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云南16个少数民族群体的线粒体DNA多态性研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
利用PCR—RFLP法对傣族、白族、蒙古族、彝族等10个少数民族的16个群体共654人进行了mtDNA编码区多态性分析,共检测到17种单倍群,其中4种为未能确认的单倍群。单倍群频率分布和主成分图共同显示,百越系的3个民族共6个群体有高频的B、F单倍群,聚集在图的下部,表现出鲜明的南方群体特征;蒙古族的2个群体有高频的A、D单倍群,聚在图的上部,具有典型的北方群体特征;氐羌系的5个民族共7个群体全部或绝大多数都兼有南北方高频单倍群,位于图的中间,提示他们同时具有南北方群体的一些母系遗传特征。同一民族不同群体间的单倍群频率分布存在差异,但差异不很大,一般小于不同族源民族间的差异,但不一定都小于同一族源民族间的差异。  相似文献   

目的:调查贵州苗族、布依族、侗族人群mtDNA的群体遗传特点。方法:用聚合酶链反应-限制性片段长度多态性(PCR-RFLP)技术和DNA测序法,对3个民族男性个体mtDNA上12个SNP进行多态性分析。结果:285名个体共检出47种单倍型和12种单倍群。主要单倍型H32、H36、H10在3个民族间频率分布差异有统计学意义(P0.05);3个民族共有单倍型为11种(72.98%)且在民族间频率分布差异有统计学意义(P0.05),单倍群B(21.05%)和M7(21.05%)频率最高,B在苗族、布依族中分布频率与侗族间差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论:贵州苗族、布依族、侗族人群mtDNA单倍型分布相似,单倍群频率及主成分分析表现出南方群体特征。侗族母系遗传结构较苗族和布依族更为复杂,民族间存在基因交流的可能。  相似文献   

目的研究贵州土家族、侗族、仡佬族和彝族人群线粒体DNA(mtDNA)编码区的核苷酸多态性。方法采用PCR-RFLP技术和DNA测序法对贵州4个群体145例样本mtDNA编码区的8个SNP基因座及COⅡ/tRNAlys基因间9 bp缺失进行多态性分析。结果贵州4个民族群体的9 bp缺失频率依次为土家族18.4%,侗族29.7%,仡佬族25%,彝族16.7%,平均缺失频率为22.8%;在8个SNP基因座中,A10398G、C10400T突变在4个群体中较普遍;A663G、C5178A和G12406A突变在部分民族群体中也有较高的频率;共检测出14种单倍型,其中仡佬族11种,土家族10种,侗族8种,彝族6种。结论贵州4个民族群体mtDNA编码区可能存在不同的突变热点,在等位基因和单倍型分布频率上存在一定差异。  相似文献   

王晓庆  王传超  邓琼英  李辉 《遗传》2013,35(2):168-174
文章对我国广西仫佬族91个无关男性个体Y-STR、Y-SNP、mtDNA HVS-Ⅰ和mtDNA-SNP等进行检测分型, 探索仫佬族的分子遗传结构。结果显示:Y染色体单倍群O1a1-P203和O2a1*-M95在仫佬族中为高频单倍群, 利用Y-STR构建的N-J树中仫佬族与侗族聚类, 说明在父系遗传上仫佬族与侗族遗传关系较近; mtDNA中F1a、M*、B4a、B5a等4类单倍群高频出现, 体现出仫佬族在母系遗传方面具有典型的东亚南方群体特征。17个Y-STR位点和mtDNA HVS-Ⅰ具有丰富的遗传多态性, 在群体遗传学和法医学方面具有应用前景。  相似文献   

目的研究世居贵州的侗族、仡佬族、土家族和彝族人群线粒体DNA RegionⅤ的遗传多态性。方法采用PCR-PAGE和克隆测序法对4个群体108份样本的mtDNA RegionⅤ进行序列分析。结果只检测到标准型和短型(即9-bp缺失)两种多态。贵州四个民族人群的平均9-bp缺失频率为22.2%,在侗族、仡佬族、土家族和彝族人群中依次为32.1%、22.6%、17.2%和15.0%。结论贵州四个民族mtDNA 9-bp缺失频率均较高,这与其地域分布相一致;贵州彝族和土家族显示了相似的缺失频率,提示两者可能有共同的祖先。  相似文献   

