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目的:探讨案例教学法在康复治疗师培训中的应用。方法:100名康复治疗师志愿者按从业时间分为低、中、高级治疗师,随后将不同资格的志愿者平均分配到传统教学法教学组(对照组)和案例教学法教学组(实验组),以脑性瘫痪的康复为主要内容开展培训。培训结束后,针对学员对基础知识的掌握和病例的分析进行考核。结果:实验组的学员基础知识的平均分高于对照组(P0.05),并且对病例的分析能力也显著高于对照组(P0.01)。调查问卷结果显示,多数实验组学员认为案例教学法能够调动学习积极性,并提高独立思考、分析问题的能力。结论:在康复医学教学中,案例教学法在激发学习兴趣、提高学习效率和学生综合素质方面优于传统的教学方法。  相似文献   

目的 对医学工程人员的基本情况、培训情况、培训需要以及工作满意度情况调查,为医学工程人员的继续教育和管理提供建议。方法 取武汉三级医院8家、二级医院2家,在每家医院的医学工程部门中随机抽取15名进行问卷调查。结果 调查医学工程人员138名,大专及以下学历占47.9%;97.8%的医学工程人员愿意接受在职教育和培训的意愿;对职称、收入、在医院的地位、晋升机会满意的比例为17.4%、13.1%、15.2%、19.6%。讨论 医学工程人员整体学历偏低;医学工程人员培训需求较大;医学工程人员对职称、收入、在医院的地位、晋升机会、在职教育和培训的机会等满意度均较低。医院应建立科学的职业晋升制度、激励制度、培训方案,同时鼓励医学工程人员积极参加培训。  相似文献   

目的:了解手术室护士对外科手消毒相关知识的认知状况,为手术室管理者提供护士掌握外科手消毒知识的整体水平,以全面提高外科手消毒的效果。方法:自行设计的问卷对哈尔滨市8家三级甲等综合性医院手术室护士进外科手消毒相关知识的认知调查。结果:目前手术室护士掌握外科手消毒相关知识的状况不容乐观,共20个被调查问题,回答正确率平均为49.85%;工作年限、第一学历、职称、学习过《医务人员手卫生规范》、消毒重要性的认识对答题结果的影响具有统计学意义(P0.05),表现为工作年限时间越长、第一学历越低、职称越高、学习过《医务人员手卫生规范》的、认为外科手术消毒重要的护士理论知识掌握情况越好。结论:被调查者自主学习较差,手术室管理者应当注重和加强手术室护士的外科手消毒专题学习培训与考核,理论与实践相结合,不断探索长期、可持续的培训教育模式,管理者制定与临床工作相结合并且适合不同学历背景和年资护士的培训方式和学习计划。充分调动护士的自我管理意识,建立外科手消毒"品管圈",分析和解决问题,使手术室的护理质量在持续的改进中得到不断提高。  相似文献   

目的 为制订县级医院决策者培训计划提供依据,对贵州省县级医院决策者的管理培训现状及需求进行调查。方法 以贵州省县级医院决策者为调查对象,按照研究主题设计调查表,实施调查,获取数据进行分类整理、分析。结果 (1)医院决策者以中青年为主,分布于40~50岁;大学本科、副高及中级职称为主;(2)岗位前所学专业主要为临床医疗,专业管理人员少;从事管理5~15年占总体的59.31%;65.24%为兼职管理人员。(3)接受3个月以内的培训(65.80%),3个月以上培训(9.52%),未接受过培训(24.67%);大部分人员接受过管理知识培训(21.21%~64.50%),就培训内容而言,仅有接受医疗法律法规的决策者超过50%,绝大部分调查培训内容均未超过50%。(4)最需要的培训知识为战略管理(49.78%)、经营管理(53.25%)、人力资源管理(51.56%)、医院信息系统管理(45.89%)、领导科学(51.52%)。结论 县级医院决策者其培养时间及培养内容不足,医院决策者管理能力尚需加强。  相似文献   

乡镇卫生院负责本乡镇的医疗,预防和妇幼卫生等综合卫生服务,并指导村级医生,向居民提供方便、快捷的基本医疗服务。凉山彝族自治州地处四川西南部,农村人口占绝大多数,了解农民于乡镇卫生院的就诊情况与农民关注自己的健康状况有着必然的联系。而乡镇卫生院医务人员的学历、职称、医疗设施情况、医院的收费情况等与农民的就诊情况息息相关。本文通过对四川省凉山州部分乡镇卫生院的基本条件和农民的就诊情况分别进行调查,并分析其形成的原因。  相似文献   

