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Three Algerian populations of female Pistacia atlantica shrubs were investigated in order to check whether their terpenoid contents and morpho-anatomical parameters may characterize the infraspecific variability. The populations were sampled along a gradient of increasing aridity from the Atlas mountains into the northwestern Central Sahara.As evidenced by Scanning Electron Microscopy, tufted hairs could be found only on seedling leaves from the low aridity site as a population-specific trait preserved also in culture. Under common garden cultivation seedlings of the high aridity site showed a three times higher density of glandular trichomes compared to the low aridity site. Increased aridity resulted also in reduction of leaf sizes while their thickness increased. Palisade parenchyma thickness also increases with aridity, being the best variable that discriminates the three populations of P. atlantica.Analysis of terpenoids from the leaves carried out by GC-MS reveals the presence of 65 compounds. The major compounds identified were spathulenol (23 μg g−1 dw), α-pinene (10 μg g−1 dw), verbenone (7 μg g−1 dw) and β-pinene (6 μg g−1 dw) in leaves from the low aridity site; spathulenol (73 μg g−1 dw), α-pinene (25 μg g−1 dw), β-pinene (18 μg g−1 dw) and γ-amorphene (16 μg g−1 dw) in those from medium aridity and spathulenol (114 μg g−1 dw), α-pinene (49 μg g−1 dw), germacrene D (29 μg g−1 dw) and camphene (23 μg g−1 dw) in leaves from the high aridity site. Terpene concentrations increased with the degree of aridity: the highest mean concentration of monoterpenes (136 μg g−1 dw), sesquiterpenes (290 μg g−1 dw) and total terpenes (427 μg g−1 dw) were observed in the highest arid site and are, respectively, 3-, 5- and 4-fold higher compared to the lower arid site. Spathulenol and α-pinene can be taken as chemical markers of aridity. Drought discriminating compounds in low, but detectable concentrations are δ-cadinene and β-copaene. The functional roles of the terpenoids found in P. atlantica leaves and principles of their biosynthesis are discussed with emphasis on the mechanisms of plant resistance to drought conditions.  相似文献   
三种草坪草的茎、叶解剖结构及其坪用性状   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
利用石蜡片法,对台湾草(Zoysia tenuifoia Willd.ex Trin.)、海雀稗(Paspalum vaginatum Sw.)、狗牙根[Cnodon dactylon(L.)Pers.]三种细叶暖季型草坪草的叶片有茎的解剖结构进行了研究。结果表明:叶片及茎的解剖结构与植物的耐旱性、耐践踏性和弹性等坪用特性有着密切联系。三种植物中,台湾草因叶片表皮细胞、泡状细胞、维管束鞘、机械组织有茎中纤维带的特征,而在耐旱性、耐踏踏性和弹性等坪用特性上表现出优于其他二种草坪草;狗牙根的耐旱性较强,耐踏踏性和弹性一般,海雀稗则在这几项坪用特征上均较弱。  相似文献   
墨兰的解剖学研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
运用石蜡切片法和扫描电镜技术,对墨兰营养器官和生殖器官进行了研究。结果表明墨兰叶片表面具较厚的角质层。气孔多为四轮列型,分布在下表皮,叶肉没有海绵组织和栅栏组织的分化,但叶尖部和叶中部中脉附近的叶肉细胞常伸长,类似栅栏组织细胞,平行脉,外韧型维管束,在假鳞茎中,维管束散生在基本组织中,根具根被,皮层和维管柱三部分,花被各部分基本结构均相似,唇瓣和合蕊柱的表皮为腺表皮,具花柱道,三心皮雌蕊,一室,侧膜胎座,四合花粉,表面无纹饰,蒴果。  相似文献   
 Root systems of the herbaceous species Polygonum viviparum and Kobresia bellardii were excavated from an alpine site in the Rocky Mountains, Colorado, and processed for microscopic examination. Several ectomycorrhizal morphotypes were present on root systems of both species;K. bellardii often had complex clusters of mycorrhizal roots present. A mantle and Hartig net were present on all mycorrhizal root tips processed. The Hartig net was confined to the epidermis, and the parenchyma cells of this layer were radially elongated, vacuolated and contained densely staining inclusions. Intracellular hyphae and structures typical for vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizas were never observed. Both herbaceous species, therefore, had ectomycorrhizal associations comparable to those described for woody angiosperm species. Accepted: 14 February 1998  相似文献   
