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城市污泥强制通风堆肥过程中的生物学和化学变化特征   总被引:34,自引:3,他引:31  
采用间竭式强制通风堆肥法进行的肥堆体积约4m3,堆肥时间为53d的污泥堆肥试验表明,堆肥的第2天即达高温阶段(≥55℃)并能保持8d,平均最高温度达68℃,局部温度达74℃.粪大肠杆菌由开始时的1.41×105个·g-1降至试验结束时的2.32×101个·g-1.污泥堆肥过程中挥发性固体,总有机C、水溶性有机C、固体有机 C/N比和水溶性有机 C/有机 N比下降明显,而 N、P及重金属含量有所升高.随着堆肥的进程,在前1周堆肥过程中产生的氨氮大幅下降,硝酸盐含量随之升高.相应地,pH在第1周内升高,随后降低.堆肥40d左右,水芹(Lepidiumsativum L.)种子发芽指数即可达 80%.综合堆肥过程中堆温和化学与生物学变化特点,表明污泥堆肥在40d左右基本上接近腐熟,50d后达到完全腐熟.产品外观呈黑褐色,蓬松,无明显异味.  相似文献   

牛粪强化高含油污泥堆肥生物处理及评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以农业废弃物牛粪为生物基质,与油泥废弃物按照质量1∶1混合为3 m×3 m×0.35 m的大型堆肥和1 m×0.5 m×0.35 m的小型堆肥,采用现场堆肥法研究了牛粪对石油烃各组分、生物毒性和微生物多样性交化的影响.结果表明:堆肥初始C/N为26.4,随着堆肥时间的延长,整体呈下降趋势,处理后小型堆肥的C/N为18.4,大型堆肥样品的C/N为18.5,堆体均达到了腐熟;小型堆肥处理堆至115 d后,总石油烃(TPH)降解率达到22.96%;石油烃各组分中饱和烃在堆肥过程中呈减少的趋势;芳香烃在大型堆肥下整体呈升高趋势,小型堆肥下则出现先上升后下降的趋势;发芽指数结果显示,堆肥样品在开始有较大的生物毒性,堆肥过程中发芽指数升高,堆肥结束后由发芽指数得出两种处理方式下的堆肥产物均达到腐熟;由变性梯度凝胶电泳(DGGE)图谱和图谱聚类分析得出,随着堆肥时间的延长,微生物群落也发生了较大的变化.大型堆肥与小型堆肥之间石油烃降解性的差异可能是不同堆肥体积对微生物群落多样性有较大影响所致.  相似文献   

为探究玉米秸秆调节牛粪初始含水率对其腐熟进程及氨气释放量的影响, 通过控制玉米秸秆的添加量调节牛粪初始含水率, 以C/N、温度、pH值、种子发芽指数(GI)、纤维素降解率、半纤维素降解率、木质素降解率以及氨气释放量作为判断标准, 研究堆肥初始含水率与堆肥腐熟进程及氨气释放量的关系。结果表明, 当初始含水率为71%时, 高温持续时间最长, 堆肥产品种子发芽指数最高, 纤维素、半纤维素和木质素降解率最高, 氨气释放量最少。因此, 实际应用中, 初始含水率为71%的A4处理堆肥效果最好。本研究结果将为牛粪和玉米秸秆的高效科学资源化再利用提供技术参数。  相似文献   

接种外源微生物菌剂对园林废弃物堆肥腐熟的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究接种外源微生物菌剂对园林废弃物的影响,试验采用高温好氧堆肥系统设计了接种白腐菌、放线菌、白腐菌+放线菌和对照(不接种)4个处理,探讨了不同处理的堆肥过程中堆体的温度、pH值、电导率(EC)值、发芽指数(GI)、根长和发芽率的变化及在电子显微镜下的结构变化。结果表明:接种白腐菌+放线菌的堆体温度高于其他处理,且高温期维持时间最长(14 d);不同处理对EC和pH的影响较小;接种白腐菌+放线菌的处理在35 d(GI80%)达到腐熟,缩短了堆体的腐熟期5~15 d;接种白腐菌处理的根长较其他处理长。扫描电镜显示,接种白腐菌+放线菌处理堆体中木质素和纤维素的结构变化明显,降解程度较其他处理更彻底。  相似文献   

目的利用堆肥处理技术对大庆油田原油污染土壤进行生物修复处理研究,建立最佳堆制配比及堆制条件。方法比较堆肥过程中不同碳氮比对石油烃降解效果的影响,分析堆制过程中各理化参数和总石油烃降解的变化趋势,建立最佳堆制配比及堆制条件。结果 3种比例的堆肥处理,总碳含量呈下降趋势而总氮含量呈上升趋势,当C∶N约为30∶1时,堆肥温度9d持续在50℃以上,土壤中石油烃降解率达到最高。60d后,土壤中总石油烃的降解率可达78%。结论堆肥C∶N为30∶1时为最佳的堆制比例。  相似文献   