目的 探索重点学科人力资源现状。方法 对重点学科人力资源进行现状分析。结果 重点学科共有4 059人;年龄在25岁及以上、45岁以下的占71.2%;工作年限15年以下的占69.5%;硕士研究生学历的占47.3%,本科学历的占38.4%;高级职称的占45.7%。结论 重点学科汇集了大量优秀人才,学科成员年龄分布合理,工作年限偏低,学历以硕士研究生和本科为主,职称偏高,重点学科与重点发展学科内部学历、职称构成存在差异。  相似文献   

全科医师急救技能调查分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的:了解全科医师对急救技能掌握情况和对培训的态度。方法:对在我院参加培训28名社区全科医师急救技能进行调查,对心肺复苏中的胸外心脏按压频率、电除颤功率等问题进行理论和技能考核,并对4项技术(止血、包扎、固定和转运)进行技能考核。根据职称分为初级和中级2组,比较2组成绩差异;发放调查问卷,了解对急救技能培训的需求情况。结果:社区全科医师急救技能掌握普遍较差,心肺复苏技能平均合格率为14.2%,4项技术合格率为17.8%;初级与中级职称组成绩无差别(P>0.05);89.2%的社区全科医师认为急救技能非常重要,92.8%希望定期得到急救技能培训。结论:社区全科医师急救技能普遍掌握较差,应定期进行对他们急救技能培训。  相似文献   

上海市公立三甲医院护理人员配置现状研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

目的 了解上海市护理人力资源的配置现状,探讨合理的配置对策。方法 对上海市26家公立三甲医院护理人员进行了问卷调查,对医院管理者和护理管理人员进行访谈,分析当前护理人员配置的数量、年龄、学历和职称结构情况,探讨当前护理人员配置合理性和现存问题。结果 当前上海市公立三甲医院护理人员队伍存在配置数量不足、年轻化、学历层次低和职称构成不合理的状况。结论 建议卫生行业主管部门应科学核定配置标准,医院应当合理统筹和弹性调配人力资源,重视护理人员培养和培训,改善护理人员数量和结构配置的合理性。


目的:通过对某省七家三级医院输血科管理现状调查,了解医院在输血管理制度的制定与实施、技术操作的规范性、输血流程的安全性、输血科人员配置等方面存在的问题,明确今后医院输血安全管理工作的重点,并提出相应的管理对策,旨在为医院及政府职能部门制订有关医院输血安全相关策略提供科学的佐证。方法:1、文献法:对CNKI、维普数据库近五年相关文献进行系统回顾;2、现场调查:对某省7家三级医院输血安全管理现况调查。结果:所调查的7家医院输血安全管理制度知晓率较低,储血冰箱未按照正确的时间进行监测,医务人员对病人输血反应观察不到位,输血前医患沟通较好,输血差错自愿报告系统超过60%的医院尚未建立,输血不良事件发生后,只有14%的医护人员愿意主动上报,输血科医务人员30岁以上的不到30%,专科以下学历占66%,专业背景37%为检验专业,无学历的占8%。结论:医院输血安全管理存在许多问题:管理制度知晓率低、执行不到位,储血过程未按相关要求进行监测,输血科医务人员过于年轻化,学历层次较低,专业背景单一。建议医院应根据存在的问题,采取应对策略。  相似文献   

目的:研究氧化锆全瓷和金属烤瓷冠修复对牙冠延长术后牙周状况的影响,为临床治疗提供依据。方法:选取2014年12月到2015年2月我院收治牙冠延长术联合牙冠修复治疗患者210例,按照随机数字表法将患者分为研究组和对照组,每组105例,研究组应用氧化锆全瓷,对照组应用金属烤瓷,比较两组牙周情况、佩戴修复体时间和康复时间。结果:研究组正常者比例为83.81%(88/105)显著高于对照组的65.71%(69/105),轻度病损者比例为8.57%(9/105)显著低于对照的21.90%(23/105),比较差异具有统计学意义(P0.05);研究组术后佩戴修复体时间和康复时间均显著短于对照组,比较差异具有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论:应用氧化锆全瓷修复能改善牙冠延长术后患者牙周情况,缩短佩戴修复体时间和康复时间。  相似文献   