从父系和母系基因库水平上,研究不同分布地区白族群体之间的遗传结构的异同,并对其族源以及本民族群体之间的微进化关系进行初步的探讨。利用PCR-RFLP方法对云南白族和湖南白族及云南的傣族、布依族、独龙族、怒族、阿昌族和湖南土家族共8个群体进行14个线粒体多态位点和Y染色体上的13个双等位基因位点进行基因分型。统计单倍型,在SPSS软件上进行主成分分析。结果显示,两个白族群体在Y染色体双等位基因单倍型分布上差异不大,以H6、H8为主要单倍型分布;在线粒体单倍群分布上,两个白族群体则差异显著,单倍群D、B、M8在湖南白族中的分布频率比云南白族高的多,而在云南白族中M^*、G、F的频率则比湖南白族高。对Y染色体单倍型分布频率进行主成分分析表明两个白族群体聚在一起,整体上和其他北方起源的群体聚成一组;而对线粒体的单倍群分布频率分析显示湖南白族接近湖南汉族和土家族,而云南白族则接近云南怒族和阿昌族。两个白族群体在父系遗传结构上相近,表明他们具有共同的父系族源;而母系遗传结构上的差异,可能与历史上迁到湖南的白族先民主要为男性军士,流寓到当地后与汉、土家等民族女子通婚所致。  相似文献   

刘烜  单可人  齐晓岚  何燕  赵艳  吴昌学  李毅  褚迅  任锡麟 《遗传》2006,28(11):1350-1354
为分析贵州布依族、仡佬族、仫佬族、毛南族、壮族父系遗传结构, 探讨其起源及迁徒。通过聚合酶链式反应-限制性内切酶长度多态性(PCR-RFLP)方法检测贵州境内5个民族10个SNP位点构成的Y染色体单倍型, 并以省内苗族为对照分析其父系遗传结构。结果显示5个民族集中于Y-SNP中H8单倍型, 苗族样本集中于Y-SNP中的H8、H11与H12单倍型。说明贵州省布依族、仡佬族、仫佬族、毛南族、壮族5个民族之间有密切联系, 且与国内其他地域有较大的遗传差异, 是一个相对独立的群体。  相似文献   

贵州四个民族人群线粒体DNA Region V的遗传多态性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的研究世居贵州的侗族、仡佬族、土家族和彝族人群线粒体DNA Region V的遗传多态性。方法采用PCR-PAGE和克隆测序法对4个群体108份样本的mtDNA Region V进行序列分析。结果只检测到标准型和短型(即9-bp缺失)两种多态。贵州四个民族人群的平均9-bp缺失频率为22.2%,在侗族、仡佬族、土家族和彝族人群中依次为32.1%、22.6%、17.2%和15.0%。结论贵州四个民族mtDNA9-bp缺失频率均较高,这与其地域分布相一致;贵州彝族和土家族显示了相似的缺失频率,提示两者可能有共同的祖先。  相似文献   

贵州从江侗族Y-DNA及线粒体DNA 序列多态性分析   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
为分析贵州从江侗族父系及母系遗传结构,探讨其起源及迁徒, 通过聚合酶链式反应-限制性片段长度多态性(PCR-RFLP), 研究贵州从江侗族无亲缘关系个体由10个单核苷酸位点(SNPs)组成的Y染色体单倍型及11个单核苷酸位点组成的线粒体DNA单倍群频率。结果显示, 从40份男性样本的Y-SNP基因分型中,得到H6 、H11、H14 共3种单倍型;H11的频率为92.5%;通过对线粒体DNA基因分型,得到6种单倍群,有75%的个体能明确分类其所携带的单倍群特征,说明贵州从江侗族父系遗传构成相对简单。通过主成分分析,证明贵州从江侗族与其他的壮侗语族人群相聚,母系遗传结构复杂,无C单倍群分布可能为该民族特征之一。Abstract: To study the patrilineal and matrilineal genetic structure and the origin of Dong Ethnic of Congjiang Guizhou. Study the distribution of Y-chromosome haplotypes which consisted of 10 SNPs of Y-DNA and mtDNA haplogroups consisted of 11 SNPs by using PCR-RFLP method. The result is three haplotypes H6,H11,H14 were detected, the frequency of H11 is 92.5%. Six haplogroups were identified by mtDNA analysis, 75% of the people can be identified. The patrilineal genetic structure of Dong of Guizhou is simple, Principle component indicated that the structure is closer to Zhuang-Dong branch of Sino-Tibetan language family. The matrilineal genetic structure of Dong of Guizhou is complicated.  相似文献   

石宏  李易  罗虹  吉学平  宿兵 《动物学研究》2006,27(5):449-455
对云南人32份男性DNA样本进行Y染色体单倍型以及mitochondrialDNA(mtDNA)单倍型分析,结果发现云南人的父系和母系遗传组分都表现出典型的南方人群的遗传特征。由人的数据结合已经发表的东亚人群的Y染色体和mtDNA单倍型(haplotype)数据进行MultidimensionalScaling(MDS)分析,结果表明,在MDS分布图中人群体的Y染色体单倍型和mtDNA单倍型都与南方人群聚在一起。这一结果支持人的遗传族源为东亚南方人群后裔,与考古学的推论相一致。结合历史和考古学证据来探讨人的起源和史前迁移,为揭开“人悬棺”这种独特的考古文化的起源和史前传播提供遗传学的研究证据。  相似文献   

