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通过昆虫行为观测仪与室外饲养观察,分析意大利蝗Calliptamus italicus的交配行为,阐明交配经历和温度对意大利蝗交配持续时间的影响。结果发现:(1)意大利蝗的交配行为包括相遇和交配两个阶段。相遇行为包括避让、打斗和交配3种类型,其中打斗多发生在雄雄相遇、雄虫与一对正在交配成虫相遇情况。避让和交配则多发生在雌雌相遇、雌雄相遇、雌虫与一对正在交配成虫相遇情况。雄虫在交配过程中占据主动。意大利蝗的交配行为包括曲腹、爬背、抱对和交配4个过程,平均时间为11.25±1.40 min。(2)雌雄虫初次交配的持续时间(12.88±0.67 min)显著长于雌雄虫均有交配经历的时间(10.47±0.39 min)(P0.05);初次交配雌虫和有交配经历雄虫的交配持续时间(11.00±0.75 min),与初次交配雄虫和有交配经历雌虫的时间(12.12±0.67 min)无显著差异(P0.05)。(3)随温度升高意大利蝗的交配持续时间缩短,27℃时交配持续时间最长(15.93±2.25 min),且与36℃、42℃时的时间差异显著(P0.05),42℃时的交配持续时间最短,为6.01±0.43 min,与36℃时的时间(7.47±0.52 min)差异不显著(P0.05)。  相似文献   

雄性海南坡鹿发情期泥浴、沙浴行为及其在繁殖中的作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2005年2-5月间,在海南省大田国家级自然保护区文昌保护站的养鹿场内对7只半野生雄性海南坡鹿(Cervus eldi hainanus)的泥浴和沙浴行为、进行泥浴和沙浴行为的雄性个体的年龄、等级序位和交配成功次数进行了观察记录,以确定雄性坡鹿的泥、沙浴行为是否与雄性个体的年龄、等级序位和交配行为相关.本实验对以下3个假说进行了检验:(1)性成熟的雄鹿的泥浴行为多于刚刚性成熟的雄鹿;(2)优势雄鹿泥浴的频次和持续的时间多于非优势个体;(3)泥浴的次数与交配次数正相关.研究期间记录到雄性个体的79次泥浴和171次沙浴行为,性成熟雄鹿的泥浴和沙浴的频次显著地高于刚刚性成熟的雄鹿(P<0.01,Friedman nonparametric two-way ANOVA);不同等级序位的雄性泥沙浴持续时间没有明显的差异,但是优势雄鹿的泥浴频次显著高于非优势个体(Wilcoxon signed ranks 检验,P<0.01);雄鹿的泥浴和沙浴的频次分别与交配次数显著正相关(r=0.802, P<0.05, n=7;r=0.919, P<0.01, n=7;Pearson 检验).雄性海南坡鹿沙浴与泥浴是雄鹿发情期中的优势炫耀行为,对雄性个体的繁殖成功与否具有重要的意义[动物学报 53(3):417-424,2007].  相似文献   

2005 年10 月至2006 年4 月,采用焦点动物取样法和全事件扫描取样法,对黑龙江省哈尔滨北方森林动园4 对圈养狼交配活动进行了观察,以期了解无人干扰下圈养狼的交配过程及其交配模式。观察时间共计25 d, 225 h,实际录像时间为126 h,记录到爬跨741 次,成功交配46 次,成功爬跨交配占总爬跨次数的6. 2% 。狼在交配过程中有锁结现象,雄狼通常在一次爬跨、多次抽动后出现射精。交配行为一般发生在8∶ 00 ~10∶ 00和14∶00 ~ 16∶ 00。雌性具有明显的邀配模式,一旦邀配成功,雌狼站立不动,尾巴偏向一侧,腰部微下躬,配合雄狼爬跨。对交配参数进行单因素方差分析,4 只雄狼的抽插时间没有差异(P = 0. 827),而其锁结行为的时间差异极其显著(F = 71.43,P <0.001),交配期持续5 ~ 14 d,交配平均持续时间为534 ± 402 s,最长达1 588 s,
最短只有28 s。  相似文献   

