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在温度为(24±2)℃、光周期为L∶D=14∶10、相对湿度为50%~70%环境条件下观察了马铃薯块茎蛾Phthorimaea operculella(Zeller)交配行为。结果表明,1~2日龄、3~4日龄成虫交配高峰期分别发生在进入暗期后的8.0~10.0h、6.5~8.0h内。两性交配率随日龄的增加显著下降。马铃薯块茎蛾雄成虫具有多次交配能力,在连续发生2次以上行为交配时会导致雄蛾有效交配率下降。雄蛾平均有效交配次数可达3.8次/头,最高达6次。增加雄性比例不会显著提高单雌产卵量,但将性比(♀:♂)由1∶1升至2∶1时即可显著降低单雌产卵量。  相似文献   

小地老虎的交配行为和能力   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
在温度为(25±1)℃、相对湿度为70%±7%、光周期(L∶D)为14∶10h的条件下对小地老虎Agrotis ypsilon(Rottemberg)的交配行为和能力进行研究。结果表明:成虫在羽化后1d才进行交配。雄蛾和雌蛾都可以多次交配。交配能力受性比的影响很大,当1头雄蛾仅与1头雌蛾相处时,其交配能力低;当1头雄蛾与多于2头的雌蛾在一起时或1头雌蛾与多于2头的雄蛾在一起时,交配能力则显著增加。还讨论了该研究结果应用的可能性。  相似文献   

【目的】探明性比对草地螟Loxostege sticticalis L.种群繁殖的影响,为预测预报提供科学指导。【方法】室内条件(温度(22±1℃,相对湿度70%±5%,光周期16L︰8D)下,研究了草地螟成虫雌雄比例(♀︰♂=1︰3,1︰2,1︰1,2︰1,3︰1)对主要繁殖参数和寿命的影响。【结果】草地螟成虫的产卵前期随着雌蛾比例的增大而延长;性比为1︰1时雌蛾的产卵同步性最高;雌蛾的交配次数、产卵量以及最终孵出的后代幼虫量在不同性比组之间差异变化不大,而雄蛾的交配次数、对后代的贡献量却随着雌蛾比例的加大而显著增加,而当雌雄比为3︰1时,雌雄蛾的寿命均显著下降;在雌雄比为3︰1的条件下,雄蛾的交配次数以及对后代的贡献量均为雌蛾的2倍左右。【结论】性比对草地螟雌蛾生殖影响较小,而对雄蛾生殖的影响较大。在雌成虫比例较低(性比为1︰3)的情况下,雄成虫的交配和生殖能力不能得到充分发挥,进而造成种群生殖资源的浪费。根据雌雄成虫交配潜力及对后代贡献量的比较分析,可以推测性比为2︰1至1︰1时,有利于草地螟大发生种群的形成。  相似文献   

虫草蝠蛾羽化、交配和产卵的观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过野外和室内的观察,虫草蝠蛾成虫主要集中在月均气温6.2—8.3℃、空气相对湿度90%左右时羽化;羽化后即进行交配,交配过程中雄蛾倒悬于雌蛾体下,交配时间10—150分钟,95%以上约25分钟;雌蛾产卵2—6次,产2—3次后可产出全部卵的80%以上;雌蛾每只产卵18—890余粒;雌蛾平均寿命118小时,雄蛾平均寿命75小时;成虫交配时间的早迟随海拔高度的不同而有差异,雌雄性比率接近1:1,成虫个体生存期2—8天,群体生存期28天左右。  相似文献   

笋秀夜蛾的求偶及交配行为   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
笋秀夜蛾(Apamea apameoides)是我国南方地区最为重要的笋期害虫,了解其求偶和交配行为是性信息素分离鉴定和应用的关键之一。在室内条件下,对笋秀夜蛾的性比、寿命和求偶、交配行为进行了研究。结果表明:笋秀夜蛾雌雄性比为1∶0.76;雌蛾和雄蛾的平均寿命因交配缩短;笋秀夜蛾的求偶和交配行为仅发生在暗期,日龄对其求偶和交配行为影响显著。雌蛾羽化当天便可求偶,第2日雌蛾求偶率达最高,求偶的起始时间随着日龄的增加逐渐提前。成虫羽化当日便可交配,第3日达到交配高峰;随日龄的增加,开始交配的时间逐渐提前,日龄对成虫交配高峰出现的时间影响不显著。  相似文献   

