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以农村生活垃圾中的可堆肥腐熟成分和蘑菇渣为堆肥原料,通过添加微生物菌剂进行堆肥试验,研究其在农业废弃物堆肥腐熟过程中的作用,并通过田间试验研究堆肥腐熟后肥料样品对黄瓜和青椒的增产效果,以验证其肥效。结果表明添加微生物菌剂有助于堆肥腐熟后样品的氮、磷、钾的保全和有机质的增加,促进养分均衡。添加微生物菌剂的堆肥腐熟肥料样品在田间试验中对黄瓜和青椒的增产效果最为显著,分别为22.21%和19.87%。  相似文献   

复合微生物菌剂在剩余污泥堆肥中的作用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用复合微生物菌剂对剩余污泥进行堆肥试验,较系统地研究了复合微生物菌剂在剩余污泥堆肥系统中的作用。结果表明:接种复合微生物菌剂进行剩余污泥堆肥,与对照组相比,不但能够提高堆肥温度,而且高温持续时间长,堆肥反应速率加快,腐熟时间缩短,当接种量为7%(体积比)时,腐熟时间比对照组提前了12 d。  相似文献   

运用^15N稳定性同位素示踪技术,对高寒草甸植物和土壤微生物固持沉降氮的能力及沉降氮在小嵩草(Kobresia pygaea)草甸中的运移规律进行了研究。施肥2周后,NO3^--^15N和NH4^ -^15N的总恢复率分别为73.5%和78%。无论是NO3^--^15N,还是NH4^ -^15N植物所固持的^15N总是比土壤有机质或者是土壤微生物固持的多。4周后,70.6%的NO3^--^15N和57.4%的NH4^ -^15N被固持在土壤和植物中。其中,土壤微生物所固持。在施肥6周和8周后,NO3^--^15N的总恢复率分别为58.4%和67%,而NH4^ -^15N的总恢复率分别为43.1%和49%。植物和土壤微生物所固持的NO3^--^15N比NH4^ -^15N多。在整个实验期间,植物固持的NO3^-N较多,而且比土壤微生物固持了较多^15N。由于无机氮的含量一直很低,无机氮库所固持的^15N一般不超过1%。上述结果意味着短期内植物在高寒草甸中对沉降氮的去向起着决定作用。  相似文献   

不同分子量壳聚糖对土壤碳、氮及呼吸的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
张文清  吕伟娇  陈强  李辉信 《生态学报》2006,26(4):1208-1284
考察了不同分子量壳聚糖对土壤微生物量C、N、土壤呼吸及矿质N的影响.研究发现:不同分子量的壳聚糖施入土壤后,土壤的微生物量C、N、呼吸及矿质N均明显提高.微生物量C、N及土壤呼吸有相似的变化趋势: 随壳聚糖用量的增加而增大.低分子量壳聚糖施入土壤后,微生物量C、N及土壤呼吸均先快速增加,然后下降;中等及高分子量壳聚糖施入土壤后则是开始时变化较小,第14天开始快速增加,34d后下降.研究还发现,NO3^--N与NH4^+-N变化趋势不完全相同,NO3^--N开始时变化较小,第14天开始快速增加,34d后快速下降;低分子量壳聚糖处理时,NH4^+-N开始时快速增加,之后缓慢下降;中等分子量壳聚糖处理时,因加入量不同而不同;高分子量壳聚糖处理时则是从第24天开始变化显著.  相似文献   

猪粪堆肥化处理过程中的氮素转变及腐熟度研究   总被引:53,自引:3,他引:50  
经过63d堆肥化处理后,猪粪与木屑混合堆肥及猪粪,木屑与树叶混合堆肥的T-N分别从开始的1.57%和1.78%增加到2.0%和2.11%;水溶性NO3-N/水溶性T-N均从接近于0的水平增加到3%左右;水溶性有机N/水溶性T-N分别增加到70%和76%;水溶性NH4-N/水溶性T-N则分别从开始52%和61%下降至堆肥结束时的30%和24%。种子发芽系数的测定结果表明,加入树叶有利于猪粪的腐熟化,可使猪粪堆肥化处理所城的时间从42d缩短至35d。化学指标与种子发芽系数的相关分析结果表明,水溶性NH4-N/水溶性T-N,水溶性NO3-N/水溶性T-N和水溶性有机N/水溶性T-N均与种子发芽系数呈显著相关,可作为堆肥的腐熟度评价指标。  相似文献   

