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白念珠菌((Candida albicans)获得铁的能力影响细胞的生长和毒力,高铁还原酶是白念珠菌高亲和铁吸收系统的重要组成部分.[目的]构建高铁还原酶FRP1(Ferric reductase protein)基因缺失突变株,对FRP1基因功能进行初步研究.[方法]使用Northem杂交的方法分析FRP1基因在缺铁和富铁条件下的表达.利用PCR介导的基因敲除技术构建frp1缺失突变株,并且对野生型和缺失突变株在细胞高铁还原酶活性以及缺铁条件下的生长情况进行比较分析.[结果]缺铁条件可以诱导FRP1基因的表达.frp1缺失突变株不能在铁缺陷的固体培养基上生长.[结论]FRP1蛋白可能是白念珠菌在缺铁条件下起主要作用的高铁还原酶.  相似文献   

白念珠菌高铁还原酶FRP1基因的功能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
白念珠菌((Candida albicans)获得铁的能力影响细胞的生长和毒力,高铁还原酶是白念珠菌高亲和铁吸收系统的重要组成部分.[目的]构建高铁还原酶FRP1(Ferric reductase protein)基因缺失突变株,对FRP1基因功能进行初步研究.[方法]使用Northem杂交的方法分析FRP1基因在缺铁和富铁条件下的表达.利用PCR介导的基因敲除技术构建frp1缺失突变株,并且对野生型和缺失突变株在细胞高铁还原酶活性以及缺铁条件下的生长情况进行比较分析.[结果]缺铁条件可以诱导FRP1基因的表达.frp1缺失突变株不能在铁缺陷的固体培养基上生长.[结论]FRP1蛋白可能是白念珠菌在缺铁条件下起主要作用的高铁还原酶.  相似文献   

杜浛  朱利泉 《微生物学报》2015,55(5):579-586
摘要:【目的】通过分析FTR1、FTR2基因缺失株在不同培养条件下的生长情况以及菌丝生长能力,明确高亲和性铁离子渗透酶在白念珠菌生长和形态发生中的功能。【方法】将不同基因型的菌株分别置于不同的培养基和培养温度下进行培养,对其生长速度以及菌丝的生长状态进行观察,获取相应的实验结果。【结果】FTR1或FTR2单基因缺失对于白念珠菌的生长没有显著的影响,但是FTR1、FTR2双基因缺失使白念珠菌在Spider培养基中不能生长,铁离子的增加能够恢复该双基因缺失株的生长能力。FTR1、FTR2双基因缺失株在营养贫瘠的合成培养基上生长速度也较慢。此外,ftr1/frt1菌株的菌丝生长能力增强,而ftr2/ftr2菌株的菌丝生长能力减弱。双突变株ftr1/ftr1 ftr2/ftr2的菌丝生长能力能够恢复到野生对照株的水平。【结论】Ftr1与Ftr2对白念珠菌在微量铁元素环境中的生存有着重要的作用,还参与了白念珠菌对碳源N-乙酰葡萄糖胺、乙醇和甘油等的利用。此外,Ftr1对白念珠菌菌丝生长起负调控作用,Ftr2对菌丝生长起正调控作用。因此,ftr1/ftr1 ftr2/ftr2双基因突变株的菌丝生长能力能够恢复到野生对照株的水平。  相似文献   

【目的】高铁还原酶在白念珠菌铁离子获得过程中发挥着重要作用。通过研究高铁还原酶基因的功能和表达调控,揭示其不同的环境应答策略。【方法】通过Northern杂交的方法分析不同低铁环境对高铁还原酶基因表达水平的影响。构建高铁还原酶基因缺失菌株,探究基因缺失后对细胞表面高铁还原酶活力和生长状况的影响。利用激光共聚焦显微镜观察Frp1蛋白的细胞学定位。【结果】酸性条件显著上调FRE10基因的表达水平,而碱性条件能显著提高FRE2基因的表达量。在酸性条件下,FRE10基因的缺失会显著地下调细胞表面高铁还原酶活力。在碱性条件下,fre2Δ/Δ缺失菌株表现出严重缺陷的生长能力和显著降低的表面高铁还原酶活力。细胞学定位实验发现Frp1蛋白位于液泡中。【结论】FRE2和FRE10基因的表达模式主要是酸碱依赖性的。Fre2是碱性条件下高铁还原酶活力的主要贡献者。Frp1蛋白位于液泡中,在液泡内储存铁的活化和转运过程中可能发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

