC26A4(PDS)和线粒体DNA(Mitochondrial DNA, mtDNA)的病理性突变导致了大部分的遗传性聋。 文章收集了2006年4月~2007年9月接受人工耳蜗(Cochlear implant, CI)植入的14 例患儿及其父母的外周血, 应用基因诊断方法进行 GJB2、SLC26A4(PDS)和mtDNA 1555位点突变检测。结果显示, 35.7%的患儿检测到致病突变, 其中28.6%为GJB2基因突变, 类型均为235delC纯和突变, 其父母为携带GJB2 235delC的杂和子; 7.1%为mtDNA A1555G突变, 其母亲亦携带mtDNA A1555G突变。这表明CI 植入聋儿最常见的基因突变是GJB2 235delC突变, 其次是mtDNA A1555G突变, 通过对耳聋家系常见致病基因的检测和家系分析, 可以对优生优育及减少耳聋发病率提供科学准确的遗传信息。  相似文献   

目的:分析黑龙江地区新生儿耳聋易感基因的携带情况。方法:选取2014年6月至2015年3月在我院出生、义诊以及门诊筛查的新生儿1036例,采取EDTA抗凝静脉全血,提取基因组DNA进行PCR,利用直接测序法检测非综合性耳聋常见突变基因GJB2、SLC26A4及线粒体12S rRNA。结果:1036例新生儿中,64例筛查阳性,阳性检出率6.18%。其中GJB2 235del C 26例,35del G 3例,109GA 5例,176-191del16 4例,299-300delAT 9例,SLC26A4IVS7-2 14例,SLC2168 3例,12S rRNA突变2例。其中有家族史的新生儿63例,携带耳聋基因的患儿17例,阳性检出率为27.0%。结论:GJB2 235del C和SLC26A4 IVS7-2为本省的高发致病位点,对新生儿进行耳聋基因筛查,亦或对年轻夫妇进行孕前检查,部分耳聋可早期发现,制定相应的干预措施,可预防或降低耳聋的发生。  相似文献   

通过对温州地区新生儿听力筛查发现的遗传性非综合征型耳聋病例及其家系进行GJB2(gap junction beta 2)基因全编码区变异分析,寻找致聋GJB2基因突变,探讨GJB2基因复合变异的致聋性。该研究通过提取21个家系先证者及其57个家系成员的外周血基因组DNA,聚合酶链反应(polymerase chain reaction,PCR)扩增GJB2基因的全编码序列,扩增产物经限制性片段长度多态性(restriction fragment length polymorphism,RFLP)初步筛查235del C,然后对扩增产物进行DNA测序,并进一步对序列变异进行生物信息学分析。结果显示,21个非综合征型耳聋家系中,7个家系确诊是GJB2基因突变所致,GJB2致聋基因突变类型包括235del C纯合、299-300del AT+109GA复合杂合。还发现2个家系的GJB2基因变异可能致聋,分别为79GA+109GA+341AG复合杂合、79GA纯合+558GA杂合。但结果显示,79GA+341AG复合杂合或复合纯合、235del C+79GA复合杂合一般不足以致聋。以上结果表明,GJB2基因复合变异在非综合征型耳聋病例中常见。某些GJB2基因变异是否致聋具有明显遗传异质性。多态性变异的多重复合有时可能致聋。遗传背景和(或)环境因素可能参与GJB2基因变异的致聋性。  相似文献   

间隙连接蛋白β2(GJB2)基因突变与遗传性非综合征性耳聋密切相关,其广泛的突变类型及特异性的热点突变被认为是一种独特的致聋基因。本研究应用生物信息学方法对17个物种的GJB2蛋白进行了系统发育、保守性、跨膜区结构、三维结构和错义突变的分析,并结合已有报道的实验结果进行关联性分析。分析预测获得了166个固定的氨基酸位点、2个非保守区以及2个空间结构保守位点;关联性分析证实发生在保守位点的突变致病性高,非保守区突变的概率致病性小,跨膜区且改变氨基酸性质的突变,可能影响蛋白的空间结构而改变膜通道的通透性。本文为进一步研究GJB2基因突变与聋病的关联性及分子发病机制提供了理论依据,同时,这种研究思路对其它疾病的相关研究具有一定的借鉴价值。  相似文献   