为解决中华鳖(Trionyx sinensis)养殖所造成的水环境污染问题,研究利用海藻酸钠、沸石对复合光合菌剂和枯草芽孢杆菌菌剂分别进行固定化,并研究了不同固定化微生物菌剂与蕹菜对中华鳖养殖污水的净化效果。结果表明:净化处理15d后,利用固定化微生物菌剂与蕹菜共同处理组对中华鳖养殖污水的净化处理效果最好,养殖污水的CODMn、NH 4+-N、NO3-N、NO 2-N、PO34的去除率分别为88.7%、87.3%、90.8%、98.3%、74.9%。蕹菜处理组对于NO3-N、NO 2-N、NH 4+-N的去除率显著高于固定化复合光合菌剂处理组和固定化枯草芽孢杆菌处理组。固定化复合光合菌剂处理组对于NO3-N、NO 2-N、NH 4+-N的去除率显著高于固定化枯草芽孢杆菌菌剂处理组,但固定化枯草芽孢杆菌处理组对于污水的CODMn的去除率最高,可达90.6%。  相似文献   

分离筛选耐高温纤维素降解细菌,构建可快速降解沼渣的复合菌剂,缩短堆肥腐熟时间。采用高温富集筛选法,从宁夏中卫市秸秆堆和畜禽粪便中分离筛选耐高温细菌,经羧甲基纤维素钠水解试验和滤纸条崩解试验复筛获得具有纤维素降解能力的菌株。通过纤维素酶和木质素酶活性比较,确定目标菌株并进行分类鉴定。开展拮抗性试验和菌种复配,构建复合型菌剂;经沼渣堆肥场地试验验证复合菌剂的促腐熟效果。本研究筛选获得2株耐高温纤维降解细菌——蜡样芽胞杆菌(Bacillus cereus)W44菌株和解蛋白芽胞杆菌(Bacillus proteolyticus)X51菌株,纤维素酶活性分别为34 812.69 U/L和34 159.10 U/L。比较菌株W44/X51配比分别为1:1、1:2和2:1的复合菌剂对沼渣堆肥的促腐熟效果,添加不同的复合菌剂均缩短了沼渣堆肥腐熟时间,其中1:2处理腐熟时间最短,较CK提前18 d。蜡样芽胞杆菌W44和解蛋白芽胞杆菌X51按1:2配比的复合菌剂可用于沼渣快速堆肥发酵。  相似文献   

采用室内营养液培养,聚乙二醇(PEG6000)模拟水分胁迫处理、HgCl2抑制水通道蛋白活性的方法,在3种供氮形态下(NH4^+-N/NO36-N为100/0、50/50和0/100),研究了水稻苗期水分吸收、光合及生长的状况。结果表明,在非水分胁迫下,水稻单位干重吸水量以单一供NO3^--N处理最高,加HgCl2抑制水通道蛋白活性后,单一供NO3^--N、NH4^+-N和NH4^+-N/NO3^--N为50,50处理的水稻水分吸收分别下降了9.6%、20.7%和16.0%;但在水分胁迫下,单一供N03^--N的处理水分吸收量显著降低,低于其它2个处理,加HgCl2抑制水通道蛋白活性后,水分吸收量分别降低了1.0%、18.8%和23.5%。在2种水分条件(水分胁迫与非水分胁迫)下,净光合速率、气孔导度、蒸腾速率和细胞间隙CO2浓度等指标均以单一供NH4^+-N处理最大,NH4^+-N/NO3^--N为50,50处理次之,单一供NO3^--N处理最小。HgCl2处理结果表明,不同形态氮素营养能够影响水稻幼苗根系水通道蛋白活性。在2种水分条件下,NH4^+-N/N03^--N为50,50处理的生物量(干重)均最大。本研究为水稻苗期合理施肥以壮苗提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

复合微生物菌剂是一类有效的生物防治剂,在农业和水产养殖业中都起着重要的作用。本研究以长毛对虾(Penaeus penicillatus)标苗为试验对象,共分为4个组别,组1投喂无微生物菌剂添加的饲料作为对照组,组2、组3和组4为试验组,投喂有复合微生物菌剂添加的饲料,其中微生物菌剂分别占饲料质量的1. 0%、1. 5%和2. 0%。每个组进行33 d的养殖,测定养殖期间对虾生长性能、养殖水池底泥和水质相关性质,探讨微生物菌剂对对虾生长的影响。结果显示:试验前对照组与3个试验组的体重无显著差异(P 0. 050),试验后各试验组的体重均高于对照组(P 0. 050),其中组4体重达(0. 60±0. 03) g,表明微生物菌剂的使用促进了对虾标苗的生长;水体弧菌个数在试验不同时间之间有显著差异(P=0. 000),对照组呈上升趋势,第30天时未添加微生物菌剂的对照组弧菌数目最高,表明微生物菌剂能控制水体有害菌的生长;水体中的溶解氧(DO)含量在养殖不同时间之间均具有显著差异(F=191. 959,P=0. 000),NH4-N、NO2-N和NO3-N的含量均是如此,F值分别为250. 633、659. 806和1 937. 649,P值均为0. 000,从养殖第10天开始,试验组DO含量均高于对照组,而试验组的NH4-N、NO2-N和NO3-N含量均低于对照组。综上所述,复合微生物菌剂对对虾有明显地促生长作用,并且还能在一定程度上净化养殖环境。  相似文献   

