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笼养灰胸竹鸡的活动时间分配   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用直接观察法对灰胸竹鸡在笼养条件下的活动时间分配及行为特点进行研究,结果表明笼养条件下灰胸竹鸡的主要行为有走动、站立、取食、静卧4种,一天中有两个活动高峰,雄鸡的活动强于雌鸡;白天休息时间占40%以上,采食集中在上午和傍晚进行;站立、取食、静卧发生的频次在雌雄之间无显著差异(P〉0.05),而走动的频次雄鸡极显著的高于雌鸡(P〈0.01),各行为每频次在持续时间上差异不显著(P〉0.05)。  相似文献   

2014年7—8月,在浙江省富阳市獐养殖场采用瞬时扫描取样法对圈养条件下哺乳期雌獐昼夜行为时间分配及活动节律进行了调查研究。结果表明:1雌獐的日活动行为时间分配依次为卧息(59.01±2.93)%、走动(13.91±2.39)%、采食(10.60±0.74)%、梳理(7.76±1.10)%、反刍(2.84±0.66)%、站立(2.72±1.01)%、警戒(1.53±0.59)%、社会行为(1.26±0.54)%、排遗(0.36±0.22)%。2雌獐的昼间卧息时间极显著低于夜间(P<0.01),梳理时间显著低于夜间(P<0.05),而走动、采食、反刍、警戒和社会行为的时间极显著高于夜间(P<0.01),站立行为差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。3一天中,雌獐的采食行为和反刍行为呈现双峰型的节律特征,走动、站立和梳理行为出现了3个高峰期,卧息和社会行为则呈多峰型,其中取食高峰后延迟1~2 h为反刍高峰。4卧息行为分别与采食行为和走动行为呈极显著的负相关关系,而采食行为与走动行为之间呈显著的正相关关系。总之,哺乳期圈养雌獐的日活动行为体现出明显的节律性,且大多数行为时间具有明显的昼夜差异。  相似文献   

竹巴笼矮岩羊昼间行为节律和时间分配   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2008年11月中旬至2009年1月中旬和2009年3月至8月,采用瞬时扫描取样法和目标取样法在竹巴笼自然保护区对矮岩羊的昼间行为节律和时间分配进行了研究,结果表明:矮岩羊的昼间行为活动有明显的节律性,活动高峰出现的时间与矮岩羊昼间取食高峰时间基本一致。取食和卧息是最主要的行为方式,分别占总观察频次的53.83%和27.76%,频次较少的是站立和移动,分别占总观察频次的9.93%和8.24%,其它行为所占频次最少,只有0.24%,昼间2个取食高峰(9:00-11:00, 17:00-19:00)和1个卧息高峰(11:00-16:00),呈现出取食-休息-取食的规律。Kruskal-Wallis H 检验表明,季节因素对矮岩羊取食(P <0.05)、卧息(P <0.05)和其它行为(P <0.05)所占时间影响显著,而对移动(P >0.05)和站立(P >0.05)行为影响不显著。各年龄段之间其它行为所占的时间比例差异显著(P<0.05),而取食(P>0.05)、移动(P>0.05)、卧息(P>0.05)和站立(P>0.05)所占时间比例差异不显著;对比分析不同性别矮岩羊昼间行为时间分配差异,雌性的取食、移动和卧息的时间略高于雄性,而站立和其他行为时间低于雄性;Mann-Whitney U 检验对不同性别矮岩羊昼间的各种行为差异进行分析表明:性别因素对矮岩羊昼间时间分配和行为节律产生一定程度的影响,但差异不显著(P>0.05)。  相似文献   

以往研究表明受发情交配行为制约,一些雄性反刍动物在发情期食物摄入量明显降低。已有两个相关假说解释该现象:能量摄入最大化假说和能量保存假说。作者于2009 ~ 2010 年在卡拉麦里山有蹄类自然保护区研究了雄性鹅喉羚不同发情阶段的时间分配。结果表明雄羚发情期采食时间比例明显下降(37. 9% ),低于发情前期(63. 6% )和发情后期(65. 8% );发情期卧息时间比例(6. 0% )与发情后期相近(5. 4% ),明显低于发情前期(23.2% );发情前期至发情后期采食卧息时间比(分别为2. 7、6. 3、12. 1)显著增加;发情期雄羚站立和移动时间比例明显升高,采食行为时间占非发情行为时间主要部分(86. 4% ),且采食行为与发情行为显著相关。相比之下,雌羚不同发情阶段采食行为时间分配比例相似。总之,除必需投入的发情行为外,发情期雄羚最大化其能量摄入;发情行为的投入是导致发情期雄羚食物摄入量下降的主导因子,雄性能量摄入最大化假说更好地解释了发情期鹅喉羚所采取的能量策略。  相似文献   