兰花蕉花部维管束系统的解剖学研究   总被引:10,自引:5,他引:5  
兰花蕉花梗的维管束分散排列.子房基部的维管束排成两部分,外方为一轮大维管束环,中央为分散排列的小维管束区。前者的纸管束进入子房壁,后者进入子房的中轴,形成股座纸管束;及至延长都以后,股座维管束逐渐消失.子房壁上的维管束较易识别的有心皮背束、心皮背束伴束和隔膜束.三束心皮背束经延长部最终进入花柱和柱头.心皮背束指心皮背束务与其紧靠的大维管束,三枚心皮背束伴束最终分别进入三枚外轮雄蓝.三枚隔膜束中远轴面的两枚分别进入两校内轮雄蕊,而近轴面的一枚伴随着第六枚雄蓝的缺失最后进入唇瓣中央.子房壁其余的维管束进入延长部后,先向外分出一轮纸管束进入花幕,余下的中央部分排成一轮心形的线管来环.该环远轴面的维管束分为两半分别进入两枚侧生花瓣;近轴面即心形凹陷一侧初为两轮即外轮大的维管束与内轮小的维管束,后排成一轮并与近轴面的隔膜束一同进入唇瓣.兰花蕉的唇瓣既为花瓣成员,又含一枚缺失的雄蓝维管束,与姜目已报道的只来自退化雄蕊的竹芋科的兜状结构和美人蕉科、姜科、闭鞘姜科的唇瓣有明显区别.在旅人蕉科尚未有研究资料的情况下,作者根据已有资料,对姜目雄蕊维管束系统来源和结构进行比较,初步认为在姜目的系统演化上,兰花蕉科与芭蕉料更近.  相似文献   
In this paper, we propose a method to test alternative hypotheses of phenotypic evolution. The method compares patterns observed in phylogenetic character data with patterns expected by explicit models of evolutionary process. Observed patterns of character-state diversity are assessed from four properties of character-state change derived from a phylogenetic analysis: the sequence and correlation of transformations on a cladogram and the spatial and functional localization of these transformations to parts of an organism. Patterns expressed in terms of the localization of transformations are compared with the expectations of null models that the number of transformations is proportional to measures of size or complexity. Deviations from the values expected by the null models are then compared with qualitative expectations of the models. The method is applied to characters in the nervous system of gymnotiform electric fishes. Patterns in the diversity of 63 reconstructed character-state changes are compared with the expectations of 10 published models of neural evolution. A total of 63 expectations are reviewed, of which 33 (52%) are found to be consistent with the gymnotiform neural data. In general, the models reviewed are not successful at making global predictions, in part because they have been cast in excessively general terms. The data support the conclusion that evolution in the nervous system of gymnotiforms has involved a mosaic of processes, each operating differentially on functional and developmental systems and at different spatial and temporal scales. The results also indicate that more refined models are required, each making more explicit predictions.  相似文献   
沙枣花蜜腺的发育解剖学研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
沙枣的花蜜腺位于花柱基部的筒状花盘上,属花盘蜜腺,其蜜腺位于花盘外方,由分履表皮和产蜜组织组成。分泌表皮具有角质层和变态的气孔器。产蜜组织在发育过程中,其液泡和淀粉粒都随着蜜腺的发育呈现一定的消长规律,最后形成的蜜汁由盘状蜜腺表面的气孔泌出。  相似文献   
The composition of skin, muscle, and bone and their distribution throughout the body are compared for "advanced" or "specialized" species (Alouatta, Macaca, Canis, Felis, Lepus); smaller, more closely related species (Tupaia and the Lorisidae); and several species within the same ecosystem (Barro Colorado Island, Panama). Among the most significant variables, the skin of sloths, howlers and macaques constitutes more than 12% of body weight, whereas greyhound skin is 5% of weight; sloth and howler muscle are 25% of weight, macaque muscle about 40% of weight, greyhound and agouti muscle over 50% of weight. In tree shrews and galagos muscle is heavier (35%) than in pottos and slow lorises (below 28%), but bone and skin are lighter. All species differ in the segmental distribution of weight. Cats have light tails, light feet and heavy thighs, whereas howlers have heavy tails, heavy feet, and light thighs. The galagos have heavy hindlimbs and tails, the pottos and lorises have reduced tails and approximately equal fore- and hindlimbs. Convergences in segment pattern (sloths with pottos and lorises, marmosets with tree shrews, owl monkeys with galagos, cebus with macaques) as well as divergences are documented. All weight-of tissue and weight-of-segment variables are correlated directly with locomotor adaptation.  相似文献   
