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两种微生物菌剂对西番莲果渣高温堆肥腐熟进程的影响   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
研究了在西番莲果渣堆肥体系中加入两种微生物菌剂(福贝和榕风)后的温度、C/N、NH4^+ -N和NO3^- -N的动态变化及对西番莲果渣堆肥产品品质的影响.结果表明,在西番莲果渣中加入微生物菌剂能增加高温分解持续时间,加快物料C/N降低的速率,促进NH4^+ -N向NO3^- -N转化,加快西番莲果渣堆肥腐熟化进程.添加福贝和榕风菌剂后,堆肥高温持续时间分别比对照(4d)增加7d和8d;腐熟后堆肥的NO3^- -N浓度分别比对照增加58.0%和64.2%.添加菌种显著增加了西番莲果渣堆肥的N、P、K养分含量,降低了堆肥容重,提高了堆肥总孔隙度和持水孔隙度,改善了堆肥产品的品质.两种菌剂间对西番莲果渣高温腐熟进程的影响没有显著差异,但福贝菌剂更有利于改善堆肥品质.  相似文献   

畜禽粪便堆肥的理化腐熟指标及其红外光谱   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
选择新鲜的牛粪、猪粪和鸡粪为堆肥原料,通过室内模拟直接堆肥试验,研究堆肥过程理化参数变化、种子发芽指数以及腐熟物红外光谱特征.结果表明: 堆肥过程温度变化明显,牛粪出现一次堆肥高温阶段,鸡粪和猪粪各两次,堆肥温度超过50 ℃以上时间均大于10 d,温度可以最直观地表征堆肥的腐熟程度.堆肥过程中pH值变化幅度较大,其中猪粪的pH值从6.63上升至7.74,鸡粪从7.73上升至8.66,牛粪则先从7.86上升至8.36再下降至7.52;有机碳含量逐渐降低,牛粪、猪粪和鸡粪分别下降23.3%、28.2%和31.7%;堆肥过程中,牛粪、猪粪和鸡粪的铵态氮含量分别下降87.8%、73.6%和79.7%,硝态氮含量分别增加至堆肥前的56.81、6.49和4.85倍,铵态氮/硝态氮均下降至2以下.温度、pH值、有机碳含量和铵态氮/硝态氮能较好地反映3种粪便高温堆肥的腐熟程度,且与种子发芽率相关性较高(P≤0.05).红外光谱分析表明,在堆肥过程中,牛粪和猪粪的脂肪族、多糖类物质减少,芳香结构化增强,腐殖化程度增加;鸡粪则相反.在建立理化指标体系的同时,应兼顾物质结构的稳定性.  相似文献   

八角下脚料、甘蔗滤泥、桐麸联合堆肥的腐熟度指标研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
测定八角下脚料与甘蔗滤泥、桐麸联合堆肥过程中温度、C/N比、种子发芽指数(GI)等腐熟度指标,研究各项指标在堆肥进程中的变化情况。结果表明:GI可作为八角下脚料与甘蔗滤泥、桐麸联合堆肥评价堆肥腐熟度的主要评价指标。在起始C/N比为31.45条件下进行八角提油下脚料、甘蔗滤泥、桐麸的联合高温好氧堆肥,堆制21 d和26 d时,三种腐熟度指标未全部显示堆肥腐熟;堆制31 d时,C/N比为18.55,T值为0.59(小于0.6),发芽指数GI为93.7%(大于80%)。从温度、发芽指数和C/N比三个指标均可认为堆肥已达到腐熟。  相似文献   

城市污泥强制通风堆肥过程中的生物学和化学变化特征   总被引:34,自引:3,他引:31  
采用间竭式强制通风堆肥法进行的肥堆体积约4m3,堆肥时间为53d的污泥堆肥试验表明,堆肥的第2天即达高温阶段(≥55℃)并能保持8d,平均最高温度达68℃,局部温度达74℃.粪大肠杆菌由开始时的1.41×105个·g-1降至试验结束时的2.32×101个·g-1.污泥堆肥过程中挥发性固体,总有机C、水溶性有机C、固体有机 C/N比和水溶性有机 C/有机 N比下降明显,而 N、P及重金属含量有所升高.随着堆肥的进程,在前1周堆肥过程中产生的氨氮大幅下降,硝酸盐含量随之升高.相应地,pH在第1周内升高,随后降低.堆肥40d左右,水芹(Lepidiumsativum L.)种子发芽指数即可达 80%.综合堆肥过程中堆温和化学与生物学变化特点,表明污泥堆肥在40d左右基本上接近腐熟,50d后达到完全腐熟.产品外观呈黑褐色,蓬松,无明显异味.  相似文献   