栎黄枯叶蛾Trabala vishnou gigantina Yang是近年在沙棘(Hippophae rhamnoides)林中大面积暴发的一种食叶害虫。通过野外调查和室内饲养观察相结合对该虫的羽化、交配和产卵等行为等进行了研究。结果表明,栎黄枯叶蛾羽化期40 d左右,羽化高峰期为9月上旬,日羽化高峰出现在傍晚17:00—23:00,占全天羽化量的82.46%;雌雄性比为1∶1.41;交配高峰期发生在凌晨3:00—4:00,成虫羽化翌日开始进行交尾,2日龄雌蛾交配率最高,达到45.6%,随后交配率逐步降低。雌蛾一生只交尾1次,雄蛾可进行多次交尾。成虫交配持续时间多为1416 h。成虫交配后即可产卵,产卵主要在夜间进行,产卵高峰期在2:00—6:00,占全天产卵量的82.40%。未交配雌蛾和雄蛾的平均寿命为11.05 d和9.85 d;显著高于已交配雌蛾和雄蛾的8.05 d和7.35 d,说明交配可明显缩短雌雄成虫寿命。  相似文献   

【目的】利用性诱防控和监测水稻二化螟Chilo suppressalis的有效性在田间已经得到认可。但雄蛾具有多次交配能力,致使性诱防治二化螟的应用策略一直存在争论。本研究的目的是探索二化螟雄蛾的多次交配及其对雌蛾繁殖力的影响,认识性诱防控害虫的机理。【方法】利用行为学方法调查了雌雄蛾以不同比例配对(1∶1, 4∶1和10∶10)时雄蛾的交配次数和交配持续时间,并结合解剖学方法,观察分析了二化螟雄蛾的交配次数对精巢、交配囊和精包大小以及雌蛾产卵量的影响。【结果】二化螟雌雄蛾按1∶1配对时,交配雄蛾和多次交配雄蛾的比例分别为74.0%和36.0%,平均交配1.7次,首次交配主要发生在0-1日龄,绝大部分具有多次交配能力的雄蛾的首次交配发生在0-1日龄。雌雄蛾按4∶1配对时,交配雄蛾和多次交配雄蛾的比例分别为69.4%和51.3%,平均交配2.1次,显著高于按1∶1配对。雌雄蛾按10∶10配对时,交配雄蛾和多次交配雄蛾的比例分别为65.5%和37.8%,平均交配1.9次。雄蛾第3次交配的持续时间显著长于第1和2次交配,但是交配1-3次雄蛾的精巢体积无显著差异。与不同交配次数雄蛾进行交配的雌蛾交配囊和精包体积无显著差异,雌蛾产卵量也无显著差异。【结论】二化螟中仅有部分雄蛾能够多次交配,多次交配雄蛾的首次交配主要发生在0-1日龄,部分雄蛾一生都不会交配。研究结果为二化螟的性诱防治提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

在(27±1)℃,光周期L∶D=12∶12的条件下对酪蝇Piophila casei L.交配行为及能力进行了研究。结果表明,雌虫在羽化1min后即可交配,而雄虫在羽化30min后进行交配。进一步观察结果表明,羽化后80min的两性成虫交配率最高(90%),成虫一天之中的交配高峰期出现在10∶00—11∶00,次高峰出现在11∶00—12∶00。两性交配持续时间从4~9min不等,以5min为最多(43.3%),6min次之(23.3%)。一般情况下,雌虫一生只交配1次,雄虫从1~7次不等,但以2次为最多(45%),3次的次之(20%)。  相似文献   

【目的】昆虫交配行为与其日龄和生殖系统发育密切相关。本研究旨在明确亚洲玉米螟Ostrinia furnacalis交配行为与其日龄、性比和雄蛾精巢大小的关系,为性信息素群集诱杀和交配干扰防控亚洲玉米螟提供理论依据。【方法】通过室内交配实验测定了不同配对晚数、日龄、性比亚洲玉米螟的交配率和交配次数,通过雄蛾精巢解剖分析了交配次数与精巢体积的关系。【结果】亚洲玉米螟的交配率随配对晚数增加而增加,但第1-5晚的增加速度大于第6-7晚的;1-4日龄蛾的交配率随日龄增加而增加,5日龄蛾的交配率显著降低;1-3日龄蛾配对1晚的交配率与新羽化蛾配对2~4晚的均无显著差异。亚洲玉米螟可以交配1~3次,但是交配3次的比例极低。雌性数量从1增为2时,雄蛾的交配率显著增加;从2增为3时,雄蛾的交配率显著降低、死亡率显著增加,交配1次的雄蛾进行二次交配的比例也增加,并且雄蛾更愿意与处女雌蛾进行第2次交配;交配1次雄蛾的精巢体积总是显著大于同期未交配雄蛾的,交配1次稍降低了雄蛾精巢的衰退速度,交配2次则明显增加雄蛾精巢的衰退速度。【结论】本研究明确了亚洲玉米螟交配与日龄、性比和雄蛾精巢体积之间的关系,从理论上证实了性信息素群集诱杀技术和交配干扰技术防治亚洲玉米螟的有效性。  相似文献   