S Shaw  G Goplen  D S Houston 《CMAJ》1996,154(7):1035-1038
OBJECTIVE: To determine how often Saskatchewan physicians changed career paths during medical training and practice. DESIGN: Population survey (mailed questionnaire). SETTING: Saskatchewan. PARTICIPANTS: All 1077 active members of the Saskatchewan Medical Association were sent a questionnaire; 493 (45.8%) responded. OUTCOME MEASURES: Long-term career goal or plan in next-to-last year of undergraduate medical school, probable choice of career if forced to choose at that time, and number of physicians who changed their field of training or practice at any time since graduation. RESULTS: In all, 57.8% (237/410) of the respondents were currently practising in a field different from that planned in their next-to-last year of medical school, 63.5% (275/436) were not practising in the field they would have chosen if forced to at that time, and 42.9% (211/492) had changed their field of training or practice at some time since graduation. Older physicians, those who graduated outside of Canada and specialists were the most likely to have changed career paths, family physicians, and those who graduated in Saskatchewan were the least likely to have changed. CONCLUSION: The current system of postgraduate training in Canada does not permit career changes of the sort made by most of the practising Saskatchewan physicians in the survey sample. The implications of this new system are as yet unknown but require careful monitoring.  相似文献   

目的 分析基层医疗卫生机构中的城市社区卫生服务中心与乡镇卫生院医务人员的工作倦怠情况及影响因素,探讨两类机构中医务人员倦怠的水平差异。方法 采用Maslach职业倦怠普适量表(MBI-GS)对东北某地区城市社区卫生服务中心及乡镇卫生院进行问卷调查。结果 城市社区卫生服务中心医务人员工作倦怠检出率为27.8%,工作倦怠程度影响因素是学历、职称、工资收入和绩效方案合理性。乡镇卫生院工作倦怠检出率为34.1%,倦怠程度主要受性别、工作时间、工作量和工资收入影响。结论 乡镇卫生院较城市社区卫生服务中心医务人员的工作倦怠感严重,应引起有关管理部门的重视并采取相应的干预措施。  相似文献   

To assess the experience and perceptions of training of senior house officers in medicine a population survey of senior house officer training was conducted on senior house officers, registrars, senior registrars, and consultants in six medical specialties in South East Thames region by interview and postal questionnaire. The overall response rate was 72%, varying from 62% to 83% according to status and from 61% to 80% according to specialty. Although most of the 226 senior house officer respondents were aged 28 or under (168/225), had been qualified for four years or less (168/225) and were British (176/223), a quarter were older and had been qualified for five years or more; in all, 17 other nationalities were represented. Twenty two were aged over 33, and 17 had been qualified for more than 10 years. Thirty five senior house officers worked more than the mode of the distribution of duty rotas (one in three). Among postgraduate qualifications achieved or pursued, those related to general practice were highly represented (164 examinations); 111 senior house officers intended becoming general practitioners, 63 non-teaching hospital consultants, and 34 university or NHS teaching staff. Analysis of career progression showed that an appreciable number (31/221) had had more than three senior house officer posts. The findings indicate that the main implications for training and education are time for study, careers advice, and revision of educational programmes.  相似文献   

目的:了解临床医学专业课程建设情况,总结专科层次临床医学专业教育教学的主要成绩,查找专业建设存在的问题,为专科层次临床医学专业教育教学改革提出改进意见。方法:对我校2013届(应届生)306名、2011届和2012届(往届生)333名专科层次临床医学专业毕业生进行问卷调查,主要调查内容包括:课程内容、课程资源和课程评价。结果:专科层次临床医学专业毕业生认为本专业核心课程知识和技能模块设计合理,且应届毕业生认可度高于往届毕业生;对专业类纸质图书、纸质期刊等课程资源满意度高,认为专业类精品课程、教学视频等课程资源需要进一步改善;毕业生对专业知识考评认可度较高,应届生认可度优于往届生。结论:专科层次临床医学专业课程建设效果较好,特别是课程内容安排和课程评价合理,但在专业技能训练和课程资源建设方面需重点加强。  相似文献   