温度对大猿叶虫Colaphellus bowringi Baly交配行为的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了探明温度对大猿叶虫Colaphellus bowringi Baly的交配行为的影响,在光周期LD 12:12,温度22℃,25℃和28℃下,观察了该虫的交配节律、日交配频率、交配持续时间和每日总交配时间.结果表明,该虫的交配节律受温度的影响,22℃下的交配高峰(上午9:00)较25℃和28℃下的交配高峰(上午8:00)推迟了1 h.温度对日交配频率和交配持续时间也有明显影响,22℃下日交配频率显著低于25℃和28℃,而交配持续时间则显著长于25℃和28℃.该虫每日总交配时间在这3种温度下变化不明显,而在较低温度下日交配频率的下降可能是由于交配持续时间延长所致.  相似文献   

【目的】香樟齿喙象Pagiophloeus tsushimanus是危害香樟Cinnamomum camphora的中国新记录种。本研究旨在通过调查香樟齿喙象成虫的交配和产卵行为,以增加对其行为习性的认识。【方法】采用室内饲养观察结合录像的方法,记录香樟齿喙象成虫的交配及产卵行为特点并进行分析。【结果】香樟齿喙象一次完整的交配过程大致分为交配前、交配、交配后3个阶段,表现为相遇抱对、插入授精和配后保护等行为特点。香樟齿喙象的完整交配过程需要672.67±156.53 min,其中抱对持续时间103.94±20.61 min,插入授精持续时间333.83±94.15 min,配后保护持续时间234.9±41.79 min。产卵过程可以划分为咬食产卵孔、产卵、填埋3个阶段,其中钻蛀产卵孔持续时间52.43±4.93 min,产卵持续时间2.47±0.14 min,填埋持续时间29.09±6.74 min。雌雄成虫均有多次交配习性,全天均可发生交配行为,交配高峰发生在12:00-14:00,在6:00-8:00有一个次高峰。香樟齿喙象的卵为单产,雌虫产卵具有明显的节律性,产卵高峰在18:00-20:00,次高峰出现于8:00-10:00。【结论】研究结果有助于了解香樟齿喙象的繁殖过程,为系统研究其行为学及发展基于行为调控的防治技术提供了依据。  相似文献   

在光周期14 L:10 D、温度(25±1)℃、相对湿度(60±10)%的室内条件下,研究了竹笋基夜蛾的求偶、交配行为,以及雄蛾对雌蛾腺体提取物的EAG反应.结果表明:竹笋基夜蛾求偶及交配行为仅发生在暗期.雌蛾羽化当天便可求偶,第2日雌蛾求偶率达最高;雌蛾进入暗期0~4h后开始求偶,5~7h求偶率达最高,暗期结束前1~2.5h终止;求偶的起始时间随着日龄的增加逐渐提前,1~4日龄雌蛾求偶的次数及持续时间随着日龄的增加而上升,5日龄则下降;雌蛾求偶高峰及停止求偶的时间随日龄的增加逐渐提前.成虫羽化当日便可交配,第2日达到交配高峰,5日后停止交配;雌蛾进入暗期5.5~7.0 h达到交配高峰,交配高峰出现的时间随日龄的增加而提前;随日龄的增加,交配起始时间逐渐提前,而交配持续时间逐渐缩短;增大雌雄比,竹笋基夜蛾交配起始时间提前,交配持续时间缩短,交配率显著提高.竹笋基夜蛾雄虫对2日龄处于求偶期雌虫的性腺体粗提物有显著的EAG反应.  相似文献   

