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从实验背景、科学方法等方面对“测交实验”进行了深入分析,实验背景可以较好地让学生从发展的角度认识科学的本质:演绎推理的学习及训练可以较好地培养学生科学探究能力。在此基础上提出了基于三维教学目标的教学建议。  相似文献   

在原国家教育委员会于1996年颁布的《全日制普通高级中学生物教学大纲(供试验用)》中,实验的数量和类型明显增多。对于新大纲中实验内容的性质和特点、实验与相应知识性教学内容的关系、实验中包含的科学方法、实验在达成教学目标方面所起的作用等问题,本文既从总体上进行探讨,又对各个实验进行了具体分析,并对如何通过实验教学使学生受到科学方法教育、全面提高学生的科学素质等问题,提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

通过对"测定植物的蒸腾作用"实验装置的深入挖掘,引导学生主动参与、积极探究,培养学生大胆置疑、勇于创新、合作交流的科学思维能力,提升学生提出问题、设计实验、实施实验、改进并拓展实验、得出结论并最终解决问题的科学探究能力。  相似文献   

霍颖异  徐程  吴敏  陈铭 《生物信息学》2020,18(2):127-132
针对生物信息学相关课程的实验教学需求,结合前沿科研问题和成果,设计了基于问题导向的生物信息学综合实验。实验以宏基因组中基因资源挖掘以及蛋白质结构和功能研究为主线,将生物信息学多种学科背景、多个知识点、多类分析技术交叉融合为围绕科学问题开展的综合性实验。通过该实验,激发学生学习兴趣,加深学生对专业知识的理解和掌握,提高学生生物信息学实验操作技能,培养学生科学思维和创新能力。  相似文献   

闫计春 《生物学通报》2012,47(8):39-41,F0003
在“观察DNA、RNA在细胞中的分布”的实验课上,学生对实验操作方法提出质疑,并提出一系列问题.教师对学生的问题进行引导,并创设问题情境,探究出观察DNA、RNA在细胞中的分布的适宜的操作过程.通过本实验,不仅使学生体验了科学探究的乐趣,还掌握了科学探究的一般方法.  相似文献   

采用行动研究法对高中生物学课本中的一个实验进行了改进,由验证性的实验改为探究性实验。结果发现:探究性实验使学生的兴趣和积极性得到提高,合作的机会增多,有助于学生对科学本质的理解,但学生的探究能力有待提高。  相似文献   

将课堂交给学生,开展符合教学需求及课堂内容的教学活动。通过对实验现象的分析,引导学生学会由现象到本质的科学思维方法;通过实验操作,训练学生的动手能力及合作意识;以问题串的形式,引导学生深入思考,让学生注意到科学思维的严密性;通过传感器的使用,让学生了解新技术对于实验结果呈现的直观性,并共同体验和分享实验改进的过程。  相似文献   

高中生物新课程标准加强了实验教学,特别是增加了探究实验的教学内容。探究式教学是按照科学探索的一般规律,创设学生"有所发现"的教学情境,引导学生通过搜索资料,充分利用实验探索等手段,可让学生获得生物学知识,获得学好生物的方法,培养学生自行设计实验、探索科学问题的能力。  相似文献   

动物学综合实验在教学中培养探究性的实践   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
以动物学综合实验--家鸡脑标本的制作与观察为例,从药品的配制、实验材料的准备、实验整个操作程序的设计,到最后的实验结果,让学生独立完成.起到了指导学生探究和掌握科学方法的作用,让学生在体验科学探究的过程中,获得初步的科学探究能力,培养其探索和创新意识,从而提高生物科学素养.  相似文献   

基因工程实验是一门从基因结构、基因表达和基因功能多个层面上进行实验操作的课程。建立一个系统的知识框架、科学的实验方法是保障基因工程课程质量的前提。以时代发展为向标, 文章对传统的基因工程实验课程进行了教学改革, 初步实现了实验内容前沿化、实验手段多样化、实验项目科研化, 让实验课堂成为学生们科学生涯的起跑点。  相似文献   

In most laboratory practices for students in medical schools, a laboratory guidebook is given to the students, in which the procedures are precisely described. The students merely follow the guidebook without thinking deeply, which spoils the students and does not entice them to think creatively. Problem-based learning (PBL) could be one means for the students themselves to actively learn, find problems, and resolve them. Such a learning attitude nurtures medical students with lifelong learning as healthcare professionals. We merged PBL and laboratory practices to promote deep thinking habits and developed an integrated laboratory practice. We gave a case sheet to groups of students from several schools. The students raised hypotheses after vivid discussion, designed experimental protocols, and performed the experiments. If the results did not support or disproved the hypothesis, the students set up another hypothesis followed by experiments, lasting for 4 or 5 consecutive days. These procedures are quite similar to those of professional researchers. The main impact achieved was the fact that the students developed the experimental design by themselves, for the first time in their college lives. All students enjoyed the laboratory practice, which they had never experienced before. This is an antidote to the guidebook-navigated traditional laboratory practice, which disappoints many students. As educators in basic medical sciences stand on the edge in terms of educating the next generation, there is a need to provide a strong foundation for medical students to design and perform scientific experiments. The integrated laboratory practice may provide the solution.  相似文献   

对食品微生物学实验教学中的基础性实验、综合应用性实验、设计性实验等各层次的教学内容、教学手段、考核方式等进行改革和探索,创建适合培养广东海洋大学食品科学与工程、食品质量与安全专业学生的食品微生物学实验教学体系,对实验教学中遇到的难题提出了解决方法和思路,对提高学生动手能力,培养学生创新能力提供一些举措和思路。  相似文献   