为探究新生儿听力联合基因筛查的应用价值,本研究选取1 044例新生儿作为研究对象,均进行听力筛查和耳聋易感基因(GJB2, GJB3, SLC26A4和线粒体12S rRNA基因)筛查,采用耳声发射进行听力初筛,采用OAE与自动判别听性脑干反应结合进行复筛,对复筛未通过者行诊断性听力检查。研究结果显示,筛查的1 044例新生儿中,耳声发射听力初筛,整体的通过率为97.89%;对22例初筛未通过新生儿进行OAE与自动判别听性脑干反应结合复筛,未通过15例;1 044例新生儿中检出易感基因突变携带者59例,携带率为5.65%,其中GJB2、GJB3、SLC26A4和线粒体12S r RNA基因突变携带率分别为3.07%、0.57%、1.25%和0.77%;易感基因筛查正常者听力筛查通过率为99.15%,明显高于易感基因筛查异常者的81.36%,差异比较有统计学意义(p0.05);15例听力复筛未通过新生儿行听力学诊断,结果显示听力正常5例,听力损失10例。研究结果表明,新生儿听力联合基因筛查具有较高的应用价值,两者具有互补性,可早期发现迟发性、药物型耳聋基因携带高危者并进行听力的及时复查,弥补单纯听力筛查的不足。  相似文献   

非综合征性耳聋(nonsyndromic hearing impairment, NSHI)是一种十分常见的人类神经系统疾病, 约有1/1000的新生儿患有语前聋。GJB2基因编码间隙连接蛋白Cx26, 是最常见的NSHI致病基因, 大约50%的常染色体隐性遗传NSHI是由GJB2基因突变引起的。在本研究中, 收集了江苏省一个复杂的非综合征性耳聋家系, 并对其进行了分子遗传学研究。对所有已知常染色体隐性遗传的NSHI致病基因, 选用其侧翼的微卫星标记进行连锁分析, 发现该家系的致病基因与D13S175连锁。对GJB2基因进行整个编码区域的测序, 发现235碱基处发生了碱基C的纯合缺失, 这一突变可能是该家系中绝大多数患者致病的遗传基础。  相似文献   

线粒体12S rRNA A1555G突变是引起氨基糖甙类药物诱导的非综合征型耳聋的重要原因之一。文章对收集的25个携带A1555G突变的中国汉族非综合征型耳聋家系进行了临床和分子遗传学评估。结果表明,这25个家系的母系成员在耳聋外显率、听力损失严重程度和发病年龄上存在较大差异。当包括和不包括氨基糖甙类药物使用史时,耳聋的平均外显率分别为28.1%和21.5%,排除氨基糖甙类药物时,耳聋的平均发病年龄从1~15岁不等。线粒体全序列分析发现了16个新变异,不同的线粒体DNA多态性位点显示这25个家系分别属于东亚人群A、B、D、F、G、M、N和R单倍型,其中线粒体单倍型B的家系耳聋外显率和表现度较其他单倍型高。此外,7个继发突变位点和21个高保守性位点突变可能增加了这些家系的耳聋外显率。GJB2基因上未检测到与耳聋相关的突变,表明在本研究的耳聋家系中,GJB2基因可能没有参与A1555G突变的表型表达。以上各方面提示,线粒体单倍型和其他因素可能参与了这25个家系耳聋患者的表型修饰。  相似文献   

目的:分析不同民族(即维吾尔族、汉族、哈萨克族、回族)耳聋人群耳聋基因常见突变的一般特点。方法:选取4个不同民族共计714例耳聋患者(全部属于非综合征性耳聋患者),利用DNA技术对其耳聋基因突变进行分析。结果:在常见耳聋基因检出率方面,汉族为30.83%,哈萨克族为20.00%,回族为16.00%,维吾尔族为12.50%;235delC是汉族、维吾尔族、回族耳聋患者常见突变,35delG是维吾尔族、哈萨克族耳聋患者常见突变,IVS7-2AG是汉族耳聋患者常见突变,187delG是维吾尔族耳聋患者中第一次检测到的病理性突变。结论:在耳聋基因突变方面,4个民族表现出不同的特点,存在一定的差异。  相似文献   