【目的】为了明确柳毒蛾Leucoma salicis(Linnaeus)交配的日节律高峰,温度和不同交配持续时间处理对成虫寿命、产卵量和孵化率等繁殖生物学的影响。【方法】将新羽化的柳毒蛾成虫置于养虫笼中,观察交配的日节律高峰,并统计不同温度和不同交配持续时间处理下的成虫寿命、产卵量和孵化率。【结果】成虫在羽化当晚的后半夜凌晨开始交尾,次日晚上开始产卵。成虫交配集中在羽化翌日凌晨3:00—5:00之间,高峰为4:00。产卵高峰都出现在2日龄成虫,但是,25℃下成虫交配持续时间(9.2 h)显著短于28℃(11.8 h)。交配持续时间为30、60和300 min的处理,雌成虫平均寿命显著长于对照(对照9.2 h),雄虫仅60 min的处理显著长于对照。同时,极短的交配持续时间(30 min)显著降低雌虫的产卵量和孵化率。【结论】试验明确了成虫交配的日节律高峰,在适宜的温度范围内(25~28℃),雌雄成虫的寿命、单雌总产卵量无显著差异,交配持续时间明显影响成虫寿命、产卵量和卵孵化率。  相似文献   

大猿叶虫Colaphellus bowringi Baly是十字花科上的重要害虫,一生能多次交配。本试验在25℃,光周期L∶D=12∶12条件下观察了大猿叶虫成虫连续7d的交配行为。结果表明:(1)每日平均交配(5.67±0.26)次,最高可达11次,不同日龄间的交配次数存在显著差异。(2)平均每日用于交配的时间为(238±10)min,占总时间的33.5%,最长可达493min,占总时间的68.5%,不同日龄间的交配时间有极显著差异。(3)交配持续时间最短8min,最长达289min,平均为(48±2)min;同一日内,随着交配次数增加,交配持续时间逐渐缩短;不同日龄间的交配持续时间存在显著差异。(4)相邻两次交配之间的间隔时间最短5min,最长300min,平均交配间隔(75±3)min;交配间隔时间随日龄的增加而明显延长。  相似文献   

为探究分布于我国不同地域的广聚萤叶甲(Ophraella communa)种群之间的分化现状,本文对来自南京、长沙和福州等3个地理种群的交配选择行为及杂交后代发育表现进行了研究.结果表明,在试验观察的6 h内南京种群与福州种群间个体发生交配的概率显著低于对照(种群内雌雄个体间的交配),但南京种群与长沙种群个体间发生交配的概率与对照无显著差异;南京和福州种群的雄性与同种群雌性交配选择次数显著多于与异种群雌性交配的次数,但南京与长沙种群间个体交配的次数与对照无显著差异.3个地理种群间个体杂交后代在卵孵化率、幼虫化蛹率和成虫羽化率等发育特性上与对照(种群内个体自交)无显著差异.根据研究结果推测,广聚萤叶甲南京种群与福州种群间在个体交配行为上存在着一定程度的交配前隔离.  相似文献   

松褐天牛的交配行为   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用室内试验和野外观察相结合的方法,对松材线虫病的主要媒介昆虫松褐天牛Monochamus alternatus Hope的交配行为进行了研究。结果表明: 松褐天牛一次完整的交配包括相遇抱对、插入输精和配后保护3个阶段,在交配过程中雄虫有多次插入输精现象发生。室内试验中共观察到松褐天牛的交配123次,松褐天牛一次完整的交配过程平均需时63.49 min,其中输精前的抱对时间平均为1.68 min,交配过程中每次输精插入时间平均为57.60 s,配后保护时间为15.18 min。松褐天牛在开始交配的4天内平均交配5.15次,不同雄性个体所获得的交配机会差异很大。松褐天牛的交配行为表现出强烈的雄性竞争现象,雄虫能根据雌虫或自身的交配经历调整交配投入,当雌虫或者雄虫是初次交配时,总输精时间和插入输精的次数显著大于与有交配经历的雌虫或雄虫交配时的输精时间和插入输精次数。田间松褐天牛的交配行为与室内观察结果基本一致。  相似文献   

