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Biological properties of soil are not only essential for the maintenance of soil fertility and the sustainability of the plant-soil ecosystems, but also indicators of land reclamation of contaminated or disturbed soils. This experiment involves two plants (barley and field pea) growing in four soils with different hydrocarbon contents. The objective was to study the effect of hydrocarbons on plant growth and microbial activity, and to evaluate the acid phosphatase activity as an indicator of reclamation of hydrocarbon-contaminated soils. Barley root mass decreased with the increase of the hydrocarbon content but field pea roots were not sensitive to the hydrocarbon content in this experiment. The hydrocarbon contamination reduced the plant growth but increased the microbial activity. The acid phosphatase activity was controlled by both plant root production and microbial activity, therefore it was not a good indicator of the reclamation of oil-contaminated soils.  相似文献   
运用能值理论与分析方法,采用净能值产出率、环境负荷率、能值密度、人均能值用量、能值产投比及可持续性指数、系统稳定性指数及优势度指数等重要能值指标,对黑龙江垦区2002—2011年间农业生态经济系统的能值结构作了分析。结果表明:黑龙江垦区各项指标都维持在较高水平,工业辅助能投入大幅增加,农业生态系统的产能不断提高,垦区的经济发展水平和职工生活水平得到显著改善,但由此也产生了农业生态系统可持续性下降、种植结构不合理和能源利用效率低等问题,需要在今后的发展中亟待解决。  相似文献   
柯新利  唐兰萍 《生态学报》2019,39(2):672-683
城市扩张对生态系统的影响可以分为城市扩张对生态用地的直接挤占以及为补充城市扩张占用的耕地对生态用地二次挤占两个连锁的过程。以往的研究大多只关注城市扩张对生态系统的直接影响,忽略了城市扩张与耕地保护耦合的间接影响。针对这一问题,采用GIS空间分析方法和InVEST模型定量评估了2000年至2015年湖北省城市扩张与耕地保护耦合对陆地生态系统碳储量的影响。结果显示:(1)城市扩张与耕地保护耦合导致湖北省陆地生态系统碳储量减少40.90 Tg;(2)由城市扩张与耕地保护耦合导致的陆地生态系统碳储量的减少量中,耕地保护传导作用间接导致的占比31%。结果表明,城市扩张与耕地保护的耦合是导致生态系统碳储量减少的主要原因之一。忽视城市扩张通过耕地保护的传导作用对生态系统碳储量的间接影响,会导致城市扩张对陆地生态系统碳储量的影响被严重低估。  相似文献   
杨柳  阎建忠  王盼  王宏 《生态学报》2019,39(10):3655-3669
自1980年代后期以来,青藏高原持续变暖趋势明显,且增温幅度高于我国其他地区。基于遥感数据和种植适宜性模型的一些研究表明,该地区足够的农业热量资源增加了适宜耕种土地的面积,为农牧民的开垦行为创造了有利的条件。然而,对农牧民是否开垦以及开垦原因的实证研究,以及农牧民如何平衡气候变化带来的开垦机遇、风险和人口压力,仍然缺少认识。以青藏高原的3个典型产粮区域("一江两河"地区、河湟谷地、壤塘县)为研究区,利用605户农户家庭调研数据,分析了影响农牧民开垦行为的影响因素。计量结果表明,农牧民感知冬季持续时间的整体变化趋势、家庭总人口、抚养比与农牧民开垦行为呈显著正相关关系;农牧民感知降水的整体变化趋势、人均打工年收入、户主受教育水平、是否借贷、居住地距集镇距离与农牧民开垦行为呈显著负相关关系。随着城镇化的不断加快,农牧民对非农工作的认可度越来越高,加之政府的管制,使得开垦现象并不普遍。由于农牧民的开垦对青藏高原的生态环境极有可能造成不可逆的负面影响,应该提供更多的非农就业机会,促进农业集约化,加强监管,以降低开垦的可能性。  相似文献   
肖甜甜  李杨帆  向枝远 《生态学报》2019,39(11):3850-3860
以围填海活动为代表的高强度的人类开发利用方式从根本上改变了海岸带地区的自然属性,区域生态环境发生了深刻变化。定位于我国大陆沿海的围填海区域,通过人机交互目视解译的方法获取我国大陆沿海围填海区域的矢量数据,基于围填海活动影响下海岸带区域的景观类型和生态系统服务变化的评估结果,识别我国海岸带的生态脆弱区和重点保护区,提出围填海区域景观生态红线的划分方法。通过分析可知:(1)围填海区域景观生态红线区呈现出"总体分散、局部集中"的的分布特点;(2)景观生态红线区主要分布在人工湿地和残存自然湿地中。围填海区域是进行海陆统筹研究的关键区域,而景观生态红线作为识别其重要生态功能区,并进行二次保护和抢救性保护的有效手段,将为我国海岸带生态管理提供新思路和新方法。  相似文献   
为探索锥栗林地高效的土壤管理方式,提升我国锥栗栽培管理技术水平,进而提高其产量、品质以及经济效益。该研究采用全垦和环垦两种方式对锥栗林地进行连续4年的深挖垦复,通过测定垦复前后土壤理化性质变化以及锥栗树体生长、叶片表型和生理特征、结果性状、产量及品质等重要农艺性状,统计数据并进行对比分析。结果表明:(1)深挖垦复对锥栗林地土壤理化性质改善效果显著,两种垦复方式土壤容重较垦复前降低31.21%及以上(0~30 cm处),土壤含水率、土壤孔隙度、有机质含量以及各种大量元素含量较垦复前和对照均有不同程度的增加,土壤肥力及其保水保肥能力显著增强。(2)环垦区土壤有机质含量、有效磷含量以及交换性镁含量高于全垦区,其土壤有机质含量较垦复前增加40.59%,远高于全垦增加幅度(17.76%),从土壤保肥能力的角度来看,环垦效果优于全垦。(3)土壤肥力的提升增强了其对锥栗叶片的供肥能力,使得叶片含水率、叶绿素含量以及各种矿质元素含量显著增加,从而提升其光合作用能力。(4)深挖垦复对锥栗树体生长、结实能力、产量及品质同样具有显著的提升效果,其中全垦和环垦区单位面积产量分别是对照的1.75倍和1.33倍,且栗苞总重、单果质量、出籽率、可溶性糖含量以及磷、钾元素含量显著高于对照,而空苞率显著低于对照。综上,深挖垦复是改良林地土壤和提高锥栗生产力的有效举措。  相似文献   