秦岭羚牛春夏季昼夜活动节律与时间分配   总被引:21,自引:4,他引:17  
1996年4~8月,在陕西省佛坪自然保护区内采用无线电遥测技术对4只秦岭羚牛(Budorcas taxicolor bedfordi)的活动规律进行了研究。春夏季羚牛的活动规律以白昼活动为主。羚牛每昼夜有69.95+11.06%的时间处于活动状态(n=40),其中76.77%的活动时间是在日出后到日落前的白昼。白昼有3个活动高峰期,分别出现在06:00~08:00、10:00~12:00、18:00~20:00 3个时间段。在夜间羚牛只有1个活动高峰期,通常出现在24:00至次日凌晨01:00的时间段。野外观察证实,羚牛白昼的3个活动高峰期与羚牛群体活跃采食的时间吻合。羚牛的昼夜活动节律的形成与变化,可能会受到诸如光照、温度、雨等气候条件的影响。每天的黎明阶段(06:00~07:00)及黄昏阶段(18:30~19:30)是羚牛活动最频繁的时候,平均活动率在90%以上。大雨期间羚牛常常站立或卧地休息。此外,羚牛昼夜活动节律和时间分配方面的差异在年龄上也有所体现。  相似文献   

2007年11月、12月和2008年3月,在内蒙古达赉湖地区,采用扫描取样法对雌雄蒙原羚繁殖期及其前后昼间行为时间分配进行了研究。 研究表明:(1)繁殖期前、繁殖期和繁殖期后,雌性蒙原羚采食时间,占昼间活动时间的比例分别为(44.9±3.8)%、(43.5±4.0)% 和 (46.2±3.1)%;卧息时间,占昼间活动时间的比例分别 为(32.3±4.8)%、(29.2±2.9)% 和 (28.0±4.8)%;雌性蒙原羚在繁殖期及其前后采食、移动和卧息的行为时间分配差异不显著(P>0.05),站立、繁殖、“其他”行为时间分配差异性显著(P<0.05)。(2)繁殖期前、繁殖期和繁殖期后, 雄性蒙原羚采食时间,占昼间活动时间的比例分别为 (52.6±3.8)%、(17.5±2.8)% 和 (29.8±4.8)%;卧息时间,占昼间活动时间的比例分别为 (13.4±6.4)%、(24.2±4.1)% 和 (44.2±4.7)%。雄性蒙原羚在繁殖期及其前后采食、卧息、站立、移动、繁殖、“其他”时间分配均有显著差异(P<0.05)。动物采食卧息的行为时间分配反映动物的能量平衡策略。雌性蒙原羚的时间分配表明,雌性蒙原羚的能量平衡策略在繁殖期前、繁殖期和繁殖期后没有发生显著变化,均为能量摄入最优化策略,尽可能多的时间分配在采食上;雄性蒙原羚的时间分配表明,在繁殖期前,其能量平衡策略为能量摄入最优化策略,尽可能多的时间分配在采食上;雄性蒙原羚繁殖期及繁殖期后其能量平衡策略转变为能量支出优化策略,尽可能少的支出能量,尽可能多的时间分配在卧息上。  相似文献   

中华秋沙鸭冬季行为初步分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2008年11~12月,在江西龙虎山国家级风景区对中华秋沙鸭的行为进行了初步观察.中华秋沙鸭各种行为之间存在较大差异,其中取食、游泳、休息和修整在日活动中所占的比重最大,高峰期分别发生在10:01~11:00、7:01~8:00、12:01~13:00和12:01~13:00,分别占全天行为总次数的38.41%、30.76%、12.67%和7.48%.  相似文献   