戚文华  蒋雪梅  杨承忠  郭延蜀 《生态学报》2014,34(22):6548-6559
2006年4—12月和2007年3—11月在四川省铁布自然保护区观察和统计了野生梅花鹿的繁殖行为,包括发情交配、产仔、发情吼叫、爬跨及其昼夜节律行为等。结果表明,四川梅花鹿为季节性发情动物,发情交配行为发生在9月上旬至12月中旬,集中在10—11月(占(86.99±3.24)%)。四川梅花鹿发情交配日期最早见于9月8日,最晚为12月16日,跨度约90—100 d(±6 d,n=90)。雌鹿交配日期与其繁殖经历具有低度正相关性(Kendall's tau-b和Spearman's rho,0.3r0.5,P0.05),成体雌鹿交配日期稍微早于初次配种雌鹿。雄鹿发情吼叫和爬跨行为具有明显的昼夜节律性,各有2个高峰期(05:00—08:00和18:00—21:00),夜间有小节律的发情吼叫和爬跨时期。U-test检验表明发情吼叫频次和爬跨频率在昼夜间有极显著差异(P0.01)。雄鹿吼叫行为与其交配行为具有高度正相关性(Kendall's tau-b和Spearman's rho,0.8r1.0,P0.05),主雄、次雄和群外单身雄鹿的昼夜吼叫次数有极显著差异(P0.01)。雌鹿产仔期从4月下旬开始到7月下旬结束,集中在5—6月(占(91.51±4.96)%),产仔日期最早见于4月29日,最晚为7月28日,跨度约80—90 d(±5 d,n=130)。梅花鹿产仔日期与其分娩经历具有低度正相关性(Kendall's tau-b和Spearman's rho,0.3r0.5,P0.05),成体雌鹿产仔日期早于初次繁殖雌鹿。雌鹿每胎产1—2个幼仔,单双胎率分别为98.86%(±6.96%,n=129)和1.01%(±0.07%,n=1)。妊娠期和哺乳期梅花鹿采食行为分配占较大比率,其次是卧息和移动,哺乳期采食行为分配低于妊娠期,这与妊娠期正逢冬季,食物资源相对匮乏有关,而哺乳期恰逢夏季,植物生长旺盛,食物资源相对丰富。  相似文献   

细纹豆芫菁交配与繁殖力的关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
将采自野外的细纹豆芫菁EpicautamannerhimiMkl的雌雄成虫各50头在室内进行人工随机配对,共发生75次交配,平均交配1.5次。雄虫1生可交配0~4次,雌虫0~2次。交配持续时间为(188±55)min,交配持续时间与交配次数之间、交配持续时间与繁殖力之间均无相关性。交配次数与两性的繁殖力呈负相关。交配后有36头雌虫43次产卵,其中有35次产卵发生在本次交配后,有8次产卵发生在连续2次交配后。作者认为雌虫在性感受性上的差异,与不育雄虫参与雌虫的前次交配有关。雄虫能否产生足够数量的交配因子来抑制雌虫的性感受性,是决定雌虫在产卵前交配次数的重要因素。  相似文献   

甜菜夜蛾交配行为和能力   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
罗礼智  曹卫菊  钱坤  胡毅 《昆虫学报》2003,46(4):494-499
在(27±1)℃,光周期L14∶D10的条件下对甜菜夜蛾I>Spodoptera exigua的交配行为及能力进行了研究。结果表明:成虫在羽化当晚即可进行交配,交配率以羽化后头三个晚上的较高(>82%),但从第4天起则显著下降。成虫一天中的交配时间出现于23:30~05:30之间,交配高峰出现在01:30~02:30和03:00~04:00 之间, 其中以第1高峰的发生频率较高。成虫交配持续时间从22~191 min不等,但以30~60 min的为多(40.8%, n=97), 60~90 min的次之(19.4%),超过180 min的较少(10.2 %)。另外,交配持续时间与蛾龄紧密相关。蛾龄越大,交配持续的时间越长,且差异显著。雄蛾一生的交配能力由1~11次不等,但受性比的影响显著:在性比为1∶1的条件下,雄蛾平均交配次数仅为3.0 次,而在2♀∶1至5♀∶1时,则增加到5.1~6.0 次。雌蛾交配比例及次数受性比的影响也很大:没有交配的雌蛾比例从1∶1时的8.3%增加到5♀∶1时的32%,仅交配一次的比例从16.7%增加到38.7%,而交配≥5 次的比例则从 25%下降到0。最后,对这些结果在甜菜夜蛾防治中应用的可能性进行了讨论。  相似文献   