对不同畜禽粪便在堆肥过程中各种含氮化合物的动态变化进行了研究,结合综合性腐熟度评价指标——种子发芽指数(GI),探讨了畜禽粪便堆肥过程中与氮有关的腐熟度评价指标.结果表明:随着堆肥的进行,除奶牛粪外,其它畜禽粪便的全氮(TN)含量均呈先下降而后平稳变化趋势,奶牛粪则呈先增加而后平稳变化趋势;各种畜禽粪便中,碱解性氮(HN)含量先增后降;NH4+-N含量先下降而后保持平稳;NO3- -N含量则持续增加;NH4+ -N/NO3- -N迅速降低.堆肥腐熟度指标中,除综合性评价指标GI值外,HN/TN和NH4+ -N/TN也可作为评价畜禽粪便腐熟程度的优选指标,而NO3- -N/TN只能作为一般性评价指标.根据综合性评价指标GI值达到腐熟要求的标准(GI>0.50),除仔猪粪外,其它畜禽粪便在HN/TN<20.77%、NH4+ -N/TN<10.06%及NO3- -N/TN>0.38%时基本达到腐熟要求.  相似文献   

以猪粪和水稻秸秆混合作饵料,通过90 d的室内培养试验,用平均体质量、日均质量增加倍数、日均产茧量和累计繁殖量等指标衡量4个处理(C/N 20、C/N 25、C/N 30和C/N 35)中蚯蚓的生长繁殖状况,并通过35 d的混合物(C/N 25、C/N 30和C/N 35)腐熟试验,采用pH、C/N和水溶性有机碳(DOC)3个指标综合评定混合物腐熟度.结果表明: 处理C/N 30的蚯蚓生长繁殖状况显著优于其他处理.35 d的混合物腐熟试验以21 d为拐点,pH和DOC均呈现先下降后上升的趋势,C/N则呈现持续下降趋势;但综合3个指标衡量,混合物至试验结束尚未完全腐熟.处理C/N 25在7~35 d时C/N<20,表明C/N<20不适宜作为衡量混合物腐熟与否的单一指标,应结合其他指标综合判定混合物的腐熟情况.  相似文献   

城市垃圾堆肥过程中的生物学问题研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
介绍了城市垃圾堆肥处理的主要工艺,详细分析了垃圾堆肥过程中的生物化学变化和微生物学原理及研究现状。提出了可以将耗氧速率、C/N比、pH值作为堆肥腐熟度在线监测指标及在堆肥过程中,添加高效复合微生物接种剂可加快有机物的分解,缩短发酵周期,减少恶臭气体的产生,提高堆肥制品质量。  相似文献   

两种微生物菌剂对西番莲果渣高温堆肥腐熟进程的影响   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
研究了在西番莲果渣堆肥体系中加入两种微生物菌剂(福贝和榕风)后的温度、C/N、NH4^+ -N和NO3^- -N的动态变化及对西番莲果渣堆肥产品品质的影响.结果表明,在西番莲果渣中加入微生物菌剂能增加高温分解持续时间,加快物料C/N降低的速率,促进NH4^+ -N向NO3^- -N转化,加快西番莲果渣堆肥腐熟化进程.添加福贝和榕风菌剂后,堆肥高温持续时间分别比对照(4d)增加7d和8d;腐熟后堆肥的NO3^- -N浓度分别比对照增加58.0%和64.2%.添加菌种显著增加了西番莲果渣堆肥的N、P、K养分含量,降低了堆肥容重,提高了堆肥总孔隙度和持水孔隙度,改善了堆肥产品的品质.两种菌剂间对西番莲果渣高温腐熟进程的影响没有显著差异,但福贝菌剂更有利于改善堆肥品质.  相似文献   