在夏季自由放牧加补饲的条件下,对体况相近健康无病的4只4月龄南江黄羊公羊的放牧行为进行昼夜跟踪观测。结果表明:南江黄羊4月龄公羊,昼夜采食时间为513.75min,占总活动时间的35.68%,而反刍、走动、站立和卧息的时间分别为289.00、113.00、89.75和361.50min。采食时间、站立时间、排粪尿时间、游走时间和争斗次数均为白天大于夜间,而反刍时间和卧息时间则是夜间大于白天。反刍与采食时间比为0.56:1.00,昼夜反刍总食团数为422.25个。该品种羊耐粗饲,采食快,抗逆性强,对各种气候条件有良好的适应能力。  相似文献   

冬季鹅喉羚昼间行为时间分配及活动节律   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2007年12月,采用目标动物取样法在卡拉麦里山有蹄类自然保护区观察鹅喉羚冬季昼间行为。将鹅喉羚的行为分为采食、警戒、休息、移动和“其他”5种类型,各类行为所占比例雌羊为68.0%、7.0%、19.6%、5.0%、0.4%,采食行为消耗的时间最多,“其他”行为消耗时间最短,雄羊为29.6%、19.2%、29.3%、20.6%、1.3%,采食行为所消耗时间仍占最多,但较雌羊已大幅减少。无论雌雄,各行为在10 min观察期内所占据平均时间均存在极显著差异(P<0.01);除“其他”行为在10 min观察期内所占据平均时间性别间差异不显著外,雌雄其余4类行为间差异均极显著(P<0.01)。雌羊采食行为存在3个高峰,分别在11:00—12:00、13:00—14:00和17:00—18:00;移动高峰出现在13:00—15:00和18:00—19:00;警戒最高峰出现在13:00—14:00;休息行为表现为双峰形,分别在12:00—13:00和16:00—17:00。雄羊采食行为也有3个高峰,分别在10:00—11:00、13:00—14:00和17:00—18:00,但不如雌性明显;移动行为在13:00—14:00和18:00—19:00有2个高峰;警戒行为在13:00—14:00和18:00—19:00出现小的高峰;休息在15:00—16:00达到最高峰。雌性鹅喉羚采食、移动、警戒、休息行为在各个时段差异均显著,而雄性则是采食和警戒存在显著差异。  相似文献   

上海郊区狗獾活动规律的初步研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
2007年1月~2008年1月在上海郊区奉贤,通过红外监视仪埘狗獾Meles meles活动规律进行了研究.结果表明,狗獾晚间出洞活动,出洞时间集中在19:00~22:00,该时间段出洞次数占总次数的72.7%.返回洞穴的时间集中在凌晨2:00-4:00,该时间段回洞次数占总数的84.5%.狗獾每晚在洞外活动持续时间平均6 h.季节间的活动持续时间存在显著差异,其巾秋季活动持续时间最长达8.23 h,冬季活动持续时间最短为3.11 h.上海郊区生活的狗獾无冬眠行为.  相似文献   

Ecological indicators or indices have been widely used to simplify and measure complex ecosystems. It is critical to identify suitable indicators or indices to improve monitoring and understanding of complex natural systems. Camera trapping is an objective technique that can provide a large amount of information on wildlife. The purpose of our study is to explore the effective ecological indices for wildlife diversity analysis and monitoring in Guanyinshan Nature Reserve of Shaanxi Province, China. Since July 2009, a total of 18 cameras were installed in the reserve from August 2009 to July 2011, collecting 2115 photo captures during these 24 months. We developed five abundance indices, including relative abundance index (RAI), monthly relative abundance index (MRAI), time-period relative abundance index (TRAI), night-time relative abundance index (NRAI) and species abundance index (N) to integrate the information derived from captures. Results are: (1) 27 species were detected and 6 species had high RAI values of over 79.3%, including takin (Budorcas taxicolor), common goral (Naemorhedus goral), tufted deer (Elaphodus cephalophus), golden pheasant (Chrysolophus pictus), wild boar (Sus scrofa), and mainland serow (Capricornis sumatraensis). (2) MRAI shows a consistent monthly activity pattern of all animals being active in June and July and inactive in February. (3) TRAIs of the most abundant six species show that takin, tufted deer and common goral have the similar daily activity pattern with one peak at dawn and one peak at dusk. The daily activity patterns of golden pheasant and wild boar show that they are most active during the day time, with wild boar being particularly active at noon. NRAIs of mainland serow show the highest nocturnality and of golden pheasant the lowest nocturnality. (4) We estimated abundance of takin, tufted deer and wild boar by using our developed index. The abundance for the three species shows an increasing trend during the 2-year study period, particularly for wild boar. Our results provided an interesting comparison of species diversity and their activity patterns. As trapping continues we will have a consistent source of monitoring data to evaluate changes in species abundance and activities. Therefore, the conclusion is that the methods we used and the indices we developed are capable to estimate species activity patterns and abundance dynamics which are useful for future wildlife management in Guanyinshan Nature Reserve and elsewhere.  相似文献   