采用所有事件取样法对上海动物园自由生活的斑嘴鹈鹕(Pelecanus philippensis)繁殖期行为进行了初步研究.结果表明,繁殖期间雄性的活动时间显著高于雌性(P<0.01).在昼间节律上,斑嘴鹈鹕有3个活动高峰,分别为6:00~7:00时、10:00~11:00时(雄性)或11:00~12:00时(雌性)、1...  相似文献   

To determine the influence of feeding, lighting and time of day on the copulating behavior of Panstrongylus megistus, 480 insect pairs were divided into four groups of 120 each and tested in the following respective situations: without food deprivation (F.D.), with five days of F.D., with ten days of F.D., and with 20 days of F.D. The tests were performed between 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., with light (700-1400 lux) and in the dark (1.4-2.8 lux) and behavior was recorded by the time sampling technique. Mating speed (MS) and duration of copulation (DC) were also calculated for each situation. The maximum frequency of copulation was observed after five days of F.D., at night, in the dark (n = 16), and the minimum was observed for recently-fed pairs, at night, with light (n = 4). Males approached females more often than females approached males. MS was lowest in pairs with twenty days of F.D., at night, with light (mean = 23.0 +/- 16.0 minutes), and highest in recently-fed pairs, during the day, with light (mean = 2.9 +/- 2.5 minutes). DC was shortest in recently-fed insects, during the day, in the dark (mean = 23.5 +/- 6.7 minutes), and longest in recently-fed animals, at night, in the dark (mean = 38.3 +/- 6.9 minutes).  相似文献   

We conducted three experiments to test the effects of mating history of both sexes and of male body size on mating behaviours in the water strider, Gerris buenoi. Our manipulations influenced the interests of both sexes and, thus, the degree of conflict over mating behaviours. Mating history was a dichotomous variable (deprived/mated), depending on holding conditions in the laboratory. Experiment 1 considered and found independent effects of male and female mating history on latency to copulation and copulation duration. In experiment 2, we manipulated only female mating history, using unsuccessful struggle rates as evidence for female reluctance and conflict over mating. Finally, we investigated the relation between male body size and mating history on copulation duration. We predicted that intersexual conflict over mating would be lowest when females were deprived, because female interests under these conditions should more closely match those of males. Deprived females began mating in half the time of mated females and were twice as likely to mate because of reduced reluctance. Furthermore, copulation duration for deprived males was about one and a half times longer than that for mated males. Although previous studies examining nonrandom mating patterns by size predicted longer copulations for small males, we found that small males prolonged copulation when deprived more than large males. We conclude that females primarily influence copulation frequency, but males primarily influence copulation duration. Our results favour the hypothesis that reduced mating opportunity for small males accounts for their extended copulation duration. Finally, our findings provide evidence for strong effects of male body size on selection mechanisms in water striders, and support the hypothesis of conflicting pre- and postcopulatory selection mechanisms in this group. Copyright 2003 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Reproductive success is attained by various mechanisms in insects. Prolonged post insemination association is one such mechanism to increase the reproductive success. The present study was conducted to assess the role of post insemination association of mating partners on reproductive performance in Chrysomelidae beetle, Zygogramma bicolorata Pallister. The matings were disrupted at different time intervals and fecundity and percent egg viability of the females were recorded. In addition, the mounting attempts, mating attempts, time to commencement of mating and latent period were also recorded. It was hypothesized that: (1) the mounting and mating attempts would not exist, (2) copulation duration, would not affect the reproductive performance, and (3) the beetle would not exhibit the mate guarding behaviour. Interestingly, results revealed that 6.00 ± 1.3 and 6.59 ± 0.93 mounting and mating attempts are needed to establish successful mating. The results revealed that males improved their percent egg viability with a mating duration ranging from nearly 30–50 min. While fecundity increased with a mating duration of above 30 min and up to a duration of 60 min. This result concluded that males of this beetle display post copulatory mate guarding behaviour after 60 min in which male rides on female’s back with his aedeagus inserted in the female genital tract.  相似文献   