好氧堆肥是有机固体废弃物处理处置的有效手段之一,堆肥还田也是贫瘠土壤改良的常用措施。但好氧堆肥是一个典型的CO_2等温室气体的释放过程。如何减少堆肥过程中的CO_2释放,强化堆肥的腐殖化过程对于实现有机固体废弃物的低碳化堆肥、提高作为优良土壤改良剂的腐殖质产量具有重要意义。本文选取农林秸秆和餐厨垃圾作为堆肥原料,研究不同翻堆频率对堆肥过程中的物料减量化、腐殖化和稳定化的影响,以期发现一个较低碳的堆肥工艺,并从微生物角度初步探索了其影响机制。研究结果显示,不同的翻堆频率(分别为每2 d、4 d和6 d翻堆一次),堆料的减量化和腐殖化程度有一定差异,翻堆频率为4 d的堆肥工艺物料减量率最高为50.5%,但碳减量率最低为77.4%;而翻堆频率为2 d的堆肥工艺腐殖质产量最高;3种堆肥工艺经62 d堆肥都达到了腐熟程度,翻堆频率为4 d的堆肥工艺腐熟化程度最高。不同的翻堆频率可能通过影响堆肥过程中堆料的温度、含氧量等因素从而改变堆料中活性微生物量、种类和生物酶活性,进而影响堆料的矿化和腐殖化进程。  相似文献   

Co-composting of chestnut burr and leaf litter with solid poultry manure   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A co-composting of chestnut burr and leaf litter mixed with solid poultry manure was assessed by comparison of several chemical, physicochemical and biological parameters. The final pH of the co-compost was 8.89 and the C/N ratio was 13. The germination index (GI) obtained using the co-compost varied with the seeds used. It was 155.35% for ryegrass seeds, 56.56% for wheat seeds and 100% for barley seeds. The co-compost was mature in 103 days from a biological point of view.  相似文献   

Co-composting of soybean residues and leaves in Hong Kong   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The goal of this project was to evaluate the feasibility of co-composting of soybean residues and leaves and the effects of turning frequency on compost quality. Soybean residues were mixed with leaves and sawdust in 1:1:3 (w/w wet weight) for achieving a C/N ratio of about 30. Three heaps of about 4 m3 of compost mixtures were prepared receiving a turning frequency of daily (pile A), 3-day (pile B) and weekly (pile C) turning. Different turning frequencies did not significantly affect the changes in pH and volatile solids throughout the composting period. High turning frequency caused a lower electrical conductivity and NH4-N contents as well as a shorter duration of thermophilic phase, because of a high heat loss by evaporation and volatilization of ammonia in the pile. The highest C decomposition of 4% occurred in the pile with a 3-day turning period, which coincided with the higher-nitrogen content in this treatment. All treatments with different turning frequencies reached maturation at 63 days as indicated by the soluble organic carbon, soluble NH4-N, C/N ratio and cress seed germination index. However, increasing the aeration during composting period was beneficial in accelerating the maturation process. Taking into consideration less labour and lower operation costs as compared to daily turning, it can be suggested that a 3-day turning frequency would be more appropriate for reaching acceptable quality of compost and ease in operation.  相似文献   

猪粪堆肥化处理过程中的氮素转变及腐熟度研究   总被引:53,自引:3,他引:50  
经过63d堆肥化处理后,猪粪与木屑混合堆肥及猪粪,木屑与树叶混合堆肥的T-N分别从开始的1.57%和1.78%增加到2.0%和2.11%;水溶性NO3-N/水溶性T-N均从接近于0的水平增加到3%左右;水溶性有机N/水溶性T-N分别增加到70%和76%;水溶性NH4-N/水溶性T-N则分别从开始52%和61%下降至堆肥结束时的30%和24%。种子发芽系数的测定结果表明,加入树叶有利于猪粪的腐熟化,可使猪粪堆肥化处理所城的时间从42d缩短至35d。化学指标与种子发芽系数的相关分析结果表明,水溶性NH4-N/水溶性T-N,水溶性NO3-N/水溶性T-N和水溶性有机N/水溶性T-N均与种子发芽系数呈显著相关,可作为堆肥的腐熟度评价指标。  相似文献   

Co-composting of filter cake and bagasse; by-products from a sugar mill   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Thailand has nearly 2 million tonnes of filter cake waste containing 1.8% total N from the sugar cane industry to dispose of annually. Compost studies were conducted to determine how rapidly this material can be converted to a stable product that may be useful in crop production, and to characterize the N transformations. Two kinds of sugar mill by-products were composted, filter cake and filter cake mixed with bagasse, at a 2:1 ratio to reduce the C:N ratio in an attempt to reduce N loss during composting. Materials were mixed manually at 3-5 day intervals during the composting process. Both composts were analyzed at least weekly to measure temperature, pH, NH4+, NO3-, total N content, C loss, and germination index. For both mixtures, the thermophilic stage lasted 15-20 days and was higher than ambient for nearly 80 days. The degradation of organic matter (OM) was rapid in both mixtures to approximately 40 days, after which it began to stabilize. Both mixtures achieved maturity at approximately 90 days as indicated by a stable C/N, low NH4+/NO3-, lack of heat production and a germination index higher than 80%. Mixing filter cake with bagasse helped conserve N during composting. Because N was in excess, approximately 12-15% was lost from the composts. Mixing more bagasse with the filter cake may result in further reduction in N losses. Both composts have potential for use in crop production.  相似文献   