【目的】探明母代性比对甜菜夜蛾Spodoptera exigua(Hübner)实验种群繁殖及后代发展趋势的影响,为短期预测预报提供科学指导。【方法】在人工气候培养箱中(设置条件:温度28±1℃,光周期为16L:8D,相对湿度为70%±5%),研究甜菜夜蛾实验种群不同母代性比结构(♀:♂=1:1,1:2,1:3)对主要繁殖参数的影响。【结果】甜菜夜蛾成虫产卵历期随母代性比下降而缩短;种群产卵量随母代性比降低而减少;孵化率随母代性比降低而升高;每雌产卵量无差异,但雄蛾对卵及后代的贡献量却随着雌蛾比例的加大而显著提高;后代性比和雌蛹蛹重有随母代性比下降而上升的趋势。【结论】母代性比除对甜菜夜蛾雌蛾个体生殖能力影响较小,对雌蛾产卵历期、种群产卵量和孵化率、后代性比、后代雌蛹蛹重及母代雄蛾生殖贡献率均有显著影响。当以性诱剂诱集的雄虫数量为依据进行短期预测预报时,除了考虑雄虫的数量外,还有必要了解此时种群的性比结构,才能做出更准确的判断。  相似文献   

小木蠹蛾性行为和性信息素产生与释放的时辰节律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张金桐  孟宪佐 《昆虫学报》2001,44(4):428-432
观察了小木蠹蛾Holcocerus insularis的性行为反应,并采用腺体提取、空气收集 、触角电位和田间试验等方法对雌蛾产生和释放性信息素的时辰节律进行了研究。结果表明: (1) 该虫羽化24 h后性成熟,婚飞和交配活动主要在1:00~4:00,交配历时15~45 min;(2) 大部分雌蛾一生交配1~3次,雄蛾多数一生只交配1次,雌雄比为1∶0.89; (3) 雌蛾腺体提取物中性信息素含量同蛾龄有关,2日龄雌蛾腺体性信息素含量最高;(4) 雌蛾腺体中性信息素含量在1:00时最高,而性信息素释放高峰在2:30。  相似文献   


The reproductive behavior of the honeydew moth, Cryptoblabes gnidiella (Millière) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), was studied in the laboratory. The sex ratio was 1.1:1, males to females, in both laboratory and field stocks. Most of the females that mated did so during the first night after emergence; males began mating on the following night. Mating occurred 1–2 h before dawn and averaged 100 min. Both sexes mated only once in one night. Most females mated only once in their lifetime, a few mated 2–4 times, whereas males mated up to six times per lifetime. Insects that lived longer also mated more times. When the sex ratio was altered from 3:1 to 1:3, males to females, the percentage of females that mated in one night dropped from 90 to 65, whereas the number of matings per male rose from 0.32 to 2.25. When fresh one-day-old females were provided daily at a ratio of three per male, the males averaged 1.4 matings per lifetime vs. 2.6 with 2- to 3-day-old females. A delay in mating did not affect the percentages of males and females that mated; highest percentages were obtained with 2- to 4-day-old males and females, but a delay in mating resulted in egg fertility dropping from 91 % to 73 %. The preoviposition period lasted a full day after mating, and then most of the eggs were laid during the first night. Average fecundity was 105 eggs per female (maximum: 230).  相似文献   