荒漠绿洲农田垦殖过程中耕层土壤碳储量演变特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以河西走廊中段临泽荒漠绿洲区为研究对象,通过实地调查结合遥感影像辨析确定农田的开垦年限,对比不同开垦背景的农田耕层(0~20 cm)土壤有机碳储量(SOCD)的变化特征,研究荒漠绿洲农田垦殖过程中SOCD的演变趋势.结果表明: 研究区农田耕层SOCD在2.41~32.97 t·hm-2范围变动,平均值为17.22 t·hm-2;盐碱地、戈壁和沙地背景农田SOCD平均值分别为19.36、16.10、15.93 t·hm-2.随着开垦年限的增加,农田耕层SOCD呈增加趋势,但沙地和戈壁背景农田开垦20年后增加趋势放缓,盐碱地背景的农田在25年后才表现出放缓趋势;沙地、戈壁和盐碱地背景农田土壤有机碳(SOC)的固存速率分别为0.424、0.485、0.811 t·hm-2·a-1.SOCD与全氮、全磷、碱解氮、速效磷含量呈显著正相关,而与速效钾、pH相关性不显著.综上所述,荒漠绿洲盐碱地背景农田SOC的固存速率显著高于戈壁、沙地背景农田,但开垦30年后不同背景农田SOCD仍处于较低水平,需要针对不同开垦背景对绿洲农田进行管理以提高荒漠绿洲土地利用效率和生产力.  相似文献   
Stockpiling of cover soil can influence vegetation development following reclamation. Cover soil, comprising the upper 15–30 cm of the surface material on sites scheduled for mining, is commonly salvaged prior to mining and used directly or stockpiled for various lengths of time until it is needed. Salvaging and stockpiling causes physical, chemical, and biological changes in cover soils. In particular, stockpiling reduces the availability and vigor of vegetative propagules and seed, and can lead to increases in the abundance of some weedy species. This study uses data from monitoring plots to assess how stockpiling of cover soil impacts plant community development on reclaimed oil sands mine sites in northern Alberta. Development of plant communities differed distinctly between directly placed and stockpiled cover soil treatments even 18 years after reclamation. Direct placement of cover soil resulted in higher percent cover, species richness, and diversity. Nonmetric multidimensional scaling and multiresponse permutation procedure revealed compositional differentiation between the treatments. Indicator species analysis showed that direct placement treatment was dominated by perennial species while grasses and annual forb species dominated sites where stockpiled soil was used. Results indicate that stockpiling leads to slower vegetation recovery while direct placement of cover soil supports more rapid succession (from ruderal and annual communities to perennial communities). In addition, direct placement may be less costly than stockpiling. However, scheduling of salvage and placement remains a challenge.  相似文献   
Unsanctioned travel routes through alpine ecosystems can influence water drainage patterns, cause sedimentation of streams, and erode soils. These disturbed areas can take decades to revegetate. In 2012, a volunteer‐driven project restored a 854‐m section of unsanctioned road along the Continental Divide in Colorado, United States. The restored area was seeded with three native grass species and then treated by installing erosion matting or adding supplemental rock cover. Four years