东北亚地区野猪种群mtDNA遗传结构及系统地理发生   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
研究测定了中国东北、华北及四川西部72个野猪(Susscrofa)个体线粒体控制区全序列,并结合GenBank报道的日本野猪(S.s.leucomystax)、琉球野猪(S.s.riukiuanus)72个同源区序列,分析了东北亚地区野猪线粒体DNA的变异及系统地理格局。在东北亚地区野猪的线粒体控制区共发现42个变异位点,均为转换,共定义了34个单元型。单元型之间的系统发生分析表明,东北亚地区野猪来自同一祖先。东北亚地区野猪现生种群具有显著的种群遗传结构,其中日本野猪与分布于中国东北地区的东北野猪之间亲缘关系较近;而琉球野猪则与华北野猪间亲缘关系较近,与日本野猪和东北野猪间的关系相对较远。嵌套进化枝系统地理分析(Nestedcladephylogeographicalanalysis,NCPA)表明:东北亚地区野猪由同一祖先经过长距离的迁徙而形成现生各种群(或亚种);琉球野猪应起源于大陆野猪,其种群演化可能经历了片断化事件;华北野猪呈现南部种群遗传多样性高的特点,其种群内部曾经历了一次分布区由南向北的扩张  相似文献   

2008 年3 ~7 月,在上海市浦东新区华夏公园进行獐重引入试点,采用瞬时扫描取样法和全事件记录法,对圈养条件下24 只獐(12 雌,12 雄)春夏季昼间行为时间分配及活动节律进行了观察。结果表明:休息是春夏季最主要的行为方式,其次是摄食和运动。獐的昼间行为具有明显的节律性,以晨昏活动为主,主要活动时间集中在06:00 ~08:00 和16:00 ~18:00。单因素方差分析(One-way ANOVA analysis)和Mann-Whitney U 检验表明,在时间分配上,春、夏季休息、站立、排遗、梳理和运动行为差异极显著;雌雄间休息、站立、反刍、梳理和警戒行为差异极显著。雌性春、夏季站立、排遗、梳理、运动和社会行为差异极显著,摄食差异显著;雄性春、夏季休息、摄食、梳理、警戒和社会行为差异极显著,站立、反刍、排遗和运动行为差异显著。本研究结果表明重引入獐的行为时间分配和活动节律与野生种群相似,动物福利得到较好满足,对下一步在上海地区的种群复壮和迁地野放等具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Mitochondrial genetic variations were used to investigate the relationships between two Japanese wild boars, Japanese wild boar (Sus scrofa leucomystax) and Ryukyu wild boar (S.s. riukiuanus). Nucleotide sequences of the control (27 haplotypes) and cytochrome b (cyt-b) regions (19 haplotypes) were determined from 59 Japanese wild boars, 13 Ryukyu wild boars and 22 other boars and pigs. From phylogenetic analyses, the mtDNA of Ryukyu wild boar has a distinct lineage from that of Japanese wild boar, which was classified into the Asian pig lineage. This result suggests that the Ryukyu wild boar has a separate origin from the Japanese wild boar.  相似文献   

徐飞  蔡体久  琚存勇  陈福元 《生态学报》2013,33(18):5935-5942
以黑龙江凤凰山国家级自然保护区为例,于2010年9、10月份,采用问卷调查法和实地考察法相结合的形式,调查该保护区及周边地区野猪危害农田的情况,以及居民对野猪的容忍性和认知度。结合Mann-Whitey U检验和Kruskal-Wallis H检验方法比较各个因素对保护区及周边居民野猪容忍性的影响差异,用主成分分析法对主要影响因素进行辨析。结果表明:农田收入比例、文化程度、人均农田面积以及野猪毁田面积是影响居民对野猪容忍性的主要因素。被访问的居民中,66.19%的居民希望野猪种群减少或消失;63.38%的居民赞同或者完全赞同保护措施;毁田事件发生后,46.48%的居民赞同或完全赞同捕杀野猪;在村外遇见野猪时,66.20%的居民不赞同或者完全不赞同捕杀野猪;在山野遇见野猪时,65.59%的居民不赞同或者完全不赞同捕杀野猪,说明遇到野猪的地点对居民所持捕杀态度基本没有影响。  相似文献   

