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贵州三都水族Y染色体单倍型频率分析   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6  
在92例贵州三都水族个体中,用PCR-RFLP法研究由11个单核苷酸多态位点(SNPs)组成的Y染色体单倍型频率分布,结果显示该人群的Y染色体主要为南方特异的H11和H9单倍型,两者频率高达90.22%。主成分分析结果显示其父系遗传结构与我国黎族、布依族等汉藏语系壮侗语族民族最为接近。通过Y染色体的遗传学观察与历史记载和语言学分类有较好一致性。 Abstract:Non-recombination region of Y-chromosome is a useful marker in tracing evolutionary history of paternal lineage.In the present study,total 92 individuals from Shui ethnic group in Sandu Shui Ethnic Group Autonomous County of Guizhou Province were inspected with 11 SNP sites including M7,M9,M15,M45,M89,M95,M119,M122,M130,M134 and YAP on Y-chromosome.All the subjects were required to be unrelated and without intermarriage with other ethnic groups within three generations.The haplotypes were analyzed by PCR-RFLP method.Four haplotypes H5,H8,H9 and H11 were detected with frequencies of 0.054,0.044,0.315 and 0.587,respectively.Principle component indicated that the paternal lineage of Shui ethnic group is much closer to Li ethnic group of Hainan Province and Bouyei ethnic group of Guizhou Province,which belong to the group of Zhuang-Dong branch of Sino-Tibetan language family.In addition genetic study of Shui coincides with its linguistic distribution.  相似文献   

贵州瑶族3支系Y-DNA及线粒体DNA序列多态性分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
褚迅  单可人  文波  齐晓岚  李毅  吴昌学  刘烜  赵艳  任锡麟  金力 《遗传》2006,28(2):153-158
采用PCR-RFLP技术,通过观察由12个单核苷酸多态位点(SNPs)组成的Y染色体单倍型及由9个多态位点组成的线粒体DNA单倍型在贵州瑶族中的分布,分析贵州瑶族父系及母系遗传结构,探讨其起源及迁徙。结果显示,97份男性样本分别属于H7、H8、H9、H11 4种Y-DNA单倍型,苗瑶语系特异Y-DNA单倍型H7的平均频率为92.4%;通过对线粒体DNA基因分型,得到8种单倍型,可归入B4、B5、D4、D5和N*单倍型类群中,CoⅡ/tRNALys区域间的9bp缺失平均频率为58.2%。结果提示贵州瑶族父系遗传结构单一,具有典型的苗瑶族群特征,又存在与其他族群的融合。母系遗传结构相对复杂,9 bp缺失是贵州瑶族的母系遗传结构特征。   相似文献   

目的:调查贵州苗族、布依族、侗族人群mtDNA的群体遗传特点。方法:用聚合酶链反应-限制性片段长度多态性(PCR-RFLP)技术和DNA测序法,对3个民族男性个体mtDNA上12个SNP进行多态性分析。结果:285名个体共检出47种单倍型和12种单倍群。主要单倍型H32、H36、H10在3个民族间频率分布差异有统计学意义(P0.05);3个民族共有单倍型为11种(72.98%)且在民族间频率分布差异有统计学意义(P0.05),单倍群B(21.05%)和M7(21.05%)频率最高,B在苗族、布依族中分布频率与侗族间差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论:贵州苗族、布依族、侗族人群mtDNA单倍型分布相似,单倍群频率及主成分分析表现出南方群体特征。侗族母系遗传结构较苗族和布依族更为复杂,民族间存在基因交流的可能。  相似文献   

日本落叶松群体的叶绿体SSR分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
张新叶  白石进  黄敏仁 《遗传》2004,26(4):486-490
利用叶绿体微卫星(cpSSR)分子标记对日本国内的7个日本落叶松(Larix kaempferi)群体遗传结构进行了研究。11对cpSSR引物中筛选出的3对多态性引物,共产生10个长度不同片段,在197个样品中组合出现10个不同的单倍型(haplotype)。各群体的单倍型差异较大。cpSSR基因座揭示了日本落叶松的遗传变异:平均等位基因数A=3.33,平均有效等位基因数NE=1.20,基因多样度HE=0.17,群体间变异占总群体变异的5.37%,遗传变异主要来自于群体内个体间。Abstract: Genetic structure of seven populations in Larix kaempferi in Japan was studied by use of cpSSR markers. Ten different length fragments in and ten different kinds of haplotypes were reduced in 197 samples based on 3 pairs of polymorphic primers screened from 11 pairs of primers. There were significant variant haplotypes among the populations. The genetic variation in the populations of Larix kaempferi was detected by using cpSSR with the number of average loci A=3.33, the number of average efficient loci NE=1.20, gene diversity HE=0.17 and 5.37% variation from different populations. The genetic variation was mainly from individuals in population.  相似文献   