【目的】鉴定白念珠菌肌醇多磷酸激酶Kcs1蛋白,并探索Kcs1在该病原菌细胞自噬、菌丝发育及致病过程中的功能。【方法】采用二步PCR介导的同源重组方法,构建白念珠菌KCS1基因缺失菌株kcs1Δ/Δ及回补菌株KCS1c;采用氮饥饿敏感性测定及GFP-Atg8自噬报告系统,测定KCS1缺失对白念珠菌自噬过程的影响;采用菌丝诱导培养,测定KCS1缺失对白念珠菌菌丝发育能力的影响;采用巨噬细胞模型及小鼠系统性感染模型,分析KCS1缺失对白念珠菌感染宿主能力的影响。【结果】KCS1缺失造成白念珠菌氮饥饿耐受能力降低,氮饥饿条件下自噬相关蛋白Atg8的降解及转运水平下降,菌丝发育变缓,对巨噬细胞耐受及损伤能力减弱,但不影响菌株的小鼠系统性感染能力。【结论】白念珠菌肌醇多磷酸激酶Kcs1在细胞自噬、菌丝发育、与巨噬细胞相互作用等方面发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

目的构建白念珠菌SIM1基因缺失菌,初步考察SIM1基因的功能。方法采用同源重组的方法构建SIM1基因双臂缺失菌,通过测定生长曲线、菌丝诱导、黏附上皮细胞等实验考察SIM1基因缺失菌表型。结果成功构建SIM1基因缺失菌,SIM1基因缺失后没有显著影响白念珠菌生长繁殖、菌丝及被膜形成,但白念珠菌对Caco-2细胞和KB细胞的黏附能力显著下降,对部分药物的敏感性增加。结论白念珠菌SIM1基因缺失导致细胞壁成分改变,并影响白念珠菌对宿主的黏附。  相似文献   

尹华  陈江野  常鹏 《微生物学报》2018,58(11):1926-1937
【目的】应用Tet-off启动子研究白念珠菌唯一的14-3-3蛋白Bmh1在白念珠菌生长和菌丝发育过程中的功能。【方法】在白念珠菌URA3+菌株SN152中,我们敲除了1个BMH1基因拷贝,并用Tet-off启动子替代另一个BMH1基因拷贝的启动子,得到了可以用强力霉素(Doxycycline)控制Bmh1表达水平的菌株。然后我们通过斑点试验和形态学观察对该菌株的生长和菌丝发育表型进行了分析。通过在ras1、flo8、efg1、cph1、tec1等重要菌丝发育调控因子突变体中过表达Bmh1,我们初步研究了Bmh1在菌丝发育调控网络中的位置。最后,我们构建了一些不同C末端的Bmh1嵌合体并检测了其对白念珠菌生长和菌丝发育的影响。【结果】Doxycycline诱导Bmh1表达水平下调时严重抑制了细胞的生长。非Doxycycline诱导条件下Bmh1高表达强烈促进了细胞的菌丝发育。这一促进作用绕过了ras1、efg1、cph1和tec1等基因缺失的影响,却被flo8基因的缺失阻断。C末端缺失或更换异源C末端的所有Bmh1突变株在Doxycycline诱导时都能够正常生长,但是没有明显促进菌丝发育。【结论】验证了白念珠菌14-3-3蛋白Bmh1是细胞生长所必需的,证明了Tet-off启动子可以严密控制Bmh1的表达水平。Bmh1是一个菌丝发育的正调控因子,位于Ras1、Efg1、Cph1和Tec1的下游,Flo8的上游。Bmh1的保守结构域是细胞生长所必需的,而C末端则是生长非必需的。  相似文献   

白念珠菌Candida albicans对环境pH的适应能力与其致病性有密切关系,钙信号转导途径介导许多环境压力的应答并伴随胞内钙离子浓度的瞬间变化。通过构建钙通道基因CCH1和MID1的缺失突变株,在碱性pH条件下,研究其对胞内钙内流的影响以及转录因子Crz1p对CCH1和MID1基因的调控作用。使用二步法PCR介导的基因敲除技术构建cch1Δ/Δ和mid1Δ/Δ突变菌株,利用流式细胞术比较野生型和突变型菌株在碱性pH条件刺激下胞内钙的瞬间变化,进一步构建pPHO89-LacZ重组质粒并利用β-半乳糖苷  相似文献   