目的调查肿瘤科护士预防导管相关性血流感染(CRSBI)的认知与行为情况。方法采用方便抽样法,应用自行设计的"预防CRSBI认知与行为问卷"对107名肿瘤科在职护士进行调查,并进行结果分析。结果 107名护士预防CRSBI知识得分20~105分,平均得分(54.95±14.77)分,平均正确率52.34%。预防CRSBI操作行为得分25~45分,平均得分(39.72±4.26)分。肿瘤科护士预防CRSBI认知情况与工作年限、技术职称和是否接受过CRSBI的知识培训有关,行为情况与是否接受过CRSBI的知识培训有关。结论应加强肿瘤科护士CRSBI相关知识的培训和考核,加强管控,进一步提高肿瘤科护士预防CRSBI的认知水平。  相似文献   

B Cujec  T Oancia  C Bohm  D Johnson 《CMAJ》2000,162(5):637-640
BACKGROUND: Studies of career and parenting satisfaction have focused separately on medical students, residents and practising physicians. The objective of this study was to compare satisfaction across a spectrum of stages of medical career. METHODS: A survey of incoming medical students, current medical students, residents and physician teachers at the University of Saskatchewan was conducted in the spring of 1997. Response rates were 77% (43/56), 81% (177/218), 65% (134/206) and 39% (215/554) respectively. Factors assessed in the stepwise regression analysis were the effect of sex, parenting and level of training on the likelihood of recommending parenting to medical students or residents, and on parenting dissatisfaction, job dissatisfaction, career dissatisfaction and the importance of flexibility within the college program to accommodate family obligations. RESULTS: More male than female physician teachers had partners (92% v. 81%, p < 0.01) and were parents (94% v. 72%, p < 0.01). Female physician teachers spent equal hours per week at work compared with their male counterparts (mean 52 and 58 hours respectively) and more than double the weekly time on family and household work (36 v. 14 hours, p < 0.01). Physician teachers were the most likely respondents to recommend parenting to residents and their peers. Residents were the most dissatisfied with their parenting time. At all career stages women were less likely than men to recommend parenting, were more dissatisfied with the amount of time spent as parents and were more likely to regard flexibility within the college program as beneficial. There were no sex-related differences in job dissatisfaction and career dissatisfaction. However, married women were more dissatisfied with their jobs than were married men. Job dissatisfaction was greatest among medical students, and career dissatisfaction was greatest among residents. INTERPRETATION: The optimal timing of parenthood appears to be upon completion of medical training. Women were less likely to recommend parenting, less satisfied with the time available for parenting and more likely to value flexibility within the college program to accommodate family needs. These differences did not translate into women experiencing more job or career dissatisfaction.  相似文献   



Since it was anticipated that the need for doctors would increase due to demographic changes, the number of positions for medical specialty training programs has increased from the year 2000 onwards. However, the number of permanent positions for young cardiologists did not follow that trend leading to concerns about future employment. Therefore, the aim of the current study was to assess short-term career perspectives of young cardiologists in the Netherlands.


All cardiologists who ended their training between 1 January 2011 and 31 December 2014 were invited to fill in a questionnaire about their first employment status and were followed yearly until the participant had a permanent position. The timespan between the end of training and the moment of permanent employment was assessed. Furthermore, the association between professional profile and short-term career perspectives was investigated.


The observed unemployment was 1.6% and lasted less than a year in all cases. Of the participants, 77% started their career with a temporary contract; within four years this was 7%. Of young cardiologists, 46% started their career as a fellow and 24% as an attending physician. A total of 29% of male cardiologists started their career with a permanent contract as compared with 12% of females (p = 0.01). Within two years this difference was no longer observed.


Unemployment is low among young cardiologists. Most cardiologists start their career with a temporary contract. The time to a permanent contract is slightly longer for female cardiologists as compared with males.



Acute care readmission risk is an increasingly recognized problem that has garnered significant attention, yet the reasons for acute care readmission in the inpatient rehabilitation population are complex and likely multifactorial. Information on both medical comorbidities and functional status is routinely collected for stroke patients participating in inpatient rehabilitation. We sought to determine whether functional status is a more robust predictor of acute care readmissions in the inpatient rehabilitation stroke population compared with medical comorbidities using a large, administrative data set.