针对我国西南丘陵山区玉米秸秆随处堆放或就地焚烧,既浪费资源又污染空气的情况,研究一种适合当地有机肥就地积制利用的方法.试验将玉米秸秆直接堆放于田边地角,接种菌剂,添加增氮和保氮剂,覆盖薄膜,腐熟后的堆肥配施化肥原位施入烟地.结果表明: 与对照(自然堆肥,CK)相比,生物堆肥(玉米秸秆+菌剂+增氮剂+保氮剂+覆盖薄膜)的物料升温快(2~3 d,>35 ℃),高温期(≥50 ℃)持续时间长(约15 d),降温慢;微生物种群在高温期减少,但细菌数量比CK高2~3个数量级;经90 d的积制,玉米秸秆呈深褐色或黑色,为碎屑或粉末状态,完全腐熟,含水量低于25%, pH 6.14,活性有机质和氮磷钾养分含量显著高于CK.在烤烟栽培中,生物堆肥配施50%的化肥可显著提高烟叶产量、均价、产值,改善烟叶品质.说明这种生物堆肥方式实现了玉米秸秆资源化利用,消除了由此引起的空气污染,适合于丘陵山区.  相似文献   

Cattle slurry solid fraction (SF) with different dry matter (DM) contents was collected from two dairy farms and composted in static and turned piles, with different sizes and cover types, to investigate the effects of pile conditions on the physical and chemical changes in SF during composting and to identify approaches to improve final compost quality. Thermophilic temperatures were attained soon after separation of SF, but the temperature of piles covered with polyethylene did not increase above 60 degrees C. The rate of organic matter (OM) mineralisation increased for turned piles in comparison to static piles, but the maximum amount of mineralisable OM (630-675gkg(-1)) was similar for all pile treatments. The C/N ratio declined from over 36 to a value of 14 towards the end of composting, indicating an advanced degree of OM stabilisation. Mature compost was obtained from raw SF feedstock as indicated by the low compost temperature, low C/N ratio, and low content of NH(4)(+) combined with increased concentrations of NO(3)(-). The efficiency of the composting process was improved and NH(3)-N losses were minimized by increasing DM content of the SF, reducing the frequency of pile turning and managing compost piles without an impermeable cover.  相似文献   

Co-composting of soybean residues and leaves in Hong Kong   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The goal of this project was to evaluate the feasibility of co-composting of soybean residues and leaves and the effects of turning frequency on compost quality. Soybean residues were mixed with leaves and sawdust in 1:1:3 (w/w wet weight) for achieving a C/N ratio of about 30. Three heaps of about 4 m3 of compost mixtures were prepared receiving a turning frequency of daily (pile A), 3-day (pile B) and weekly (pile C) turning. Different turning frequencies did not significantly affect the changes in pH and volatile solids throughout the composting period. High turning frequency caused a lower electrical conductivity and NH4-N contents as well as a shorter duration of thermophilic phase, because of a high heat loss by evaporation and volatilization of ammonia in the pile. The highest C decomposition of 4% occurred in the pile with a 3-day turning period, which coincided with the higher-nitrogen content in this treatment. All treatments with different turning frequencies reached maturation at 63 days as indicated by the soluble organic carbon, soluble NH4-N, C/N ratio and cress seed germination index. However, increasing the aeration during composting period was beneficial in accelerating the maturation process. Taking into consideration less labour and lower operation costs as compared to daily turning, it can be suggested that a 3-day turning frequency would be more appropriate for reaching acceptable quality of compost and ease in operation.  相似文献   