【背景】CFL1基因是白假丝酵母高铁还原酶基因,介导胞外铁离子的还原,在白假丝酵母胞内铁稳态的维持方面发挥着重要作用。【目的】研究CFL1基因调节氧化压力应答的分子机制。【方法】采用液体培养及巨噬细胞模型,测定CFL1缺失对氧化压力耐受性和杀伤巨噬细胞能力的影响;使用羟基自由基清除剂二甲基亚砜(DMSO)分析其对缓解氧化压力敏感性的影响;采用实时荧光定量PCR分析CFL1缺失对氧化压力应答基因表达的影响;采用过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性测定方法研究CFL1缺失对CAT1基因表达的影响;通过构建WT-CAT1-GFP和cfl1Δ/Δ-CAT1-GFP菌株分析过氧化氢酶基因过表达对cfl1Δ/Δ氧化压力敏感性的影响。【结果】白假丝酵母CFL1基因的缺失会造成杀伤巨噬细胞能力的减弱,氧化压力应答基因表达的下降。过氧化氢酶基因的过表达则能恢复与野生型几乎一致的氧化压力水平。【结论】CFL1基因通过转录调控参与白假丝酵母氧化压力应答过程。  相似文献   

目的 构建用于白念珠菌MXR1基因敲除的载体质粒,并通过Ura-Blaster策略敲除MXR1两条等位基因.方法 分别扩增白念珠菌MXR1基因ORF两侧上下游的片段,通过酶切与连接反应,将上下游片段分别插入到p5921质粒的hisG-URA 3-hisG盒两端,从而形成MXR1敲除载体质粒pUC-MXR1-URA3.通过Ura-Blaster策略将载体质粒转染到白念珠菌RM 1000内,并采用PCR和Southern-blot杂交方法鉴定各步转染、复筛所得的阳性克隆.结果 成功获得MXR1基因缺失的菌株.结论 MXR1基因缺失菌株的构建,有助于深入研究白念珠菌耐药机制.  相似文献   

Iron bioavailability is crucial for mitochondrial metabolism and biosynthesis. Dysregulation of cellular iron homeostasis affects multiple aspects of mitochondrial physiology and cellular processes. However, the intracellular iron trafficking pathway in Candida albicans remains unclear. In this study, we characterized the Mrs4–Ccc1–Smf3 pathway, and demonstrated its important role in maintaining cellular iron levels. Double deletion of vacuolar iron exporter SMF3 and mitochondrial iron transporter MRS4 further elevated cellular iron levels in comparison with the single MRS4 deletion. However, deletion of vacuolar iron importer CCC1 in the mrs4?/? mutant restored cellular iron homeostasis to normal wild-type levels, and also normalized most of the defective phenotypes in response to various environmental stresses. Our results also suggested that both Mrs4 and Ccc1 contributed to the maintenance of mitochondrial function. The mrs4?/? and mrs4?/?smf3?/? mutants exhibited an obvious decrease in aconitase activities and mitochondrial membrane potential, whereas deletion of CCC1 in the mrs4?/? mutant effectively rescued these defects. Furthermore, we also found that the Mrs4–Ccc1–Smf3 pathway was indispensable for cell-wall stability, antifungal drug tolerance, filamentous growth and virulence, supporting the novel viewpoint that mitochondria might be the promising target for better antifungal therapies. Interestingly, the addition of exogenous iron failed to rescue the defects on non-fermentable carbon sources or hyphae-inducing medium, indicating that the defects in mitochondrial respiration and filamentous development might result from the disturbance of cellular iron homeostasis rather than environmental iron deprivation. Taken together, our results propose the Mrs4–Ccc1–Smf3 pathway as a potentially attractive target for antifungal drug development.  相似文献   