王晓庆  王传超  邓琼英  李辉 《遗传》2013,35(2):168-174
文章对我国广西仫佬族91个无关男性个体Y-STR、Y-SNP、mtDNA HVS-Ⅰ和mtDNA-SNP等进行检测分型, 探索仫佬族的分子遗传结构。结果显示:Y染色体单倍群O1a1-P203和O2a1*-M95在仫佬族中为高频单倍群, 利用Y-STR构建的N-J树中仫佬族与侗族聚类, 说明在父系遗传上仫佬族与侗族遗传关系较近; mtDNA中F1a、M*、B4a、B5a等4类单倍群高频出现, 体现出仫佬族在母系遗传方面具有典型的东亚南方群体特征。17个Y-STR位点和mtDNA HVS-Ⅰ具有丰富的遗传多态性, 在群体遗传学和法医学方面具有应用前景。  相似文献   

To evaluate the gene admixture on the current genetic landscape in Gansu Corridor (GC) in China, the upper part of the ancient Silk Road which connects the Eastern and Central Asia, we examined mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) polymorphisms of five ethnic populations in this study. Using PCR-RFLP and sequencing, we analyzed mtDNA haplotypes in 242 unrelated samples in three ethnic populations from the GC region and two ethnic populations from the adjacent Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China. We analyzed the data in comparison with the previously reported data from Eastern, Central and Western Asia and Europe. We found that both European-specific haplogroups and Eastern Asian-specific haplogroups exist in the Gansu Corridor populations, while a modest matrilineal gene flow from Europeans to this region was revealed. The Gansu Corridor populations are genetically located between Eastern Asians and Central Asians, both of who contributed significantly to the maternal lineages of the GC populations. This study made the landscape of the gene flow and admixture along the Silk Road from Europe, through Central Asia, to the upper part of the Silk Road more complete.  相似文献   

从母系遗传的角度揭示世居贵州的侗族、仡佬族、土家族和彝族人群的的遗传结构和遗传分化关系,并对各民族的族源和迁徙进行初步的探讨。采用高变区序列分析与编码区PCR-RFLP分析相结合的方法对4个群体108例样本进行mtDNA多态性分析,共鉴定了37种(亚)单倍群,单倍群分布频率及主成分分析显示:侗族含有高比例的南方优势单倍群,表现出典型的南方群体特征;彝族兼有高比例的南北方优势单倍群,提示它同时具有南北方群体的一些母系遗传特征;彝族和仡佬族聚在一起,可能是由于历史上两个民族的先民曾发生过广泛的基因交流。  相似文献   

刘烜  单可人  齐晓岚  何燕  赵艳  吴昌学  李毅  褚迅  任锡麟 《遗传》2006,28(11):1350-1354
为分析贵州布依族、仡佬族、仫佬族、毛南族、壮族父系遗传结构, 探讨其起源及迁徒。通过聚合酶链式反应-限制性内切酶长度多态性(PCR-RFLP)方法检测贵州境内5个民族10个SNP位点构成的Y染色体单倍型, 并以省内苗族为对照分析其父系遗传结构。结果显示5个民族集中于Y-SNP中H8单倍型, 苗族样本集中于Y-SNP中的H8、H11与H12单倍型。说明贵州省布依族、仡佬族、仫佬族、毛南族、壮族5个民族之间有密切联系, 且与国内其他地域有较大的遗传差异, 是一个相对独立的群体。  相似文献   

报道了AFLP标记在研究贵州小型香猪遗传多态性方面的应用和该品系猪个体基因组DNA的AFLP扩增结果,分析了贵州小型香猪的群体遗传结构.实验应用10条AFLP引物,用PstⅠ酶切,对17头猪基因组DNA进行AFLP反应,共获得116个AFLP标记,单引物获得的标记数在2~22间,贵州小型香猪群体相似系数AFLP研究结果为0.866(0.760~0.967),该研究为评价贵州小型香猪的遗传稳定性提供了相关的参数,准确评价尚待和其它品种猪对比研究后确定。 Abstract:We reported the application of AFIP markers to detect genetic polymorphic loci in Guizhou miniaturc pig and their amplified AFLP results.Their genetic construction Of the population was also analysed.TenAFLP primers were used,genomic DNAs from 17 pigs were restrictive by pst I,116 AFLP markers were obtained,the obtaining marker numbers of individual primer were between 2~22.The results indicate as the following:(1)AFLP marker is suitable for analysing genetic polymorphism in pig;(2)The similarty index of population in Guizhou miniaturc pigs was 0.866(0.760~0.967).The study provides a uscful parameter with appraise genetic stability of Guizhou miniature pigs.  相似文献   