以猪粪与秸秆(鲜质量10.5∶1)为基础,在自制的强制通风静态堆肥反应箱中进行堆肥化试验,研究添加8%葡萄籽对猪粪秸秆高温堆肥中微生物群落演替和碳氮转化的影响.在堆肥化的30 d里,分7次采集不同时期的堆肥样品,测定堆肥中微生物区系、微生物生理群的数量及堆肥碳氮含量.结果表明:添加葡萄籽使堆肥中细菌数量略高、放线菌数量显著增加、真菌数量明显降低,细菌/放线菌下降;氨化细菌和反硝化细菌数量降低;而硝化细菌、固氮菌和纤维素分解菌数量增多;铵态氮和有机碳含量下降,而硝态氮含量明显提高.堆肥中硝态氮含量与放线菌数量呈极显著正相关关系.添加葡萄籽使堆体升温快且高温期稳定,堆肥含水率波动较小,从而使堆肥高温期放线菌和亚硝化细菌的波动较小,数量较高,有利于堆肥中硝态氮含量的增加.  相似文献   

城市污泥强制通风堆肥过程中的生物学和化学变化特征   总被引:34,自引:3,他引:31  
采用间竭式强制通风堆肥法进行的肥堆体积约4m3,堆肥时间为53d的污泥堆肥试验表明,堆肥的第2天即达高温阶段(≥55℃)并能保持8d,平均最高温度达68℃,局部温度达74℃.粪大肠杆菌由开始时的1.41×105个·g-1降至试验结束时的2.32×101个·g-1.污泥堆肥过程中挥发性固体,总有机C、水溶性有机C、固体有机 C/N比和水溶性有机 C/有机 N比下降明显,而 N、P及重金属含量有所升高.随着堆肥的进程,在前1周堆肥过程中产生的氨氮大幅下降,硝酸盐含量随之升高.相应地,pH在第1周内升高,随后降低.堆肥40d左右,水芹(Lepidiumsativum L.)种子发芽指数即可达 80%.综合堆肥过程中堆温和化学与生物学变化特点,表明污泥堆肥在40d左右基本上接近腐熟,50d后达到完全腐熟.产品外观呈黑褐色,蓬松,无明显异味.  相似文献   

The study was undertaken to investigate the effects of carbon to nitrogen (C:N) ratio and turning frequency (TF) on the loss of total nitrogen (TN) during composting of chicken litter (a mixture of chicken manure, waste feed, feathers and sawdust) with a view to producing good quality compost. Carbon to nitrogen ratios of 20:1, 25:1 and 30:1 and TF of 2, 4 and 6 days were experimented. The initial physico-chemical properties of the litter were determined. During the composting process, moisture level in the piles was periodically replenished to 55% and the temperature, pH and TN of the chicken litter were periodically monitored. Also, the dry matter (DM), total carbon (TC), total phosphorus (P) and total potassium (K) were examined at the end of composting. The results showed that both C:N ratio and TF had significant (p < or = 0.05) effect on pile temperature, pH changes, TN, TC, P and K losses while DM was only affected (p < or = 0.05) by C:N ratio. All treatments reached maturation at about 87 days as indicated by the decline of pile temperatures to near ambient temperature. Losses of TN, which were largely attributed to volatilization of ammonia (NH3), were highest within the first 28 days when the pile temperatures and pH values were above 33 degrees C and 7.7, respectively. Moisture loss increased as C:N ratio and TF increased. In conclusion, the treatment with a combination of 4 days TF and C:N ratio 25:1 (T4R25) had the minimum TN loss (70.73% of the initial TN) and this indicated the most efficient combination.  相似文献   

八角下脚料、甘蔗滤泥、桐麸联合堆肥的腐熟度指标研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
测定八角下脚料与甘蔗滤泥、桐麸联合堆肥过程中温度、C/N比、种子发芽指数(GI)等腐熟度指标,研究各项指标在堆肥进程中的变化情况。结果表明:GI可作为八角下脚料与甘蔗滤泥、桐麸联合堆肥评价堆肥腐熟度的主要评价指标。在起始C/N比为31.45条件下进行八角提油下脚料、甘蔗滤泥、桐麸的联合高温好氧堆肥,堆制21 d和26 d时,三种腐熟度指标未全部显示堆肥腐熟;堆制31 d时,C/N比为18.55,T值为0.59(小于0.6),发芽指数GI为93.7%(大于80%)。从温度、发芽指数和C/N比三个指标均可认为堆肥已达到腐熟。  相似文献   