Mixed populations of the twospotted spider mite (TSM),Tetranychus urticae (Koch), and the Banks grass mite (BGM),Oligonychus pratensis (Banks), occur on corn and sorghum plants in late summer in the Great Plains. Interspecific matings between these arrhenotokous species occur readily in the laboratory but yield no female offspring. The effect of interspecific mating on female: male sex ratios was measured by examining the F1 progeny of females that mated with both heterospecific and conspecific males in no-choice situations. TSM females that mated first with BGM males and then with TSM males produced a smaller percentage of female offspring than TSM females that mated only with TSM males (43.1±5.8 and 78.9±2.8% females, respectively). Similarly, BGM females mated with heterospecific males and then with conspecific males produced fewer female offspring than females mated only with BGM males (55.7±5.2 and 77.5±2.5%, respectively). Lower female: male sex ratios were produced also by BGM females that mated with TSM males after first mating with conspecifics (62.4±3.4%). In mixed populations containing males of both species, females also produced lower female: male sex ratios, but these ratios were not as low as expected based on mating propensities and progeny sex ratios observed in no-choice tests. These data suggest that interspecific mating may substantially reduce female fitness in both mite species by reducing the output of female offspring, but in mixed populations this effect is mitigated by unidentified behavioral mechanisms.  相似文献   

豆野螟成虫行为学特征及性信息素产生与释放节律   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
豆野螟Maruca vitrata (Fabricius)是一种严重的泛热带豆类蔬菜害虫。本文在(29±1)℃、相对湿度75%~80%、光周期14L∶10D条件下研究了豆野螟成虫的羽化、交尾行为以及雌蛾性信息素的释放节律。结果表明:其羽化行为全天可见,在雌蛾中,86%于暗期羽化; 在雄蛾中,73%于暗期羽化。雌雄蛾羽化行为在暗期第4、5和8 h差异达到显著 (t>4; P<0.05)。交尾活动发生在暗期19:00到5:00之间,交尾持续时间最短约为20 min,最长约为90 min,3日龄进入暗期第5 h具有最高的交尾率。1、6和7日龄成虫具有单个交尾高峰,2到5日龄成虫具有两个交尾高峰。同一日龄成虫交尾在暗期前半段平均花费的时间要明显高于在后半段花费的时间。低龄和高龄的成虫用于交尾的时间明显高于中龄的性成熟成虫。成虫的开始交尾时间随着日龄的增加逐渐前移。雄蛾对进入暗期后第5 h和第9 h处女雌蛾的性腺提取物和空气收集性信息素的触角电位反应最强,对 3日龄处女雌蛾的性腺提取物和空气收集性信息素的触角电位反应最强。处女雌蛾田间诱蛾试验表明:23:00-01:00为诱蛾高峰期,3日龄处女雌蛾的诱蛾效果最好。该蛾的羽化、交尾及性信息素产生与释放均存在节律上的一致性。雌蛾的性信息素释放的时间较长,见于整个暗期,然而交尾行为发生时间较短,主要发生于两个交尾高峰之间。  相似文献   

棉铃虫成虫对性信息素的电生理和行为反应研究   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
通过EAG和风洞实验,研究了棉铃虫雌雄成虫对性信息素组分和诱芯(Z-11-16Ald∶Z-9-16Ald=97∶3)的电生理反应。其中棉铃虫雌、雄蛾对诱芯的平均EAG反应测定值分别为1.06mV和4.32mV,分别高出对照(无性信息素空白诱芯)0.67mV和0.366mV,差异均达到极显著水平(雌蛾:t=25.020, P≤0.01;雄蛾:t=44.269,P≤0.01);棉铃虫雌蛾对性信息素组分(Z-11-16-Ald和Z-9.16Ald)的EAG反应值随浓度增加而增加;雄蛾在被剪除触角后与雌蛾不能正常交配,而雌蛾在被剪除触角后仍有40%的交配率,比正常雌雄蛾的交配率(70%)有所下降;在风洞实验中,雄蛾没有顺风远离诱源的飞行行为,趋向诱源的比率为81.8%,与对照有显著差异。研究表明性信息素组分对棉铃虫的交配活动有明显的影响。  相似文献   