对奶牛粪好氧堆肥过程中不同含碳有机物的变化特征以及腐熟程度进行了研究。根据腐熟指标(温度、种子发芽率、种子发芽指数、大肠杆菌以及蛔虫卵死亡率)的要求,奶牛粪经过堆肥后能够达到腐熟要求。堆肥过程中全碳、易氧化有机碳呈逐渐下降趋势,腐殖酸碳呈逐渐增加的趋势;微生物量碳和水溶性碳呈先增后降而后平稳的变化趋势;氧化稳定系数和H/F比(胡敏酸与富里酸比值)呈先降后增的变化趋势,而胡敏酸的E4/E6值(465和665nm处吸光系数比值)与氧化稳定系数和H/F比变化趋势相反。通过相关性分析发现,堆肥过程中易氧化有机碳和腐殖酸碳是影响全碳变化的主要因素;易氧化有机碳、腐殖酸碳、氧化稳定系数、H/F比、E4/E6值均能很好地表征奶牛粪堆肥的腐殖化和稳定化程度;微生物量碳和水溶性碳之间存在相互转化的关系。  相似文献   

有机固体废弃物堆肥的物质变化及腐熟度评价   总被引:71,自引:8,他引:63  
堆肥是资源化处理有机固体废弃物的有效途径之一.有机固体废弃物的种类繁多,物科的性质差异很大,另外,由于堆肥条件的不同,也会引起堆肥的物质变化有很大差异.堆肥的稳定度和腐熟度是衡量堆肥产品质量的尺度,其评价对于安全农用有着重要意义.稳定度则重于堆肥施用对周围环境的影响,而腐熟度则重于堆肥施用对植物生长的影响,它们受堆肥物料,堆肥条件等诸多因素的综合影响,其评价指标因而多种多样.堆肥稳定度主要从堆肥的温度、颜色、CO2是最为简便的稳定度评价指标,当其趋于环境温度时,表明堆肥达到稳定.堆肥腐熟度的评价指标很多,包括化学指标、生物活性指标以及植物毒性指标3类,其中种子发芽系数作为植物毒性指标被认为是最可靠的评价指标之一。  相似文献   

以猪粪与秸秆(鲜质量10.5∶1)为基础,在自制的强制通风静态堆肥反应箱中进行堆肥化试验,研究添加8%葡萄籽对猪粪秸秆高温堆肥中微生物群落演替和碳氮转化的影响.在堆肥化的30 d里,分7次采集不同时期的堆肥样品,测定堆肥中微生物区系、微生物生理群的数量及堆肥碳氮含量.结果表明:添加葡萄籽使堆肥中细菌数量略高、放线菌数量显著增加、真菌数量明显降低,细菌/放线菌下降;氨化细菌和反硝化细菌数量降低;而硝化细菌、固氮菌和纤维素分解菌数量增多;铵态氮和有机碳含量下降,而硝态氮含量明显提高.堆肥中硝态氮含量与放线菌数量呈极显著正相关关系.添加葡萄籽使堆体升温快且高温期稳定,堆肥含水率波动较小,从而使堆肥高温期放线菌和亚硝化细菌的波动较小,数量较高,有利于堆肥中硝态氮含量的增加.  相似文献   

有机物料减轻设施连作黄瓜苗期病害的微生物效应   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
在黄瓜已感染立枯病、枯萎病的连作土壤上,接种病原菌菌丝,施入3种不同组分有机物料(稻草、木屑、猪粪),分别用1%、2%、3%3种用量研究不同有机物料减轻黄瓜枯萎病、立枯病的效果.结果表明,抗病效果为稻草>猪粪>木屑处理,并随其用量的增加抗病效果更好.土培试验结果表明,增施有机物料后土壤中细菌、氨化细菌、放线菌、真菌数量增加.中稻草和猪粪对土壤微生物区系的影响大于木屑.施用稻草后不仅土壤细菌、真菌数量增加,而且放线菌数量最高,青霉、木霉成为真菌的优势种属.施用猪粪后土壤细菌数最多,以假单孢菌、芽孢杆菌为优势种属,真菌数也增多.木屑处理的细菌、放线菌、真菌数量增加较少,但随着施入时间延长效果增强.  相似文献   