later, results suggest that the seeding along with the use of erosion matting or supplemental rock can enhance revegetation. Matting appeared to accumulate litter, and this effect might have contributed to enhanced moisture retention. Treated areas contained 40% of the vegetation cover found on adjacent controls, which averaged 69% vascular plant absolute cover. Recovery on both treatments was markedly higher than published estimates of passive revegetation of disturbed areas measured elsewhere suggesting seeding with added cover or protection led to substantial vegetative cover after 4 years. Two of the 3 seeded grass species, Trisetum spicatum and Poa alpina, dominated the restored plots, composing 81.7% of relative vegetation cover on matting sites and 73.4% of relative cover on rock‐supplemented areas. Presumably due to its preference for moister sites, Deschampsia cespitosa had low establishment rates. Volunteer species, that is species that appeared on their own, contributed 6.3% to the absolute vegetation cover of matting and rock sites, and species such as Minuartia biflora, Minuartia obtusiloba, Poa glauca, and Festuca brachyphylla should be considered for use in future restorations.  相似文献   
Land reclamation associated with natural gas development has become increasingly important to mitigate land surface disturbance in western North America. Since well pads occur on sites with multiple land use and ownership, the progress and outcomes of these efforts are of interest to multiple stakeholders including industry, practitioners and consultants, regulatory agents, private landowners, and the scientific community. Reclamation success criteria often vary within, and among, government agencies and across land ownership type. Typically, reclamation success of a well pad is judged by comparing vegetation cover from a single transect on the pad to a single transect in an adjacent reference site and data are collected by a large number of technicians with various field monitoring skills. We utilized “SamplePoint” image analysis software and a spatially balanced sampling design, called balanced acceptance sampling, to demonstrate how spatially explicit quantitative data can be used to determine if sites are meeting various reclamation success criteria and used chi‐square tests to show how sites in vegetation percent cover differ from a statistical standpoint. This method collects field data faster than traditional methods. We demonstrate how quantitative and spatially explicit data can be utilized by multiple stakeholders, how it can improve upon current reference site selection, how it can satisfy reclamation monitoring requirements for multiple regulatory agencies, how it may help improve future seed mix selection, and discuss how it may reduce costs for operations responsible for reclamation and how it may reduce observer bias.  相似文献   
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