The influence of copulation duration on mating frequency and colony development were studied in Bombus terrestris (Hymenoptera: Apidae). Copulation time was recorded in transparent plastic boxes and was manipulated by separating mating pairs. Mean copulation duration was found to be 30.0 ± 8.0 (mean ± se) minutes and most matings lasted 20 to 40 min. When queens were only allowed to mate for 2 to 5 min, the chance that they would accept a second mating was 7.2 ± 5.0 % (mean ± se). Incompletely mated queens delayed to initiate colonies but they did not show significant difference from fully mated queens in production of new queens and males. This study shows that colony development was not affected by short copulation duration.  相似文献   

哺乳动物在交配过程中经常会发出独特且有节奏的交配叫声(Copulation call),这通常被认为是雌雄双方交配策略的一种体现。交配叫声的发生及其影响因素在不同物种间差异较大,对其深入研究有助于比较和揭示不同动物交配策略的差异及其适应性功能。为了阐明交配叫声的生物学和社会学因素,我们在安徽黄山记录了野生黄山短尾猴(Macaca thibetana)交配行为中雄性和雌性发出叫声的过程,分析了影响交配叫声的相关因素,探讨了伴随叫声的交配行为对后续友好行为的影响。结果表明,在交配过程中,高顺位成年雄性短尾猴比其他性别—顺位组个体更易发出叫声,而优势个体雌性和从属个体雌性在交配过程中的发声频次无显著差异。此外,交配叫声能促进参与者之间在交配后表现出更多的友好行为和更近的空间距离。本研究为理解多雄多雌婚配制度的短尾猴群体交配策略提供了声音通讯方面的理论支持。  相似文献   

The mating system of Drosophila buzzatii is characterized by short copulation duration, frequent remating in both males and females, and male ejaculate partitioning. Additional features of the system are strong sperm displacement and a high frequency of sterile matings. Remating frequencies and the effects of remating on various mating parameters were studied. In order to characterize variation, five isofemale lines from geographically distant localities in Australia (three localities), Brazil and the Canary Islands were used. Mating parameters studied were: premating time, copulation duration, interval between successive matings, and progeny number as a measure of sperm transfer. Variation for sperm displacement was studied in crosses between laboratory stocks and a number of isofemale lines from Australia. There were significant between‐line differences in female remating frequencies, premating time, copulation duration, interval between successive matings, and progeny numbers, indicating genetic variation for these traits. Females from the five lines mated on average 1.6 to 3.1 times in 4 h, with a maximum of eight matings for one female. The males were given a maximum of ten virgin females in sequence and more than one‐third of the males mated all ten females in the 2 h observation period. Copulation duration decreased and interval between matings increased with copulation number in multiply mated males. Mean copulation duration was c. 2 min. Sperm transfer, measured as the average number of progeny from a single mating, was low (c. 25) and multiply mated females gave more progeny than single mated females, although with much lower progeny numbers than observed in wild‐caught non‐virgin females. A surprisingly high proportion of observed matings gave no progeny, i.e. they were sterile matings. Sperm displacement was strong in most crosses and remained strong in multiply mated females. The results are discussed in relation to the evolution of mating patterns in Drosophila.  相似文献   

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