沼渣与污泥混合高温堆肥效果及氮素控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以锯木屑为调理剂,以Mg(OH)2与H3PO4的混合液为高温堆肥过程中的氮素抑制剂,研究沼渣与啤酒厂污泥混合堆肥效果。结果表明:混合物经好氧发酵处理后,均达到腐熟。添加氮素固定剂处理和对照处理的最高温度都可达65℃以上,在堆肥过程中添加氮素固定剂处理可提高堆体中有机物质的转化速率,对氮素的固定率达18%以上,添加固氮剂处理的堆肥结束后P元素增加了51%,堆肥品质得到了大幅度提高。堆肥过程中的物料的种子发芽指数不断提高,达到0.9;添加固氮剂的处理堆肥的种子发芽指数为1.0,明显高于对照。可见采用高温堆肥和氮素固定技术可有效地实现沼渣及啤酒厂污泥的混合资源化,该研究为后期沼渣和啤酒厂污泥堆肥的规模化应用提供了技术参数。  相似文献   

以猪粪与秸秆(鲜质量10.5∶1)为基础,在自制的强制通风静态堆肥反应箱中进行堆肥化试验,研究添加8%葡萄籽对猪粪秸秆高温堆肥中微生物群落演替和碳氮转化的影响.在堆肥化的30 d里,分7次采集不同时期的堆肥样品,测定堆肥中微生物区系、微生物生理群的数量及堆肥碳氮含量.结果表明:添加葡萄籽使堆肥中细菌数量略高、放线菌数量显著增加、真菌数量明显降低,细菌/放线菌下降;氨化细菌和反硝化细菌数量降低;而硝化细菌、固氮菌和纤维素分解菌数量增多;铵态氮和有机碳含量下降,而硝态氮含量明显提高.堆肥中硝态氮含量与放线菌数量呈极显著正相关关系.添加葡萄籽使堆体升温快且高温期稳定,堆肥含水率波动较小,从而使堆肥高温期放线菌和亚硝化细菌的波动较小,数量较高,有利于堆肥中硝态氮含量的增加.  相似文献   

对不同畜禽粪便在堆肥过程中各种含氮化合物的动态变化进行了研究,结合综合性腐熟度评价指标——种子发芽指数(GI),探讨了畜禽粪便堆肥过程中与氮有关的腐熟度评价指标.结果表明:随着堆肥的进行,除奶牛粪外,其它畜禽粪便的全氮(TN)含量均呈先下降而后平稳变化趋势,奶牛粪则呈先增加而后平稳变化趋势;各种畜禽粪便中,碱解性氮(HN)含量先增后降;NH4+-N含量先下降而后保持平稳;NO3- -N含量则持续增加;NH4+ -N/NO3- -N迅速降低.堆肥腐熟度指标中,除综合性评价指标GI值外,HN/TN和NH4+ -N/TN也可作为评价畜禽粪便腐熟程度的优选指标,而NO3- -N/TN只能作为一般性评价指标.根据综合性评价指标GI值达到腐熟要求的标准(GI>0.50),除仔猪粪外,其它畜禽粪便在HN/TN<20.77%、NH4+ -N/TN<10.06%及NO3- -N/TN>0.38%时基本达到腐熟要求.  相似文献   

Cattle manure from stock bedded on straw was aerobically composted under ambient conditions, turning with either a tractor-mounted front-end loader or a rear discharge manure spreader. Three composting experiments, each of approximately four months duration, were conducted to investigate the effect of turning regime and seasonal weather conditions on nitrogen and phosphorus losses during aerobic composting of cattle manure. Manure stacks of 12-15 m(3) initial volume were constructed in separate 5 x 5 m concrete compartments. Experiment 1 (January-April 1999) compared manure heaps turned once (T1) or three times (T3) using a front-end loader with an unturned static (S) control manure stack. Experiment 2 (June-September 1999) compared the same treatments as Experiment 1. Experiment 3 (September-December 1999) compared T1 and T3 turning regimes using a front end loader with turning by a rear-discharge spreader (TR1 and TR1T2) for more effective aeration of the manure. Turning took place at 6 weeks for the one turn treatments, and after 2, 6 and 10 weeks for the three turn treatments. Leachate losses were dominated by NH(4)-N during the first three weeks of composting, after which time NH4-N and NO3-N concentrations in leachates were approximately the same, in the range 0-20 mg N l(-1). The concentrations of both NH4-N and NO3-N in leachate were higher after turning. Molybdate-reactive P concentrations in leachate tended not to be significantly influenced by turning regime. Gaseous losses of NH3 and N2O rose quickly during the initial phases of composting, peaking at 152 g N t(-1) d(-1) for the T3 treatment. Mean NH3 emission rate (25-252 g N t(-1) d(-1)) for the first two weeks of Experiment 2 conducted during the period June-September were an order of magnitude greater (1-10 g N t(-1) d(-1)) than Experiment 3, conducted during the colder, wetter autumn period (September-December). Nitrous oxide emission rates ranged between 1-14 g N t(-1) d(-1) and showed little influence of turning regime. Total N and P concentrations in turned (T) and static (S) manure were elevated at the end of all experiments, due to loss of dry matter. Mean total N losses were 30.4% (T1) and 36.8% (T3) and total P losses 28.2% (T1) and 27.4% (T3).  相似文献   