Christmas Island is a remote Australian territory located close to the main Indonesian island of Java. Y-chromosome and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) markers were used to investigate the genetic structure of the population, which comprises communities of mixed ethnic origin. Analysis of 12 Y-chromosome biallelic polymorphisms revealed a high level of gene diversity and haplotype frequencies that were consistent with source populations in southern China and Southeast Asia. mtDNA hypervariable segment I (HVS-I) sequences displayed high levels of haplotype diversity and nucleotide diversity that were comparable to various Asian populations. Genetic distances revealed extremely low mtDNA differentiation among Christmas Islanders and Asian populations. This was supported by the relatively high proportion of sequence types shared among these populations. The most common mtDNA haplogroups were M* and B, followed by D and F, which are prevalent in East/Southeast Asia. Christmas Islanders of European descent were characterized by the Eurasian haplogroup R*, and a limited degree of admixture was observed. In general, analysis of the genetic data indicated population affinities to southern Chinese (in particular from the Yunnan Province) and Southeast Asia (Thailand, Malaysia, and Cambodia), which was consistent with historical records of settlement. The combined use of these different marker systems provides a useful and appropriate model for the study of contemporary populations derived from different ethnic origins.  相似文献   

Polymorphisms in mitochondrial (mt) DNA and Y-chromosomes of seven socially and linguistically diverse castes and tribes of Eastern India were examined to determine their genetic relationships, their origin, and the influence of demographic factors on population structure. Samples from the Orissa Brahmin, Karan, Khandayat, Gope, Juang, Saora, and Paroja were analyzed for mtDNA hypervariable sequence (HVS) I and II, eight Y-chromosome short tandem repeats (Y-STRs), and lineage-defining mutations diagnostic for Indian- and Eurasian-specific haplogroups. Our results reveal that haplotype diversity and mean pairwise differences (MPD) was higher in caste groups of the region (>0.998, for both systems) compared to tribes (0.917-0.996 for Y-STRs, and 0.958-0.988 for mtDNA haplotypes). The majority of paternal lineages belong to the R1a1, O2a, and H haplogroups (62.7%), while 73.2% of maternal lineages comprise the Indian-specific M*, M5, M30, and R* mtDNA haplogroups, with a sporadic occurrence of West Eurasian lineages. Our study reveals that Orissa Brahmins (a higher caste population) have a genetic affinity with Indo-European speakers of Eastern Europe, although the Y-chromosome data show that the genetic distances of populations are not correlated to their position in the caste hierarchy. The high frequency of the O2a haplogroup and absence of East Asian-specific mtDNA lineages in the Juang and Saora suggest that a migration of Austro-Asiatic tribes to mainland India was exclusively male-mediated which occurred during the demographic expansion of Neolithic farmers in southern China. The phylogeographic analysis of mtDNA and Y-chromosomes revealed varied ancestral sources for the diverse genetic components of the populations of Eastern India.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The Finns, and to a more extreme extent the Saami, are genetic outliers in Europe. Despite the close geographical contact between these populations, no major contribution of Saami mtDNA haplotypes to the Finnish population has been detected. METHODS: To examine the extent of maternal gene flow from the Saami into Finnish populations, we determined the mtDNA variation in 403 persons living in four provinces in central and northern Finland. For all of these samples, we assessed the frequencies of mtDNA haplogroups and examined sequence variation in the hypervariable segment I (HVS-I). The resulting data were compared with published information for Saami populations. RESULTS: The frequencies of the mtDNA haplogroups differed between the populations of the four provinces, suggesting a distinction between northern and central Finland. Analysis of molecular variance suggested that the Saami deviated less from the population of northern Finland than from that of central Finland. Five HVS-I haplotypes, including that harboring the Saami motif and the Asian-specific haplogroup Z, were shared between the Finns and the Saami and allowed comparisons between the populations. Their frequency was highest in the Saami and decreased towards central Finland. CONCLUSIONS: The high frequency of certain mtDNA haplotypes considered to be Saami specific in the Finnish population suggests a genetic admixture, which appears to be more pronounced in northern Finland. Furthermore, the presence of haplogroup Z in the Finns and the Saami indicates that traces of Asian mtDNA genotypes have survived in the contemporary populations.  相似文献   