The yeast FET3 gene encodes an integral membrane multicopper oxidase required for high-affinity iron uptake. The FET4 gene encodes an Fe(II) transporter required for low-affinity uptake. To identify other yeast genes involved in iron uptake, we isolated genes that could, when overexpressed, suppress the iron-limited growth defect of a fet3 fet4 mutant. The FET5 gene was isolated in this screen and it encodes a multicopper oxidase closely related to Fet3p. Several observations indicate that Fet5p plays a role analogous to Fet3p in iron transport. Suppression of the fet3 fet4 mutant phenotype by FET5 overexpression required the putative FTR1 transporter subunit of the high-affinity system. Fet5p is an integral membrane protein whose oxidase domain is located on the cell surface or within an intracellular compartment. Oxidase activity measured in cells with altered levels of FET5 expression suggested that Fet5p is a functional oxidase. FET5 overexpression increased the rate of iron uptake by a novel uptake system. Finally, FET5 mRNA levels are regulated by iron and are increased in cells grown in iron-limited media. These results suggest that Fet5p normally plays a role in the transport of iron. Received: 12 May 1997 / Accepted: 4 July 1997  相似文献   

Rhizopus oryzae is the most common etiologic agent of mucormycosis. Clinical and animal model data clearly demonstrate that the presence of elevated available serum iron predisposes the host to develop mucormycosis. Therefore, the high affinity iron permease (rFTR1) which encodes a protein required to scavenge iron from the environment, is highly likely to be a critical determinant of virulence for R. oryzae. We have cloned rFTR1 by using a PCR approach relying on degenerate primers designed from the conserved regions of Saccharomyces cerevisiae high affinity iron permease. Sequence analysis of a 2.0 kb EcoRI genomic clone revealed a single open reading frame of 1107 bp that lacked introns. The putative rFtr1p had significant homology to known fungal high affinity iron permeases from Candida albicans (46% identity) and S. cerevisiae (44% identity). In R. oryzae, rFTR1 was expressed in iron-depleted and not in iron-rich media. Finally, rFTR1 restored the ability of an ftr1 null mutant of S. cerevisiae to grow on iron-limited medium and to take up radiolabeled iron, whereas S. cerevisiae transformed with the empty vector did not. These data demonstrate that we have cloned the gene encoding a R. oryzae high affinity iron permease and the putative rFtr1p is involved in assimilation of iron from iron-depleted environments.  相似文献   

【背景】Vps74/GOLPH3是参与高尔基体蛋白糖基化修饰的关键蛋白,并且是重要的磷酸磷脂酰肌醇效应因子,在胞内参与多种信号通路。【目的】鉴定白假丝酵母Vps74蛋白,并探索其在该病原菌压力应答、蛋白分泌、形态发生及致病过程中的功能。【方法】采用在线序列比对方法,初步鉴定白假丝酵母Vps74蛋白;采用两步PCR介导的同源重组方法,构建白假丝酵母vps74基因缺失菌株vps74Δ/Δ及回补菌株VPS74c;采用反向遗传学方法,探究Vps74在白假丝酵母的压力应答、蛋白分泌、形态发生及致病过程中的功能。【结果】白假丝酵母中存在典型的Vps74/GOLPH3同源蛋白,Vps74参与蛋白糖基化修饰过程,vps74基因缺失导致白假丝酵母蛋白分泌能力、形态发生能力、黏附能力以及侵染宿主能力的显著降低。【结论】Vps74通过影响蛋白分泌、形态发生、黏附、嵌入式生长等过程,在白假丝酵母致病过程中发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

The yeast FET3 gene encodes an integral membrane multicopper oxidase required for high-affinity iron uptake. The FET4 gene encodes an Fe(II) transporter required for low-affinity uptake. To identify other yeast genes involved in iron uptake, we isolated genes that could, when overexpressed, suppress the iron-limited growth defect of a fet3 fet4 mutant. The FET5 gene was isolated in this screen and it encodes a multicopper oxidase closely related to Fet3p. Several observations indicate that Fet5p plays a role analogous to Fet3p in iron transport. Suppression of the fet3 fet4 mutant phenotype by FET5 overexpression required the putative FTR1 transporter subunit of the high-affinity system. Fet5p is an integral membrane protein whose oxidase domain is located on the cell surface or within an intracellular compartment. Oxidase activity measured in cells with altered levels of FET5 expression suggested that Fet5p is a functional oxidase. FET5 overexpression increased the rate of iron uptake by a novel uptake system. Finally, FET5 mRNA levels are regulated by iron and are increased in cells grown in iron-limited media. These results suggest that Fet5p normally plays a role in the transport of iron.  相似文献   