A retrospective analysis of data from the Uniform Data System for Medical Rehabilitation from the years 2002 to 2011 was performed examining stroke patients admitted to inpatient rehabilitation facilities. A Basic Model for predicting acute care readmission risk based on age and functional status was compared with models incorporating functional status and medical comorbidities (Basic-Plus) or models including age and medical comorbidities alone (Age-Comorbidity). C-statistics were compared to evaluate model performance.


There were a total of 803,124 patients: 88,187 (11%) patients were transferred back to an acute hospital: 22,247 (2.8%) within 3 days, 43,481 (5.4%) within 7 days, and 85,431 (10.6%) within 30 days. The C-statistics for the Basic Model were 0.701, 0.672, and 0.682 at days 3, 7, and 30 respectively. As compared to the Basic Model, the best-performing Basic-Plus model was the Basic+Elixhauser model with C-statistics differences of +0.011, +0.011, and + 0.012, and the best-performing Age-Comorbidity model was the Age+Elixhauser model with C-statistic differences of -0.124, -0.098, and -0.098 at days 3, 7, and 30 respectively.


Readmission models for the inpatient rehabilitation stroke population based on functional status and age showed better predictive ability than models based on medical comorbidities.  相似文献   

E Ryten  A D Thurber  L Buske 《CMAJ》1998,158(6):731-737
BACKGROUND: "The Class of 1989" is a longitudinal study of 1722 people who were awarded an MD degree by a Canadian university in 1989. This paper reports on the details of their post-MD training up to spring 1996. METHODS: Several medical professional and educational associations in Canada and the United States provided year-by-year information on field and location of post-MD training, certification achieved, whether in practice and location of practice through to spring 1996. Information from all sources was linked to a list of 1989 medical school graduates. RESULTS: Of the 1722 graduates 57 (3.3%) never entered post-MD training in Canada; 147 (8.5%) did 1 or more years of training in the United States. A total of 222 graduates (12.9%) took a break of at least 1 year from training, and 301 (17.5%) changed their choice of field or specialty after starting training. Substantial numbers took 1 or more years longer to complete training than would be expected based on the prescribed length of the training program chosen. The field or specialty choices of the cohort produced a generalist:specialist ratio of 58:42. The final numbers in several fields depended heavily on trainees changing their initial career choice. INTERPRETATION: The data point out widely differing and often very long lead times from start to completion of training. Since 1993, changes to licensure requirements have reduced opportunities for recent graduating cohorts to delay final career choices, take a break in training, prolong training or change initial career choices. Rigidities in the post-1993 training environment point to the emergence of a number of serious problems, such as dissatisfaction and high anxiety levels among residents, licensing authorities being faced with people who have not completed a training program to certification, and insufficient provision of positions for post-MD training because of underestimates of the time needed to complete training programs. The insights gained from this study lead to the recognition that planning the specialty distribution of the physician workforce is highly complex and difficult.  相似文献   

ObjectiveOur study aims to assess and track work load, working conditions and professional recognition of radiation oncology medical physicists (ROMPs) in the Asia Pacific Region over time.MethodsA structured questionnaire was mailed in 2008, 2011 and 2014 to senior medical physicists representing 23 countries. The questionnaire covers 7 themes: education and training including certification; staffing; typical tasks; professional organisations; resources; research and teaching; job satisfaction.ResultsAcross all surveys the response rate was >85% with the replies representing practice affecting more than half of the world’s population. The expectation of ROMP qualifications (MSc and between 1 and 3 years of clinical experience) has not changed much over the years.However, compared to 2008, the number of medical physicists in many countries has doubled. Formal professional certification is only available in a small number of countries. The number of experienced ROMPs is small in particular in low and middle income countries. The increase in staff numbers from 2008 to 2014 is matched by a similar increase in the number of treatment units which is accompanied by an increase in treatment complexity. Many ROMPs are required to work overtime and not many find time for research. Resource availability has only improved marginally and ROMPs still feel generally overworked, but professional recognition, while varying widely, appears to be improving slowly.ConclusionWhile number of physicists and complexity of treatment techniques and technologies have increased significantly, ROMP practice remains essentially unchanged over the last 6 years in the Asia Pacific Region.  相似文献   

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