De-inking paper sludge (DPS) is rich in carbon (C) but poor in nitrogen (N). Thus, it has a high C:N ratio which limits the composting process. Accordingly, the goal of this study was to investigate the effect of three N treatments on DPS composting. Compost piles of 100 m3 were formed by mixing raw DPS with poultry manure and chicken broiler floor litter, giving on average 0.6%, 0.7% and 0.9% total N. The changes in physico-chemical parameters, total weight and fiber losses, and maturity of composting piles of DPS were monitored during 24 weeks. The compost piles had a neutral to alkaline pH throughout the study. Inorganic N decreased whereas organic N increased over time for all treatments. These changes in magnitude were different among N treatments resulting in a final total N content of 0.9% for the 0.6% N treatment whereas final total N contents of 0.7% and 0.9% N were measured for the 0.7% and 0.9% N treatments. The total weight, cellulose and hemicellulose losses were higher in 0.6% N treatment giving the lowest C:N ratio after 24 weeks of composting. However, none of the 24 week-old composts of DPS were mature based on their final C:N ratio and colorimetric test of maturity. Except for copper, their final total trace element contents meet most known standards or guidelines for organic soil conditioners. Overall, 0.6% N treatment was the best to enhance DPS composting using mechanical turning, but a period of more than 24 weeks was required to reach compost maturity.  相似文献   

Microbiological parameters as indicators of compost maturity   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
AIMS: The objectives of this study were to determine the changes of microbial properties of pig manure collected from pens with different management strategies and composted using different turning and moisture regimes; relate their association with humification parameters and compost temperature; and identify the most suitable microbial indicators of compost maturity. METHODS AND RESULTS: Six different microbial parameters, including total bacterial count, oxygen consumption rate, ATP content, dehydrogenase activity, and microbial biomass C and N, along with humification parameters [humic acid (HA), fulvic acid (FA) and HA : FA ratio] and compost temperature were monitored during composting. Significant positive correlations were found between temperature and microbial properties, including O2 consumption rate, ATP content, dehydrogenase activity, and microbial biomass N. The humification parameters also showed significant correlations with microbial properties of the manure compost. For instance, HA contents of pig manures was positively correlated with total aerobic heterotrophs, and microbial biomass N and C; and negatively correlated with O2 consumption rate, ATP content, and dehydrogenase activity. Among the six microbial parameters examined, dehydrogenase activity was the most important factor affecting compost temperature and humification parameters. Composting strategies employed in this study affected the speed of composting and time of maturation. If the moisture content is maintained weekly at 60% with a 4-day turning frequency, the pig manure will reach maturity in 56 days. CONCLUSIONS: The composting process went through predictable changes in temperature, microbial properties and chemical components despite differences in the initial pig manure and composting strategies used. Among the six microbial parameters used, dehydrogenase activity is the most suitable indicator of compost maturity. Compared with respiration rate, ATP content and microbial biomass procedures, dehydrogenase activity is the simplest, quickest, and cheapest method that can be used to monitor the stability and maturity of composts. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The results presented here show that microbial parameters can be used in revealing differences between composts and compost maturity. The statistical relationship established between humification parameters and microbial parameters, particularly dehydrogenase activity, demonstrates that it is possible to monitor the composting process more easily and rapidly by avoiding longer and more expensive analytical procedures.  相似文献   

Fewer and fewer municipal solid wastes are treated by composting in China because of the disadvantages of enormous investment, long processing cycle and unstable products in a conventional composting treatment. In this study, a continuous thermophilic composting (CTC) method, only a thermophilic phase within the process, has been applied to four bench-scale composting runs, and further compared with a conventional composting run by assessing the indexes of pH, total organic carbon (TOC), total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN), C/N ratio, germination index (GI), specific oxygen uptake rate (SOUR), dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and dehydrogenase activity. After composting for 14 days, 16 days, 18 days and 19 days in the four CTC runs, respectively, mature compost products were obtained, with quality similar to or better than which had been stabilized for 28 days in run A. The products from the CTC runs also showed favorable stability in room temperature environment after the short-term composting at high temperature. The study suggested CTC as a novel method for rapid degradation and maturation of organic municipal solid wastes.  相似文献   

Changes in organic C, total N, C:N ratio, activities of cellulase, xylanase and protease, and microbial population were determined during composting of different organic wastes such as mixture of sugarcane trash and cattle dung, press mud, poultry waste and water hyacinth biomass. There were losses of N in poultry waste and water hyacinth with the effect an initial increase in C:N ratio was observed which decreased later on due to decomposition. The activities of cellulase, xylanase and protease were maximum between 30 and 60 days of composting in various wastes. Similar trend was observed with respect to mesophilic bacterial and fungal population. Various quality parameters like C:N ratio, water soluble C (WSC), CO(2) evolution and level of humic substances were compared after 90 day composting. There was statistically significant correlation between C:N ratio and CO(2) evolution, WSC and humic substances. Significant correlation between CO(2) evolved and level of humic substances was also observed. The study shows that no single parameter can be taken as an index of compost maturity. However, C:N ratio and CO(2) evolved from finished compost can be taken as the most reliable indices of compost maturity.  相似文献   

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