To investigate the role of the prevacuolar secretion pathway in the trafficking of vacuolar proteins in Candida albicans, the C. albicans homolog of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae vacuolar protein sorting gene VPS4 was cloned and analyzed. Candida albicans VPS4 encodes a deduced AAA-type ATPase that is 75.6% similar to S. cerevisiae Vps4p, and plasmids bearing C. albicans VPS4 complemented the abnormal vacuolar morphology and carboxypeptidase missorting in S. cerevisiae vps4 null mutants. Candida albicans vps4Delta null mutants displayed a characteristic class E vacuolar morphology and multilamellar structures consistent with an aberrant prevacuolar compartment. The C. albicans vps4Delta mutant degraded more extracellular bovine serum albumin than did wild-type strains, which implied that this mutant secreted more extracellular protease activity. These phenotypes were complemented when a wild-type copy of VPS4 was reintroduced into its proper locus. Using a series of protease inhibitors, the origin of this extracellular protease activity was identified as a serine protease, and genetic analyses using a C. albicans vps4Deltaprc1Delta mutant identified this missorted vacuolar protease as carboxypeptidase Y. Unexpectedly, C. albicans Sap2p was not detected in culture supernatants of the vps4Delta mutants. These results indicate that C. albicans VPS4 is required for vacuolar biogenesis and proper sorting of vacuolar proteins.  相似文献   

Hyphal growth is prevalent during most Candida albicans infections. Current cell division models, which are based on cytological analyses of C. albicans, predict that hyphal branching is intimately linked with vacuolar inheritance in this fungus. Here we report the molecular validation of this model, showing that a specific mutation that disrupts vacuolar inheritance also affects hyphal division. The armadillo repeat-containing protein Vac8p plays an important role in vacuolar inheritance in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The VAC8 gene was identified in the C. albicans genome sequence and was resequenced. Homozygous C. albicans vac8Delta deletion mutants were generated, and their phenotypes were examined. Mutant vac8Delta cells contained fragmented vacuoles, and minimal vacuolar material was inherited by daughter cells in hyphal or budding forms. Normal rates of growth and hyphal extension were observed for the mutant hyphae on solid serum-containing medium. However, branching frequencies were significantly increased in the mutant hyphae. These observations are consistent with a causal relationship between vacuolar inheritance and the cell division cycle in the subapical compartments of C. albicans hyphae. The data support the hypothesis that cytoplasmic volume, rather than cell size, is critical for progression through G1.  相似文献   

vps33 mutants missort and secrete multiple vacuolar hydrolases and exhibit extreme defects in vacuolar morphology. Toward a molecular understanding of the role of the VPS33 gene in vacuole biogenesis, we have cloned this gene from a yeast genomic library by complementation of a temperature-sensitive vps33 mutation. Gene disruption demonstrated that VPS33 was not essential but was required for growth at high temperatures. At the permissive temperature, vps33 null mutants exhibited defects in vacuolar protein localization and vacuole morphology similar to those seen in most of the original mutant alleles. Sequence analysis revealed a putative open reading frame sufficient to encode a protein of 691 amino acids. Hydropathy analysis indicated that the deduced product of the VPS33 gene is generally hydrophilic, contains no obvious signal sequence or transmembrane domains, and is therefore unlikely to enter the secretory pathway. Polyclonal antisera raised against TrpE-Vps33 fusion proteins recognized a protein in yeast cells of the expected molecular weight, approximately 75,000. In cell fractionation studies, Vps33p behaved as a cytosolic protein. The predicted VPS33 gene product possessed sequence similarity with a number of ATPases and ATP-binding proteins specifically in their ATP-binding domains. One vps33 temperature-sensitive mutant contained a missense mutation near this region of sequence similarity; the mutation resulted in a Leu-646----Pro substitution in Vps33p. This temperature-sensitive mutant strain contained normal vacuoles at the permissive temperature but lacked vacuoles specifically in the bud at the nonpermissive temperature. Our data suggest that Vps33p acts in the cytoplasm to facilitate Golgi-to-vacuole protein delivery. We propose that as a consequence of the vps33 protein-sorting defects, abnormalities in vacuolar morphology and vacuole assembly result.  相似文献   

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