Co-composting of pig manure with sawdust was studied in order to characterize the organic transformation during the process, using both chemical and spectroscopic methods. Humic acids (HA) and fulvic acids (FA) were fractionated from immature and mature pig manure compost, and characterized. After 63 days of composting, the ratio of total organic carbon and soluble organic carbon decreased to a satisfactory low level and the solid and soluble C/N ratios decreased rapidly for the first 35 days before attaining a constant value, indicating compost maturity. Humification could be responsible for the increase in humic acid proportion during composting. The increase in the aromatic bonds after composting, as indicated by the reduction of C/H and C/O ratios of HA and FA, resulted in a more stabilized product. A substantial increase in high molecular weight compounds along with a small increase in low molecular weight compounds was found in mature compost. Moreover the HA also had more complex organic compounds at this stage. Fluorescence spectral analysis showed an increase in the maximum wavelength of HA associated with the contents of aromatic structures in solution. A decrease in relative absorbance of HA at 1160 cm(-1), 2950 cm(-1) and 2850 cm(-1) was seen in the FTIR spectra indicating the decomposition of complex organic constituents, into simpler ones. Increase in the aromatic compounds with higher stability could account for the relative increase in the absorbance of HA at 1650 cm(-1) and 1250 cm(-1) of the mature compost. The composition of FA was not much altered, indicating most of the degradation of organic matter occurred in HA. Data from organic carbon, C/N ratio, elemental analysis, E(4)/E(6) ratio, gel chromatography, fluorescence and FTIR spectra indicated an increase in polycondensed structures and the presence of more stable organic matter in the mature compost.  相似文献   

A model has been developed to predict pig manure evolution (mass, dry and organic matter, N, P, K, Cu and Zn contents) and related gaseous emissions (methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O) and ammonia (NH3)) from pig excreta up to manure stored before spreading. This model forms part of a more comprehensive model including the prediction of pig excretion. The model simulates contrasted management systems, including different options for housing (slatted floor or deep litter), outside storage of manure and treatment (anaerobic digestion, biological N removal processes, slurry composting (SC) with straw and solid manure composting). Farmer practices and climatic conditions, which have significant effects on gaseous emissions within each option, have also been identified. The quantification of their effects was based on expert judgement from literature and local experiments, relations from mechanistic models or simple emission factors, depending on existing knowledge. The model helps to identify relative advantages and weaknesses for each system. For example, deep-litter with standard management practices is associated with high-greenhouse gas (GHG) production (+125% compared to slatted floor) and SC on straw is associated with high NH3 emission (+15% compared to slatted floor). Another important result from model building and first simulations is that farmer practices and the climate induce an intra-system (for a given infrastructure) variability of NH3 and GHG emissions nearly as high as inter-system variability. For example, in deep-litter housing systems, NH3 and N2O emissions from animal housing may vary between 6% and 53%, and between 1% and 19% of total N excreted, respectively. Thus, the model could be useful to identify and quantify improvement margins on farms, more precisely or more easily than current methodologies.  相似文献   

Straw-rich manure from organic pig farming systems was composted in passively aerated static piles to estimate the effect of monthly turning on organic matter degradation and NH(3), N(2)O and CH(4) emissions. Turning enhanced the rate of drying and degradation. The four-month treatment degraded 57+/-3% of the initial organic matter in the turned piles, while only 40+/-5% in the static piles. The turned piles showed low ammonia and N(2)O emissions, 3.9+/-0.2% and 2.5+/-0.1% of total initial nitrogen, respectively. Static piles gave low ammonia (2.4+/-0.1% N(initial)), but high (9.9+/-0.5% N(initial)) N(2)O emissions. Prevalence of anaerobic regions in the static system was supported by the higher CH(4) emissions, 12.6+/-0.6% VS(degraded) for the static vs. 0.4+/-0.0% VS(degraded) for the turned system. It was shown, that straw-rich pig manure with very low C/N ratios could be composted directly without significant NH(3) and N(2)O emissions if turned on a monthly basis.  相似文献   