黄牛(Bos taurus)的驯养作为农耕文化重要内容之一,在我国历史悠久,长久以来形成的役用型逐步被肉用型所替代。为了揭示平凉地方牛群体的遗传背景,分析其是否具有生产优质牛肉的遗传基础,本研究测定了88头平凉地方牛群体mtDNA D-loop HVS序列,并对包括平凉地方牛群体在内的我国23个地方牛群体单倍型分布及系统发生关系进行了分析。结果表明,mtDNA D-loop 高变区,在平凉地方牛群体共有52个单倍型,而23个地方牛群体共有95个单倍型,这些单倍型在系统发生树和中介网络关系中分布于两个分枝,即瘤牛型和普通牛进化枝。因此,我们认为平凉地方牛群体和我国其他牛种一样,存在普通牛和瘤牛两个母系起源的遗传背景。  相似文献   

李永念  左丽  文波  柯越海  黄薇  金力 《遗传学报》2002,29(3):196-200
为探讨中国布依族人的起源及迁移,采用PCR-RFLP法观察了由13个单核苷酸多态位点(SNPs)组成的Y染色体单倍型在中国布依族人群中的分布,同时用PCR直接测序法对其线粒体DNARegionV区多态进行检测,将结果与我国其他民族及世界各大洲人群进行比较,结果表明中国布依族人的单倍型分布与我国同属侗傣语系的壮族、侗族,黎族及金秀的瑶族最为接近,提示布依族人与上述人群有一定的亲缘关系,并结合文史资料,对中国布依族人的起源及迁移进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

Historical inferences from genetic data increasingly depend on assumptions about the genealogical process that shapes the frequencies of alleles over time. Yet little is known about the structure of human genealogies over long periods of time and how they depart from expectations of standard demographic models, such as that attributed to Wright and Fisher. To obtain such information and to examine the recent evolutionary history of mtDNA and Y-chromosome haplotypes in the Icelandic gene pool, we traced the matrilineal and patrilineal ancestry of all 131,060 Icelanders born after 1972 back to two cohorts of ancestors, one born between 1848 and 1892 and the other between 1798 and 1742. This populationwide coalescent analysis of Icelandic genealogies revealed highly positively skewed distributions of descendants to ancestors, with the vast majority of potential ancestors contributing one or no descendants and a minority of ancestors contributing large numbers of descendants. The expansion and loss of matrilines and patrilines has caused considerable fluctuation in the frequencies of mtDNA and Y-chromosome haplotypes, despite a rapid population expansion in Iceland during the past 300 years. Contrary to a widespread assumption, the rate of evolution caused by this lineage-sorting process was markedly faster in matrilines (mtDNA) than in patrilines (Y chromosomes). The primary cause is a 10% shorter matrilineal generation interval. Variance in the number of offspring produced within each generation was not an important differentiating factor. We observed an intergenerational correlation in offspring number and in the length of generation intervals in the matrilineal and patrilineal genealogies, which was stronger in matrilines and thus contributes to their faster evolutionary rate. These findings may have implications for coalescent date estimates based on mtDNA and Y chromosomes.  相似文献   