To see whether phenylalanine serves as a substrate in melanogenesis, hanging drop explants of neural crest from amphibian (Ambystoma maculatum and A. mexicanum) embryos were subjected on the seventh day in vitro to treatment with phenylalanine-3H and studied by means of light microscopic radioautography. All melanin-containing cells showed label. On the other hand, when puromycin, an inhibitor of protein synthesis, together with the labeled amino acid was administered to the cultures, no radioactivity was incorporated by pigmented cells. Comparable results were obtained when leucine was substituted for phenylalanine. In control experiments, puromycin and labeled tyrosine or 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA), both known precursors for melanin synthesis, were administered to the neural crest cultures. In these experiments, puromycin had no effect on the incorporation of label by pigmented cells. Our data strongly indicate that in differentiating amphibian melanocytes with functional pigment-forming systems, phenylalanine is used in protein synthesis, but does not serve as a substrate for the tyrosine-tyrosinase system.In another series of experiments, explants of neuroepithelium (neural crest anlage) were grown from the time of explantation to the seventh day in vitro in the presence of phenyllactic acid, an analog of phenylalanine. Pigment cells developed normally.These results suggest that phenylalanine plays little or no role in pigment cell differentiation.  相似文献   
Background and Aims: Myrmecophytes, or ant-plants, are characterized by their abilityto shelter colonies of some ant species in hollow structures,or ant-domatia, that are often formed by hypertrophy of theinternal tissue at specific locations (i.e. trunk, branches,thorns and leaf pouches). In Hirtella physophora (Chrysobalanaceae),the focal species of this study, the ant-domatia consist ofleaf pouches formed when the leaf rolls over onto itself tocreate two spheres at the base of the blade. Methods: The morphological and anatomical changes through which foliarant-domatia developed from the laminas are studied for the firsttime by using fresh and fixed mature leaves from the same H.physophora individuals. Key results: Ant-domatia were characterized by larger extra-floral nectaries,longer stomatal apertures and lower stomatal density. The anatomicalstructure of the domatia differed in the parenchymatous tissuewhere palisade and spongy parenchyma were indistinct; chloroplastdensity was lower and lignified sclerenchymal fibres were morenumerous compared with the lamina. In addition, the domatiawere thicker than the lamina, largely because the parenchymatousand epidermal cells were enlarged. Conclusions: Herein, the morphological and anatomical changes that permitfoliar ant-domatia to be defined as a specialized leaf structureare highlighted. Similarities as well as structural modificationsin the foliar ant-domatia compared with the lamina are discussedfrom botanical, functional and mutualistic points of view. Theseresults are also important to understanding the reciprocal evolutionarychanges in traits and, thus, the coevolutionary processes occurringin insect–plant mutualisms.  相似文献   
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