【目的】揭示日龄和交配对亚洲玉米螟Ostrinia furnacalis雄蛾内生殖器官的影响,以及亚洲玉米螟雄蛾的交配状态和性信息素诱捕之间的关系。【方法】采用行为学和生殖器解剖技术,研究不同日龄和交配状态亚洲玉米螟雄蛾内生殖器特征,并将其与田间性信息素诱捕雄蛾进行比较。【结果】除了精巢、输精管、储精囊、附腺、复射精管和单射精管外,亚洲玉米螟雄蛾内生殖系统还包含1对附腺囊,同时单射精管非角质化区分为5段(PS1-5),PS1又细分为5区(PS1Ⅰ-Ⅴ)。生殖器内含物可分为5级(0-4级),存在充满和未充满生殖器两种状态。1日龄雄蛾内生殖系统不同器官的内含物等级存在差异,但是日龄对雄蛾生殖系统内含物等级无明显影响。交配后0 h亚洲玉米螟雄蛾,除输精管、储精囊和附腺囊外,其余生殖器官内含物等级较未交配雄蛾的均发生显著变化。随着交配后时间的增加,雄蛾生殖器内含物等级逐渐恢复,各器官内含物等级恢复的速度存在差异,交配后60 h所有内含物等级均恢复到未交配状态。但是直到交配后228 h,交配雄蛾PS5内含物仍然表现出断裂等形态特征,和未交配雄蛾存在差异。性信息素引诱雄蛾中有60.9%的生殖系统表现出未交配雄蛾特征。【结论】利用PS5内含物的形态可以鉴别亚洲玉米螟雄蛾的交配状态,性信息素群集诱杀的亚洲玉米螟雄蛾大部分是未交配。本研究结果为亚洲玉米螟雄蛾交配状态的判定和蛾类害虫性信息素测报和防治的有效性提供了一定依据。  相似文献   

Abstract:  In laboratory trials, mating behaviour of males of Lobesia botrana Den. and Schiff. (Lep., Tortricidae) was investigated after treatment with an electrostatically chargeable powder, EntostatTM. Male moths were powdered with either blank Entostat or Entostat containing sex pheromone. Significantly more Entostat adhered to L. botrana males when sex pheromone was added to the powder compared with blank Entostat. Powdering male moths with Entostat, with or without sex pheromone, caused a significant reduction in antennal response when antennae were placed 2 cm away in downwind direction, while there was little effect when antennae were placed 25–100 cm from the EAG in downwind direction. In a flight study, powdering males of L. botrana caused significant increase in time before flight initiation and reduction in proportion of males making contact with calling females compared with untreated males. In a mating experiment in Petri dishes (to minimize required search time to locate female), significantly fewer females mated successfully (based on dissection of bursa copulatrix) when males had been treated with pheromone-loaded powder. Overall, powdering males of L. botrana caused considerable suppression of mating behaviour on various levels, and these suppressing effects were increased after adding sex pheromone to Entostat.  相似文献   

  • 1 Multiple mating and its effect on reproductive performance of female Epiphyas postvittana (Walker) moths were studied under controlled conditions.
  • 2 The age at which the moths mated for the first time ranged from the first to the tenth day after emergence, but 71% of first matings were during the first 3 days.
  • 3 The majority (63%) of females had one or two spermatophores in the bursa copulatrix. Some (24%) were found with three to five spermatophores, whereas no successful mating occurred among 13% of individuals. The number of matings was partly dependent on the number of mates available to the female. Between the range of sex ratios of one male to one female and four males to one female maximal mating success occurred at the ratio of three males to one female.
  • 4 Virgin females were capable of egg-laying, but mating stimulated and accelerated oviposition. Mated individuals laid twice as many eggs as unmated ones.
  • 5 The level of copulatory activity did not influence the longevity of females irrespective of the number of males available to them.
  • 6 Sex ratios with greater than one male to a female improved the reproductive success by marginally increasing fecundity and fertility.
  • 7 It is concluded that multiple mating would enhance population growth, and is of particular benefit to populations with a preponderance of females, as is known to occur naturally in this species.

To evaluate the relationship between reproduction and migratory flight, we examined ovaries, tethered flight, and egg laying in the beet armyworm, Spodoptera exigua (Hübner). Ovarian development in female S. exigua was classified into five stages in relation to the postemergence age of the moths. Oviposition peaked at ovarian stages III and IV. Mating accelerated ovarian development in this species, and thus the mated females developed faster than the virgin moths in ovaries. In virgin adults, flight capacity increased from the first day to the third day after emergence and remained at a high level until the moths were 7 d old. In contrast, the mated moths reached the maximum flight capacity in 2 d after emergence and maintained a high level until the age of 7 d. However, mating status could not influence the flight capacity of the beet armyworm, although there were general differences in flight capacity between virgin and mated adults at the same age. Moreover, significant correlations between the number of eggs laid and the flight capacity were not performed by the mated moths. These results showed that mating status and ovarian development did not seem to influence flight capacity in the beet armyworm, which was not in agreement with the definitions of the oogenesis-flight syndrome observed in many other migratory insects.  相似文献   

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