To study the mitochondrial gene pool structure in Yakuts, polymorphism of mtDNA hypervariable segment I (16,024-16,390) was analyzed in 191 people sampled from the indigenous population of the Sakha Republic. In total, 67 haplotypes of 14 haplogroups were detected. Most (91.6%) haplotypes belonged to haplogroups A, B, C, D, F, G, M*, and Y, which are specific for East Eurasian ethnic groups; 8.4% haplotypes represented Caucasian haplogroups H, HV1, J, T, U, and W. A high frequency of mtDNA types belonging to Asian supercluster M was peculiar for Yakuts: mtDNA types belonging to haplogroup C, D, or G and undifferentiated mtDNA types of haplogroup M (M*) accounted for 81% of all haplotypes. The highest diversity was observed for haplogroups C and D, which comprised respectively 22 (44%) and 18 (30%) haplotypes. Yakuts showed the lowest genetic diversity (H = 0.964) among all Turkic ethnic groups. Phylogenetic analysis testified to a common genetic substrate of Yakuts, Mongols, and Central Asian (Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Uigur) populations. Yakuts proved to share 21 (55.5%) mtDNA haplogroups with the Central Asian ethnic groups and Mongols. Comparisons with modern paleo-Asian populations (Chukcha, Itelmen, Koryaks) revealed three (8.9%) haplotypes common for Yakuts and Koryaks. The results of mtDNA analysis disagree with the hypothesis of an appreciable paleo-Asian contribution to the modern Yakut gene pool.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that there were extensive genetic admixtures in the Silk Road region. In the present study, we analyzed 252 mtDNAs of five ethnic groups (Uygur, Uzbek, Kazak, Mongolian, and Hui) from Xinjiang Province, China (through which the Silk Road once ran) together with some reported data from the adjacent regions in Central Asia. In a simple way, we classified the mtDNAs into different haplogroups (monophyletic clades in the rooted mtDNA tree) according to the available phylogenetic information and compared their frequencies to show the differences among the matrilineal genetic structures of these populations with different demographic histories. With the exception of eight unassigned M*, N*, and R* mtDNAs, all the mtDNA types identified here belonged to defined subhaplogroups of haplogroups M and N (including R) and consisted of subsets of both the eastern and western Eurasian pools, thus providing direct evidence supporting the suggestion that Central Asia is the location of genetic admixture of the East and the West. Although our samples were from the same geographic location, a decreasing tendency of the western Eurasian-specific haplogroup frequency was observed, with the highest frequency present in Uygur (42.6%) and Uzbek (41.4%) samples, followed by Kazak (30.2%), Mongolian (14.3%), and Hui (6.7%). No western Eurasian type was found in Han Chinese samples from the same place. The frequencies of the eastern Eurasian-specific haplogroups also varied in these samples. Combined with the historical records, ethno-origin, migratory history, and marriage customs might play different roles in shaping the matrilineal genetic structure of different ethnic populations residing in this region.  相似文献   

To study the mitochondrial gene pool structure in Yakuts, polymorphism of mtDNA hypervariable segment I (16,024–16,390) was analyzed in 191 people sampled from the indigenous population of the Sakha Republic. In total, 67 haplotypes of 14 haplogroups were detected. Most (91.6%) haplotypes belonged to haplogroups A, B, C, D, F, G, M*, and Y, which are specific for East Eurasian ethnic groups; 8.4% haplotypes represented Caucasian haplogroups H, HV1, J, T, U, and W. A high frequency of mtDNA types belonging to Asian supercluster M was peculiar for Yakuts: mtDNA types belonging to haplogroup C, D, or G and undifferentiated mtDNA types of haplogroup M (M*) accounted for 81% of all haplotypes. The highest diversity was observed for haplogroups C and D, which comprised respectively 22 (44%) and 18 (30%) haplotypes. Yakuts showed the lowest genetic diversity (H = 0.964) among all Turkic ethnic groups. Phylogenetic analysis testified to common genetic substrate of Yakuts, Mongols, and Central Asian (Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Uighur) populations. Yakuts proved to share 21 (55.5%) mtDNA haplotypes with the Central Asian ethnic groups and Mongols. Comparisons with modern Paleoasian populations (Chukcha, Itelmen, Koryaks) revealed three (8.9%) haplotypes common for Yakuts and Koryaks. The results of mtDNA analysis disagree with the hypothesis of an appreciable Paleoasian contribution to the modern Yakut gene pool.  相似文献   

Paternal origins of Chinese cattle   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
To determine the genetic diversity and paternal origin of Chinese cattle, 302 males from 16 Chinese native cattle breeds as well as 30 Holstein males and four Burma males as controls were analysed using four Y‐SNPs and two Y‐STRs. In Chinese bulls, the taurine Y1 and Y2 haplogroups and indicine Y3 haplogroup were detected in seven, 172 and 123 individuals respectively, and these frequencies varied among the Chinese cattle breeds examined. Y2 dominates in northern China (91.4%), and Y3 dominates in southern China (90.8%). Central China is an admixture zone, although Y2 predominates overall (72.0%). The geographical distributions of the Y2 and Y3 haplogroup frequencies revealed a pattern of male indicine introgression from south to north China. The three Y haplogroups were further classified into one Y1 haplotype, five Y2 haplotypes and one Y3 haplotype in Chinese native bulls. Due to the interplay between taurine and indicine types, Chinese cattle represent an extensive reservoir of genetic diversity. The Y haplotype distribution of Chinese cattle exhibited a clear geographical structure, which is consistent with mtDNA, historical and geographical information.  相似文献   

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