Wu CC  Hung CC  Lin SY  Hsieh WS  Tsao PN  Lee CN  Su YN  Hsu CJ 《PloS one》2011,6(7):e22314
Universal newborn hearing screening (UNHS) is of paramount importance for early identification and management of hearing impairment in children. However, infants with slight/mild, progressive, or late-onset hearing impairment might be missed in conventional UNHS. To investigate whether genetic screening for common deafness-associated mutations could assist in identifying these infants, 1017 consecutive newborns in a tertiary hospital were subjected to both newborn hearing screening using a two-step distortion-product otoacoustic emissions (DPOAE) screening and newborn genetic screening (NGS) for deafness. The NGS targeted 4 deafness-associated mutations commonly found in the Taiwanese population, including p.V37I (c.109G>A) and c.235delC of the GJB2 gene, c.919-2A>G of the SLC26A4 gene, and mitochondrial m.1555A>G of the 12S rRNA gene. The results of the NGS were then correlated to the results of the NHS. Of the 1017 newborns, 16 (1.6%) had unilateral DPOAE screening failure, and 22 (2.2%) had bilateral DPOAE screening failure. A total of 199 (19.6%) babies were found to have at least 1 mutated allele on the NGS for deafness, 11 (1.1%) of whom were homozygous for GJB2 p.V37I, 6 (0.6%) compound heterozygous for GJB2 p.V37I and c.235delC, and 1 (0.1%) homoplasmic for m.1555A>G, who may potentially have hearing loss. Among them, 3 babies, 5 babies, and 1 baby, respectively, passed the NHS at birth. Comprehensive audiological assessments in the 9 babies at 3 months identified 1 with slight hearing loss and 2 with mild hearing loss. NGS for common deafness-associated mutations may identify infants with slight/mild or potentially progressive hearing impairment, thus compensating for the inherent limitations of the conventional UNHS.  相似文献   

This study aimed to assess mutations in GJB2 gene (connexin 26), as well as A1555G mitochondrial mutation in both the patients with profound genetic nonsyndromic hearing loss and healthy controls. Ninety-five patients with profound hearing loss (>90 dB) and 67 healthy controls were included. All patients had genetic nonsyndromic hearing loss. Molecular analyses were performed for connexin 26 (35delG, M34T, L90P, R184P, delE120, 167delT, 235delC and IVS1+1 A-->G) mutations, and for mitochondrial A1555G mutation. Twenty-two connexin 26 mutations were found in 14.7% of the patients, which were 35delG, R184P, del120E and IVS1+1 A-->G. Mitochondrial A1555G mutation was not encountered. The most common GJB2 gene mutation was 35delG, which was followed by del120E, IVS1+1 A-->G and R184P, and 14.3% of the patients segregated with DFNB1. In consanguineous marriages, the most common mutation was 35delG. The carrier frequency for 35delG mutation was 1.4% in the controls. 35delG and del120E populations, seems the most common connexin 26 mutations that cause genetic nonsyndromic hearing loss in this country. Nonsyndromic hearing loss mostly shows DFNB1 form of segregation.  相似文献   

In China, approximately 30,000 babies are born with hearing impairment each year. However, the molecular factors causing congenital hearing impairment in the Xiamen area of Fujian province have not been evaluated. To provide accurate genetic testing and counseling in the Xiamen area, we investigated the molecular etiology of non-syndromic deafness in a deaf population from Xiamen. Unrelated students with hearing impairment (n = 155) who attended Xiamen Special Education School in Fujian Province were recruited for this study. Three common deafness-related genes, GJB2, SLC26A4, and mtDNA12SrRNA, were analyzed using all-exon sequencing. GJB2 mutations were detected in 27.1% (42/155) of the entire cohort. The non-syndromic hearing loss (NSHL) hotspot mutations c.109G>A (p.V37I) and c.235delC were found in this population, whereas the Caucasian hotspot mutation c.35delG was not. The allelic frequency of the c.109G>A mutation was 9.03% (28/310), slightly higher than that of c.235delC (8.39%, 26/310), which is the most common GJB2 mutation in most areas of China. The allelic frequency of the c.109G>A mutation was significantly higher in this Xiamen’s deaf population than that in previously reported cohorts (P = 0.00). The SLC26A4 mutations were found in 16.77% (26/155) of this cohort. The most common pathogenic allele was c.IVS7-2A>G (6.13%, 19/310), and the second most common was the c.1079C>T (p.A360V) mutation (1.94%, 6/310) which has rarely been reported as a hotspot mutation in other studies. The mutation rate of mtDNA12SrRNA in this group was 3.87% (6/155), all being the m.A1555G mutation. These findings show the specificity of the common deaf gene-mutation spectrum in this area. According to this study, there were specific hotspot mutations in Xiamen deaf patients. Comprehensive sequencing analysis of the three common deaf genes can help portray the mutation spectrum and develop optimal testing strategies for deaf patients in this area.  相似文献   