"医学微生物学"实验是联系微生物学理论知识与临床实践的重要桥梁,在医学微生物学教学中占据重要地位。然而传统的实验教学内容多为验证性实验,学习效果和教学效果都不理想。本文探索一种结合相关学科知识点的综合性实验教学模式——跨学科综合性实验教学模式,能有机整合不同学科的相关理论知识,将理论知识与今后可能遇到的临床实际问题更加密切地联系起来,克服传统教学中存在的弊端,充分调动学生学习的积极性和主动性,并能有效提高学生独立思考以及综合分析问题的能力。  相似文献   

ABO血型是生活中最常见、运用最广泛的遗传性状之一。人类ABO血型由I AI Bi 3个复等位基因决定,它们负责编码不同的糖基转移酶,进而决定3种血红细胞表面抗原。ABO血型涉及复等位基因、基因互作、单核苷酸多态(SNP)、基因演化等多个关键知识内容,是理想的遗传学教学案例。本文以ABO血型为研究对象,对遗传学实验进行了创新与整合。首先,在分子遗传学模块中建立了新颖的ABO血型基因分型方法:基于SNP位点设计特异性引物,通过实时定量PCR鉴定基因型; 其次,在群体遗传学模块中创新了基因演化的实验教学方法,开发群体遗传学软件,利用计算机模拟不同条件下ABO血型决定基因频率的演化趋势。这些教学改革举措旨在丰富遗传学实验内容,拓展教学手段,提高学习效率。  相似文献   

It is generally acknowledged that an integrated approach to teaching cardiovascular system (CVS) is clinically relevant. However, very little attention has been paid with respect to student perception of teaching CVS in an integrated problem-based curriculum. A questionnaire on the feedback and perception of medical students (n = 60) to their learning experience of CVS exposed early in the problem-based integrated curriculum at the Arabian Gulf University (AGU) was used. The average percentage scores of positive student responses to items related to knowledge was 62.7%, to integration was 87.3%, and to skills was 77.1%. A significant positive correlation was observed among skills and knowledge (r = 0.408, P = 0.002), skills and integration (r = 0.506, P < 0.000), and integration and knowledge (r = 0.294, P = 0.028). The lowest individual percentage score related to knowledge items was given to the role of resource sessions in understanding difficult concepts (32.7%). Interestingly, 90.7% of the students were aware of the presence of gaps in their knowledge. On the other hand, 92.7% of students expressed their satisfaction with the study experience of CVS in the integrated problem-based approach. These results indicate that students overall achieved satisfactory learning outcome during the study of CVS in the problem-based integrated curriculum at AGU. The study also points out issues where improvement and fine tuning of the educational system can take place.  相似文献   

显微系统化是指将各种显微镜融合并统一利用,联合操作,所用程序一体化、规范化、统一化和数字化。显微系统化通过系统化管理,在大学生科研培训计划(Student Research Training Program,SRTP)中实施。实行显微系统化,可突破显微镜本身时间和空间上的局限性,能够进一步完善科学、高效的科研培训计划模式,对从感性方面培养大学生理解科研的概念和建立科研思维的能力、提高大学生科研素养具有重要作用。  相似文献   

综合实训是高职学生将理论知识与生产实践有机融合的重要教学环节。本文介绍了技能大赛背景下,学院生物制药技术专业立足“以赛促教、以赛促建、以赛促学、育训结合”特色,以青霉素发酵工艺实验为例,从教学目标、教学内容、教学方法、考核等内容进行的改革与实践,将发酵设备的实践操作与虚拟仿真软件相融合,双向交互式开展课程。突破发酵过程控制的主观依赖性,建立发酵过程参数控制的量化管理和评价,更有利于实现技能大赛与实践教学的高效融合。通过近几年的改革与实践,取得良好的教学效果,为同类课程基于技能大赛的教学实践改革提供了新的思路和借鉴。  相似文献   

提高植物学实验教学质量的一些体会   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
实验是植物学教学的重要环节.针对植物学传统实验教学中的实际情况,进行了实验方法力求多样化、变部分过程性实验为过程性实验、增加综合性实验和研究性实验等尝试,进而充分发挥教师和学生在实验教学中的作用,培养学生的创造能力.  相似文献   

马三梅  王永飞 《植物学报》2005,22(4):510-512
实验是植物学教学的重要环节。针对植物学传统实验教学中的实际情况, 进行了实验方法力求多样化、变部分过程性实验为过程性实验、增加综合性实验和研究性实验等尝试, 进而充分发挥教师和学生在实验教学中的作用, 培养学生的创造能力。  相似文献   

Quiz-based and collaborative teaching strategies have previously been found to be efficient for the improving meaningful learning of physiology during lectures. These approaches have, however, not been investigated during laboratory exercises. In the present study, we compared the impact of solving quizzes individually and in groups with conventional teaching on the immediate learning during a laboratory exercise. We implemented two quizzes in a mandatory 4-h laboratory exercise on baroreflex physiology. A total of 155 second-year medical students were randomized to solve quizzes individually (intervention group I, n = 57), in groups of three to four students (intervention group II, n = 56), or not to perform any quizzes (control; intervention group III, n = 42). After the laboratory exercise, all students completed an individual test, which encompassed two recall questions, two intermediate questions, and two integrated questions. The integrated questions were of moderate and advanced difficulty, respectively. Finally, students completed an evaluation form. Intervention group I reached the highest total test scores and proved best at answering the integrated question of advanced difficulty. Moreover, there was an overall difference between groups for student evaluations of the quality of the teaching, which was highest for intervention group II. In conclusion, solving quizzes individually during a laboratory exercise may enhance learning, whereas solving quizzes in groups is associated with higher student satisfaction.  相似文献   

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