Temporal changes in delta(15)N of cattle feedlot manure during its composting with either rice hull (RHM) or sawdust (SDM) as bedding materials were investigated. Regardless of the bedding material used, the delta(15)N of total N in the manure increased sharply from +7.6 per thousand to +9.9 per thousand and from +11.4 per thousand to +14.3 per thousand, respectively, in RHM or SDM, within 10 days from the commencement of composting. Such increases could be attributed primarily to N loss via NH(3) volatilization and denitrification based on the very high delta(15)N values (greater than +20 per thousand) of NH(4)(+) and NO(3)(-) in the co-composted manure. The delta(15)N of total N in RHM was substantially lower (by more than 3 per thousand) than that in SDM, suggesting that the delta(15)N of the composted manure was affected not only by N loss but also by the type of bedding material used. Specifically, the higher N concentration in the rice hull than in the saw dust could lead to a greater (15)N isotope dilution.  相似文献   

Co-composting of pruning waste and horse manure was monitored by different parameters. A windrow composting pile, having the dimensions 2.5m (height) x 30m (length) was established. The maturation of pruning waste and horse manure compost was accompanied by a decline in NH(4)(+)-N concentration, water soluble C and an increase in NO(3)(-)-N content. Organic matter (OM) content during composting followed a first-order kinetic equation. This result was in agreement with the microbiological activity measured by the CO(2) respiration during the process. The correlation at a high level of probability found between the OM loss and CO(2) evolution showed that both parameters could be used to indicate the degree of OM degradation that is the maturity and stability phases of the compost studied. Humification parameters data from the organic matter fractionation did not show a clear tendency during the composting time, suggesting that these parameters are not suitable for evaluating the dynamics of the process.  相似文献   

In this research, different types of animal manure were evaluated with respect to organic matter (OM), total organic carbon (C(ot)), total N (N(t)), C(ot)/N(t) ratio, water-soluble organic carbon (C(w)), organic N (N(org)), carbohydrates, C(w)/N(org) ratio, humic acid-like carbon (C(ha)), fulvic acid-like carbon (C(fa)), humification index ((C(ha)/C(ot))x100) (HI) and the C(ha)/C(fa) and NH(4)(+)-N/NO(3)(-)-N ratios. In comparison with the limits set by the Spanish legislation for organic fertilisers, most of the manures had high OM contents, moderate N(org) concentrations (except in the case of the chicken and pig manures where this parameter was high) and C(ot)/N(t) ratios above the value stated in the legislation. The study of the different fractions of organic matter showed that the horse, pig and rabbit manures had the greatest content of C(ot). However, the fraction of easily-biodegradable organic compounds (C(w)) was significantly higher in the horse, goat and chicken manures. The study also showed that, in most cases, the percentage of fulvic acid-like C was greater than that of the humic acid-like C, indicating that the organic matter of these wastes is not completely humified. Values of HI ((C(ha)/C(ot))x100) and C(ha)/C(fa) ratio in the studied manures were not significantly different. Regarding the parameters related to the organic matter stability such as C(w), carbohydrates and the C(ot)/N(t), C(w)/N(org) and NH(4)(+)-N/NO(3)(-)-N ratios, it has been determined that the organic matter of these materials was not completely stabilised. The heterogeneity in OM composition of the studied manures did not allow the formulation of simple equations for evaluation of the composition of these wastes from easily-determined parameters.  相似文献   

Zhu N 《Bioresource technology》2006,97(15):1870-1875
Pilot composting experiments of swine manure with corncob were conducted to evaluate the performance of the aerated static bin composting system. Effects of temperature control (60 and 70 degrees C) and moisture content (70% and 80%) were monitored on the composting by measuring physical and chemical indexes. The results showed that (1) the composting system could destroy pathogens, converted nitrogen from unstable ammonia to stable organic forms, and reduced the volume of waste; (2) significant difference of NH(4)(+)-N (P(12) = 0.074), and (NO(3)(-) + NO(2)(-))-N (P(12) = 0.085) was found between the temperature control treatments; (3) anaerobic reaction in the treatment with 80% moisture content resulted in significant difference of pH (P(23) = 0.006), total organic matter (P(23) = 0.003), and germination index (P(23) = 0.040) between 70% and 80%. Therefore, the optimum initial moisture content was less than 80% with the composting of swine manure and corncob by using the composting system.  相似文献   

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