Mutations in the genes coding for connexin 26 (Cx26) and connexin 31 (Cx31) cause non-syndromic deafness. Here, we provide evidence that mutations at these two connexin genes can interact to cause hearing loss in digenic heterozygotes in humans. We have screened 108 GJB2 heterozygous Chinese patients for mutations in GJB3 by sequencing. We have excluded the possibility that mutations in exon 1 of GJB2 and the deletion of GJB6 are the second mutant allele in these Chinese heterozygous probands. Two different GJB3 mutations (N166S and A194T) occurring in compound heterozygosity with the 235delC and 299delAT of GJB2 were identified in three unrelated families (235delC/N166S, 235delC/A194T and 299delAT/A194T). Neither of these mutations in Cx31 was detected in DNA from 200 unrelated Chinese controls. Direct physical interaction of Cx26 with Cx31 is supported by data showing that Cx26 and Cx31 have overlapping expression patterns in the cochlea. In addition, by coimmunoprecipitation of mouse cochlear membrane proteins, we identified the presence of heteromeric Cx26/Cx31 connexons. Furthermore, by cotransfection of mCherry-tagged Cx26 and GFP-tagged Cx31 in human embryonic kidney (HEK)-293 cells, we demonstrated that the two connexins were able to co-assemble in vitro in the same junction plaque. Together, our data indicate that a genetic interaction between these two connexin genes can lead to hearing loss.  相似文献   

The prevalence of connexin 26 ( GJB2) mutations in the Chinese population   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  
Mutations in GJB2, encoding gap junction beta 2 protein (connexin 26), are responsible for the commonest form of non-syndromic recessive deafness in many populations. It has been reported recently that the most common 35delG mutation in GJB2 is exceptionally low in Japanese and Korean populations, but another deletion, 235delC, is relatively frequent. Since the Chinese constitute approximately one fifth of the global population, the frequency of GJB2 mutations in the population has important implications for understanding worldwide causes of genetic deafness. To determine whether GJB2 mutations are an important cause of deafness in Chinese, we conducted mutation screening for GJB2 in 118 deaf Chinese probands, including 60 from simplex and 58 from multiplex families with non-syndromic deafness, and 150 normal hearing Chinese controls. Four mutations, including 235delC, 299-300delAT, V37I, and 35delG, were found in the patients. Thirty-nine percent of the probands had a GJB2mutation. Of the 118 probands, 19 carried two definitely pathogenic mutations: three among the 58 multiplex cases (5.2%) and 16 among the 60 simplex cases (26.7%). Twenty-seven probands (22.9%) were found to carry only single GJB2 mutations. None of them had mutations in exon 1 of GJB2 and or the 342-kb deletion of GJB6. The 235delC mutation was the most prevalent mutation (20.3% of alleles), accounting for 81% of the pathologic alleles in multiplex cases and 67% in simplex cases. Analysis of the affected haplotypes in the patients with the homozygous 235delC mutation yielded evidence for a single origin of the mutation. The carrier frequency of the 235delC mutation in control subjects with normal hearing was 1.3%. The 35delG mutation was only noted as a heterozygous change in two simplex cases (1.2% of alleles). These results indicated that mutations in GJB2 are a major cause of inherited and sporadic congenital deafness in the Chinese population. The 235delC mutation, rather than 35delG, is the most common mutation found in the Chinese deaf population. Our data support the view that specific combinations of GJB2 mutation exist in different populations.  相似文献   