Changes in organic C, total N, C:N ratio, activities of cellulase, xylanase and protease, and microbial population were determined during composting of different organic wastes such as mixture of sugarcane trash and cattle dung, press mud, poultry waste and water hyacinth biomass. There were losses of N in poultry waste and water hyacinth with the effect an initial increase in C:N ratio was observed which decreased later on due to decomposition. The activities of cellulase, xylanase and protease were maximum between 30 and 60 days of composting in various wastes. Similar trend was observed with respect to mesophilic bacterial and fungal population. Various quality parameters like C:N ratio, water soluble C (WSC), CO(2) evolution and level of humic substances were compared after 90 day composting. There was statistically significant correlation between C:N ratio and CO(2) evolution, WSC and humic substances. Significant correlation between CO(2) evolved and level of humic substances was also observed. The study shows that no single parameter can be taken as an index of compost maturity. However, C:N ratio and CO(2) evolved from finished compost can be taken as the most reliable indices of compost maturity.  相似文献   

Fewer and fewer municipal solid wastes are treated by composting in China because of the disadvantages of enormous investment, long processing cycle and unstable products in a conventional composting treatment. In this study, a continuous thermophilic composting (CTC) method, only a thermophilic phase within the process, has been applied to four bench-scale composting runs, and further compared with a conventional composting run by assessing the indexes of pH, total organic carbon (TOC), total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN), C/N ratio, germination index (GI), specific oxygen uptake rate (SOUR), dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and dehydrogenase activity. After composting for 14 days, 16 days, 18 days and 19 days in the four CTC runs, respectively, mature compost products were obtained, with quality similar to or better than which had been stabilized for 28 days in run A. The products from the CTC runs also showed favorable stability in room temperature environment after the short-term composting at high temperature. The study suggested CTC as a novel method for rapid degradation and maturation of organic municipal solid wastes.  相似文献   

Fulvic acids (FAs) were isolated by a conventional procedure from two mixtures of the sludge residue obtained from olive oil mill wastewater (OMW) evaporated in open-air pond and tree cuttings (TC) at different stages of the co-composting process. The FAs were analyzed for elemental (C, H, N, S, O) and acidic functional group (carboxylic and phenolic) composition, and by ultraviolet/visible, Fourier transform infrared and fluorescence spectroscopies. At the initial stage of composting, FAs from the OMW sludge-TC mixtures were characterized by a prevalent aliphatic character, large contents of C, S-containing groups, proteinaceous materials and polysaccharide components, extended molecular heterogeneity, small O and acidic functional group contents, and small degrees of aromatic ring polycondensation, polymerization and humification. As composting proceeded, C, H and S contents, C/N ratio, and aliphaticity decreased, whereas N, O, COOH and phenolic OH contents, C/H and O/C ratios, and aromaticity increased. These results suggested that, with increasing the composting time, the chemical and structural properties of the FA components of the two OMW sludge-TC mixtures approached the characteristics typical of native soil FAs. Thus, co-composting of OMW sludge mixed with TC may represent a suitable treatment for enhancing the quality of organic matter in these materials when used as soil amendments.  相似文献   

The objective of this work was to study the co-composting process of wastes from the winery and distillery industry with animal manures, using the classical chemical methods traditionally used in composting studies together with advanced instrumental methods (thermal analysis, FT-IR and CPMAS 13C NMR techniques), to evaluate the development of the process and the quality of the end-products obtained. For this, three piles were elaborated by the turning composting system, using as raw materials winery-distillery wastes (grape marc and exhausted grape marc) and animal manures (cattle manure and poultry manure). The classical analytical methods showed a suitable development of the process in all the piles, but these techniques were ineffective to study the humification process during the composting of this type of materials. However, their combination with the advanced instrumental techniques clearly provided more information regarding the turnover of the organic matter pools during the composting process of these materials. Thermal analysis allowed to estimate the degradability of the remaining material and to assess qualitatively the rate of OM stabilization and recalcitrant C in the compost samples, based on the energy required to achieve the same mass losses. FT-IR spectra mainly showed variations between piles and time of sampling in the bands associated to complex organic compounds (mainly at 1420 and 1540 cm-1) and to nitrate and inorganic components (at 875 and 1384 cm-1, respectively), indicating composted material stability and maturity; while CPMAS 13C NMR provided semi-quantitatively partition of C compounds and structures during the process, being especially interesting their variation to evaluate the biotransformation of each C pool, especially in the comparison of recalcitrant C vs labile C pools, such as Alkyl /O-Alkyl ratio.  相似文献   

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