A large number of protected areas worldwide have been impacted by biological invasions, threatening the biodiversity they aim to protect. The wild boar (Sus scrofa) is one of the most threatening invasive species in Argentina, already occupying many ecoregions, including the central Monte Desert. However, there are no studies regarding the use that wild boars make of this invaded biome and what factors (climate or landscape) determine or contribute to the establishment of this species. The objectives of this study were to assess habitat use of the wild boar at spatial and temporal scales in the central Monte Desert, and to assess if climatic factors influence its abundance. Our results show that, at habitat-level the wild boar exhibited preferences for a particular habitat (Larrea shrubland) for feeding. At microhabitat-level, we found a positive association between herb cover and wild boar presence. In addition, we found a strong and positive association between the number of days with low temperatures and the number of wild boar signs registered. Therefore, we consider that in the central Monte Desert, habitat selection by wild boars is most likely determined by a maximization of food intake and a minimization of exposure to high temperature.  相似文献   

国外使用红外相机技术开展野生动物调查研究已有较长的历史,最早的报道见于Champion(1927),在20世纪90年代逐渐发展成熟,广泛用于动物种群数量和密度的研究.如应用红外相机和种群捕获模型(Capture-recapture)对印度Nagarahole国家公园的孟加拉虎(Panthera tigris)的种群数量和密度的研究(Karanth,1995;Karanth和Nichols;1998),验证了红外相机技术与种群捕获模型的结合在孟加拉虎种群预测方面的优势,有效解决了监测中孟加拉虎数量稀少、活动隐秘等问题.  相似文献   

Phylogeographic characteristics and population structure of Japanese wild boar (Sus scrofa leucomystax) were investigated using mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence data. Sixteen Japanese wild boar haplotypes detected from partial sequences of the mtDNA control region (574-bp) from 180 Japanese wild boar specimens from 10 local populations on Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyushu islands and 41 haplotypes from other S. scrofa were analyzed using the neighbor-joining method. The Japanese wild boars were more closely related to Northeast Asian wild boars from Mongolia than to the other Asian continental S. scrofa. The Japanese and Northeast Asian wild boars were not significantly distinguished by corrected average pairwise difference analysis. The ancestors of Japanese wild boars are suggested to have been part of the continental S. scrofa population that spread from Southeast to Northeast Asia during the Middle to Late Pleistocene. The Japanese wild boar mtDNA haplotype cladogram shows 95% parsimoniously plausible branch connections supporting three sympatric clades. Nested clade analysis indicates that these three clades are the result of distinct historical events or gene flow. The present population of Japanese wild boars may have been formed by a few independent migrations of distinct clades from the continent with subsequent mixing on the Japanese Islands.  相似文献   

In order to elucidate the precise phylogenetic relationships of Korean wild boar (Sus scrofa coreanus), a partial mtDNA D-loop region (1,274 bp, NC_000845 nucleotide positions 16576-1236) was sequenced among 56 Korean wild boars. In total, 25 haplotypes were identified and classified into four distinct subgroups (K1 to K4) based on Bayesian phylogenetic analysis using Markov chain Monte Carlo methods. An extended analysis, adding 139 wild boars sampled worldwide, confirmed that Korean wild boars clearly belong to the Asian wild boar cluster. Unexpectedly, the Myanmarese/Thai wild boar population was detected on the same branch as Korean wild boar subgroups K3 and K4. A parsimonious median-joining network analysis including all Asian wild boar haplotypes again revealed four maternal lineages of Korean wild boars, which corresponded to the four Korean wild boar subgroups identified previously. In an additional analysis, we supplemented the Asian wild boar network with 34 Korean and Chinese domestic pig haplotypes. We found only one haplotype, C31, that was shared by Chinese wild, Chinese domestic and Korean domestic pigs. In contrast to our expectation that Korean wild boars contributed to the gene pool of Korean native pigs, these data clearly suggest that Korean native pigs would be introduced from China after domestication from Chinese wild boars.  相似文献   

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