C. J. Kolman  N. Sambuughin    E. Bermingham 《Genetics》1996,142(4):1321-1334
High levels of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) diversity were determined for Mongolian populations, represented by the Mongol-speaking Khalkha and Dariganga. Although 103 samples were collected across Mongolia, low levels of genetic substructuring were detected, reflecting the nomadic lifestyle and relatively recent ethnic differentiation of Mongolian populations. mtDNA control region I sequence and seven additional mtDNA polymorphisms were assayed to allow extensive comparison with previous human population studies. Based on a comparative analysis, we propose that indigenous populations in east Central Asia represent the closest genetic link between Old and New World populations. Utilizing restriction/deletion polymorphisms, Mongolian populations were found to carry all four New World founding haplogroups as defined by WALLACE and coworkers. The ubiquitous presence of the four New World haplogroups in the Americas but narrow distribution across Asia weakens support for GREENBERG and coworkers' theory of New World colonization via three independent migrations. The statistical and geographic scarcity of New World haplogroups in Asia makes it improbable that the same four haplotypes would be drawn from one geographic region three independent times. Instead, it is likely that founder effects manifest throughout Asia and the Americas are responsible for differences in mtDNA haplotype frequencies observed in these regions.  相似文献   

The Xianbei existed as a remarkable nomadic tribe in northeastern China for three dynasties: the Han, Jin, and Northern-Southern dynasties (206 BC to 581 AD) in Chinese history. A very important subtribe of the Xianbei is the Murong Xianbei. To investigate the genetic structure of the Murong Xianbei population and to address its genetic relationships with other nomadic tribes at a molecular level, we analyzed the control region sequences and coding-region single nucleotide polymorphism markers of mtDNA from the remains of the Lamadong cemetery of the Three-Yan Culture of the Murong Xianbei population, which is dated to 1,600-1,700 years ago. By combining polymorphisms of the control region with those from the code region, we assigned 17 individuals to haplogroups B, C, D, F, G2a, Z, M, and J1b1. The frequencies of these haplogroups were compared with those of Asian populations and a multidimensional scaling graph was constructed to investigate relationships with other Asian populations. The results indicate that the genetic structure of the Lamadong population is very intricate; it has haplogroups prevalent in both the Eastern Asian and the Siberian populations, showing more affinity with the Eastern Asian populations. The present study also shows that the ancient nomadic tribes of Huns, Tuoba Xianbei, and Murong Xianbei have different maternal genetic structures and that there could have been some genetic exchange among them.  相似文献   

Kazakh populations have traditionally lived as nomadic pastoralists that seasonally migrate across the steppe and surrounding mountain ranges in Kazakhstan and southern Siberia. To clarify their population history from a paternal perspective, we analyzed the non-recombining portion of the Y-chromosome from Kazakh populations living in southern Altai Republic, Russia, using a high-resolution analysis of 60 biallelic markers and 17 STRs. We noted distinct differences in the patterns of genetic variation between maternal and paternal genetic systems in the Altaian Kazakhs. While they possess a variety of East and West Eurasian mtDNA haplogroups, only three East Eurasian paternal haplogroups appear at significant frequencies (C3*, C3c and O3a3c*). In addition, the Y-STR data revealed low genetic diversity within these lineages. Analysis of the combined biallelic and STR data also demonstrated genetic differences among Kazakh populations from across Central Asia. The observed differences between Altaian Kazakhs and indigenous Kazakhs were not the result of admixture between Altaian Kazakhs and indigenous Altaians. Overall, the shared paternal ancestry of Kazakhs differentiates them from other Central Asian populations. In addition, all of them showed evidence of genetic influence by the 13(th) century CE Mongol Empire. Ultimately, the social and cultural traditions of the Kazakhs shaped their current pattern of genetic variation.  相似文献   

The genetic variability of a Quechua-speaking Andean population from Peru was examined on the basis of four Y chromosome markers and restriction sites that define the Amerindian mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplogroups. Forty-nine out of 52 (90.4%) individuals had mtDNA which belonged to one of the four common Amerindian haplogroups, with 54% of the samples belonging to haplogroup B. Among 25 males, 12 had an Amerindian Y chromosome, which exists as four haplotypes defined on the basis of the DYS287, DYS199, DYS392 and DYS19 markers, three of which are shared by Amazonian Amerindians. Thus, there is a clear directionality of marriages, with an estimated genetic admixture with non-Amerindians that is 9 times lower for mtDNA than for Y chromosome DNA. The comparison of mtDNA of Andean Amerindians with that of people from other regions of South America in a total of 1,086 individuals demonstrates a geographical pattern, with a decreasing frequency of A and C haplotypes and increasing frequency of the D haplotype from the north of the Amazon River to the south of the Amazon River, reaching the lowest and the highest frequencies, respectively, in the more southern populations of Chile and Argentina. Conversely, the highest and lowest frequencies of the haplogroup B are found, respectively, in the Andean and the North Amazon regions, and it is absent from some southern populations, suggesting that haplotypes A, C and D, and haplotype B may have been dispersed by two different migratory routes within the continent.  相似文献   

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