Hearing loss (HL) is a congenital disease with a high prevalence, and patients with hearing loss need early diagnosis for treatment and prevention. The GJB2, MT-RNR1, and SLC26A4 genes have been reported as common causative genes of hearing loss in the Korean population and some mutations of these genes are the most common mutations associated with hearing loss. Accordingly, we developed a method for the simultaneous detection of seven mutations (c.235delC of GJB2, c.439A>G, c.919-2A>G, c.1149+3A>G, c.1229C>T, c.2168A>G of SLC26A4, and m.1555A>G of the MT-RNR1 gene) using multiplex SNaPshot minisequencing to enable rapid diagnosis of hereditary hearing loss. This method was confirmed in patients with hearing loss and used for genetic diagnosis of controls with normal hearing and neonates. We found that 4.06% of individuals with normal hearing and 4.32% of neonates were heterozygous carriers. In addition, we detected that an individual is heterozygous for two different mutations of GJB2 and SLC26A4 gene, respectively and one normal hearing showing the heteroplasmy of m.1555A>G. These genotypes corresponded to those determined by direct sequencing. Overall, we successfully developed a robust and cost-effective diagnosis method that detects common causative mutations of hearing loss in the Korean population. This method will be possible to detect up to 40% causative mutations associated with prelingual HL in the Korean population and serve as a useful genetic technique for diagnosis of hearing loss for patients, carriers, neonates, and fetuses.  相似文献   

In most studies, sensorineural hearing loss is reported as a single-gene disease with autosomal dominant or autosomal recessive or with X-linked or maternal inheritance. It is uncommon that the hearing impairment is caused by a combined inheritance model including genomic and mitochondrial models. Here, we report six patients with sensorineural hearing loss caused by co-existing mutations in GJB2 or SLC26A4 and the mitochondrial gene. And there was no significant difference in hearing phenotypes between the six patients and the controls. The results indicate the complicated genetic etiology of, and may impact the diagnostic strategy for, hereditary hearing impairment. All patient siblings will carry mitochondrial DNA A1555G or C1494T mutations, and 25% of siblings may carry the same homozygous or compound heterozygote mutations in GJB2 or SLC26A4. Although this combined inheritance is not common in the Chinese deaf population (0.10%), our findings will have great impact in genetic counseling and risk prediction for deafness.  相似文献   

Although etiological studies have shown genetic disorders to be a common cause of congenital/early-onset sensorineural hearing loss, there have been no detailed multicenter studies based on genetic testing. In the present report, 264 Japanese patients with bilateral sensorineural hearing loss from 33 ENT departments nationwide participated. For these patients, we first applied the Invader assay for screening 47 known mutations of 13 known deafness genes, followed by direct sequencing as necessary. A total of 78 (29.5%) subjects had at least one deafness gene mutation. Mutations were more frequently found in the patients with congenital or early-onset hearing loss, i.e., in those with an awareness age of 0-6 years, mutations were significantly higher (41.8%) than in patients with an older age of awareness (16.0%). Among the 13 genes, mutations in GJB2 and SLC26A4 were mainly found in congenital or early-onset patients, in contrast with mitochondrial mutations (12S rRNA m.1555A>G, tRNA(Leu(UUR)) m.3243A>G), which were predominantly found in older-onset patients. The present method of simultaneous screening of multiple deafness mutations by Invader assay followed by direct sequencing will enable us to detect deafness mutations in an efficient and practical manner for clinical use.  相似文献   

Mutations in the GJB2 gene (connexin 26) are the major cause of autosomal recessive non-syndromic hearing impairment in many populations. In contrast to the volume of information regarding the involvement of GJB2 mutations in hearing impairment in populations of European ancestry, less is known regarding other ethnic groups. In this study, we analyzed the GJB2 gene for mutations in 1227 hearing-impaired Japanese individuals. This revealed a unique spectrum of GJB2 mutations, different from that found in the Caucasian population. The most frequent mutation in Japanese, 235delC, has never been reported in Caucasians. To investigate a possible founder effect for the 235delC mutation, we analyzed single nucleotide polymorphisms in the vicinity of the GJB2 gene. Results were consistent with inheritance of the 235delC mutation from a common ancestor. The results of this study have important implications for genetic diagnostic testing for deafness in the Japanese population.  相似文献   

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